本文整理汇总了PHP中Agenda类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Agenda类的具体用法?PHP Agenda怎么用?PHP Agenda使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __construct
* Class constructor
* Creates the page
function __construct()
try {
$evento = new Agenda(R);
$evento->nome = "Curso Adianti framework";
$evento->lugar = "Progs Scholl alterado";
$evento->descricao = "Curso basico";
$evento->data_ev = date("Y-m-d");
$evento->hora_ev = date("h:m:");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
$this->html = new THtmlRenderer('app/resources/wellcome.html');
// define replacements for the main section
$replace = array();
// replace the main section variables
$this->html->enableSection('main', $replace);
// add the template to the page
示例2: actionCadastrar
public function actionCadastrar()
if ($this->request->isPostRequest) {
$cadastrarAgenda = new Agenda();
$cadastrarAgenda->agenda = $this->request->getPost('agenda');
示例3: excluir
public function excluir()
$agenda = new Agenda();
$agendaDAO = new AgendaDAO();
$return = $agendaDAO->excluir($agenda);
$result = $return ? 'Registro Excluido com sucesso.' : 'Erro ao Excluir Registro.';
echo json_encode(array("success" => is_string($return) ? false : $return, "msg" => is_string($return) ? $return : $result));
示例4: insert
public function insert($param)
case 'GET':
if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
$jour = substr($param, 0, 2);
$mois = substr($param, 2, 2);
$annee = substr($param, 4, 4);
$heureDebut = substr($param, 8, 2)[0] == '0' ? substr($param, 9, 1) . 'h' : substr($param, 8, 2) . 'h';
$heureFin = substr($param, 10, 2)[0] == '0' ? substr($param, 11, 1) . 'h' : substr($param, 10, 2) . 'h';
$activites = Activite::getAll();
$date = new \DateTime($annee . '-' . $mois . '-' . $jour);
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'fr_FR.utf8', 'fra');
$titre = ucfirst(strftime("%A", $date->getTimestamp())) . ' ' . $date->format('d') . ' ' . ucfirst(strftime("%B", $date->getTimestamp())) . ' - ' . $heureDebut . '-' . $heureFin;
$data['titre'] = $titre;
$data["hidden"] = $date->format('Y-m-d') . '|' . $heureDebut . ':' . $heureFin;
$data['activites'] = $activites;
$this->load->view("ajoutActiviteAgenda", $data);
} else {
$_SESSION['messagee'] = "Erreur, accès refusé";
header('Location: ' . BASEURL);
case 'POST':
if (isset($_SESSION['user']) && isset($_POST['redondance']) && $_POST['redondance'] != null) {
$dateHeure = preg_split('/[|]/', $_POST['dateDebut']);
$dateDebut = new \DateTime($dateHeure[0] . '00:00:01');
$redondance = $_POST['redondance'];
$dateFin = date_modify(new \DateTime($dateHeure[0] . '23:59:59'), "+ " . $redondance . ' week');
$hDebut = preg_split('/[:]/', $dateHeure[1])[0];
$heureMinuteSecondeDebut = preg_split('/h/', $hDebut);
$hFin = preg_split('/[:]/', $dateHeure[1])[1];
$heureMinuteSecondeFin = preg_split('/h/', $hFin);
$heureDebut = $heureMinuteSecondeDebut[1] != "" ? $heureMinuteSecondeDebut[0] . ':' . $heureMinuteSecondeDebut[1] . ':00' : $heureMinuteSecondeDebut[0] . ':00:00';
$heureFin = $heureMinuteSecondeFin[1] != "" ? $heureMinuteSecondeFin[0] . ':' . $heureMinuteSecondeFin[1] . ':00' : $heureMinuteSecondeFin[0] . ':00:00';
$idActivite = $_POST['activite'];
$jour = $dateDebut->format('N');
$ajoutActivite = new Agenda(null, $idActivite, $dateDebut->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $dateFin->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $jour, $heureDebut, $heureFin);
header('Location: ' . base_url() . '/index.php/agendaActivite/gestion');
示例5: gestionAgendaActivite
public function gestionAgendaActivite()
$data['listAgenda'] = Agenda::getAll();
$this->load->view("gestionAgendaActivite", $data);
示例6: emploiDuTemps
public function emploiDuTemps($id)
$semaines = week2period(date("Y"), date("W"));
$x = Agenda::getById($id);
$data['listAgenda'] = $x;
$tab = [];
foreach ($x as $y) {
$z = true;
$date = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($y->dateDebutActivite()));
$dateFin = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($y->dateFinActivite()));
while ($z == true) {
if ($date == $dateFin) {
$z = false;
$p = new \DateTime($date);
if ($p->format('N') == $y->jour()) {
$tab[] = str_replace('-', '', $date) . substr($y->horaireDebutActivite(), 0, 2) . substr($y->horaireFinActivite(), 0, 2);
$date = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($date . ' + 1 days'));
// $tab[]=$date;
// $date=date('d-m-Y', strtotime($date. ' + 1 days'));
// $tab[]=$date;
// $tab[]=$dateFin;
$data['semaines'] = $semaines;
$data['test'] = $tab;
$this->load->view("gestionInscription enfant", $data);
示例7: show
* Display a listing of the resource.
* @return Response
public function show($id)
if (Payment::VeryPayment() == false) {
return View::make('clinic.payment.renews-payment');
$agenda = Agenda::where('doctor_id', $id)->first();
$CustomDay = CustomDay::where('agenda_id', $agenda->id)->get();
return View::make('clinic.doctors.customDay')->with('customddays', $CustomDay)->with('agendaID', $agenda->id);
示例8: getVeryAgenda
public static function getVeryAgenda($agenda_id)
$user = Sentry::getUser();
$doctor = Doctor::where('user_id', $user->id)->first();
$agenda = Agenda::find($agenda_id);
if ($agenda->doctor_id == $doctor->id) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
示例9: update
public function update($id)
$data = array("first_name" => Input::get("first_name"), "last_name" => Input::get("last_name"), "email" => Input::get("email"), "phone" => Input::get("phone"), "picture" => Input::file("picture"), "specialty_id" => Input::get("specialty_id"), "dating_duration" => Input::get("dating_duration"));
$rules = array("first_name" => 'required|min:1|max:255', "last_name" => 'required|min:1|max:100', "email" => 'required|min:1', "phone" => 'required|min:1|max:100', "specialty_id" => 'required|min:3|max:255', "dating_duration" => 'required|min:1|max:3', "picture" => 'mimes:jpeg,gif,png');
$messages = array('required' => 'El campo :attribute es obligatorio.', 'min' => 'El campo :attribute no puede tener menos de :min carácteres.', 'email' => 'El campo :attribute debe ser un email válido.', 'max' => 'El campo :attribute no puede tener más de :max carácteres.', 'numeric' => 'El campo :attribute debe contener solo numeros', 'mimes' => 'El formato de la imagen logo debe ser jpg, git, png');
$validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages);
//si la validación falla redirigimos al formulario de registro con los errores
//y con los campos que nos habia llenado el usuario
if ($validation->fails()) {
return Redirect::to('/doctor/profile')->withErrors($validation)->withInput();
} else {
$doctor = Doctor::find($id);
$agenda = Agenda::where('doctor_id', $doctor->id)->first();
$agenda->dating_duration = Input::get("dating_duration");
$espes = explode(',', Input::get("specialty_id"));
$espeuok = '';
foreach ($espes as $espe) {
$very = Specialty::where('name_es', $espe)->first();
if ($very) {
$espeuok = $espeuok . ',' . $very->id;
$doctor->specialty_id = $espeuok;
$user = User::find($doctor->user_id);
$user->first_name = $data['first_name'];
$user->last_name = $data['last_name'];
$profile = Profile::where('user_id', $doctor->user_id)->first();
if (Input::file('picture') != NULL) {
//agrega imagen de logo
$file_logo = Input::file('picture');
$ext = Input::file('picture')->getClientOriginalExtension();
$nameIMG = date('YmdHis');
$logo = $nameIMG . '.' . $ext;
$logo = 'assets/doctor/images/profile_pic/profile_' . $logo;
$profile->picture = $logo;
$profile->phone = Input::get("phone");
if ($profile) {
if (Input::file('picture') != NULL) {
$file_logo->move("assets/doctor/images/profile_pic/", $logo);
return Redirect::to('/doctor/profile')->withFlash_message("Guardado Exitosamente");
} else {
return Redirect::to('/doctor/profile')->withErrors("Error")->withInput();
示例10: getConfigDay
public function getConfigDay()
if (Payment::VeryPayment() == false) {
return View::make('clinic.payment.renews-payment');
$doctor = Doctor::doctorLogin();
$agenda = Agenda::where('doctor_id', $doctor)->first()->id;
$configDay = Configday::where('agenda_id', $agenda)->get();
if ($configDay->isEmpty()) {
return View::make('clinic.doctor.config.ConfigDay')->with('agenda', $agenda);
} else {
return View::make('clinic.doctor.config.ConfigDay')->with('agenda', $agenda)->with('configDay', $configDay);
示例11: mailCreation
function mailCreation($nom, $time, $idEvent)
include '../../../core/model/Mail.php';
$date = Agenda::timeToDate($time);
$nomSite = Config::getVal('nom');
$adresseSite = Config::getVal('adresse');
$expediteur = '"' . $nomSite . '"<robot@' . $adresseSite . '>';
$sujet = "Nouvel evenement sur " . $nomSite;
$arch = new Archiviste();
$user = new User();
$users = $arch->restituer($user);
foreach ($users as $user) {
$mail = $user->get('mail');
$notif = $user->get('notifEvent');
$login = $user->get('login');
if ($mail && $notif != 'n') {
$message = 'Bonjour ' . $login . ', <br />' . PHP_EOL . '<br />' . PHP_EOL . 'L\'évenement <b>' . $nom . '</b> a été ajouté sur le site ' . $nomSite . '. Il aura lieu le ' . $date . '<br />' . PHP_EOL . '<br />' . PHP_EOL . 'Pour y accéder, cliquez sur le lien suivant : <a href="http://' . $adresseSite . '/?mod=raidplanner&action=event&id=' . $idEvent . '">' . $nom . '</a><br />' . PHP_EOL . '<br />' . PHP_EOL . '<br />' . PHP_EOL . 'Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir ces notifications, consultez vos <a href="http://' . $adresseSite . '/?mod=raidplanner&action=options">options</a>.' . PHP_EOL . '<br />' . PHP_EOL . 'Ceci est un message automatique. Merci de ne pas y repondre. ';
Mail::envoyer($mail, $expediteur, $sujet, $message);
示例12: agendas
public function agendas()
if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
if (Utilisateur::is_admin($_SESSION['user'])) {
$a = Agenda::get_all();
$users = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($a); $i++) {
$users[] = Utilisateur::get_by_id($a[$i]->idUtilisateur());
include 'views/adminAgenda.php';
} else {
$_SESSION['message']['type'] = 'error';
$_SESSION['message']['text'] = "Vous n'êtes pas administrateur";
include 'views/home.php';
} else {
$_SESSION['message']['type'] = 'error';
$_SESSION['message']['text'] = "You aren't connected";
include 'views/connexion.php';
示例13: get_lang
// setting the name of the tool
$nameTools = get_lang('MyAgenda');
// the variables for the days and the months
// Defining the shorts for the days
$DaysShort = api_get_week_days_short();
// Defining the days of the week to allow translation of the days
$DaysLong = api_get_week_days_long();
// Defining the months of the year to allow translation of the months
$MonthsLong = api_get_months_long();
if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
$id = explode('_', $_GET['id']);
$type = $id[0];
$id = $id[1];
$agenda = new Agenda();
$agenda->type = $type;
//course,admin or personal
if (isset($_GET['course_id'])) {
$course_info = api_get_course_info_by_id($_GET['course_id']);
if (!empty($course_info)) {
$event = $agenda->get_event($id);
if (!empty($event)) {
define('ICAL_LANG', api_get_language_isocode());
$ical = new vcalendar();
$ical->setConfig('unique_id', api_get_path(WEB_PATH));
$ical->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH');
$ical->setConfig('url', api_get_path(WEB_PATH));
示例14: date
include 'cabecera.php';
include 'clases/Consejero.class.php';
include 'clases/Agenda.class.php';
include 'menuIzquierda.php';
<!-- info ================================================== -->
<div class="row">
<div class="page-header" style="text-align: center">
<h1>Postponer Sesión</h1>
$fecha = date('Y\\-m\\-d');
$agenda = new Agenda();
$sesiones = $agenda->buscarCreadasPendientes($_SESSION['usuario']);
if (count($sesiones) > 0) {
echo '<table class="table-condensed span7" style="margin: 0 10%">
<td><b>Proximas sesiones:</b></td>
for ($i = 0; $i < count($sesiones); $i++) {
$resul = $agenda->obtenerDatos();
$consecutivo = $agenda->consecutivo($resul[0]['id_dependencia'], $resul[0]['id_tipo_consejo'], $resul[0]['fecha'], $resul[0]['anio'], $resul[0]['extraordinaria']);
echo '
示例15: WSEventsList
* Get a list of events between two dates for the given username
* Function registered as service. Returns strings in UTF-8.
* @param string Username
* @param string User's API key (the user's API key)
* @param int Start date, in YYYYMMDD format
* @param int End date, in YYYYMMDD format
* @return array Events list
function WSEventsList($username, $signature, $datestart = 0, $dateend = 0)
if (empty($username) or empty($signature)) {
return -1;
global $_configuration;
$info = api_get_user_info_from_username($username);
$user_id = $info['user_id'];
$list = UserManager::get_api_keys($user_id, 'dokeos');
$key = '';
foreach ($list as $key) {
$local_key = $username . $key;
if (!api_is_valid_secret_key($signature, $local_key)) {
return -1;
// The secret key is incorrect.
$events_list = array();
$user_id = UserManager::get_user_id_from_username($username);
if ($user_id === false) {
return $events_list;
// Error in user id recovery.
$ds = substr($datestart, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($datestart, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($datestart, 6, 2) . ' 00:00:00';
$de = substr($dateend, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($dateend, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($dateend, 6, 2) . ' 00:00:00';
$events_list = Agenda::get_personal_agenda_items_between_dates($user_id, $ds, $de);
return $events_list;