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PHP Ostatus_profile::getActorProfile方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Ostatus_profile::getActorProfile方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Ostatus_profile::getActorProfile方法的具体用法?PHP Ostatus_profile::getActorProfile怎么用?PHP Ostatus_profile::getActorProfile使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Ostatus_profile的用法示例。


示例1: handleUpdateProfile

  * Remote user sent us an update to their profile.
  * If we already know them, accept the updates.
 function handleUpdateProfile()
     $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getActorProfile($this->act);
     if ($oprofile) {
         common_log(LOG_INFO, "Got a profile-update ping from {$oprofile->uri}");
     } else {
         common_log(LOG_INFO, "Ignoring profile-update ping from unknown " . $this->act->actor->id);

示例2: ensureProfiles

 function ensureProfiles()
     try {
         $this->oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getActorProfile($this->activity);
         if (!$this->oprofile instanceof Ostatus_profile) {
             throw new UnknownUriException($this->activity->actor->id);
     } catch (UnknownUriException $e) {
         // Apparently we didn't find the Profile object based on our URI,
         // so OStatus doesn't have it with this URI in ostatus_profile.
         // Try to look it up again, remote side may have changed from http to https
         // or maybe publish an acct: URI now instead of an http: URL.
         // Steps:
         // 1. Check the newly received URI. Who does it say it is?
         // 2. Compare these alleged identities to our local database.
         // 3. If we found any locally stored identities, ask it about its aliases.
         // 4. Do any of the aliases from our known identity match the recently introduced one?
         // Example: We have stored http://example.com/user/1 but this URI says https://example.com/user/1
         common_debug('No local Profile object found for a magicsigned activity author URI: ' . $e->object_uri);
         $disco = new Discovery();
         $xrd = $disco->lookup($e->object_uri);
         // Step 1: We got a bunch of discovery data for https://example.com/user/1 which includes
         //         aliases https://example.com/user and hopefully our original http://example.com/user/1 too
         $all_ids = array_merge(array($xrd->subject), $xrd->aliases);
         if (!in_array($e->object_uri, $all_ids)) {
             common_debug('The activity author URI we got was not listed itself when doing discovery on it.');
             throw $e;
         // Go through each reported alias from lookup to see if we know this already
         foreach ($all_ids as $aliased_uri) {
             $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('uri', $aliased_uri);
             if (!$oprofile instanceof Ostatus_profile) {
                 // unknown locally, check the next alias
             // Step 2: We found the alleged http://example.com/user/1 URI in our local database,
             //         but this can't be trusted yet because anyone can publish any alias.
             common_debug('Found a local Ostatus_profile for "' . $e->object_uri . '" with this URI: ' . $aliased_uri);
             // We found an existing OStatus profile, but is it really the same? Do a callback to the URI's origin
             // Step 3: lookup our previously known http://example.com/user/1 webfinger etc.
             $xrd = $disco->lookup($oprofile->getUri());
             // getUri returns ->uri, which we filtered on earlier
             $doublecheck_aliases = array_merge(array($xrd->subject), $xrd->aliases);
             common_debug('Trying to match known "' . $aliased_uri . '" against its returned aliases: ' . implode(' ', $doublecheck_aliases));
             // if we find our original URI here, it is a legitimate alias
             // Step 4: Is the newly introduced https://example.com/user/1 URI in the list of aliases
             //         presented by http://example.com/user/1 (i.e. do they both say they are the same identity?)
             if (in_array($e->object_uri, $doublecheck_aliases)) {
                 $oprofile->updateUriKeys($e->object_uri, DiscoveryHints::fromXRD($xrd));
                 $this->oprofile = $oprofile;
                 // don't iterate through aliases anymore
         // We might end up here after $all_ids is iterated through without a $this->oprofile value,
         if (!$this->oprofile instanceof Ostatus_profile) {
             common_debug("We do not have a local profile to connect to this activity's author. Let's create one.");
             // ensureActivityObjectProfile throws exception on failure
             $this->oprofile = Ostatus_profile::ensureActivityObjectProfile($this->activity->actor);
     assert($this->oprofile instanceof Ostatus_profile);
     $this->actor = $this->oprofile->localProfile();
