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PHP CApi::GetConf方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中CApi::GetConf方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP CApi::GetConf方法的具体用法?PHP CApi::GetConf怎么用?PHP CApi::GetConf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在CApi的用法示例。


示例1: ChangePasswordProcess

  * @param CAccount $oAccount
 public function ChangePasswordProcess($oAccount)
     if (0 < strlen($oAccount->PreviousMailPassword) && $oAccount->PreviousMailPassword !== $oAccount->IncomingMailPassword) {
         $cpanel_hostname = CApi::GetConf('plugins.cpanel-change-password.config.hostname', 'localhost');
         $cpanel_username = CApi::GetConf('plugins.cpanel-change-password.config.username', 'local');
         $cpanel_password = CApi::GetConf('plugins.cpanel-change-password.config.password', '');
         $email_user = urlencode($oAccount->Email);
         $email_password = urlencode($oAccount->IncomingMailPassword);
         $email_domain = urlencode($oAccount->Domain->Name);
         $query = "https://" . $cpanel_hostname . ":2083/execute/Email/passwd_pop?email=" . $email_user . "&password=" . $email_password . "&domain=" . $email_domain;
         $curl = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
         $header[0] = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($cpanel_username . ":" . $cpanel_password) . "\n\r";
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $query);
         $result = curl_exec($curl);
         if ($result == false) {
             CApi::Log("curl_exec threw error \"" . curl_error($curl) . "\" for {$query}");
             throw new CApiManagerException(Errs::UserManager_AccountNewPasswordUpdateError);
         } else {
             $json_res = json_decode($result);
             if (!$json_res->status) {
                 throw new CApiManagerException(Errs::UserManager_AccountNewPasswordUpdateError);

示例2: getChildren

  * Returns a list of calendars
  * @return array
 public function getChildren()
     $aCalendars = $this->caldavBackend->getCalendarsForUser($this->principalInfo['uri']);
     $aObjs = array();
     foreach ($aCalendars as $aCalendarInfo) {
         if ($this->caldavBackend instanceof \Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\SharingSupport) {
             if (isset($aCalendarInfo['{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}shared-url'])) {
                 $aObjs[] = new SharedCalendar($this->caldavBackend, $aCalendarInfo, $this->principalInfo);
             } else {
                 $aObjs[] = new ShareableCalendar($this->caldavBackend, $aCalendarInfo);
         } else {
             $aObjs[] = new Calendar($this->caldavBackend, $aCalendarInfo);
     $aObjs[] = new \Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\Outbox($this->principalInfo['uri']);
     if ($this->caldavBackend instanceof \Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\SchedulingSupport) {
         $aObjs[] = new \Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\Inbox($this->caldavBackend, $this->principalInfo['uri']);
         $aObjs[] = new \Sabre\CalDAV\Schedule\Outbox($this->principalInfo['uri']);
     // If the backend supports subscriptions, we'll add those as well,
     if ($this->caldavBackend instanceof \Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\SubscriptionSupport) {
         foreach ($this->caldavBackend->getSubscriptionsForUser($this->principalInfo['uri']) as $subscription) {
             $aObjs[] = new \Sabre\CalDAV\Subscriptions\Subscription($this->caldavBackend, $subscription);
     // We're adding a notifications node, if it's supported by the backend.
     if ($this->caldavBackend instanceof \Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\NotificationSupport && \CApi::GetConf('labs.dav.caldav.notification', false)) {
         $aObjs[] = new \Sabre\CalDAV\Notifications\Collection($this->caldavBackend, $this->principalInfo['uri']);
     return $aObjs;

示例3: getInstance

 public static function getInstance()
     if (null === self::$instance) {
         self::$instance = \CApi::GetConf('labs.dav.use-digest-auth', false) ? new Backend\Digest() : new Backend\Basic();
     return self::$instance;

示例4: __construct

     * @param CAdminPanel $oAdminPanel
     * @return ap_Login_Screen
    public function __construct(CAdminPanel &$oAdminPanel)
        parent::__construct($oAdminPanel, 'login.php');
        $sError = '';
        if (isset($_GET['auth_error'])) {
            $sError = AP_LANG_LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR;
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['sess_error'])) {
                $sError = AP_LANG_LOGIN_SESS_ERROR;
            } else {
                if (isset($_GET['access_error'])) {
                    $sError = AP_LANG_LOGIN_ACCESS_ERROR;
        if (0 < strlen($sError)) {
            $this->Data->SetValue('LoginErrorDesc', '<div class="wm_login_error"><div class="wm_login_error_icon"></div><div class="wm_login_error_message" id="login_error_message">' . $sError . '</div></div>');
        $this->Data->SetValue('AdminLogin', CApi::GetConf('demo.adminpanel.login', ''));
        $this->Data->SetValue('AdminPassword', CApi::GetConf('demo.adminpanel.password', ''));
        if (CApi::GetConf('demo.adminpanel.enable', false)) {
            $this->Data->SetValue('LoginDemoFooter', '<div class="info" id="demo_info" dir="ltr">
<div class="demo_note">
This is a demo version of administrative interface. <br />For WebMail demo interface, click <a href="..">here</a>.

示例5: __construct

 public function __construct(CApiGlobalManager $oApiGlobalManager)
     $this->_aHooks = array();
     $this->_aServiceHooks = array();
     $this->_aJsFiles = array();
     $this->_aJsonHooks = array();
     $this->_aCssFiles = array();
     $this->_aPlugins = array();
     $this->_aTemplates = array();
     $this->_aAddTemplates = array();
     $this->_mState = null;
     $this->_oApiGlobalManager = $oApiGlobalManager;
     $this->_oActions = null;
     $this->bIsEnabled = (bool) CApi::GetConf('plugins', false);
     if ($this->bIsEnabled) {
         $sPluginsPath = CApi::DataPath() . '/plugins/';
         if (@is_dir($sPluginsPath)) {
             if (false !== ($rDirHandle = @opendir($sPluginsPath))) {
                 while (false !== ($sFile = @readdir($rDirHandle))) {
                     if (0 < strlen($sFile) && '.' !== $sFile[0] && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\\-]+$/', $sFile) && (CApi::GetConf('plugins.config.include-all', false) || CApi::GetConf('plugins.' . $sFile, false)) && @file_exists($sPluginsPath . $sFile . '/index.php')) {
                         $oPlugin = (include $sPluginsPath . $sFile . '/index.php');
                         if ($oPlugin instanceof AApiPlugin) {
                             $oPlugin->SetPath($sPluginsPath . $sFile);
                             //								$oPlugin->Log('INIT > '.get_class($oPlugin));
                             $this->_aPlugins[] = $oPlugin;

示例6: ChangePasswordProcess

  * @param CAccount $oAccount
 public function ChangePasswordProcess($oAccount)
     if (0 < strlen($oAccount->PreviousMailPassword) && $oAccount->PreviousMailPassword !== $oAccount->IncomingMailPassword) {
         if (null === $this->oPopPassD) {
             $this->oPopPassD = new CApiPoppassdProtocol(CApi::GetConf('plugins.poppassd-change-password.config.host', ''), CApi::GetConf('plugins.poppassd-change-password.config.port', 106));
         if ($this->oPopPassD && $this->oPopPassD->Connect()) {
             try {
                 //					if ($this->oPopPassD->Login(api_Utils::GetAccountNameFromEmail($oAccount->IncomingMailLogin), $oAccount->PreviousMailPassword))
                 if ($this->oPopPassD->Login($oAccount->IncomingMailLogin, $oAccount->PreviousMailPassword)) {
                     if (!$this->oPopPassD->NewPass($oAccount->IncomingMailPassword)) {
                         throw new CApiManagerException(Errs::UserManager_AccountNewPasswordRejected);
                 } else {
                     throw new CApiManagerException(Errs::UserManager_AccountOldPasswordNotCorrect);
             } catch (Exception $oException) {
                 throw $oException;
         } else {
             throw new CApiManagerException(Errs::UserManager_AccountNewPasswordUpdateError);

示例7: __construct

 public function __construct()
     parent::__construct(get_class($this), 'IdContact');
     $this->__USE_TRIM_IN_STRINGS__ = true;
     $this->SetDefaults(array('IdContact' => '', 'IdContactStr' => '', 'IdUser' => 0, 'IdDomain' => 0, 'IdTenant' => 0, 'GroupsIds' => array(), 'Type' => EContactType::Personal, 'IdTypeLink' => '', 'FullName' => '', 'UseFriendlyName' => true, 'ViewEmail' => '', 'PrimaryEmail' => CApi::GetConf('contacts.default-primary-email', EPrimaryEmailType::Home), 'DateCreated' => time(), 'DateModified' => time(), 'Title' => '', 'FirstName' => '', 'LastName' => '', 'NickName' => '', 'Skype' => '', 'Facebook' => '', 'HomeEmail' => '', 'HomeStreet' => '', 'HomeCity' => '', 'HomeState' => '', 'HomeZip' => '', 'HomeCountry' => '', 'HomePhone' => '', 'HomeFax' => '', 'HomeMobile' => '', 'HomeWeb' => '', 'BusinessEmail' => '', 'BusinessCompany' => '', 'BusinessStreet' => '', 'BusinessCity' => '', 'BusinessState' => '', 'BusinessZip' => '', 'BusinessCountry' => '', 'BusinessJobTitle' => '', 'BusinessDepartment' => '', 'BusinessOffice' => '', 'BusinessPhone' => '', 'BusinessMobile' => '', 'BusinessFax' => '', 'BusinessWeb' => '', 'OtherEmail' => '', 'Notes' => '', 'BirthdayDay' => 0, 'BirthdayMonth' => 0, 'BirthdayYear' => 0, 'ReadOnly' => false, 'Global' => false, 'ItsMe' => false, 'ETag' => '', 'SharedToAll' => false, 'HideInGAB' => false));
     $this->__LOCK_DATE_MODIFIED__ = false;
     $this->__SKIP_VALIDATE__ = false;
     CApi::Plugin()->RunHook('api-contact-construct', array(&$this));

示例8: Init

 public function Init()
     $this->AddTemplate('IframeAppScreen', 'templates/iframeAppScreen.html', 'Layout', 'Screens-Middle');
     $this->AddJsonHook('AjaxAccountSettingsGet', 'AjaxAccountSettingsGet');
     $this->mAllowOrigin = \CApi::GetConf('plugins.iframe-app.allow-origin', false);

示例9: __construct

  * @param CApiGlobalManager &$oManager
 public function __construct(CApiGlobalManager &$oManager, $sForcedStorage = '')
     parent::__construct('logger', $oManager);
     $sS = CApi::GetConf('log.custom-full-path', '');
     $sPrePath = empty($sS) ? CApi::DataPath() . '/logs/' : rtrim(trim($sS), '\\/') . '/';
     $this->sLogFileName = CApi::GetConf('log.log-file', 'log.txt');
     $this->sLogFile = $sPrePath . $this->sLogFileName;
     $this->sCurrentUserLogFileName = CApi::GetConf('log.event-file', 'event.txt');
     $this->sCurrentUserLogFile = $sPrePath . $this->sCurrentUserLogFileName;

示例10: __construct

  * @param string $sHost
  * @param int $iPort
  * @param bool $bUseSsl = false
  * @param int $iConnectTimeOut = null
  * @param int $iSocketTimeOut = null
 public function __construct($sHost, $iPort, $bUseSsl = false, $iConnectTimeOut = null, $iSocketTimeOut = null)
     $iConnectTimeOut = null === $iConnectTimeOut ? CApi::GetConf('socket.connect-timeout', 5) : $iConnectTimeOut;
     $iSocketTimeOut = null === $iSocketTimeOut ? CApi::GetConf('socket.get-timeout', 5) : $iSocketTimeOut;
     $this->sHost = $sHost;
     $this->iPort = $iPort;
     $this->bUseSsl = $bUseSsl;
     $this->iConnectTimeOut = $iConnectTimeOut;
     $this->iSocketTimeOut = $iSocketTimeOut;

示例11: __construct

  * @param string $sHost
  * @param string $sUser
  * @param string $sPassword
  * @param string $sDbName
  * @param string $sDbTablePrefix = ''
 public function __construct($sHost, $sUser, $sPassword, $sDbName, $sDbTablePrefix = '')
     $this->sHost = trim($sHost);
     $this->sUser = trim($sUser);
     $this->sPassword = trim($sPassword);
     $this->sDbName = trim($sDbName);
     $this->sDbTablePrefix = trim($sDbTablePrefix);
     $this->oPDO = null;
     $this->rResultId = null;
     $this->iExecuteCount = 0;
     $this->bUseExplain = CApi::GetConf('labs.db.use-explain', false);
     $this->bUseExplainExtended = CApi::GetConf('labs.db.use-explain-extended', false);

示例12: System

 public function System()
     $sType = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : '';
     $sAction = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';
     $iLimit = CApi::GetConf('log.max-view-size', 100) * 1024;
     if ('log' === $sType && 'view' === $sAction || 'useractivity' === $sType && 'view' === $sAction) {
         /* @var $oApiLoggerManager CApiLoggerManager */
         $oApiLoggerManager = CApi::Manager('logger');
         $iSize = 0;
         $rLog = 'log' === $sType ? $oApiLoggerManager->GetCurrentLogStream($iSize) : $oApiLoggerManager->GetCurrentUserActivityLogStream($iSize);
         @header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
         if ($rLog && false !== $iSize) {
             if (0 === $iSize) {
                 echo 'Log file empty';
             } else {
                 if ($iLimit < $iSize) {
                     @fseek($rLog, $iSize - $iLimit);
         } else {
             echo 'Log file can\'t be read';
         if ($rLog) {
     } else {
         if ('dllog' === $sType || 'dluseractivity' === $sType) {
             /* @var $oApiLoggerManager CApiLoggerManager */
             $oApiLoggerManager = CApi::Manager('logger');
             $iSize = 0;
             $rLog = 'dllog' === $sType ? $oApiLoggerManager->GetCurrentLogStream($iSize) : $oApiLoggerManager->GetCurrentUserActivityLogStream($iSize);
             // IE
             @header('Expires: 0', true);
             @header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0', true);
             @header('Pragma: public', true);
             $sName = 'dllog' === $sType ? $oApiLoggerManager->LogName() : $oApiLoggerManager->CurrentUserActivityLogName();
             @header('Accept-Ranges: bytes', true);
             @header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . urlencode($sName) . '"; charset=utf-8');
             @header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary', true);
             @header('Content-Length: ' . $iSize);
             @header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8', true);
             if ($rLog && false !== $iSize) {
             if ($rLog) {

示例13: __construct

 public function __construct()
     $this->oSettings = null;
     $this->oConnection = null;
     $this->oSqlHelper = null;
     $this->aManagers = array();
     $this->aStorageMap = array('mailsuite' => 'db', 'min' => 'db', 'fetchers' => 'db', 'helpdesk' => 'db', 'subscriptions' => 'db', 'db' => 'db', 'domains' => 'db', 'tenants' => 'db', 'channels' => 'db', 'users' => 'db', 'webmail' => 'db', 'mail' => 'db', 'gcontacts' => 'db', 'contactsmain' => 'db', 'filecache' => 'file', 'calendar' => 'sabredav', 'filestorage' => 'sabredav', 'social' => 'db', 'twofactorauth' => 'db');
     if (CApi::GetConf('gcontacts.ldap', false)) {
         $this->aStorageMap['gcontacts'] = 'ldap';
     if (CApi::GetConf('contacts.ldap', false)) {
         $this->aStorageMap['contactsmain'] = 'ldap';

示例14: beforeMethod

  * This method is called before any HTTP method, but after authentication.
  * @param string $sMethod
  * @param string $path
  * @throws \Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotAuthenticated
  * @return bool
 public function beforeMethod($sMethod, $path)
     $aHeaders = $this->server->httpRequest->getHeaders();
     \CApi::Log($sMethod . ' ' . $path, \ELogLevel::Full, 'sabredav-');
     \CApi::LogObject($aHeaders, \ELogLevel::Full, 'sabredav-');
     $bLogBody = (bool) \CApi::GetConf('labs.dav.log-body', false);
     if ($bLogBody) {
         $body = $this->server->httpRequest->getBodyAsString();
         \CApi::LogObject($body, \ELogLevel::Full, 'sabredav-');
     \CApi::Log('', \ELogLevel::Full, 'sabredav-');

示例15: __construct

 public function __construct()
     $this->oSettings = null;
     $this->oConnection = null;
     $this->oSqlHelper = null;
     $this->aManagers = array();
     $this->aStorageMap = array('db' => 'db', 'filecache' => 'file');
     if (CApi::GetConf('gcontacts.ldap', false)) {
         $this->aStorageMap['gcontacts'] = 'ldap';
     if (CApi::GetConf('contacts.ldap', false)) {
         $this->aStorageMap['contactsmain'] = 'ldap';
