本文整理汇总了PHP中Gdn_Upload::Parse方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Gdn_Upload::Parse方法的具体用法?PHP Gdn_Upload::Parse怎么用?PHP Gdn_Upload::Parse使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Gdn_Upload
示例1: GetImageSize
* If passed path leads to an image, return size
* @param string $Path Path to file.
* @return array [0] => Height, [1] => Width.
public static function GetImageSize($Path)
// Static FireEvent for intercepting non-local files.
$Sender = new stdClass();
$Sender->Returns = array();
$Sender->EventArguments = array();
$Sender->EventArguments['Path'] =& $Path;
$Sender->EventArguments['Parsed'] = Gdn_Upload::Parse($Path);
Gdn::PluginManager()->CallEventHandlers($Sender, 'Gdn_Upload', 'CopyLocal');
if (!in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($Path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)), array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'))) {
return array(0, 0);
$ImageSize = @getimagesize($Path);
if (is_array($ImageSize)) {
if (!in_array($ImageSize[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) {
return array(0, 0);
return array($ImageSize[0], $ImageSize[1]);
return array(0, 0);
示例2: Thumbnail
public function Thumbnail($UserReference = '', $Username = '') {
$Session = Gdn::Session();
if (!$Session->IsValid())
$this->Form->AddError('You must be authenticated in order to use this form.');
$this->GetUserInfo($UserReference, $Username);
if ($this->User->UserID != $Session->UserID && !$Session->CheckPermission('Garden.Users.Edit'))
throw new Exception(T('You cannot edit the thumbnail of another member.'));
$this->Form->AddHidden('UserID', $this->User->UserID);
if (!$this->User->Photo)
$this->Form->AddError('You must first upload a picture before you can create a thumbnail.');
// Define the thumbnail size
$this->ThumbSize = Gdn::Config('Garden.Thumbnail.Size', 32);
// Define the source (profile sized) picture & dimensions.
$Basename = ChangeBasename($this->User->Photo, 'p%s');
$Upload = new Gdn_UploadImage();
$PhotoParsed = Gdn_Upload::Parse($Basename);
$Source = $Upload->CopyLocal($Basename);
if (!$Source) {
$this->Form->AddError('You cannot edit the thumbnail of an externally linked profile picture.');
} else {
$this->SourceSize = getimagesize($Source);
// Add some more hidden form fields for jcrop
$this->Form->AddHidden('x', '0');
$this->Form->AddHidden('y', '0');
$this->Form->AddHidden('w', $this->ThumbSize);
$this->Form->AddHidden('h', $this->ThumbSize);
$this->Form->AddHidden('HeightSource', $this->SourceSize[1]);
$this->Form->AddHidden('WidthSource', $this->SourceSize[0]);
$this->Form->AddHidden('ThumbSize', $this->ThumbSize);
if ($this->Form->AuthenticatedPostBack() === TRUE) {
try {
// Get the dimensions from the form.
'userpics/'.ChangeBasename(basename($this->User->Photo), 'n%s'),
$this->ThumbSize, $this->ThumbSize,
array('Crop' => TRUE, 'SourceX' => $this->Form->GetValue('x'), 'SourceY' => $this->Form->GetValue('y'), 'SourceWidth' => $this->Form->GetValue('w'), 'SourceHeight' => $this->Form->GetValue('h')));
} catch (Exception $Ex) {
// If there were no problems, redirect back to the user account
if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() == 0) {
// Delete the source image if it is externally hosted.
if ($PhotoParsed['Type']) {
示例3: Thumbnail
* Set user's thumbnail (crop & center photo).
* @since 2.0.0
* @access public
* @param mixed $UserReference Unique identifier, possible username or ID.
* @param string $Username.
public function Thumbnail($UserReference = '', $Username = '')
if (!C('Garden.Profile.EditPhotos', TRUE)) {
throw ForbiddenException('@Editing user photos has been disabled.');
// Initial permission checks (valid user)
$Session = Gdn::Session();
if (!$Session->IsValid()) {
$this->Form->AddError('You must be authenticated in order to use this form.');
// Need some extra JS
// jcrop update jan28, 2014 as jQuery upgrade to 1.10.2 no longer
// supported browser()
$this->GetUserInfo($UserReference, $Username, '', TRUE);
// Permission check (correct user)
if ($this->User->UserID != $Session->UserID && !CheckPermission('Garden.Users.Edit') && !CheckPermission('Moderation.Profiles.Edit')) {
throw new Exception(T('You cannot edit the thumbnail of another member.'));
// Form prep
$this->Form->AddHidden('UserID', $this->User->UserID);
// Confirm we have a photo to manipulate
if (!$this->User->Photo) {
$this->Form->AddError('You must first upload a picture before you can create a thumbnail.');
// Define the thumbnail size
$this->ThumbSize = Gdn::Config('Garden.Thumbnail.Size', 40);
// Define the source (profile sized) picture & dimensions.
$Basename = ChangeBasename($this->User->Photo, 'p%s');
$Upload = new Gdn_UploadImage();
$PhotoParsed = Gdn_Upload::Parse($Basename);
$Source = $Upload->CopyLocal($Basename);
if (!$Source) {
$this->Form->AddError('You cannot edit the thumbnail of an externally linked profile picture.');
} else {
$this->SourceSize = getimagesize($Source);
// We actually need to upload a new file to help with cdb ttls.
$NewPhoto = $Upload->GenerateTargetName('userpics', trim(pathinfo($this->User->Photo, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), '.'), TRUE);
// Add some more hidden form fields for jcrop
$this->Form->AddHidden('x', '0');
$this->Form->AddHidden('y', '0');
$this->Form->AddHidden('w', $this->ThumbSize);
$this->Form->AddHidden('h', $this->ThumbSize);
$this->Form->AddHidden('HeightSource', $this->SourceSize[1]);
$this->Form->AddHidden('WidthSource', $this->SourceSize[0]);
$this->Form->AddHidden('ThumbSize', $this->ThumbSize);
if ($this->Form->AuthenticatedPostBack() === TRUE) {
try {
// Get the dimensions from the form.
Gdn_UploadImage::SaveImageAs($Source, ChangeBasename($NewPhoto, 'n%s'), $this->ThumbSize, $this->ThumbSize, array('Crop' => TRUE, 'SourceX' => $this->Form->GetValue('x'), 'SourceY' => $this->Form->GetValue('y'), 'SourceWidth' => $this->Form->GetValue('w'), 'SourceHeight' => $this->Form->GetValue('h')));
// Save new profile picture.
$Parsed = $Upload->SaveAs($Source, ChangeBasename($NewPhoto, 'p%s'));
$UserPhoto = sprintf($Parsed['SaveFormat'], $NewPhoto);
// Save the new photo info.
Gdn::UserModel()->SetField($this->User->UserID, 'Photo', $UserPhoto);
// Remove the old profile picture.
} catch (Exception $Ex) {
// If there were no problems, redirect back to the user account
if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() == 0) {
Redirect(UserUrl($this->User, '', 'picture'));
$this->InformMessage(Sprite('Check', 'InformSprite') . T('Your changes have been saved.'), 'Dismissable AutoDismiss HasSprite');
// Delete the source image if it is externally hosted.
if ($PhotoParsed['Type']) {
$this->Title(T('Edit My Thumbnail'));
$this->_SetBreadcrumbs(T('Edit My Thumbnail'), '/profile/thumbnail');
示例4: foreach
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
$isOwner = Gdn::session()->isValid() && Gdn::session()->UserID == $attachment['InsertUserID'];
$viewerCssClass = $isOwner ? 'file-owner' : 'file-readonly';
if (Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.Moderation.Manage')) {
$viewerCssClass = 'file-owner';
if (val('InBody', $attachment)) {
$viewerCssClass .= ' in-body';
$pathParse = Gdn_Upload::Parse($attachment['Path']);
$thumbPathParse = Gdn_Upload::Parse($attachment['ThumbPath']);
$filePreviewCss = $attachment['ThumbPath'] ? '<i class="file-preview img" style="background-image: url(' . $thumbPathParse['Url'] . ')"></i>' : '<i class="file-preview icon icon-file"></i>';
<div class="editor-file-preview <?php
echo $viewerCssClass;
echo $attachment['MediaID'];
echo htmlspecialchars($attachment['Name']);
示例5: SaveImageAs
* Saves the specified image at $Target in the specified format with the
* specified dimensions (or the existing dimensions if height/width are not
* provided.
* @param string The path to the source image. Typically this is the tmp file name returned by $this->ValidateUpload();
* @param string The full path to where the image should be saved, including image name.
* @param int An integer value indicating the maximum allowed height of the image (in pixels).
* @param int An integer value indicating the maximum allowed width of the image (in pixels).
* @param array Options additional options for saving the image.
* - <b>Crop</b>: Image proportions will always remain constrained. The Crop parameter is a boolean value indicating if the image should be cropped when one dimension (height or width) goes beyond the constrained proportions.
* - <b>OutputType</b>: The format in which the output image should be saved. Options are: jpg, png, and gif. Default is jpg.
* - <b>ImageQuality</b>: An integer value representing the qualityof the saved image. Ranging from 0 (worst quality, smaller file) to 100 (best quality, biggest file).
* - <b>SourceX, SourceY</b>: If you want to create a thumbnail that is a crop of the image these are the coordinates of the thumbnail.
* - <b>SourceHeight. SourceWidth</b>: If you want to create a thumbnail that is a crop of the image these are it's dimensions.
public static function SaveImageAs($Source, $Target, $Height = '', $Width = '', $Options = array()) {
$Crop = FALSE; $OutputType = ''; $ImageQuality = C('Garden.UploadImage.Quality', 75);
// Make function work like it used to.
$Args = func_get_args();
if (count($Args) > 5) {
$Crop = GetValue(4, $Args, $Crop);
$OutputType = GetValue(5, $Args, $OutputType);
$ImageQuality = GetValue(6, $Args, $ImageQuality);
} elseif (is_bool($Options)) {
$Crop = $Options;
} else {
$Crop = GetValue('Crop', $Options, $Crop);
$OutputType = GetValue('OutputType', $Options, $OutputType);
$ImageQuality = GetValue('ImageQuality', $Options, $ImageQuality);
// Make sure type, height & width are properly defined.
if (!function_exists('gd_info'))
throw new Exception(T('The uploaded file could not be processed because GD is not installed.'));
$GdInfo = gd_info();
$Size = getimagesize($Source);
list($WidthSource, $HeightSource, $Type) = $Size;
$WidthSource = GetValue('SourceWidth', $Options, $WidthSource);
$HeightSource = GetValue('SourceHeight', $Options, $HeightSource);
if ($Height == '' || !is_numeric($Height))
$Height = $HeightSource;
if ($Width == '' || !is_numeric($Width))
$Width = $WidthSource;
if (!$OutputType) {
$OutputTypes = array(1 => 'gif', 2 => 'jpeg', 3 => 'png');
$OutputType = GetValue($Type, $OutputTypes, 'jpg');
// Figure out the target path.
$TargetParsed = Gdn_Upload::Parse($Target);
$TargetPath = PATH_LOCAL_UPLOADS.'/'.ltrim($TargetParsed['Name'], '/');
if (!file_exists(dirname($TargetPath)))
mkdir(dirname($TargetPath), 0777, TRUE);
// Don't resize if the source dimensions are smaller than the target dimensions
$XCoord = GetValue('SourceX', $Options, 0);
$YCoord = GetValue('SourceY', $Options, 0);
if ($HeightSource > $Height || $WidthSource > $Width) {
$AspectRatio = (float) $WidthSource / $HeightSource;
if ($Crop === FALSE) {
if (round($Width / $AspectRatio) > $Height) {
$Width = round($Height * $AspectRatio);
} else {
$Height = round($Width / $AspectRatio);
} else {
$HeightDiff = $HeightSource - $Height;
$WidthDiff = $WidthSource - $Width;
if ($WidthDiff > $HeightDiff) {
// Crop the original width down
$NewWidthSource = round(($Width * $HeightSource) / $Height);
// And set the original x position to the cropped start point.
if (!isset($Options['SourceX']))
$XCoord = round(($WidthSource - $NewWidthSource) / 2);
$WidthSource = $NewWidthSource;
} else {
// Crop the original height down
$NewHeightSource = round(($Height * $WidthSource) / $Width);
// And set the original y position to the cropped start point.
if (!isset($Options['SourceY']))
$YCoord = round(($HeightSource - $NewHeightSource) / 2);
$HeightSource = $NewHeightSource;
} else {
// Neither target dimension is larger than the original, so keep the original dimensions.
$Height = $HeightSource;
$Width = $WidthSource;
示例6: TrashFile
* Delete an uploaded file & its media record.
* @access protected
* @param int $MediaID Unique ID on Media table.
protected function TrashFile($MediaID)
$Media = $this->MediaModel()->GetID($MediaID);
if ($Media) {
$Deleted = FALSE;
// Allow interception
$this->EventArguments['Parsed'] = Gdn_Upload::Parse($Media->Path);
$this->EventArguments['Handled'] =& $Deleted;
// Allow skipping steps below
if (!$Deleted) {
$DirectPath = MediaModel::PathUploads() . DS . $Media->Path;
if (file_exists($DirectPath)) {
$Deleted = @unlink($DirectPath);
if (!$Deleted) {
$CalcPath = FileUploadPlugin::FindLocalMedia($Media, TRUE, TRUE);
if (file_exists($CalcPath)) {
$Deleted = @unlink($CalcPath);