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PHP WebRequest::getVal方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中WebRequest::getVal方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP WebRequest::getVal方法的具体用法?PHP WebRequest::getVal怎么用?PHP WebRequest::getVal使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在WebRequest的用法示例。


示例1: loadRequest

  * Initialize instance variables from request and create an Upload handler
  * What was changed here: $this->mIgnoreWarning is now unconditionally true
  * and we use our own handler for $this->mUpload instead of UploadBase
  * @param WebRequest $request The request to extract variables from
 protected function loadRequest($request)
     global $wgUser;
     $this->mRequest = $request;
     $this->mSourceType = $request->getVal('wpSourceType', 'file');
     $this->mUpload = FanBoxUpload::createFromRequest($request);
     $this->mUploadClicked = $request->wasPosted() && ($request->getCheck('wpUpload') || $request->getCheck('wpUploadIgnoreWarning'));
     // Guess the desired name from the filename if not provided
     $this->mDesiredDestName = $request->getText('wpDestFile');
     if (!$this->mDesiredDestName && $request->getFileName('wpUploadFile') !== null) {
         $this->mDesiredDestName = $request->getFileName('wpUploadFile');
     $this->mComment = $request->getText('wpUploadDescription');
     $this->mLicense = $request->getText('wpLicense');
     $this->mDestWarningAck = $request->getText('wpDestFileWarningAck');
     $this->mIgnoreWarning = true;
     //$request->getCheck( 'wpIgnoreWarning' ) || $request->getCheck( 'wpUploadIgnoreWarning' );
     $this->mWatchthis = $request->getBool('wpWatchthis') && $wgUser->isLoggedIn();
     $this->mCopyrightStatus = $request->getText('wpUploadCopyStatus');
     $this->mCopyrightSource = $request->getText('wpUploadSource');
     $this->mForReUpload = $request->getBool('wpForReUpload');
     // updating a file
     $this->mCancelUpload = $request->getCheck('wpCancelUpload') || $request->getCheck('wpReUpload');
     // b/w compat
     // If it was posted check for the token (no remote POST'ing with user credentials)
     $token = $request->getVal('wpEditToken');
     if ($this->mSourceType == 'file' && $token == null) {
         // Skip token check for file uploads as that can't be faked via JS...
         // Some client-side tools don't expect to need to send wpEditToken
         // with their submissions, as that's new in 1.16.
         $this->mTokenOk = true;
     } else {
         $this->mTokenOk = $wgUser->matchEditToken($token);

示例2: __construct

  * @param $resourceLoader ResourceLoader
  * @param $request WebRequest
 public function __construct($resourceLoader, WebRequest $request)
     global $wgDefaultSkin, $wgResourceLoaderDebug;
     $this->resourceLoader = $resourceLoader;
     $this->request = $request;
     // Interpret request
     // List of modules
     $modules = $request->getVal('modules');
     $this->modules = $modules ? self::expandModuleNames($modules) : array();
     // Various parameters
     $this->skin = $request->getVal('skin');
     $this->user = $request->getVal('user');
     $this->debug = $request->getFuzzyBool('debug', $wgResourceLoaderDebug);
     $this->only = $request->getVal('only');
     $this->version = $request->getVal('version');
     // Wikia - change begin - @author: wladek
     $this->sassParams = array();
     foreach ($request->getValues() as $key => $value) {
         if (startsWith($key, 'sass_')) {
             $this->sassParams[substr($key, strlen('sass_'))] = $value;
     // Wikia - change end
     $skinnames = Skin::getSkinNames();
     // If no skin is specified, or we don't recognize the skin, use the default skin
     if (!$this->skin || !isset($skinnames[$this->skin])) {
         $this->skin = $wgDefaultSkin;

示例3: setupQuery

  * Basic setup and applies the limiting factors from the WebRequest object.
  * @param WebRequest $request
  * @private
 function setupQuery($request)
     $page = $this->db->tableName('page');
     $user = $this->db->tableName('user');
     $this->joinClauses = array("LEFT OUTER JOIN {$page} ON log_namespace=page_namespace AND log_title=page_title");
     $this->whereClauses = array('user_id=log_user');
     $this->limitTime($request->getVal('from'), '>=');
     $this->limitTime($request->getVal('until'), '<=');
     list($this->limit, $this->offset) = $request->getLimitOffset();

示例4: explode

 function __construct(WebRequest $request)
     $this->fbUserId = $request->getVal('fbuserid');
     $this->fbFeedOptions = explode(',', $request->getVal('fbfeedoptions', ''));
     // get an email from Facebook API
     $resp = F::app()->sendRequest('FacebookSignup', 'getFacebookData', array('fbUserId' => $this->fbUserId));
     // add an email to the request and pass it to the underlying class
     $request->setVal('email', $resp->getVal('email', false));
     if ($request->getVal('type', '') == '') {
         $request->setVal('type', 'signup');

示例5: __construct

  * @param ResourceLoader $resourceLoader
  * @param WebRequest $request
 public function __construct(ResourceLoader $resourceLoader, WebRequest $request)
     $this->resourceLoader = $resourceLoader;
     $this->request = $request;
     // Interpret request
     // List of modules
     $modules = $request->getVal('modules');
     $this->modules = $modules ? self::expandModuleNames($modules) : array();
     // Various parameters
     $this->skin = $request->getVal('skin');
     $this->user = $request->getVal('user');
     $this->debug = $request->getFuzzyBool('debug', $resourceLoader->getConfig()->get('ResourceLoaderDebug'));
     $this->only = $request->getVal('only');
     $this->version = $request->getVal('version');
     $this->raw = $request->getFuzzyBool('raw');
     // Image requests
     $this->image = $request->getVal('image');
     $this->variant = $request->getVal('variant');
     $this->format = $request->getVal('format');
     $skinnames = Skin::getSkinNames();
     // If no skin is specified, or we don't recognize the skin, use the default skin
     if (!$this->skin || !isset($skinnames[$this->skin])) {
         $this->skin = $resourceLoader->getConfig()->get('DefaultSkin');

示例6: getMustShowThreads

 function getMustShowThreads($threads = array())
     if ($this->request->getCheck('lqt_operand')) {
         $operands = explode(',', $this->request->getVal('lqt_operand'));
         $threads = array_merge($threads, $operands);
     if ($this->request->getCheck('lqt_mustshow')) {
         // Check for must-show in the request
         $specifiedMustShow = $this->request->getVal('lqt_mustshow');
         $specifiedMustShow = explode(',', $specifiedMustShow);
         $threads = array_merge($threads, $specifiedMustShow);
     foreach ($threads as $walk_thread) {
         do {
             if (!is_object($walk_thread)) {
                 $walk_thread = Threads::withId($walk_thread);
             if (!is_object($walk_thread)) {
             $threads[$walk_thread->id()] = $walk_thread;
             $walk_thread = $walk_thread->superthread();
         } while ($walk_thread);
     return $threads;

示例7: LoginForm

  * Constructor
  * @param WebRequest $request A WebRequest object passed by reference
 function LoginForm(&$request, $par = '')
     global $wgLang, $wgAllowRealName, $wgEnableEmail;
     global $wgAuth;
     $this->mType = $par == 'signup' ? $par : $request->getText('type');
     # Check for [[Special:Userlogin/signup]]
     $this->mName = $request->getText('wpName');
     $this->mPassword = $request->getText('wpPassword');
     $this->mRetype = $request->getText('wpRetype');
     $this->mRetypeEmail = $request->getText('wpRetypeEmail');
     $this->mDomain = $request->getText('wpDomain');
     $this->mReturnTo = $request->getVal('returnto');
     $this->mAutoRedirect = $request->getVal('autoredirect');
     $this->mFromSite = $request->getVal('sitelogin');
     $this->mCookieCheck = $request->getVal('wpCookieCheck');
     $this->mPosted = $request->wasPosted();
     $this->mCreateaccount = $request->getCheck('wpCreateaccount');
     $this->mCreateaccountMail = $request->getCheck('wpCreateaccountMail') && $wgEnableEmail;
     $this->mMailmypassword = $request->getCheck('wpMailmypassword') && $wgEnableEmail;
     $this->mLoginattempt = $request->getCheck('wpLoginattempt');
     $this->mAction = $request->getVal('action');
     $this->mRemember = $request->getCheck('wpRemember');
     $this->mLanguage = $request->getText('uselang');
     if ($wgEnableEmail) {
         $this->mEmail = $request->getText('wpEmail');
     } else {
         $this->mEmail = '';
     if ($wgAllowRealName && $request->getText('wpUseRealNameAsDisplay') == "on") {
         $this->mRealName = @strip_tags($request->getText('wpRealName'));
     } else {
         $this->mRealName = '';
     if (!$wgAuth->validDomain($this->mDomain)) {
         $this->mDomain = 'invaliddomain';
     # When switching accounts, it sucks to get automatically logged out
     if ($this->mReturnTo == $wgLang->specialPage('Userlogout')) {
         $this->mReturnTo = '';
     if ($this->mAutoRedirect == $wgLang->specialPage('Userlogout')) {
         $this->mAutoRedirect = '';

示例8: setupQuery

  * Basic setup and applies the limiting factors from the WebRequest object.
  * @param WebRequest $request
  * @private
 function setupQuery($request)
     $page = $this->db->tableName('page');
     $user = $this->db->tableName('user');
     $this->joinClauses = array("LEFT OUTER JOIN {$page} ON log_namespace=page_namespace AND log_title=page_title", "INNER JOIN {$user} ON user_id=log_user");
     $this->whereClauses = array();
     $this->limitTitle($request->getText('page'), $request->getBool('pattern'));
     $this->limitTime($request->getVal('from'), '>=');
     $this->limitTime($request->getVal('until'), '<=');
     list($this->limit, $this->offset) = $request->getLimitOffset();
     // XXX This all needs to use Pager, ugly hack for now.
     global $wgMiserMode;
     if ($wgMiserMode) {
         $this->offset = min($this->offset, 10000);

示例9: __construct

 public function __construct(ResourceLoader $resourceLoader, WebRequest $request)
     global $wgDefaultSkin, $wgResourceLoaderDebug;
     $this->resourceLoader = $resourceLoader;
     $this->request = $request;
     // Interpret request
     // List of modules
     $modules = $request->getVal('modules');
     $this->modules = $modules ? self::expandModuleNames($modules) : array();
     // Various parameters
     $this->skin = $request->getVal('skin');
     $this->user = $request->getVal('user');
     $this->debug = $request->getFuzzyBool('debug', $wgResourceLoaderDebug);
     $this->only = $request->getVal('only');
     $this->version = $request->getVal('version');
     if (!$this->skin) {
         $this->skin = $wgDefaultSkin;

示例10: getUserEmail

  * Try and get an email for the user from Facebook. If Facebook has an email for the user
  * we don't have to confirm it, Facebook has done that for us. If Facebook doesn't have one,
  * try and pull one from the form and make note that we'll have to confirm the user.
  * @param WebRequest $request
  * @return String
 private function getUserEmail(WebRequest $request)
     $userInfo = FacebookClient::getInstance()->getUserInfo();
     $userEmail = $userInfo->getProperty('email');
     if (empty($userEmail)) {
         // Email didn't come from facebook, we have to confirm it ourselves
         $this->hasConfirmedEmail = false;
         $userEmail = $request->getVal('email', '');
     return $userEmail;

示例11: __construct

  * @param $resourceLoader ResourceLoader
  * @param $request WebRequest
 public function __construct($resourceLoader, WebRequest $request)
     global $wgDefaultSkin, $wgResourceLoaderDebug;
     $this->resourceLoader = $resourceLoader;
     $this->request = $request;
     // Interpret request
     // List of modules
     $modules = $request->getVal('modules');
     $this->modules = $modules ? self::expandModuleNames($modules) : array();
     // Various parameters
     $this->skin = $request->getVal('skin');
     $this->user = $request->getVal('user');
     $this->debug = $request->getFuzzyBool('debug', $wgResourceLoaderDebug);
     $this->only = $request->getVal('only');
     $this->version = $request->getVal('version');
     $skinnames = Skin::getSkinNames();
     // If no skin is specified, or we don't recognize the skin, use the default skin
     if (!$this->skin || !isset($skinnames[$this->skin])) {
         $this->skin = $wgDefaultSkin;

示例12: loadDataFromRequest

  * @param WebRequest $request
  * @return string
 function loadDataFromRequest($request)
     $invert = isset($this->mParams['invert']) && $this->mParams['invert'];
     // GetCheck won't work like we want for checks.
     // Fetch the value in either one of the two following case:
     // - we have a valid token (form got posted or GET forged by the user)
     // - checkbox name has a value (false or true), ie is not null
     if ($request->getCheck('wpEditToken') || $request->getVal($this->mName) !== null) {
         return $invert ? !$request->getBool($this->mName) : $request->getBool($this->mName);
     } else {
         return $this->getDefault();

示例13: LoginForm

  * Constructor
  * @param WebRequest $request A WebRequest object passed by reference
 function LoginForm(&$request)
     global $wgLang, $wgAllowRealName, $wgEnableEmail;
     global $wgAuth;
     $this->mType = $request->getText('type');
     $this->mName = $request->getText('wpName');
     $this->mPassword = $request->getText('wpPassword');
     $this->mRetype = $request->getText('wpRetype');
     $this->mDomain = $request->getText('wpDomain');
     $this->mReturnTo = $request->getVal('returnto');
     $this->mCookieCheck = $request->getVal('wpCookieCheck');
     $this->mPosted = $request->wasPosted();
     $this->mCreateaccount = $request->getCheck('wpCreateaccount');
     $this->mCreateaccountMail = $request->getCheck('wpCreateaccountMail') && $wgEnableEmail;
     $this->mMailmypassword = $request->getCheck('wpMailmypassword') && $wgEnableEmail;
     $this->mLoginattempt = $request->getCheck('wpLoginattempt');
     $this->mAction = $request->getVal('action');
     $this->mRemember = $request->getCheck('wpRemember');
     $this->mLanguage = $request->getText('uselang');
     if ($wgEnableEmail) {
         $this->mEmail = $request->getText('wpEmail');
     } else {
         $this->mEmail = '';
     if ($wgAllowRealName) {
         $this->mRealName = $request->getText('wpRealName');
     } else {
         $this->mRealName = '';
     if (!$wgAuth->validDomain($this->mDomain)) {
         $this->mDomain = 'invaliddomain';
     # When switching accounts, it sucks to get automatically logged out
     if ($this->mReturnTo == $wgLang->specialPage('Userlogout')) {
         $this->mReturnTo = '';

示例14: loadDataFromRequest

  * @param WebRequest $request
  * @return string
 function loadDataFromRequest($request)
     $size = $request->getInt($this->mName);
     if (!$size) {
         return $this->getDefault();
     $size = abs($size);
     // negative numbers represent "max", positive numbers represent "min"
     if ($request->getVal($this->mName . '-mode') === 'max') {
         return -$size;
     } else {
         return $size;

示例15: loadRequest

  * Initialize instance variables from request and create an Upload handler
  * @param WebRequest $request The request to extract variables from
 protected function loadRequest($request)
     global $wgUser, $wgMaxUploadFiles;
     // let's make the parent happy
     $_FILES['wpUploadFile'] = $_FILES['wpUploadFile0'];
     // Guess the desired name from the filename if not provided
     $this->mDesiredDestNames = array();
     $this->mUploads = array();
     // deal with session keys, if we have some pick the first one, for now
     $vals = $request->getValues();
     $fromsession = false;
     foreach ($vals as $k => $v) {
         if (preg_match("@^wpSessionKey@", $k)) {
             $request->setVal('wpSessionKey', $v);
             $fromsession = true;
             $filenum = preg_replace("@wpSessionKey@", '', $k);
             $request->setVal('wpDestFile', $request->getVal('wpDestFile' . $filenum));
             $up = UploadBase::createFromRequest($request);
             $this->mUploads[] = $up;
             $this->mDesiredDestNames[] = $request->getVal('wpDestFile' . $filenum);
     $this->mUploadClicked = $request->wasPosted() && ($request->getCheck('wpUpload') || $request->getCheck('wpUploadIgnoreWarning'));
     if (!$fromsession) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $wgMaxUploadFiles; $i++) {
             $this->mDesiredDestNames[$i] = $request->getText('wpDestFile' . $i);
             if (!$this->mDesiredDestNames[$i] && $request->getFileName('wpUploadFile' . $i) !== null) {
                 $this->mDesiredDestNames[$i] = $request->getFileName('wpUploadFile' . $i);
             $request->setVal('wpUploadFile', $_FILES['wpUploadFile' . $i]);
             $request->setVal('wpDestFile', $request->getVal('wpDestFile' . $i));
             move_uploaded_file('wpUploadFile' . $i, 'wpUploadFile');
             $_FILES['wpUploadFile'] = $_FILES['wpUploadFile' . $i];
             $up = UploadBase::createFromRequest($request);
             if ($up) {
                 $this->mUploads[] = $up;
     $this->mDesiredDestName = $this->mDesiredDestNames[0];
     $this->mUpload = $this->mUploads[0];
