本文整理汇总了PHP中ImagickDraw::line方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP ImagickDraw::line方法的具体用法?PHP ImagickDraw::line怎么用?PHP ImagickDraw::line使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类ImagickDraw
示例1: histogram
public function histogram()
for ($i = 0; $i <= 256; $i++) {
$this->data[$i] = array('r' => 0, 'g' => 0, 'b' => 0, 'y' => 0);
$maxPixelCount = 0;
foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) {
$maxPixelCount = max($maxPixelCount, $v['r'], $v['g'], $v['b'], $v['y']);
$this->img->newImage(512, 512, new ImagickPixel('white'));
$draw = new ImagickDraw();
for ($i = 0; $i < 257; $i++) {
$draw->line($i * 2, 512, $i * 2, 512 - $this->data[$i]['r'] / $maxPixelCount * 512);
$draw->line($i * 2, 512, $i * 2, 512 - $this->data[$i]['g'] / $maxPixelCount * 512);
$draw->line($i * 2, 512, $i * 2, 512 - $this->data[$i]['b'] / $maxPixelCount * 512);
$draw->line($i * 2, 512, $i * 2, 512 - $this->data[$i]['y'] / $maxPixelCount * 512);
示例2: drawChartBackground
function drawChartBackground()
$this->draw->line(25, $this->chartHeight / 2, $this->chartWidth - 25, $this->chartHeight / 2);
$this->draw->line($this->chartWidth / 2, 25, $this->chartWidth / 2, $this->chartHeight - 25);
$this->draw->circle($this->chartWidth / 2, $this->chartHeight / 2, $this->chartWidth / 2, $this->chartHeight / 2 + 200);
$this->draw->circle($this->chartWidth / 2, $this->chartHeight / 2, $this->chartWidth / 2, $this->chartHeight / 2 + 100);
示例3: border
* Add border
* @param integer $width Border width
* @param string $color Border color
* @return Imagick
public function border($width, $color)
$border = new \ImagickDraw();
$border->setStrokeColor(new \ImagickPixel($color));
$widthPart = $width / 2;
$border->line(0, 0 + $widthPart, $this->width, 0 + $widthPart);
$border->line(0, $this->height - $widthPart, $this->width, $this->height - $widthPart);
$border->line(0 + $widthPart, 0, 0 + $widthPart, $this->height);
$border->line($this->width - $widthPart, 0, $this->width - $widthPart, $this->height);
return $this;
示例4: drawLine
* Draw line between points
* Нарисовать линии между указанными точками
* @param int $sx
* @param int $sy
* @param int $ex
* @param int $ey
public function drawLine($sx, $sy, $ex, $ey)
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$draw->line($sx, $sy, $ex, $ey);
示例5: analyzeImage
* @param \Imagick $imagick
* @param int $graphWidth
* @param int $graphHeight
public static function analyzeImage(\Imagick $imagick, $graphWidth = 255, $graphHeight = 127)
$sampleHeight = 20;
$border = 2;
$imagick->scaleImage($graphWidth, $sampleHeight);
$imageIterator = new \ImagickPixelIterator($imagick);
$luminosityArray = [];
foreach ($imageIterator as $row => $pixels) {
/* Loop through pixel rows */
foreach ($pixels as $column => $pixel) {
/* Loop through the pixels in the row (columns) */
/** @var $pixel \ImagickPixel */
if (false) {
$color = $pixel->getColor();
$luminosityArray[] = $color['r'];
} else {
$hsl = $pixel->getHSL();
$luminosityArray[] = $hsl['luminosity'];
/* Sync the iterator, this is important to do on each iteration */
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$strokeColor = new \ImagickPixel('red');
$fillColor = new \ImagickPixel('red');
$previous = false;
$x = 0;
foreach ($luminosityArray as $luminosity) {
$pos = $graphHeight - 1 - $luminosity * ($graphHeight - 1);
if ($previous !== false) {
/** @var $previous int */
//printf ( "%d, %d, %d, %d <br/>\n" , $x - 1, $previous, $x, $pos);
$draw->line($x - 1, $previous, $x, $pos);
$x += 1;
$previous = $pos;
$plot = new \Imagick();
$plot->newImage($graphWidth, $graphHeight, 'white');
$outputImage = new \Imagick();
$outputImage->newImage($graphWidth, $graphHeight + $sampleHeight, 'white');
$outputImage->compositeimage($plot, \Imagick::COMPOSITE_ATOP, 0, 0);
$outputImage->compositeimage($imagick, \Imagick::COMPOSITE_ATOP, 0, $graphHeight);
$outputImage->borderimage('black', $border, $border);
App::cachingHeader("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $outputImage;
示例6: applyToImage
* Draw current instance of line to given endpoint on given image
* @param Image $image
* @param integer $x
* @param integer $y
* @return boolean
public function applyToImage(Image $image, $x = 0, $y = 0)
$line = new \ImagickDraw();
$color = new Color($this->color);
$line->line($this->x, $this->y, $x, $y);
return true;
示例7: perform
* Draw a line on the image, returns the GD-handle
* @param Zend_Image_Adapter_ImageMagick image resource $handle Image to work on
* @param Zend_Image_Action_DrawLine $lineObject The object containing all settings needed for drawing a line.
* @return void
public function perform(Zend_Image_Adapter_ImageMagick $adapter, Zend_Image_Action_DrawLine $lineObject)
$handle = $adapter->getHandle();
$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$color = $lineObject->getStrokeColor();
$draw->setStrokeColor((string) $color);
$draw->line($lineObject->getPointStart()->getX(), $lineObject->getPointStart()->getY(), $lineObject->getPointEnd()->getX(), $lineObject->getPointEnd()->getY());
示例8: draw
* @param Image $image
* @return Image
public function draw($image)
$strokeColor = new \ImagickPixel($this->getColor()->getHexString());
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
list($x1, $y1) = $this->point1;
list($x2, $y2) = $this->point2;
$draw->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
return $image;
示例9: GetView
function GetView()
global $TMP_PATH;
$tmp_file = ADEI::GetTmpFile();
$im = new Imagick();
$tmp = new Imagick();
$image = new Imagick();
$final = new Imagick();
$with_axes = new Imagick();
$output = new Imagick();
$tick = new ImagickDraw();
$ceiling = new ImagickDraw();
$color = new ImagickPixel('#666666');
$background = new ImagickPixel('none');
// Transparent
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "cube";
$password = "cube";
$dbname = "HDCP10";
$req = $this->req->CreateGroupRequest();
$req = $this->req->CreateDataRequest();
$fstart = $req->GetProp("view_pb_start", 0);
$width = $req->GetProp("control_width", 800);
$height = $req->GetProp("control_height", 600);
$height = $height - 180;
// 60px for the xaxis (50px)
$start = 1367366400000000.0;
// GMT: Wed, 01 May 2013 00:00:00 GMT
$end = 1367452800000000.0;
// GMT: Thu, 02 May 2013 00:00:00 GMT
//$end = 1367539200000000; // GMT: Fri, 03 May 2013 00:00:00 GMT
$current = $start;
$step = 3600000000.0;
try {
$conn = new PDO("mysql:host={$servername};dbname={$dbname}", $username, $password);
// set the PDO error mode to exception
while (true) {
if ($current >= $end) {
$start_interval = $current;
$end_interval = $start_interval + $step;
$sql = "SELECT img_id, image, timestamp FROM Profiles_060_WTH_STATIC_EL90_Images_Stitch_Im1_3600 WHERE timestamp >= " . $start_interval . " AND timestamp < " . $end_interval;
$stmt = $conn->query($sql);
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
if ($row == false) {
$im->newImage($width, $height - $height * 20 / 100, "white");
} else {
if (is_null($row->image)) {
$im->newImage($width, $height - $height * 20 / 100, "white");
} else {
$im->resizeImage($width, $height - $height * 20 / 100, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
#$text = date('H:s', ($current / 1000000));
#$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$tick = new ImagickDraw();
$ceiling = new ImagickDraw();
/* Font properties */
/* Get font metrics */
#$metrics = $image->queryFontMetrics($draw, $text);
/* Create text */
#$draw->annotation(0, $metrics['ascender']+20, $text);
$tick->line(0, 0, 0, 20);
//imageline($image, $width/2, 0, $width/2, 50, $color);
$ceiling->line(0, 0, $width, 0);
/* Create image */
$image->newImage($width, 20, $background);
$tmp = $im->appendImages(true);
$current = $end_interval;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
//echo "Connection failed: " . $e->getMessage();
/* Append the images into one */
示例10: imagickLine
* 在图片上划线
* @param object $image Imagick的实例
* @param integer $num 画线的数量
* @return object Imagick的实例
protected function imagickLine($image, $num = 4)
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$color = $this->randColor();
$startx = rand(0, $this->width);
$endx = rand(0, $this->width);
$starty = rand(0, $this->height);
$endy = rand(0, $this->height);
$draw->line($startx, $starty, $endx, $endy);
return $image;
示例11: drawArc
* Method to add an arc to the image.
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @param int $start
* @param int $end
* @param int $w
* @param int $h
* @return \Pop\Image\Imagick
public function drawArc($x, $y, $start, $end, $w, $h = null)
$wid = $w;
$hgt = null === $h ? $w : $h;
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$x1 = $w * cos($start / 180 * pi());
$y1 = $h * sin($start / 180 * pi());
$x2 = $w * cos($end / 180 * pi());
$y2 = $h * sin($end / 180 * pi());
$points = array(array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y), array('x' => $x + $x1, 'y' => $y + $y1), array('x' => $x + $x2, 'y' => $y + $y2));
$draw->ellipse($x, $y, $wid, $hgt, $start, $end);
if (null !== $this->strokeWidth) {
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$draw->setStrokeWidth(null === $this->strokeWidth ? 1 : $this->strokeWidth);
$draw->ellipse($x, $y, $wid, $hgt, $start, $end);
$draw->line($x, $y, $x + $x1, $y + $y1);
$draw->line($x, $y, $x + $x2, $y + $y2);
return $this;
示例12: ImagickDraw
if (is_null($row->image)) {
$im->newImage($width, $height, "white");
} else {
$im->resizeImage($width, $height, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$tick = new ImagickDraw();
$tick->line(0, 0, 0, 20);
$ceiling = new ImagickDraw();
$ceiling->line(0, 0, $width, 0);
/* Create image */
$image->newImage($width, 20, $background);
$tmp = $im->appendImages(true);
$current = $end_interval;
示例13: pie
* Draw a pie slice on the image.
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @param int $start
* @param int $end
* @param int $w
* @param int $h
* @return Imagick
public function pie($x, $y, $start, $end, $w, $h = null)
$wid = $w;
$hgt = null === $h ? $w : $h;
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$x1 = $w * cos($start / 180 * pi());
$y1 = $h * sin($start / 180 * pi());
$x2 = $w * cos($end / 180 * pi());
$y2 = $h * sin($end / 180 * pi());
$points = [['x' => $x, 'y' => $y], ['x' => $x + $x1, 'y' => $y + $y1], ['x' => $x + $x2, 'y' => $y + $y2]];
$draw->ellipse($x, $y, $wid, $hgt, $start, $end);
if ($this->strokeWidth > 0) {
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();
$draw->ellipse($x, $y, $wid, $hgt, $start, $end);
$draw->line($x, $y, $x + $x1, $y + $y1);
$draw->line($x, $y, $x + $x2, $y + $y2);
return $this;
示例14: WriteLine
* Horizontal line insertion
protected function WriteLine()
if ($this->useImageMagick) {
$x1 = $this->width * $this->scale * 0.15;
$x2 = $this->textFinalX;
$y1 = rand($this->height * $this->scale * 0.4, $this->height * $this->scale * 0.65);
$y2 = rand($this->height * $this->scale * 0.4, $this->height * $this->scale * 0.65);
$width = $this->lineWidth / 2 * $this->scale;
$draw = new ImagickDraw();
for ($i = $width * -1; $i <= $width; $i++) {
$draw->line($x1, $y1 + $i, $x2, $y2 + $i);
} else {
$x1 = $this->width * $this->scale * 0.15;
$x2 = $this->textFinalX;
$y1 = rand($this->height * $this->scale * 0.4, $this->height * $this->scale * 0.65);
$y2 = rand($this->height * $this->scale * 0.4, $this->height * $this->scale * 0.65);
$width = $this->lineWidth / 2 * $this->scale;
for ($i = $width * -1; $i <= $width; $i++) {
imageline($this->im, $x1, $y1 + $i, $x2, $y2 + $i, $this->GdFgColor);
示例15: Imagick
$xaxis = new Imagick();
$xaxis->newImage($width, 50, $background);
$yaxis_top = new Imagick();
$yaxis_top->newImage($width_yaxis, $height - 68, $background);
$ytick = new ImagickDraw();
$ybox = ($height - 68) / 8;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 8; $i++) {
$ytick->line($width_yaxis * 0.8, $i * $ybox, $width_yaxis, $i * $ybox);
$yaxis_top->annotateImage($draw, 10, $height - 68 - $i * $ybox - 5, 0, $i * 1000);
$yaxis_bot = new Imagick();
$yaxis_bot->newImage($width_yaxis, 68, $background);
$yaxis_output = $yaxis->appendImages(true);
$output = $with_axes->appendImages(true);
$path_parts = pathinfo($tmp_file);