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PHP PageList::addPage方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中PageList::addPage方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP PageList::addPage方法的具体用法?PHP PageList::addPage怎么用?PHP PageList::addPage使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在PageList的用法示例。


示例1: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (empty($args['s'])) {
         return '';
     $query = new TextSearchQuery($s, $case_exact, $regex);
     $pages = $dbi->fullSearch($query, $sortby, $limit, $exclude);
     $lines = array();
     $hilight_re = $hilight ? $query->getHighlightRegexp() : false;
     $count = 0;
     $found = 0;
     if ($quiet) {
         // see how easy it is with PageList...
         $list = new PageList(false, $exclude, $args);
         while ($page = $pages->next() and (!$limit or $count < $limit)) {
         return $list;
     // Todo: we should better define a new PageListDL class for dl/dt/dd lists
     // But the new column types must have a callback then. (showhits)
     // See e.g. WikiAdminSearchReplace for custom pagelist columns
     $list = HTML::dl();
     if (!$limit or !is_int($limit)) {
         $limit = 0;
     // expand all page wildcards to a list of pages which should be ignored
     if ($exclude) {
         $exclude = explodePageList($exclude);
     while ($page = $pages->next() and (!$limit or $count < $limit)) {
         $name = $page->getName();
         if ($exclude and in_array($name, $exclude)) {
         if ($hilight_re) {
             $list->pushContent($this->showhits($page, $hilight_re));
     if ($limit and $count >= $limit) {
         //todo: pager link to list of next matches
         $list->pushContent(HTML::dd(fmt("only %d pages displayed", $limit)));
     if (!$list->getContent()) {
         $list->pushContent(HTML::dd(_("<no matches>")));
     if (!empty($pages->stoplisted)) {
         $list = HTML(HTML::p(fmt(_("Ignored stoplist words '%s'"), join(', ', $pages->stoplisted))), $list);
     if ($noheader) {
         return $list;
     return HTML(HTML::p(fmt("Full text search results for '%s'", $s)), $list);

示例2: testPageList

 function testPageList()
     // Completely empty PageList
     $columns = "";
     $exclude = "";
     $options = "";
     $pl = new PageList($columns, $exclude, $options);
     $this->assertTrue($pl->isEmpty(), "empty");
     $this->assertEquals(0, $pl->getTotal(), "count 0");
     $cap = $pl->getCaption();
     $this->assertTrue(empty($cap), "empty caption");
     // PageList sorting
     $columns[] = 'pagename';
     $pl = new PageList($columns, $exclude, $options);
     //global $request;
     $this->assertEquals(2, $pl->getTotal(), "count 2");

示例3: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     // fix deprecated arg
     if (is_integer($pages)) {
         $numpages = $pages;
         $pages = false;
         // fix new pages handling in arg preprozessor.
     } elseif (is_array($pages)) {
         $numpages = (int) $pages[0];
         if ($numpages > 0 and !$dbi->isWikiPage($numpages)) {
             $pages = false;
         } else {
             $numpages = 1;
     $allpages = $dbi->getAllPages(false, $sortby, $limit, $exclude);
     $pagearray = $allpages->asArray();
     // Start with a good seed.
     if ($numpages == 1 && $pagearray) {
         $page = $pagearray[array_rand($pagearray)];
         $pagename = $page->getName();
         if ($redirect) {
             $request->redirect(WikiURL($pagename, false, 'absurl'));
         // noreturn
         if ($hidename) {
             return WikiLink($pagename, false, _("RandomPage"));
         } else {
             return WikiLink($pagename);
     $numpages = min(max(1, (int) $numpages), 20, count($pagearray));
     $pagelist = new PageList($info, $exclude, $args);
     $shuffle = array_rand($pagearray, $numpages);
     if (is_array($shuffle)) {
         foreach ($shuffle as $i) {
             if (isset($pagearray[$i])) {
     } else {
         // if $numpages = 1
         if (isset($pagearray[$shuffle])) {
     return $pagelist;

示例4: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG && $debug) {
         $timer = new DebugTimer();
     $group = $request->getGroup();
     if (method_exists($group, '_allUsers')) {
         $allusers = $group->_allUsers();
     } else {
         $allusers = array();
     $args['count'] = count($allusers);
     // deleted pages show up as version 0.
     $pagelist = new PageList($info, $exclude, $args);
     if (!$noheader) {
         $pagelist->setCaption(_("Authenticated users on this wiki (%d total):"));
     if ($include_empty and empty($info)) {
     list($offset, $pagesize) = $pagelist->limit($args['limit']);
     if (!$pagesize) {
     } else {
         for ($i = $offset; $i < $offset + $pagesize - 1; $i++) {
             if ($i >= $args['count']) {
     $page_iter = $dbi->getAllPages($include_empty, $sortby, $limit);
     while ($page = $page_iter->next()) {
         if ($page->isUserPage($include_empty))
     if (defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG and $debug) {
         return HTML($pagelist, HTML::p(fmt("Elapsed time: %s s", $timer->getStats())));
     } else {
         return $pagelist;

示例5: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (strstr($sortby, 'mtime')) {
         trigger_error(_("sortby=mtime not supported with MostPopular"), E_USER_WARNING);
         $sortby = '';
     $columns = $info ? explode(",", $info) : array();
     array_unshift($columns, 'hits');
     if (!$request->getArg('count')) {
         //$args['count'] = $dbi->numPages(false,$exclude);
         $allpages = $dbi->mostPopular(0, $sortby);
         $args['count'] = $allpages->count();
     } else {
         $args['count'] = $request->getArg('count');
     $pages = $dbi->mostPopular($limit, $sortby);
     $pagelist = new PageList($columns, $exclude, $args);
     while ($page = $pages->next()) {
         $hits = $page->get('hits');
         // don't show pages with no hits if most popular pages
         // wanted
         if ($hits == 0 && $limit > 0) {
     if (!$noheader) {
         if ($limit > 0) {
             $pagelist->setCaption(_("The %d most popular pages of this wiki:"));
         } else {
             if ($limit < 0) {
                 $pagelist->setCaption(_("The %d least popular pages of this wiki:"));
             } else {
                 $pagelist->setCaption(_("Visited pages on this wiki, ordered by popularity:"));
     return $pagelist;

示例6: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     // There's probably a more efficient way to do this (eg a
     // tailored SQL query via the backend, but this does the job
     $allpages_iter = $dbi->getAllPages($include_empty);
     $pages = array();
     while ($page = $allpages_iter->next()) {
         $links_iter = $page->getBackLinks();
         // Test for absence of backlinks. If a page is linked to
         // only by itself, it is still an orphan
         $parent = $links_iter->next();
         if (!$parent or $parent->getName() == $page->getName() and !$links_iter->next()) {
             $pages[] = $page;
     $args['count'] = count($pages);
     $pagelist = new PageList($info, $exclude, $args);
     if (!$noheader) {
         $pagelist->setCaption(_("Orphaned Pages in this wiki (%d total):"));
     // deleted pages show up as version 0.
     if ($include_empty) {
     list($offset, $pagesize) = $pagelist->limit($args['limit']);
     if (!$pagesize) {
     } else {
         for ($i = $offset; $i < $offset + $pagesize - 1; $i++) {
             if ($i >= $args['count']) {
     return $pagelist;

示例7: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (empty($args['s'])) {
         return '';
     $query = new TextSearchQuery($args['s'], $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']);
     $pages = $dbi->titleSearch($query, $args['sortby'], $args['limit'], $args['exclude']);
     $pagelist = new PageList($args['info'], $args['exclude'], $args);
     while ($page = $pages->next()) {
         $last_name = $page->getName();
     if ($args['format'] == 'livesearch') {
         echo '<div class="LSRes">';
         echo $pagelist->asXml();
         echo '</div>';
         if (empty($WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE)) {
     // Provide an unknown WikiWord link to allow for page creation
     // when a search returns no results
     if (!$args['noheader']) {
         $s = $args['s'];
         if (!$pagelist->getTotal() and !$query->_regex) {
             $s = WikiLink($args['s'], 'auto');
         $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("Title search results for '%s'", $s));
     if ($args['auto_redirect'] && $pagelist->getTotal() == 1) {
         return HTML($request->redirect(WikiURL($last_name, false, 'absurl'), false), $pagelist);
     return $pagelist;

示例8: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if ($args['basepage']) {
         $pagename = $args['basepage'];
     } else {
         $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename');
     // FIXME: explodePageList from stdlib doesn't seem to work as
     // expected when there are no subpages. (see also
     // UnfoldSubPages plugin)
     $subpages = explodePageList($pagename . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . '*');
     if (!$subpages) {
         return $this->error(_("The current page has no subpages defined."));
     $content = HTML();
     $subpages = array_reverse($subpages);
     if ($maxpages) {
         $subpages = array_slice($subpages, 0, $maxpages);
     $descrip = fmt("SubPages of %s:", WikiLink($pagename, 'auto'));
     if ($info) {
         $info = explode(",", $info);
         if (in_array('count', $info)) {
             $args['types']['count'] = new _PageList_Column_ListSubpages_count('count', _("#"), 'center');
     $pagelist = new PageList($info, $exclude, $args);
     if (!$noheader) {
     foreach ($subpages as $page) {
         // A page cannot include itself. Avoid doublettes.
         static $included_pages = array();
         if (in_array($page, $included_pages)) {
             $content->pushContent(HTML::p(sprintf(_("recursive inclusion of page %s ignored"), $page)));
         array_push($included_pages, $page);
         //if ($relative) {
         // TODO: add relative subpage name display to PageList class
     return $content;

示例9: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (empty($page) && empty($prefix) && empty($suffix)) {
         return '';
     if ($prefix) {
         $suffix = false;
         $descrip = fmt("Page names with prefix '%s'", $prefix);
     } elseif ($suffix) {
         $descrip = fmt("Page names with suffix '%s'", $suffix);
     } elseif ($page) {
         $words = preg_split('/[\\s:-;.,]+/', SplitPagename($page));
         $words = preg_grep('/\\S/', $words);
         $prefix = reset($words);
         $suffix = end($words);
         $descrip = fmt("These pages share an initial or final title word with '%s'", WikiLink($page, 'auto'));
     // Search for pages containing either the suffix or the prefix.
     $search = $match = array();
     if (!empty($prefix)) {
         $search[] = $this->_quote($prefix);
         $match[] = '^' . preg_quote($prefix, '/');
     if (!empty($suffix)) {
         $search[] = $this->_quote($suffix);
         $match[] = preg_quote($suffix, '/') . '$';
     if ($search) {
         $query = new TextSearchQuery(join(' OR ', $search));
     } else {
         $query = new NullTextSearchQuery();
     // matches nothing
     $match_re = '/' . join('|', $match) . '/';
     $pagelist = new PageList($info, $exclude, $args);
     if (!$noheader) {
     $pages = $dbi->titleSearch($query);
     while ($page = $pages->next()) {
         $name = $page->getName();
         if (!preg_match($match_re, $name)) {
     return $pagelist;

示例10: run

             $ratings = $this_page_user->get_ratings();
         } else {
             $caption = _("Here are your %d page ratings:");
             $ratings = $current_user_ratings;
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($ratings as $pagename => $page_ratings) {
             // limit is currently only honored for "own" ratings
             if ($limit > 0 && $i >= $limit) {
             if (isset($page_ratings[$dimension])) {
                 array_push($pageids, $pagename);
         // $caption = _("Here are your %d page ratings:");
         //make $ratings the user's ratings again if it had been treated as the current page
         // name's ratings
         $ratings = $current_user_ratings;
     // if userids is null or empty, fill it with just the active user
     if (!isset($userids) || !is_array($userids) || !count($userids)) {
         // TKL: moved getBuddies call inside if statement because it was
         // causing the userids[] parameter to be ignored
         if (is_string($active_userid) && strlen($active_userid) && $active_user->isSignedIn() && !$userPage) {
             if (isset($category_page)) {
                 $userids = getBuddies($active_userid, $dbi, $category_page->getName());
             } else {
                 $userids = getBuddies($active_userid, $dbi);
         } elseif ($userPage) {
             //we're on a user page, show that user's ratings as the only column
             $userids = array();
             array_push($userids, $userPage);
         } else {
             $userids = array();
             // XXX: this wipes out the category caption...
             // $caption = _("You must be logged in to view ratings.");
     // find out which users we should show ratings for
     // users allowed in the prediction calculation
     $allowed_users = array();
     // users actually allowed to be shown to the user
     $allowed_users_toshow = array();
     foreach ($userids as $userid) {
         $user =& RatingsUserFactory::getUser($userid);
         if ($user->allow_view_ratings($active_user)) {
             array_push($allowed_users_toshow, $user);
         // all users should be allowed in calculation
         array_push($allowed_users, $user);
         // This line ensures $user is not a reference type after this loop
         // If it is a reference type, that can produce very unexpected behavior!
     // if no buddies, use allusers in prediction calculation
     if (count($userids) == 0 || $userPage) {
         $allowed_users = array();
         //$people_iter = $dbi->get_users_rated();
         $people_dbi = RatingsDb::getTheRatingsDb();
         $people_iter = $people_dbi->sql_get_users_rated();
         while ($people_array = $people_iter->next()) {
             $userid = $people_array['pagename'];
             $user =& RatingsUserFactory::getUser($userid);
             array_push($allowed_users, $user);
     $columns = $info ? explode(",", $info) : array();
     // build our table...
     $pagelist = new PageList($columns, $exclude, array('dimension' => $dimension, 'users' => $allowed_users_toshow));
     // augment columns
     //$preds = new _PageList_Column_prediction('prediction', _("Pred"), 'right', $dimension, $allowed_users);
     $preds = array('_PageList_column_prediction', 'custom:prediction', _("Pred"), 'right', ' ', $allowed_users);
     //$widget = new _PageList_Column_ratingwidget('ratingwidget', _("Rate"), 'left', $dimension);
     $widget = array('_PageList_column_ratingwidget', 'custom:ratingwidget', _("Rate"), 'center');
     $noRatingUsers = array();
     if (!$nobuds) {
         foreach ($allowed_users_toshow as $idx => $user) {
             // For proper caching behavior, get a ref, don't user $user
             $u =& $allowed_users_toshow[$idx];
             //$col = new _PageList_Column_ratingvalue('ratingvalue', $u->getId(), 'right', $dimension, $u);
             $col = array('_PageList_Column_ratingvalue', 'custom:ratingvalue', $u->getId(), 'right', ' ', $u);
     // add rows -- each row represents an item (page)
     foreach ($pageids as $pagename) {
         // addPage can deal with cases where it is passed a string
     if (!$noheader) {
     return $pagelist;

示例11: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     global $WikiTheme;
     $this->_supported_operators = array(':=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '!=', '==', '=~');
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     $posted = $request->getArg('semsearch');
     $request->setArg('semsearch', false);
     if ($request->isPost() and isset($posted['help'])) {
         $request->redirect(WikiURL(_("Help/SemanticSearchAdvancedPlugin"), array('redirectfrom' => $basepage), true));
     $allrelations = $dbi->listRelations();
     $form = $this->showForm($dbi, $request, $args, $allrelations);
     if (isset($this->_norelations_warning)) {
         $form->pushContent(HTML::div(array('class' => 'warning'), _("Warning:") . $this->_norelations_warning));
     // For convenience, peace and harmony we allow GET requests also.
     if (!$args['s']) {
         // check for good GET request
         return $form;
     // nobody called us, so just display our form
     // In reality we have to iterate over all found pages.
     // To makes things shorter extract the next AND required expr and
     // iterate only over this, then recurse into the next AND expr.
     // => Split into an AND and OR expression tree.
     $parsed_relations = $this->detectRelationsAndAttributes($args['s']);
     $regex = '';
     if ($parsed_relations) {
         $regex = preg_grep("/[\\*\\?]/", $parsed_relations);
     } else {
         $this->error("Invalid query: No relations or attributes in the query {$s} found");
     $pagelist = new PageList($args['info'], $args['exclude'], $args);
     if (!$noheader) {
         $pagelist->setCaption(HTML($noform ? '' : HTML($form, HTML::hr()), fmt("Semantic %s Search Result for \"%s\" in pages \"%s\"", '', $s, $page)));
     if (!$regex and $missing = array_diff($parsed_relations, $allrelations)) {
         return $pagelist;
     $relquery = new TextSearchQuery(join(" ", $parsed_relations));
     if (!$relquery->match(join(" ", $allrelations))) {
         return $pagelist;
     $pagequery = new TextSearchQuery($page, $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']);
     // if we have only numeric or text ops we can optimize.
     //$parsed_attr_ops = $this->detectAttrOps($args['s']);
     //TODO: writeme
     $linkquery = new TextSearchQuery($s, $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']);
     $links = $dbi->linkSearch($pagequery, $linkquery, 'relation', $relquery);
     $pagelist->_links = array();
     while ($link = $links->next()) {
         $pagelist->_links[] = $link;
     $pagelist->addColumnObject(new _PageList_Column_SemanticSearch_relation('relation', _("Relation"), $pagelist));
     $pagelist->addColumnObject(new _PageList_Column_SemanticSearch_link('link', _("Link"), $pagelist));
     return $pagelist;

示例12: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     global $WikiTheme;
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (empty($args['page'])) {
         $args['page'] = "*";
     $form = $this->showForm($dbi, $request, $args);
     if (empty($s)) {
         return $form;
     $pagequery = new TextSearchQuery($page, $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']);
     $linkquery = new TextSearchQuery($s, $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']);
     $links = $dbi->linkSearch($pagequery, $linkquery, $direction == 'in' ? 'linkfrom' : 'linkto');
     $pagelist = new PageList($args['info'], $args['exclude'], $args);
     $pagelist->_links = array();
     while ($link = $links->next()) {
         $pagelist->_links[] = $link;
     $pagelist->addColumnObject(new _PageList_Column_LinkSearch_link('link', _("Link"), $pagelist));
     if (!$noheader) {
         // We put the form into the caption just to be able to return one pagelist object,
         // and to still have the convenience form at the top. we could workaround this by
         // putting the form as WikiFormRich into the actionpage. but thid doesnt look as
         // nice as this here.
         $pagelist->setCaption(HTML($noform ? '' : HTML($form, HTML::hr()), fmt("LinkSearch result for \"%s\" in pages \"%s\", direction %s", $s, $page, $direction)));
     return $pagelist;

示例13: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     global $WikiTheme;
     $this->_supported_operators = array(':=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '!=', '==', '=~');
     $this->_text_operators = array(':=', '==', '=~', '!=');
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (empty($args['page'])) {
         $args['page'] = "*";
     if (!isset($args['s'])) {
         // it might be (integer) 0
         $args['s'] = "*";
     $posted = $request->getArg("semsearch");
     $form = $this->showForm($dbi, $request, $args);
     if (isset($this->_norelations_warning)) {
         $form->pushContent(HTML::div(array('class' => 'warning'), _("Warning:"), HTML::br(), _("No relations nor attributes in the whole wikidb defined!"), "\n", fmt("See %s", WikiLink(_("Help:SemanticRelations")))));
     // for convenience and harmony we allow GET requests also.
     if (!$request->isPost()) {
         if ($relation or $attribute) {
             // check for good GET request
         } else {
             return $form;
         // nobody called us, so just display our supadupa form
     $pagequery = $this->regex_query($page, $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']);
     // we might want to check for semsearch['relations'] and semsearch['attributes'] also
     if (empty($relation) and empty($attribute)) {
         // so we just clicked without selecting any relation.
         // hmm. check which button we clicked, before we do the massive alltogether search.
         if (isset($posted['relations']) and $posted['relations']) {
             $relation = '*';
         } elseif (isset($posted['attributes']) and $posted['attributes']) {
             $attribute = '*';
             // here we have to check for invalid text operators. ignore it then
             if (!in_array($attr_op, $this->_text_operators)) {
                 $attribute = '';
     $searchtype = "Text";
     if (!empty($relation)) {
         $querydesc = $relation . "::" . $s;
         $linkquery = $this->regex_query($s, $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']);
         $relquery = $this->regex_query($relation, $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']);
         $links = $dbi->linkSearch($pagequery, $linkquery, 'relation', $relquery);
         $pagelist = new PageList($info, $exclude, $args);
         $pagelist->_links = array();
         while ($link = $links->next()) {
             $pagelist->_links[] = $link;
         // default (=empty info) wants all three. but we want to be able to override this.
         // $pagelist->_columns_seen is the exploded info
         if (!$info or $info and isset($pagelist->_columns_seen['relation'])) {
             $pagelist->addColumnObject(new _PageList_Column_SemanticSearch_relation('relation', _("Relation"), $pagelist));
         if (!$args['info'] or $args['info'] and isset($pagelist->_columns_seen['linkto'])) {
             $pagelist->addColumnObject(new _PageList_Column_SemanticSearch_link('linkto', _("Link"), $pagelist));
     // can we merge two different pagelist?
     if (!empty($attribute)) {
         $relquery = $this->regex_query($attribute, $args['case_exact'], $args['regex']);
         if (!in_array($attr_op, $this->_supported_operators)) {
             return HTML($form, $this->error(fmt("Illegal operator: %s", HTML::tt($attr_op))));
         $s_base = preg_replace("/,/", "", $s);
         $units = new Units();
         if (!is_numeric($s_base)) {
             $s_base = $units->basevalue($s_base);
             $is_numeric = is_numeric($s_base);
         } else {
             $is_numeric = true;
         // check which type to search with:
         // at first check if forced text matcher
         if ($attr_op == '=~') {
             if ($s == '*') {
                 $s = '.*';
             // help the poor user. we need pcre syntax.
             $linkquery = new TextSearchQuery("{$s}", $args['case_exact'], 'pcre');
             $querydesc = "{$attribute} {$attr_op} {$s}";
         } elseif ($is_numeric) {
             // do comparison with numbers
             /* We want to search for multiple attributes also. linkSearch can do this.
              * But we have to construct the query somehow. (that's why we try the AND OR dhtml)
              *     population < 1 million AND area > 50 km2
              * Here we check only for one attribute per page.
              * See SemanticSearchAdvanced for the full expression.
             // it might not be the best idea to use '*' as variable to expand. hmm.
             if ($attribute == '*') {
                 $attribute = '_star_';
             $searchtype = "Numeric";

示例14: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $this->args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     $this->request =& $request;
     if (!$from_lang) {
         $from_lang = $request->getPref('lang');
     if (!$from_lang) {
         $from_lang = $GLOBALS['LANG'];
     $this->lang = $from_lang;
     if (empty($languages)) {
         $available_languages = listAvailableLanguages();
         if ($from_lang == 'en') {
             // "en" is always the first.
         // put from_lang to the very end.
         if (in_array($from_lang, $available_languages)) {
             $languages = $available_languages;
         } else {
             $languages = array_merge($available_languages, array($from_lang));
     } elseif (strstr($languages, ',')) {
         $languages = explode(',', $languages);
     } else {
         $languages = array($languages);
     if (in_array('zh', $languages) or in_array('ja', $languages)) {
         // If the current charset != utf-8 the text will not be displayed correctly.
         // But here we cannot change the header anymore. So we can decide to ignore them,
         // or display them with all the errors.
         //FIXME: do iconv the ob
         if ($GLOBALS['charset'] != 'utf-8' and !defined('NEED_ICONV_TO')) {
             define('NEED_ICONV_TO', 'utf-8');
             //either the extension or external
             //$GLOBALS['charset'] = 'utf-8';
     $to_lang = $languages[0];
     if (!empty($string) and count($languages) == 1) {
         return $this->translate($string, $to_lang, $from_lang);
     if (!empty($page)) {
         $pagename = $page;
         if ($dbi->isWikiPage($pagename)) {
             $url = '';
             // google can only translate from english and french
             if (in_array($from_lang, array('en', 'fr'))) {
                 $url = "http://translate.google.com/translate";
                 $url .= "?langpair=" . urlencode($from_lang . "|" . $to_lang);
                 $url .= "&u=" . urlencode(WikiURL($pagename, false, true));
             // redirect or transclude?
             if ($url) {
                 return $request->redirect($url);
             return HTML(fmt("TODO: Google can only translate from english and french. Find a translation service for %s to language %s", WikiURL($pagename, false, true), $to_lang));
         } else {
             return $this->error(fmt("%s is empty", $pagename));
     $pagelist = new PageList('', $exclude, $this->args);
     $pagelist->_columns[0]->_heading = "{$from_lang}";
     foreach ($languages as $lang) {
         if ($lang == $from_lang) {
         $field = "custom:{$lang}";
         $pagelist->addColumnObject(new _PageList_Column_customlang($field, $from_lang, $this));
     if (!empty($string)) {
         return $pagelist;
     switch ($what) {
         case 'allpages':
             $pagelist->addPages($dbi->getAllPages($include_empty, $sortby, $limit, $exclude));
         case 'pages':
             // not all pages, only the pgsrc pages
             if (!is_array($exclude)) {
                 $exclude = $pagelist->explodePageList($exclude, false, $sortby, $limit, $exclude);
             $path = FindLocalizedFile(WIKI_PGSRC);
             $pgsrc = new fileSet($path);
             foreach ($pgsrc->getFiles($exclude, $sortby, $limit) as $pagename) {
                 $pagename = urldecode($pagename);
                 if (substr($pagename, -1, 1) == '~') {
                 if (in_array($pagename, $exclude)) {
                 // exclude page.
                 if ($match != '*' and !glob_match($match, $pagename)) {
                 $page_handle = $dbi->getPage($pagename);

示例15: run

 function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage)
     $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request);
     if (empty($page) and $page != '0') {
         return '';
     // exclude is now already expanded in WikiPlugin::getArgs()
     if (empty($exclude)) {
         $exclude = array();
     if (!$include_self) {
         $exclude[] = $page;
     if ($info) {
         $info = explode(",", $info);
         if (in_array('count', $info)) {
             $args['types']['count'] = new _PageList_Column_BackLinks_count('count', _("#"), 'center');
     if (!empty($limit)) {
         $args['limit'] = $limit;
     $args['dosort'] = !empty($args['sortby']);
     // override DB sort (??)
     $pagelist = new PageList($info, $exclude, $args);
     // support logical AND: page1,page2
     $pages = explodePageList($page);
     $count = count($pages);
     if (count($pages) > 1) {
         // AND: the intersection of all these pages
         $bl = array();
         foreach ($pages as $p) {
             $dp = $dbi->getPage($p);
             $bi = $dp->getBackLinks(false, $sortby, 0, $exclude);
             while ($b = $bi->next()) {
                 $name = $b->getName();
                 if (isset($bl[$name])) {
                 } else {
                     $bl[$name] = 1;
         foreach ($bl as $b => $v) {
             if ($v == $count) {
     } else {
         $p = $dbi->getPage($page);
         $pagelist->addPages($p->getBackLinks(false, $sortby, 0, $exclude));
     $total = $pagelist->getTotal();
     // Localization note: In English, the differences between the
     // various phrases spit out here may seem subtle or negligible
     // enough to tempt you to combine/normalize some of these
     // strings together, but the grammar employed most by other
     // languages does not always end up with so subtle a
     // distinction as it does with English in this case. :)
     if (!$noheader) {
         if ($page == $request->getArg('pagename') and !$dbi->isWikiPage($page)) {
             // BackLinks plugin is more than likely being called
             // upon for an empty page on said page, while either
             // 'browse'ing, 'create'ing or 'edit'ing.
             // Don't bother displaying a WikiLink 'unknown', just
             // the Un~WikiLink~ified (plain) name of the uncreated
             // page currently being viewed.
             $pagelink = $page;
             if ($pagelist->isEmpty()) {
                 return HTML::p(fmt("No other page links to %s yet.", $pagelink));
             if ($total == 1) {
                 $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("One page would link to %s:", $pagelink));
             } else {
                 $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("%s pages would link to %s:", $total, $pagelink));
         } else {
             if ($count) {
                 $tmp_pages = $pages;
                 $p = array_shift($tmp_pages);
                 $pagelink = HTML(WikiLink($p, 'auto'));
                 foreach ($tmp_pages as $p) {
                     $pagelink->pushContent(" ", _("AND"), " ", WikiLink($p, 'auto'));
             } else {
                 // BackLinks plugin is being displayed on a normal page.
                 $pagelink = WikiLink($page, 'auto');
             if ($pagelist->isEmpty()) {
                 return HTML::p(fmt("No page links to %s.", $pagelink));
             //trigger_error("DEBUG: " . $pagelist->getTotal());
             if ($total == 1) {
                 $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("One page links to %s:", $pagelink));
             } else {
                 $pagelist->setCaption(fmt("%s pages link to %s:", $limit > 0 ? $total : _("Those"), $pagelink));
