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PHP Facebook::getQueue方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Facebook::getQueue方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Facebook::getQueue方法的具体用法?PHP Facebook::getQueue怎么用?PHP Facebook::getQueue使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Facebook的用法示例。


示例1: _graph_multi

 private function _graph_multi($method = 'GET', $params = array(array()), $callback = "echo")
     $mc = curl_multi_init();
     // FIRST: Prepare the parameters for all the requests.
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++) {
         $params[$i]['method'] = $method;
         if (!isset($params[$i]['access_token'])) {
             $params[$i]['access_token'] = $this->getAccessToken();
         foreach (array_keys($params[$i]) as $j) {
             if (!is_string($params[$i][$j])) {
                 $params[$i][$j] = json_encode($params[$i][$j]);
     // SECOND: Grab the initial set of connections from the global queue
     $i = 0;
     try {
         $connections = Facebook::getQueue()->shift(PriorityQueue::$POPCNT);
         $this->log(date("G:i:s ") . "Grabbed elements; objects remaining in queue: " . Facebook::getQueue()->count() . " (highest level: " . Facebook::getQueue()->highestLevel() . ")");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //echo "_graph_mult() Exception when shifting: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br />";
     // THIRD: Go through all of these connections, replace it if it refers to an existing file, then construct the cURL multi request
     foreach ($connections as $i => $connection) {
         $fname = Connection::createSafeName($this, $connection->getUrl());
         while (file_exists($fname)) {
             try {
                 $connectionarray = Facebook::getQueue()->shift(1);
                 $this->log("Replacing connection " . $i . " pointing to " . $fname);
                 $connections[$i] = $connection = $connectionarray[0];
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 fprintf($this->getLogFd(), "_graph_mult() Exception when shifting to grab replacement: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n");
                 // If the queue is empty, bail out
                 if (Facebook::getQueue()->count() < 1) {
                     break 2;
             fprintf($this->getLogFd(), "Replaced by connection to " . $connection->getUrl() . ", " . Facebook::getQueue()->count() . " elements left in queue\n");
             $fname = Connection::createSafeName($this, $connection->getUrl());
         if (FALSE === strpos($connection->getUrl(), "http")) {
             $url = $this->getUrl('graph', $connection->getUrl());
         } else {
             $url = $connection->getUrl();
         $this->log("Constructing request to " . $url);
         $ch = $this->constructRequest($url, $params[$i]);
         if (!isset($params[$i]['access_token'])) {
             $this->log("[ERROR] No access token set on request to " . $url . ", have to discard it.");
         } else {
             $channels[] = $ch;
             // What is this i don't even
             curl_multi_add_handle($mc, $ch);
     // FOURTH: Execute the request(s) and check for errors.
     do {
         $execret = curl_multi_exec($mc, $running);
     } while ($execret == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);
     while ($running && $execret == CURLM_OK) {
         $ready = curl_multi_select($mc);
         if ($ready != -1) {
             do {
                 $execret = curl_multi_exec($mc, $running);
             } while ($execret == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);
     if ($execret != CURLM_OK) {
         trigger_error("makeRequest_multi() Curl multi read error {$execret}\n", E_USER_WARNING);
     // FIFTH: Go through returned connections, pass the result to the callback and clean up cURL_multi
     $index = 0;
     foreach ($connections as $i => $connection) {
         $this->log("Handling returned connection for " . $connection->getUrl());
         //echo "makeRequest_multi() Trying to read data from a connection<br />"
         if ($channels[$index] == NULL) {
             $curlerror = "Channel is NULL, there probably was no access token set. Continuing regardless.<br />";
         } else {
             $curlerror = curl_error($channels[$index]);
         if ("" == $curlerror) {
             $handlerinfo = curl_getinfo($channels[$index], CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
             $this->log("URL on the cURL handler was " . $handlerinfo);
             $content = curl_multi_getcontent($channels[$index]);
             call_user_func($callback, $connection, curl_multi_getcontent($channels[$index]), $this);
             //echo "Back from callback.<br />";
         } else {
             print "makeRequest_multi() Curl error on handle {$i}: {$curlerror}\n";
         if ($channels[$index] != NULL) {
             curl_multi_remove_handle($mc, $channels[$index]);

示例2: fetch

  * Handles downloaded data.
  * The function name is a bit of a misnomer, as it does not actually fetch the contents when using api_multi. This has been done ahead of time (unless we're using the old api() calls).
  * This function writes the downloaded content (json-ified, if it's not a Picture) into its respective output file, causes the new object to create its connections and add them to the queue.
  * @param $facebook A Facebook instance to use for fetching data.
 public function fetch($facebook)
     // If the folder for our output files doesn't exist yet, create it
     if (!is_dir("../tmp/" . $facebook->getUnique())) {
         mkdir("../tmp/" . $facebook->getUnique());
     // Create a safe file name. Simply replaces all slashes, actually.
     //TODO: Write this platform-independent-safe
     $fname = Connection::createSafeName($facebook, $this->url);
     //$fname = $facebook->getUnique() . "/" .strtr($this->url, "/", "~") . ".request";
     // Is this a Picture? If so, we don't process the content but simply write it into a file that has base64($url) as its filename.
     if ($this->type == 'Picture') {
         fprintf($facebook->getLogFd(), "Writing picture with filesize " . strlen($this->json) . "\n");
         if (!file_exists("../tmp/" . $facebook->getUnique() . "/" . base64_encode($this->url))) {
             file_put_contents("../tmp/" . $facebook->getUnique() . "/" . base64_encode($this->url), $this->json);
         return new Picture("", 0);
     try {
         // Check if the file already exists; if so, throw an exception
         if (file_exists($fname)) {
             throw new Exception("File " . $fname . " already exists.");
         // If json is empty, we haven't fetched any content yet, which means that we're using the old API.
         // So let's just use the old api() call. This one also does an implicit json_decode(), so we don't have to perform that anymore.
         if (strlen($this->json) < 1) {
             $this->json = $facebook->api($this->url);
         } else {
             $facebook->log("[RESPONSE] Response's json is larger than 0");
             $this->json = json_decode($this->json, true);
         // Check if the Graph API returned an error.
         if (isset($this->json['error'])) {
             //echo "fetch() FB Error:<br />";
             throw new Exception("fb error: " . json_encode($this->json['error']));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //echo "fetch() Exception occurred (" . $e->getMessage()  . "), continuing anyway, handling as empty Picture";
         $facebook->log("[ERROR] fetch() Exception occurred (" . $e->getMessage() . "), continuing anyway, handling as empty Picture");
         // This "empty picture" is nearly an empty object. It has no connections and should therefore be completely neutral to the rest of the process.
         return new Picture("", 0);
     // Open the output file for writing
     $facebook->log("[FILE] Creating file " . $fname);
     $fp = fopen($fname, "w");
     // Write the json data - in text form - to the file
     //fwrite($fp, print_r($this->json, TRUE));
     fwrite($fp, json_encode($this->json));
     // Close the output file again.
     if (isset($this->json['paging']) && isset($this->json['paging']['next'])) {
         $queue = new PriorityQueue();
         $url = substr($this->json['paging']['next'], strpos($this->json['paging']['next'], "com/") + 4);
         $facebook->log("[DEBUG] Adding paging URL " . $url);
         $queue->unshift(new Connection($url, $this->depth, $this->type, true), 100);
     } else {
         $facebook->log("[DEBUG] No paging or next");
     // If the data is not "right there" at the topmost level but nested in the data part, replace our internal variable with the actual payload.
     if (isset($this->json['data'])) {
         $this->json = $this->json['data'];
     // Check if there are multiple objects stored in the received json
     if ($this->multiplicity) {
         $retval = array();
         // Handle each object in json
         foreach ($this->json as $item) {
             // First, the two "meta-types" Profile and Taggable; they're not actual types, but they can determine which of their subtypes is the appropriate one with their static getInstance() method.
             if ($this->type == 'Profile') {
                 array_push($retval, Profile::getInstance($item, $this->depth));
             } else {
                 if ($this->type == 'Taggable') {
                     array_push($retval, Taggable::getInstance($item, $this->depth));
                 } else {
                     // Slight PHP magic: $this->type is a string that contains a class name, i.e. we construct an object whose class name is specified by that field.
                     array_push($retval, new $this->type($item, $this->depth));
             if ($this->type == 'User') {
                 $facebook->log('Created a user.');
         $fullnull = true;
         //Performing getConnections() now, adding everything into the big static queue
         // Also, we check if all getConnections() return NULL
         foreach ($retval as $item) {
             if (NULL != $item->getConnections()) {
                 $fullnull = false;

示例3: readNode

function readNode($facebook, $parent, $sendid)
    //echo "readNode()<br />";
    $connections = $parent->getConnections();
    echo "<pre>";
    while (Facebook::getQueue()->count() > 0) {
        $facebook->api_multi('GET', Connection::createEmptyArray(), array("Connection", "recursor"));
        $facebook->log(date("G:i:s D M j T Y") . " Returned into readNode(), " . Facebook::getQueue()->count() . " elements left, let's get back in there! Highest Level: " . Facebook::getQueue()->highestLevel());
        echo date("G:i:s D M j T Y") . " " . Facebook::getQueue()->count() . " elements left. Highest Level: " . Facebook::getQueue()->highestLevel() . "<br/>";
        if (Facebook::getQueue()->highestLevel() < 3 || Facebook::getQueue()->count() < 3) {
            $facebook->log("Finished. highestLevel: " . Facebook::getQueue()->highestLevel());
            $facebook->log("Finished " . date("G:i:s D M j T Y"));
            echo "</pre><h4>Finished " . date("G:i:s D M j T Y") . "</h4>";
            $remaining = print_r(Facebook::getQueue(), true);
    // Compress the gathered socialsnapshot
    // Tar and compress the logfile and folder
    // Check if the token is valid (must not contain anything but alphanumeric plus _) and if the folder and logs for this run really exist
    if (0 != preg_match("/[^\\w]/", $sendid) || !file_exists("../tmp/folder" . $sendid) || !file_exists("../tmp/log" . $sendid)) {
        // Die otherwise
        die("Compression Failed: Could not find according socialsnapshot and log.");
    } else {
        exec("cd ../tmp && tar -hcjf ../tarballs/" . $sendid . ".tar.bz2 log" . $sendid . " folder" . $sendid . " > /dev/null");
        exec("touch ../tmp/" . $sendid . ".finished > /dev/null");
        exec("rm -r ../tmp/logsnapshot" . $sendid . " ../tmp/folder" . $sendid . " > /dev/null");
        exec("rm -r ../tmp/" . $facebook->getUnique() . " > /dev/null");
    //If optional analyse script is available, run it
    $analysescript = "/opt/FBSnapshotLoader/scripts/analysesnapshot.sh";
    if (file_exists($analysescript)) {
        $installpath = realpath('../');
        $snapshotfile = realpath('../tarballs/' . $sendid . '.tar.bz2');
        $downloadurl = 'https://' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . '/SocialSnapshot/downloads';
        $analysecommand = 'LANG=en_US.utf-8; ' . $analysescript . ' ' . $snapshotfile . ' ' . $downloadurl . ' ' . $installpath . ' > /dev/null 2>&1 &';
        //echo $analysecommand;
