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PHP ViewableData::create方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中ViewableData::create方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP ViewableData::create方法的具体用法?PHP ViewableData::create怎么用?PHP ViewableData::create使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ViewableData的用法示例。


示例1: get_navbar_html

 public static function get_navbar_html($page = null)
     // remove the protocol from the URL, otherwise we run into https/http issues
     $url = self::remove_protocol_from_url(self::get_toolbar_hostname());
     $static = true;
     if (!$page instanceof SiteTree) {
         $page = Director::get_current_page();
         $static = false;
     // In some cases, controllers are bound to "mock" pages, like Security. In that case,
     // throw the "default section" as the current controller.
     if (!$page instanceof SiteTree || !$page->isInDB()) {
         $controller = ModelAsController::controller_for($page = SiteTree::get_by_link(Config::inst()->get('GlobalNav', 'default_section')));
     } else {
         // Use controller_for to negotiate sub controllers, e.g. /showcase/listing/slug
         // (Controller::curr() would return the nested RequestHandler)
         $controller = ModelAsController::controller_for($page);
     // Ensure staging links are not exported to the nav
     $origStage = Versioned::current_stage();
     $html = ViewableData::create()->customise(array('ToolbarHostname' => $url, 'Scope' => $controller, 'ActivePage' => $page, 'ActiveParent' => $page instanceof SiteTree && $page->Parent()->exists() ? $page->Parent() : $page, 'StaticRender' => $static, 'GoogleCustomSearchId' => Config::inst()->get('GlobalNav', 'google_search_id')))->renderWith('GlobalNavbar');
     return $html;

示例2: create_nav

 public static function create_nav()
     // remove the protocol from the URL, otherwise we run into https/http issues
     $url = self::remove_protocol_from_url(self::get_toolbar_hostname());
     $html = ViewableData::create()->customise(array('ToolbarHostname' => $url, 'Pages' => SiteTree::get()->filter(array('ParentID' => 0, 'ShowInGlobalNav' => true)), 'GoogleCustomSearchId' => Config::inst()->get('GlobalNav', 'google_search_id')))->renderWith('GlobalNavbar');
     $path = Config::inst()->get('GlobalNav', 'snippet_path');
     file_put_contents(BASE_PATH . $path, $html);

示例3: get_navbar_html

 public static function get_navbar_html($page = null)
     // remove the protocol from the URL, otherwise we run into https/http issues
     $url = self::remove_protocol_from_url(self::get_toolbar_hostname());
     $static = true;
     if (!$page instanceof SiteTree) {
         $page = Director::get_current_page();
         $static = false;
     return ViewableData::create()->customise(array('ToolbarHostname' => $url, 'Pages' => SiteTree::get()->filter(array('ParentID' => 0, 'ShowInGlobalNav' => true)), 'ActivePage' => $page, 'ActiveParent' => $page instanceof SiteTree && $page->Parent()->exists() ? $page->Parent() : $page, 'StaticRender' => $static, 'GoogleCustomSearchId' => Config::inst()->get('GlobalNav', 'google_search_id')))->renderWith('GlobalNavbar');

示例4: loading

 public static function loading($content, $title = null, $timeOut = null, $extendedTimeOut = null)
     return parent::create($content, StatusMessageTypes::LOADING, $title, $timeOut, $extendedTimeOut);

示例5: getColumnContent

 public function getColumnContent($grid, $record, $col)
     return ViewableData::create()->renderWith('GridFieldOrderableRowsDragHandle');

示例6: getColumnContent

 public function getColumnContent($grid, $record, $col)
     // In case you are using GridFieldEditableColumns, this ensures that
     // the correct sort order is saved. If you are not using that component,
     // this will be ignored by other components, but will still work for this.
     $sortFieldName = sprintf('%s[GridFieldEditableColumns][%s][%s]', $grid->getName(), $record->ID, $this->getSortField());
     $sortField = new HiddenField($sortFieldName, false, $record->getField($this->getSortField()));
     return ViewableData::create()->customise(array('SortField' => $sortField))->renderWith('GridFieldOrderableRowsDragHandle');
