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PHP ClassTools类代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中ClassTools的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP ClassTools类的具体用法?PHP ClassTools怎么用?PHP ClassTools使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getPages

 protected function getPages()
     if (!$this->using_pages || $this->count_items <= $this->items_on_page) {
     // aktualna strona kategorii
     $page = ClassTools::getValue('page') ? ClassTools::getValue('page') . '/' : '';
     echo '<div class="sew-pages clearfix"><ul class="clearfix">';
     for ($i = 1; $i <= ceil($this->count_items / $this->items_on_page); $i++) {
         echo '<li><a href="/' . $this->controller_name . '/' . $page . 'strona/' . $i . '" class="btn btn-' . ($this->current_page == $i ? 'default" disabled="disabled"' : 'default"') . '>' . $i . '</a></li>';
     echo '</ul></div>';

示例2: getParentClassName

  * Returns classpath to parent class.
  * @return     string
 protected function getParentClassName()
     $ancestorClassName = ClassTools::classname($this->getChild()->getAncestor());
     if ($this->getDatabase()->hasTableByPhpName($ancestorClassName)) {
         return $this->getNewStubQueryBuilder($this->getDatabase()->getTableByPhpName($ancestorClassName))->getClassname();
     } else {
         // find the inheritance for the parent class
         foreach ($this->getTable()->getChildrenColumn()->getChildren() as $child) {
             if ($child->getClassName() == $ancestorClassName) {
                 return $this->getNewStubQueryInheritanceBuilder($child)->getClassname();

示例3: validateModel

  * Validates the current table to make sure that it won't
  * result in generated code that will not parse.
  * This method may emit warnings for code which may cause problems
  * and will throw exceptions for errors that will definitely cause
  * problems.
 protected function validateModel()
     $table = $this->getTable();
     // Check to see if any of the column constants are PHP reserved words.
     $colConstants = array();
     foreach ($table->getColumns() as $col) {
         $colConstants[] = $this->getColumnName($col);
     $reservedConstants = array_map('strtoupper', ClassTools::getPhpReservedWords());
     $intersect = array_intersect($reservedConstants, $colConstants);
     if (!empty($intersect)) {
         throw new EngineException("One or more of your column names for [" . $table->getName() . "] table conflict with a PHP reserved word (" . implode(", ", $intersect) . ")");

示例4: generateWhereList

 protected static function generateWhereList($controller, $prefix = false)
     if (!($session_search = self::getSearchSession($controller))) {
         return false;
     $prefix = $prefix ? $prefix . '.' : '';
     $first = true;
     foreach ($session_search as $key => $val) {
         $val = ClassTools::pSQL($val);
         if ($first) {
             $first = false;
             $search = "{$prefix}`{$key}` LIKE '%{$val}%'";
         } else {
             $search .= " AND {$prefix}`{$key}` LIKE '%{$val}%'";
     return $search;

示例5: addClassClose

    protected function addClassClose(&$script)
        $behavior_file_name = 'Base' . $this->getTable()->getPhpName() . 'Behaviors';
        $behavior_file_path = ClassTools::getFilePath($this->getStubObjectBuilder()->getPackage() . '.om', $behavior_file_name);
        $absolute_behavior_file_path = sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . '/' . $behavior_file_path;
        if (file_exists($absolute_behavior_file_path)) {
        $behaviors = $this->getTable()->getAttribute('behaviors');
        if ($behaviors) {
            file_put_contents($absolute_behavior_file_path, sprintf("<?php\nsfPropelBehavior::add('%s', %s);\n", $this->getTable()->getPhpName(), var_export(unserialize($behaviors), true)));
            $behavior_include_script = <<<EOF

if (sfProjectConfiguration::getActive() instanceof sfApplicationConfiguration)
  include_once '%s';

            $script .= sprintf($behavior_include_script, $behavior_file_path);

示例6: search

 protected function search()
     if (!$this->checkSearchDefinition()) {
     $ClassModel = new ClassModel();
     $session_old = false;
     $session = array();
     $class = $this->search_definition['class'];
     $definition = $class::$definition['fields'];
     if (isset($_SESSION['search'][$this->search_definition['controller']])) {
         $session_old = $_SESSION['search'][$this->search_definition['controller']];
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
         if ($key == 'form_action_search') {
         $value = ClassTools::getValue($key) !== false && ClassTools::getValue($key) != '' ? ClassTools::getValue($key) : false;
         if ($value === false) {
         if (isset($this->search_definition['form'][$key])) {
             if (isset($definition[$key]) && isset($definition[$key]['validate'])) {
                 foreach ($definition[$key]['validate'] as $validate_method) {
                     $value = $ClassModel->validByMethod($validate_method, $value, $definition[$key]['name'], $key);
                     if ($ClassModel->errors && count($ClassModel->errors) > 0) {
                         $this->alerts['danger search'][] = $ClassModel->errors['0'];
                         $ClassModel->errors = array();
                     } else {
                         $session[$key] = $value;
             } else {
                 $session[$key] = $value;
     $_SESSION['search'][$this->search_definition['controller']] = $session;

示例7: edit

 protected function edit()
     // ladowanie klasy
     $item = new ClassSoldierSchool(ClassTools::getValue('id_school'));
     // sprawdza czy klasa zostala poprawnie zaladowana
     if (!$item->load_class) {
         $this->alerts['danger'] = "Szkoła żołnierza nie istnieje.";
     $item->name = ClassTools::getValue('form_name');
     $item->address = ClassTools::getValue('form_address');
     $item->specialization = ClassTools::getValue('form_specialization');
     $item->id_academic_degree = ClassTools::getValue('form_academic_degree');
     $item->date_start = ClassTools::getValue('form_date_start');
     $item->date_end = ClassTools::getValue('form_date_end');
     $item->id_soldier = ClassTools::getValue('id_soldier');
     $item->id_user = ClassAuth::getCurrentUserId();
     // komunikaty bledu
     if (!$item->update()) {
         $this->alerts['danger'] = $item->errors;
     // komunikat
     $this->alerts['success'] = "Poprawnie zaktualizowano szkolę żołnierza: <b>{$item->name}</b>";
     // czyszczeie zmiennych wyswietlania
     $this->tpl_values = '';
     $_POST = array();

示例8: getClassFilePath

 public function getClassFilePath()
     return ClassTools::getFilePath('lib.model.om', $this->getClassname());

示例9: generateRandomPasswordLinkKey

 public static function generateRandomPasswordLinkKey()
     return ClassTools::generateRandomPasswd(60, array('1', '2', '3'));

示例10: detach

 protected function detach()
     // ladowanie klasy
     $item = new ClassSoldier2Mission(ClassTools::getValue('id_soldier2missions'));
     // sprawdza czy klasa zostala poprawnie zaladowana
     if (!$item->load_class) {
         $this->alerts['danger'] = "Misja żołnierza nie istnieje.";
     $item->id_soldier = ClassTools::getValue('id_soldier');
     $item->id_mission = ClassTools::getValue('id_mission');
     $item->description_detach = ClassTools::getValue('form_description_detach');
     $item->date_mission_detach = ClassTools::getValue('form_date');
     $item->id_user = ClassAuth::getCurrentUserId();
     // komunikaty bledu
     if (!$item->detach()) {
         $this->alerts['danger'] = $item->errors;
     // komunikat
     $this->alerts['success'] = "Poprawnie oddelegowano żołnierza z misji.";
     // czyszczeie zmiennych wyswietlania
     $this->tpl_values = '';
     $_POST = array();

示例11: getClassMap

  * Lists data model classes and builds an associative array className => classPath
  * To be used for autoloading
  * @return array
 protected function getClassMap()
     $phpconfClassmap = array();
     $generatorConfig = $this->getGeneratorConfig();
     foreach ($this->getDataModels() as $dataModel) {
         foreach ($dataModel->getDatabases() as $database) {
             $classMap = array();
             foreach ($database->getTables() as $table) {
                 if (!$table->isForReferenceOnly()) {
                     // -----------------------------------------------------
                     // Add TableMap class,
                     //     Peer, Object & Query stub classes,
                     // and Peer, Object & Query base classes
                     // -----------------------------------------------------
                     // (this code is based on PropelOMTask)
                     foreach (array('tablemap', 'peerstub', 'objectstub', 'querystub', 'peer', 'object', 'query') as $target) {
                         $builder = $generatorConfig->getConfiguredBuilder($table, $target);
                         $this->log("Adding class mapping: " . $builder->getClassname() . ' => ' . $builder->getClassFilePath());
                         $classMap[$builder->getClassname()] = $builder->getClassFilePath();
                     // -----------------------------------------------------
                     // Add children classes for object and query,
                     // as well as base child query,
                     // for single tabel inheritance tables.
                     // -----------------------------------------------------
                     if ($col = $table->getChildrenColumn()) {
                         if ($col->isEnumeratedClasses()) {
                             foreach ($col->getChildren() as $child) {
                                 foreach (array('objectmultiextend', 'queryinheritance', 'queryinheritancestub') as $target) {
                                     $builder = $generatorConfig->getConfiguredBuilder($table, $target);
                                     $this->log("Adding class mapping: " . $builder->getClassname() . ' => ' . $builder->getClassFilePath());
                                     $classMap[$builder->getClassname()] = $builder->getClassFilePath();
                     // -----------------------------------------------------
                     // Add base classes for alias tables (undocumented)
                     // -----------------------------------------------------
                     $baseClass = $table->getBaseClass();
                     if ($baseClass !== null) {
                         $className = ClassTools::classname($baseClass);
                         if (!isset($classMap[$className])) {
                             $classPath = ClassTools::getFilePath($baseClass);
                             $this->log('Adding class mapping: ' . $className . ' => ' . $classPath);
                             $classMap[$className] = $classPath;
                     $basePeer = $table->getBasePeer();
                     if ($basePeer !== null) {
                         $className = ClassTools::classname($basePeer);
                         if (!isset($classMap[$className])) {
                             $classPath = ClassTools::getFilePath($basePeer);
                             $this->log('Adding class mapping: ' . $className . ' => ' . $classPath);
                             $classMap[$className] = $classPath;
                     // ----------------------------------------------
                     // Add classes for interface
                     // ----------------------------------------------
                     if ($table->getInterface()) {
                         $builder = $generatorConfig->getConfiguredBuilder($table, 'interface');
                         $this->log("Adding class mapping: " . $builder->getClassname() . ' => ' . $builder->getClassFilePath());
                         $classMap[$builder->getClassname()] = $builder->getClassFilePath();
                     // ----------------------------------------------
                     // Add classes from old treeMode implementations
                     // ----------------------------------------------
                     if ($table->treeMode() == 'MaterializedPath') {
                         foreach (array('nodepeerstub', 'nodestub', 'nodepeer', 'node') as $target) {
                             $builder = $generatorConfig->getConfiguredBuilder($table, $target);
                             $this->log("Adding class mapping: " . $builder->getClassname() . ' => ' . $builder->getClassFilePath());
                             $classMap[$builder->getClassname()] = $builder->getClassFilePath();
                     if ($table->treeMode() == 'NestedSet') {
                         foreach (array('nestedset', 'nestedsetpeer') as $target) {
                             $builder = $generatorConfig->getConfiguredBuilder($table, $target);
                             $this->log("Adding class mapping: " . $builder->getClassname() . ' => ' . $builder->getClassFilePath());
                             $classMap[$builder->getClassname()] = $builder->getClassFilePath();
                 // if (!$table->isReferenceOnly())
             $phpconfClassmap = array_merge($phpconfClassmap, $classMap);
     return $phpconfClassmap;

示例12: main

 public function main()
     // check to make sure task received all correct params
     $basepath = $this->getOutputDirectory();
     // Get new Capsule context
     $generator = $this->createContext();
     $generator->put("basepath", $basepath);
     // make available to other templates
     $targetPlatform = $this->getTargetPlatform();
     // convenience for embedding in strings below
     // we need some values that were loaded into the template context
     $basePrefix = $generator->get('basePrefix');
     $project = $generator->get('project');
     foreach ($this->getDataModels() as $dataModel) {
         $this->log("Processing Datamodel : " . $dataModel->getName());
         foreach ($dataModel->getDatabases() as $database) {
             $this->log("  - processing database : " . $database->getName());
             $generator->put("platform", $database->getPlatform());
             foreach ($database->getTables() as $table) {
                 if (!$table->isForReferenceOnly()) {
                     if ($table->getPackage()) {
                         $package = $table->getPackage();
                     } else {
                         $package = $this->targetPackage;
                     $pkbase = "{$package}.om";
                     $pkpeer = "{$package}";
                     $pkmap = "{$package}.map";
                     // make these available
                     $generator->put("package", $package);
                     $generator->put("pkbase", $pkbase);
                     //$generator->put("pkpeer", $pkpeer); -- we're not using this yet
                     $generator->put("pkmap", $pkmap);
                     foreach (array($pkpeer, $pkmap, $pkbase) as $pk) {
                         $path = strtr($pk, '.', '/');
                         $f = new PhingFile($this->getOutputDirectory(), $path);
                         if (!$f->exists()) {
                             if (!$f->mkdirs()) {
                                 throw new Exception("Error creating directories: " . $f->getPath());
                     // for each package
                     $this->log("\t+ " . $table->getName());
                     $generator->put("table", $table);
                     // Create the Base Peer class
                     $this->log("\t\t-> " . $basePrefix . $table->getPhpName() . "Peer");
                     $path = ClassTools::getFilePath($pkbase, $basePrefix . $table->getPhpName() . "Peer");
                     $generator->parse("om/{$targetPlatform}/Peer.tpl", $path);
                     // Create the Base object class
                     $this->log("\t\t-> " . $basePrefix . $table->getPhpName());
                     $path = ClassTools::getFilePath($pkbase, $basePrefix . $table->getPhpName());
                     $generator->parse("om/{$targetPlatform}/Object.tpl", $path);
                     if ($table->isTree()) {
                         // Create the Base NodePeer class
                         $this->log("\t\t-> " . $basePrefix . $table->getPhpName() . "NodePeer");
                         $path = ClassTools::getFilePath($pkbase, $basePrefix . $table->getPhpName() . "NodePeer");
                         $generator->parse("om/{$targetPlatform}/NodePeer.tpl", $path);
                         // Create the Base Node class if the table is a tree
                         $this->log("\t\t-> " . $basePrefix . $table->getPhpName() . "Node");
                         $path = ClassTools::getFilePath($pkbase, $basePrefix . $table->getPhpName() . "Node");
                         $generator->parse("om/{$targetPlatform}/Node.tpl", $path);
                     // Create MapBuilder class if this table is not an alias
                     if (!$table->isAlias()) {
                         $this->log("\t\t-> " . $table->getPhpName() . "MapBuilder");
                         $path = ClassTools::getFilePath($pkmap, $table->getPhpName() . "MapBuilder");
                         $generator->parse("om/{$targetPlatform}/MapBuilder.tpl", $path);
                     // if !$table->isAlias()
                     // Create [empty] stub Peer class if it does not already exist
                     $path = ClassTools::getFilePath($package, $table->getPhpName() . "Peer");
                     $_f = new PhingFile($basepath, $path);
                     if (!$_f->exists()) {
                         $this->log("\t\t-> " . $table->getPhpName() . "Peer");
                         $generator->parse("om/{$targetPlatform}/ExtensionPeer.tpl", $path);
                     } else {
                         $this->log("\t\t-> (exists) " . $table->getPhpName() . "Peer");
                     // Create [empty] stub object class if it does not already exist
                     $path = ClassTools::getFilePath($package, $table->getPhpName());
                     $_f = new PhingFile($basepath, $path);
                     if (!$_f->exists()) {
                         $this->log("\t\t-> " . $table->getPhpName());
                         $generator->parse("om/{$targetPlatform}/ExtensionObject.tpl", $path);
                     } else {
                         $this->log("\t\t-> (exists) " . $table->getPhpName());
                     if ($table->isTree()) {
                         // Create [empty] stub Node Peer class if it does not already exist
                         $path = ClassTools::getFilePath($package, $table->getPhpName() . "NodePeer");
                         $_f = new PhingFile($basepath, $path);
                         if (!$_f->exists()) {
                             $this->log("\t\t-> " . $table->getPhpName() . "NodePeer");
                             $generator->parse("om/{$targetPlatform}/ExtensionNodePeer.tpl", $path);
                         } else {
                             $this->log("\t\t-> (exists) " . $table->getPhpName() . "NodePeer");
                         // Create [empty] stub Node class if it does not already exist

示例13: addClassOpen

  * Adds class phpdoc comment and openning of class.
  * @param      string &$script The script will be modified in this method.
 protected function addClassOpen(&$script)
     $table = $this->getTable();
     $tableName = $table->getName();
     $tableDesc = $table->getDescription();
     $interface = $this->getInterface();
     $script .= "\r\n/**\r\n * Base class that represents a row from the '{$tableName}' table.\r\n *\r\n * {$tableDesc}\r\n *";
     if ($this->getBuildProperty('addTimeStamp')) {
         $now = strftime('%c');
         $script .= "\r\n * This class was autogenerated by Propel " . $this->getBuildProperty('version') . " on:\r\n *\r\n * {$now}\r\n *";
     $script .= "\r\n * @package    " . $this->getPackage() . "\r\n */\r\nabstract class " . $this->getClassname() . " extends " . ClassTools::classname($this->getBaseClass()) . " ";
     $interface = ClassTools::getInterface($table);
     if ($interface) {
         $script .= " implements " . ClassTools::classname($interface);
     $script .= " {\r\n\r\n";

示例14: addClassClose

 protected function addClassClose(&$script)
     $behaviors = $this->getTable()->getAttribute('behaviors');
     if ($behaviors) {
         $behavior_file_name = 'Base' . $this->getTable()->getPhpName() . 'Behaviors';
         $behavior_file_path = ClassTools::getFilePath($this->getStubObjectBuilder()->getPackage() . '.om', $behavior_file_name);
         $script .= sprintf("\ninclude_once '%s';\n", $behavior_file_path);

示例15: main

  * The main method does the work of the task.
 public function main()
     // Check to make sure the input and output files were specified and that the input file exists.
     if (!$this->xmlConfFile || !$this->xmlConfFile->exists()) {
         throw new BuildException("No valid xmlConfFile specified.", $this->getLocation());
     if (!$this->outputFile) {
         throw new BuildException("No outputFile specified.", $this->getLocation());
     if (!$this->outputClassmapFile) {
         // We'll create a default one for BC
         $this->outputClassmapFile = 'classmap-' . $this->outputFile;
     // Create a PHP array from the XML file
     $xmlDom = new DOMDocument();
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlDom->saveXML());
     $phpconf = self::simpleXmlToArray($xml);
     $phpconfClassmap = array();
     // $this->log(var_export($phpconf,true));
     // Create a map of all PHP classes and their filepaths for this data model
     $generatorConfig = $this->getGeneratorConfig();
     foreach ($this->getDataModels() as $dataModel) {
         foreach ($dataModel->getDatabases() as $database) {
             $classMap = array();
             // $this->log("Processing class mappings in database: " . $database->getName());
             //print the tables
             foreach ($database->getTables() as $table) {
                 if (!$table->isForReferenceOnly()) {
                     // $this->log("\t+ " . $table->getName());
                     // Classes that I'm assuming do not need to be mapped (because they will be required by subclasses):
                     //	- base peer and object classes
                     //	- interfaces
                     //	- base node peer and object classes
                     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     // Add Peer & Object stub classes and MapBuilder classes
                     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     // (this code is based on PropelOMTask)
                     foreach (array('mapbuilder', 'peerstub', 'objectstub') as $target) {
                         $builder = $generatorConfig->getConfiguredBuilder($table, $target);
                         $this->log("Adding class mapping: " . $builder->getClassname() . ' => ' . $builder->getClassFilePath());
                         $classMap[$builder->getClassname()] = $builder->getClassFilePath();
                     if ($table->getChildrenColumn()) {
                         $col = $table->getChildrenColumn();
                         if ($col->isEnumeratedClasses()) {
                             foreach ($col->getChildren() as $child) {
                                 $builder = $generatorConfig->getConfiguredBuilder($table, 'objectmultiextend');
                                 $this->log("Adding class mapping: " . $builder->getClassname() . ' => ' . $builder->getClassFilePath());
                                 $classMap[$builder->getClassname()] = $builder->getClassFilePath();
                     $baseClass = $table->getBaseClass();
                     if ($baseClass !== null) {
                         $className = ClassTools::classname($baseClass);
                         if (!isset($classMap[$className])) {
                             $classPath = ClassTools::getFilePath($baseClass);
                             $this->log('Adding class mapping: ' . $className . ' => ' . $classPath);
                             $classMap[$className] = $classPath;
                     $basePeer = $table->getBasePeer();
                     if ($basePeer !== null) {
                         $className = ClassTools::classname($basePeer);
                         if (!isset($classMap[$className])) {
                             $classPath = ClassTools::getFilePath($basePeer);
                             $this->log('Adding class mapping: ' . $className . ' => ' . $classPath);
                             $classMap[$className] = $classPath;
                     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     // Create tree Node classes
                     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     if ('MaterializedPath' == $table->treeMode()) {
                         foreach (array('nodepeerstub', 'nodestub') as $target) {
                             $builder = $generatorConfig->getConfiguredBuilder($table, $target);
                             $this->log("Adding class mapping: " . $builder->getClassname() . ' => ' . $builder->getClassFilePath());
                             $classMap[$builder->getClassname()] = $builder->getClassFilePath();
                     // if Table->treeMode() == 'MaterializedPath'
                 // if (!$table->isReferenceOnly())
             $phpconfClassmap['propel']['datasources'][$database->getName()]['classes'] = $classMap;
     //		$phpconf['propel']['classes'] = $classMap;
     $phpconf['propel']['generator_version'] = $this->getGeneratorConfig()->getBuildProperty('version');
     // Write resulting PHP data to output file:
     $outfile = new PhingFile($this->outputDirectory, $this->outputFile);
     $output = '<' . '?' . "php\n";
     $output .= "// This file generated by Propel " . $phpconf['propel']['generator_version'] . " convert-props target" . ($this->getGeneratorConfig()->getBuildProperty('addTimestamp') ? " on " . strftime("%c") : '') . "\n";
     $output .= "// from XML runtime conf file " . $this->xmlConfFile->getPath() . "\n";
     $output .= "return array_merge_recursive(";
