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PHP CategoryModel::getAll方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中CategoryModel::getAll方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP CategoryModel::getAll方法的具体用法?PHP CategoryModel::getAll怎么用?PHP CategoryModel::getAll使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在CategoryModel的用法示例。


示例1: indexAction

 public function indexAction()
     $View = new View('category/list');
     $View->assign('_title_', _('Categories'));
     $categories = CategoryModel::getAll();
     $View->assign('categories', $categories);

示例2: manageCategories

  * Enabling and disabling categories from list.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
 public function manageCategories()
     // Check permission
     $this->permission(['Garden.Community.Manage', 'Garden.Settings.Manage'], false);
     // This now works on latest jQuery version 1.10.2
     // Jan29, 2014, upgraded jQuery UI to 1.10.3 from 1.8.11
     // Newer nestedSortable, but does not work.
     // old jquery-ui
     // Get category data
     $CategoryData = $this->CategoryModel->getAll('TreeLeft');
     // Set CanDelete per-category so we can override later if we want.
     $canDelete = checkPermission(['Garden.Community.Manage', 'Garden.Settings.Manage']);
     array_walk($CategoryData->result(), function (&$value) use($canDelete) {
         setvalr('CanDelete', $value, $canDelete);
     $this->setData('CategoryData', $CategoryData, true);
     // Setup & save forms
     $Validation = new Gdn_Validation();
     $ConfigurationModel = new Gdn_ConfigurationModel($Validation);
     $ConfigurationModel->setField(array('Vanilla.Categories.MaxDisplayDepth', 'Vanilla.Categories.DoHeadings', 'Vanilla.Categories.HideModule'));
     // Set the model on the form.
     // Define MaxDepthOptions
     $DepthData = array();
     $DepthData['2'] = sprintf(t('more than %s deep'), plural(1, '%s level', '%s levels'));
     $DepthData['3'] = sprintf(t('more than %s deep'), plural(2, '%s level', '%s levels'));
     $DepthData['4'] = sprintf(t('more than %s deep'), plural(3, '%s level', '%s levels'));
     $DepthData['0'] = t('never');
     $this->setData('MaxDepthData', $DepthData);
     // If seeing the form for the first time...
     if ($this->Form->authenticatedPostBack() === false) {
         // Apply the config settings to the form.
     } else {
         if ($this->Form->save() !== false) {
             $this->informMessage(t("Your settings have been saved."));
     // Render default view
