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PHP Search::getArrayUrlLink方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Search::getArrayUrlLink方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Search::getArrayUrlLink方法的具体用法?PHP Search::getArrayUrlLink怎么用?PHP Search::getArrayUrlLink使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Search的用法示例。


示例1: showMinimalList

             $WHERE = ' WHERE ' . $WHERE . ' ';
         $first = false;
     $query .= $WHERE;
     //// 7 - Manage GROUP BY
     $GROUPBY = "";
     // Meta Search / Search All / Count tickets
     if (in_array('all', $p['field'])) {
         $GROUPBY = " GROUP BY `" . $itemtable . "`.`id`";
     if (empty($GROUPBY)) {
         foreach ($toview as $key2 => $val2) {
             if (!empty($GROUPBY)) {
             if (isset($searchopt[$itemtype][$val2]["forcegroupby"])) {
                 $GROUPBY = " GROUP BY `" . $itemtable . "`.`id`";
     $query .= $GROUPBY;
     //// 4 - ORDER
     $ORDER = " ORDER BY `id` ";
     foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
         if ($p['sort'] == $val) {
             $ORDER = Search::addOrderBy($itemtype, $p['sort'], $p['order'], $key);
     $query .= $ORDER;
     // Get it from database
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         $numrows = $DB->numrows($result);
         $globallinkto = Search::getArrayUrlLink("field", $p['field']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link", $p['link']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains", $p['contains']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("field2", $p['field2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains2", $p['contains2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("itemtype2", $p['itemtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link2", $p['link2']);
         $parameters = "sort=" . $p['sort'] . "&order=" . $p['order'] . $globallinkto;
         if ($output_type == Search::GLOBAL_SEARCH) {
             if (class_exists($itemtype)) {
                 echo "<div class='center'><h2>" . $this->getTypeName();
                 // More items
                 if ($numrows > $p['start'] + Search::GLOBAL_DISPLAY_COUNT) {
                     echo " <a href='{$target}?{$parameters}'>" . __('All') . "</a>";
                 echo "</h2></div>\n";
             } else {
                 return false;
         if ($p['start'] < $numrows) {
             // Pager
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 Html::printPager($p['start'], $numrows, $target, $parameters, $itemtype);
             //massive action
             $sel = "";
             if (isset($_GET["select"]) && $_GET["select"] == "all") {
                 $sel = "checked";
             // Add toview elements
             $nbcols = $toview_count;
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 // HTML display - massive modif
             // Define begin and end var for loop
             // Search case
             $begin_display = $p['start'];

示例2: showMinimalList

     $query .= " WHERE `" . $itemtable . "`.`plugin_resources_resources_id` = '" . $p['id'] . "'";
     $query .= " AND `" . $itemtable . "`.`is_deleted` = '" . $p['is_deleted'] . "' ";
     //// 7 - Manage GROUP BY
     $GROUPBY = "";
     // Meta Search / Search All / Count tickets
     if (in_array('all', $p['field'])) {
         $GROUPBY = " GROUP BY `" . $itemtable . "`.`id`";
     if (empty($GROUPBY)) {
         foreach ($toview as $key2 => $val2) {
             if (!empty($GROUPBY)) {
             if (isset($searchopt[$itemtype][$val2]["forcegroupby"])) {
                 $GROUPBY = " GROUP BY `" . $itemtable . "`.`id`";
     $query .= $GROUPBY;
     //// 4 - ORDER
     $ORDER = " ORDER BY `id` ";
     foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
         if ($p['sort'] == $val) {
             $ORDER = Search::addOrderBy($itemtype, $p['sort'], $p['order'], $key);
     $query .= $ORDER;
     // Get it from database
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         $numrows = $DB->numrows($result);
         $globallinkto = Search::getArrayUrlLink("field", $p['field']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link", $p['link']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains", $p['contains']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("field2", $p['field2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains2", $p['contains2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("itemtype2", $p['itemtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link2", $p['link2']);
         $parameters = "sort=" . $p['sort'] . "&amp;order=" . $p['order'] . $globallinkto;
         if ($output_type == Search::GLOBAL_SEARCH) {
             if (class_exists($itemtype)) {
                 echo "<div class='center'><h2>" . $item->getTypeName();
                 // More items
                 if ($numrows > $p['start'] + Search::GLOBAL_DISPLAY_COUNT) {
                     echo " <a href='{$target}?{$parameters}'>" . __('All') . "</a>";
                 echo "</h2></div>\n";
             } else {
                 return false;
         if ($p['start'] < $numrows) {
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT && !$p['withtemplate']) {
                 echo "<div align='center'>";
                 echo "<a href='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/resources/front/task.php?contains%5B0%5D=" . $p['id'] . "&field%5B0%5D=13&sort=1&is_deleted=0&start=0'>" . _x('button', 'Search') . "</a><br>";
                 echo "</div>";
             // Pager
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 // HTML display - massive modif
                 $search_config = "";
                 if ($item->canCreate() && $canedit) {
                     $tmp = " class='pointer' onClick=\"var w = window.open('" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/popup.php?popup=search_config&amp;itemtype=" . $itemtype . "' ,'glpipopup', " . "'height=400, width=1000, top=100, left=100, scrollbars=yes' ); w.focus();\"";
                     $search_config = "<img alt='" . __('Select default items to show') . "' title='" . __('Select default items to show') . "' src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/options_search.png' ";
                     $search_config .= $tmp . ">";
                 //echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type,$search_config,$header_num,"",0,$p['order']);
             // Pager
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {

示例3: showMinimalList

             $WHERE = ' WHERE ' . $ASSIGN . ' ' . $WHERE . ' ';
         $first = false;
     $query .= $WHERE;
     //// 7 - Manage GROUP BY
     $GROUPBY = "";
     // Meta Search / Search All / Count tickets
     if (in_array('all', $p['field'])) {
         $GROUPBY = " GROUP BY `" . $itemtable . "`.`id`";
     if (empty($GROUPBY)) {
         foreach ($toview as $key2 => $val2) {
             if (!empty($GROUPBY)) {
             if (isset($searchopt["PluginResourcesDirectory"][$val2]["forcegroupby"])) {
                 $GROUPBY = " GROUP BY `" . $itemtable . "`.`id`";
     $query .= $GROUPBY;
     //// 4 - ORDER
     $ORDER = " ORDER BY `id` ";
     foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
         if ($p['sort'] == $val) {
             $ORDER = Search::addOrderBy($itemtype, $p['sort'], $p['order'], $key);
     $query .= $ORDER;
     // Get it from database
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
         $numrows = $DB->numrows($result);
         $globallinkto = Search::getArrayUrlLink("field", $p['field']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link", $p['link']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains", $p['contains']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("searchtype", $p['searchtype']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("field2", $p['field2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains2", $p['contains2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("searchtype2", $p['searchtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("itemtype2", $p['itemtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link2", $p['link2']);
         $parameters = "sort=" . $p['sort'] . "&amp;order=" . $p['order'] . $globallinkto;
         if ($output_type == Search::GLOBAL_SEARCH) {
             if (class_exists($itemtype)) {
                 echo "<div class='center'><h2>" . $this->getTypeName();
                 // More items
                 if ($numrows > $p['start'] + Search::GLOBAL_DISPLAY_COUNT) {
                     echo " <a href='{$target}?{$parameters}'>" . __('All') . "</a>";
                 echo "</h2></div>\n";
             } else {
                 return false;
         if ($p['start'] < $numrows) {
             // Pager
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 // HTML display - massive modif
                 $search_config = "";
                 if ($item->canCreate() && $canedit) {
                     $tmp = " class='pointer' onClick=\"var w = window.open('" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/popup.php?popup=search_config&amp;itemtype=" . $itemtype . "' ,'glpipopup', " . "'height=400, width=1000, top=100, left=100, scrollbars=yes' ); w.focus();\"";
                     $search_config = "<img alt='" . __('Select default items to show') . "' title='" . __('Select default items to show') . "' src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/options_search.png' ";
                     $search_config .= $tmp . ">";
                 //echo Search::showHeaderItem($output_type,$search_config,$header_num,"",0,$p['order']);
             // Pager
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 Html::printPager($p['start'], $numrows, $target, $parameters, $itemtype, 0, $search_config);
                 echo "<br>";
             // Define begin and end var for loop
             // Search case

示例4: showBoard

 function showBoard($width = '', $limit = '')
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     $order = "ASC";
     if (isset($_GET['order'])) {
         $order = $_GET['order'];
     $where = '';
     if ($limit == 'hosts') {
         $where = "`plugin_monitoring_services_id`='0' ";
     } else {
         if ($limit == 'services') {
             $where = "`plugin_monitoring_services_id`>0 ";
     if (isset($_GET['field'])) {
         foreach ($_GET['field'] as $key => $value) {
             $wheretmp = '';
             if (isset($_GET['link'][$key])) {
                 $wheretmp .= " " . $_GET['link'][$key] . " ";
             $wheretmp .= Search::addWhere("", 0, "PluginMonitoringService", $_GET['field'][$key], $_GET['searchtype'][$key], $_GET['contains'][$key]);
             if (!strstr($wheretmp, "``.``")) {
                 if ($where != '' and !isset($_GET['link'][$key])) {
                     $where .= " AND ";
                 $where .= $wheretmp;
     if ($where != '') {
         $where = "(" . $where;
         $where .= ") AND ";
     $where .= ' `glpi_plugin_monitoring_services`.`entities_id` IN (' . $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'] . ')';
     if ($where != '') {
         $where = " WHERE " . $where;
         $where = str_replace("`" . getTableForItemType("PluginMonitoringDisplay") . "`.", "", $where);
     $leftjoin = '';
     $leftjoin .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_components`\n         ON `plugin_monitoring_components_id` = \n         `glpi_plugin_monitoring_components`.`id` ";
     $leftjoin .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities`\n         ON `" . getTableForItemType("PluginMonitoringService") . "`.`entities_id` = \n               `glpi_entities`.`id`";
     if (isset($_GET['field'])) {
         foreach ($_GET['field'] as $value) {
             if ($value == '20' or $value == '21' or $value == '22') {
                 $leftjoin .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`\n                  ON `plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts_id` = \n                  `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`.`id` ";
             } else {
                 if ($value == '7') {
                 } else {
                     if ($value == '8') {
                         if (!strstr($leftjoin, 'LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`')) {
                             $leftjoin .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`\n                  ON `plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts_id` = \n                  `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`.`id` ";
                         if (!strstr($leftjoin, 'LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs`')) {
                             $leftjoin .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs`\n                     ON `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`.`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id` = \n                     `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs`.`id` ";
     // * ORDER
     $ORDERQUERY = " ORDER BY `name` ";
     $toview = array(3, 6, 7, 10, 4, 9);
     $toviewComplete = array('ITEM_0' => 'state', 'ITEM_1' => 'completename', 'ITEM_2' => 'component_name', 'ITEM_3' => 'state', 'ITEM_4' => 'last_check', 'ITEM_5' => 'event');
     foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
         if ($_GET['sort'] == $val) {
             $ORDERQUERY = Search::addOrderBy("PluginMonitoringService", $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'], $key);
             foreach ($toviewComplete as $keyi => $vali) {
                 $ORDERQUERY = str_replace($keyi, $vali, $ORDERQUERY);
     $query = "SELECT `" . getTableForItemType("PluginMonitoringService") . "`.*,\n            `glpi_plugin_monitoring_components`.`name` as component_name, \n            `glpi_entities`.`completename`\n         FROM `" . getTableForItemType("PluginMonitoringService") . "`\n         " . $leftjoin . "\n         " . $where . "\n         " . $ORDERQUERY;
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $start = 0;
     if (isset($_GET["start"])) {
         $start = $_GET["start"];
     $numrows = $DB->numrows($result);
     $parameters = '';
     $globallinkto = Search::getArrayUrlLink("field", $_GET['field']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link", $_GET['link']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains", $_GET['contains']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("searchtype", $_GET['searchtype']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("field2", $_GET['field2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains2", $_GET['contains2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("itemtype2", $_GET['itemtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("searchtype2", $_GET['searchtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link2", $_GET['link2']);
     $parameters = "sort=" . $_GET['sort'] . "&amp;order=" . $_GET['order'] . $globallinkto;
     Html::printPager($_GET['start'], $numrows, $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/monitoring/front/service.php", $parameters);
     $limit = $numrows;
     if ($_SESSION["glpilist_limit"] < $numrows) {
         $limit = $_SESSION["glpilist_limit"];
     $query .= " LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     echo '<div id="custom_date" style="display:none"></div>';
     echo '<div id="custom_time" style="display:none"></div>';
     if ($width == '') {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadrehov' style='width:100%;'>";
     } else {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadrehov' style='width:100%;'>";
     $num = 0;
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     $this->showHeaderItem(__('Status'), 3, $num, $start, $globallinkto);

示例5: showBoard

 function showBoard($width = '', $limit = '')
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI, $LANG;
     $where = '';
     if ($limit == 'hosts') {
         $where = "`plugin_monitoring_services_id`='0' ";
     } else {
         if ($limit == 'services') {
             $where = "`plugin_monitoring_services_id`>0 ";
     if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['service']['field'])) {
         foreach ($_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['service']['field'] as $key => $value) {
             $wheretmp = '';
             if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['service']['link'][$key])) {
                 $wheretmp .= " " . $_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['service']['link'][$key] . " ";
             $wheretmp .= Search::addWhere("", 0, "PluginMonitoringService", $_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['service']['field'][$key], $_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['service']['searchtype'][$key], $_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['service']['contains'][$key]);
             if (!strstr($wheretmp, "``.``")) {
                 if ($where != '' and !isset($_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['service']['link'][$key])) {
                     $where .= " AND ";
                 $where .= $wheretmp;
     if ($where != '') {
         $where = "(" . $where;
         $where .= ") AND ";
     $where .= ' `glpi_plugin_monitoring_services`.`entities_id` IN (' . $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'] . ')';
     if ($where != '') {
         $where = " WHERE " . $where;
         $where = str_replace("`" . getTableForItemType("PluginMonitoringDisplay") . "`.", "", $where);
     $leftjoin = '';
     if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['service']['field'])) {
         foreach ($_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['service']['field'] as $value) {
             if ($value == '20' or $value == '21' or $value == '22') {
                 $leftjoin .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`\n                  ON `plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts_id` = \n                  `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`.`id` ";
             } else {
                 if ($value == '7') {
                     $leftjoin .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_components`\n                  ON `plugin_monitoring_components_id` = \n                  `glpi_plugin_monitoring_components`.`id` ";
                 } else {
                     if ($value == '8') {
                         if (!strstr($leftjoin, 'LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`')) {
                             $leftjoin .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`\n                  ON `plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts_id` = \n                  `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`.`id` ";
                         if (!strstr($leftjoin, 'LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs`')) {
                             $leftjoin .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs`\n                     ON `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts`.`plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id` = \n                     `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs`.`id` ";
     $query = "SELECT `" . getTableForItemType("PluginMonitoringService") . "`.* FROM `" . getTableForItemType("PluginMonitoringService") . "`\n         " . $leftjoin . "\n         " . $where . "\n         ORDER BY `name`";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $start = 0;
     if (isset($_GET["start"])) {
         $start = $_GET["start"];
     $numrows = $DB->numrows($result);
     $parameters = '';
     $globallinkto = Search::getArrayUrlLink("field", $_GET['field']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link", $_GET['link']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains", $_GET['contains']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("searchtype", $_GET['searchtype']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("field2", $_GET['field2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains2", $_GET['contains2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("itemtype2", $_GET['itemtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("searchtype2", $_GET['searchtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link2", $_GET['link2']);
     $parameters = "sort=" . $_GET['sort'] . "&amp;order=" . $_GET['order'] . $globallinkto;
     printPager($_GET['start'], $numrows, $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/monitoring/front/display.php", $parameters);
     $limit = $numrows;
     if ($_SESSION["glpilist_limit"] < $numrows) {
         $limit = $_SESSION["glpilist_limit"];
     $query .= " LIMIT " . intval($start) . "," . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     if ($width == '') {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadrehov' style='width:100%;'>";
     } else {
         echo "<table class='tab_cadrehov' style='width:100%;'>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
     echo "<th>";
     echo $LANG['joblist'][0];
     echo "</th>";
     echo "<th>";
     echo $LANG['entity'][0];
     echo "</th>";
     echo "<th>";
     echo $LANG['stats'][7];
     echo "</th>";
     echo "<th>";
     echo $LANG['state'][6] . " - " . $LANG['common'][16];
     echo "</th>";
     echo "<th>";
     echo $LANG['plugin_monitoring']['component'][0];
     echo "</th>";
     echo "<th>";
     echo $LANG['state'][0];
     echo "</th>";
     echo "<th>";
     echo $LANG['plugin_monitoring']['service'][18];
     echo "</th>";

示例6: seePreImport

  * Prints display pre import
  * @param $type the type of device
  * @param $configID the ID of the supplier config
  * @param $start for pager display
  * @param $complete to see all device (already imported and not)
  * @return nothing (print out a table)
 static function seePreImport($params)
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     // Default values of parameters
     $p['link'] = array();
     $p['field'] = array();
     $p['contains'] = array();
     $p['searchtype'] = array();
     $p['sort'] = '1';
     $p['order'] = 'ASC';
     $p['start'] = 0;
     $p['export_all'] = 0;
     $p['link2'] = '';
     $p['contains2'] = '';
     $p['field2'] = '';
     $p['itemtype2'] = '';
     $p['searchtype2'] = '';
     $p['itemtype'] = '';
     $p['manufacturers_id'] = '';
     $p['imported'] = '';
     foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
         $p[$key] = $val;
     $globallinkto = Search::getArrayUrlLink("field", $p['field']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link", $p['link']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains", $p['contains']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("searchtype", $p['searchtype']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("field2", $p['field2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("contains2", $p['contains2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("searchtype2", $p['searchtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("itemtype2", $p['itemtype2']) . Search::getArrayUrlLink("link2", $p['link2']);
     $modeltable = "";
     $target = $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/manufacturersimports/front/import.php";
     if ($p['itemtype'] && $p['manufacturers_id']) {
         $config = new PluginManufacturersimportsConfig();
         $suppliername = $config->fields["name"];
         $supplierclass = "PluginManufacturersimports" . $suppliername;
         $supplier = new $supplierclass();
         $infocom = new Infocom();
         $canedit = plugin_manufacturersimports_haveRight("manufacturersimports", "w") && $infocom->canUpdate();
         if (!$p['start']) {
             $p['start'] = 0;
         $modeltable = getTableForItemType($p['itemtype'] . "Model");
         $modelfield = getForeignKeyFieldForTable(getTableForItemType($p['itemtype'] . "Model"));
         $item = new $p['itemtype']();
         $itemtable = getTableForItemType($p['itemtype']);
         $query = "SELECT `" . $itemtable . "`.`id`,\n                        `" . $itemtable . "`.`name`, \n                        `" . $itemtable . "`.`serial`,\n                        `" . $itemtable . "`.`entities_id`,\n                         `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_logs`.`import_status`,\n                          `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_logs`.`items_id`,\n                           `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_logs`.`itemtype`, \n                           `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_logs`.`documents_id`,\n                            `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_logs`.`date_import`, \n                            '" . $p['itemtype'] . "' AS type,\n                            `{$modeltable}`.`name` AS model_name\n                  FROM `" . $itemtable . "` ";
         //model device left join
         $query .= "LEFT JOIN `{$modeltable}` ON (`{$modeltable}`.`id` = `" . $itemtable . "`.`" . $modelfield . "`) ";
         $query .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities` ON (`glpi_entities`.`id` = `" . $itemtable . "`.`entities_id`)";
         $query .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_configs` \n         ON (`glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_configs`.`manufacturers_id` = `" . $itemtable . "`.`manufacturers_id`)";
         $query .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_logs` \n         ON (`glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_logs`.`items_id` = `" . $itemtable . "`.`id` \n         AND `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_logs`.`itemtype` = '" . $p['itemtype'] . "')";
         $query .= " LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_models` \n         ON (`glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_models`.`items_id` = `" . $itemtable . "`.`id` \n         AND `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_models`.`itemtype` = '" . $p['itemtype'] . "')";
         //serial must be not empty
         $query .= " WHERE `" . $itemtable . "`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n          AND `" . $itemtable . "`.`is_template` = '0'\n          AND `glpi_plugin_manufacturersimports_configs`.`id` = '" . $p['manufacturers_id'] . "'\n          AND `" . $itemtable . "`.`serial` != '' ";
         //already imported
         if ($p['imported'] == self::IMPORTED) {
             $query .= " AND `import_status` != " . self::IMPORTED . "";
             //not imported
         } else {
             if ($p['imported'] == self::NOT_IMPORTED) {
                 $query .= " AND (`date_import` IS NULL OR `import_status` = " . self::IMPORTED . " ";
                 $query .= ") ";
         $entities = "";
         if ($config->isRecursive()) {
             $entities = getSonsOf('glpi_entities', $config->getEntityID());
         } else {
             $entities = $config->getEntityID();
         $query .= "" . getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND", $itemtable, '', '', $item->maybeRecursive());
         //// 4 - ORDER
         $ORDER = " ORDER BY `entities_id`,`" . $itemtable . "`.`name` ";
         $toview = array("name" => 1);
         foreach ($toview as $key => $val) {
             if ($p['sort'] == $val) {
                 $ORDER = self::addOrderBy($p['itemtype'], $p['sort'], $p['order'], $key);
         $query .= $ORDER;
         $result = $DB->query($query);
         $numrows = $DB->numrows($result);
         if ($p['start'] < $numrows) {
             // Set display type for export if define
