本文整理汇总了PHP中PHPExcel_Worksheet::getCell方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP PHPExcel_Worksheet::getCell方法的具体用法?PHP PHPExcel_Worksheet::getCell怎么用?PHP PHPExcel_Worksheet::getCell使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类PHPExcel_Worksheet
示例1: insertNewBefore
* Insert a new column, updating all possible related data
* @param int $pBefore Insert before this one
* @param int $pNumCols Number of columns to insert
* @param int $pNumRows Number of rows to insert
* @throws Exception
public function insertNewBefore($pBefore = 'A1', $pNumCols = 0, $pNumRows = 0, PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null)
// Get a copy of the cell collection
/*$aTemp = $pSheet->getCellCollection();
$aCellCollection = array();
foreach ($aTemp as $key => $value) {
$aCellCollection[$key] = clone $value;
$aCellCollection = $pSheet->getCellCollection();
// Get coordinates of $pBefore
$beforeColumn = 'A';
$beforeRow = 1;
list($beforeColumn, $beforeRow) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($pBefore);
// Clear cells if we are removing columns or rows
$highestColumn = $pSheet->getHighestColumn();
$highestRow = $pSheet->getHighestRow();
// 1. Clear column strips if we are removing columns
if ($pNumCols < 0 && PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn) - 2 + $pNumCols > 0) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $highestRow - 1; ++$i) {
for ($j = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn) - 1 + $pNumCols; $j <= PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn) - 2; ++$j) {
$coordinate = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($j) . $i;
if ($pSheet->cellExists($coordinate)) {
$pSheet->getCell($coordinate)->setValueExplicit('', PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NULL);
// 2. Clear row strips if we are removing rows
if ($pNumRows < 0 && $beforeRow - 1 + $pNumRows > 0) {
for ($i = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn) - 1; $i <= PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($highestColumn) - 1; ++$i) {
for ($j = $beforeRow + $pNumRows; $j <= $beforeRow - 1; ++$j) {
$coordinate = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($i) . $j;
if ($pSheet->cellExists($coordinate)) {
$pSheet->getCell($coordinate)->setValueExplicit('', PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NULL);
// Loop through cells, bottom-up, and change cell coordinates
while ($cell = $pNumCols < 0 || $pNumRows < 0 ? array_shift($aCellCollection) : array_pop($aCellCollection)) {
// New coordinates
$newCoordinates = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex(PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($cell->getColumn()) - 1 + $pNumCols) . ($cell->getRow() + $pNumRows);
// Should the cell be updated? Move value and cellXf index from one cell to another.
if (PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($cell->getColumn()) >= PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn) && $cell->getRow() >= $beforeRow) {
// Update cell styles
// Insert this cell at its new location
if ($cell->getDataType() == PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA) {
// Formula should be adjusted
$pSheet->setCellValue($newCoordinates, $this->updateFormulaReferences($cell->getValue(), $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows));
} else {
// Formula should not be adjusted
$pSheet->setCellValue($newCoordinates, $cell->getValue());
// Clear the original cell
$pSheet->setCellValue($cell->getCoordinate(), '');
// Duplicate styles for the newly inserted cells
$highestColumn = $pSheet->getHighestColumn();
$highestRow = $pSheet->getHighestRow();
if ($pNumCols > 0 && PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn) - 2 > 0) {
for ($i = $beforeRow; $i <= $highestRow - 1; ++$i) {
// Style
$coordinate = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex(PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn) - 2) . $i;
if ($pSheet->cellExists($coordinate)) {
$xfIndex = $pSheet->getCell($coordinate)->getXfIndex();
$conditionalStyles = $pSheet->conditionalStylesExists($coordinate) ? $pSheet->getConditionalStyles($coordinate) : false;
for ($j = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn) - 1; $j <= PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn) - 2 + $pNumCols; ++$j) {
$pSheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($j, $i)->setXfIndex($xfIndex);
if ($conditionalStyles) {
$cloned = array();
foreach ($conditionalStyles as $conditionalStyle) {
$cloned[] = clone $conditionalStyle;
$pSheet->setConditionalStyles(PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($j) . $i, $cloned);
if ($pNumRows > 0 && $beforeRow - 1 > 0) {
for ($i = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($beforeColumn) - 1; $i <= PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($highestColumn) - 1; ++$i) {
// Style
$coordinate = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($i) . ($beforeRow - 1);
if ($pSheet->cellExists($coordinate)) {
$xfIndex = $pSheet->getCell($coordinate)->getXfIndex();
示例2: parse
public function parse(\PHPExcel_Worksheet $sheet)
$rates = [];
foreach ($sheet->getRowIterator() as $row) {
$rowIndex = $row->getRowIndex();
$currencyCode = $sheet->getCell('B' . $rowIndex)->getCalculatedValue();
if (!$this->isCurrencyCode($currencyCode)) {
$date = new \DateTime();
$rate = ['type' => 'cash', 'date' => $date->format('Y-m-d'), 'curr' => $currencyCode, 'count' => (int) $sheet->getCell('C' . $rowIndex)->getValue(), 'buy' => number_format((double) $sheet->getCell('D' . $rowIndex)->getValue(), $this->getDecimals($currencyCode), '.', ''), 'sale' => number_format((double) $sheet->getCell('E' . $rowIndex)->getValue(), $this->getDecimals($currencyCode), '.', ''), 'nbu' => number_format((double) $sheet->getCell('F' . $rowIndex)->getValue(), $this->getDecimals($currencyCode, 'nbu'), '.', '')];
$rates[] = $rate;
return $rates;
示例3: setWorksheet
* Set Worksheet
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pValue
* @param bool $pOverrideOld
* Worksheet has already been assigned, overwrite it and remove image from old Worksheet?
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_BaseDrawing
public function setWorksheet(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pValue = null, $pOverrideOld = false)
if (is_null($this->_worksheet)) {
// Add drawing to PHPExcel_Worksheet
$this->_worksheet = $pValue;
} else {
if ($pOverrideOld) {
// Remove drawing from old PHPExcel_Worksheet
$iterator = $this->_worksheet->getDrawingCollection()->getIterator();
while ($iterator->valid()) {
if ($iterator->current()->getHashCode() == $this->getHashCode()) {
$this->_worksheet = null;
// Set new PHPExcel_Worksheet
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Exception("A PHPExcel_Worksheet has already been assigned. Drawings can only exist on one PHPExcel_Worksheet.");
return $this;
示例4: mapHeaders
* @throws PhpExcelException
private function mapHeaders()
$keys = array_keys($this->loweredFields);
$columns = array_fill_keys($keys, null);
$this->loweredFieldNameToExcelColumnMap = [];
$lastRow = $this->activeSheet->getHighestRow();
for ($i = $this->headerRow; $i <= $lastRow; $i++) {
foreach ($this->excelColumnsRange as $columnIndex) {
$value = $this->activeSheet->getCell($columnIndex . $i)->getCalculatedValue();
$text = $this->lowerHeaderCellText($value);
if (array_key_exists($text, $columns)) {
$columns[$text] = $columnIndex;
$this->loweredFieldNameToExcelColumnMap = array_filter($columns);
if (count($this->loweredFieldNameToExcelColumnMap) > 0) {
$this->firstDataRow = $i + 1;
$missingColumns = array_diff_key($this->loweredToOriginalKeysMap, $this->loweredFieldNameToExcelColumnMap);
if (count($missingColumns) > 0) {
throw new PhpExcelException('Missing columns: ' . implode(', ', $missingColumns));
示例5: getCellValue
protected function getCellValue(\PHPExcel_Worksheet $sheet, $coord)
$cell = $sheet->getCell($coord);
if ($cell) {
return $cell->getValue();
示例6: createStringTable
* Create worksheet stringtable
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet Worksheet
* @param string[] $pExistingTable Existing table to eventually merge with
* @return string[] String table for worksheet
* @throws PHPExcel_Writer_Exception
public function createStringTable($pSheet = null, $pExistingTable = null)
if ($pSheet !== null) {
// Create string lookup table
$aStringTable = array();
$cellCollection = null;
$aFlippedStringTable = null;
// For faster lookup
// Is an existing table given?
if ($pExistingTable !== null && is_array($pExistingTable)) {
$aStringTable = $pExistingTable;
// Fill index array
$aFlippedStringTable = $this->flipStringTable($aStringTable);
// Loop through cells
foreach ($pSheet->getCellCollection() as $cellID) {
$cell = $pSheet->getCell($cellID);
$cellValue = $cell->getValue();
if (!is_object($cellValue) && $cellValue !== null && $cellValue !== '' && !isset($aFlippedStringTable[$cellValue]) && ($cell->getDataType() == PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING || $cell->getDataType() == PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING2 || $cell->getDataType() == PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NULL)) {
$aStringTable[] = $cellValue;
$aFlippedStringTable[$cellValue] = true;
} elseif ($cellValue instanceof PHPExcel_RichText && $cellValue !== null && !isset($aFlippedStringTable[$cellValue->getHashCode()])) {
$aStringTable[] = $cellValue;
$aFlippedStringTable[$cellValue->getHashCode()] = true;
return $aStringTable;
} else {
throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("Invalid PHPExcel_Worksheet object passed.");
示例7: _addFilters
protected function _addFilters()
$pFilters = $this->_content->getElementsByTagName('p');
if (empty($pFilters->length)) {
return false;
$filters = array();
foreach ($pFilters->item(0)->childNodes as $child) {
$nodeValue = trim($child->nodeValue);
if (!empty($nodeValue)) {
$filters[] = $nodeValue;
$this->_mainSheet->getCell('C6')->setValue(implode(' ', $filters))->getStyle()->getAlignment()->setWrapText(true);
示例8: writeData
protected function writeData(\PHPExcel_Worksheet $worksheet)
foreach ($this->activeDataProvider->getModels() as $row => $model) {
foreach ($this->columns as $col => $column) {
$columnIndex = \PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col) . ($row + 2);
switch ($column->format) {
case Column::FormatRaw:
$worksheet->setCellValue($columnIndex, $column->getValue($model));
case Column::FormatUri:
$worksheet->setCellValue($columnIndex, $column->getValue($model));
$worksheet->getCell($columnIndex)->getHyperlink()->setUrl('"' . $column->getValue($model) . '"');
示例9: excel_to_mysql
* Функция преобразования листа Excel в таблицу MySQL, с учетом объединенных строк и столбцов. Значения берутся уже вычисленными
* @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $worksheet - Лист Excel
* @param string $table_name - Имя таблицы MySQL
* @param int|array $columns_names - Строка или массив с именами столбцов таблицы MySQL (0 - имена типа column + n). Если указано больше столбцов, чем на листе Excel, будут использованы значения по умолчанию указанных типов столбцов. Если указано ложное значение (null, false, "", 0, -1...) столбец игнорируется
* @param bool|int $start_row_index - Номер строки, с которой начинается обработка данных (например, если 1 строка шапка таблицы). Нумерация начинается с 1, как в Excel
* @param bool|array $condition_functions - Массив функций с условиями добавления строки по значению столбца (столбец => функция)
* @param bool|array $transform_functions - Массив функций для изменения значения столбца (столбец => функция)
* @param bool|int $unique_column_for_update - Номер столбца с уникальным значением для обновления таблицы. Работает если $columns_names - массив (название столбца берется из него по [$unique_column_for_update - 1])
* @param bool|array $table_types - Типы столбцов таблицы (используется при создании таблицы), в SQL формате - "INT(11) NOT NULL". Если не указаны, то используется "TEXT NOT NULL"
* @param bool|array $table_keys - Ключевые поля таблицы (тип => столбец)
* @param string $table_encoding - Кодировка таблицы MySQL
* @param string $table_engine - Тип таблицы MySQL
* @return bool - Флаг, удалось ли выполнить функцию в полном объеме
private function excel_to_mysql($worksheet, $table_name, $columns_names, $start_row_index, $condition_functions, $transform_functions, $unique_column_for_update, $table_types, $table_keys, $table_encoding, $table_engine)
// Проверяем соединение с MySQL
if (!$this->mysql_connect->connect_error) {
// Строка для названий столбцов таблицы MySQL
$columns = array();
// Количество столбцов на листе Excel
$columns_count = \PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($worksheet->getHighestColumn());
// Если в качестве имен столбцов передан массив, то проверяем соответствие его длинны с количеством столбцов
if ($columns_names) {
if (is_array($columns_names)) {
$columns_names_count = count($columns_names);
if ($columns_names_count < $columns_count) {
return false;
} elseif ($columns_names_count > $columns_count) {
$columns_count = $columns_names_count;
} else {
return false;
// Если указаны типы столбцов
if ($table_types) {
if (is_array($table_types)) {
// Проверяем количество столбцов и типов
if (count($table_types) != count($columns_names)) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
$table_name = "`{$table_name}`";
// Проверяем, что $columns_names - массив и $unique_column_for_update находиться в его пределах
if ($unique_column_for_update) {
$unique_column_for_update = is_array($columns_names) ? $unique_column_for_update <= count($columns_names) ? "`{$columns_names[$unique_column_for_update - 1]}`" : false : false;
// Перебираем столбцы листа Excel и генерируем строку с именами через запятую
for ($column = 0; $column < $columns_count; $column++) {
$column_name = is_array($columns_names) ? $columns_names[$column] : ($columns_names == 0 ? "column{$column}" : $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($column, $columns_names)->getValue());
$columns[] = $column_name ? "`{$column_name}`" : null;
$query_string = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$table_name}";
if (defined("EXCEL_MYSQL_DEBUG")) {
// Удаляем таблицу MySQL, если она существовала (если не указан столбец с уникальным значением для обновления)
if ($unique_column_for_update ? true : $this->mysql_connect->query($query_string)) {
$columns_types = $ignore_columns = array();
// Обходим столбцы и присваиваем типы
foreach ($columns as $index => $value) {
if ($value == null) {
$ignore_columns[] = $index;
} else {
if ($table_types) {
$columns_types[] = "{$value} {$table_types[$index]}";
} else {
$columns_types[] = "{$value} TEXT NOT NULL";
// Если указаны ключевые поля, то создаем массив ключей
if ($table_keys) {
$columns_keys = array();
foreach ($table_keys as $key => $value) {
$columns_keys[] = "{$value} (`{$key}`)";
$columns_keys_list = implode(", ", $columns_keys);
$columns_keys = ", {$columns_keys_list}";
} else {
$columns_keys = null;
$columns_types_list = implode(", ", $columns_types);
$query_string = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$table_name} ({$columns_types_list}{$columns_keys}) COLLATE = '{$table_encoding}' ENGINE = {$table_engine}";
if (defined("EXCEL_MYSQL_DEBUG")) {
// Создаем таблицу MySQL
示例10: close
// Write sheet password
// Write DEFCOLWIDTH record
// Write the COLINFO records if they exist
if (!empty($this->_colinfo)) {
$colcount = count($this->_colinfo);
for ($i = 0; $i < $colcount; ++$i) {
// Write EXTERNCOUNT of external references
if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x500) {
// Write EXTERNSHEET references
if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x500) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_sheets; ++$i) {
// Write sheet dimensions
// Row dimensions
foreach ($this->_phpSheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) {
$xfIndex = $rowDimension->getXfIndex() + 15;
// there are 15 cellXfs
$this->_writeRow($rowDimension->getRowIndex() - 1, $rowDimension->getRowHeight(), $xfIndex, $rowDimension->getVisible() ? '0' : '1', $rowDimension->getOutlineLevel());
// Write Cells
foreach ($this->_phpSheet->getCellCollection() as $cellID) {
$cell = $this->_phpSheet->getCell($cellID);
$row = $cell->getRow() - 1;
$column = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($cell->getColumn()) - 1;
// Don't break Excel!
if ($row + 1 > 65536 or $column + 1 > 256) {
// Write cell value
$xfIndex = $cell->getXfIndex() + 15;
// there are 15 cell style Xfs
if ($cell->getValue() instanceof PHPExcel_RichText) {
$this->_writeString($row, $column, $cell->getValue()->getPlainText(), $xfIndex);
} else {
switch ($cell->getDatatype()) {
case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING:
if ($cell->getValue() === '' or $cell->getValue() === null) {
$this->_writeBlank($row, $column, $xfIndex);
} else {
$this->_writeString($row, $column, $cell->getValue(), $xfIndex);
case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA:
$calculatedValue = $this->_preCalculateFormulas ? $cell->getCalculatedValue() : null;
$this->_writeFormula($row, $column, $cell->getValue(), $xfIndex, $calculatedValue);
case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_BOOL:
$this->_writeBoolErr($row, $column, $cell->getValue(), 0, $xfIndex);
case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_ERROR:
$this->_writeBoolErr($row, $column, $this->_mapErrorCode($cell->getValue()), 1, $xfIndex);
case PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC:
示例11: showHideRows
* Apply the AutoFilter rules to the AutoFilter Range
* @throws PHPExcel_Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter
public function showHideRows()
list($rangeStart, $rangeEnd) = PHPExcel_Cell::rangeBoundaries($this->_range);
// The heading row should always be visible
// echo 'AutoFilter Heading Row ',$rangeStart[1],' is always SHOWN',PHP_EOL;
$columnFilterTests = array();
foreach ($this->_columns as $columnID => $filterColumn) {
$rules = $filterColumn->getRules();
switch ($filterColumn->getFilterType()) {
case PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column::AUTOFILTER_FILTERTYPE_FILTER:
$ruleValues = array();
// Build a list of the filter value selections
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$ruleType = $rule->getRuleType();
$ruleValues[] = $rule->getValue();
// Test if we want to include blanks in our filter criteria
$blanks = FALSE;
$ruleDataSet = array_filter($ruleValues);
if (count($ruleValues) != count($ruleDataSet)) {
$blanks = TRUE;
if ($ruleType == PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_FILTER) {
// Filter on absolute values
$columnFilterTests[$columnID] = array('method' => '_filterTestInSimpleDataSet', 'arguments' => array('filterValues' => $ruleDataSet, 'blanks' => $blanks));
} else {
// Filter on date group values
$arguments = array('date' => array(), 'time' => array(), 'dateTime' => array());
foreach ($ruleDataSet as $ruleValue) {
$date = $time = '';
if (isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_YEAR]) && $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_YEAR] !== '') {
$date .= sprintf('%04d', $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_YEAR]);
if (isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MONTH]) && $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MONTH] != '') {
$date .= sprintf('%02d', $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MONTH]);
if (isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_DAY]) && $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_DAY] !== '') {
$date .= sprintf('%02d', $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_DAY]);
if (isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_HOUR]) && $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_HOUR] !== '') {
$time .= sprintf('%02d', $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_HOUR]);
if (isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MINUTE]) && $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MINUTE] !== '') {
$time .= sprintf('%02d', $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_MINUTE]);
if (isset($ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_SECOND]) && $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_SECOND] !== '') {
$time .= sprintf('%02d', $ruleValue[PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DATEGROUP_SECOND]);
$dateTime = $date . $time;
$arguments['date'][] = $date;
$arguments['time'][] = $time;
$arguments['dateTime'][] = $dateTime;
// Remove empty elements
$arguments['date'] = array_filter($arguments['date']);
$arguments['time'] = array_filter($arguments['time']);
$arguments['dateTime'] = array_filter($arguments['dateTime']);
$columnFilterTests[$columnID] = array('method' => '_filterTestInDateGroupSet', 'arguments' => array('filterValues' => $arguments, 'blanks' => $blanks));
$customRuleForBlanks = FALSE;
$ruleValues = array();
// Build a list of the filter value selections
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$ruleType = $rule->getRuleType();
$ruleValue = $rule->getValue();
if (!is_numeric($ruleValue)) {
// Convert to a regexp allowing for regexp reserved characters, wildcards and escaped wildcards
$ruleValue = preg_quote($ruleValue);
$ruleValue = str_replace(self::$_fromReplace, self::$_toReplace, $ruleValue);
if (trim($ruleValue) == '') {
$customRuleForBlanks = TRUE;
$ruleValue = trim($ruleValue);
$ruleValues[] = array('operator' => $rule->getOperator(), 'value' => $ruleValue);
$join = $filterColumn->getJoin();
$columnFilterTests[$columnID] = array('method' => '_filterTestInCustomDataSet', 'arguments' => array('filterRules' => $ruleValues, 'join' => $join, 'customRuleForBlanks' => $customRuleForBlanks));
$ruleValues = array();
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
// We should only ever have one Dynamic Filter Rule anyway
$dynamicRuleType = $rule->getGrouping();
if ($dynamicRuleType == PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_ABOVEAVERAGE || $dynamicRuleType == PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_BELOWAVERAGE) {
// Number (Average) based
// Calculate the average
$averageFormula = '=AVERAGE(' . $columnID . ($rangeStart[1] + 1) . ':' . $columnID . $rangeEnd[1] . ')';
$average = PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance()->calculateFormula($averageFormula, NULL, $this->_workSheet->getCell('A1'));
// Set above/below rule based on greaterThan or LessTan
$operator = $dynamicRuleType === PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_RULETYPE_DYNAMIC_ABOVEAVERAGE ? PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_GREATERTHAN : PHPExcel_Worksheet_AutoFilter_Column_Rule::AUTOFILTER_COLUMN_RULE_LESSTHAN;
示例12: findLessonS
function findLessonS(PHPExcel_Worksheet $sheet, $arr_Time, $arr_Group)
$b = null;
$arr_temp = null;
if (isset($arr_Time) && isset($arr_Group)) {
foreach ($arr_Group as $temp) {
foreach ($temp as $groupName => $value) {
foreach ($arr_Time as $temp1) {
foreach ($temp1 as $key_time => $value_time) {
$result = $sheet->getCell($value['x'] . $value_time['row'])->getFormattedValue();
if ($result == '') {
} else {
$arr_temp[] = array('group' => $groupName, 'time' => $key_time, 'day' => $value_time['day'], 'value' => $result);
} else {
//вывод сообщения о том что нет на странице нашего расписания
$arr_temp = false;
return $arr_temp;
示例13: _readHyperLink
// detect type of hyperlink (there are 4 types)
$hyperlinkType = null;
if ($isUNC) {
$hyperlinkType = 'UNC';
} else {
if (!$isFileLinkOrUrl) {
$hyperlinkType = 'workbook';
} else {
if (ord($recordData[$offset]) == 0x3) {
$hyperlinkType = 'local';
} else {
if (ord($recordData[$offset]) == 0xe0) {
$hyperlinkType = 'URL';
switch ($hyperlinkType) {
case 'URL':
// section 5.58.2: Hyperlink containing a URL
// e.g. http://example.org/index.php
// offset: var; size: 16; GUID of URL Moniker
$offset += 16;
// offset: var; size: 4; size (in bytes) of character array of the URL including trailing zero word
$us = $this->_GetInt4d($recordData, $offset);
$offset += 4;
// offset: var; size: $us; character array of the URL, no Unicode string header, always 16-bit characters, zero-terminated
$url = $this->_encodeUTF16(substr($recordData, $offset, $us - 2), false);
$url .= $hasText ? '#' : '';
$offset += $us;
case 'local':
// section 5.58.3: Hyperlink to local file
// examples:
// mydoc.txt
// ../../somedoc.xls#Sheet!A1
// offset: var; size: 16; GUI of File Moniker
$offset += 16;
// offset: var; size: 2; directory up-level count.
$upLevelCount = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, $offset);
$offset += 2;
// offset: var; size: 4; character count of the shortened file path and name, including trailing zero word
$sl = $this->_GetInt4d($recordData, $offset);
$offset += 4;
// offset: var; size: sl; character array of the shortened file path and name in 8.3-DOS-format (compressed Unicode string)
$shortenedFilePath = substr($recordData, $offset, $sl);
$shortenedFilePath = $this->_encodeUTF16($shortenedFilePath, true);
$shortenedFilePath = substr($shortenedFilePath, 0, -1);
// remove trailing zero
$offset += $sl;
// offset: var; size: 24; unknown sequence
$offset += 24;
// extended file path
// offset: var; size: 4; size of the following file link field including string lenth mark
$sz = $this->_GetInt4d($recordData, $offset);
$offset += 4;
// only present if $sz > 0
if ($sz > 0) {
// offset: var; size: 4; size of the character array of the extended file path and name
$xl = $this->_GetInt4d($recordData, $offset);
$offset += 4;
// offset: var; size 2; unknown
$offset += 2;
// offset: var; size $xl; character array of the extended file path and name.
$extendedFilePath = substr($recordData, $offset, $xl);
$extendedFilePath = $this->_encodeUTF16($extendedFilePath, false);
$offset += $xl;
// construct the path
$url = str_repeat('..\\', $upLevelCount);
$url .= $sz > 0 ? $extendedFilePath : $shortenedFilePath;
// use extended path if available
$url .= $hasText ? '#' : '';
case 'UNC':
// section 5.58.4: Hyperlink to a File with UNC (Universal Naming Convention) Path
// todo: implement
case 'workbook':
// section 5.58.5: Hyperlink to the Current Workbook
// e.g. Sheet2!B1:C2, stored in text mark field
$url = 'sheet://';
if ($hasText) {
// offset: var; size: 4; character count of text mark including trailing zero word
$tl = $this->_GetInt4d($recordData, $offset);
$offset += 4;
// offset: var; size: var; character array of the text mark without the # sign, no Unicode header, always 16-bit characters, zero-terminated
$text = $this->_encodeUTF16(substr($recordData, $offset, 2 * ($tl - 1)), false);
$url .= $text;
// apply the hyperlink to all the relevant cells
foreach (PHPExcel_Cell::extractAllCellReferencesInRange($cellRange) as $coordinate) {
示例14: refresh
public function refresh(PHPExcel_Worksheet $worksheet, $flatten = TRUE)
if ($this->_dataSource !== NULL) {
$calcEngine = PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance($worksheet->getParent());
$newDataValues = PHPExcel_Calculation::_unwrapResult($calcEngine->_calculateFormulaValue('=' . $this->_dataSource, NULL, $worksheet->getCell('A1')));
if ($flatten) {
$this->_dataValues = PHPExcel_Calculation_Functions::flattenArray($newDataValues);
foreach ($this->_dataValues as &$dataValue) {
if (!empty($dataValue) && $dataValue[0] == '#') {
$dataValue = 0.0;
} else {
$cellRange = explode('!', $this->_dataSource);
if (count($cellRange) > 1) {
list(, $cellRange) = $cellRange;
$dimensions = PHPExcel_Cell::rangeDimension(str_replace('$', '', $cellRange));
if ($dimensions[0] == 1 || $dimensions[1] == 1) {
$this->_dataValues = PHPExcel_Calculation_Functions::flattenArray($newDataValues);
} else {
$newArray = array_values(array_shift($newDataValues));
foreach ($newArray as $i => $newDataSet) {
$newArray[$i] = array($newDataSet);
foreach ($newDataValues as $newDataSet) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($newDataSet as $newDataVal) {
array_unshift($newArray[$i++], $newDataVal);
$this->_dataValues = $newArray;
$this->_pointCount = count($this->_dataValues);
示例15: refresh
public function refresh(PHPExcel_Worksheet $worksheet, $flatten = TRUE)
if ($this->_dataSource !== NULL) {
$calcEngine = PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance();
$newDataValues = PHPExcel_Calculation::_unwrapResult($calcEngine->_calculateFormulaValue('=' . $this->_dataSource, NULL, $worksheet->getCell('A1')));
if ($flatten) {
$this->_dataValues = PHPExcel_Calculation_Functions::flattenArray($newDataValues);
} else {
$newArray = array_values(array_shift($newDataValues));
foreach ($newArray as $i => $newDataSet) {
$newArray[$i] = array($newDataSet);
foreach ($newDataValues as $newDataSet) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($newDataSet as $newDataVal) {
array_unshift($newArray[$i++], $newDataVal);
$this->_dataValues = $newArray;
$this->_pointCount = count($this->_dataValues);