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PHP FormProcessor::set_render_form_after_success方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中FormProcessor::set_render_form_after_success方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP FormProcessor::set_render_form_after_success方法的具体用法?PHP FormProcessor::set_render_form_after_success怎么用?PHP FormProcessor::set_render_form_after_success使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在FormProcessor的用法示例。


示例1: container

 function content_block()
     //  Build the FormProcessor, and add the
     //  form content object that the FormProcessor
     //  will use.
     $container = container();
     //  Create the form
     $form = new SwimmerAddForm("Add Swimmer", null, 600);
     //  Create the form processor
     $fp = new FormProcessor($form);
     //  Don't display the form again if processing was successful.
     //  Add the Form Processor to the container.
     //  If the Form Processor was succesful, display
     //  some statistics about the uploaded file.
     if ($fp->is_action_successful()) {
         //  Add the InfoTableCSS so the tables look right
         $this->add_head_css(new DefaultGUIDataListCSS());
         $swimmers = new SwimmersDataList("Swimmers", '100%', "swimmerid");
         $div = html_div();
         //  Add the Form Processor to the container.
         $container->add(html_br(2), $fp);
     } else {
     return $container;

示例2: container

 function content_block()
     //  Build the FormProcessor, and add the
     //  form content object that the FormProcessor
     //  will use.
     $container = container();
     //  Create the form
     $form = new FlipTurnEditHomePageForm("Home Edit", null, '100%');
     //  Create the form processor
     $fp = new FormProcessor($form);
     //  Don't display the form again if processing was successful.
     //  Add the Form Processor to the container.
     //  If the Form Processor was succesful, display
     //  some statistics about the uploaded file.
     if ($fp->is_action_successful()) {
         //$container->add($form->get_action_message()) ;
         //  Add the Form Processor to the container.
         $container->add(html_br(2), $fp);
     } else {
     return $container;

示例3: InfoTableCSS

 function content_block()
     //  Add the InfoTableCSS so the tables look right
     $this->add_head_css(new InfoTableCSS());
     //  Build the FormProcessor, and add the
     //  form content object that the FormProcessor
     //  will use.
     $container = container();
     //  Create the form
     $form = new SDIFFileUploadForm("Upload SDIF File", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 600);
     $form->setUploadFileLabel("SDIF Filename");
     //  Create the form processor
     $fp = new FormProcessor($form);
     //  Don't display the form again if processing was successful.
     //  If the Form Processor was succesful, display
     //  some statistics about the uploaded file.
     if ($fp->is_action_successful()) {
         $sd3fileinfo = $form->get_file_info();
         $container->add($fp, $form->get_file_info_table());
     } else {
         //  Add the Form Processor to the container.
     return $container;

示例4: container

 function content_block()
     //  Build the FormProcessor, and add the
     //  form content object that the FormProcessor
     //  will use.
     $container = container();
     $sdifqueue = new SDIFResultsQueue();
     if (!$sdifqueue->ValidateQueue()) {
         $msgs = $sdifqueue->get_status_message();
         foreach ($msgs as $msg) {
             $container->add($this->status_message($msg['msg'], $msg['severity']));
         return $container;
     //  Create the form
     $form = new SDIFQueueProcessForm("Process SDIF Queue", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 600);
     //  Create the form processor
     $fp = new FormProcessor($form);
     //  Don't display the form again if processing was successful.
     //  Add the Form Processor to the container.
     //  If the Form Processor was succesful, display
     //  some statistics about the uploaded file.
     if ($fp->is_action_successful()) {
         //$container->add($form->get_action_message()) ;
         //  Add the Form Processor to the container.
         $container->add(html_br(2), $fp);
     } else {
     return $container;

示例5: container

 function content_block()
     //  Build the FormProcessor, and add the
     //  form content object that the FormProcessor
     //  will use.
     $container = container();
     //  Create the form
     if ($this->user_is_logged_in()) {
         $form = new FlipTurnAdminLogoutForm("Admin Flip Turn Logout", null, 350);
     } else {
         $form = new FlipTurnAdminLoginForm("Admin Flip Turn Login", null, 350);
     //  Create the form processor
     $fp = new FormProcessor($form);
     //  Don't display the form again if processing was successful.
     //  Add the Form Processor to the container.
     //  If the Form Processor was succesful, display
     //  some a welcome message.
     if ($fp->is_action_successful()) {
         //  Redirect to Member page on successful login
         //die($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ;
         $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/index.php';
         header("Location: {$url}");
         $container->add(html_br(2), $fp);
     } else {
     return $container;

示例6: container

 function content_block()
     //  Build the FormProcessor, and add the
     //  form content object that the FormProcessor
     //  will use.
     $container = container();
     //  Create the form
     $form = new ResultsQueuePurgeForm("Purge Results Queue", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 600);
     //  Create the form processor
     $fp = new FormProcessor($form);
     //  Don't display the form again if processing was successful.
     //  Add the Form Processor to the container.
     //  If the Form Processor was succesful, display
     //  some statistics about the uploaded file.
     if ($fp->is_action_successful()) {
         //$container->add($form->get_action_message()) ;
         //  Add the Form Processor to the container.
         $container->add(html_br(2), $fp);
     } else {
     return $container;

示例7: container

 function content_block()
     //  Build the FormProcessor, and add the
     //  form content object that the FormProcessor
     //  will use.
     $container = container();
     //  This allows passing arguments eithers as a GET or a POST
     $scriptargs = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
     //  The swimteamid is the argument which must be
     //  dealt with differently for GET and POST operations
     if (array_key_exists("swimteamid", $scriptargs)) {
         $swimteamid = $scriptargs["swimteamid"];
     } else {
         if (array_key_exists("_swimteamid", $scriptargs)) {
             $swimteamid = $scriptargs["_swimteamid"];
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists(FT_DB_PREFIX . "radio", $scriptargs)) {
                 $swimteamid = $scriptargs[FT_DB_PREFIX . "radio"][0];
             } else {
                 $swimteamid = null;
     //  Create the form
     //$form = new SwimTeamUpdateForm("Update Swim Team", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 600) ;
     $form = new SwimTeamUpdateForm("Update Swim Team", null, 600);
     //  Create the form processor
     $fp = new FormProcessor($form);
     //  Don't display the form again if processing was successful.
     //  Update the Form Processor to the container.
     //  If the Form Processor was succesful, display
     //  some statistics about the uploaded file.
     if ($fp->is_action_successful()) {
         //  Add the InfoTableCSS so the tables look right
         $this->add_head_css(new DefaultGUIDataListCSS());
         $swimteams = new SwimTeamsDataList("Swim Teams", '100%', "swimteamid");
         $div = html_div();
         //  Update the Form Processor to the container.
         $container->add(html_br(2), $fp);
     } else {
     return $container;
