本文整理汇总了PHP中SafeMySQL::getRow方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP SafeMySQL::getRow方法的具体用法?PHP SafeMySQL::getRow怎么用?PHP SafeMySQL::getRow使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类SafeMySQL
示例1: SafeMySQL
require '../../php/main/db_connect.php';
$id_other = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'page');
$text = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'text');
if (isset($user_id, $text, $id_other) && $id_other !== $user_id) {
$string = new SafeMySQL();
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$x = $string->getRow("SELECT d_id FROM users_dialogs WHERE pioneer_id=?i AND other_id=?i OR other_id=?i AND pioneer_id=?i", $user_id, $id_other, $user_id, $id_other);
if ($x) {
$y = $string->query("INSERT INTO users_messages (d_id,user_id,text,date) VALUES (?i,?i,?s,?s)", $x['d_id'], $user_id, $text, $date);
$query_dialog = $string->query('UPDATE users_dialogs SET date=?s,meter=?i WHERE d_id=?i LIMIT 1', $date, $user_id, $x['d_id']);
print "success";
} else {
$y = $string->query("INSERT INTO users_dialogs (other_id, pioneer_id, date) VALUES (?i, ?i, ?s)", $id_other, $user_id, $date);
$k = $string->getOne('SELECT d_id FROM users_dialogs WHERE pioneer_id=?i AND other_id=?i', $user_id, $id_other);
$z = $string->query("INSERT INTO users_messages (d_id,user_id,text,date) VALUES (?i,?i,?s,?s)", $k, $user_id, $text, $date);
print "success";
} else {
print 'Пройдите регистрацию или авторизацию.';
示例2: json_encode
require_once "lib/safemysql.class.php";
$errormsg = "";
$response = [];
try {
$db = new SafeMySQL(['host' => "s214.webhostingserver.nl", 'user' => "deb12215n7_curl3@s214.webhostingserver.nl", 'pass' => "tofreshdesk3", 'db' => "deb12215n7_curl3"]);
$tableName = "tickets";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tableName} ORDER BY dtime DESC LIMIT 1";
$values = $db->getRow($sql);
$response["data"] = $values;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$errormsg = $e->getMessage();
if ($errormsg == "") {
$response["status"] = "ok";
} else {
$response["status"] = "error";
$response["message"] = $errormsg;
echo json_encode($response);
示例3: json_encode
require '../php/main/db_connect.php';
require 'mm/parser.php';
$arr = array();
if ($last_id && $page && $user_id) {
$string_object = new SafeMySQL();
$writer = new Writer();
$y = $string_object->getRow("SELECT d_id, other_id, pioneer_id,meter FROM users_dialogs WHERE d_id=?i AND pioneer_id=?i OR d_id=?i AND other_id=?i LIMIT 1", $category, $user_id, $category, $user_id);
if ($y['d_id']) {
$dg = $string_object->getAll("SELECT m.text, m.date, m.mes_id, i.avatar, i.category, i.nickname FROM users_messages m, users_information i WHERE m.d_id=?i AND m.mes_id < ?i AND i.user_id = m.user_id ORDER BY m.mes_id DESC LIMIT 10", $y['d_id'], $last_id);
$avatar = $string_object->getOne('SELECT avatar FROM users_information WHERE user_id=?i', $user_id);
$avatar = file_exists('../upload_image/avatars/pre_150px/' . $avatar . '.jpg') ? $avatar : 'default';
$i = 0;
foreach ($dg as $array) {
$res = array('n0' => $y['d_id'], 'n1' => $array['mes_id'], 'n2' => $array['avatar'], 'n3' => $array['nickname'], 'n4' => $array['date'], 'n5' => $writer->main($array['text'], 1));
array_push($arr, $res);
print json_encode($arr);
示例4: SafeMySQL
if ($id && $category) {
$string_object = new SafeMySQL();
$o = $string_object->getRow('SELECT video FROM posts_videos WHERE v_id=?i', $id);
preg_match("/(?:https?:\\/\\/)?(?:www\\.)?((?:\\w|-){1,50})\\.(?:(?:\\w|-\\?\\/){1,500})/", $o['video'], $result);
$parsing = mb_strtolower($result[1]);
switch ($parsing) {
case 'youtube':
case 'youtu':
preg_match("/^(?:https?:\\/\\/)?(?:www\\.)?youtube\\.com\\/watch\\?(?=.*v=((?:\\w|-){11}))(?:\\S+)?\$/", $o['video'], $video_result);
print '<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/' . $video_result[1] . '?wmode=opaque" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<nav id="modal_nav">
<section id="modal_in"></section>
<section id="modal_comments"></section>
<div id="modal_str"></div>';
示例5: SafeMySQL
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
include 'mysql.php';
$db = new SafeMySQL();
$posts = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://api.vk.com/method/wall.get?owner_id=-99252033&count=30&filter=owner'));
for ($i = 1; $i < 25; $i++) {
if ($i == 1) {
$toBase['is_pinned'] = 1;
} else {
$toBase['is_pinned'] = 0;
$toBase['text'] = substr($posts->response[$i]->text, 0, strpos($posts->response[$i]->text, ' ', 240));
$toBase['img'] = $posts->response[$i]->attachment->photo->src_big;
$toBase['link'] = 'wall-99252033_' . $posts->response[$i]->id;
$toBase['reposts_count'] = $posts->response[$i]->reposts->count;
$test = trim($toBase['text']);
if (empty($test) or $posts->response[$i]->post_type == 'copy') {
} else {
//если закреплённый пост не пуст(нет бана) удаляем старый
if ($i == 1) {
$db->query("DELETE FROM posts WHERE is_pinned = '1'");
$is = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE text = ?s OR img = ?s", $toBase['text'], $toBase['img']);
if (!$is) {
$db->query("INSERT INTO posts SET ?u", $toBase);
示例6: header
/* ------------------------ DELETE ------------------------ */
// Delete node ($_GET['section_id']) from the tree wihtout deleting it's children
// All children apps to one level
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'delete' == $_GET['action']) {
$dbtree->Delete((int) $_GET['section_id']);
/* ------------------------ EDIT ------------------------ */
/* ------------------------ EDIT OK ------------------------ */
// Update node ($_GET['section_id']) info
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit_ok' == $_GET['action']) {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM test_sections WHERE section_id = ' . (int) $_GET['section_id'];
$section = $db->getRow($sql);
if (false == $section) {
echo 'section_not_found';
$sql = 'UPDATE test_sections SET ?u WHERE section_id = ?i';
$db->query($sql, $_POST['section'], $_GET['section_id']);
/* ------------------------ EDIT FORM ------------------------ */
// Node edit form
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit' == $_GET['action']) {
$sql = 'SELECT section_name FROM test_sections WHERE section_id = ' . (int) $_GET['section_id'];
$section = $db->getOne($sql);
示例7: array
<p>Что-то пошло не так.</p>
array_push($arr, $res);
} else {
$res = array('head' => '<div id="material_null">
<p>Данные не сошлись.</p>
array_push($arr, $res);
} else {
if (preg_match('/^(?:\\d+)_(?:\\w+)$/', $category) && !filter_input(INPUT_COOKIE, 'RememberMe')) {
require '../php/main/SafeMySQL.php';
$o = new SafeMySQL();
$x = $o->getRow('SELECT password, email, nickname, category, rules FROM users_registration WHERE key_reg=?s', $category);
if (!$x) {
$res = array('head' => '<div id="material_null">
array_push($arr, $res);
print json_encode($arr);
$res = array('head' => '<style>
#material_null input {
border-bottom: 2px #db9b9b solid;
示例8: SafeMySQL
<div id="user_nickname">
<p>' . $y['nickname'] . '</p>
<nav id="content_menu">
<a href="pl&cat=all" class="new_local"><p>ПРОФИЛЬ</p></a>
<a href="pl&cat=content" class="new_local"><p>КОНТЕНТ</p></a>
<a href="pl&cat=comunity" class="new_local"><p>СООБЩЕСТВА</p></a>
<a href="pl&cat=rating" class="new_local"><p>РЕЙТИНГ</p></a>
array_push($arr, $res);
} else {
if ($get_var !== $user_id) {
//Вывод профиля другого пользователя
$string_object = new SafeMySQL();
$y = $string_object->getRow($query = "SELECT nickname, avatar FROM users_information WHERE user_id=?i", $get_var);
if ($y) {
$i = file_exists('../upload_image/avatars/' . $y['avatar'] . '.jpg') ? $y['avatar'] : 'default';
$res = array('head' => '<section id="user_profile">
<section id="user_information" style="background: #000 no-repeat center url(upload_image/avatars/' . $i . '.jpg);">
<div id="user_nickname">
<p>' . $y['nickname'] . '</p>
<nav id="user_buttom">
<div class="user_buttom"><p>НАПИСАТЬ СООБЩЕНИЕ</p></div>
<div class="user_buttom"><p>ПОДПИСЧИКИ</p><div id="sub_meter"><p>0</p></div></div>
<div class="user_buttom">
<div id="user_lvl">
<div id="user_progress">
示例9: stdClass
$set = new stdClass();
// stores general settings
$page = new stdClass();
// stores page details(title,... etc.)
$page->navbar = array();
// stores the navbar items
define("MLS_ROOT", dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
// the root path
include "settings.php";
include MLS_ROOT . "/lib/mysql.class.php";
include MLS_ROOT . "/lib/users.class.php";
include MLS_ROOT . "/lib/presets.class.php";
include MLS_ROOT . "/lib/options.class.php";
$db = new SafeMySQL(array('host' => $set->db_host, 'user' => $set->db_user, 'pass' => $set->db_pass, 'db' => $set->db_name));
if (!($db_set = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM `" . MLS_PREFIX . "settings` LIMIT 1"))) {
// if we have no data in db we need to run the install.php
header("Location: install.php");
// we grab the settings and we merge them into $set
$set = (object) array_merge((array) $set, (array) $db_set);
$presets = new presets();
$user = new User($db);
$options = new Options();
// we check for cookies to autologin
if (!$user->islg() && isset($_COOKIE['user']) && isset($_COOKIE['pass'])) {
if ($usr = $db->getRow("SELECT `userid` FROM `" . MLS_PREFIX . "users` WHERE `username` = ?s AND `password` = ?s", $_COOKIE['user'], $_COOKIE['pass'])) {
$_SESSION['user'] = $usr->userid;
$user = new User($db);