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PHP Web::request方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Web::request方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Web::request方法的具体用法?PHP Web::request怎么用?PHP Web::request使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Web的用法示例。


示例1: edit_POST

function edit_POST(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    $processor_id = $p["id"];
    // Break the selected processor up into module and class
    $processor_class = $w->request("processor_class");
    $processor_expl = explode(".", $processor_class);
    // Make sure we only have two values
    if (count($processor_expl) !== 2) {
        $w->error("Missing Processor values", "/channels/listprocessors");
    // make sure the selected class exists in config
    if (!in_array($processor_expl[1], $w->moduleConf($processor_expl[0], "processors"))) {
        $w->error("Could not find processor in config", "/channels/listprocessors");
    $processor_object = $processor_id ? $w->Channel->getProcessor($processor_id) : new ChannelProcessor($w);
    $processor_object->channel_id = $w->request("channel_id");
    $processor_object->module = $processor_expl[0];
    $processor_object->class = $processor_expl[1];
    $w->msg("Processor " . ($processor_id ? "updated" : "created"), "/channels/listprocessors");

示例2: ajaxEditFavorites_ALL

 * updates or removes favorited item 
 * @author Steve Ryan, steve@2pisystems.com, 2015
function ajaxEditFavorites_ALL(Web $w)
    $id = $w->request("id");
    $class = $w->request("class");
    $user = $w->Auth->user();
    $cmd = $w->request("cmd");
    if (!empty($id) && !empty($class) && !empty($user) && !empty($cmd)) {
        if ($cmd == "add") {
            $favorite = new Favorite($w);
            $favorite->object_class = $class;
            $favorite->object_id = $id;
            $favorite->user_id = $user->id;
            echo $w->Favorite->getFavoriteButton($id, $class);
        } else {
            if ($cmd == "remove") {
                $favorite = $w->Favorite->getDataByObject($id, $class);
                if (get_class($favorite) == "Favorite" && $favorite->id > 0) {
                echo $w->Favorite->getFavoriteButton($id, $class);
            } else {
                echo "Invalid request";
    } else {
        echo "Invalid request";

示例3: token_GET

function token_GET(Web &$w)
    $username = $w->request("username");
    $password = $w->request("password");
    $api = $w->request("api");
    $w->out($w->Rest->getTokenJson($username, $password, $api));

示例4: results_GET

function results_GET(Web $w)
    $response = array("success" => true, "data" => "");
    $q = $w->request('q');
    // query
    $idx = $w->request('idx');
    // index
    $p = $w->request('p');
    // page
    $ps = $w->request('ps');
    // pageSize
    $tr = $w->request('tr');
    // total results
    if ($q && strlen($q) >= 3) {
        $results = $w->Search->getResults($q, $idx, $p, $ps);
        if (empty($p) && empty($ps) && empty($tr)) {
            $buffer = "";
            if (!empty($results[0])) {
                // Group results by class_name
                $filter_results = array();
                foreach ($results[0] as $res) {
                    $searchobject = $w->Search->getObject($res['class_name'], $res['object_id']);
                    if (!empty($searchobject)) {
                        $filter_results[$res['class_name']][] = $searchobject;
                foreach ($filter_results as $class => $objects) {
                    // Transform class into readable text
                    $t_class = preg_replace('/(?<=\\w)(?=[A-Z])/', " \$1", $class);
                    $buffer .= "<div class='row search-class'><h4 style='padding-top: 10px; font-weight: lighter;'>{$t_class}</h4>";
                    if (!empty($objects)) {
                        foreach ($objects as $object) {
                            if ($object->canList($w->Auth->user())) {
                                $buffer .= '<div class="panel search-result">';
                                if ($object->canView($w->Auth->user())) {
                                    $buffer .= "<a class=\"row search-title\" href=\"" . $w->localUrl($object->printSearchUrl()) . "\">{$object->printSearchTitle()}</a>" . "<div class=\"row search-listing\">{$object->printSearchListing()}</div>";
                                } else {
                                    $buffer .= "<div class=\"small-12 columns search-title\">{$object->printSearchTitle()}</div><div class=\"row search-listing\">(restricted)</div>";
                                $buffer .= "</div>";
                    $buffer .= "</div>";
            $response["data"] = $buffer;
    } else {
        $response["success"] = false;
        $response["data"] = "Please enter at least 3 characters for searching.";
    echo json_encode($response);

示例5: ajaxSaveComment_POST

function ajaxSaveComment_POST(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch('parent_id');
    $comment = new Comment($w);
    $comment->obj_table = "comment";
    $comment->obj_id = $p['parent_id'];
    $comment->comment = strip_tags($w->request('comment'));
    echo $w->partial("displaycomment", array("object" => $comment, 'redirect' => $w->request('redirect')), "admin");

示例6: thumb_GET

function thumb_GET(Web &$w)
    $filename = str_replace("..", "", FILE_ROOT . $w->getPath());
    if (is_file($filename)) {
        $width = $w->request("w", FileService::$_thumb_width);
        $height = $w->request("h", FileService::$_thumb_height);
        require_once 'phpthumb/ThumbLib.inc.php';
        $thumb = PhpThumbFactory::create($filename);
        $thumb->adaptiveResize($width, $height);
        header("Content-Type: image/png");

示例7: taskAjaxPrioritytoStatus_ALL

function taskAjaxPrioritytoStatus_ALL(Web &$w)
    $status = array();
    // split query string into proirity, type, group and assignee
    list($priority, $type, $group, $assignee) = preg_split('/_/', $w->request('id'));
    // organise criteria
    $who = $assignee != "" ? $assignee : null;
    $where = "";
    if ($group != "") {
        $where .= "task_group_id = " . $group . " and ";
    if ($type != "") {
        $where .= "task_type = '" . $type . "' and ";
    if ($priority != "") {
        $where .= "priority = '" . $priority . "' and ";
    $where .= "is_closed = 0";
    // get statuses from available tasks
    $tasks = $w->Task->getTasks($who, $where);
    if ($tasks) {
        foreach ($tasks as $task) {
            if (!array_key_exists($task->status, $status)) {
                $status[$task->status] = array($task->status, $task->status);
    if (!$status) {
        $status = array(array("No assigned Tasks", ""));
    // load status dropdown and return
    $status = Html::select("status", $status, null);

示例8: taskAjaxTypetoPriority_ALL

function taskAjaxTypetoPriority_ALL(Web &$w)
    $priority = array();
    // split the query string into type, group and assignee
    list($type, $group, $assignee) = preg_split('/_/', $w->request('id'));
    // organise criteria
    $who = $assignee != "" ? $assignee : null;
    $where = "";
    if ($group != "") {
        $where .= "task_group_id = " . $group . " and ";
    if ($type != "") {
        $where .= "task_type = '" . $type . "' and ";
    $where .= "is_closed = 0";
    // get priorities from available task list
    $tasks = $w->Task->getTasks($who, $where);
    if ($tasks) {
        foreach ($tasks as $task) {
            if (!array_key_exists($task->priority, $priority)) {
                $priority[$task->priority] = array($task->priority, $task->priority);
    if (!$priority) {
        $priority = array(array("No assigned Tasks", ""));
    // load priority dropdown and return
    $priority = Html::select("tpriority", $priority, null);

示例9: get_GET

function get_GET(Web &$w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("classname", "id");
    $token = $w->request("token");
    $w->out($w->Rest->getJson($p['classname'], $p['id'], $token));

示例10: reportAjaxCategorytoType_ALL

function reportAjaxCategorytoType_ALL(Web $w)
    $type = array();
    list($category, $module) = preg_split('/_/', $w->request('id'));
    // organise criteria
    $who = $w->session('user_id');
    $where = array();
    if (!empty($module)) {
        $where['report.module'] = $module;
    if (!empty($category)) {
        $where['report.category'] = $category;
    // get report categories from available report list
    $reports = $w->Report->getReportsbyUserWhere($who, $where);
    if ($reports) {
        foreach ($reports as $report) {
            $arrtype = preg_split("/,/", $report->sqltype);
            foreach ($arrtype as $rtype) {
                $rtype = trim($rtype);
                if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($rtype), $type)) {
                    $type[strtolower($rtype)] = array(strtolower($rtype), strtolower($rtype));
    if (empty($type)) {
        $type = array(array("No Reports", ""));
    $w->out(json_encode(Html::select("type", $type)));

示例11: attachForm_POST

function attachForm_POST(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    // get relevant task
    $task = $w->Task->getTask($p['id']);
    // if task exists get REQUEST and FILE object for insert into attachment database against this task
    if ($task) {
        $description = $w->request('description');
        if ($_FILES['form']['size'] > 0) {
            $filename = strtolower($_FILES['form']['name']);
            $parts = explode(".", $filename);
            $n = count($parts) - 1;
            $ext = $parts[$n];
            $attach = $w->File->uploadAttachment("form", $task, null, $description);
            if (!$attach) {
                $message = "There was an error. The document could not be saved.";
            } else {
                $message = "The Document has been uploaded.";
        // create comment
        $comm = new TaskComment($w);
        $comm->obj_table = $task->getDbTableName();
        $comm->obj_id = $task->id;
        $comm->comment = "File Uploaded: " . $filename;
        // add to context for notifications post listener
        $w->ctx("TaskComment", $comm);
        $w->ctx("TaskEvent", "task_documents");
    // return
    $w->msg($message, "/task/edit/" . $task->id . "#attachments");

示例12: taskAjaxGrouptoType_ALL

function taskAjaxGrouptoType_ALL(Web &$w)
    $types = array();
    // split query string into group and assignee
    list($group, $assignee) = preg_split('/_/', $w->request('id'));
    // organise criteria
    $who = $assignee != "" ? $assignee : null;
    $where = "";
    if ($group != "") {
        $where .= "task_group_id = " . $group . " and ";
    $where .= "is_closed = 0";
    // get task types from available task list
    $tasks = $w->Task->getTasks($who, $where);
    if ($tasks) {
        foreach ($tasks as $task) {
            if (!array_key_exists($task->task_type, $types)) {
                $types[$task->task_type] = array($task->getTypeTitle(), $task->task_type);
    if (!$types) {
        $types = array(array("No assigned Tasks", ""));
    // load type dropdown and return
    $tasktypes = Html::select("tasktypes", $types, null);

示例13: reportAjaxModuletoCategory_ALL

function reportAjaxModuletoCategory_ALL(Web $w)
    $category = array();
    $module = $w->request('id');
    // organise criteria
    $who = $w->session('user_id');
    $where = array();
    if ($module != "") {
        $where['report.module'] = $module;
    // get report categories from available report list
    $reports = $w->Report->getReportsbyUserWhere($who, $where);
    if ($reports) {
        foreach ($reports as $report) {
            if (!array_key_exists($report->category, $category)) {
                $category[$report->category] = array($report->getCategoryTitle(), $report->category);
    if (!$category) {
        $category = array(array("No Reports", ""));
    // load Category dropdown and return
    $category = Html::select("category", $category);

示例14: doOAuthCall

  * perform a signed oauth request
  * @param string $url      request url
  * @param string $method   method type
  * @param array  $params   additional params
  * @param null   $type     storage type [sandbox|dropbox]
  * @param null   $file     full file pathname
  * @param null   $content  file content
  * @return bool
 protected function doOAuthCall($url, $method, $params = null, $type = NULL, $file = NULL, $content = NULL)
     if (is_null($params)) {
         $params = array();
     $method = strtoupper($method);
     $options = array('method' => $method);
     if ($method == 'GET') {
         if ($file) {
             $url .= $type . '/' . $file;
         $url .= '?' . http_build_query($this->authParams + $params);
     } elseif ($method == 'POST') {
         $params = $this->authParams + $params + array('root' => $type);
         $options['content'] = http_build_query($params);
     } elseif ($method == 'PUT') {
         $url .= $type . '/' . $file . '?' . http_build_query($this->authParams + $params);
         $options['content'] = $content;
         $options['header'] = array('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
     } else {
         trigger_error(sprintf(self::E_METHODNOTSUPPORTED, $method));
         return false;
     return $this->web->request($url, $options);

示例15: ajax_getwidgetnames_GET

function ajax_getwidgetnames_GET(Web $w)
    $module = $w->request("source");
    if (!empty($module)) {
        $names = $w->Widget->getWidgetNamesForModule($module);
        echo json_encode($names);
