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PHP Header::error方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Header::error方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Header::error方法的具体用法?PHP Header::error怎么用?PHP Header::error使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Header的用法示例。


示例1: Tweet

if (isset($_GET['hash'])) {
    $tweet = new Tweet();
    $hash = $tweet->getHash($_GET['hash']);
    $check = $tweet->countHash_tweet($hash);
    if ($check > 0) {
        if (isset($_GET['num'])) {
            if ($_GET['num'] > 0) {
                $num = mysql_real_escape_string(intval($_GET['num']));
                header("HTTP/1.1 200 Ok");
                echo $tweet->get_output($hash, $num);
            } else {
                $error = new Header();
                $error->error("<h2>HTTP 400 Bad Request</h2><hr/><h5><i>no of tweet asked is invalid</i></h5> ");
        } else {
            $num = 10;
            header("HTTP/1.1 200 Ok");
            echo $tweet->get_output($hash, $num);
    } else {
        $error = new Header();
        $error->error("<h2>HTTP 400 Bad Request</h2><hr/><h5><i>hashtag asked is invalid</i></h5> ");
} else {
    $error = new Header();
    $error->error("<h2>HTTP 400 Bad Request</h2><hr/><h5><i>hashtag is not given</i></h5> ");

示例2: processPage

  * It makes all transformation with page's DOM model in order to make
  * checks, extending and including functions.
  * If current page is not allowed to show, Header::FORBIDDEN HTTP code will be returned.
  * While extending page, system tries to overload ascending <block>'s with 
  * blocks on the current page with same names. For example
  * <pre><code>
  * Page base.xml:
  * <root>
  *		<block id="b1">
  *			<WText>Hello base.xml</WText>
  *		</block>
  *		<WText>Common text</WText>
  * </root>
  * Page derived.xml:
  * <root extends="base">
  *		<block id="b1">
  *			<WText>Hello derived.xml</WText>
  *		</block>
  * </root>
  * </pre></code>
  * Since page derived.xml is extending base.xml, system tries to find base.xml in current controller's 
  * directory and tries to substitute block "b1" in base.xml with derived.xml "b1". 
  * Also, <pre><code> <parent id="b1"/> </code></pre> may be used to include parent's block with id "b1".
  * Ascending pages always checking upto ACL
  * In case of including, 
  * <pre><code> 
  * <include src="base.xml" block="b1" allow="admin"/> 
  * </code></pre> syntax is used.
  * It includes block "b1" (may be optional) from the file "base.xml" and allows it only for group
  * "admin" (optional too).
  * Triggers "BeforePageProcess", "BeforePageExtendsLookup", "BeforePageParentLookup", 
  * "BeforePageExtending", "BeforePageIncluding","AfterPageProcess" events. 
  * $this passed as 1st argument, $dom passed as 2nd parameter.
  * @param DomDocument object to make transformation
  * @return DomDocument object that have been transofrmed
  * @throws ControllerException in case of unrecoverable error
  * @see ACL::check
 protected function processPage(DomDocument $dom)
     $this->trigger("BeforePageProcess", array($this, &$dom));
     if (!$dom instanceof DOMNode || !isset($dom->firstChild)) {
         throw new ControllerException("XML document not valid");
     // check rights
     $a = $dom->firstChild->getAttribute('allow');
     $d = $dom->firstChild->getAttribute('deny');
     if (!ACL::check($a, $d)) {
     $this->trigger("BeforPageExtendsLookup", array($this, &$dom));
     // extends
     $adj_list = array($dom);
     $included_pages = array($this->page . ".xml");
     $t_dom = $dom;
     while (($e_src = $t_dom->firstChild->getAttribute('extends')) != "" && !in_array($e_src, $included_pages)) {
         $t_dom = new DomDocument();
         try {
             $t_dom->load($pp = $this->pagePath($e_src));
         } catch (ControllerException $e) {
             throw new ControllerException('extends page not found');
         $_a = $t_dom->firstChild->getAttribute('allow');
         $_d = $t_dom->firstChild->getAttribute('deny');
         if (!ACL::check($_a, $_d)) {
         array_unshift($included_pages, $e_src);
         array_unshift($adj_list, $t_dom);
         $this->ie_files[] = $pp;
     $this->trigger("BeforePageParentLookup", array($this, &$dom));
     // searching for <parent> blocks
     for ($i = 1, $c = count($adj_list); $i < $c; $i++) {
         $nl = t(new DOMXPath($adj_list[$i]))->query("//parent[@id]");
         for ($j = 0, $c2 = $nl->length; $j < $c2; $j++) {
             for ($k = $i - 1; $k >= 0; $k--) {
                 $nl2 = t(new DOMXPath($adj_list[$k]))->query("//block[@id='" . $nl->item($j)->getAttribute('id') . "']");
                 if (!$nl2->length) {
                 $el = $nl->item($j);
                 $el2 = $nl2->item(0);
                 $el2 = $adj_list[$i]->importNode($el2, true);
                 $el->parentNode->replaceChild($el2, $el);
