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PHP Client::setEmail方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Client::setEmail方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Client::setEmail方法的具体用法?PHP Client::setEmail怎么用?PHP Client::setEmail使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Client的用法示例。


示例1: save

 public function save($con = null)
     $c = new Client();

示例2: createperiodicalClients

 function createperiodicalClients()
     $now = Carbon::Now();
     $criteria = new AndStatement();
     $field = $this->clientPeriodicalDao->getQHourName();
     $criteria->addStatement($field . "=" . $now->hour);
     $periodicalClients = $this->clientPeriodicalDao->find($criteria, null);
     if (is_null($periodicalClients) || is_string($periodicalClients)) {
         $mail_ob = new Mail();
         $mail_ob->setText("Nepavyko nuskaityti periodiniu klientu." . (is_string($periodicalClients) ? $periodicalClients : ""));
         $mail_ob->setSubject("WorkFlow.kaizensistema.lt | Nepavyko nuskaityti periodiniu klientu.");
         return false;
     foreach ($periodicalClients as $client) {
         $createNewClient = false;
         if ($client->getPeriod_type() == 1) {
             $createNewClient = true;
         if ($client->getPeriod_type() == 2 && $now->isWeekday()) {
             $createNewClient = true;
         if ($client->getPeriod_type() == 3 && $now->day == $client->getMonth_day()) {
             $createNewClient = true;
         if ($client->getPeriod_type() == 4) {
             $monthBegin = $now->copy()->startOfMonth();
             while ($monthBegin->dayOfWeek != $client->getWeek_day()) {
             if ($monthBegin->isSameDay($now)) {
                 $createNewClient = true;
         if ($client->getPeriod_type() == 5) {
             $monthEnd = $now->copy()->endOfMonth();
             while ($monthEnd->dayOfWeek != $client->getWeek_day()) {
             if ($monthEnd->isSameDay($now)) {
                 $createNewClient = true;
         if ($createNewClient) {
             $newClient = new Client();
             $store = $this->storeClient($newClient);
             if (!$store) {
                 $mail_ob = new Mail();
                 $mail_ob->setText(print_r($newClient, true));
                 $mail_ob->setSubject("WorkFlow.kaizensistema.lt | Nepavyko sukurti periodinio kliento.");
             } else {
                 $eventHistory = new EventHistory();
                 $eventHistory->setDescription("Sukurtas kaip periodinis klientas");

示例3: transformJobs

         if (is_null($endTime)) {
             $endTime = $shootEnd;
         if (is_null($startTime)) {
             $startTime = $shootStart;
         if ($j->getCity() == "Boston") {
         } else {
         list($hour, $min, $sec) = explode(":", $endTime);
         list($shour, $smin, $ssec) = explode(":", $startTime);
         $t = new DateTime();
         $t->setTime($hour, $min, $sec);
         $t = new DateTime();
         $t->setTime($shour, $smin, $ssec);
         if (isset($this->jobProjectKeys[$jid])) {
         while (count($jobList) - 1 != $jid) {
             $jobList[] = false;
         $jobList[intval($jid)] = array("job" => $j, "del" => $del, "photog" => $photog);
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($jobList); $i++) {
         $obj = $jobList[$i];
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(JobPeer::ID, $i);
         if (JobPeer::doCount($c) > 0) {
         echo $i . "/" . $total . "\n";
         // keep the ids lined up
         if ($obj == false) {
             $myJob = new Job();
             try {
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 echo $ex->getMessage();
         } else {
             $j = $obj["job"];
             $del = $obj["del"];
             $photog = $obj["photog"];
             try {
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 echo $ex->getMessage();
                 echo $ex->getTraceAsString();
             $this->jobKeys[$jid] = $j->getId();
             if ($photog) {
                 $jp = new JobPhotographer();
                 try {
                 } catch (Exception $ex) {
                     echo $ex->getMessage();
             // add the requester as a client
             $c = new Criteria();
             $c->add(sfGuardUserPeer::USERNAME, $j->getContactEmail());
             if (ClientPeer::doCount($c) == 0 && trim(strlen($j->getContactEmail())) != 0) {
                 $user = new sfGuardUser();
                 $userProfile = new sfGuardUserProfile();
                 $clientProfile = new Client();
                 $jobClient = new JobClient();
         $count += 1;

示例4: save

 public function save($con = null)
     sfContext::getInstance()->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers(array('Url', 'Object', 'Tag', 'Text', 'PMRender', 'Asset', 'Helper'));
     $j = new Job();
     if (is_array($this->getValue("photo_type"))) {
         $j->setPhotoType(implode(", ", $this->getValue("photo_type")));
     } else {
     $j->setStatusId(sfConfig::get("app_job_status_pending", 1));
     $body = "Dear {$this->getValue("name")},\r\n\r\nYour job, {$this->getValue("event")}, has been entered into our system. \r\nIf you wish to track the progress of your job, you may do so at http://jobs.tuftsphoto.com \r\n\r\nThanks for using University Photography; we look forward to working with you! \r\n\r\nThe Tufts Photo Team \r\nUniversity Photography\r\n80 George St., First Floor\r\nMedford, MA 02155\r\nTel: 617.627.4282\r\nFax: 617.627.3549\r\nphoto@tufts.edu\r\n\r\n\r\n" . getJobDetails($j);
     mail($this->getValue("email") . ", photo@tufts.edu", "University Photography Job #" . $j->getId() . " - " . $j->getEvent(), $body, "From: photo@tufts.edu");
     $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
     if ($this->getValue("clientId") > 0 && ($user->hasCredential("client") || $user->hasCredential("admin"))) {
         $client = ClientPeer::retrieveByPK($this->getValue("clientId"));
     // if they are a user lets make them a client
     if ($user->getProfile()->getUserType()->getId() == sfConfig::get("app_user_type_user")) {
         $clientProfile = new Client();
     } else {
         if ($user->getProfile()->getUserType()->getId() == sfConfig::get("app_user_type_client")) {
             $c = new Criteria();
             $c->add(ClientPeer::USER_ID, $user->getProfile()->getId());
             $clientProfile = ClientPeer::doSelectOne($c);
             if (is_null($clientProfile)) {
                 $clientProfile = new Client();
     if (isset($clientProfile) && !is_null($clientProfile)) {
     return $j->getId();

示例5: importAction

 function importAction()
     if (!isset($_POST['client'])) {
         $this->setOutPut(array("error" => $this->errorCode['param_not_found']));
         return false;
     $client = json_decode(urldecode($_POST['client']));
     //$client = $this->utf8Decode($client1);
     if (!isset($client->projectKey) || is_null($client->projectKey)) {
         $this->setOutPut(array("error" => $this->errorCode['wrong_param']));
         return false;
     $project = $this->getProject($client->projectKey, $client);
     if (!is_object($project)) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($client->name) || is_null($client->name)) {
         $this->setOutPut(array("error" => $this->errorCode['wrong_param']));
         return false;
     if (!isset($client->email) || is_null($client->email)) {
         $this->setOutPut(array("error" => $this->errorCode['wrong_param']));
         return false;
     if (!isset($client->telephone) || is_null($client->telephone)) {
         $this->setOutPut(array("error" => $this->errorCode['wrong_param']));
         return false;
     /*if (!isset($client->comment) || is_null($client->comment)){
           $this->setOutPut(array("error" => $this->errorCode['wrong_param']));
           return false;
     $now = Carbon::Now();
     //Kuriam nauja klienta
     $newClient = new Client();
     $newClient->setName(substr($client->name, 0, 255));
     $newClient->setEmail(substr($client->email, 0, 255));
     $newClient->setTelephone(substr($client->telephone, 0, 50));
     $newClient->setComment(substr($client->comment, 0, 255));
     $newClient->setCustomer(substr($client->customer, 0, 255));
     $store = $this->storeClient($newClient);
     if (!$store) {
         $this->setOutPut(array("error" => $this->errorCode['client_not_stored']));
         $mail_ob = new Mail();
         $mail_ob->setText(print_r($newClient, true));
         $mail_ob->setSubject("WorkFlow.kaizensistema.lt | Nepavyko sukurti importo kliento.");
         return false;
     } else {
         $eventHistory = new EventHistory();
         $eventHistory->setDescription(!is_null($client->from) ? $client->from : "Sukurtas integracijos metu");
     $this->setOutPut(array("ok" => "ok"));

示例6: Message

    // proceed for $chushengriqi
    // proceed for $xueli
    if (!empty($xueli)) {
    // proceed for $yasichengji
    if (!empty($yasichengji)) {
    // proceed for $dianhua
    // proceed for $dizhi
    // proceed for $email
    // proceed for $keyuan
    if (!empty($keyuan)) {
    // proceed for $beizhu
    if ($error_flag == false) {
        if ($object->save()) {
            Message::register(new Message(Message::SUCCESS, i18n(array("en" => "Record saved", "zh" => "记录保存成功"))));
        } else {
            Message::register(new Message(Message::DANGER, i18n(array("en" => "Record failed to save", "zh" => "记录保存失败"))));

示例7: createClients10

 public function createClients10()
     $client10 = new Client();
     $client10->setNome('NELSON MANDELA');
     $client10->setEndereco('RUA DO CLIENTE 10');
     return $client10;

示例8: find

 function find($criteria = null, $order = null, $limit = 1000, $from = 0)
     $result = $this->database->query($this->buildFindQuery($criteria, $order, $limit, $from));
     if (!is_null($result->getError())) {
         return $result->getError();
     $clients = array();
     while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
         $client = new Client();
         $value = $row[0];
         $value = $row[1];
         $value = $row[2];
         $value = $row[3];
         $value = $row[4];
         $value = $row[5];
         $value = $row[6];
         $value = $row[7];
         $value = $this->database->toBoolean($value);
         $value = $row[8];
         $value = $this->database->toBoolean($value);
         $value = $row[9];
         $value = $this->database->toBoolean($value);
         $value = $row[10];
         $value = $this->database->toBoolean($value);
         $value = $row[11];
         $value = $this->database->toBoolean($value);
         $value = $row[12];
         $value = $row[13];
         $value = $this->database->toBoolean($value);
         $value = $row[14];
         $value = $row[15];
         if ($order != null) {
             array_push($clients, $client);
         } else {
             $clients[$client->getId()] = $client;
     return $clients;

示例9: saveSubscriber

         if ($campaignType == -1) {
             $this->setParamPoz($getResponse->getId(), 2, "Nepavyko nustatyti kampanijos tipo");
             return FALSE;
         $newClient = FALSE;
         //Aktyvavimo kampanija
         if ($campaignType == 1) {
             // Patikrinam ar neegzistuoja toks klientas
             $criteria = new AndStatement();
             $field = $this->clientDaol->getQPidName();
             $criteria->addStatement($field . "='" . addslashes($project->getId()) . "'");
             $field = $this->clientDaol->getQEmailName();
             $criteria->addStatement($field . "='" . addslashes($getResponse->getContact_email()) . "'");
             $clients = $this->clientDaol->find($criteria, NULL, 1000);
             if (is_null($clients)) {
                 $this->setParamPoz($getResponse->getId(), 2, "Nepavyko patikrinti ar toks klientas jau uzregistruotas [1]");
                 return FALSE;
             } else {
                 if (is_string($clients)) {
                     $this->setParamPoz($getResponse->getId(), 2, "Nepavyko patikrinti ar toks klientas jau uzregistruotas [2]");
                     return FALSE;
                 } else {
                     if (!is_array($clients)) {
                         $this->setParamPoz($getResponse->getId(), 2, "Nepavyko patikrinti ar toks klientas jau uzregistruotas [3]");
                         return FALSE;
             if (count($clients) == 0) {
                 //Jei neradome kliento - kuriame nauaja
                 $client = new Client();
                 $newClient = TRUE;
             } else {
                 $client = reset($clients);
                 if (!$client->isActive() && !$client->isEnded()) {
                     $this->saveEventHistory($client, "Aktyvuotas GetResponse sistemos");
                 } else {
                     $this->setParamPoz($getResponse->getId(), 2, "Klientas jau yra sukurtas projekte ir yra aktyvus arba pabaigtas");
                     return FALSE;
         //Suspendavimo kampanija
         if ($campaignType == 0) {
             $criteria = new AndStatement();
             $field = $this->clientDaol->getQPidName();
             $criteria->addStatement($field . "='" . addslashes($project->getId()) . "'");
             $field = $this->clientDaol->getQEmailName();
             $criteria->addStatement($field . "='" . addslashes($getResponse->getContact_email()) . "'");
             $field = $this->clientDaol->getQActiveName();
             $criteria->addStatement($field . "='1'");
             $clients = $this->clientDaol->find($criteria, NULL, 1000);
             if (is_null($clients)) {
                 $this->setParamPoz($getResponse->getId(), 2, "Nerastas klientas [1]");
                 return FALSE;
             } else {
                 if (is_string($clients)) {
                     $this->setParamPoz($getResponse->getId(), 2, "Nerastas klientas [2]");
                     return FALSE;
                 } else {

示例10: actionSaveClient

 function actionSaveClient($currentProject)
     $backUrl = $this->context->getFlowScopeAttr("backUrl");
     $projectID = $this->context->getRequestAttr("projectID");
     $edit = $this->context->getRequestAttr("edit");
     $client = new Client();
     $clientErrs = array();
     if (!is_null($client->getName())) {
         if (strlen($client->getName()) < 1) {
     if (is_null($client->getName())) {
         $clientErrs["name"] = "field.error.empty";
     if (!is_null($client->getEmail())) {
         if (strlen($client->getEmail()) < 1) {
     if (is_null($client->getEmail())) {
         $clientErrs["email"] = "field.error.empty";
     if (!is_null($client->getTelephone())) {
         if (strlen($client->getTelephone()) < 1) {
     if (!is_null($client->getCustomer())) {
         if (strlen($client->getCustomer()) < 1) {
     if (!is_null($client->getComment())) {
         if (strlen($client->getComment()) < 1) {
     $timeZone = new DateTimeZone("Europe/Vilnius");
     $time = new DateTime("now", $timeZone);
     $client->setR_date($time->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $this->context->setFlashScopeAttr("createClient", $client);
     $this->context->setFlashScopeAttr("clientErrs", $clientErrs);
     $this->context->setFlashScopeAttr("projectID", $projectID);
     if (count($clientErrs) >= 1) {
         if (!is_null($backUrl)) {
             header("Location: " . $backUrl);
             return true;
         return false;
     $insert = true;
     $store = $this->storeClient($client);
     if (!$store) {
         if (!is_null($backUrl)) {
             header("Location: " . $backUrl);
             return true;
         return false;
     if ($insert && $edit == 0) {
         $eventHistory = new EventHistory();
         $eventHistory->setDescription("Sukurtas partnerio");
     if (!is_null($backUrl)) {
         header("Location: " . $backUrl);
         return true;
     return false;

示例11: User

$iwasaki->setName("岩崎", "拓海");
$hayashi = new User();
$hayashi->setName("早矢仕", "玄");
$object_seminar = new Seminar();
echo $object_seminar->getTitle() . '<BR>';
echo "<BR><BR><hr>";
echo "<h2>クライアントセミナーテスト</h2>";
echo "<BR>";
$client_seminar = new ClientSeminar();
$google = new Client();

示例12: actionSaveClient

 function actionSaveClient($currentUser)
     $backUrl = $this->context->getFlowScopeAttr("backUrl");
     $client = new Client();
     $clientErrs = array();
     if (!is_null($client->getName())) {
         if (strlen($client->getName()) < 1) {
     if (is_null($client->getName())) {
         $clientErrs["name"] = "field.error.empty";
     if (!is_null($client->getEmail())) {
         if (strlen($client->getEmail()) < 1) {
     if (is_null($client->getEmail())) {
         $clientErrs["email"] = "field.error.empty";
     if (!is_null($client->getTelephone())) {
         if (strlen($client->getTelephone()) < 1) {
     if (!is_null($client->getCustomer())) {
         if (strlen($client->getCustomer()) < 1) {
     if (!is_null($client->getComment())) {
         if (strlen($client->getComment()) < 1) {
     $periodicalID = $this->context->getRequestAttr("periodicalid");
     $periodical = $this->context->getRequestAttr("periodCustomer");
     $client->setPeriodical($periodical == 1 ? true : false);
     $timeZone = new DateTimeZone("Europe/Vilnius");
     $time = new DateTime("now", $timeZone);
     $client->setR_date($time->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     if (!is_null($periodicalID) && !$client->isPeriodical()) {
     if ($client->isPeriodical()) {
         $clientPeriodical = new ClientPeriodical();
         $clientPeriodical->setR_date($time->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     } else {
         $clientPeriodical = new ClientPeriodical();
     $this->context->setFlashScopeAttr("client", $client);
     $this->context->setFlashScopeAttr("clientPeriodical", $clientPeriodical);
     $this->context->setFlashScopeAttr("clientErrs", $clientErrs);
     $projectID = $client->getPid();
     if (!$this->setStoreProject($projectID, "clientProject")) {
         if (!is_null($backUrl)) {
             header("Location: " . $backUrl);
             return true;
         return false;
     if (count($clientErrs) >= 1) {
         if (!is_null($backUrl)) {
             header("Location: " . $backUrl);
             return true;
         return false;
     $insert = false;
     if (is_null($client->getId())) {

示例13: array


require_once __DIR__ . DS . '..' . DS . '..' . DS . 'bootstrap.php';
if (is_cli()) {
    $shengs = array('上海市', '江苏省', '湖南省', '四川省', '云南省', '广西省', '广东省', '台湾省');
    $qus = array('宝山区', '周口店', '宁乡', '沩水镇', '张家界', '小四通', '黄埔区', '晋安区');
    $address = rand(10, 99) . '村' . rand(300, 900) . '号';
    $dob_range_start = 381416400;
    $dob_range_end = 917874000;
    foreach ($names as $name) {
        $client = new Client();
        $client->setDob(rand($dob_range_start, $dob_range_end));
        $client->setDianhua('+86 ' . rand(2156299999, 2156292999));
        $client->setDizhi($shengs[array_rand($shengs)] . ' ' . $qus[array_rand($qus)] . ' ' . $address);
        $client->setEmail(get_random_string(5) . '@gmail.com');
        $client->setCreatedAt(rand(1439164648, 1439264648));
        $client->setUserId(rand(3, 4));

示例14: Client

$erreur = false;
if ($action == "validation") {
    $nom = $_POST["nom"];
    $prenom = $_POST["prenom"];
    $email = $_POST["email"];
    if (!preg_match("/[A-Za-z]{2,30}/", $nom)) {
        $erreur = true;
    if (!$erreur and !preg_match("/[A-Za-z]{2,30}/", $prenom)) {
        $erreur = true;
    // ...
    if ($erreur) {
    } else {
        $client = new Client();
} else {
