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PHP AppletInstance::getValue方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中AppletInstance::getValue方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP AppletInstance::getValue方法的具体用法?PHP AppletInstance::getValue怎么用?PHP AppletInstance::getValue使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AppletInstance的用法示例。


示例1: __construct

 public function __construct($settings = array())
     $this->response = new TwimlResponse();
     $this->cookie_name = 'state-' . AppletInstance::getInstanceId();
     $this->version = AppletInstance::getValue('version', null);
     $this->callerId = AppletInstance::getValue('callerId', null);
     if (empty($this->callerId) && !empty($_REQUEST['From'])) {
         $this->callerId = $_REQUEST['From'];
     /* Get current instance	 */
     $this->dial_whom_selector = AppletInstance::getValue('dial-whom-selector');
     $this->dial_whom_user_or_group = AppletInstance::getUserGroupPickerValue('dial-whom-user-or-group');
     $this->dial_whom_number = AppletInstance::getValue('dial-whom-number');
     $this->no_answer_action = AppletInstance::getValue('no-answer-action', 'hangup');
     $this->no_answer_group_voicemail = AppletInstance::getAudioSpeechPickerValue('no-answer-group-voicemail');
     $this->no_answer_redirect = AppletInstance::getDropZoneUrl('no-answer-redirect');
     $this->no_answer_redirect_number = AppletInstance::getDropZoneUrl('no-answer-redirect-number');
     $this->dial_whom_instance = get_class($this->dial_whom_user_or_group);
     if (count($settings)) {
         foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) {
             if (isset($this->{$setting})) {
                 $this->{$setting} = $value;

示例2: verify_day

function verify_day($key, $today)
    $sunday = AppletInstance::getValue('sunday[]');
    $monday = AppletInstance::getValue('monday[]');
    $tuesday = AppletInstance::getValue('tuesday[]');
    $wednesday = AppletInstance::getValue('wednesday[]');
    $thursday = AppletInstance::getValue('thursday[]');
    $friday = AppletInstance::getValue('friday[]');
    $saturday = AppletInstance::getValue('saturday[]');
    $days = array(0 => is_array($sunday) && array_key_exists($key, $sunday) ? $sunday[$key] : $sunday, 1 => is_array($monday) && array_key_exists($key, $monday) ? $monday[$key] : $monday, 2 => is_array($tuesday) && array_key_exists($key, $tuesday) ? $tuesday[$key] : $tuesday, 3 => is_array($wednesday) && array_key_exists($key, $wednesday) ? $wednesday[$key] : $wednesday, 4 => is_array($thursday) && array_key_exists($key, $thursday) ? $thursday[$key] : $thursday, 5 => is_array($friday) && array_key_exists($key, $friday) ? $friday[$key] : $friday, 6 => is_array($saturday) && array_key_exists($key, $saturday) ? $saturday[$key] : $saturday);
    return $days[$today];

示例3: day_check

function day_check($day, $key)
    $value = AppletInstance::getValue($day);
    if (count($value) > 1) {
        if ($value[$key] == "true") {
            return "selected";
    } elseif (count($value) == "true") {
        if ($value == 1) {
            return "selected";
    } else {
        return "failed";

示例4: __construct

 public function __construct()
     $this->response = new Response();
     $this->cookie_name = 'state-' . AppletInstance::getInstanceId();
     $this->version = AppletInstance::getValue('version', null);
     $this->callerId = AppletInstance::getValue('callerId', null);
     if (empty($this->callerId)) {
         $this->callerId = $_REQUEST['From'];
     /* Get current instance	 */
     $this->dial_whom_selector = AppletInstance::getValue('dial-whom-selector');
     $this->dial_whom_user_or_group = AppletInstance::getUserGroupPickerValue('dial-whom-user-or-group');
     $this->dial_whom_number = AppletInstance::getValue('dial-whom-number');
     $this->no_answer_action = AppletInstance::getValue('no-answer-action', 'hangup');
     $this->no_answer_group_voicemail = AppletInstance::getAudioSpeechPickerValue('no-answer-group-voicemail');
     $this->no_answer_redirect = AppletInstance::getDropZoneUrl('no-answer-redirect');
     $this->no_answer_redirect_number = AppletInstance::getDropZoneUrl('no-answer-redirect-number');

示例5: get_instance


$user = OpenVBX::getCurrentUser();
$tenant_id = $user->values['tenant_id'];
$ci =& get_instance();
$queries = explode(';', file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/db.sql'));
foreach ($queries as $query) {
    if (trim($query)) {
$polls = $ci->db->query(sprintf('SELECT id, name FROM polls WHERE tenant=%d', $tenant_id))->result();
$poll = AppletInstance::getValue('poll');
$poll = $poll ? $poll : count($polls) ? $polls[0]->id : null;
$options = json_decode($ci->db->query(sprintf('SELECT data FROM polls WHERE tenant=%d AND id=%d', $tenant_id, $poll))->row()->data);
$option = AppletInstance::getValue('option');
<div class="vbx-applet vbx-polls">
if (count($polls)) {
	<div class="vbx-full-pane">
		<fieldset class="vbx-input-container">
				<select class="medium" name="poll">
    foreach ($polls as $p) {
					<option value="<?php 
        echo $p->id;

示例6: get_instance


$ci =& get_instance();
$moderator = AppletInstance::getUserGroupPickerValue('moderator');
$confId = AppletInstance::getValue('conf-id');
$confName = AppletInstance::getInstanceId() . $confId;
$caller = normalize_phone_to_E164(isset($_REQUEST['From']) ? $ci->input->get_post('From') : '');
$isModerator = false;
$defaultWaitUrl = 'http://twimlets.com/holdmusic?Bucket=com.twilio.music.ambient';
$waitUrl = AppletInstance::getValue('wait-url', $defaultWaitUrl);
$record = AppletInstance::getValue('record', 'do-not-record');
$hasModerator = false;
if (!is_null($moderator)) {
    $hasModerator = true;
    switch (get_class($moderator)) {
        case 'VBX_User':
            foreach ($moderator->devices as $device) {
                if ($device->value == $caller) {
                    $isModerator = true;
        case 'VBX_Group':
            foreach ($moderator->users as $user) {
                $user = VBX_User::get($user->user_id);
                foreach ($user->devices as $device) {
                    if ($device->value == $caller) {
                        $isModerator = true;

示例7: array

if (!empty($orderid)) {
    $settings = PluginData::get('orders', array('keys' => array(), 'status' => array()));
    $statusArray = array('shipped' => 'Shipped', 'fullfillment' => 'Sent to Fullfillment', 'processing' => 'Processing');
    $s = '';
    $keys = $settings->keys;
    $status = $settings->status;
    foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
        if ($key == $orderid) {
            $s = $statusArray[$status[$i]];
    if ($s != '') {
        $response->say("Your order is marked as {$s}.", $prefs);
        if (AppletInstance::getFlowType() == 'voice') {
            $next = AppletInstance::getDropZoneUrl('next');
            if (!empty($next)) {
    } else {
        $response->say("We could not find your order.", $prefs);
} elseif ($flow_type == 'voice') {
    $gather = $response->gather(array('numDigits' => 5));
    $gather->say(AppletInstance::getValue('prompt-text'), $prefs);
} elseif ($flow_type != 'voice') {


    if (AppletInstance::getFlowType() == 'voice') {
		<p>Use %caller% to substitute the caller's number or %number% for the number called.</p>
    } else {
		<p>Use %sender% to substitute the sender's number, %number% for the number texted or %body% for the message body.</p>
		<fieldset class="vbx-input-container">
			<textarea name="sms" class="medium"><?php 
    echo AppletInstance::getValue('sms');
	<p>After sending the message, continue to the next applet</p>
	<div class="vbx-full-pane">
    echo AppletUI::DropZone('next');
} else {
	<div class="vbx-full-pane">

示例9: foreach


	<div class="vbx-full-pane">
    foreach ($days as $index => $day) {
		<div class="timing-timerange-wrap">
        print $day;
        $state = AppletInstance::getValue("range_{$index}_from", '') ? 'remove' : 'add';
        $default = $index < 5 ? '09:00AM' : '';
        echo AppletUI::timeRange("range_{$index}", AppletInstance::getValue("range_{$index}_from", $default), AppletInstance::getValue("range_{$index}_to", '05:00PM'), $day);
			<a href="#" class="timing-<?php 
        echo $state;
        echo $state;
			<br class="clear"/>

示例10: array


$defaultNumberOfChoices = 4;
$venues = AppletInstance::getValue('venues[]', array('1', '2', '3', '4'));
if (count($venues) == 0) {
    $venues = array('1', '2', '3', '4');
$venue_options = AppletInstance::getValue('venue-options[]');

<div class="vbx-applet 4sq-venue-applet">

		<h2>FourSquare Options</h2>
		<p>To get the Venue ID for your favorite checkins, log in to foursquare.com, click on History
			and then click on the venue.  You should see the URL your browser is pointed at looks like 
			http://foursquare.com/venue/100281 and that 100281 is the Venue ID to use</p>

		<p>Click <a href="http://foursquare.com/history" target="_new">Here </a>to see your History</p>
		<h3>User Selection</h3>
		<p>Choose which VBX user to use for controlling this Applet with their 4sq checkins</p>
echo AppletUI::UserGroupPicker('4sq-venue-controller');

		<table class="vbx-menu-grid options-table">
					<td>Venue ID</td>


<div class="vbx-applet openvbx-zendesk-applet">
    <h2>This applet creates a ticket in ZenDesk for calls</h2>
    <p>Enter in the URL subdomain you use for Desk</p>
    <textarea class="small" name="subdomain"><?php 
echo AppletInstance::getValue('subdomain');
    <p>Enter in the ZenDesk API Token</p>
    <textarea class="small" name="apitoken"><?php 
echo AppletInstance::getValue('apitoken');
   <p>Enter in the email address</p>
    <textarea class="small" name="email"><?php 
echo AppletInstance::getValue('email');

 <br />
    <h2> Select An Action for The Caller</h2>
echo AppletUI::DropZone('primary');


示例12: get_instance


$ci =& get_instance();
$moderator = AppletInstance::getUserGroupPickerValue('moderator');
$confId = AppletInstance::getValue('conf-id');
$confName = AppletInstance::getInstanceId() . $confId;
$caller = normalize_phone_to_E164(isset($_REQUEST['From']) ? $ci->input->get_post('From') : '');
$isModerator = false;
$defaultWaitUrl = 'http://twimlets.com/holdmusic?Bucket=com.twilio.music.ambient';
$waitUrl = AppletInstance::getValue('wait-url', $defaultWaitUrl);
$hasModerator = false;
if (!is_null($moderator)) {
    $hasModerator = true;
    switch (get_class($moderator)) {
        case 'VBX_User':
            foreach ($moderator->devices as $device) {
                if ($device->value == $caller) {
                    $isModerator = true;
        case 'VBX_Group':
            foreach ($moderator->users as $user) {
                $user = VBX_User::get($user->user_id);
                foreach ($user->devices as $device) {
                    if ($device->value == $caller) {
                        $isModerator = true;

示例13: array


$defaultNumberOfChoices = 2;
$keys = (array) AppletInstance::getValue('keys[]', array('1' => '', '2' => ''));
$responses = (array) AppletInstance::getValue('responses[]');

<div class="vbx-applet regex-applet">

		<h2>RegEx Options</h2>
		<table class="vbx-menu-grid options-table">
					<td>Add &amp; Remove</td>
				<tr class="hide">
						<fieldset class="vbx-input-container">
							<input class="keypress small" type="text" name="new-keys[]" value="" autocomplete="off" />
echo AppletUI::dropZone('new-responses[]', 'Drop applet here');


						<a href="" class="add action"><span class="replace">Add</span></a> <a href="" class="remove action"><span class="replace">Remove</span></a>
		</table><!-- .vbx-menu-grid -->

		<h3>Do you want to repeat the menu back?</h3>
		<div class="vbx-full-pane">
			<p>Repeat the menu back to the caller.  Enter zero if you do not want the menu to repeat.</p>
			<fieldset class="vbx-input-complex vbx-input-container">
				<input type="text" name="repeat-count" class="left tiny" value="<?php 
echo AppletInstance::getValue('repeat-count', 3);
" />
				<label class="field-label-left">time(s)</label>

		<h3>When the caller didn't enter anything after the menu...</h3>
		<div class="vbx-full-pane">
			<fieldset class="vbx-input-complex vbx-input-container">
				<p>Redirect the caller to another applet.</p>
echo AppletUI::DropZone('next');
		</div><!-- .vbx-split-pane -->

示例15: get_instance


$user = OpenVBX::getCurrentUser();
$tenant_id = $user->values['tenant_id'];
$ci =& get_instance();
$selected = AppletInstance::getValue('list');
$action = AppletInstance::getValue('action');
$queries = explode(';', file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/db.sql'));
foreach ($queries as $query) {
    if (trim($query)) {
$lists = $ci->db->query(sprintf('SELECT id, name FROM subscribers_lists WHERE tenant = %d', $tenant_id))->result();
<div class="vbx-applet">
if (count($lists)) {
	<div class="vbx-full-pane">
		<fieldset class="vbx-input-container">
				<select class="medium" name="list">
    foreach ($lists as $list) {
					<option value="<?php 
        echo $list->id;
        echo $list->id == $selected ? ' selected="selected" ' : '';
