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PHP Issue::area方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Issue::area方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Issue::area方法的具体用法?PHP Issue::area怎么用?PHP Issue::area使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Issue的用法示例。


示例1: display_proposal_info

	 * display the right column with area and proponents
	 * @param Issue   $issue
	 * @param array   $proponents
	 * @param boolean $is_proponent
	public function display_proposal_info(Issue $issue, array $proponents, $is_proponent) {
echo _("Area");
<p class="proposal"><?php 
echo h($issue->area()->name);
echo _("Proponents");
		foreach ( $proponents as $proponent ) {
			if ($proponent->proponent_confirmed) {
				echo content2html($proponent->proponent_name);
			} else {
				?><span class="unconfirmed"><?php 
echo content2html($proponent->proponent_name);

		// show drafts only to the proponents
		if (!$is_proponent) return;



示例2: display_proposal_info

 * display the right column with area and proponents
 * @param Proposal $proposal
 * @param Issue   $issue
 * @param array   $proponents
 * @param boolean $is_proponent
function display_proposal_info(Proposal $proposal, Issue $issue, array $proponents, $is_proponent) {
<p class="proposal"><?=h($issue->area()->name)?></p>

	$is_any_proponent = false;
	if (Login::$member) {
		foreach ( $proponents as $proponent ) {
			if ($proponent->id==Login::$member->id) {
				$is_any_proponent = true;

	$allowed_edit_proponent = false;
	if ($proposal->allowed_change_proponents()) {
		if (Login::$member and Login::$member->entitled($_SESSION['ngroup'])) {
			$allowed_edit_proponent = true;
			if (!$is_any_proponent) {
<div class="add"><a href="<?=URI::append(['become_proponent'=>1])?>" class="icontextlink"><img src="img/plus.png" width="16" height="16" alt="<?=_("plus")?>"><?=_("become proponent")?></a></div>
		} else {
<div class="add icontextlink disabled" title="<?=_("You are not logged in, not in this group, not eligible or not verified.")?>"><img src="img/plus.png" width="16" height="16" alt="<?=_("plus")?>"><?=_("become proponent")?></div>

<div class="proponents">
	$confirmed_proponents = 0;
	foreach ( $proponents as $proponent ) {
		/** @var Member $proponent */
		if ($proponent->proponent_confirmed) $confirmed_proponents++;
		// show unconfirmed proponents only to confirmed proponents and himself
		if (!$is_proponent and !$proponent->proponent_confirmed and (!Login::$member or $proponent->id!=Login::$member->id)) continue;
		if (Login::$member and $proponent->id==Login::$member->id and $allowed_edit_proponent) {
			if (isset($_GET['edit_proponent'])) {
				form(URI::same(), "", "", "proponent", true);
<input type="text" name="proponent" value="<?=h($proponent->proponent_name)?>" maxlength="<?=Proposal::proponent_length?>" required><br>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="apply_proponent">
<input type="submit" value="<?=_("apply changes")?>">
			} else {
				if ($proponent->proponent_confirmed) {
					echo content2html($proponent->proponent_name);
				} else {
<span class="unconfirmed"><?=content2html($proponent->proponent_name)?></span>
				?> <a href="<?=URI::append(['edit_proponent'=>1])?>" class="iconlink"><img src="img/edit.png" width="16" height="16" alt="<?=_("edit")?>" title="<?=_("edit your proponent name and contact details")?>"></a><a href="<?=URI::append(['remove_proponent'=>1])?>" class="iconlink"><img src="img/delete.png" width="21" height="16" alt="<?=_("delete")?>" title="<?=_("remove yourself from the list of proponents")?>"></a><?
		} elseif ($proponent->proponent_confirmed) {
			echo content2html($proponent->proponent_name);
		} elseif ($is_proponent and $allowed_edit_proponent) {
<span class="unconfirmed"><?=content2html($proponent->proponent_name)?></span>
<input type="hidden" name="member" value="<?=$proponent->id?>">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="confirm_proponent">
<input type="submit" value="<?=_("confirm")?>">
		} else {
			?><span class="unconfirmed"><?=content2html($proponent->proponent_name)?></span><?
	if (Login::$member and $allowed_edit_proponent and isset($_GET['become_proponent']) and !$is_any_proponent) {
		form(URI::same(), "", "", "proponent", true);
<input type="text" name="proponent" value="<?=h(Login::$member->username())?>" maxlength="<?=Proposal::proponent_length?>" required><br>
<div class="explain"><?=_("Enter your name and contact details as you would like to see them in the proposal. To prevent fraud, also your username will be shown to the other proponents.")?></div>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="become_proponent">
<input type="submit" value="<?=_("apply to become proponent")?>">

示例3: Issue

 * vote result
 * @author Magnus Rosenbaum <dev@cmr.cx>
 * @package Basisentscheid

require "inc/common_http.php";

$issue = new Issue(@$_GET['issue']);
if (!$issue->id) {
	error(_("The requested issue does not exist."));

$_SESSION['ngroup'] = $issue->area()->ngroup;

if ($issue->state != 'finished') {
	error(_("This issue is not finished."));

html_head(_("Vote result"), true);

<table class="proposals">
list($proposals, $submitted) = $issue->proposals_list(true);
$issue->display_proposals($proposals, $submitted, count($proposals), true);

示例4: content

	 * compose subject and body
	 * @return array
	private function content() {

		// ngroup
		if ($this->period) {
			$ngroup = $this->period->ngroup();
		} elseif ($this->issue) {
			$ngroup = $this->issue->area()->ngroup();
		} elseif ($this->proposal) {
			$ngroup = $this->proposal->issue()->area()->ngroup();
		} else {
			trigger_error("ngroup could not be determined", E_USER_WARNING);
			$ngroup = null;
		$body = _("Group").": ".$ngroup->name."\n\n";

		$separator = "-----8<--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; // 75 characters

		switch ($this->type) {
		case "comment":

			$subject = sprintf(_("New comment in proposal %d - %s"), $this->proposal->id, $this->comment->title);

			$uri = BASE_URL."proposal.php?id=".$this->proposal->id;
			if ($this->comment->rubric == "discussion") $uri .= "&discussion=1";

			$body .= _("Proposal")." ".$this->proposal->id.": ".$this->proposal->title."\n\n";
			if (Login::$member) {
				$body .= sprintf(_("Member '%s' posted this comment:"), Login::$member->username());
			} else {
				$body .= _("Someone not logged in posted this comment:");
			$body .= "\n"

		case "reply":

			$subject = sprintf(_("New reply to your comment in proposal %d - %s"), $this->proposal->id, $this->comment->title);

			$uri = BASE_URL."proposal.php?id=".$this->proposal->id;
			if ($this->comment->rubric == "discussion") $uri .= "&discussion=1";

			$body .= _("Proposal")." ".$this->proposal->id.": ".$this->proposal->title."\n\n";
			if (Login::$member) {
				$body .= sprintf(_("Member '%s' replied to your comment:"), Login::$member->username());
			} else {
				$body .= _("Someone not logged in replied to your comment:");
			$body .= "\n"

		case "new_proposal":

			$subject = sprintf(_("New proposal %d in area %s - %s"), $this->proposal->id, $this->proposal->issue()->area()->name, $this->proposal->title);

			$body .= sprintf(_("Proponent '%s' added a new proposal:"), $this->proponent)."\n"
				."===== "._("Title")." =====\n"
				."===== "._("Content")." =====\n"
				."===== "._("Reason")." =====\n"

		case "new_draft":

			$subject = sprintf(_("New draft for proposal %d - %s"), $this->proposal->id, $this->proposal->title);

			if ($this->proponent !== false) {
				$body .= sprintf(_("Proponent '%s' added a new draft:"), $this->proponent);
			} else {
				$body .= _("An admin added a new draft:");
			$body .= "\n"
				."===== "._("Title")." =====\n"
				."===== "._("Content")." =====\n"
				."===== "._("Reason")." =====\n"
