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PHP RequestUtil::Get方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中RequestUtil::Get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP RequestUtil::Get方法的具体用法?PHP RequestUtil::Get怎么用?PHP RequestUtil::Get使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在RequestUtil的用法示例。


示例1: Query

  * API Method queries for ModeloCertificado records and render as JSON
 public function Query()
     try {
         $criteria = new ModeloCertificadoCriteria();
         if (RequestUtil::Get('idPalestra')) {
             $criteria->IdPalestra_Equals = RequestUtil::Get('idPalestra');
         // TODO: this will limit results based on all properties included in the filter list
         $filter = RequestUtil::Get('filter');
         if ($filter) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('IdModeloCertificado,Nome,TextoParticipante,TextoPalestrante,ArquivoCss,Elementos', '%' . $filter . '%'));
         // TODO: this is generic query filtering based only on criteria properties
         foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $prop) {
             $prop_normal = ucfirst($prop);
             $prop_equals = $prop_normal . '_Equals';
             if (property_exists($criteria, $prop_normal)) {
                 $criteria->{$prop_normal} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
             } elseif (property_exists($criteria, $prop_equals)) {
                 // this is a convenience so that the _Equals suffix is not needed
                 $criteria->{$prop_equals} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
         $output = new stdClass();
         // if a sort order was specified then specify in the criteria
         $output->orderBy = RequestUtil::Get('orderBy');
         $output->orderDesc = RequestUtil::Get('orderDesc') != '';
         if ($output->orderBy) {
             $criteria->SetOrder($output->orderBy, $output->orderDesc);
         $page = RequestUtil::Get('page');
         if ($page != '') {
             // if page is specified, use this instead (at the expense of one extra count query)
             $pagesize = $this->GetDefaultPageSize();
             $modelocertificados = $this->Phreezer->Query('ModeloCertificadoReporter', $criteria)->GetDataPage($page, $pagesize);
             $output->rows = $modelocertificados->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = $modelocertificados->TotalResults;
             $output->totalPages = $modelocertificados->TotalPages;
             $output->pageSize = $modelocertificados->PageSize;
             $output->currentPage = $modelocertificados->CurrentPage;
         } else {
             // return all results
             $modelocertificados = $this->Phreezer->Query('ModeloCertificadoReporter', $criteria);
             $output->rows = $modelocertificados->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             if (RequestUtil::Get('palestrante')) {
                 $regex = '/(class=\\"hide-palestrante)/';
                 $output->rows[0]->elementos = preg_replace($regex, '$1 hide', $output->rows[0]->elementos);
             $output->totalResults = count($output->rows);
             $output->totalPages = 1;
             $output->pageSize = $output->totalResults;
             $output->currentPage = 1;
         $this->RenderJSON($output, $this->JSONPCallback());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {

示例2: Query

  * API Method queries for Palestra records and render as JSON
 public function Query()
     try {
         $criteria = new PalestraCriteria();
         //Filtra pelo evento caso ele exista na URL (e no arquivo js correspondente a esse controller)
         $evento = RequestUtil::Get('evento');
         if ($evento) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('IdEvento', $evento));
         // TODO: this will limit results based on all properties included in the filter list
         $filter = RequestUtil::Get('filter');
         if ($filter) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('IdPalestra,Nome,Data,CargaHoraria,ProprioEvento,IdEvento,IdModeloCertificado', '%' . $filter . '%'));
         $criteria->Nome_NotEquals = '.';
         // TODO: this is generic query filtering based only on criteria properties
         foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $prop) {
             $prop_normal = ucfirst($prop);
             $prop_equals = $prop_normal . '_Equals';
             if (property_exists($criteria, $prop_normal)) {
                 $criteria->{$prop_normal} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
             } elseif (property_exists($criteria, $prop_equals)) {
                 // this is a convenience so that the _Equals suffix is not needed
                 $criteria->{$prop_equals} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
         $output = new stdClass();
         // if a sort order was specified then specify in the criteria
         $output->orderBy = RequestUtil::Get('orderBy');
         $output->orderDesc = RequestUtil::Get('orderDesc') != '';
         if ($output->orderBy) {
             $criteria->SetOrder($output->orderBy, $output->orderDesc);
         $page = RequestUtil::Get('page');
         if ($page != '') {
             // if page is specified, use this instead (at the expense of one extra count query)
             $pagesize = $this->GetDefaultPageSize();
             $palestras = $this->Phreezer->Query('PalestraReporter', $criteria)->GetDataPage($page, $pagesize);
             $output->rows = $palestras->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = $palestras->TotalResults;
             $output->totalPages = $palestras->TotalPages;
             $output->pageSize = $palestras->PageSize;
             $output->currentPage = $palestras->CurrentPage;
         } else {
             // return all results
             $palestras = $this->Phreezer->Query('PalestraReporter', $criteria);
             $output->rows = $palestras->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = count($output->rows);
             $output->totalPages = 1;
             $output->pageSize = $output->totalResults;
             $output->currentPage = 1;
         $this->RenderJSON($output, $this->JSONPCallback());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {

示例3: GetConnectionString

  * Get connection string based on request variables
 protected function GetConnectionString()
     $cstring = new DBConnectionString();
     $cstring->Host = RequestUtil::Get('host');
     $cstring->Port = RequestUtil::Get('port');
     $cstring->Username = RequestUtil::Get('username');
     $cstring->Password = RequestUtil::Get('password');
     $cstring->DBName = RequestUtil::Get('schema');
     return $cstring;

示例4: Login

  * Process the login, create the user session and then redirect to 
  * the appropriate page
 public function Login()
     $user = new ExampleUser();
     if ($user->Login(RequestUtil::Get('username'), RequestUtil::Get('password'))) {
         // login success
     } else {
         // login failed
         $this->Redirect('SecureExample.LoginForm', 'Unknown username/password combination');

示例5: Login

  * Process the login, create the user session and then redirect to 
  * the appropriate page
 public function Login()
     $user = new User($this->Phreezer);
     if ($user->Login(RequestUtil::Get('username'), RequestUtil::Get('password'))) {
         // login success
     } else {
         // login failed
         $this->Redirect('Secure.LoginForm', 'Usuario e senha invalidos.');

示例6: Query

  * API Method queries for Usuario records and render as JSON
 public function Query()
     try {
         $criteria = new UsuarioCriteria();
         $criteria->IdUsuario_GreaterThan = 1;
         // para não lista o usuario Master
         // TODO: this will limit results based on all properties included in the filter list
         $filter = RequestUtil::Get('filter');
         if ($filter) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('Nome,Email,Login,TipoUsuario', '%' . $filter . '%'));
         // TODO: this is generic query filtering based only on criteria properties
         foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $prop) {
             $prop_normal = ucfirst($prop);
             $prop_equals = $prop_normal . '_Equals';
             if (property_exists($criteria, $prop_normal)) {
                 $criteria->{$prop_normal} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
             } elseif (property_exists($criteria, $prop_equals)) {
                 // this is a convenience so that the _Equals suffix is not needed
                 $criteria->{$prop_equals} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
         $output = new stdClass();
         // if a sort order was specified then specify in the criteria
         $output->orderBy = RequestUtil::Get('orderBy');
         $output->orderDesc = RequestUtil::Get('orderDesc') != '';
         if ($output->orderBy) {
             $criteria->SetOrder($output->orderBy, $output->orderDesc);
         $page = RequestUtil::Get('page');
         if ($page != '') {
             // if page is specified, use this instead (at the expense of one extra count query)
             $pagesize = $this->GetDefaultPageSize();
             $usuarios = $this->Phreezer->Query('Usuario', $criteria)->GetDataPage($page, $pagesize);
             $output->rows = $usuarios->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = $usuarios->TotalResults;
             $output->totalPages = $usuarios->TotalPages;
             $output->pageSize = $usuarios->PageSize;
             $output->currentPage = $usuarios->CurrentPage;
         } else {
             // return all results
             $usuarios = $this->Phreezer->Query('Usuario', $criteria);
             $output->rows = $usuarios->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = count($output->rows);
             $output->totalPages = 1;
             $output->pageSize = $output->totalResults;
             $output->currentPage = 1;
         $this->RenderJSON($output, $this->JSONPCallback());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {

示例7: Query

  * API Method queries for Media records and render as JSON
 public function Query()
     try {
         $criteria = new MediaCriteria();
         // TODO: this will limit results based on all properties included in the filter list
         $filter = RequestUtil::Get('filter');
         if ($filter) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('Idmedia,Idhistory,Storage,Iddocumentation,Institution,Idreference,Mediatype,Mediaurl,Digitizationdate,Digitizationresponsable,Polarity,Colorspace,Iccprofile,Xresolution,Yresolution,Thumbnail,Digitizationequipment,Format,Ispublic,Ordername,Sent,Exif,Textual,Sizemedia,Nameoriginal,Mainmedia,Mediadir,Thumbnaildir,Thumbnailurl', '%' . $filter . '%'));
         // TODO: this is generic query filtering based only on criteria properties
         foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $prop) {
             $prop_normal = ucfirst($prop);
             $prop_equals = $prop_normal . '_Equals';
             if (property_exists($criteria, $prop_normal)) {
                 $criteria->{$prop_normal} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
             } elseif (property_exists($criteria, $prop_equals)) {
                 // this is a convenience so that the _Equals suffix is not needed
                 $criteria->{$prop_equals} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
         $output = new stdClass();
         // if a sort order was specified then specify in the criteria
         $output->orderBy = RequestUtil::Get('orderBy');
         $output->orderDesc = RequestUtil::Get('orderDesc') != '';
         if ($output->orderBy) {
             $criteria->SetOrder($output->orderBy, $output->orderDesc);
         $page = RequestUtil::Get('page');
         if ($page != '') {
             // if page is specified, use this instead (at the expense of one extra count query)
             $pagesize = $this->GetDefaultPageSize();
             $medias = $this->Phreezer->Query('Media', $criteria)->GetDataPage($page, $pagesize);
             $output->rows = $medias->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = $medias->TotalResults;
             $output->totalPages = $medias->TotalPages;
             $output->pageSize = $medias->PageSize;
             $output->currentPage = $medias->CurrentPage;
         } else {
             // return all results
             $medias = $this->Phreezer->Query('Media', $criteria);
             $output->rows = $medias->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = count($output->rows);
             $output->totalPages = 1;
             $output->pageSize = $output->totalResults;
             $output->currentPage = 1;
         $this->RenderJSON($output, $this->JSONPCallback());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {

示例8: Query

  * API Method queries for PlaceLocation records and render as JSON
 public function Query()
     try {
         $criteria = new PlaceLocationCriteria();
         // TODO: this will limit results based on all properties included in the filter list
         $filter = RequestUtil::Get('filter');
         if ($filter) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('Id,Complement,Latituded,Local,Longitude,Number,Otherinformation,Street,Type,Zipcode,City,Country,Institution,State', '%' . $filter . '%'));
         // TODO: this is generic query filtering based only on criteria properties
         foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $prop) {
             $prop_normal = ucfirst($prop);
             $prop_equals = $prop_normal . '_Equals';
             if (property_exists($criteria, $prop_normal)) {
                 $criteria->{$prop_normal} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
             } elseif (property_exists($criteria, $prop_equals)) {
                 // this is a convenience so that the _Equals suffix is not needed
                 $criteria->{$prop_equals} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
         $output = new stdClass();
         // if a sort order was specified then specify in the criteria
         $output->orderBy = RequestUtil::Get('orderBy');
         $output->orderDesc = RequestUtil::Get('orderDesc') != '';
         if ($output->orderBy) {
             $criteria->SetOrder($output->orderBy, $output->orderDesc);
         $page = RequestUtil::Get('page');
         if ($page != '') {
             // if page is specified, use this instead (at the expense of one extra count query)
             $pagesize = $this->GetDefaultPageSize();
             $placelocations = $this->Phreezer->Query('PlaceLocation', $criteria)->GetDataPage($page, $pagesize);
             $output->rows = $placelocations->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = $placelocations->TotalResults;
             $output->totalPages = $placelocations->TotalPages;
             $output->pageSize = $placelocations->PageSize;
             $output->currentPage = $placelocations->CurrentPage;
         } else {
             // return all results
             $placelocations = $this->Phreezer->Query('PlaceLocation', $criteria);
             $output->rows = $placelocations->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = count($output->rows);
             $output->totalPages = 1;
             $output->pageSize = $output->totalResults;
             $output->currentPage = 1;
         $this->RenderJSON($output, $this->JSONPCallback());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {

示例9: Query

  * API Method queries for Physicaldescription records and render as JSON
 public function Query()
     try {
         $criteria = new PhysicaldescriptionCriteria();
         // TODO: this will limit results based on all properties included in the filter list
         $filter = RequestUtil::Get('filter');
         if ($filter) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('Id,Item,Apexiso,Arabicpagenumbering,Asaiso,Boundtype,Color,Colorsystem,Columnnumber,Compressionmethod,Contentcolor,Contentextent,Contentfinishing,Contentsubstract,Contenttype,Covercolor,Coverfinishing,Coversubstract,Defaultapplication,Dustjacketcolor,Dustjacketfinishing,Dustjacketsubstract,Endpaper,Exif,Format,Framerate,Hasdustjacket,Hassound,Hasspecialfold,Iscompressed,Lengthtxt,Master,Media,Mediasupport,Movements,Other,Projectionmode,Romanpage,Sizetxt,Soundsystem,Specialfold,Specialpagenumebring,Technique,Timecode,Tinting,Titlepage,Totaltime,Type,Writingformat', '%' . $filter . '%'));
         // TODO: this is generic query filtering based only on criteria properties
         foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $prop) {
             $prop_normal = ucfirst($prop);
             $prop_equals = $prop_normal . '_Equals';
             if (property_exists($criteria, $prop_normal)) {
                 $criteria->{$prop_normal} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
             } elseif (property_exists($criteria, $prop_equals)) {
                 // this is a convenience so that the _Equals suffix is not needed
                 $criteria->{$prop_equals} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
         $output = new stdClass();
         // if a sort order was specified then specify in the criteria
         $output->orderBy = RequestUtil::Get('orderBy');
         $output->orderDesc = RequestUtil::Get('orderDesc') != '';
         if ($output->orderBy) {
             $criteria->SetOrder($output->orderBy, $output->orderDesc);
         $page = RequestUtil::Get('page');
         if ($page != '') {
             // if page is specified, use this instead (at the expense of one extra count query)
             $pagesize = $this->GetDefaultPageSize();
             $physicaldescriptions = $this->Phreezer->Query('Physicaldescription', $criteria)->GetDataPage($page, $pagesize);
             $output->rows = $physicaldescriptions->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = $physicaldescriptions->TotalResults;
             $output->totalPages = $physicaldescriptions->TotalPages;
             $output->pageSize = $physicaldescriptions->PageSize;
             $output->currentPage = $physicaldescriptions->CurrentPage;
         } else {
             // return all results
             $physicaldescriptions = $this->Phreezer->Query('Physicaldescription', $criteria);
             $output->rows = $physicaldescriptions->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = count($output->rows);
             $output->totalPages = 1;
             $output->pageSize = $output->totalResults;
             $output->currentPage = 1;
         $this->RenderJSON($output, $this->JSONPCallback());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {

示例10: Query

  * API Method queries for Itemdescription records and render as JSON
 public function Query()
     try {
         $criteria = new ItemdescriptionCriteria();
         // TODO: this will limit results based on all properties included in the filter list
         $filter = RequestUtil::Get('filter');
         if ($filter) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('Id,Item,Abstracttext,Accrual,Appraisaldesstructionschedulling,Arrangement,Broadcastmethod,Era,Fromcorporate,Frompersonal,Geographiccoodnates,Geographicname,Label,Language,Mediapresentation,Movement,Other,Period,Periodicity,Preservationstatus,Scope,Style,Subject,Tableofcontents,Targetaudience,Tocorporate,Topersonal', '%' . $filter . '%'));
         // TODO: this is generic query filtering based only on criteria properties
         foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $prop) {
             $prop_normal = ucfirst($prop);
             $prop_equals = $prop_normal . '_Equals';
             if (property_exists($criteria, $prop_normal)) {
                 $criteria->{$prop_normal} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
             } elseif (property_exists($criteria, $prop_equals)) {
                 // this is a convenience so that the _Equals suffix is not needed
                 $criteria->{$prop_equals} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
         $output = new stdClass();
         // if a sort order was specified then specify in the criteria
         $output->orderBy = RequestUtil::Get('orderBy');
         $output->orderDesc = RequestUtil::Get('orderDesc') != '';
         if ($output->orderBy) {
             $criteria->SetOrder($output->orderBy, $output->orderDesc);
         $page = RequestUtil::Get('page');
         if ($page != '') {
             // if page is specified, use this instead (at the expense of one extra count query)
             $pagesize = $this->GetDefaultPageSize();
             $itemdescriptions = $this->Phreezer->Query('Itemdescription', $criteria)->GetDataPage($page, $pagesize);
             $output->rows = $itemdescriptions->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = $itemdescriptions->TotalResults;
             $output->totalPages = $itemdescriptions->TotalPages;
             $output->pageSize = $itemdescriptions->PageSize;
             $output->currentPage = $itemdescriptions->CurrentPage;
         } else {
             // return all results
             $itemdescriptions = $this->Phreezer->Query('Itemdescription', $criteria);
             $output->rows = $itemdescriptions->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = count($output->rows);
             $output->totalPages = 1;
             $output->pageSize = $output->totalResults;
             $output->currentPage = 1;
         $this->RenderJSON($output, $this->JSONPCallback());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {

示例11: Query

  * API Method queries for Item records and render as JSON
 public function Query()
     try {
         $criteria = new ItemCriteria();
         // TODO: this will limit results based on all properties included in the filter list
         $filter = RequestUtil::Get('filter');
         if ($filter) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('Iditem,Holder,Level,Institution,Inventoryid,Uritype,Uri,Keywords,Description,Uidtype,Uid,Class,Type,Iseletronic,Creationdate,Acquisitiondate,Scopecontent,Originalexistence,Originallocation,Repositorycode,Copyexistence,Copylocation,Legalaccess,Accesscondition,Reproductionrights,Reproductionrightsdescription,Itemdate,Publishdate,Publisher,Itematributes,Ispublic,Preliminaryrule,Punctuation,Notes,Otherinformation,Idfather,Titledefault,Subitem,Deletecomfirm,Typeitem,Edition,Isexposed,Isoriginal,Ispart,Haspart,Ispartof,Numberofcopies,Tobepublicin,Creationdateattributed,Itemdateattributed,Publishdateattributed,Serachdump,Itemmediadir', '%' . $filter . '%'));
         // TODO: this is generic query filtering based only on criteria properties
         foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $prop) {
             $prop_normal = ucfirst($prop);
             $prop_equals = $prop_normal . '_Equals';
             if (property_exists($criteria, $prop_normal)) {
                 $criteria->{$prop_normal} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
             } elseif (property_exists($criteria, $prop_equals)) {
                 // this is a convenience so that the _Equals suffix is not needed
                 $criteria->{$prop_equals} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
         $output = new stdClass();
         // if a sort order was specified then specify in the criteria
         $output->orderBy = RequestUtil::Get('orderBy');
         $output->orderDesc = RequestUtil::Get('orderDesc') != '';
         if ($output->orderBy) {
             $criteria->SetOrder($output->orderBy, $output->orderDesc);
         $page = RequestUtil::Get('page');
         if ($page != '') {
             // if page is specified, use this instead (at the expense of one extra count query)
             $pagesize = $this->GetDefaultPageSize();
             $items = $this->Phreezer->Query('Item', $criteria)->GetDataPage($page, $pagesize);
             $output->rows = $items->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = $items->TotalResults;
             $output->totalPages = $items->TotalPages;
             $output->pageSize = $items->PageSize;
             $output->currentPage = $items->CurrentPage;
         } else {
             // return all results
             $items = $this->Phreezer->Query('Item', $criteria);
             $output->rows = $items->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = count($output->rows);
             $output->totalPages = 1;
             $output->pageSize = $output->totalResults;
             $output->currentPage = 1;
         $this->RenderJSON($output, $this->JSONPCallback());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {

示例12: Login

  * Process the login, create the user session and then redirect to 
  * the appropriate page
 public function Login()
     $user = new Usuario($this->Phreezer);
     if ($user->Login(RequestUtil::Get('username'), RequestUtil::Get('password'))) {
         // login success
         $_SESSION['nomeUser'] = $this->GetCurrentUser()->Nome;
         //se existir uma pagina na url, senão manda para pagina padrao
         if ($this->paginaLoginRedirect) {
             $pagina = $this->paginaLoginRedirect;
         } elseif ($this->GetCurrentUser()->TipoUsuario != '') {
             $pagina = 'Default.Home';
         //$pagina = ;
     } else {
         // login failed
         $this->Redirect('SecureExample.LoginForm', 'Combinação de usuário ou senha incorretos');

示例13: Query

  * API Method queries for PalestraPalestrante records and render as JSON
 public function Query()
     try {
         $criteria = new PalestraPalestranteCriteria();
         //Filtra pelo evento caso ele exista na URL (e no arquivo js correspondente a esse controller)
         $palestrante_not_in = RequestUtil::Get('idPalestrante');
         if ($palestrante_not_in) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('IdPalestrante', $palestrante_not_in));
         if (RequestUtil::Get('idPalestrante')) {
             $criteria->IdPalestrante_Equals = RequestUtil::Get('idPalestrante');
         if (RequestUtil::Get('temCertificado')) {
             $criteria->TemCertificado = RequestUtil::Get('temCertificado');
         if (RequestUtil::Get('innerJoinCertificado')) {
             $criteria->InnerJoinCertificado = RequestUtil::Get('innerJoinCertificado');
         if (RequestUtil::Get('naoTemCertificado')) {
             $criteria->NaoTemCertificado = RequestUtil::Get('naoTemCertificado');
         if (RequestUtil::Get('orderByNomePalestrante')) {
             $criteria->OrderByNomePalestrante = true;
         if (RequestUtil::Get('limite')) {
             $criteria->Limite = RequestUtil::Get('limite');
         // TODO: this will limit results based on all properties included in the filter list
         $filter = RequestUtil::Get('filter');
         if ($filter) {
             $criteria->AddFilter(new CriteriaFilter('Id,IdPalestrante,IdPalestra,IdCertificado', '%' . $filter . '%'));
         // TODO: this is generic query filtering based only on criteria properties
         foreach (array_keys($_REQUEST) as $prop) {
             $prop_normal = ucfirst($prop);
             $prop_equals = $prop_normal . '_Equals';
             if (property_exists($criteria, $prop_normal)) {
                 $criteria->{$prop_normal} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
             } elseif (property_exists($criteria, $prop_equals)) {
                 // this is a convenience so that the _Equals suffix is not needed
                 $criteria->{$prop_equals} = RequestUtil::Get($prop);
         $output = new stdClass();
         // if a sort order was specified then specify in the criteria
         $output->orderBy = RequestUtil::Get('orderBy');
         $output->orderDesc = RequestUtil::Get('orderDesc') != '';
         if ($output->orderBy) {
             $criteria->SetOrder($output->orderBy, $output->orderDesc);
         $page = RequestUtil::Get('page');
         if ($page != '') {
             // if page is specified, use this instead (at the expense of one extra count query)
             $pagesize = $this->GetDefaultPageSize();
             $palestrapalestrantes = $this->Phreezer->Query('PalestraPalestranteReporter', $criteria)->GetDataPage($page, $pagesize);
             $output->rows = $palestrapalestrantes->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = $palestrapalestrantes->TotalResults;
             $output->totalPages = $palestrapalestrantes->TotalPages;
             $output->pageSize = $palestrapalestrantes->PageSize;
             $output->currentPage = $palestrapalestrantes->CurrentPage;
         } else {
             // return all results
             $palestrapalestrantes = $this->Phreezer->Query('PalestraPalestranteReporter', $criteria);
             $output->rows = $palestrapalestrantes->ToObjectArray(true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
             $output->totalResults = count($output->rows);
             $output->totalPages = 1;
             $output->pageSize = $output->totalResults;
             $output->currentPage = 1;
         $this->RenderJSON($output, $this->JSONPCallback());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {

示例14: RenderErrorJSON

  * Output a Json error message to the browser
  * @param string $message
  * @param array key/value pairs where the key is the fieldname and the value is the error
 protected function RenderErrorJSON($message, $errors = null, $exception = null)
     $err = new stdClass();
     $err->success = false;
     $err->message = $message;
     $err->errors = array();
     if ($errors != null) {
         foreach ($errors as $key => $val) {
             $err->errors[lcfirst($key)] = $val;
     if ($exception) {
         $err->stackTrace = explode("\n#", substr($exception->getTraceAsString(), 1));
     @header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
     $this->RenderJSON($err, RequestUtil::Get('callback'));

示例15: GetUrlParam

  * @inheritdocs
 public function GetUrlParam($paramKey, $default = '')
     // if the route hasn't been requested, then we need to initialize before we can get url params
     if ($this->matchedRoute == null) {
     $params = $this->GetUrlParams();
     $uri = $this->GetUri();
     $count = 0;
     $routeMap = $this->matchedRoute["key"];
     if (isset($this->matchedRoute["params"][$paramKey])) {
         $indexLocation = $this->matchedRoute["params"][$paramKey];
         return $params[$indexLocation];
     } else {
         return RequestUtil::Get($paramKey, "");
