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PHP Test::expect方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Test::expect方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Test::expect方法的具体用法?PHP Test::expect怎么用?PHP Test::expect使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Test的用法示例。


示例1: run

 function run()
     $test = new \Test();
     /** @var \Base $f3 */
     $f3 = \Base::instance();
     $news = new NewsModel();
     $dummy = array('title' => 'copy test', 'text' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', 'author' => 1, 'tags' => array(3));
     $f3->set('record1', $dummy);
     $test->expect($f3->exists('record2'), 'copyto: raw record copied to hive');
     $test->expect($news->title = 'copy test' && ($news->text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'), 'copyfrom: hydrate from hive key');
     $test->expect($news->author instanceof AuthorModel && !$news->author->dry() && $news->tags instanceof \DB\CortexCollection, 'copyfrom: relations hydrated successful');
     $test->expect($news->get('author', true) == 1, 'get raw data from relational field');
     $news->copyfrom('record2', 'title;author');
     $test->expect($news->title = 'Responsive Images' && $news->get('author', true) == 2 && $news->text == NULL, 'copyfrom: limit fields with split-able string');
     $news->copyfrom('record2', array('title'));
     $test->expect($news->title = 'Responsive Images' && $news->text == NULL, 'copyfrom: limit fields by array');
     $news->copyfrom($dummy, function ($fields) {
         return array_intersect_key($fields, array_flip(array('title')));
     $test->expect($news->title = 'copy test', 'copyfrom: copy from array instead of hive key');
     $test->expect($news->title = 'copy test' && $news->text == NULL, 'copyfrom: limit fields by callback function');
     $all = $news->find();
     $allTitle = $all->getAll('title');
     $test->expect(count($allTitle) == 3 && $allTitle[0] == 'Responsive Images' && $allTitle[1] == 'CSS3 Showcase' && $allTitle[2] == 'Touchable Interfaces', 'collection getAll returns all values of selected field');
     $newsByID = $all->getBy('_id');
     $test->expect(array_keys($newsByID) == array(1, 2, 3), 'collection getBy sorts by given field');
     $newsByAuthorID = $all->getBy('author', true);
     $test->expect(array_keys($newsByAuthorID) == array(2, 1) && count($newsByAuthorID[2]) == 2 && count($newsByAuthorID[1]) == 1, 'collection getBy nested sort by author');
     $allTitle = array();
     foreach ($all as $record) {
         $allTitle[] = $record->title;
     $test->expect(count($allTitle) == 3 && $allTitle[0] == 'Responsive Images' && $allTitle[1] == 'CSS3 Showcase' && $allTitle[2] == 'Touchable Interfaces', 'collection is traversable');
     $r = $news->cast(null, 0);
     $test->expect($r['tags2'] == null && is_int($r['author']), 'simple cast without relations');
     $r = $news->cast(null, 1);
     $test->expect(is_array($r['tags2']) && is_array($r['author']), '1-level nested cast');
     $r = $news->cast(null, 2);
     $test->expect(is_array($r['author']['profile']), '2-level nested cast');
     $r = $news->cast(null, array('*' => 2));
     $test->expect(is_array($r['author']['profile']), '2-level nested cast, alternative');
     $r = $news->cast(null, array('*' => 0, 'author' => 0));
     $test->expect(is_array($r['author']) && $r['tags2'] == null && $r['author']['news'] == null && $r['author']['profile'] == null, 'custom cast');
     $r = $news->cast(null, array('*' => 0, 'author' => array('*' => 1)));
     $test->expect(is_array($r['author']) && $r['tags2'] == null && is_array($r['author']['news']) && is_array($r['author']['profile']), 'custom nested cast');
     $r = $news->cast(null, array('*' => 0, 'author' => array('*' => 0, 'profile' => 0)));
     $test->expect(is_array($r['author']) && $r['tags2'] == null && $r['author']['news'] == null && is_array($r['author']['profile']) && is_int($r['author']['profile']['author']), 'custom nested cast with exclusions');
     $r = $news->cast(null, array('*' => 0, 'author' => array('*' => 0, 'profile' => 1)));
     $test->expect(is_array($r['author']) && $r['tags2'] == null && $r['author']['news'] == null && is_array($r['author']['profile']) && is_array($r['author']['profile']['author']), 'custom multi-level nested cast');
     $filterA = array('foo1 = ? and bar1 = ?', 10, 20);
     $filterB = array('foo2 = ? and bar2 = ?', 30, 40);
     $filterC = array('foo3 = ? and bar3 = ?', 50, 60);
     $filter = $news->mergeFilter(array($filterA, $filterB, $filterC), 'or');
     $test->expect($filter == array('( foo1 = ? and bar1 = ? ) or ( foo2 = ? and bar2 = ? ) or ( foo3 = ? and bar3 = ? )', 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60), 'merge multiple filters');
     return $test->results();

示例2: Test


 * Tests the Issue model's core functionality
 * @package  Test
 * @author   Alan Hardman <alan@phpizza.com>
require_once "base.php";
$test = new Test();
$issue = new Model\Issue();
$test->expect($issue->load(1) && $issue->id == 1, "Issue->load() by Integer");
$test->expect($issue->load(array('id = ?', 1)) && $issue->id == 1, "Issue->load() by String");
$test->expect(is_array($issue->getChildren()), "Issue->getChildren()");
$test->expect(is_array($issue->getAncestors()), "Issue->getAncestors()");
$test->expect($issue->save(false) && $issue->id, "Issue->save() without notifications");
// Output results

示例3: run

 function run($db, $type)
     $test = new \Test();
     // clear existing data
     // setup models
     // setup Author
     $author_id = array();
     $author = new \AuthorModel();
     $ac = $author::resolveConfiguration();
     $author_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $ac['primary'] : '_id';
     $author->name = 'Johnny English';
     $author_id[] = $author->_id;
     $author->name = 'Ridley Scott';
     $author_id[] = $author->_id;
     $author->name = 'James T. Kirk';
     $author_id[] = $author->_id;
     $allauthors = $author->find()->castAll();
     $allauthors = $this->getResult($allauthors);
     $test->expect(json_encode($allauthors) == '[{"name":"Johnny English"},{"name":"Ridley Scott"},{"name":"James T. Kirk"}]', $type . ': all AuthorModel items created');
     // setup Tags
     $tag_id = array();
     $tag = new \TagModel();
     $tc = $tag::resolveConfiguration();
     $tag_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $tc['primary'] : '_id';
     $tag->title = 'Web Design';
     $tag_id[] = $tag->_id;
     $tag->title = 'Responsive';
     $tag_id[] = $tag->_id;
     $tag->title = 'Usability';
     $tag_id[] = $tag->_id;
     $allTags = $this->getResult($tag->find());
     $test->expect(json_encode($allTags) == '[{"title":"Web Design"},{"title":"Responsive"},{"title":"Usability"}]', $type . ': all TagModel items created');
     // setup News
     $news_id = array();
     $news = new \NewsModel();
     $nc = $news::resolveConfiguration();
     $news_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $nc['primary'] : '_id';
     $news->title = 'Responsive Images';
     $news->text = 'Lorem Ipsun';
     $news_id[] = $news->_id;
     $news->title = 'CSS3 Showcase';
     $news->text = 'News Text 2';
     $news_id[] = $news->_id;
     $news->title = 'Touchable Interfaces';
     $news->text = 'Lorem Foo';
     $news_id[] = $news->_id;
     $allnews = $this->getResult($news->find(null, array('order' => 'title')));
     $test->expect(count($allnews) == 3 && $allnews[0]['title'] == 'CSS3 Showcase' && $allnews[1]['title'] == 'Responsive Images' && $allnews[2]['title'] == 'Touchable Interfaces', $type . ': all NewsModel items created');
     // belongs-to author relation
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $news->author = $author;
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $test->expect($news->author->name == 'Johnny English', $type . ': belongs-to-one: author relation created');
     $news->author = NULL;
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $test->expect(empty($news->author), $type . ': belongs-to-one: author relation released');
     $news->author = $author->_id;
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $test->expect($news->author->name == 'Johnny English', $type . ': belongs-to-one: relation created by raw id');
     // belongs-to-many tag relation
     $tag1 = new \TagModel();
     $tag1->load(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[0]));

示例4: run

 function run($f3)
     $test = new \Test();
     //plugin config
     $f3->mset(array('log' => FALSE, 'cli' => TRUE, 'web' => FALSE, 'clipath' => 'index.php'), 'CRON.');
     $cron = Cron::instance();
     $test->expect(!$cron->log && $cron->cli && !$cron->web && count($cron->jobs) == 3 && $cron->clipath == 'index.php', 'Initial config');
     $test->expect($cron->jobs['JobC'][1] === '*/2 0-23 1-3,4-5 4,5,6 *', 'Expression containing commas correctly restored');
     $test->expect(isset($f3->ROUTES['/cron']), 'Route automatically defined');
     //async auto-detection
     $async = function_exists('exec') && exec('php -r "echo 1+3;"') == '4';
     $test->expect($cron->async === $async, 'Async auto-detection: ' . ($async ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
     //expression parsing
     $test->expect($cron->parseExpr('1 2 3,9 4 5') === array(array(1), array(2), array(3, 9), array(4), array(5)), 'parseExpr(): single values');
     $test->expect($cron->parseExpr('1-3 2-5 3-2,1 4 *') === array(array(1, 2, 3), array(2, 3, 4, 5), array(3, 2, 1), array(4), range(0, 6)), 'parseExpr(): ranges and wildcards');
     $test->expect($cron->parseExpr('0,1-6/2,10 2 0-10/3 4 */3') === array(array(0, 1, 3, 5, 10), array(2), array(0, 3, 6, 9), array(4), array(0, 3, 6)), 'parseExpr(): step values on ranges and wildcards');
     $test->expect($cron->parseExpr('@yearly') === $cron->parseExpr('0 0 1 1 *') && $cron->parseExpr('@annually') === $cron->parseExpr('0 0 1 1 *') && $cron->parseExpr('@monthly') === $cron->parseExpr('0 0 1 * *') && $cron->parseExpr('@weekly') === $cron->parseExpr('0 0 * * 0') && $cron->parseExpr('@daily') === $cron->parseExpr('0 0 * * *') && $cron->parseExpr('@hourly') === $cron->parseExpr('0 * * * *') && $cron->parseExpr('@weekend') === $cron->parseExpr('0 8 * * 6') && $cron->parseExpr('@lunch') === $cron->parseExpr('0 12 * * *'), 'parseExpr(): schedule presets');
     $test->expect($cron->parseExpr('1 2 3 4') === FALSE && $cron->parseExpr('*-2 2 3 4 5') === FALSE && $cron->parseExpr('1 2 3-5/4 4 5') === FALSE && $cron->parseExpr('1 2 3 4 sun') === FALSE && $cron->parseExpr('@dinner') === FALSE, 'parseExpr(): invalid expressions or presets return FALSE');
     //timestamp parsing
     $time = mktime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2015);
     // 2015-04-05 01:02:03 (Saturday)
     $test->expect($cron->parseTimestamp($time) == array(2, 1, 5, 4, 0), 'parseTimestamp()');
     //due check
     $test->expect($cron->isDue('JobA', $time) && $cron->isDue('JobB', $time) && $cron->isDue('JobC', $time), 'isDue() returns TRUE if the requested job is due at the given time');
     $test->expect($cron->isDue('Foo', $time) === FALSE || $cron->isDue('joba', $time) === FALSE, 'isDue() returns FALSE if the requested job doesn\'t exist or if the case doesn\'t match');
     $cron->set('JobD', function () use($f3) {
         $f3->job .= 'D';
     }, '* * 4 * *');
     $cron->set('JobE', 'Jobs->jobE', '2 1 5 4 1');
     $cron->set('JobF', 'Jobs->jobF', '*/3 * * * *');
     $test->expect(!$cron->isDue('JobD', $time) && !$cron->isDue('JobE', $time) && !$cron->isDue('JobF', $time), 'isDue() returns FALSE if the requested job is not due at the given time');
     //job execution
     $f3->job = '';
     $cron->execute('JobA', FALSE);
     $cron->execute('JobD', FALSE);
     $test->expect($f3->job === 'AD', 'Serial job execution');
     $cron->execute('JobC', FALSE);
     $test->expect(TRUE, 'Silently fail on a non-existing job handler');
     @unlink($logfile = $f3->LOGS . 'cron.log');
     $cron->log = TRUE;
     $cron->execute('JobA', FALSE);
     $cron->log = FALSE;
     $test->expect(file_exists($logfile) && count(file($logfile)) == 1, 'Logging to file');
     //schedule running
     $f3->job = '';
     $cron->run($time, FALSE);
     $test->expect($f3->job = 'AB', 'Run scheduler, i.e executes all due jobs');
     //async job execution
     if ($async) {
         $cron->set('test1', 'Jobs->test1', '* * * * *');
         $cron->set('test2', 'Jobs->test2', '* * * * *');
         @unlink($testfile = $f3->TEMP . 'cron-test.txt');
         $cron->execute('test1', TRUE);
         $cron->execute('test2', TRUE);
         $async_ok = FALSE;
         //wait for async processes to complete
         $start = microtime(TRUE);
         $loop = array(0.1, 4);
         //loop (step=0.1s / max=4s)
         while (microtime(TRUE) - $start < $loop[1]) {
             usleep($loop[0] * 1000000);
             if (file_exists($testfile) && preg_match('/([ABCD]){4}/', file_get_contents($testfile), $m) && array_unique($m) === $m) {
                 $async_ok = TRUE;
         $test->expect($async_ok, 'Parallel job execution');
     //web access forbidden by default
     $f3->HALT = FALSE;
     $f3->ONERROR = function () {
     $f3->mock('GET /cron');
     $test->expect(isset($f3->ERROR['code']) && $f3->ERROR['code'] === 404, 'Web access forbidden by default');
     $f3->set('results', $test->results());

示例5: Test


$f3 = (require "lib/base.php");
$f3->set("AUTOLOAD", "../lib");
$test = new Test();
$user = User::createUser(new DB\SQL("sqlite:/tmp/test.sqlite"));
$user->password = "abc";
$test->expect($user->password != "abc", "Password is gonna be encrypted");
$user->name = "Hanspolo";
$user->email = "hanspolo@github.io";
$test->expect($user->_id > 0, "User was saved");
$user->load(array("id = ?", $user->_id));
$test->expect($user->checkLogin("hanspolo@github.io", "abc"), "Password can be verified");
$test->expect(!$user->checkLogin("hanspolo@github.io", "jklö"), "Wrong Password detected");
$test->expect(!$user->checkLogin("karl@bavaria.de", "abc"), "Wrong Email detected");
$test->expect($user->erase(), "User was deleted");
foreach ($test->results() as $result) {
    echo $result['text'] . "\t";
    if ($result['status']) {
        echo 'Pass';
    } else {
        echo 'Fail (' . $result['source'] . ')';
    echo "\n";

示例6: run

 function run()
     $test = new \Test();
     /** @var \Base $f3 */
     $f3 = \Base::instance();
     $news = new NewsModel();
     $dummy = array('title' => 'copy test', 'text' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', 'author' => 1, 'tags' => array(3));
     $f3->set('record1', $dummy);
     $test->expect($f3->exists('record2'), 'copyto: raw record copied to hive');
     $test->expect($news->title = 'copy test' && ($news->text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'), 'copyfrom: hydrate from hive key');
     $test->expect($news->author instanceof AuthorModel && !$news->author->dry() && $news->tags instanceof \DB\CortexCollection, 'copyfrom: relations hydrated successful');
     $test->expect($news->get('author', true) == 1, 'get raw data from relational field');
     $news->copyfrom('record2', 'title;author');
     $test->expect($news->title = 'Responsive Images' && $news->get('author', true) == 2 && $news->text == NULL, 'copyfrom: limit fields with split-able string');
     $news->copyfrom('record2', array('title'));
     $test->expect($news->title = 'Responsive Images' && $news->text == NULL, 'copyfrom: limit fields by array');
     $news->copyfrom($dummy, function ($fields) {
         return array_intersect_key($fields, array_flip(array('title')));
     $test->expect($news->title = 'copy test', 'copyfrom: copy from array instead of hive key');
     $test->expect($news->title = 'copy test' && $news->text == NULL, 'copyfrom: limit fields by callback function');
     $all = $news->find();
     $allTitle = $all->getAll('title');
     $test->expect(count($allTitle) == 3 && $allTitle[0] == 'Responsive Images' && $allTitle[1] == 'CSS3 Showcase' && $allTitle[2] == 'Touchable Interfaces', 'collection getAll returns all values of selected field');
     $newsByID = $all->getBy('_id');
     $test->expect(array_keys($newsByID) == array(1, 2, 3), 'collection getBy sorts by given field');
     $newsByAuthorID = $all->getBy('author', true);
     $test->expect(array_keys($newsByAuthorID) == array(2, 1) && count($newsByAuthorID[2]) == 2 && count($newsByAuthorID[1]) == 1, 'collection getBy nested sort by author');
     $allTitle = array();
     foreach ($all as $record) {
         $allTitle[] = $record->title;
     $test->expect(count($allTitle) == 3 && $allTitle[0] == 'Responsive Images' && $allTitle[1] == 'CSS3 Showcase' && $allTitle[2] == 'Touchable Interfaces', 'collection is traversable');
     return $test->results();

示例7: run

 function run($db, $type)
     $test = new \Test();
     // setup
     $author = new \AuthorModel();
     $news = new \NewsModel();
     $profile = new \ProfileModel();
     $tag = new \TagModel();
     $ac = $author::resolveConfiguration();
     $author_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $ac['primary'] : '_id';
     $nc = $news::resolveConfiguration();
     $news_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $nc['primary'] : '_id';
     $tc = $tag::resolveConfiguration();
     $tag_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $tc['primary'] : '_id';
     $authorIDs = $author->find()->getAll('_id');
     $all = $news->find();
     $newsIDs = $all->getAll('_id');
     $profileIDs = $profile->find()->getAll('_id');
     $tagIDs = $tag->find()->getAll('_id');
     // add another relation
     $news->load(array('title = ?', 'CSS3 Showcase'));
     $news->author = $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $authorIDs[0]));
     // has-filter on belongs-to relation
     $result = $author->has('news', array('title like ?', '%Image%'))->afind();
     $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['name'] == 'Johnny English', $type . ': has filter on many-to-one field');
     $test->expect(count($result[0]['news']) == 2 && $result[0]['news'][0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images' && $result[0]['news'][1]['title'] == 'CSS3 Showcase', $type . ': has filter does not prune relation set');
     $result = $news->has('author', array('name = ?', 'Johnny English'))->afind();
     $test->expect(count($result) == 2 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images' && $result[1]['title'] == 'CSS3 Showcase', $type . ': has filter on one-to-many field');
     // add another profile
     $profile->message = 'Beam me up, Scotty!';
     $profile->author = $authorIDs[2];
     $result = $author->has('profile', array('message LIKE ?', '%Scotty%'))->afind();
     $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['name'] == 'James T. Kirk' && $result[0]['profile']['message'] == 'Beam me up, Scotty!', $type . ': has filter on one-to-one field');
     $result = $profile->has('author', array('name LIKE ?', '%Kirk%'))->afind();
     $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['message'] == 'Beam me up, Scotty!' && $result[0]['author']['name'] == 'James T. Kirk', $type . ': has filter on one-to-one field, inverse');
     // add mm tags
     $news->load(array('title = ?', 'Responsive Images'));
     $news->tags2 = array($tagIDs[0], $tagIDs[1]);
     $news->load(array('title = ?', 'CSS3 Showcase'));
     $news->tags2 = array($tagIDs[1], $tagIDs[2]);
     $result = $news->has('tags2', array('title like ?', '%Design%'))->find();
     $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images', $type . ': has filter on many-to-many field');
     $result = $news->has('tags2', array('title = ?', 'Responsive'))->find();
     $test->expect(count($result) == 2 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images' && $result[1]['title'] == 'CSS3 Showcase', $type . ': has filter on many-to-many field, additional test');
     $result = $tag->has('news', array('title = ?', 'Responsive Images'))->find();
     $test->expect(count($result) == 2 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Web Design' && $result[1]['title'] == 'Responsive', $type . ': has filter on many-to-many field, inverse');
     // add another tag
     $news->load(array('title = ?', 'Touchable Interfaces'));
     $news->tags2 = array($tagIDs[1]);
     $tag->has('news', array('text LIKE ? and title LIKE ?', '%Lorem%', '%Interface%'));
     $result = $tag->find();
     $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive', $type . ': has filter with multiple conditions');
     $news->has('tags2', array('title = ? OR title = ?', 'Usability', 'Web Design'));
     $result = $news->afind(array('text = ?', 'Lorem Ipsun'));
     $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images', $type . ': find with condition and has filter');
     $news->load(array('title = ?', 'Responsive Images'));
     $news->author = $authorIDs[1];
     $news->has('tags2', array('title = ? OR title = ?', 'Usability', 'Web Design'));
     $news->has('author', array('name = ?', 'Ridley Scott'));
     $result = $news->afind();
     $test->expect(count($result) == 1 && $result[0]['title'] == 'Responsive Images', $type . ': find with multiple has filters on different relations');
     // add another news to author 2
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $newsIDs[2]));
     $news->author = $authorIDs[1];
     $news->has('author', array('name = ?', 'Ridley Scott'));
     $res = array();
     while (!$news->dry()) {
         $res[] = $news->title;
     $test->expect(count($res) == 2 && $res[0] == 'Responsive Images' && $res[1] == 'Touchable Interfaces', $type . ': has filter in load context');
     $test->expect(!empty($news->title) && empty($news->author) && empty($news->text) && empty($news->tags) && empty($news->tags2), $type . ': use a whitelist to restrict fields');
     $news = new \NewsModel();
     $news->fields(array('title', 'tags', 'tags2', 'author'), true);
     $test->expect(empty($news->title) && empty($news->author) && !empty($news->text) && empty($news->tags) && empty($news->tags2), $type . ': use a blacklist to restrict fields');
     $news = new \NewsModel();

示例8: execute

$f3 = (require 'lib/base.php');
$f3->set("AUTOLOAD", "../lib");
$test = new Test();
$module = new Module();
class MyTestModule extends AbstractModule
    public function execute()
class MyFalseTestModule
try {
    $test->expect(true, "MyTestModule is executed.");
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $test->expect(false, "MyTestModule is executed.");
try {
    $test->expect(false, "MyFalseTestModule is not executed.");
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $test->expect(true, "MyFalseTestModule is not executed.");
try {
    $test->expect(false, "MyNonExistingTestModule is not executed.");
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $test->expect(true, "MyNonExistingTestModule is not executed.");

示例9: faulty_square_n_sum

// Faulty Algorithm
function faulty_square_n_sum($nums)
    $sum_the_nums = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($nums); $i++) {
        $sum_the_nums += $nums[$i];
    return $sum_the_nums ** 2;
    // Oops, it seems like the user has misunderstood the task and instead squared the sum of all the numbers in the array.  Let's see how many tests it will pass
$test2 = new Test();
<h3>Expectation Tests</h3><?php 
$test2->expect(faulty_square_n_sum(array(3, 0)) === 9);
$test2->expect(faulty_square_n_sum(array(0, 5)) === 25, "Whoops, your algorithm did not pass.  Please check for any logical and/or syntax errors in your code");
$test2->expect(faulty_square_n_sum(array(7, 0)) === 49, "Whoops, your algorithm did not pass.  Please check for any logical and/or syntax errors in your code");
// The algorithm may pass the test in special cases, but if it is faulty, ultimately, it will fail at least some tests
$test2->expect(faulty_square_n_sum(array(3, 4, 5)) === 50);
$test2->expect(faulty_square_n_sum(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) === 55, "Whoops, your algorithm did not pass.  Please check for any logical and/or syntax errors in your code");
<h3>Equality Test</h3><?php 
$test2->assert_equals(faulty_square_n_sum(array(3, 4, 5, 6, 7)), 135);
$test2->assert_equals(faulty_square_n_sum(array(0, 0, 15, 0, 0)), 225);
$test2->assert_equals(faulty_square_n_sum(array(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)), 165, "Whoops, your algorithm did not return the correct result.  Please make sure you have done your maths correctly ;)");
$test2->assert_equals(faulty_square_n_sum(array(2, 4, 10, 8, 6)), 220);
<h3>Inequality Test</h3><p>In this case, make sure that the user did not misunderstand the task and square the sum of the numbers in the array instead.</p><?php 
// Looks like the user did EXACTLY that
$test2->assert_not_equals(faulty_square_n_sum(array(3, 4, 5)), 144, "Read the question again.  You were asked to sum the square of the numbers in the array; instead, you squared the sum of the numbers");

示例10: run

 function run($db, $type)
     $test = new \Test();
     $tname = 'test_cortex';
     \DB\Cortex::setdown($db, $tname);
     $fields = array('title' => array('type' => \DB\SQL\Schema::DT_TEXT), 'num1' => array('type' => \DB\SQL\Schema::DT_INT4), 'num2' => array('type' => \DB\SQL\Schema::DT_INT4));
     \DB\Cortex::setup($db, $tname, $fields);
     // adding some testing data
     $cx = new \DB\Cortex($db, $tname);
     $cx->title = 'bar1';
     $cx->title = 'baz2';
     $cx->num1 = 1;
     $cx->title = 'foo3';
     $cx->num1 = 4;
     $cx->title = 'foo4';
     $cx->num1 = 3;
     $cx->title = 'foo5';
     $cx->num1 = 3;
     $cx->num2 = 5;
     $cx->title = 'foo6';
     $cx->num1 = 3;
     $cx->num2 = 1;
     $cx->title = 'foo7';
     $cx->num1 = 3;
     $cx->num2 = 10;
     $cx->title = 'foo8';
     $cx->num1 = 5;
     $cx->title = 'foo9';
     $cx->num1 = 8;
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find());
     $expected = array(0 => array('title' => 'bar1'), 1 => array('num1' => 1, 'title' => 'baz2'), 2 => array('num1' => 4, 'title' => 'foo3'), 3 => array('num1' => 3, 'title' => 'foo4'), 4 => array('num1' => 3, 'num2' => 5, 'title' => 'foo5'), 5 => array('num1' => 3, 'num2' => 1, 'title' => 'foo6'), 6 => array('num1' => 3, 'num2' => 10, 'title' => 'foo7'), 7 => array('num1' => 5, 'title' => 'foo8'), 8 => array('num1' => 8, 'title' => 'foo9'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': init mapper, adding records');
     // operator =
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('title = ?', 'foo7')));
     $expected = array(0 => array('num1' => 3, 'num2' => 10, 'title' => 'foo7'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': operator check: =');
     // operator >
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('num1 > ?', 4)));
     $expected = array(0 => array('num1' => 5, 'title' => 'foo8'), 1 => array('num1' => 8, 'title' => 'foo9'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': operator check: >');
     // operator >=
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('num1 >= ?', 5)));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': operator check: >=');
     // operator <
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('num2 < ?', 2)));
     $expected = array(0 => array('num1' => 3, 'num2' => 1, 'title' => 'foo6'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': operator check: <');
     // operator <=
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('num2 <= ?', 1)));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': operator check: <=');
     // operator without binding
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('num1 > 4')));
     $expected = array(0 => array('num1' => 5, 'title' => 'foo8'), 1 => array('num1' => 8, 'title' => 'foo9'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': operator without binding');
     // field comparision
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('num2 > num1', 1)));
     $expected = array(0 => array('num1' => 3, 'num2' => 5, 'title' => 'foo5'), 1 => array('num1' => 3, 'num2' => 10, 'title' => 'foo7'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': check field comparision');
     // lookahead search
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('title like ?', '%o6')));
     $expected = array(0 => array('num1' => 3, 'num2' => 1, 'title' => 'foo6'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': lookahead search');
     // lookbehind search
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('title like ?', 'bar%')));
     $expected = array(0 => array('title' => 'bar1'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': lookbehind search');
     // full search
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('title like ?', '%a%')));
     $expected = array(0 => array('title' => 'bar1'), 1 => array('num1' => 1, 'title' => 'baz2'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': full search');
     // negated search
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('title not like ?', 'foo%')));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': negated search');
     // AND / OR chaining
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(array('(num2 < ? AND num1 > ?) OR title like ?', 2, 1, '%o9')));
     $expected = array(0 => array('num1' => 3, 'num2' => 1, 'title' => 'foo6'), 1 => array('num1' => 8, 'title' => 'foo9'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': check logical operator chaining');
     // check limit
     $result = $this->getResult($cx->find(null, array('limit' => '2')));
     $expected = array(0 => array('title' => 'bar1'), 1 => array('num1' => 1, 'title' => 'baz2'));
     $test->expect(json_encode($result) == json_encode($expected), $type . ': check limit');
     // check order

示例11: Test


$f3 = (require "lib/base.php");
$f3->set("AUTOLOAD", "../lib");
$test = new Test();
$group = new Group(new DB\SQL("sqlite:/tmp/test.sqlite"));
$group->name = "My Group";
$test->expect($group->_id > 0, "Group was saved");
$group->load(array("id = ?", $group->_id));
$test->expect($group->erase(), "Group was deleted");
foreach ($test->results() as $result) {
    echo $result['text'] . "\t";
    if ($result['status']) {
        echo 'Pass';
    } else {
        echo 'Fail (' . $result['source'] . ')';
    echo "\n";

示例12: Test


 * Tests basic string manipulation and parsing, primarily used in views
 * @package  Test
 * @author   Alan Hardman <alan@phpizza.com>
require_once "base.php";
$test = new Test();
$security = Helper\Security::instance();
$test->expect($security->rot8($security->rot8("0af")) == "0af", "Security->rot8()");
$test->expect(strlen($security->salt()) == 32, "Security->salt()");
$test->expect(strlen($security->salt_sha1()) == 40, "Security->salt_sha1()");
$string = "Hello world!";
$hash = $security->hash($string);
$test->expect($security->hash($string, $hash["salt"]) == $hash["hash"], "Security->hash()");
$view = Helper\View::instance();
$test->expect(in_array($view->formatFilesize(1288490189), array("1.2 GB", "1.20 GB")), "View->formatFilesize()");
$test->expect(strpos($view->gravatar("alan@phpizza.com"), "gravatar.com/avatar/996df14") !== FALSE, "View->gravatar()");
$f3->set("site.timezone", "America/Denver");
$test->expect($view->utc2local(1420498500) == 1420473300, "View->utc2local()");
// Output results

示例13: Test

 * Tests all basic routes
 * @package  Test
 * @author   Alan Hardman <alan@phpizza.com>
require_once "base.php";
// Set up basic web environment
$f3->mset(array("site.url" => $f3->get("SCHEME") . "://" . $f3->get("HOST") . $f3->get("BASE") . "/", "revision" => ""));
$f3->config($homedir . "app/routes.ini");
$f3->config($homedir . "app/dict/en.ini");
$test = new Test();
// No output for routes
$f3->set("QUIET", true);
$f3->set("HALT", false);
$f3->mock("GET /login");
$test->expect(!$f3->get("ERROR"), "GET /login");
$f3->mock("POST /login", array("username" => "admin", "password" => "admin"));
$test->expect(!$f3->get("ERROR"), "POST /login");
$f3->mock("GET /ping");
$test->expect(!$f3->get("ERROR"), "GET /ping (no session)");
// Build a fake session
$user = new Model\User();
$types = new \Model\Issue\Type();
$f3->mset(array("user" => $user->cast(), "user_obj" => $user, "plugins" => array(), "issue_types" => $types->find()));
$test->expect($user->id == 1, "Force user authentication");
$f3->mock("GET /ping");
$test->expect(!$f3->get("ERROR"), "GET /ping (active session)");
$f3->mock("GET /");
$test->expect(!$f3->get("ERROR"), "GET /");
$f3->mock("GET /issues/1");

示例14: run

 function run($f3)
     $test = new \Test();
     //Default policy: allow
     $access = new \Access();
     $access->deny('/back', '*');
     $access->allow('/back', 'admin,prod');
     $access->deny('/back/users', 'prod');
     $test->expect($access::ALLOW == $access->policy(), 'Default policy: ' . $access::ALLOW);
     $test->expect($access->granted('GET /blog', 'client'), 'Access granted by default');
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('GET /back', 'client'), 'Access to a specific path denied to all');
     $test->expect($access->granted('GET /back', 'prod'), 'Access to a path granted to a specific subject');
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('GET /back/users', 'prod'), 'Access to a subpath denied to a specific subject');
     //Default policy: deny
     $access = new \Access();
     $access->allow('/admin', 'admin,prod');
     $access->deny('/admin/part2', '*');
     $access->allow('/admin/part2', 'admin');
     $test->expect($access::DENY == $access->policy(), 'Default policy: ' . $access::DENY);
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('GET /blog', 'client'), 'Access denied by default');
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('GET /admin', 'client') && $access->granted('GET /admin', 'admin') && $access->granted('GET /admin', 'prod'), 'Access to a specific path granted to specific subjects');
     $test->expect($access->granted('GET /admin/part2', 'admin'), 'Access to a subpath granted to a specific subject (subpath precedence)');
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('GET /admin/part2', 'prod'), 'Access to a subpath denied to others (subpath precedence)');
     $access = new \Access();
     $access->allow('/admin*', 'admin');
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('/admin') && !$access->granted('/admin/foo/bar') && $access->granted('/admin', 'admin') && $access->granted('/admin/foo/bar', 'admin'), 'Wildcard suffix');
     $access->allow('/*/edit', 'admin');
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('/blog/entry/edit') && $access->granted('/blog/entry/edit', 'admin'), 'Wildcard prefix');
     $test->expect($access->granted('/admin') && !$access->granted('/admin/foo/bar') && $access->granted('/admin', 'admin') && $access->granted('/admin/foo/bar', 'admin') && $access->granted('/admin/special/path') && $access->granted('/admin/special/path', 'admin'), 'Wildcard precedence order');
     $access = new \Access();
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('/en/foo') && $access->granted('/en/bar/foo'), 'Route tokens support');
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('/foo/bar/baz') && $access->granted('/foo/bar/baz/bis'), 'Route tokens optional naming');
     //Named routes
     $f3->route('GET @blog_entry:/blog/@id/@slug', 'Blog->Entry');
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('/blog/1/hello') && $access->granted('/blog/1/hello/form') && $access->granted('/blog/1'), 'Named routes support');
     //Verb-level control
     $access = new \Access();
     $access->deny('POST|PUT|DELETE /blog/entry', '*');
     $access->allow('* /blog/entry', 'admin');
     $test->expect($access->granted('GET /blog/entry', 'client') && !$access->granted('PUT /blog/entry', 'client') && $access->granted('PUT /blog/entry', 'admin'), 'Verb-level access control');
     //Multiple subjects
     $test->expect($access->granted('GET /blog/entry', array('client', 'customer')) && !$access->granted('PUT /blog/entry', array('client', 'customer')) && $access->granted('PUT /blog/entry', array('client', 'admin')), 'Check access for a set of subjects');
     //Authorize method
     $f3->HALT = FALSE;
     $f3->VERB = 'GET';
     $f3->PATH = '/blog/entry';
     $f3->ONERROR = function ($f3) {
     //do nothing
     $test->expect($access->authorize() && !$f3->get('ERROR.code'), 'Authorize an unidentified subject');
     $f3->VERB = 'POST';
     $f3->ONERROR = function ($f3) {
     //do nothing
     $test->expect(!$access->authorize() && $f3->get('ERROR.code') == 401, 'Unauthorize an unidentified subject (401 error)');
     $f3->ONERROR = function ($f3) {
     //do nothing
     $test->expect($access->authorize('admin') && !$f3->get('ERROR.code'), 'Authorize an identified subject');
     $f3->ONERROR = function ($f3) {
     //do nothing
     $test->expect(!$access->authorize('client') && $f3->get('ERROR.code') == 403, 'Unauthorize an identified subject (403 error)');
     $f3->ONERROR = function ($f3) {
     //do nothing
     $test->expect($access->authorize(array('client', 'admin')) && !$f3->get('ERROR.code'), 'Authorize a set of identified subjects');
     $f3->ONERROR = function ($f3) {
     //do nothing
     $test->expect(!$access->authorize(array('client', 'customer')) && $f3->get('ERROR.code') == 403, 'Unauthorize a set of identified subjects');
     //Config variable
     $f3->HALT = TRUE;
     $f3->ONERROR = NULL;
     $f3->set('ACCESS.policy', 'deny');
     $f3->set('ACCESS.rules', array('ALLOW * /foo' => '*', 'DENY DELETE /foo' => '*', 'ALLOW DELETE /foo' => 'admin'));
     $access = new \Access();
     $test->expect(!$access->granted('/') && !$access->granted('/', 'admin'), 'ACCESS.default config variable');
     $test->expect($access->granted('GET /foo') && !$access->granted('DELETE /foo') && $access->granted('DELETE /foo', 'admin'), 'ACCESS.rules config variable');
     $f3->set('results', $test->results());

示例15: run

 function run($f3)
     $test = new \Test();
     $this->routes = $f3->get('ROUTES');
     $this->aliases = $f3->get('ALIASES');
     $this->ml = new Multilang();
     //plugin configuration
     $test->expect($this->ml->languages() == array('fr', 'it', 'de', 'en'), 'Languages definition');
     $test->expect($this->ml->primary == 'fr' && $f3->get('FALLBACK') == 'fr-FR,fr', 'Primary language and FALLBACK correctly set');
     //language detection
     $browser = 'da-DK,it-IT,en';
     //simulate browser detection
     $f3->set('LANGUAGE', $browser);
     //reset browser language
     $test->expect($this->ml->auto && $this->ml->current == 'it' && $f3->get('LANGUAGE') == 'it-IT,it,fr-FR,fr', 'Browser detected language');
     $this->simulate('/en/something', $this->ml);
     $test->expect(!$this->ml->auto && $this->ml->current == 'en' && $f3->get('LANGUAGE') == 'en,en-GB,fr-FR,fr', 'URL detected language');
     $f3->set('LANGUAGE', $browser);
     //reset browser language
     $test->expect($this->ml->current == 'it' && $f3->get('LANGUAGE') == 'it-IT,it,fr-FR,fr', 'Unknown language (fallback on browser detection)');
     //routes rewriting
     $routes =& $f3->ref('ROUTES');
     $aliases =& $f3->ref('ALIASES');
     //german URL
     $test->expect(array_keys($routes) == array('/de', '/de/legal', '/de/faq', '/de/blog/@slug', '/resize/@format/@file', '/de/foo/@bar/*', '/') && array_values($aliases) == array('/de/legal', '/de/faq', '/de/blog/@slug', '/resize/@format/@file', '/de/foo/@bar/*'), 'ROUTES and ALIASES rewritten (auto)');
     //french URL
     $test->expect(array_keys($routes) == array('/fr', '/fr/mentions-legales', '/fr/foire-aux-questions', '/resize/@format/@file', '/fr/foo/@bar/*', '/') && array_values($aliases) == array('/fr/mentions-legales', '/fr/foire-aux-questions', '/resize/@format/@file', '/fr/foo/@bar/*'), 'ROUTES and ALIASES rewritten (custom)');
     $test->expect(!array_key_exists('/fr/blog/@slug', $routes) && !array_key_exists('/blog/@slug', $routes) && !in_array('/fr/blog/@slug', $aliases) && !in_array('/blog/@slug', $aliases), 'Exclusions (excluded language)');
     //english URL
     $test->expect(array_key_exists('/en/blog/@slug', $routes) && !array_key_exists('/blog/@slug', $routes) && in_array('/en/blog/@slug', $aliases) && !in_array('/blog/@slug', $aliases), 'Exclusions (allowed language)');
     //Global routes
     $test->expect(!array_key_exists('/fr/resize/@format/@file', $routes) && array_key_exists('/resize/@format/@file', $routes) && !in_array('/fr/resize/@format/@file', $aliases) && in_array('/resize/@format/@file', $aliases), 'Global route not rewritten (alias)');
     $f3->set('MULTILANG.global', array('resize', '/blog'));
     //english URL
     $test->expect(!array_key_exists('/en/blog/@slug', $routes) && array_key_exists('/blog/@slug', $routes) && !in_array('/en/blog/@slug', $aliases) && in_array('/blog/@slug', $aliases), 'Global route not rewritten (prefix)');
     $f3->set('LANGUAGE', $browser);
     //reset browser language
     $test->expect($this->ml->current == 'it', 'Language auto-detected on a global route');
     $f3->set('MULTILANG.global', 'resize');
     //routes testing
     $test->expect($this->mock('/fr/foire-aux-questions') == 'Bonjour faq' && $this->mock('/it/legal') == 'Ciao da Italia legal', 'Rewritten routes executed');
     $f3->set('LANGUAGE', $browser);
     //reset browser language
     $test->expect($this->mock('/resize/120x80/foo.gif') == 'Ciao da Italia foo.gif', 'Global route executed');
     $f3->set('ONREROUTE', function ($url, $permanent = FALSE) use($f3) {
         $f3->mock('GET ' . $url);
     $test->expect($this->mock('/') == 'Ciao da Italia home', 'Default root handler (browser detection)');
     $f3->set('MULTILANG.root', function ($f3) {
         echo Multilang::instance()->current . ' detected';
     $test->expect($this->mock('/') == 'it detected', 'Custom root handler');
     //alias function
     //german URL
     $test->expect($this->ml->alias('blogEntry', 'slug=hallo-welt') == '/de/blog/hallo-welt', 'Alias function (current language)');
     $test->expect($this->ml->alias('blogEntry', 'slug=hello-world', 'en') == '/en/blog/hello-world', 'Alias function (target language)');
     $test->expect($this->ml->alias('blogEntry', 'slug=bonjour', 'fr') === FALSE, 'Alias function (excluded route)');
     $test->expect($this->ml->alias('resize', 'format=big,file=foo.gif') === '/resize/big/foo.gif' && $this->ml->alias('resize', 'format=big,file=foo.gif', 'it') === '/resize/big/foo.gif', 'Alias function (global route)');
     //migration mode
     $f3->set('LANGUAGE', $browser);
     //reset browser language
     $f3->set('MULTILANG.migrate', TRUE);
     $f3->set('ONREROUTE', function ($url, $permanent) use($f3) {
         echo "rerouted to {$url}";
     $test->expect($this->mock('/faq') == 'rerouted to /fr/foire-aux-questions' && $this->mock('/foo/bar/path/to/log') == 'rerouted to /fr/foo/bar/path/to/log', 'Migration mode: old URIs redirected to primary URIs');
     $test->expect($this->mock('/') == 'rerouted to /it', 'Migration mode: root not redirected to primary URI (see MULTILANG.root)');
     $f3->set('MULTILANG.migrate', FALSE);
     //german URL
     $f3->set('ONREROUTE', function ($url, $permanent) use($f3) {
         $f3->set('rerouted', $url);
     $test->expect($f3->get('rerouted') == '/de/blog/hallo-welt', 'Reroute to a named rewritten route');
     $test->expect($f3->get('rerouted') == '/resize/big/foo.gif', 'Reroute to a named global route');
     $ok = TRUE;
     $reroutes = array(NULL => $f3->REALM, '/' => '/de', '/blog/hallo-welt' => '/de/blog/hallo-welt', '/de/blog/hallo-welt' => '/de/blog/hallo-welt');
     foreach ($reroutes as $url => $expected) {
         $ok = $ok && $f3->get('rerouted') == $expected;
     $test->expect($ok, 'Reroute to any unnamed route (auto prefix)');
