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PHP ITSEC_Lib::ip_mask_to_range方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中ITSEC_Lib::ip_mask_to_range方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP ITSEC_Lib::ip_mask_to_range方法的具体用法?PHP ITSEC_Lib::ip_mask_to_range怎么用?PHP ITSEC_Lib::ip_mask_to_range使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ITSEC_Lib的用法示例。


示例1: get_server_config_ban_hosts_rules

 protected function get_server_config_ban_hosts_rules($server_type)
     if (true !== $this->settings['enabled']) {
         return '';
     if (!is_array($this->settings['host_list']) || empty($this->settings['host_list'])) {
         return '';
     if (!class_exists('ITSEC_Ban_Users')) {
         require dirname(__FILE__) . '/class-itsec-ban-users.php';
     $host_rules = '';
     $set_env_rules = '';
     $deny_rules = '';
     $require_rules = '';
     // process hosts list
     foreach ($this->settings['host_list'] as $host) {
         $host = ITSEC_Lib::ip_wild_to_mask($host);
         $host = trim($host);
         if (empty($host)) {
         if (ITSEC_Ban_Users::is_ip_whitelisted($host)) {
              * @todo warn the user the ip to be banned is whitelisted
         if (in_array($server_type, array('apache', 'litespeed'))) {
             $converted_host = ITSEC_Lib::ip_mask_to_range($host);
             $converted_host = trim($converted_host);
             if (empty($converted_host)) {
             $set_env_host = str_replace('.', '\\.', $converted_host);
             $set_env_rules .= "\tSetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR \"^{$set_env_host}\$\" DenyAccess\n";
             // Ban IP
             $set_env_rules .= "\tSetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR \"^{$set_env_host}\$\" DenyAccess\n";
             // Ban IP from a proxy
             $set_env_rules .= "\tSetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP \"^{$set_env_host}\$\" DenyAccess\n";
             // Ban IP from a load balancer
             $set_env_rules .= "\n";
             $require_host = str_replace('.[0-9]+', '', $converted_host);
             $require_rules .= "\t\t\tRequire not ip {$require_host}\n";
             $deny_rules .= "\t\tDeny from {$require_host}\n";
         } else {
             if ('nginx' === $server_type) {
                 $host_rules .= "\tdeny {$host};\n";
     $rules = '';
     if ('apache' === $server_type) {
         if (!empty($set_env_rules)) {
             $rules .= "\n";
             $rules .= "\t# " . __('Ban Hosts - Security > Settings > Banned Users', 'better-wp-security') . "\n";
             $rules .= $set_env_rules;
             $rules .= "\t<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>\n";
             $rules .= "\t\t<RequireAll>\n";
             $rules .= "\t\t\tRequire all granted\n";
             $rules .= "\t\t\tRequire not env DenyAccess\n";
             $rules .= $require_rules;
             $rules .= "\t\t</RequireAll>\n";
             $rules .= "\t</IfModule>\n";
             $rules .= "\t<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>\n";
             $rules .= "\t\tOrder allow,deny\n";
             $rules .= "\t\tAllow from all\n";
             $rules .= "\t\tDeny from env=DenyAccess\n";
             $rules .= $deny_rules;
             $rules .= "\t</IfModule>\n";
     } else {
         if ('litespeed' === $server_type) {
             if (!empty($set_env_rules)) {
                 $rules .= "\n";
                 $rules .= "\t# " . __('Ban Hosts - Security > Settings > Banned Users', 'better-wp-security') . "\n";
                 $rules .= $set_env_rules;
                 $rules .= "\t<IfModule mod_litespeed.c>\n";
                 $rules .= "\t\tOrder allow,deny\n";
                 $rules .= "\t\tAllow from all\n";
                 $rules .= "\t\tDeny from env=DenyAccess\n";
                 $rules .= $deny_rules;
                 $rules .= "\t</IfModule>\n";
         } else {
             if ('nginx' === $server_type) {
                 if (!empty($host_rules)) {
                     $rules .= "\n";
                     $rules .= "# " . __('Ban Hosts - Security > Settings > Banned Users', 'better-wp-security') . "\n";
                     $rules .= $host_rules;
     return $rules;

示例2: build_rewrite_rules

  * Build the rewrite rules and sends them to the file writer
  * @param array   $input   array of options, ips, etc
  * @param boolean $current whether the current IP can be included in the ban list
  * @return array array of rules to send to file writer
 public static function build_rewrite_rules($input = null, $current = false)
     //setup data structures to write. These are simply lists of all IPs and hosts as well as options to check
     if ($input === null) {
         //blocking ip on the fly
         $input = get_site_option('itsec_ban_users');
     $default = $input['default'];
     $enabled = $input['enabled'];
     $raw_host_list = $input['host_list'];
     $raw_agent_list = $input['agent_list'];
     $server_type = ITSEC_Lib::get_server();
     //Get the server type to build the right rules
     //initialize lists so we can check later if we've used them
     $host_list = '';
     $agent_list = '';
     $default_list = '';
     $host_rule2 = '';
     //load the default blacklist if needed
     if ($default === true && $server_type === 'nginx') {
         $default_list = file_get_contents(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'lists/hackrepair-nginx.inc');
     } elseif ($default === true) {
         $default_list = file_get_contents(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'lists/hackrepair-apache.inc');
     //Only process other lists if the feature has been enabled
     if ($enabled === true) {
         //process hosts list
         if (is_array($raw_host_list)) {
             foreach ($raw_host_list as $host) {
                 $host = ITSEC_Lib::ip_wild_to_mask($host);
                 if (!class_exists('ITSEC_Ban_Users')) {
                     require dirname(__FILE__) . '/class-itsec-ban-users.php';
                 if (!ITSEC_Ban_Users::is_ip_whitelisted($host, null, $current)) {
                     $converted_host = ITSEC_Lib::ip_mask_to_range($host);
                     if (strlen(trim($converted_host)) > 1) {
                         if ($server_type === 'nginx') {
                             //NGINX rules
                             $host_rule = "\tdeny " . trim($host) . ';';
                         } else {
                             //rules for all other servers
                             $dhost = str_replace('.', '\\.', trim($converted_host));
                             //re-define $dhost to match required output for SetEnvIf-RegEX
                             $host_rule = "SetEnvIF REMOTE_ADDR \"^" . $dhost . "\$\" DenyAccess" . PHP_EOL;
                             //Ban IP
                             $host_rule .= "SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR \"^" . $dhost . "\$\" DenyAccess" . PHP_EOL;
                             //Ban IP from Proxy-User
                             $host_rule .= "SetEnvIF X-CLUSTER-CLIENT-IP \"^" . $dhost . "\$\" DenyAccess" . PHP_EOL;
                             //Ban IP for Cluster/Cloud-hosted WP-Installs
                             $host_rule2 .= "deny from " . str_replace('.[0-9]+', '', trim($converted_host)) . PHP_EOL;
                     $host_list .= $host_rule . PHP_EOL;
                     //build large string of all hosts
                 } else {
                      * @todo warn the user the ip to be banned is whitelisted
         //Process the agents list
         if (is_array($raw_agent_list)) {
             $count = 1;
             //to help us find the last one
             foreach ($raw_agent_list as $agent) {
                 if (strlen(trim($agent)) > 1) {
                     //if it isn't the last rule make sure we add an or
                     if ($count < sizeof($agent)) {
                         $end = ' [NC,OR]' . PHP_EOL;
                     } else {
                         $end = ' [NC]' . PHP_EOL;
                     if (strlen(trim($agent)) > 1) {
                         if ($server_type === 'nginx') {
                             //NGINX rule
                             $converted_agent = 'if ($http_user_agent ~* "^' . quotemeta(trim($agent)) . '"){ return 403; }' . PHP_EOL;
                         } else {
                             //Rule for all other servers
                             $converted_agent = 'RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^' . str_replace(' ', '\\ ', quotemeta(trim($agent))) . $end;
                     $agent_list .= $converted_agent;
                     //build large string of all agents
     $rules = '';
     //initialize rules
     //Start with default rules if we have them
