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PHP MetadataDescription::setStatements方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中MetadataDescription::setStatements方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP MetadataDescription::setStatements方法的具体用法?PHP MetadataDescription::setStatements怎么用?PHP MetadataDescription::setStatements使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在MetadataDescription的用法示例。


示例1: getTestOpenurl10Description

  * Creates a test description in Openurl10 format
  * @return MetadataDescription
 protected function getTestOpenurl10Description()
     $citationData = array('aulast' => 'von Surname1', 'aufirst' => 'Given1 P', 'auinit1' => 'G', 'auinitm' => 'P', 'auinit' => 'GP', 'ausuffix' => 'suff', 'au' => array(0 => 'Surname1 suff, P. (Given1) von', 1 => 'Surname2, (Given2)'), 'genre' => 'article', 'jtitle' => 'Some Journal Title', 'atitle' => 'Some Article Title', 'date' => '2005-07-03', 'issn' => '0694760949645', 'spage' => 17, 'epage' => 33, 'volume' => '7', 'issue' => '5', 'eissn' => '3049674960475', 'artnum' => '45', 'coden' => 'coden', 'sici' => 'sici');
     $openurl10Description = new MetadataDescription('lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.openurl10.schema.Openurl10JournalSchema', ASSOC_TYPE_CITATION);
     return $openurl10Description;

示例2: MetadataDescription

  * This implementation of the CrosswalkFilter
  * simply removes statements from the incoming meta-data
  * description that are not in the target description's schema.
  * @see Filter::process()
  * @param $input MetadataDescription
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function &process(&$input)
     // Create the target description
     $output = new MetadataDescription($this->_toSchema);
     // Compare the property names of the incoming description with
     // the property names allowed in the target schema.
     $sourceProperties = $input->getSetPropertyNames();
     $targetProperties = $output->getPropertyNames();
     $propertiesToBeRemoved = array_diff($sourceProperties, $targetProperties);
     // Remove statements for properties that are not in the target schema.
     $statements =& $input->getStatements();
     foreach ($propertiesToBeRemoved as $propertyToBeRemoved) {
     // Set the remaining statements in the target description
     $success = $output->setStatements($statements);
     return $output;

示例3: extractMetadataFromDataObject

  * @copydoc MetadataDataObjectAdapter::extractMetadataFromDataObject()
  * @param $dataObject Citation
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function extractMetadataFromDataObject(&$dataObject)
     $metadataDescription = $this->instantiateMetadataDescription();
     // Establish the association between the meta-data description
     // and the citation object.
     // Identify the length of the name space prefix
     $namespacePrefixLength = strlen($this->getMetadataNamespace()) + 1;
     // Get all meta-data field names
     $fieldNames = array_merge($this->getDataObjectMetadataFieldNames(false), $this->getDataObjectMetadataFieldNames(true));
     // Retrieve the statements from the data object
     $statements = array();
     foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
         if ($dataObject->hasData($fieldName)) {
             // Remove the name space prefix
             $propertyName = substr($fieldName, $namespacePrefixLength);
             if (in_array($propertyName, array('person-group[@person-group-type="author"]', 'person-group[@person-group-type="editor"]'))) {
                 // Retrieve the names array (must not be by-ref
                 // to protect the original citation object!)
                 $names = $dataObject->getData($fieldName);
                 // Convert key/value arrays to MetadataDescription objects.
                 foreach ($names as $key => $name) {
                     if (is_array($name)) {
                         // Construct a meta-data description from
                         // this name array.
                         switch ($propertyName) {
                             case 'person-group[@person-group-type="author"]':
                                 $assocType = ASSOC_TYPE_AUTHOR;
                             case 'person-group[@person-group-type="editor"]':
                                 $assocType = ASSOC_TYPE_EDITOR;
                         $nameDescription = new MetadataDescription('lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.nlm30.schema.Nlm30NameSchema', $assocType);
                         $names[$key] =& $nameDescription;
                     } else {
                         // The only non-structured data allowed here
                         // is the et-al string.
                         assert($name == PERSON_STRING_FILTER_ETAL);
                 $statements[$propertyName] =& $names;
             } else {
                 $statements[$propertyName] =& $dataObject->getData($fieldName);
     // Set the statements in the meta-data description
     $success = $metadataDescription->setStatements($statements);
     return $metadataDescription;

示例4: assert

  * Take an array of citation parse/lookup results and derive a citation
  * with one "best" set of values.
  * We determine the best values within the citations that have a score above
  * the given threshold. Citations with a score below the threshold will be
  * ignored.
  * For these citations we count the frequency of values per meta-data property.
  * The most frequent value will be chosen as "best" value.
  * If two values have the same frequency then decide based on the score. If
  * this is still ambivalent then return the first of the remaining values.
  * @param $scoredCitations
  * @param $scoreThreshold integer a number between 0 (=no threshold) and 100
  * @return Citation one citation with the "best" values set
 function &_guessValues(&$scoredCitations, $scoreThreshold)
     assert($scoreThreshold >= 0 && $scoreThreshold <= 100);
     // Create the target citation description.
     $targetDescription = new MetadataDescription('lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.nlm30.schema.Nlm30CitationSchema', ASSOC_TYPE_CITATION);
     // Step 1: List all values and max scores that have been identified for a given element
     //         but only include values from results above a given scoring threshold
     // Initialize variables for the first step.
     $valuesByPropertyName = array();
     $maxScoresByPropertyNameAndValue = array();
     // Sort the scored citations by score with the highest score first.
     foreach ($scoredCitations as $currentScore => $citationsForCurrentScore) {
         // Check whether the current score is below the threshold, if so
         // stop the loop. We've sorted our citations by score so the remaining
         // citations all have scores below the threshold and we can forget
         // about them.
         if ($currentScore < $scoreThreshold) {
         foreach ($citationsForCurrentScore as $citationForCurrentScore) {
             $statements = $citationForCurrentScore->getStatements();
             // Add the property values and scores of this citation
             // to the overall property lists
             foreach ($statements as $propertyName => $value) {
                 // Initialize sub-arrays if necessary
                 if (!isset($valuesByPropertyName[$propertyName])) {
                     $valuesByPropertyName[$propertyName] = array();
                 if (!isset($maxScoresByPropertyNameAndValue[$propertyName])) {
                     $maxScoresByPropertyNameAndValue[$propertyName] = array();
                 // Add the value for the given property, as we want to count
                 // value frequencies later, we explicitly allow duplicates.
                 $serializedValue = serialize($value);
                 $valuesByPropertyName[$propertyName][] = $serializedValue;
                 // As we have ordered our citations descending by score, the
                 // first score found for a value is also the maximum score.
                 if (!isset($maxScoresByPropertyNameAndValue[$propertyName][$serializedValue])) {
                     $maxScoresByPropertyNameAndValue[$propertyName][$serializedValue] = $currentScore;
     // Step 2: Find out the values that occur most frequently for each element
     //         and order these by score.
     foreach ($valuesByPropertyName as $propertyName => $values) {
         // Count the occurrences of each value within the given element
         $valueFrequencies = array_count_values($values);
         // Order the most frequent values to the beginning of the array
         // Get the most frequent values (may be several if there are more than one
         // with the same frequency).
         $scoresOfMostFrequentValues = array();
         $previousValueFrequency = 0;
         foreach ($valueFrequencies as $value => $valueFrequency) {
             // Only extract the most frequent values, jump out of the
             // loop when less frequent values start.
             if ($previousValueFrequency > $valueFrequency) {
             $previousValueFrequency = $valueFrequency;
             $scoresOfMostFrequentValues[$value] = $maxScoresByPropertyNameAndValue[$propertyName][$value];
         // Now we can order the most frequent values by score, starting
         // with the highest score.
         // Now get the first key which represents the value with the
         // highest frequency and the highest score.
         $bestValue = unserialize(key($scoresOfMostFrequentValues));
         // Set the found "best" element value in the result citation.
         $statements = array($propertyName => $bestValue);
         $success = $targetDescription->setStatements($statements);
     // Instantiate the target citation
     $targetCitation = new Citation();
     return $targetCitation;

示例5: MetadataDescription

  * Creates a new NLM citation description and adds the data
  * of an array of property/value pairs as statements.
  * @param $metadataArray array
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function &getNlm30CitationDescriptionFromMetadataArray(&$metadataArray)
     // Create a new citation description
     $citationDescription = new MetadataDescription('lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.nlm30.schema.Nlm30CitationSchema', ASSOC_TYPE_CITATION);
     // Add the meta-data to the description
     $metadataArray = arrayClean($metadataArray);
     if (!$citationDescription->setStatements($metadataArray)) {
         $translationParams = array('filterName' => $this->getDisplayName());
         $this->addError(__('submission.citations.filter.invalidMetadata', $translationParams));
         $nullVar = null;
         return $nullVar;
     // Set display name in the meta-data description
     // to the corresponding value from the filter. This is important
     // so that we later know which result came from which filter.
     return $citationDescription;

示例6: array

  * Instantiate an NLM name description from an array.
  * @param $personArray array
  * @param $assocType integer
  * @return MetadataDescription
 private function &instantiateNlm30NameDescriptions(&$personArray, $assocType)
     $personDescriptions = array();
     foreach ($personArray as $key => $person) {
         if ($person == PERSON_STRING_FILTER_ETAL) {
             $personDescription = 'et-al';
         } else {
             // Create a new NLM name description and fill it
             // with the values from the test array.
             $personDescription = new MetadataDescription('lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.nlm30.schema.Nlm30NameSchema', $assocType);
         // Add the result to the descriptions list
         $personDescriptions[$key] = $personDescription;
     return $personDescriptions;

示例7: NlmCitationSchema

  * Adds the data of an array of property/value pairs
  * as statements to an NLM citation description.
  * If no citation description is given, a new one will
  * be instantiated.
  * @param $metadataArray array
  * @param $citationDescription MetadataDescription
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function &addMetadataArrayToNlmCitationDescription(&$metadataArray, $citationDescription = null)
     // Create a new citation description if no one was given
     if (is_null($citationDescription)) {
         $metadataSchema = new NlmCitationSchema();
         $citationDescription = new MetadataDescription($metadataSchema, ASSOC_TYPE_CITATION);
     // Add the meta-data to the description
     if (!$citationDescription->setStatements($metadataArray)) {
         $nullVar = null;
         return $nullVar;
     return $citationDescription;

示例8: strlen

  * @see MetadataDataObjectAdapter::extractMetadataFromDataObject()
  * @param $dataObject Citation
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function &extractMetadataFromDataObject(&$dataObject)
     $metadataDescription =& $this->instantiateMetadataDescription();
     // Identify the length of the name space prefix
     $namespacePrefixLength = strlen($this->getMetadataNamespace()) + 1;
     // Get all meta-data field names
     $fieldNames = array_merge($this->getDataObjectMetadataFieldNames(false), $this->getDataObjectMetadataFieldNames(true));
     // Retrieve the statements from the data object
     $statements = array();
     $nameSchema = new NlmNameSchema();
     foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
         if ($dataObject->hasData($fieldName)) {
             // Remove the name space prefix
             $propertyName = substr($fieldName, $namespacePrefixLength);
             if (in_array($propertyName, array('person-group[@person-group-type="author"]', 'person-group[@person-group-type="editor"]'))) {
                 // Convert key/value arrays to MetadataDescription objects.
                 $names =& $dataObject->getData($fieldName);
                 foreach ($names as $key => $name) {
                     switch ($propertyName) {
                         case 'person-group[@person-group-type="author"]':
                             $assocType = ASSOC_TYPE_AUTHOR;
                         case 'person-group[@person-group-type="editor"]':
                             $assocType = ASSOC_TYPE_EDITOR;
                     $nameDescription = new MetadataDescription($nameSchema, $assocType);
                     $names[$key] =& $nameDescription;
                 $statements[$propertyName] =& $names;
             } else {
                 $statements[$propertyName] =& $dataObject->getData($fieldName);
     // Set the statements in the meta-data description
     return $metadataDescription;

示例9: NlmNameSchema

  * Instantiate an NLM name description from an array.
  * @param $personArray array
  * @param $assocType integer
  * @return MetadataDescription
 private function &instantiateNlmNameDescriptions(&$personArray, $assocType)
     $nlmNameSchema = new NlmNameSchema();
     $personDescriptions = array();
     foreach ($personArray as $key => $person) {
         // Create a new NLM name description and fill it
         // with the values from the test array.
         $personDescription = new MetadataDescription($nlmNameSchema, $assocType);
         // Add the result to the descriptions list
         $personDescriptions[$key] = $personDescription;
     return $personDescriptions;
