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PHP TPL::manageCSS方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中TPL::manageCSS方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP TPL::manageCSS方法的具体用法?PHP TPL::manageCSS怎么用?PHP TPL::manageCSS使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TPL的用法示例。


示例1: renderBackendPage

  * Will render a specified form, the name of the form given by the first parameter;
  * This method will render one of the forms for our object, invoked by giving the proper form identifier to the current form.
  * We have chosen this method of invoking forms, because we just had too many this->renderSomethingMethod (), which really had
  * an impact on code massiveness. Also, having code organized in switch/case statements leads us to be able to share common
  * settings between different forms, as we've done with the methods defined in the __CALL method above;
  * For example, if we wanted to share some common configuration between a create and an edit form, we could have introduced
  * two switches in this method, one that would have set the common options, and the second, would have just passed through
  * again, and get the already set configuration options, using them. This means that if we needed to change behavior of
  * some interconnected forms, that would mean modifying the needed code one place only, which is a big advantage over
  * having separated methods for each form. Maybe if we extended this object, you guys could understand the functionality;
  * @param string $objFormToRender The name of the form to render;
  * @return mixed Depends on the rendered form if it returns something or not;
 public function renderBackendPage(S $objPageToRender)
     // Get a specific CSS file for this controller ...
     TPL::manageCSS(new FilePath($this->getPathToSkinCSS()->toRelativePath() . $objPageToRender . CSS_EXTENSION), $objPageToRender);
     // Do pagination ...
     if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION])) {
         $objLowerLimit = (int) $_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION]->toString() * 10 - 10;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     } else {
         $objLowerLimit = 0;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     // Do a switch on the rendered page ...
     switch ($objPageToRender) {
         case 'manageArticles':
             // Check if there's an action to take;
             if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION])) {
                 // Do a switch ...
                 switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION]) {
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_EDIT:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('articleEdit'));
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_ERASE:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('articleErase'));
             } else {
                 // Redirect to DescByPublished ...
                 if (!isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     $this->setHeaderKey(URL::rewriteURL(new A(array(ADMIN_ACTION_SORT)), new A(array('DescByPublished'))), new S('Location'));
                 // Set some requirements ...
                 $objGetCondition = new S();
                 if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_BY])) {
                     // Do a switch ...
                     switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_BY]) {
                         case ARTICLES_SEARCH_TITLE:
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('WHERE %objArticleTableFTitle');
                         case ARTICLES_SEARCH_CONTENT:
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('WHERE %objArticleTableFContent');
                         case ARTICLES_SEARCH_TAGS:
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('WHERE %objArticleTableFTags');
                         case ARTICLES_SEARCH_EXCERPT:
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('WHERE %objArticleTableFExcerpt');
                         case ARTICLES_SEARCH_CATEGORY:
                             $objGetCondition->appendString('AS t1 INNER JOIN %objCategoryTable AS t2
                             ON t1.%objArticleTableFCategoryId = t2.%objCategoryTableFId
                             WHERE %objCategoryTableFName');
                     // Add LIKE searching ...
                     $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('LIKE "%%Search%"')->doToken('%Search', $_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SEARCH]);
                     // Get the count ...
                     $objSearchCount = $this->getArticleCount($objGetCondition);
                 // Do a sorting, before anything else;
                 if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     // Do a switch ...
                     switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                         case 'AscByTitle':
                         case 'DescByTitle':
                             // Make the ordered condition;
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objArticleTableFTitle');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByTitle':
                                 case 'DescByTitle':
                         case 'AscByPublished':
                         case 'DescByPublished':
                             // Make the ordered condition;
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objArticleTableFDatePublished');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {

示例2: renderBackendPage

  * Will render a specified form, the name of the form given by the first parameter;
  * This method will render one of the forms for our object, invoked by giving the proper form identifier to the current form.
  * We have chosen this method of invoking forms, because we just had too many this->renderSomethingMethod (), which really had
  * an impact on code massiveness. Also, having code organized in switch/case statements leads us to be able to share common
  * settings between different forms, as we've done with the methods defined in the __CALL method above;
  * For example, if we wanted to share some common configuration between a create and an edit form, we could have introduced
  * two switches in this method, one that would have set the common options, and the second, would have just passed through
  * again, and get the already set configuration options, using them. This means that if we needed to change behavior of
  * some interconnected forms, that would mean modifying the needed code one place only, which is a big advantage over
  * having separated methods for each form. Maybe if we extended this object, you guys could understand the functionality ...
  * @param string $objFormToRender The name of the form to render;
  * @return mixed Depends on the rendered form if it returns something or not;
 public function renderBackendPage(S $objPageToRender)
     # Get a specific CSS file for this controller ...
     TPL::manageCSS(new FilePath($this->getPathToSkinCSS()->toRelativePath() . $objPageToRender . CSS_EXTENSION), $objPageToRender);
     # Do pagination ...
     if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION])) {
         $objLowerLimit = (int) $_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION]->toString() * 10 - 10;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     } else {
         $objLowerLimit = 0;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     // Do a switch on the rendered page ...
     switch ($objPageToRender) {
         case 'manageMessages':
             // Set some predefines;
             $objGetCondition = new S();
             // Check if there's an action to take;
             if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION])) {
                 // Switch between actions;
                 switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION]) {
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_VIEW:
                         // Set the template file ...
                         $tpF = new FilePath($this->getPathToSkin()->toRelativePath() . 'viewMessage.tp');
                         TPL::tpSet($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_ID], new S('objGETId'), $tpF);
                         TPL::tpSet($this, new S('CNT'), $tpF);
                         // Do the form, make it happen ...
                         $this->renderForm(new S('messageOperations'));
                         $this->renderForm(new S('messageSend'));
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_ERASE:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('messageErase'));
             } else {
                 if (!isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     $this->setHeaderKey(URL::rewriteURL(new A(array(ADMIN_ACTION_SORT)), new A(array('DescByReceived'))), new S('Location'));
                 // Set some requirements;
                 $objGetCondition = new S();
                 // Check if there's an action to take;
                 if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     // Switch ...
                     switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                         case 'AscByReceived':
                         case 'DescByReceived':
                             // Set some requirements;
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objContactTableFReceived');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByReceived':
                                 case 'DescByReceived':
                         case 'AscByLastEdited':
                         case 'DescByLastEdited':
                             // Set some requirements;
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objContactTableFLastEdited');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByLastEdited':
                                 case 'DescByLastEdited':
                         case 'AscBySubject':
                         case 'DescBySubject':
                             // Set some requirements;
                             $objGetCondition->appendString('AS t1 INNER JOIN %objContactSubjectTable AS t2
                             ON t1.%objContactTableFSubjectId = t2.%objContactSubjectFId
                             ORDER BY %objContactSubjectFTitle');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscBySubject':

示例3: renderBackendPage

  * Will render a specified form, the name of the form given by the first parameter;
  * This method will render one of the forms for our object, invoked by giving the proper form identifier to the current form.
  * We have chosen this method of invoking forms, because we just had too many this->renderSomethingMethod (), which really had
  * an impact on code massiveness. Also, having code organized in switch/case statements leads us to be able to share common
  * settings between different forms, as we've done with the methods defined in the __CALL method above;
  * For example, if we wanted to share some common configuration between a create and an edit form, we could have introduced
  * two switches in this method, one that would have set the common options, and the second, would have just passed through
  * again, and get the already set configuration options, using them. This means that if we needed to change behavior of
  * some interconnected forms, that would mean modifying the needed code one place only, which is a big advantage over
  * having separated methods for each form. Maybe if we extended this object, you guys could understand the functionality;
  * @param string $objFormToRender The name of the form to render;
  * @return mixed Depends on the rendered form if it returns something or not;
 public function renderBackendPage(S $objPageToRender)
     // Get a specific CSS file for this controller ...
     TPL::manageCSS(new FilePath($this->getPathToSkinCSS()->toRelativePath() . $objPageToRender . CSS_EXTENSION), $objPageToRender);
     // Do pagination ...
     if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION])) {
         $objLowerLimit = (int) $_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION]->toString() * 10 - 10;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     } else {
         $objLowerLimit = 0;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     // Do a switch on the rendered page ...
     switch ($objPageToRender) {
         case 'manageConfiguration':
             if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION])) {
             } else {
                 $this->renderForm(new S('configurationEdit'));
         case 'manageCountries':
             // Do some work;
             if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION])) {
                 // Do a switch;
                 switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION]) {
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_EDIT:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('countryEdit'));
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_ERASE:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('countryErase'));
             } else {
                 // Set some requirements ...
                 $objGetCondition = new S();
                 // Do a sorting beforehand;
                 if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     // Do a switch ...
                     switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                         case 'AscByName':
                         case 'DescByName':
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objSettingsCountryTableFName');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByName':
                                 case 'DescByName':
                             // Break out ...
                 // Add some LIMITs
                 $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('LIMIT %LowerLimit, %UpperLimit')->doToken('%LowerLimit', $objLowerLimit)->doToken('%UpperLimit', $objUpperLimit);
                 // Set some requirements ...
                 $objCountries = $this->getCountries($objGetCondition);
                 $objCountriesCount = $this->getCountryCount();
                 // Set the template file ...
                 $tpF = new FilePath($this->getPathToSkin()->toRelativePath() . 'manageCountries.tp');
                 TPL::tpSet($objCountries, new S('articleTable'), $tpF);
                 // Do some pagination;
                 if ($objCountriesCount->toInt() > 10) {
                 // Do the form, make it happen;
                 $this->renderForm(new S('countryCreate'));
             // Break out ...
         case 'manageErrorPages':
             // Do some work;
             if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION])) {
                 // Do a switch;
                 switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION]) {
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_EDIT:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('errorPageEdit'));
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_ERASE:

示例4: renderBackendPage

  * Will render a specified form, the name of the form given by the first parameter;
  * This method will render one of the forms for our object, invoked by giving the proper form identifier to the current form.
  * We have chosen this method of invoking forms, because we just had too many this->renderSomethingMethod (), which really had
  * an impact on code massiveness. Also, having code organized in switch/case statements leads us to be able to share common
  * settings between different forms, as we've done with the methods defined in the __CALL method above;
  * For example, if we wanted to share some common configuration between a create and an edit form, we could have introduced
  * two switches in this method, one that would have set the common options, and the second, would have just passed through
  * again, and get the already set configuration options, using them. This means that if we needed to change behavior of
  * some interconnected forms, that would mean modifying the needed code one place only, which is a big advantage over
  * having separated methods for each form. Maybe if we extended this object, you guys could understand the functionality;
  * @param string $objFormToRender The name of the form to render;
  * @return mixed Depends on the rendered form if it returns something or not;
 public function renderBackendPage(S $objPageToRender)
     // Get a specific CSS file for this controller ...
     TPL::manageCSS(new FilePath($this->getPathToSkinCSS()->toRelativePath() . $objPageToRender . CSS_EXTENSION), $objPageToRender);
     // Do pagination ...
     if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION])) {
         $objLowerLimit = (int) $_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION]->toString() * 10 - 10;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     } else {
         $objLowerLimit = 0;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     // Do a switch on the rendered page ...
     switch ($objPageToRender) {
         case 'manageImages':
             // Make an IF;
             if (isset($_GET[PRODUCTS_ACTION_IMAGE])) {
                 // Do a switch ...
                 switch ($_GET[PRODUCTS_ACTION_IMAGE]) {
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_EDIT:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('imageEdit'));
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_ERASE:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('imageErase'));
             } else {
                 // Set some requirements ...
                 $objGetCondition = new S();
                 // Do a sorting beforehand;
                 if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     // Do a switch ...
                     switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                         case 'AscByImage':
                         case 'DescByImage':
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objProductsIMGTableFURL');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByImage':
                                 case 'DescByImage':
                             // Break out ...
                         case 'AscByTitle':
                         case 'DescByTitle':
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objProductsIMGTableFTitle');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByTitle':
                                 case 'DescByTitle':
                             // Break out ...
                 } else {
                     // Set some requirements ...
                     $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objProductsIMGTableFId DESC');
                 // Add some LIMITs
                 $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('LIMIT %LowerLimit, %UpperLimit')->doToken('%LowerLimit', $objLowerLimit)->doToken('%UpperLimit', $objUpperLimit);
                 // Set some requirements ...
                 $objImageTable = $this->getImagesByProductId($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_ID], $objGetCondition);
                 $objImageTableCount = $this->getImageCountByProductId($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_ID]);
                 // Set the template file ...
                 $tpF = new FilePath($this->getPathToSkin()->toRelativePath() . 'manageImages.tp');
                 TPL::tpSet($objImageTable, new S('imageTable'), $tpF);
                 TPL::tpSet($this, new S('thisObj'), $tpF);
                 // Do some pagination;
                 if ($objImageTableCount->toInt() > 10) {
                 // Do the form, make it happen;
                 $this->renderForm(new S('imageCreate'));

示例5: renderBackendPage

  * Will render a specified form, the name of the form given by the first parameter;
  * This method will render one of the forms for our object, invoked by giving the proper form identifier to the current form.
  * We have chosen this method of invoking forms, because we just had too many this->renderSomethingMethod (), which really had
  * an impact on code massiveness. Also, having code organized in switch/case statements leads us to be able to share common
  * settings between different forms, as we've done with the methods defined in the __CALL method above;
  * For example, if we wanted to share some common configuration between a create and an edit form, we could have introduced
  * two switches in this method, one that would have set the common options, and the second, would have just passed through
  * again, and get the already set configuration options, using them. This means that if we needed to change behavior of
  * some interconnected forms, that would mean modifying the needed code one place only, which is a big advantage over
  * having separated methods for each form. Maybe if we extended this object, you guys could understand the functionality;
  * @param string $objFormToRender The name of the form to render;
  * @return mixed Depends on the rendered form if it returns something or not;
 public function renderBackendPage(S $objPageToRender)
     // Get a specific CSS file for this controller ...
     TPL::manageCSS(new FilePath($this->getPathToSkinCSS()->toRelativePath() . $objPageToRender . CSS_EXTENSION), $objPageToRender);
     // Do pagination ...
     if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION])) {
         $objLowerLimit = (int) $_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION]->toString() * 10 - 10;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     } else {
         $objLowerLimit = 0;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     // Do a switch on the rendered page ...
     switch ($objPageToRender) {
         case 'manageNewsletter':
             // Do some work;
             if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION])) {
                 // Do a switch;
                 switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION]) {
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_EDIT:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('newsletterEdit'));
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_ERASE:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('newsletterErase'));
             } else {
                 // Redirect to DescBySubscribed ...
                 if (!isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     $this->setHeaderKey(URL::rewriteURL(new A(array(ADMIN_ACTION_SORT)), new A(array('DescBySubscribed'))), new S('Location'));
                 // Set some requirements ...
                 $objGetCondition = new S();
                 // Check for sorting ...
                 if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_BY])) {
                     // Do a switch ...
                     switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_BY]) {
                     // Add LIKE searching ...
                     $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('LIKE "%%Search%"')->doToken('%Search', $_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SEARCH]);
                     // Get the count, on SQL ...
                     $objSearchCount = $this->getSubscriberCount($objGetCondition);
                 // Do a sorting beforehand;
                 if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     // Do a switch ...
                     switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                         case 'AscByEmail':
                         case 'DescByEmail':
                             // Make the ordered condition;
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objLetterTableFEML');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByEmail':
                                 case 'DescByEmail':
                             // Break out ...
                         case 'AscByFirstName':
                         case 'DescByFirstName':
                             // Make the ordered condition;
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objLetterTableFFirstName');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByFirstName':
                                 case 'DescByFirstName':
                             // Break out ...
                         case 'AscByLastName':
                         case 'DescByLastName':
                             // Make the ordered condition;
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objLetterTableFLastName');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {

示例6: renderBackendPage

  * Will render a specified form, the name of the form given by the first parameter;
  * This method will render one of the forms for our object, invoked by giving the proper form identifier to the current form.
  * We have chosen this method of invoking forms, because we just had too many this->renderSomethingMethod (), which really had
  * an impact on code massiveness. Also, having code organized in switch/case statements leads us to be able to share common
  * settings between different forms, as we've done with the methods defined in the __CALL method above;
  * For example, if we wanted to share some common configuration between a create and an edit form, we could have introduced
  * two switches in this method, one that would have set the common options, and the second, would have just passed through
  * again, and get the already set configuration options, using them. This means that if we needed to change behavior of
  * some interconnected forms, that would mean modifying the needed code one place only, which is a big advantage over
  * having separated methods for each form. Maybe if we extended this object, you guys could understand the functionality ...
  * @param string $objFormToRender The name of the form to render;
  * @return mixed Depends on the rendered form if it returns something or not;
 public function renderBackendPage(S $objPageToRender)
     // Get a specific CSS file for this controller ...
     TPL::manageCSS(new FilePath($this->getPathToSkinCSS()->toRelativePath() . $objPageToRender . CSS_EXTENSION), $objPageToRender);
     // Do pagination ...
     if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION])) {
         $objLowerLimit = (int) $_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION]->toString() * 10 - 10;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     } else {
         $objLowerLimit = 0;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     // Do a switch on the rendered page ...
     switch ($objPageToRender) {
         case 'welcomePage':
             // Set the template file ...
             $tpF = new FilePath($this->getPathToSkin()->toRelativePath() . 'welcomePage.tp');
             TPL::tpSet(self::$objAdministration->getWidget(NULL), new S('objWidgets'), $tpF);
         case 'manageUsers':
             // Do specific actions, based on _GET parameters;
             if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION])) {
                 // Switch ...
                 switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION]) {
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_EDIT:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('userEdit'));
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_ERASE:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('userErase'));
             } else {
                 // Show them ordered by DESC;
                 if (!isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     $this->setHeaderKey(URL::rewriteURL(new A(array(ADMIN_ACTION_SORT)), new A(array('DescByRegistered'))), new S('Location'));
                 // Set some requirements;
                 $objGetCondition = new S();
                 if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_BY])) {
                     // Do a switch ...
                     switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_BY]) {
                         case AUTHENTICATION_PROFILE_USERNAME:
                             $objGetCondition->appendString('WHERE %objAuthUsersTableFUName');
                         case AUTHENTICATION_PROFILE_EMAIL:
                             $objGetCondition->appendString('WHERE %objAuthUsersTableFEML');
                         case AUTHENTICATION_PROFILE_GROUP:
                             $objGetCondition->appendString('AS t1 LEFT JOIN %objAuthGroupTable
                             AS t2 ON t1.%objAuthUsersTableFUGId = t2.%objAuthGroupTableFId
                             WHERE t2.%objAuthGroupTableFName');
                     // Add LIKE searching ...
                     $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('LIKE "%%Search%"')->doToken('%Search', $_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SEARCH]);
                 if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     // Switch ...
                     switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                         case 'AscByUsername':
                         case 'DescByUsername':
                             // Set the order ...
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objAuthUsersTableFUName');
                             // Switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByUsername':
                                 case 'DescByUsername':
                         case 'AscByEMail':
                         case 'DescByEMail':
                             // Set the order ...
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objAuthUsersTableFEML');
                             // Switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByEMail':

示例7: renderBackendPage

  * Will render a specified form, the name of the form given by the first parameter;
  * This method will render one of the forms for our object, invoked by giving the proper form identifier to the current form.
  * We have chosen this method of invoking forms, because we just had too many this->renderSomethingMethod (), which really had
  * an impact on code massiveness. Also, having code organized in switch/case statements leads us to be able to share common
  * settings between different forms, as we've done with the methods defined in the __CALL method above;
  * For example, if we wanted to share some common configuration between a create and an edit form, we could have introduced
  * two switches in this method, one that would have set the common options, and the second, would have just passed through
  * again, and get the already set configuration options, using them. This means that if we needed to change behavior of
  * some interconnected forms, that would mean modifying the needed code one place only, which is a big advantage over
  * having separated methods for each form. Maybe if we extended this object, you guys could understand the functionality;
  * @param string $objFormToRender The name of the form to render;
  * @return mixed Depends on the rendered form if it returns something or not;
 public function renderBackendPage(S $objPageToRender)
     // Get a specific CSS file for this controller ...
     TPL::manageCSS(new FilePath($this->getPathToSkinCSS()->toRelativePath() . $objPageToRender . CSS_EXTENSION), $objPageToRender);
     // Do pagination ...
     if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION])) {
         $objLowerLimit = (int) $_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION]->toString() * 10 - 10;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     } else {
         $objLowerLimit = 0;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     // Do a switch on the rendered page ...
     switch ($objPageToRender) {

示例8: renderBackendPage

  * Will render a specified form, the name of the form given by the first parameter;
  * This method will render one of the forms for our object, invoked by giving the proper form identifier to the current form.
  * We have chosen this method of invoking forms, because we just had too many this->renderSomethingMethod (), which really had
  * an impact on code massiveness. Also, having code organized in switch/case statements leads us to be able to share common
  * settings between different forms, as we've done with the methods defined in the __CALL method above;
  * For example, if we wanted to share some common configuration between a create and an edit form, we could have introduced
  * two switches in this method, one that would have set the common options, and the second, would have just passed through
  * again, and get the already set configuration options, using them. This means that if we needed to change behavior of
  * some interconnected forms, that would mean modifying the needed code one place only, which is a big advantage over
  * having separated methods for each form. Maybe if we extended this object, you guys could understand the functionality;
  * @param string $objFormToRender The name of the form to render;
  * @return mixed Depends on the rendered form if it returns something or not;
 public function renderBackendPage(S $objPageToRender)
     // Get a specific CSS file for this controller ...
     TPL::manageCSS(new FilePath($this->getPathToSkinCSS()->toRelativePath() . $objPageToRender . CSS_EXTENSION), $objPageToRender);
     // Do pagination ...
     if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION])) {
         $objLowerLimit = (int) $_GET[ADMIN_PAGINATION]->toString() * 10 - 10;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     } else {
         $objLowerLimit = 0;
         $objUpperLimit = 10;
     // Do a switch on the rendered page ...
     switch ($objPageToRender) {
         case 'manageLyrics':
             // Do some work;
             if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION])) {
                 // Do a switch;
                 switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION]) {
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_EDIT:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('lyricEdit'));
                     case ADMIN_ACTION_ERASE:
                         $this->renderForm(new S('lyricErase'));
             } else {
                 // Redirect to DescByDateAdded ...
                 if (!isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     $this->setHeaderKey(URL::rewriteURL(new A(array(ADMIN_ACTION_SORT)), new A(array('DescByDateAdded'))), new S('Location'));
                 // Set some requirements ...
                 $objGetCondition = new S();
                 // Do a sorting beforehand;
                 if (isset($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT])) {
                     // Do a switch ...
                     switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                         case 'AscByTitle':
                         case 'DescByTitle':
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objLyricsTableFTitle');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByTitle':
                                 case 'DescByTitle':
                             // BK;
                         case 'AscByArtist':
                         case 'DescByArtist':
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objLyricsTableFArtist');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByArtist':
                                 case 'DescByArtist':
                             // BK;
                         case 'AscByAlbum':
                         case 'DescByAlbum':
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objLyricsTableFAlbum');
                             // Do a switch ...
                             switch ($_GET[ADMIN_ACTION_SORT]) {
                                 case 'AscByAlbum':
                                 case 'DescByAlbum':
                             // BK;
                         case 'AscByDateAdded':
                         case 'DescByDateAdded':
                             $objGetCondition->appendString(_SP)->appendString('ORDER BY %objLyricsTableFDateAdded');
                             // Do a switch ...
