本文整理汇总了PHP中TPage::include_js方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP TPage::include_js方法的具体用法?PHP TPage::include_js怎么用?PHP TPage::include_js使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类TPage
示例1: show
* Show the widget at the screen
public function show()
// define the tag properties
$this->tag->id = $this->name . '_' . uniqid();
$this->tag->name = 'file_' . $this->name;
// tag name
$this->tag->value = $this->value;
// tag value
$this->tag->type = 'file';
// input type
$this->tag->style = "width:{$this->size}px;height:{$this->height}px";
// size
$hdFileName = new THidden($this->name);
// verify if the widget is editable
if (!parent::getEditable()) {
// make the field read-only
$this->tag->readonly = "1";
$this->tag->type = 'text';
$this->tag->{'class'} = 'tfield_disabled';
// CSS
$div = new TElement('div');
$div->style = "display:inline;width:100%;";
$div->id = 'div_file_' . uniqid();
$script = new TElement('script');
$script->{'type'} = 'text/javascript';
$action = 'engine.php?class=TFileUploader';
$script->add("\n \$(document).ready( function()\n {\n \$('#{$this->tag->id}').change( function()\n {\n var tfile = new TFileAjaxUpload('{$this->tag->id}','{$action}','{$div->id}');\n \n tfile.initFileAjaxUpload();\n });\n });");
示例2: __construct
* Class constructor
* Creates the page
function __construct()
// loads the galleria javascript library
// creates a table
$table = new TTable();
// creates the DIV element with the images
$galleria = new TElement('div');
$galleria->id = 'images';
$galleria->style = "width:600px;height:460px";
for ($n = 1; $n <= 4; $n++) {
$img = new TElement('img');
$img->src = "app/images/nature/nature{$n}.jpg";
// add the DIV to the table
// creates the script element
$script = new TElement('script');
$script->type = 'text/javascript';
// add the script to the table
// wrap the page content using vertical box
$vbox = new TVBox();
$vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
示例3: show
* Shows the widget at the screen
public function show()
// define the tag properties
$this->tag->name = $this->name;
// TAG name
$this->tag->value = $this->value;
// TAG value
$this->tag->type = 'text';
// input type
$this->tag->style = "width:{$this->size}px";
// size
if ($this->id) {
$this->tag->id = $this->id;
// verify if the widget is non-editable
if (parent::getEditable()) {
if (isset($this->exitAction)) {
$string_action = $this->exitAction->serialize(FALSE);
$this->setProperty('onBlur', "serialform=(\$('#{$this->formName}').serialize());\n ajaxLookup('{$string_action}&'+serialform, this)");
if ($this->mask) {
if ($this->mask == 'msk:money') {
$this->tag->{'class'} = 'tfield money';
$this->tag->{'id'} = $this->name;
} else {
if ($this->mask == 'msk:decimal') {
$this->tag->{'class'} = 'tfield decimal';
$this->tag->{'id'} = $this->name;
} else {
if (substr($this->mask, 3) == 'msk') {
$this->tag->{'msk'} = substr($this->mask, 4);
$this->tag->{'id'} = $this->name;
} else {
$this->tag->onKeyPress = "return entryMask(this,event,'{$this->mask}')";
} else {
$this->tag->readonly = "1";
$this->tag->{'class'} = 'tfield_disabled';
// CSS
$this->tag->style = "width:{$this->size}px;" . "-moz-user-select:none;";
$this->tag->onmouseover = "style.cursor='default'";
// shows the tag
if (isset($this->completion)) {
$options = json_encode($this->completion);
$script = new TElement('script');
$script->add("\$('input[name=\"{$this->name}\"]').autocomplete({source: {$options} });");
示例4: __construct
* Class Constructor
* @param $source Image path
public function __construct($type = 'danger', $msg = 'alerta', $titulo = "Alerta")
$this->titulo = $titulo;
$this->msg = $msg;
$this->class = "alert alert-dismissable {$this->type} ";
$this->role = "alert";
示例5: show
* Show the widget at the screen
public function show()
// define the tag properties
$this->tag->name = $this->name;
// tag name
$this->tag->value = $this->value;
// tag value
$this->tag->type = 'text';
// input type
$this->tag->style = "width:{$this->size}px";
// size
// verify if the widget is editable
if (!parent::getEditable()) {
// make the field read-only
$this->tag->readonly = "1";
$this->tag->{'class'} = 'tfield_disabled';
// CSS
$div = new TElement('div');
$div->style = "display:inline";
$div->id = 'div_file_' . uniqid();
$table = new TTable();
$table->cellspacing = 0;
$row = $table->addRow();
$script = new TElement('script');
$script->{'type'} = 'text/javascript';
$class = 'TFileUploader';
new qq.FileUploader({
element: document.getElementById("' . $div->id . '"),
action: "engine.php?class=' . $class . '",
debug: true,
onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON)
document.getElementsByName("' . $this->name . '")[0].value= responseJSON.target;
示例6: show
* Show the notebook at the screen
public function show()
// includes the CSS and JavaScript functions to handle notebooks
// count the pages
$pages = $this->getPageCount();
// creates a table
$note_table = new TTable();
$note_table->{'width'} = $this->width;
$note_table->{'border'} = 0;
$note_table->{'cellspacing'} = 0;
$note_table->{'cellpadding'} = 0;
$note_table->{'class'} = 'notebook-table';
// add a row for the tabs
$row = $note_table->addRow();
$i = 0;
$id = $this->id;
// get javascript code to show/hide sub-notebooks
$subnotes_hide = $this->_getHideCode();
$subnotes_show = $this->_getShowCode();
if ($this->pages) {
// iterate the tabs, showing them
foreach ($this->pages as $title => $content) {
// verify if the current page is to be shown
$classe = $i == $this->currentPage ? 'tnotebook_aba_sim' : 'tnotebook_aba_nao';
// add a cell for this tab
if ($this->tabsVisibility) {
$cell = $row->addCell(" {$title} ");
$cell->{'class'} = $classe;
$cell->id = "aba_{$id}_{$i}";
$cell->height = '23px';
$cell->onclick = $subnotes_hide . "tnotebook_hide({$id}, {$pages});" . "tnotebook_show_tab({$id},{$i});" . $this->getShowPageCode($title);
// show only this page sub-contents
if ($this->tabAction) {
$this->tabAction->setParameter('current_page', $i + 1);
$string_action = $this->tabAction->serialize(FALSE);
$cell->onclick = $cell->onclick . "ajaxExec('{$string_action}')";
$cell->onmouseover = "javascript:tnotebook_prelight(this, {$id}, {$i})";
$cell->onmouseout = "javascript:tnotebook_unprelight(this, {$id}, {$i})";
// creates the cell spacer
$cell = $row->addCell(' ');
$cell->{'class'} = 'tnotebook_spacer';
$cell->width = '3px';
// creates the cell terminator
$cell = $row->addCell(' ');
$cell->{'class'} = 'tnotebook_end';
if ($this->tabsVisibility) {
$row = $note_table->addRow();
$row->height = '7px';
$cell = $row->addCell('<span></span>');
$cell->{'class'} = 'tnotebook_down';
$cell->colspan = 100;
// show the table
// creates a <div> around the content
$quadro = new TElement('div');
$quadro->{'class'} = 'tnotebook_quadro';
$width = $this->width - 7;
$quadro->style = "height:{$this->height}px;width:{$width}px";
if ($this->id == 1) {
self::$subNotes = $this->_getSubNotes();
$i = 0;
// iterate the tabs again, now to show the content
if ($this->pages) {
foreach ($this->pages as $title => $content) {
// verify if the current page is to be shown
if ($i == $this->currentPage and ($this->id == 1 or in_array($this->id, self::$subNotes))) {
$classe = 'tnotebook_painel_sim';
} else {
$classe = 'tnotebook_painel_nao';
// creates a <div> for the contents
$painel = new TElement('div');
$painel->{'class'} = $classe;
// CSS
$painel->id = "painel_{$id}_{$i}";
// ID
// check if the content is an object
if (is_object($content)) {
$quadro_table = new TTable();
$quadro_table->width = $this->width;
$quadro_table->{'class'} = 'tnotebook_table';
$quadro_table->border = 0;
示例7: show
* Shows the tag
public function show()
$collapsed = $this->collapsed ? 'true' : 'false';
$script = new TElement('script');
$script->type = 'text/javascript';
$script->add("\n \t\$(document).ready(function(){\n \t \$('#{$this->id}').treeview({\n \t\tpersist: 'location',\n \t\tanimated: 'fast',\n \t\tcollapsed: {$collapsed}\n \t}); });");
示例8: show
* Shows the widget at the screen
public function show()
if ($this->mask) {
} else {
if ($this->numericMask) {
// define the tag properties
$this->tag->name = $this->name;
// TAG name
$this->tag->value = $this->value;
// TAG value
$this->tag->type = 'text';
// input type
$this->tag->style = "width:{$this->size}px";
// size
if ($this->id) {
$this->tag->id = $this->id;
// verify if the widget is non-editable
if (parent::getEditable()) {
if (isset($this->exitAction)) {
$string_action = $this->exitAction->serialize(FALSE);
$this->setProperty('onBlur', "serialform=(\$('#{$this->formName}').serialize());\n ajaxLookup('{$string_action}&'+serialform, this)", FALSE);
if ($this->mask) {
$this->tag->onKeyPress = "return entryMask(this,event,'{$this->mask}')";
} else {
$this->tag->readonly = "1";
$this->tag->{'class'} = 'tfield_disabled';
// CSS
$this->tag->style = "width:{$this->size}px;" . "-moz-user-select:none;";
$this->tag->onmouseover = "style.cursor='default'";
// shows the tag
if (isset($this->completion)) {
$options = json_encode($this->completion);
$script = new TElement('script');
$script->add("\$('input[name=\"{$this->name}\"]').autocomplete({source: {$options} });");
if ($this->numericMask) {
$script = new TElement('script');
$script->add("\$('input[name=\"{$this->name}\"]').iMask({\n\t\t type : 'number',\n\t\t decDigits : {$this->decimals},\n\t\t decSymbol : '{$this->decimalsSeparator}',\n\t\t groupSymbol : '{$this->thousandSeparator}'\n\t });");
示例9: show
* Shows the widget at the screen
public function show()
if ($this->mask) {
} else {
if ($this->numericMask) {
// define the tag properties
$this->tag->name = $this->name;
// TAG name
$this->tag->value = $this->value;
// TAG value
$this->tag->type = 'text';
// input type
$this->setProperty('style', "width:{$this->size}px", FALSE);
//aggregate style info
if ($this->id) {
$this->tag->id = $this->id;
// verify if the widget is non-editable
if (parent::getEditable()) {
if (isset($this->exitAction)) {
if (!TForm::getFormByName($this->formName) instanceof TForm) {
throw new Exception(TAdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('You must pass the ^1 (^2) as a parameter to ^3', __CLASS__, $this->name, 'TForm::setFields()'));
$string_action = $this->exitAction->serialize(FALSE);
$this->setProperty('exitaction', "serialform=(\$('#{$this->formName}').serialize());\n ajaxLookup('{$string_action}&'+serialform, document.{$this->formName}.{$this->name})", FALSE);
$this->setProperty('onBlur', $this->getProperty('exitaction'), FALSE);
if ($this->mask) {
$this->tag->onKeyPress = "return entryMask(this,event,'{$this->mask}')";
} else {
$this->tag->readonly = "1";
$this->tag->{'class'} = 'tfield_disabled';
// CSS
$this->tag->onmouseover = "style.cursor='default'";
// shows the tag
if (isset($this->completion)) {
$options = json_encode($this->completion);
$script = new TElement('script');
$script->add("\$('input[name=\"{$this->name}\"]').autocomplete({source: {$options} });");
if ($this->numericMask) {
$script = new TElement('script');
$script->add("\$('input[name=\"{$this->name}\"]').iMask({\n\t\t type : 'number',\n\t\t decDigits : {$this->decimals},\n\t\t decSymbol : '{$this->decimalsSeparator}',\n\t\t groupSymbol : '{$this->thousandSeparator}'\n\t });");