本文整理汇总了PHP中Cell::splitRange方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Cell::splitRange方法的具体用法?PHP Cell::splitRange怎么用?PHP Cell::splitRange使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Cell
示例1: extractNamedRange
* Extract range values
* @param string &$pRange String based range representation
* @param Worksheet $pSheet Worksheet
* @return mixed Array of values in range if range contains more than one element. Otherwise, a single value is returned.
* @param boolean $resetLog Flag indicating whether calculation log should be reset or not
* @throws Calculation\Exception
public function extractNamedRange(&$pRange = 'A1', Worksheet $pSheet = null, $resetLog = true)
// Return value
$returnValue = array();
// echo 'extractNamedRange('.$pRange.')<br />';
if ($pSheet !== null) {
$pSheetName = $pSheet->getTitle();
// echo 'Current sheet name is '.$pSheetName.'<br />';
// echo 'Range reference is '.$pRange.'<br />';
if (strpos($pRange, '!') !== false) {
// echo '$pRange reference includes sheet reference', PHP_EOL;
list($pSheetName, $pRange) = Worksheet::extractSheetTitle($pRange, true);
// echo 'New sheet name is '.$pSheetName, PHP_EOL;
// echo 'Adjusted Range reference is '.$pRange, PHP_EOL;
$pSheet = $this->spreadsheet->getSheetByName($pSheetName);
// Named range?
$namedRange = NamedRange::resolveRange($pRange, $pSheet);
if ($namedRange !== null) {
$pSheet = $namedRange->getWorksheet();
// echo 'Named Range '.$pRange.' (';
$pRange = $namedRange->getRange();
$splitRange = Cell::splitRange($pRange);
// Convert row and column references
if (ctype_alpha($splitRange[0][0])) {
$pRange = $splitRange[0][0] . '1:' . $splitRange[0][1] . $namedRange->getWorksheet()->getHighestRow();
} elseif (ctype_digit($splitRange[0][0])) {
$pRange = 'A' . $splitRange[0][0] . ':' . $namedRange->getWorksheet()->getHighestColumn() . $splitRange[0][1];
// echo $pRange.') is in sheet '.$namedRange->getWorksheet()->getTitle().'<br />';
// if ($pSheet->getTitle() != $namedRange->getWorksheet()->getTitle()) {
// if (!$namedRange->getLocalOnly()) {
// $pSheet = $namedRange->getWorksheet();
// } else {
// return $returnValue;
// }
// }
} else {
return Calculation\Functions::REF();
// Extract range
$aReferences = Cell::extractAllCellReferencesInRange($pRange);
// var_dump($aReferences);
if (!isset($aReferences[1])) {
// Single cell (or single column or row) in range
list($currentCol, $currentRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($aReferences[0]);
$cellValue = null;
if ($pSheet->cellExists($aReferences[0])) {
$returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = $pSheet->getCell($aReferences[0])->getCalculatedValue($resetLog);
} else {
$returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = null;
} else {
// Extract cell data for all cells in the range
foreach ($aReferences as $reference) {
// Extract range
list($currentCol, $currentRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($reference);
// echo 'NAMED RANGE: $currentCol='.$currentCol.' $currentRow='.$currentRow.'<br />';
$cellValue = null;
if ($pSheet->cellExists($reference)) {
$returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = $pSheet->getCell($reference)->getCalculatedValue($resetLog);
} else {
$returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = null;
// print_r($returnValue);
// echo '<br />';
return $returnValue;
示例2: _writeMergedCells
* Store the MERGEDCELLS records for all ranges of merged cells
private function _writeMergedCells()
$mergeCells = $this->_phpSheet->getMergeCells();
$countMergeCells = count($mergeCells);
if ($countMergeCells == 0) {
// maximum allowed number of merged cells per record
if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x600) {
$maxCountMergeCellsPerRecord = 1027;
} else {
$maxCountMergeCellsPerRecord = 259;
// record identifier
$record = 0xe5;
// counter for total number of merged cells treated so far by the writer
$i = 0;
// counter for number of merged cells written in record currently being written
$j = 0;
// initialize record data
$recordData = '';
// loop through the merged cells
foreach ($mergeCells as $mergeCell) {
// extract the row and column indexes
$range = Cell::splitRange($mergeCell);
list($first, $last) = $range[0];
list($firstColumn, $firstRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($first);
list($lastColumn, $lastRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($last);
$recordData .= pack('vvvv', $firstRow - 1, $lastRow - 1, Cell::columnIndexFromString($firstColumn) - 1, Cell::columnIndexFromString($lastColumn) - 1);
// flush record if we have reached limit for number of merged cells, or reached final merged cell
if ($j == $maxCountMergeCellsPerRecord or $i == $countMergeCells) {
$recordData = pack('v', $j) . $recordData;
$length = strlen($recordData);
$header = pack('vv', $record, $length);
$this->_append($header . $recordData);
// initialize for next record, if any
$recordData = '';
$j = 0;
示例3: updateCellRange
* Update cell range
* @param string $pCellRange Cell range (e.g. 'B2:D4', 'B:C' or '2:3')
* @param int $pBefore Insert before this one
* @param int $pNumCols Number of columns to increment
* @param int $pNumRows Number of rows to increment
* @return string Updated cell range
* @throws Exception
private function updateCellRange($pCellRange = 'A1:A1', $pBefore = 'A1', $pNumCols = 0, $pNumRows = 0)
if (strpos($pCellRange, ':') !== false || strpos($pCellRange, ',') !== false) {
// Update range
$range = Cell::splitRange($pCellRange);
$ic = count($range);
for ($i = 0; $i < $ic; ++$i) {
$jc = count($range[$i]);
for ($j = 0; $j < $jc; ++$j) {
if (ctype_alpha($range[$i][$j])) {
$r = Cell::coordinateFromString($this->updateSingleCellReference($range[$i][$j] . '1', $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows));
$range[$i][$j] = $r[0];
} elseif (ctype_digit($range[$i][$j])) {
$r = Cell::coordinateFromString($this->updateSingleCellReference('A' . $range[$i][$j], $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows));
$range[$i][$j] = $r[1];
} else {
$range[$i][$j] = $this->updateSingleCellReference($range[$i][$j], $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows);
// Recreate range string
return Cell::buildRange($range);
} else {
throw new Exception("Only cell ranges may be passed to this method.");
示例4: setSelectedCells
* Select a range of cells.
* @param string $pCoordinate Cell range, examples: 'A1', 'B2:G5', 'A:C', '3:6'
* @throws Exception
* @return Worksheet
public function setSelectedCells($pCoordinate = 'A1')
// Uppercase coordinate
$pCoordinate = strtoupper($pCoordinate);
// Convert 'A' to 'A:A'
$pCoordinate = preg_replace('/^([A-Z]+)$/', '${1}:${1}', $pCoordinate);
// Convert '1' to '1:1'
$pCoordinate = preg_replace('/^([0-9]+)$/', '${1}:${1}', $pCoordinate);
// Convert 'A:C' to 'A1:C1048576'
$pCoordinate = preg_replace('/^([A-Z]+):([A-Z]+)$/', '${1}1:${2}1048576', $pCoordinate);
// Convert '1:3' to 'A1:XFD3'
$pCoordinate = preg_replace('/^([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/', 'A${1}:XFD${2}', $pCoordinate);
if (strpos($pCoordinate, ':') !== false || strpos($pCoordinate, ',') !== false) {
list($first, ) = Cell::splitRange($pCoordinate);
$this->_activeCell = $first[0];
} else {
$this->_activeCell = $pCoordinate;
$this->_selectedCells = $pCoordinate;
return $this;
示例5: _updateCellRange
* Update cell range
* @param string $pCellRange Cell range
* @param int $pBefore Insert before this one
* @param int $pNumCols Number of columns to increment
* @param int $pNumRows Number of rows to increment
* @return string Updated cell range
* @throws Exception
private function _updateCellRange($pCellRange = 'A1:A1', $pBefore = 'A1', $pNumCols = 0, $pNumRows = 0)
if (strpos($pCellRange, ':') !== false || strpos($pCellRange, ',') !== false) {
// Update range
$range = Cell::splitRange($pCellRange);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($range); ++$i) {
for ($j = 0; $j < count($range[$i]); ++$j) {
$range[$i][$j] = $this->_updateSingleCellReference($range[$i][$j], $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows);
// Recreate range string
return Cell::buildRange($range);
} else {
throw new Exception("Only cell ranges may be passed to this method.");
示例6: extractAllCellReferencesInRange
* Extract all cell references in range
* @param string $pRange Range (e.g. A1 or A1:A10 or A1:A10 A100:A1000)
* @return array Array containing single cell references
public static function extractAllCellReferencesInRange($pRange = 'A1')
// Returnvalue
$returnValue = array();
// Explode spaces
$aExplodeSpaces = explode(' ', str_replace('$', '', strtoupper($pRange)));
foreach ($aExplodeSpaces as $explodedSpaces) {
// Single cell?
if (strpos($explodedSpaces, ':') === false && strpos($explodedSpaces, ',') === false) {
$col = 'A';
$row = 1;
list($col, $row) = Cell::coordinateFromString($explodedSpaces);
if (strlen($col) <= 2) {
$returnValue[] = $explodedSpaces;
// Range...
$range = Cell::splitRange($explodedSpaces);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($range); ++$i) {
// Single cell?
if (count($range[$i]) == 1) {
$col = 'A';
$row = 1;
list($col, $row) = Cell::coordinateFromString($range[$i]);
if (strlen($col) <= 2) {
$returnValue[] = $explodedSpaces;
// Range...
$rangeStart = $rangeEnd = '';
$startingCol = $startingRow = $endingCol = $endingRow = 0;
list($rangeStart, $rangeEnd) = $range[$i];
list($startingCol, $startingRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($rangeStart);
list($endingCol, $endingRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($rangeEnd);
// Conversions...
$startingCol = Cell::columnIndexFromString($startingCol);
$endingCol = Cell::columnIndexFromString($endingCol);
// Current data
$currentCol = --$startingCol;
$currentRow = $startingRow;
// Loop cells
while ($currentCol < $endingCol) {
$loopColumn = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($currentCol);
while ($currentRow <= $endingRow) {
$returnValue[] = $loopColumn . $currentRow;
$currentRow = $startingRow;
// Return value
return $returnValue;
示例7: _writeDefinedNameForPrintArea
* Write Defined Name for PrintTitles
* @param Shared_XMLWriter $objWriter XML Writer
* @param Worksheet $pSheet
* @param int $pSheetId
* @throws Exception
private function _writeDefinedNameForPrintArea(Shared_XMLWriter $objWriter = null, Worksheet $pSheet = null, $pSheetId = 0)
// definedName for PrintArea
if ($pSheet->getPageSetup()->isPrintAreaSet()) {
$objWriter->writeAttribute('name', '_xlnm.Print_Area');
$objWriter->writeAttribute('localSheetId', $pSheetId);
// Setting string
$settingString = '';
// Print area
$printArea = Cell::splitRange($pSheet->getPageSetup()->getPrintArea());
$chunks = array();
foreach ($printArea as $printAreaRect) {
$printAreaRect[0] = Cell::absoluteCoordinate($printAreaRect[0]);
$printAreaRect[1] = Cell::absoluteCoordinate($printAreaRect[1]);
$chunks[] = '\'' . str_replace("'", "''", $pSheet->getTitle()) . '\'!' . implode(':', $printAreaRect);
$objWriter->writeRaw(implode(',', $chunks));
示例8: _calculateSpans
* Calculate information about HTML colspan and rowspan which is not always the same as Excel's
private function _calculateSpans()
// Identify all cells that should be omitted in HTML due to cell merge.
// In HTML only the upper-left cell should be written and it should have
// appropriate rowspan / colspan attribute
$sheetIndexes = $this->_sheetIndex !== null ? array($this->_sheetIndex) : range(0, $this->_phpExcel->getSheetCount() - 1);
foreach ($sheetIndexes as $sheetIndex) {
$sheet = $this->_phpExcel->getSheet($sheetIndex);
$candidateSpannedRow = array();
// loop through all Excel merged cells
foreach ($sheet->getMergeCells() as $cells) {
list($cells, ) = Cell::splitRange($cells);
$first = $cells[0];
$last = $cells[1];
list($fc, $fr) = Cell::coordinateFromString($first);
$fc = Cell::columnIndexFromString($fc) - 1;
list($lc, $lr) = Cell::coordinateFromString($last);
$lc = Cell::columnIndexFromString($lc) - 1;
// loop through the individual cells in the individual merge
for ($r = $fr; $r <= $lr; ++$r) {
// also, flag this row as a HTML row that is candidate to be omitted
$candidateSpannedRow[$r] = $r;
for ($c = $fc; $c <= $lc; ++$c) {
if (!($c == $fc && $r == $fr)) {
// not the upper-left cell (should not be written in HTML)
$this->_isSpannedCell[$sheetIndex][$r][$c] = array('baseCell' => array($fr, $fc));
} else {
// upper-left is the base cell that should hold the colspan/rowspan attribute
$this->_isBaseCell[$sheetIndex][$r][$c] = array('xlrowspan' => $lr - $fr + 1, 'rowspan' => $lr - $fr + 1, 'xlcolspan' => $lc - $fc + 1, 'colspan' => $lc - $fc + 1);
// Identify which rows should be omitted in HTML. These are the rows where all the cells
// participate in a merge and the where base cells are somewhere above.
$countColumns = Cell::columnIndexFromString($sheet->getHighestColumn());
foreach ($candidateSpannedRow as $rowIndex) {
if (isset($this->_isSpannedCell[$sheetIndex][$rowIndex])) {
if (count($this->_isSpannedCell[$sheetIndex][$rowIndex]) == $countColumns) {
$this->_isSpannedRow[$sheetIndex][$rowIndex] = $rowIndex;
// For each of the omitted rows we found above, the affected rowspans should be subtracted by 1
if (isset($this->_isSpannedRow[$sheetIndex])) {
foreach ($this->_isSpannedRow[$sheetIndex] as $rowIndex) {
$adjustedBaseCells = array();
for ($c = 0; $c < $countColumns; ++$c) {
$baseCell = $this->_isSpannedCell[$sheetIndex][$rowIndex][$c]['baseCell'];
if (!in_array($baseCell, $adjustedBaseCells)) {
// subtract rowspan by 1
$adjustedBaseCells[] = $baseCell;
// TODO: Same for columns
// We have calculated the spans
$this->_spansAreCalculated = true;
示例9: isMergeRangeValueCell
* Is this cell the master (top left cell) in a merge range (that holds the actual data value)
* @return boolean
public function isMergeRangeValueCell()
if ($mergeRange = $this->getMergeRange()) {
$mergeRange = Cell::splitRange($mergeRange);
list($startCell) = $mergeRange[0];
if ($this->getCoordinate() === $startCell) {
return true;
return false;
示例10: _writeAllDefinedNamesBiff8
* Writes all the DEFINEDNAME records (BIFF8).
* So far this is only used for repeating rows/columns (print titles) and print areas
private function _writeAllDefinedNamesBiff8()
$chunk = '';
// Named ranges
if (count($this->_phpExcel->getNamedRanges()) > 0) {
// Loop named ranges
$namedRanges = $this->_phpExcel->getNamedRanges();
foreach ($namedRanges as $namedRange) {
// Create absolute coordinate
$range = Cell::splitRange($namedRange->getRange());
for ($i = 0; $i < count($range); $i++) {
$range[$i][0] = '\'' . str_replace("'", "''", $namedRange->getWorksheet()->getTitle()) . '\'!' . Cell::absoluteCoordinate($range[$i][0]);
if (isset($range[$i][1])) {
$range[$i][1] = Cell::absoluteCoordinate($range[$i][1]);
$range = Cell::buildRange($range);
// e.g. Sheet1!$A$1:$B$2
// parse formula
try {
$error = $this->_parser->parse($range);
$formulaData = $this->_parser->toReversePolish();
// make sure tRef3d is of type tRef3dR (0x3A)
if (isset($formulaData[0]) and ($formulaData[0] == "z" or $formulaData[0] == "Z")) {
$formulaData = ":" . substr($formulaData, 1);
if ($namedRange->getLocalOnly()) {
// local scope
$scope = $this->_phpExcel->getIndex($namedRange->getScope()) + 1;
} else {
// global scope
$scope = 0;
$chunk .= $this->writeData($this->_writeDefinedNameBiff8($namedRange->getName(), $formulaData, $scope, false));
} catch (Exception $e) {
// do nothing
// total number of sheets
$total_worksheets = $this->_phpExcel->getSheetCount();
// write the print titles (repeating rows, columns), if any
for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; ++$i) {
$sheetSetup = $this->_phpExcel->getSheet($i)->getPageSetup();
// simultaneous repeatColumns repeatRows
if ($sheetSetup->isColumnsToRepeatAtLeftSet() && $sheetSetup->isRowsToRepeatAtTopSet()) {
$repeat = $sheetSetup->getColumnsToRepeatAtLeft();
$colmin = Cell::columnIndexFromString($repeat[0]) - 1;
$colmax = Cell::columnIndexFromString($repeat[1]) - 1;
$repeat = $sheetSetup->getRowsToRepeatAtTop();
$rowmin = $repeat[0] - 1;
$rowmax = $repeat[1] - 1;
// construct formula data manually
$formulaData = pack('Cv', 0x29, 0x17);
// tMemFunc
$formulaData .= pack('Cvvvvv', 0x3b, $i, 0, 65535, $colmin, $colmax);
// tArea3d
$formulaData .= pack('Cvvvvv', 0x3b, $i, $rowmin, $rowmax, 0, 255);
// tArea3d
$formulaData .= pack('C', 0x10);
// tList
// store the DEFINEDNAME record
$chunk .= $this->writeData($this->_writeDefinedNameBiff8(pack('C', 0x7), $formulaData, $i + 1, true));
// (exclusive) either repeatColumns or repeatRows
} else {
if ($sheetSetup->isColumnsToRepeatAtLeftSet() || $sheetSetup->isRowsToRepeatAtTopSet()) {
// Columns to repeat
if ($sheetSetup->isColumnsToRepeatAtLeftSet()) {
$repeat = $sheetSetup->getColumnsToRepeatAtLeft();
$colmin = Cell::columnIndexFromString($repeat[0]) - 1;
$colmax = Cell::columnIndexFromString($repeat[1]) - 1;
} else {
$colmin = 0;
$colmax = 255;
// Rows to repeat
if ($sheetSetup->isRowsToRepeatAtTopSet()) {
$repeat = $sheetSetup->getRowsToRepeatAtTop();
$rowmin = $repeat[0] - 1;
$rowmax = $repeat[1] - 1;
} else {
$rowmin = 0;
$rowmax = 65535;
// construct formula data manually because parser does not recognize absolute 3d cell references
$formulaData = pack('Cvvvvv', 0x3b, $i, $rowmin, $rowmax, $colmin, $colmax);
// store the DEFINEDNAME record
$chunk .= $this->writeData($this->_writeDefinedNameBiff8(pack('C', 0x7), $formulaData, $i + 1, true));
// write the print areas, if any
for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; ++$i) {
$sheetSetup = $this->_phpExcel->getSheet($i)->getPageSetup();
if ($sheetSetup->isPrintAreaSet()) {
// Print area, e.g. A3:J6,H1:X20