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PHP Person::LoadAll方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Person::LoadAll方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Person::LoadAll方法的具体用法?PHP Person::LoadAll怎么用?PHP Person::LoadAll使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Person的用法示例。


示例1: Form_Create

 protected function Form_Create()
     // Define our Label
     $this->lblMessage = new QLabel($this);
     $this->lblMessage->Text = '<None>';
     // Define the ListBox, and create the first listitem as 'Select One'
     $this->lstPersons = new QListBox($this);
     $this->lstPersons->AddItem('- Select One -', null);
     // Add the items for the listbox, pulling in from the Person table
     $objPersons = Person::LoadAll(QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Person()->LastName, QQN::Person()->FirstName)));
     if ($objPersons) {
         foreach ($objPersons as $objPerson) {
             // We want to display the listitem as Last Name, First Name
             // and the VALUE of the listitem should be the person object itself
             $this->lstPersons->AddItem($objPerson->LastName . ', ' . $objPerson->FirstName, $objPerson);
     // Declare a QChangeEvent to call a server action: the lstPersons_Change PHP method
     $this->lstPersons->AddAction(new QChangeEvent(), new QServerAction('lstPersons_Change'));
     // Do the same but with a multiple selection QCheckboxList
     $this->chkPersons = new QCheckBoxList($this);
     if ($objPersons) {
         foreach ($objPersons as $objPerson) {
             // We want to display the listitem as Last Name, First Name
             // and the VALUE of the listitem will be the database id
             $this->chkPersons->AddItem($objPerson->FirstName . ' ' . $objPerson->LastName, $objPerson->Id);
     $this->chkPersons->RepeatColumns = 2;
     $this->chkPersons->AddAction(new QChangeEvent(), new QServerAction('chkPersons_Change'));

示例2: testSelectSubsetInExpandAsArray

 public function testSelectSubsetInExpandAsArray()
     $objPersonArray = Person::LoadAll(QQ::Clause(QQ::Select(QQN::Person()->FirstName), QQ::ExpandAsArray(QQN::Person()->Address, QQ::Select(QQN::Person()->Address->Street, QQN::Person()->Address->City)), QQ::ExpandAsArray(QQN::Person()->ProjectAsManager, QQ::Select(QQN::Person()->ProjectAsManager->StartDate)), QQ::ExpandAsArray(QQN::Person()->ProjectAsManager->Milestone, QQ::Select(QQN::Person()->ProjectAsManager->Milestone->Name))));
     foreach ($objPersonArray as $objPerson) {
         $this->assertNull($objPerson->LastName, "LastName should be null, since it was not selected");
         $this->assertNotNull($objPerson->Id, "Id should not be null since it's always added to the select list");
         if (sizeof($objPerson->_AddressArray) > 0) {
             foreach ($objPerson->_AddressArray as $objAddress) {
                 $this->assertNotNull($objAddress->Id, "Address->Id should not be null since it's always added to the select list");
                 $this->assertNull($objAddress->PersonId, "Address->PersonId should be null, since it was not selected");
         if (sizeof($objPerson->_ProjectAsManagerArray) > 0) {
             foreach ($objPerson->_ProjectAsManagerArray as $objProject) {
                 $this->assertNotNull($objProject->Id, "Project->Id should not be null since it's always added to the select list");
                 $this->assertNull($objProject->Name, "Project->Name should be null, since it was not selected");
                 if (sizeof($objProject->_MilestoneArray) > 0) {
                     foreach ($objProject->_MilestoneArray as $objMilestone) {
                         $this->assertNotNull($objMilestone->Id, "Milestone->Id should not be null since it's always added to the select list");
                         $this->assertNull($objMilestone->ProjectId, "Milestone->ProjectId should be null, since it was not selected");

示例3: testMultiLevel

 public function testMultiLevel()
     $arrPeople = Person::LoadAll(QQ::Clause(QQ::ExpandAsArray(QQN::Person()->Address), QQ::ExpandAsArray(QQN::Person()->ProjectAsManager), QQ::ExpandAsArray(QQN::Person()->ProjectAsManager->Milestone)));
     $targetPerson = null;
     foreach ($arrPeople as $objPerson) {
         if ($objPerson->LastName == "Wolfe") {
             $targetPerson = $objPerson;
     $this->assertEqual(sizeof($arrPeople), 12);
     $this->assertNotEqual($targetPerson, null, "Karen Wolfe found");
     $targetProject = null;
     foreach ($targetPerson->_ProjectAsManagerArray as $objProject) {
         if ($objProject->Name == "ACME Payment System") {
             $targetProject = $objProject;
     $this->assertEqual(sizeof($targetPerson->_ProjectAsManagerArray), 2, "2 projects found");
     $this->assertNotEqual($targetProject, null, "ACME Payment System project found");
     $targetMilestone = null;
     foreach ($targetProject->_MilestoneArray as $objMilestone) {
         if ($objMilestone->Name == "Milestone H") {
             $targetMilestone = $objMilestone;
     $this->assertEqual(sizeof($targetProject->_MilestoneArray), 4, "4 milestones found");
     $this->assertNotEqual($targetMilestone, null, "Milestone H found");

示例4: dtgPersons_Bind

 protected function dtgPersons_Bind()
     // We must first let the datagrid know how many total items there are
     $this->dtgPersons->TotalItemCount = Person::CountAll();
     // Next, we must be sure to load the data source, passing in the datagrid's
     // limit info into our loadall method.
     $this->dtgPersons->DataSource = Person::LoadAll(QQ::Clause($this->dtgPersons->OrderByClause, $this->dtgPersons->LimitClause));

示例5: dtgPersons_Bind

 protected function dtgPersons_Bind()
     // We must be sure to load the data source
     // Ask the datagrid for the sorting clause that corresponds to the currently active sort column.
     $clauses[] = $this->dtgPersons->OrderByClause;
     // Give that clause to our sql query so it returns sorted data
     $this->dtgPersons->DataSource = Person::LoadAll($clauses);

示例6: dtgPersons_Bind

 protected function dtgPersons_Bind()
     $objPersonArray = $this->dtgPersons->DataSource = Person::LoadAll(QQ::Clause($this->dtgPersons->OrderByClause, $this->dtgPersons->LimitClause));
     // If we are editing someone new, we need to add a new (blank) person to the data source
     if ($this->intEditPersonId == -1) {
         array_push($objPersonArray, new Person());
     // Bind the datasource to the datagrid
     $this->dtgPersons->DataSource = $objPersonArray;

示例7: Go_Click

 protected function Go_Click()
     QApplication::$blnLocalCache = false;
     $timeNoCache = -microtime(true);
     $a = Person::LoadAll();
     // noncached loads
     $timeNoCache += microtime(true);
     QApplication::$blnLocalCache = true;
     $timeLoad1Cached = -microtime(true);
     $a = Person::LoadAll();
     // noncached loads
     $timeLoad1Cached += microtime(true);
     $timeLoad2Cached = -microtime(true);
     $a = Person::LoadAll();
     // cached loads
     $timeLoad2Cached += microtime(true);
     QApplication::$blnLocalCache = new QCacheProviderLocalMemory(array());
     $timeLoad3Cached = -microtime(true);
     $a = Person::LoadAll();
     // noncached loads
     $timeLoad3Cached += microtime(true);
     $timeLoad4Cached = -microtime(true);
     $a = Person::LoadAll();
     // cached loads
     $timeLoad4Cached += microtime(true);
     $this->pnlTiny->Text = sprintf("Load No Cache: %2.1f%% \n", 100 * $timeNoCache / $timeNoCache) . sprintf("Populate Cache: %2.1f%% \n", 100 * $timeLoad1Cached / $timeNoCache) . sprintf("Load With Cache: %2.1f%% \n", 100 * $timeLoad2Cached / $timeNoCache) . sprintf("Populate LocalCacheProvider: %2.1f%% \n", 100 * $timeLoad3Cached / $timeNoCache) . sprintf("Load LocalCacheProvider: %2.1f%% \n", 100 * $timeLoad4Cached / $timeNoCache);
     $cond = QQ::Equal(QQN::Project()->ProjectStatusTypeId, ProjectStatusType::Open);
     $clauses[] = QQ::Expand(QQN::Project()->ManagerPerson);
     QApplication::$blnLocalCache = false;
     $timeNoCache = -microtime(true);
     $a = Project::QueryArray($cond, $clauses);
     // noncached loads
     $timeNoCache += microtime(true);
     QApplication::$blnLocalCache = true;
     $timeLoad1Cached = -microtime(true);
     $a = Project::QueryArray($cond, $clauses);
     // noncached loads
     $timeLoad1Cached += microtime(true);
     $timeLoad2Cached = -microtime(true);
     $a = Project::QueryArray($cond, $clauses);
     // cached loads
     $timeLoad2Cached += microtime(true);
     QApplication::$blnLocalCache = new QCacheProviderLocalMemory(array());
     $timeLoad3Cached = -microtime(true);
     $a = Project::QueryArray($cond, $clauses);
     // noncached loads
     $timeLoad3Cached += microtime(true);
     $timeLoad4Cached = -microtime(true);
     $a = Project::QueryArray($cond, $clauses);
     // cached loads
     $timeLoad4Cached += microtime(true);
     $this->pnlBig->Text = sprintf("Load No Cache: %2.1f%% \n", 100 * $timeNoCache / $timeNoCache) . sprintf("Populate Cache: %2.1f%% \n", 100 * $timeLoad1Cached / $timeNoCache) . sprintf("Load With Cache: %2.1f%% \n", 100 * $timeLoad2Cached / $timeNoCache) . sprintf("Populate LocalCacheProvider: %2.1f%% \n", 100 * $timeLoad3Cached / $timeNoCache) . sprintf("Load LocalCacheProvider: %2.1f%% \n", 100 * $timeLoad4Cached / $timeNoCache);

示例8: dtgPersons_Bind

 protected function dtgPersons_Bind()
     // We must first let the datagrid know how many total items there are
     // IMPORTANT: Do not pass a limit clause here to CountAll
     $this->dtgPersons->TotalItemCount = Person::CountAll();
     // Ask the datagrid for the sorting information for the currently active sort column
     $clauses[] = $this->dtgPersons->OrderByClause;
     // Ask the datagrid for the Limit clause that will limit what portion of the data we will get from the database
     $clauses[] = $this->dtgPersons->LimitClause;
     // Next, we must be sure to load the data source, passing in the datagrid's
     // limit info into our loadall method.
     $this->dtgPersons->DataSource = Person::LoadAll($clauses);

示例9: _p

	Project End Date: <?php 
	Project Budget: <?php 

	<h3>Using LoadAll to get an Array of Person Objects</h3>
// We'll load all the persons into an array
$objPersonArray = Person::LoadAll();
// Use foreach to iterate through that array and output the first and last
// name of each person
foreach ($objPersonArray as $objPerson) {
    printf('&bull; ' . $objPerson->FirstName . ' ' . $objPerson->LastName . '<br/>');

	<h3>Using CountAll to get a Count of All Persons in the Database</h3>
	There are <?php 
 person(s) in the system.

示例10: testQuerySelectSubsetSkipPK

 public function testQuerySelectSubsetSkipPK()
     $objSelect = QQ::Select(QQN::Person()->FirstName);
     $objPersonArray = Person::LoadAll($objSelect);
     foreach ($objPersonArray as $objPerson) {
         $this->assertNull($objPerson->LastName, "LastName should be null, since it was not selected");
         $this->assertNull($objPerson->Id, "Id should be null since SkipPrimaryKey is set on the Select object");

示例11: Refresh

  * Refresh this MetaControl with Data from the local WikiVersion object.
  * @param boolean $blnReload reload WikiVersion from the database
  * @return void
 public function Refresh($blnReload = false)
     if ($blnReload) {
     if ($this->lblId) {
         if ($this->blnEditMode) {
             $this->lblId->Text = $this->objWikiVersion->Id;
     if ($this->lstWikiItem) {
         if (!$this->blnEditMode) {
             $this->lstWikiItem->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null);
         $objWikiItemArray = WikiItem::LoadAll();
         if ($objWikiItemArray) {
             foreach ($objWikiItemArray as $objWikiItem) {
                 $objListItem = new QListItem($objWikiItem->__toString(), $objWikiItem->Id);
                 if ($this->objWikiVersion->WikiItem && $this->objWikiVersion->WikiItem->Id == $objWikiItem->Id) {
                     $objListItem->Selected = true;
     if ($this->lblWikiItemId) {
         $this->lblWikiItemId->Text = $this->objWikiVersion->WikiItem ? $this->objWikiVersion->WikiItem->__toString() : null;
     if ($this->txtVersionNumber) {
         $this->txtVersionNumber->Text = $this->objWikiVersion->VersionNumber;
     if ($this->lblVersionNumber) {
         $this->lblVersionNumber->Text = $this->objWikiVersion->VersionNumber;
     if ($this->txtName) {
         $this->txtName->Text = $this->objWikiVersion->Name;
     if ($this->lblName) {
         $this->lblName->Text = $this->objWikiVersion->Name;
     if ($this->lstPostedByPerson) {
         if (!$this->blnEditMode) {
             $this->lstPostedByPerson->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null);
         $objPostedByPersonArray = Person::LoadAll();
         if ($objPostedByPersonArray) {
             foreach ($objPostedByPersonArray as $objPostedByPerson) {
                 $objListItem = new QListItem($objPostedByPerson->__toString(), $objPostedByPerson->Id);
                 if ($this->objWikiVersion->PostedByPerson && $this->objWikiVersion->PostedByPerson->Id == $objPostedByPerson->Id) {
                     $objListItem->Selected = true;
     if ($this->lblPostedByPersonId) {
         $this->lblPostedByPersonId->Text = $this->objWikiVersion->PostedByPerson ? $this->objWikiVersion->PostedByPerson->__toString() : null;
     if ($this->calPostDate) {
         $this->calPostDate->DateTime = $this->objWikiVersion->PostDate;
     if ($this->lblPostDate) {
         $this->lblPostDate->Text = sprintf($this->objWikiVersion->PostDate) ? $this->objWikiVersion->__toString($this->strPostDateDateTimeFormat) : null;
     if ($this->lstWikiFile) {
         $this->lstWikiFile->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null);
         $objWikiFileArray = WikiFile::LoadAll();
         if ($objWikiFileArray) {
             foreach ($objWikiFileArray as $objWikiFile) {
                 $objListItem = new QListItem($objWikiFile->__toString(), $objWikiFile->WikiVersionId);
                 if ($objWikiFile->WikiVersionId == $this->objWikiVersion->Id) {
                     $objListItem->Selected = true;
         // Because WikiFile's WikiFile is not null, if a value is already selected, it cannot be changed.
         if ($this->lstWikiFile->SelectedValue) {
             $this->lstWikiFile->Enabled = false;
         } else {
             $this->lstWikiFile->Enabled = true;
     if ($this->lblWikiFile) {
         $this->lblWikiFile->Text = $this->objWikiVersion->WikiFile ? $this->objWikiVersion->WikiFile->__toString() : null;
     if ($this->lstWikiImage) {
         $this->lstWikiImage->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null);
         $objWikiImageArray = WikiImage::LoadAll();
         if ($objWikiImageArray) {
             foreach ($objWikiImageArray as $objWikiImage) {

示例12: tblPersons_Bind

 protected function tblPersons_Bind()
     // We load the data source, and set it to the datagrid's DataSource parameter
     $this->tblPersons->DataSource = Person::LoadAll();

示例13: GenerateCommunicationLists

 public static function GenerateCommunicationLists()
     $objPersonArray = Person::LoadAll();
     while (QDataGen::DisplayWhileTask('Generating Communication Lists', self::CommunicationListCount, false)) {
         $objCommunicationList = new CommunicationList();
         $objCommunicationList->EmailBroadcastTypeId = QDataGen::GenerateFromArray(array_keys(EmailBroadcastType::$NameArray));
         $objCommunicationList->Ministry = QDataGen::GenerateFromArray(self::$MinistryArray);
         $objCommunicationList->Name = QDataGen::GenerateTitle(1, 4);
         $objCommunicationList->Token = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $objCommunicationList->Name));
         while (CommunicationList::LoadByToken($objCommunicationList->Token)) {
             $objCommunicationList->Name = QDataGen::GenerateTitle(1, 4);
             $objCommunicationList->Token = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $objCommunicationList->Name));
         $intCount = rand(5, 100);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $intCount; $i++) {
             if (rand(0, 3)) {
                 $objPerson = QDataGen::GenerateFromArray($objPersonArray);
                 while ($objCommunicationList->IsPersonAssociated($objPerson)) {
                     $objPerson = QDataGen::GenerateFromArray($objPersonArray);
             } else {
                 $strFirstName = QDataGen::GenerateFirstName();
                 if (!rand(0, 5)) {
                     $strMiddleName = QDataGen::GenerateMiddleInitial() . '.';
                 } else {
                     $strMiddleName = null;
                 $strLastName = QDataGen::GenerateLastName();
                 $strEmail = QDataGen::GenerateEmail($strFirstName, $strLastName);
                 $objCommunicationList->AddEntry($strEmail, $strFirstName, $strMiddleName, $strLastName);

示例14: foreach

		As a final reminder, note that you can use either, both, more or none of these optional <b>QQClause</b>
		parameters whenever you make your <b>LoadAll</b> or <b>LoadArrayBy</b> calls.

	<h3>List All the People, Ordered by Last Name then First Name</h3>
// Load the Person array, sorted
$objPersonArray = Person::LoadAll(QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Person()->LastName, QQN::Person()->FirstName)));
foreach ($objPersonArray as $objPerson) {
    _p($objPerson->LastName . ', ' . $objPerson->FirstName . ' (ID #' . $objPerson->Id . ')');
    _p('<br/>', false);

	<h3>List Five People, Start with the Third from the Top, Ordered by Last Name then First Name</h3>
// Load the Person array, sorted and limited
// Note that because we want to start with row #3, we need to define "2" as the offset
$objPersonArray = Person::LoadAll(QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Person()->LastName, QQN::Person()->FirstName), QQ::LimitInfo(5, 2)));
foreach ($objPersonArray as $objPerson) {
    _p($objPerson->LastName . ', ' . $objPerson->FirstName . ' (ID #' . $objPerson->Id . ')');
    _p('<br/>', false);

require '../includes/footer.inc.php';

示例15: Refresh

  * Refresh this MetaControl with Data from the local Relationship object.
  * @param boolean $blnReload reload Relationship from the database
  * @return void
 public function Refresh($blnReload = false)
     if ($blnReload) {
     if ($this->lblId) {
         if ($this->blnEditMode) {
             $this->lblId->Text = $this->objRelationship->Id;
     if ($this->lstPerson) {
         if (!$this->blnEditMode) {
             $this->lstPerson->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null);
         $objPersonArray = Person::LoadAll();
         if ($objPersonArray) {
             foreach ($objPersonArray as $objPerson) {
                 $objListItem = new QListItem($objPerson->__toString(), $objPerson->Id);
                 if ($this->objRelationship->Person && $this->objRelationship->Person->Id == $objPerson->Id) {
                     $objListItem->Selected = true;
     if ($this->lblPersonId) {
         $this->lblPersonId->Text = $this->objRelationship->Person ? $this->objRelationship->Person->__toString() : null;
     if ($this->lstRelatedToPerson) {
         if (!$this->blnEditMode) {
             $this->lstRelatedToPerson->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null);
         $objRelatedToPersonArray = Person::LoadAll();
         if ($objRelatedToPersonArray) {
             foreach ($objRelatedToPersonArray as $objRelatedToPerson) {
                 $objListItem = new QListItem($objRelatedToPerson->__toString(), $objRelatedToPerson->Id);
                 if ($this->objRelationship->RelatedToPerson && $this->objRelationship->RelatedToPerson->Id == $objRelatedToPerson->Id) {
                     $objListItem->Selected = true;
     if ($this->lblRelatedToPersonId) {
         $this->lblRelatedToPersonId->Text = $this->objRelationship->RelatedToPerson ? $this->objRelationship->RelatedToPerson->__toString() : null;
     if ($this->lstRelationshipType) {
         $this->lstRelationshipType->SelectedValue = $this->objRelationship->RelationshipTypeId;
     if ($this->lblRelationshipTypeId) {
         $this->lblRelationshipTypeId->Text = $this->objRelationship->RelationshipTypeId ? RelationshipType::$NameArray[$this->objRelationship->RelationshipTypeId] : null;
