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PHP sysmessage函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中sysmessage函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP sysmessage函数的具体用法?PHP sysmessage怎么用?PHP sysmessage使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: menurec

 function menurec($step, $level, $ended, $numstr, $col, $template, $site, $page, $typestr)
     global $site_url, $lang, $start;
     if ($step == 0) {
         $res = runsql("select if(Site='','/',Site) Name,Site,PageID,1 as haveChild from en_pages group by Site order by Site");
     } elseif ($step == 1) {
         $res = runsql("select  substring_index(Type,'/',1) Name,1 as haveChild,Site,PageID from en_pages where Site='{$site}' group by substring_index(Type,'/',1) order by Type");
     } elseif ($step == 2) {
         $res = runsql("select \r\nconcat_ws(' ',substring_index(Type,'/',-1),if(Name_{$lang}<>'',concat('(',Name_{$lang},')'),null))\r\n\r\n Name,\r\n1 as haveChild,Site,PageID from en_pages where Site='{$site}' and substring_index(Type,'/',1)='{$typestr}' group by substring_index(Type,'/',-1) order by substring_index(Type,'/',-1)");
     } elseif ($step == 3) {
         $res = runsql("select TagID,Act Name,0 as haveChild from en_tags where PageID='{$page}' group by Act order by Act");
     $i = 0;
     while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
         $site = $r[Site];
         if ($step == 2) {
             $page = $r[PageID];
         if ($step == 1) {
             $typestr = $r[Name];
         if ($numstr) {
             $nstr = $numstr . "." . $i;
         } else {
             $nstr = $i;
         if ($col != "EAEEF1") {
             $col = "EAEEF1";
         } else {
             $col = "ffffff";
         print "<tr";
         if ($level > 0) {
             print " style=\"display:none\"";
         print " id='menu" . $nstr . "' bgcolor={$col}><td valign=bottom width=100% ><font color=444444>";
         if ($step == 2) {
             print "<b>";
         if ($step == 1) {
             print "<h3>";
         if ($step == 0) {
             print "<h2>";
         $str = "";
         for ($j = 1; $j <= $level; $j++) {
             $str .= "<img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/line1.gif\"  width=20  height=20   align=absmiddle>";
         if (!strstr($r[Url], "http://")) {
             $r[Url] = "{$site_url}" . $r[Url];
         print "{$str}<img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/line2.gif\" width=20  height=20   align=absmiddle> ";
         if ($r[haveChild]) {
             print "<img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/plus.gif\" onclick=\"JavaScript: Collapse('table0', 'menu" . $nstr . "')\"  style=\"cursor:hand\" id=\"plus\" align=absmiddle  name=\"Imagemenu" . $nstr . "\" >";
         print "{$r['Name']}</td>";
         if ($step == 3) {
             print "\r\n<td><a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?type=engine/tags&act=translate&id={$r['TagID']}\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/report.gif\" align=absmiddle border=0></a></td>\r\n<td><div style=\"margin:2px\"><a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?type=engine/tags&act=update&id={$r['TagID']}\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/edit.png\" align=absmiddle border=0 alt=\"" . sysmessage(2) . "\" title=\"" . sysmessage(2) . "\"></a></td>\r\n<td><div style=\"margin:2px\"><a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?type=engine/tags&act=delete&step=1&id={$r['TagID']}\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . sysmessage(17) . "')\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/drop.png\" alt=\"" . sysmessage(1) . "\" title=\"" . sysmessage(1) . "\" align=absmiddle border=0></a></td>\r\n</tr>";
         } elseif ($step == 2) {
             print "\r\n<td><a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?type=engine/pages&act=translate&id={$r['PageID']}\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/report.gif\" align=absmiddle border=0></a></td>\r\n<td><div style=\"margin:2px\"><a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?type=engine/pages&act=update&id={$r['PageID']}\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/edit.png\" align=absmiddle border=0 alt=\"" . sysmessage(2) . "\" title=\"" . sysmessage(2) . "\"></a></td>\r\n<td><div style=\"margin:2px\"></td>\r\n</tr>";
         } else {
             print "\r\n<td></td>\r\n<td></td>\r\n<td></td>\r\n</tr>";
         if ($i == mysql_num_rows($res)) {
             $ended = $level;
         if ($step < 4) {
             menurec($step + 1, $level + 1, $ended, $nstr, $col, $r[TemplateID], $site, $page, $typestr);
         if ($i == mysql_num_rows($res)) {
             if ($col != "EAEEF1") {
                 $col = "EAEEF1";
             } else {
                 $col = "ffffff";
             if ($numstr) {
                 $nstr = $numstr . "." . $i;
             } else {
                 $nstr = $i;
             print "<tr";
             if ($level > 0) {
                 print " style=\"display:none\"";
             print " id='menu" . $nstr . "' bgcolor={$col}><td valign=bottom width=100% colspan=8>";
             if ($step == 3) {
                 print "{$str}<img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/line3.gif\" width=20 height=20 align=absmiddle> <img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/new.gif\" border=0 align=absmiddle> <a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?type=engine/tags&act=insert&PageID={$page}\">Добавить</a> ";
             } elseif ($step > 1) {
                 print "{$str}<img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/line3.gif\" width=20 height=20 align=absmiddle> <img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/new.gif\" border=0 align=absmiddle> <a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?type=engine/pages&act=insert&Site={$site}\">Добавить</a> ";
     if (!mysql_num_rows($res) && $step == 3) {
         if ($col != "EAEEF1") {
             $col = "EAEEF1";
         } else {
             $col = "ffffff";

示例2: _init_session

 private function _init_session()
     $sessionclose = !empty($this->var['setting']['sessionclose']);
     $this->session = $sessionclose ? new dzz_session_close() : new dzz_session();
     if ($this->init_session) {
         $this->session->init($this->var['cookie']['sid'], $this->var['clientip'], $this->var['uid']);
         $this->var['sid'] = $this->session->sid;
         $this->var['session'] = $this->session->var;
         if (!empty($this->var['sid']) && $this->var['sid'] != $this->var['cookie']['sid']) {
             dsetcookie('sid', $this->var['sid'], 86400);
         if ($this->session->isnew) {
             if (ipbanned($this->var['clientip'])) {
                 $this->session->set('groupid', 6);
         if ($this->session->get('groupid') == 6) {
             $this->var['member']['groupid'] = 6;
         if ($this->var['uid'] && !$sessionclose && ($this->session->isnew || $this->session->get('lastactivity') + 600 < TIMESTAMP)) {
             $this->session->set('lastactivity', TIMESTAMP);
             if ($this->session->isnew) {
                 if ($this->var['member']['lastip'] && $this->var['member']['lastvisit']) {
                     dsetcookie('lip', $this->var['member']['lastip'] . ',' . $this->var['member']['lastvisit']);
                 C::t('user_status')->update($this->var['uid'], array('lastip' => $this->var['clientip'], 'lastvisit' => TIMESTAMP));

示例3: _init_misc

 function _init_misc()
     if (!$this->init_misc) {
         return false;
     if ($this->init_setting && $this->init_user) {
         if (!isset($this->var['member']['timeoffset']) || $this->var['member']['timeoffset'] == 9999 || $this->var['member']['timeoffset'] === '') {
             $this->var['member']['timeoffset'] = $this->var['setting']['timeoffset'];
     $timeoffset = $this->init_setting ? $this->var['member']['timeoffset'] : $this->var['setting']['timeoffset'];
     $this->var['timenow'] = array('time' => dgmdate(TIMESTAMP), 'offset' => $timeoffset >= 0 ? $timeoffset == 0 ? '' : '+' . $timeoffset : $timeoffset);
     $this->var['formhash'] = formhash();
     define('FORMHASH', $this->var['formhash']);
     if ($this->init_user) {
         if ($this->var['group'] && isset($this->var['group']['allowvisit']) && !$this->var['group']['allowvisit']) {
             if ($this->var['uid']) {
                 sysmessage('user_banned', null);
             } elseif ((!defined('ALLOWGUEST') || !ALLOWGUEST) && !in_array(CURSCRIPT, array('member', 'api')) && !$this->var['inajax']) {
                 dheader('location: member.php?mod=logging&action=login&referer=' . rawurlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
         if ($this->var['member']['status'] == -1) {
             sysmessage('user_banned', null);
     if ($this->var['setting']['ipaccess'] && !ipaccess($this->var['clientip'], $this->var['setting']['ipaccess'])) {
         sysmessage('user_banned', null);
     if ($this->var['setting']['bbclosed']) {
         if ($this->var['uid'] && ($this->var['group']['allowvisit'] == 2 || $this->var['groupid'] == 1)) {
         } elseif (in_array(CURSCRIPT, array('admin', 'member', 'api')) || defined('ALLOWGUEST') && ALLOWGUEST) {
         } else {
             $closedreason = DB::result_first("SELECT svalue FROM " . DB::table('common_setting') . " WHERE skey='closedreason'");
             $closedreason = str_replace(':', '&#58;', $closedreason);
             showmessage($closedreason ? $closedreason : 'board_closed', NULL, array('adminemail' => $this->var['setting']['adminemail']), array('login' => 1));
     if (CURSCRIPT != 'admin' && !in_array($this->var['mod'], array('logging', 'seccode'))) {
     if (defined('IN_MOBILE')) {
         $this->var['tpp'] = $this->var['setting']['mobile']['mobiletopicperpage'] ? intval($this->var['setting']['mobile']['mobiletopicperpage']) : 20;
         $this->var['ppp'] = $this->var['setting']['mobile']['mobilepostperpage'] ? intval($this->var['setting']['mobile']['mobilepostperpage']) : 5;
     } else {
         $this->var['tpp'] = $this->var['setting']['topicperpage'] ? intval($this->var['setting']['topicperpage']) : 20;
         $this->var['ppp'] = $this->var['setting']['postperpage'] ? intval($this->var['setting']['postperpage']) : 10;
     if ($this->var['setting']['nocacheheaders']) {
         @header("Expires: -1");
         @header("Cache-Control: no-store, private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE);
         @header("Pragma: no-cache");
     if ($this->session->isnew && $this->var['uid']) {
         updatecreditbyaction('daylogin', $this->var['uid']);
         include_once libfile('function/stat');
         updatestat('login', 1);
         if (defined('IN_MOBILE')) {
             updatestat('mobilelogin', 1);
         if ($this->var['setting']['connect']['allow'] && $this->var['member']['conisbind']) {
             updatestat('connectlogin', 1);
     if ($this->var['member']['conisbind'] && $this->var['setting']['connect']['newbiespan'] !== '') {
         $this->var['setting']['newbiespan'] = $this->var['setting']['connect']['newbiespan'];
     $lastact = TIMESTAMP . "\t" . htmlspecialchars(basename($this->var['PHP_SELF'])) . "\t" . htmlspecialchars($this->var['mod']);
     dsetcookie('lastact', $lastact, 86400);
     setglobal('currenturl_encode', base64_encode('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
     if ((!empty($this->var['gp_fromuid']) || !empty($this->var['gp_fromuser'])) && ($this->var['setting']['creditspolicy']['promotion_visit'] || $this->var['setting']['creditspolicy']['promotion_register'])) {
         require_once libfile('misc/promotion', 'include');
     $this->var['seokeywords'] = !empty($this->var['setting']['seokeywords'][CURSCRIPT]) ? $this->var['setting']['seokeywords'][CURSCRIPT] : '';
     $this->var['seodescription'] = !empty($this->var['setting']['seodescription'][CURSCRIPT]) ? $this->var['setting']['seodescription'][CURSCRIPT] : '';

示例4: DrawRow

                 print "<input name=\"" . $this->name . "[" . ($numrow - 1) . "]\" onfocus='FocusIN(this);' onblur='FocusOUT(this);' type=\"text\" maxlength=\"" . $this->maxlength . "\" value=\"" . $this->val . "\" size=" . $this->size . " {$format}/>";
             case "image":
                 print "<input type=\"file\" name=\"" . $this->name . "[]\" style='width:170px'/>";
             case "text":
                 print "<textarea {$this->format} name=\"" . $this->name . "[" . ($numrow - 1) . "]\" cols=20 rows=2 maxlength=\"" . $this->maxlength . "\">" . str_replace("<br />", "\r\n", $this->val) . "</textarea>";
             case "file":
                 print "<input type=\"file\" name=\"" . $this->name . "[]\" style='width:170px'/>";
             case "preview":
                 if (strlen($r[$name]) > 0) {
                     print "<img src=\"{$img_url}" . "?id={$r['0']}&table=" . $this->table->table . "&dbname=" . $dbname . "\" border=0><br>";
             case "dots":
                 print "<nobr>";
                 if ($this->val) {
                     print dots($this->val) . $format;
                 } else {
                     print "0" . $format;
             case "money":
                 print "<nobr>";
                 if ($this->val) {
                     print $format . dots($this->val);
                 } elseif (strlen($this->val)) {
                     print $format . "0";
             case "report":
                 print "<a href=\"{$site_url}" . "admin/adm_games.php?id=" . $r[0] . "\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/icons/report.gif\" width=17px height=16px border=0 alt=\"" . sysmessage(2) . "\" title=\"" . sysmessage(2) . "\"/></a>";
             case "golden":
                 print "<nobr>";
                 print dots($this->val) . $format . $gd;
             case "edit":
                 print "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?act=update&id={$r['0']}&type=" . $this->table->type . "\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/edit.png\" width=16px height=16px border=0 alt=\"" . sysmessage(2) . "\" title=\"" . sysmessage(2) . "\"/></a>";
             case "delete":
                 print "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?act=delete&id={$r['0']}&step=1&type=" . $this->table->type . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . sysmessage(17) . "')\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/drop.png\" width=16px height=16px border=0 alt=\"" . sysmessage(1) . "\" title=\"" . sysmessage(1) . "\"/></a>";
             case "up":
                 print "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?act=up&id={$r['0']}&step=1&type=" . $this->table->type . "\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/up1.gif\" width=12px height=12px border=0  /></a>";
             case "down":
                 print "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?act=down&id={$r['0']}&step=1&type=" . $this->table->type . "\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/down1.gif\" width=12px height=12px border=0 /></a>";
             case "remove":
                 print "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?act=remove&id={$r['0']}&step=1&type=" . $this->table->type . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . sysmessage(17) . "')\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/engine/drop.png\" width=16px height=16px border=0 alt=\"" . sysmessage(1) . "\" title=\"" . sysmessage(1) . "\"/></a>";
             case "checkbox":
                 print "<input class=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" . $this->name . "[" . ($numrow - 1) . "]\"";
                 if ($r[$this->name] == 1) {
                     print " checked";
                 print "/>";
             case "radio":
                 print "<input  class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"" . $this->name . "\"";
                 print " value='{$this->val}'";
                 if ($this->val == $this->text) {
                     print " checked=1";

示例5: DrawRow

                     $this->size = 2;
                 print "<input name=\"" . $this->name . "[" . ($numrow - 1) . "]\" onfocus='FocusIN(this);' onblur='FocusOUT(this);'  type=\"text\" maxlength=\"" . $this->maxlength . "\" value=\"" . $this->val . "\" size=" . $this->size . " {$this->format}>";
             case "image":
                 print "<input type=\"file\" name=\"" . $this->name . "[]\" style='width:170px'>";
             case "preview":
                 if (strlen($r[$name]) > 0) {
                     print "<img src=\"{$img_url}" . "?id={$r['0']}&table=" . $this->table->table . "&dbname=" . $dbname . "\" border=0><br>";
             case "dots":
                 print "<nobr>";
                 if ($this->val) {
                     print dots($this->val) . $this->format;
                 } else {
                     print "0" . $this->format;
             case "money":
                 print "<nobr>";
                 if ($this->val) {
                     print $this->format . dots($this->val);
                 } else {
                     print $this->format . "0";
             case "golden":
                 print "<nobr>";
                 print dots($this->val) . $this->format . $gd;
             case "edit":
                 print "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?act=update&id={$r['0']}&type=" . $this->table->type . "\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/icons/edit.png\" width=16px height=16px border=0 alt=\"" . sysmessage(2) . "\" title=\"" . sysmessage(2) . "\"></a>";
             case "delete":
                 print "<a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?act=delete&id={$r['0']}&step=1&type=" . $this->table->type . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('¬ы уверены? «апись будет удалена')\"><img src=\"{$site_url}" . "images/icons/drop.png\" width=16px height=16px border=0 alt=\"" . sysmessage(1) . "\" title=\"" . sysmessage(1) . "\"></a>";
             case "checkbox":
                 print "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" . $this->name . "[" . ($numrow - 1) . "]\"";
                 if ($r[$this->name] == 1) {
                     print " checked";
                 print ">";
             case "radio":
                 print "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"" . $this->name . "[" . ($numrow - 1) . "]\"";
                 print " value='{$this->val}'";
                 if ($this->val == set_params($this->text)) {
                     print " checked=1";
                 print ">";
             case "list":
                 print "<select onfocus='FocusIN(this);' onblur='FocusOUT(this);' name=\"" . $this->name . "[]\">";
                 if (!strlen($this->text)) {
                     print "<option value=\"{$this->default}\">-";
                     print "</option>";
                 $ar = explode(";", $this->vars);
                 $n = 0;
                 foreach ($ar as $v) {
                     print "<option value=\"{$n}\"";
                     if ($r[$this->name] == $n || $this->text == $v && !$r[$this->name]) {
                         print " selected";

示例6: _init_session

 private function _init_session()
     $sessionclose = !empty($this->var['setting']['sessionclose']);
     $this->session = $sessionclose ? new discuz_session_close() : new discuz_session();
     if ($this->init_session) {
         $this->session->init($this->var['cookie']['sid'], $this->var['clientip'], $this->var['uid']);
         $this->var['sid'] = $this->session->sid;
         $this->var['session'] = $this->session->var;
         if (!empty($this->var['sid']) && $this->var['sid'] != $this->var['cookie']['sid']) {
             dsetcookie('sid', $this->var['sid'], 86400);
         if ($this->session->isnew) {
             if (ipbanned($this->var['clientip'])) {
                 $this->session->set('groupid', 6);
         if ($this->session->get('groupid') == 6) {
             $this->var['member']['groupid'] = 6;
             if (!defined('IN_MOBILE_API')) {
             } else {
                 mobile_core::result(array('error' => 'user_banned'));
         if ($this->var['uid'] && !$sessionclose && ($this->session->isnew || $this->session->get('lastactivity') + 600 < TIMESTAMP)) {
             $this->session->set('lastactivity', TIMESTAMP);
             if ($this->session->isnew) {
                 if ($this->var['member']['lastip'] && $this->var['member']['lastvisit']) {
                     dsetcookie('lip', $this->var['member']['lastip'] . ',' . $this->var['member']['lastvisit']);
                 C::t('common_member_status')->update($this->var['uid'], array('lastip' => $this->var['clientip'], 'port' => $this->var['remoteport'], 'lastvisit' => TIMESTAMP));

示例7: round

 if (!$q[Level] && $act == "hire" || $act != "hire") {
     $left = 0;
     $len = round(strlen($r["Name_{$lang}"] . " " . message(66)) * 7.6 + 12);
     if ($len < 195) {
         $left = round((195 - $len) / 2);
     if ($act == "hire" && file_exists($site_path . "images/fn_staff_info/small/{$r['InfoID']}.jpg")) {
         print "<td valign=top><div  style = \"position:relative\"><center><table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 bordercolor=E5CEA6 bgcolor=515E64 style='position:absolute; left:{$left}; top:160'><td><font size=-1><center><b>" . $r["Name_{$lang}"] . " " . message(66) . "</td></table><img src=\"/images/fn_staff_info/img/{$r['InfoID']}.jpg\"></div></td>";
     print "<td valign=top width=100%S>";
     if ($auth->user) {
         $form = new cls_form($type, $act);
     } else {
         print sysmessage(16);
 } else {
     if ($act == "hire" && file_exists($site_path . "images/fn_staff_info/small/{$r['InfoID']}.jpg")) {
         print "<td valign=top><div  style = \"position:relative\"><center><img src=\"/images/fn_staff_info/img/{$r['InfoID']}.jpg\"></div></td>";
     print "<td valign=top width=100%>";
     $form = new cls_form($type, 'info');
     if ($r[0]) {
         $r[HaveLevel] = $r[Level];
         print "<br>";
         if ($auth->user) {
             $form = new cls_form($type, $act);

示例8: sysmessage


include "../config.php";
require "up.php";
if ($type == "engine/menu" && (!$act || $act == "select")) {
    print "<table border=0 width=100% id='table0' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>";
    $start = 0;
    print "<tr><td valign=middle><img src=\"/images/engine/home.gif\" align=absmiddle width=15 height=18 > " . sysmessage(19) . "</td></tr>";
    if (!menurec(0, 0, '', '')) {
        print "<tr><td colspan=10><img src=\"/images/engine/line3.gif\" width=20 height=20 align=absmiddle> <img src=\"/images/engine/new.gif\" border=0 align=absmiddle> <a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?act=insert&type=engine/menu&Parent=0&Rang=1\">Добавить</a></td></tr> ";
    print "</table>";
} elseif ($type == "engine/tags" && (!$act || $act == "select")) {
    print "<table border=0 width=100% id='table0' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>";
    $start = 0;
    print "<tr><td valign=middle><img src=\"/images/engine/tree.gif\" align=absmiddle  > " . sysmessage(23) . "</td></tr>";
    tagrec(0, 0, '', '');
    print "</table>";
} else {
    if ($type) {
//if($act!="delete") $form->Draw();
require 'bottom.php';

示例9: icon

            print "<tr><td valign=top height=80px width=100%>{$r['Comment']}</td></tr>";
            print "</table>";
        } else {
            print "<br>" . icon("error", message(124));
        $res = runsql("select i.StaffID,i.InfoID,concat_ws('-',i.Name_{$lang},t.Level) as Name, i.Comments_{$lang} as Comment from tm_staff t  join fn_staff_info i on i.StaffID=t.StaffID and t.Level=i.Level  and t.TeamID='{$auth->team};' and i.StaffID=5 order by t.StaffID");
        if ($r = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
            print "<br><table border=1 bordercolor=E0E9F0 width=100% bgcolor=F5F8FA cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>";
            print "<tr><td height=10px class=header><b>{$r['Name']}</td><td rowspan=2 valign=top ><a href=\"/xml/team/staff.php?id={$r['StaffID']}\"><img src=\"{$img_url}?id={$r['InfoID']}&record=10\" border=0></a></td>";
            print "<tr><td width=100% valign=top height=86px>{$r['Comment']}</td></tr>";
            print "</table>";
        } else {
            print "<br>" . icon("error", message(125));
        $res = runsql("select i.StaffID,i.InfoID,concat_ws('-',i.Name_{$lang},t.Level) as Name, i.Comments_{$lang} as Comment from tm_staff t  join fn_staff_info i on i.StaffID=t.StaffID and t.Level=i.Level  and t.TeamID='{$auth->team};' and i.StaffID=6 order by t.StaffID");
        if ($r = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
            print "<br><table border=1 bordercolor=E0E9F0 width=100% bgcolor=F5F8FA cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>";
            print "<tr><td height=10px class=header><b>{$r['Name']}</td><td rowspan=2  valign=top ><a href=\"/xml/team/staff.php?id={$r['StaffID']}\"><img src=\"{$img_url}?id={$r['InfoID']}&record=10\" border=0></a></td>";
            print "<tr><td width=100% valign=top height=86px>{$r['Comment']}<br><br>";
            $form = new cls_form($type, "operate");
            print "</td></tr>";
            print "</table>";
        } else {
            print "<br>" . icon("error", message(126));
} else {
    print icon("error", sysmessage(16));
require $site_path . "bottom.php";

示例10: _init_misc

 function _init_misc()
     if (!$this->init_misc) {
         return false;
     if ($this->init_setting && $this->init_user) {
         if (!isset($this->var['member']['timeoffset']) || $this->var['member']['timeoffset'] == 9999 || $this->var['member']['timeoffset'] === '') {
             $this->var['member']['timeoffset'] = !empty($this->var['setting']['timeoffset']) ? $this->var['setting']['timeoffset'] : 8;
     $timeoffset = $this->init_setting ? $this->var['member']['timeoffset'] : $this->var['setting']['timeoffset'];
     $this->var['timenow'] = array('time' => dgmdate(TIMESTAMP), 'offset' => $timeoffset >= 0 ? $timeoffset == 0 ? '' : '+' . $timeoffset : $timeoffset);
     $this->var['formhash'] = formhash();
     define('FORMHASH', $this->var['formhash']);
     if ($this->init_user) {
         if ($this->var['group'] && isset($this->var['group']['allowvisit']) && !$this->var['group']['allowvisit']) {
             if ($this->var['uid']) {
                 sysmessage('user_banned', null);
             } elseif ((!defined('ALLOWGUEST') || !ALLOWGUEST) && !in_array(CURSCRIPT, array('member', 'misc', 'api')) && !$this->var['inajax']) {
                 dheader('location: member.php?mod=logging&action=login&referer=' . rawurlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
     if (!empty($this->var['setting']['ipaccess']) && !ipaccess($this->var['clientip'], $this->var['setting']['ipaccess'])) {
         sysmessage('user_banned', null);
     if (CURSCRIPT != 'admin' && !in_array($this->var['mod'], array('logging', 'seccode'))) {
     $this->var['tpp'] = !empty($this->var['setting']['topicperpage']) ? intval($this->var['setting']['topicperpage']) : 20;
     $this->var['ppp'] = !empty($this->var['setting']['postperpage']) ? intval($this->var['setting']['postperpage']) : 10;
     if (!empty($this->var['setting']['nocacheheaders'])) {
         @header("Expires: -1");
         @header("Cache-Control: no-store, private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE);
         @header("Pragma: no-cache");
     $lastact = TIMESTAMP . "\t" . htmlspecialchars(basename($this->var['PHP_SELF'])) . "\t" . htmlspecialchars($this->var['mod']);
     dsetcookie('lastact', $lastact, 86400);
     setglobal('currenturl_encode', base64_encode('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
