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PHP CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch方法的具体用法?PHP CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch怎么用?PHP CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch的用法示例。


示例1: synchronize

  * Function for synchronizing cms users with CiviCRM contacts
  * @param NULL
  * @return void
  * @static
  * @access public
 static function synchronize()
     //start of schronization code
     $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $db_uf =& self::dbHandle($config);
     if ($config->userFramework == 'Drupal') {
         $id = 'uid';
         $mail = 'mail';
         $name = 'name';
     } else {
         if ($config->userFramework == 'Joomla') {
             $id = 'id';
             $mail = 'email';
             $name = 'name';
         } else {
             CRM_Core_Error::fatal("CMS user creation not supported for this framework");
     $sql = "SELECT {$id}, {$mail}, {$name} FROM {$config->userFrameworkUsersTableName} where {$mail} != ''";
     $query = $db_uf->query($sql);
     $user = new StdClass();
     $uf = $config->userFramework;
     $contactCount = 0;
     $contactCreated = 0;
     $contactMatching = 0;
     while ($row = $query->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
         $user->{$id} = $row[$id];
         $user->{$mail} = $row[$mail];
         $user->{$name} = $row[$name];
         if ($match = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $row[$id], $row[$mail], $uf, 1)) {
         } else {
         if (is_object($match)) {
     //end of schronization code
     $status = ts('Synchronize Users to Contacts completed.');
     $status .= ' ' . ts('Checked one user record.', array('count' => $contactCount, 'plural' => 'Checked %count user records.'));
     if ($contactMatching) {
         $status .= ' ' . ts('Found one matching contact record.', array('count' => $contactMatching, 'plural' => 'Found %count matching contact records.'));
     $status .= ' ' . ts('Created one new contact record.', array('count' => $contactCreated, 'plural' => 'Created %count new contact records.'));
     CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($status, true);
     CRM_Utils_System::redirect(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin', 'reset=1'));

示例2: synchronize

  * Function for synchronizing drupal users with CiviCRM contacts
  * @param NULL
  * @return void
  * @static
  * @access public
 function synchronize()
     //start of schronization code
     $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
      * Update the next line with the correct Drupal database user, password, db_server and db name
      * for your Drupal installation.
     $db_drupal = DB::connect($config->userFrameworkDSN);
     if (DB::isError($db_drupal)) {
         die("Cannot connect to UF db via {$dsn}, " . $db_drupal->getMessage());
     if ($config->userFramework == 'Drupal') {
         $id = 'uid';
         $mail = 'mail';
     } else {
         if ($config->userFramework == 'Mambo') {
             $id = 'id';
             $mail = 'email';
         } else {
             die("Unknown user framework");
     $sql = "SELECT {$id}, {$mail} FROM {$config->userFrameworkUsersTableName} where {$mail} != ''";
     $query = $db_drupal->query($sql);
     $user = null;
     $uf = 'Drupal';
     $contactCount = 0;
     $contactCreated = 0;
     $contactMatching = 0;
     while ($row = $query->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
         if (CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $row[$id], $row[$mail], $uf, 1)) {
         } else {
     //end of schronization code
     $status = ts('Synchronize Users to Contacts completed.');
     $status .= ' ' . ts('Checked one user record.', array('count' => $contactCount, 'plural' => 'Checked %count user records.'));
     if ($contactMatching) {
         $status .= ' ' . ts('Found one matching contact record.', array('count' => $contactMatching, 'plural' => 'Found %count matching contact records.'));
     $status .= ' ' . ts('Created one new contact record.', array('count' => $contactCreated, 'plural' => 'Created %count new contact records.'));
     CRM_Utils_System::redirect(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin', 'reset=1'));

示例3: contactID

 static function contactID($ufID)
     $contactID = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId($ufID);
     if ($contactID) {
         return $contactID;
     // else synchronize contact for this user
     $account = user_load($ufID);
     CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($account, $ufID, $account->mail, 'Drupal');
     $contactID = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId($ufID);
     if (!$contactID) {
     return $contactID;

示例4: _woocommerce_civicrm_get_cid

 * Get contact id for the order's customer.
 * @param object $order
 *   Wordpress Order Object
 * @return false|integer
 *   > 0: existing contact
 *   = 0: create new contact
 *   FALSE: error
function _woocommerce_civicrm_get_cid($order)
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
    if ($user_id > 0) {
        // Logged in user
        global $current_user;
        $match = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($current_user, $current_user->ID, $current_user->user_email, 'WordPress', FALSE, 'Individual');
        if (!is_object($match)) {
            return FALSE;
        return $match->contact_id;
    // The customer is anonymous.  Look in the CiviCRM contacts table for a
    // contact that matches the billing email.
    $params = array('email' => $order->billing_email, 'return.contact_id' => TRUE, 'sequential' => 1);
    try {
        $contact = civicrm_api3('contact', 'get', $params);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return FALSE;
    // No matches found, so we will need to create a contact.
    if (count($contact) == 0) {
        return 0;
    $cid = $contact['values'][0]['id'];
    return $cid;

示例5: authenticate

 * Authenticate the user against the drupal db
 * @param string $name     the user name
 * @param string $password the password for the above user name
 * @return mixed false if no auth
 *               array(
    contactID, ufID, unique string ) if success
 * @access public
 function authenticate($name, $password, $loadCMSBootstrap = FALSE, $realPath = NULL)
     require_once 'DB.php';
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $dbDrupal = DB::connect($config->userFrameworkDSN);
     if (DB::isError($dbDrupal)) {
         CRM_Core_Error::fatal("Cannot connect to drupal db via {$config->userFrameworkDSN}, " . $dbDrupal->getMessage());
     $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower';
     $dbpassword = md5($password);
     $name = $dbDrupal->escapeSimple($strtolower($name));
     $sql = 'SELECT u.* FROM ' . $config->userFrameworkUsersTableName . " u WHERE LOWER(u.name) = '{$name}' AND u.pass = '{$dbpassword}' AND u.status = 1";
     $query = $dbDrupal->query($sql);
     $user = NULL;
     // need to change this to make sure we matched only one row
     while ($row = $query->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
         CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $row['uid'], $row['mail'], 'Drupal');
         $contactID = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId($row['uid']);
         if (!$contactID) {
             return FALSE;
         } else {
             if ($loadCMSBootstrap) {
                 $bootStrapParams = array();
                 if ($name && $password) {
                     $bootStrapParams = array('name' => $name, 'pass' => $password);
                 CRM_Utils_System::loadBootStrap($bootStrapParams, TRUE, TRUE, $realPath);
             return array($contactID, $row['uid'], mt_rand());
     return FALSE;

示例6: authenticate

  * @inheritDoc
 public function authenticate($name, $password, $loadCMSBootstrap = FALSE, $realPath = NULL)
     require_once 'DB.php';
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $user = NULL;
     if ($loadCMSBootstrap) {
         $bootStrapParams = array();
         if ($name && $password) {
             $bootStrapParams = array('name' => $name, 'pass' => $password);
         CRM_Utils_System::loadBootStrap($bootStrapParams, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
     $JUserTable = JTable::getInstance('User', 'JTable');
     $db = $JUserTable->getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(TRUE);
     $query->select('id, name, username, email, password');
     $query->where('(LOWER(username) = LOWER(\'' . $name . '\')) AND (block = 0)');
     $db->setQuery($query, 0, 0);
     $users = $db->loadObjectList();
     $row = array();
     if (count($users)) {
         $row = $users[0];
     $joomlaBase = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))))));
     if (!defined('JVERSION')) {
         require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/cms/version/version.php';
         $jversion = new JVersion();
         define('JVERSION', $jversion->getShortVersion());
     if (!empty($row)) {
         $dbPassword = $row->password;
         $dbId = $row->id;
         $dbEmail = $row->email;
         if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5.18', 'lt') || version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge') && version_compare(JVERSION, '3.2.1', 'lt')) {
             // now check password
             list($hash, $salt) = explode(':', $dbPassword);
             $cryptpass = md5($password . $salt);
             if ($hash != $cryptpass) {
                 return FALSE;
         } else {
             if (!JUserHelper::verifyPassword($password, $dbPassword, $dbId)) {
                 return FALSE;
             //include additional files required by Joomla 3.2.1+
             if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.2.1', 'ge')) {
                 require_once $joomlaBase . '/libraries/cms/application/helper.php';
                 require_once $joomlaBase . '/libraries/cms/application/cms.php';
                 require_once $joomlaBase . '/libraries/cms/application/administrator.php';
         CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($row, $dbId, $dbEmail, 'Joomla');
         $contactID = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId($dbId);
         if (!$contactID) {
             return FALSE;
         return array($contactID, $dbId, mt_rand());
     return FALSE;

示例7: synchronizeUsers

  * @inheritDoc
 public function synchronizeUsers()
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
     $id = 'uid';
     $mail = 'mail';
     $name = 'name';
     $result = db_query("SELECT uid, mail, name FROM {users} where mail != ''");
     $user = new StdClass();
     $uf = $config->userFramework;
     $contactCount = 0;
     $contactCreated = 0;
     $contactMatching = 0;
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $user->{$id} = $row->{$id};
         $user->{$mail} = $row->{$mail};
         $user->{$name} = $row->{$name};
         if ($match = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $row->{$id}, $row->{$mail}, $uf, 1, 'Individual', TRUE)) {
         } else {
         if (is_object($match)) {
     return array('contactCount' => $contactCount, 'contactMatching' => $contactMatching, 'contactCreated' => $contactCreated);

示例8: wordpress_contact_updated

  * Updates a CiviCRM Contact when a WordPress user is updated
  * @param integer $user_id The numeric ID of the WordPress user
  * @return void
 public function wordpress_contact_updated($user_id)
     $this->_debug(array('function' => 'wordpress_contact_updated', 'user_id' => $user_id));
     // okay, get user
     $user = get_userdata($user_id);
     // did we get one?
     if ($user) {
         // init CiviCRM
         if (!civi_wp()->initialize()) {
         // get user matching file
         require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/UFMatch.php';
         // remove CiviCRM and BuddyPress callbacks to prevent recursion
         // get the Civi contact object
         $civi_contact = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $user->ID, $user->user_email, 'WordPress', null, 'Individual');
         // update first name and last name
         $this->_update_civi_name($user, $civi_contact);
         // optionally update primary email
         $this->_update_civi_primary_email($user, $civi_contact);
         // optionally update website
         $this->_update_civi_website($user, $civi_contact);
         // add more built-in WordPress fields here...
         // add CiviCRM and BuddyPress callbacks once more

示例9: authenticate

  * Authenticate the user against the drupal db
  * @param string $name     the user name
  * @param string $password the password for the above user name
  * @param boolean $loadCMSBootstrap load cms bootstrap?
  * @param NULL|string $realPath filename of script
  * @return mixed false if no auth
  *               array(
  *  contactID, ufID, unique string ) if success
  * @access public
 static function authenticate($name, $password, $loadCMSBootstrap = FALSE, $realPath = NULL)
     require_once 'DB.php';
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $dbDrupal = DB::connect($config->userFrameworkDSN);
     if (DB::isError($dbDrupal)) {
         CRM_Core_Error::fatal("Cannot connect to drupal db via {$config->userFrameworkDSN}, " . $dbDrupal->getMessage());
     $account = $userUid = $userMail = NULL;
     if ($loadCMSBootstrap) {
         $bootStrapParams = array();
         if ($name && $password) {
             $bootStrapParams = array('name' => $name, 'pass' => $password);
         CRM_Utils_System::loadBootStrap($bootStrapParams, TRUE, TRUE, $realPath);
         global $user;
         if ($user) {
             $userUid = $user->uid;
             $userMail = $user->mail;
     } else {
         // CRM-8638
         // SOAP cannot load drupal bootstrap and hence we do it the old way
         // Contact CiviSMTP folks if we run into issues with this :)
         $cmsPath = $config->userSystem->cmsRootPath($realPath);
         require_once "{$cmsPath}/includes/bootstrap.inc";
         require_once "{$cmsPath}/includes/password.inc";
         $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower';
         $name = $dbDrupal->escapeSimple($strtolower($name));
         $sql = "\nSELECT u.*\nFROM   {$config->userFrameworkUsersTableName} u\nWHERE  LOWER(u.name) = '{$name}'\nAND    u.status = 1\n";
         $query = $dbDrupal->query($sql);
         $row = $query->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
         if ($row) {
             $fakeDrupalAccount = drupal_anonymous_user();
             $fakeDrupalAccount->name = $name;
             $fakeDrupalAccount->pass = $row['pass'];
             $passwordCheck = user_check_password($password, $fakeDrupalAccount);
             if ($passwordCheck) {
                 $userUid = $row['uid'];
                 $userMail = $row['mail'];
     if ($userUid && $userMail) {
         CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($account, $userUid, $userMail, 'Drupal');
         $contactID = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId($userUid);
         if (!$contactID) {
             return FALSE;
         return array($contactID, $userUid, mt_rand());
     return FALSE;

示例10: authenticate

  * @inheritDoc
 public function authenticate($name, $password, $loadCMSBootstrap = FALSE, $realPath = NULL)
     //@todo this 'PEAR-y' stuff is only required when bookstrap is not being loaded which is rare
     // if ever now.
     // probably if bootstrap is loaded this call
     // CRM_Utils_System::loadBootStrap($bootStrapParams, TRUE, TRUE, $realPath); would be
     // sufficient to do what this fn does. It does exist as opposed to return which might need some hanky-panky to make
     // safe in the unknown situation where authenticate might be called & it is important that
     // false is returned
     require_once 'DB.php';
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $dbDrupal = DB::connect($config->userFrameworkDSN);
     if (DB::isError($dbDrupal)) {
         CRM_Core_Error::fatal("Cannot connect to drupal db via {$config->userFrameworkDSN}, " . $dbDrupal->getMessage());
     $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower';
     $dbpassword = md5($password);
     $name = $dbDrupal->escapeSimple($strtolower($name));
     $userFrameworkUsersTableName = $this->getUsersTableName();
     $sql = 'SELECT u.* FROM ' . $userFrameworkUsersTableName . " u WHERE LOWER(u.name) = '{$name}' AND u.pass = '{$dbpassword}' AND u.status = 1";
     $query = $dbDrupal->query($sql);
     $user = NULL;
     // need to change this to make sure we matched only one row
     while ($row = $query->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
         CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $row['uid'], $row['mail'], 'Drupal');
         $contactID = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId($row['uid']);
         if (!$contactID) {
             return FALSE;
         } else {
             if ($loadCMSBootstrap) {
                 $bootStrapParams = array();
                 if ($name && $password) {
                     $bootStrapParams = array('name' => $name, 'pass' => $password);
                 CRM_Utils_System::loadBootStrap($bootStrapParams, TRUE, TRUE, $realPath);
             return array($contactID, $row['uid'], mt_rand());
     return FALSE;

示例11: synchronizeUsers

  * @inheritDoc
 public function synchronizeUsers()
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
     $users = array();
     $users = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('user')->loadByProperties();
     $uf = $config->userFramework;
     $contactCount = 0;
     $contactCreated = 0;
     $contactMatching = 0;
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $mail = $user->get('mail')->value;
         if (empty($mail)) {
         $uid = $user->get('uid')->value;
         if ($match = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $uid, $mail, $uf, 1, 'Individual', TRUE)) {
         } else {
         if (is_object($match)) {
     return array('contactCount' => $contactCount, 'contactMatching' => $contactMatching, 'contactCreated' => $contactCreated);

示例12: synchronizeUsers

  * @inheritDoc
 public function synchronizeUsers()
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
     $id = 'id';
     $mail = 'email';
     $name = 'name';
     $JUserTable =& JTable::getInstance('User', 'JTable');
     $db = $JUserTable->getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(TRUE);
     $query->select($id . ', ' . $mail . ', ' . $name);
     $query->where($mail != '');
     $users = $db->loadObjectList();
     $user = new StdClass();
     $uf = $config->userFramework;
     $contactCount = 0;
     $contactCreated = 0;
     $contactMatching = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
         $user->{$id} = $users[$i]->{$id};
         $user->{$mail} = $users[$i]->{$mail};
         $user->{$name} = $users[$i]->{$name};
         if ($match = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $users[$i]->{$id}, $users[$i]->{$mail}, $uf, 1, 'Individual', TRUE)) {
         } else {
         if (is_object($match)) {
     return array('contactCount' => $contactCount, 'contactMatching' => $contactMatching, 'contactCreated' => $contactCreated);

示例13: import_civi_members_to_wordpress

  * @return string
  * @throws CiviCRM_API3_Exception
 static function import_civi_members_to_wordpress()
     $return_message = '';
     $account_creation_messages = '';
     $member_types_to_sync = array();
     $rules = self::get_civi_sync_rules();
     $array_counter = 0;
     foreach ($rules as $key => $value) {
         $member_types_to_sync[$array_counter] = $value->civi_mem_type;
         $array_counter += 1;
     //have them pull from the CiviSync rules
     $result_current_members = civicrm_api3('Membership', 'get', array('sequential' => 1, 'return' => array("contact_id"), 'membership_type_id' => array('IN' => $member_types_to_sync)));
     $current_member_array = array();
     foreach ($result_current_members['values'] as $key => $values) {
         $current_member_array[] = $values['contact_id'];
     $result_contacts = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'get', array('sequential' => 1, 'return' => array("first_name", "last_name", "id"), 'id' => array('IN' => $current_member_array)));
     if (isset($result_contacts)) {
         foreach ($result_contacts['values'] as $key => $values) {
             $member_array[$values['id']] = array('email' => '', 'first_name' => $values['first_name'], 'last_name' => $values['last_name']);
     $result_member_emails = civicrm_api3('Email', 'get', array('return' => array("email", "contact_id"), 'contact_id' => array('IN' => $current_member_array), 'is_primary' => 1));
     if (isset($result_member_emails)) {
         foreach ($result_member_emails['values'] as $key => $values) {
             $member_array[$values['contact_id']]['email'] = $values['email'];
     if (isset($member_array)) {
         $new_account_count = 0;
         //TODO: make this more efficient by filtering out the emails that already exist in Wordpress.
         foreach ($member_array as $key => $values) {
             //extract the alias part of the email for the new user's username
             $email = $values['email'];
             $parts = explode("@", $email);
             $username = $parts[0];
             if (null == username_exists($username) and !empty($email)) {
                 $password = wp_generate_password(12, true);
                 $user_id = wp_create_user($username, $password, $email);
                 if (is_wp_error($user_id)) {
                     echo 'Error creating user ' . $username . ' / ' . $email . ':<br>' . $user_id->get_error_message();
                     echo '<br>';
                 } else {
                     $account_creation_messages = $account_creation_messages . 'Created account for user ' . $username . ' ID: ' . $user_id . '. <br>';
                     wp_update_user(array('ID' => $user_id, 'nickname' => $email, 'first_name' => $values['first_name'], 'last_name' => $values['last_name']));
                     //Update CiviCRM UFMatch record so that the new Wordpress user is appropriately connected to their Contact record in CiviCrm
                     $user = get_user_by('id', $user_id);
                     /*TODO: this line is not working. Need to research*/
                     CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $user->ID, $user->email, 'WordPress');
                     // Email the user
                     wp_mail($email, 'Welcome ' . $username . '!', ' Your Password: ' . $password);
                     //echo 'Welcome ' . $username . '!', ' Your Password: ' . $password . ' sent to ' . $email . '<br>';
                     $new_account_count += 1;
         $return_message = $return_message . 'Total new accounts created: ' . $new_account_count . '<br>' . $account_creation_messages;
     return $return_message;

示例14: authenticate

  * Authenticate the user against the drupal db
  * @param string $name     the user name
  * @param string $password the password for the above user name
  * @return mixed false if no auth
  *               array( contactID, ufID, unique string ) if success
  * @access public
  * @static
 static function authenticate($name, $password)
     require_once 'DB.php';
     $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $dbDrupal = DB::connect($config->userFrameworkDSN);
     if (DB::isError($dbDrupal)) {
         CRM_Core_Error::fatal("Cannot connect to drupal db via {$config->userFrameworkDSN}, " . $dbDrupal->getMessage());
     $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower';
     $password = md5($password);
     $name = $dbDrupal->escapeSimple($strtolower($name));
     $sql = 'SELECT u.* FROM ' . $config->userFrameworkUsersTableName . " u WHERE LOWER(u.name) = '{$name}' AND u.pass = '{$password}' AND u.status = 1";
     $query = $dbDrupal->query($sql);
     $user = null;
     // need to change this to make sure we matched only one row
     require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/UFMatch.php';
     while ($row = $query->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
         CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $row['uid'], $row['mail'], 'Drupal');
         $contactID = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId($row['uid']);
         if (!$contactID) {
             return false;
         return array($contactID, $row['uid'], mt_rand());
     return false;

示例15: authenticate

 * Authenticate the user against the joomla db
 * @param string $name     the user name
 * @param string $password the password for the above user name
 * @param $loadCMSBootstrap boolean load cms bootstrap?
 * @return mixed false if no auth
 *               array(
 contactID, ufID, unique string ) if success
 * @access public
 function authenticate($name, $password, $loadCMSBootstrap = FALSE)
     require_once 'DB.php';
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     if ($loadCMSBootstrap) {
         $bootStrapParams = array();
         if ($name && $password) {
             $bootStrapParams = array('name' => $name, 'pass' => $password);
     $JUserTable =& JTable::getInstance('User', 'JTable');
     $db = $JUserTable->getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(TRUE);
     $query->select('id, username, email, password');
     $query->where('(LOWER(username) = LOWER(\'' . $name . '\')) AND (block = 0)');
     $db->setQuery($query, 0, 0);
     $users = $db->loadAssocList();
     $row = array();
     if (count($users)) {
         $row = $users[0];
     $user = NULL;
     if (!empty($row)) {
         $dbPassword = CRM_Utils_Array::value('password', $row);
         $dbId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $row);
         $dbEmail = CRM_Utils_Array::value('email', $row);
         // now check password
         if (strpos($dbPassword, ':') === FALSE) {
             if ($dbPassword != md5($password)) {
                 return FALSE;
         } else {
             list($hash, $salt) = explode(':', $dbPassword);
             $cryptpass = md5($password . $salt);
             if ($hash != $cryptpass) {
                 return FALSE;
         CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($user, $dbId, $dbEmail, 'Joomla');
         $contactID = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId($dbId);
         if (!$contactID) {
             return FALSE;
         return array($contactID, $dbId, mt_rand());
     return FALSE;
