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PHP F0FTable::getDbo方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中F0FTable::getDbo方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP F0FTable::getDbo方法的具体用法?PHP F0FTable::getDbo怎么用?PHP F0FTable::getDbo使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在F0FTable的用法示例。


示例1: getIteratorFromRelation

  * Returns a F0FDatabaseIterator based on a given relation
  * @param   array    $relation   Indexed array holding relation definition.
  *                                  tableClass => name of the related table class
  *                                  localKey   => name of the local key
  *                                  remoteKey  => name of the remote key
  *                                  pivotTable    => name of the pivot table (optional)
  *                                  theirPivotKey => name of the remote key in the pivot table (mandatory if pivotTable is set)
  *                                  ourPivotKey   => name of our key in the pivot table (mandatory if pivotTable is set)
  * @return F0FDatabaseIterator
  * @throws RuntimeException
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 protected function getIteratorFromRelation($relation)
     // Sanity checks
     if (!isset($relation['tableClass']) || !isset($relation['remoteKey']) || !isset($relation['localKey']) || !$relation['tableClass'] || !$relation['remoteKey'] || !$relation['localKey']) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing array index for the ' . __METHOD__ . ' method. Please check method signature', 500);
     if (array_key_exists('pivotTable', $relation)) {
         if (!isset($relation['theirPivotKey']) || !isset($relation['ourPivotKey']) || !$relation['pivotTable'] || !$relation['theirPivotKey'] || !$relation['ourPivotKey']) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing array index for the ' . __METHOD__ . ' method. Please check method signature', 500);
     // Get a table object from the table class name
     $tableClass = $relation['tableClass'];
     $tableClassParts = F0FInflector::explode($tableClass);
     if (count($tableClassParts) < 3) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid table class named. It should be something like FooTableBar');
     $table = F0FTable::getInstance($tableClassParts[2], ucfirst($tableClassParts[0]) . ucfirst($tableClassParts[1]));
     // Get the table name
     $tableName = $table->getTableName();
     // Get the remote and local key names
     $remoteKey = $relation['remoteKey'];
     $localKey = $relation['localKey'];
     // Get the local key's value
     $value = $this->table->{$localKey};
     // If there's no value for the primary key, let's stop here
     if (!$value) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Missing value for the primary key of the table ' . $this->table->getTableName(), 500);
     // This is required to prevent one relation from killing the db cursor used in a different relation...
     $oldDb = $this->table->getDbo();
     $db = clone $oldDb;
     // Begin the query
     $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('*')->from($db->qn($tableName));
     // Do we have a pivot table?
     $hasPivot = array_key_exists('pivotTable', $relation);
     // If we don't have pivot it's a straightforward query
     if (!$hasPivot) {
         $query->where($db->qn($remoteKey) . ' = ' . $db->q($value));
     } else {
         $subQuery = $db->getQuery(true)->select($db->qn($relation['theirPivotKey']))->from($db->qn($relation['pivotTable']))->where($db->qn($relation['ourPivotKey']) . ' = ' . $db->q($value));
         $query->where($db->qn($remoteKey) . ' IN (' . $subQuery . ')');
     $cursor = $db->execute();
     $iterator = F0FDatabaseIterator::getIterator($db->name, $cursor, null, $tableClass);
     return $iterator;

示例2: onAfterStore

  * Save fields for many-to-many relations in their pivot tables.
  * @param F0FTable $table Current item table.
  * @return bool True if the object can be saved successfully, false elsewhere.
  * @throws Exception The error message get trying to save fields into the pivot tables.
 public function onAfterStore(&$table)
     // Retrieve the relations configured for this table
     $input = new F0FInput();
     $key = $table->getConfigProviderKey() . '.relations';
     $relations = $table->getConfigProvider()->get($key, array());
     // Abandon the process if not a save task
     if (!in_array($input->getWord('task'), array('apply', 'save', 'savenew'))) {
         return true;
     // For each relation check relative field
     foreach ($relations as $relation) {
         // Only if it is a multiple relation, sure!
         if ($relation['type'] == 'multiple') {
             // Retrive the fully qualified relation data from F0FTableRelations object
             $relation = array_merge(array('itemName' => $relation['itemName']), $table->getRelations()->getRelation($relation['itemName'], $relation['type']));
             // Deduce the name of the field used in the form
             $field_name = F0FInflector::pluralize($relation['itemName']);
             // If field exists we catch its values!
             $field_values = $input->get($field_name, array(), 'array');
             // If the field exists, build the correct pivot couple objects
             $new_couples = array();
             foreach ($field_values as $value) {
                 $new_couples[] = array($relation['ourPivotKey'] => $table->getId(), $relation['theirPivotKey'] => $value);
             // Find existent relations in the pivot table
             $query = $table->getDbo()->getQuery(true)->select($relation['ourPivotKey'] . ', ' . $relation['theirPivotKey'])->from($relation['pivotTable'])->where($relation['ourPivotKey'] . ' = ' . $table->getId());
             $existent_couples = $table->getDbo()->setQuery($query)->loadAssocList();
             // Find new couples and create its
             foreach ($new_couples as $couple) {
                 if (!in_array($couple, $existent_couples)) {
                     $query = $table->getDbo()->getQuery(true)->insert($relation['pivotTable'])->columns($relation['ourPivotKey'] . ', ' . $relation['theirPivotKey'])->values($couple[$relation['ourPivotKey']] . ', ' . $couple[$relation['theirPivotKey']]);
                     // Use database to create the new record
                     if (!$table->getDbo()->setQuery($query)->execute()) {
                         throw new Exception('Can\'t create the relation for the ' . $relation['pivotTable'] . ' table');
             // Now find the couples no more present, that will be deleted
             foreach ($existent_couples as $couple) {
                 if (!in_array($couple, $new_couples)) {
                     $query = $table->getDbo()->getQuery(true)->delete($relation['pivotTable'])->where($relation['ourPivotKey'] . ' = ' . $couple[$relation['ourPivotKey']])->where($relation['theirPivotKey'] . ' = ' . $couple[$relation['theirPivotKey']]);
                     // Use database to create the new record
                     if (!$table->getDbo()->setQuery($query)->execute()) {
                         throw new Exception('Can\'t delete the relation for the ' . $relation['pivotTable'] . ' table');
     return true;
