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PHP serendipity_updertEntry函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中serendipity_updertEntry函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP serendipity_updertEntry函数的具体用法?PHP serendipity_updertEntry怎么用?PHP serendipity_updertEntry使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: import

 function import()
     global $serendipity;
     // Save this so we can return it to its original value at the end of this method.
     $noautodiscovery = isset($serendipity['noautodiscovery']) ? $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] : false;
     if ($this->data['autodiscovery'] == 'false') {
         $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     $this->data['prefix'] = serendipity_db_escape_string($this->data['prefix']);
     $users = array();
     $entries = array();
     if (!extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
         return MYSQL_REQUIRED;
     $bblogdb = @mysqli_connect($this->data['host'], $this->data['user'], $this->data['pass']);
     if (!$bblogdb || mysqli_connect_error()) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_CONNECT, serendipity_specialchars($this->data['host']));
     if (!@mysqli_select_db($bblogdb, $this->data['name'])) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_DB, mysqli_error($bblogdb));
     /* Users */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT id         AS ID,\n                                    password   AS pw,\n                                    nickname   AS user_login,\n                                    email      AS user_email,\n                                    url        AS user_url\n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}authors", $bblogdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO, mysqli_error($bblogdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysqli_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $users[$x] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
         $data = array('right_publish' => 1, 'username' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'email' => $users[$x]['user_email'], 'userlevel' => USERLEVEL_ADMIN, 'password' => md5($users[$x]['pw']));
         // Wicked. This is the first blog I've seen storing cleartext passwords :-D
         if ($serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'] < $data['userlevel']) {
             $data['userlevel'] = $serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'];
         serendipity_db_insert('authors', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
         echo mysqli_error();
         $users[$x]['authorid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('authors', 'authorid');
     /* Categories */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}sections", $bblogdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, mysqli_error($bblogdb));
     // Get all the info we need
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysqli_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
         $cat = array('category_name' => $row['nicename'], 'category_description' => $row['nicename'], 'parentid' => 0, 'category_left' => 0, 'category_right' => 0);
         serendipity_db_insert('category', $this->strtrRecursive($cat));
         $row['categoryid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('category', 'categoryid');
         $this->categories[] = $row;
     /* Entries */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}posts ORDER BY postid;", $bblogdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO, mysqli_error($bblogdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysqli_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $entries[$x] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
         $entry = array('title' => $this->decode($entries[$x]['title']), 'isdraft' => $entries[$x]['status'] == 'live' ? 'false' : 'true', 'allow_comments' => $entries[$x]['allowcomments'] == 'allow' ? 'true' : 'false', 'timestamp' => $entries[$x]['posttime'], 'body' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['body']), 'extended' => '');
         $entry['authorid'] = '';
         $entry['author'] = '';
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             if ($user['ID'] == $entries[$x]['author']) {
                 $entry['authorid'] = $user['authorid'];
                 $entry['author'] = $user['user_login'];
         if (!is_int($entries[$x]['entryid'] = serendipity_updertEntry($entry))) {
             return $entries[$x]['entryid'];
         $sections = explode(':', $entries[$x]['sections']);
         foreach ($sections as $section) {
             if (empty($section)) {
             foreach ($this->categories as $category) {
                 if ($category['sectionid'] == $section) {
                     $categoryid = $category['categoryid'];
             if ($categoryid > 0) {
                 $data = array('entryid' => $entries[$x]['entryid'], 'categoryid' => $categoryid);
                 serendipity_db_insert('entrycat', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
     /* Comments */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}comments WHERE type = 'comment';", $bblogdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_COMMENT_INFO, mysqli_error($bblogdb));
     while ($a = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($entry['postid'] == $a['postid']) {
                 $comment = array('entry_id ' => $entry['entryid'], 'parent_id' => 0, 'timestamp' => $a['posttime'], 'author' => $a['postername'], 'email' => $a['posteremail'], 'url' => $a['posterwebsite'], 'ip' => $a['ip'], 'status' => 'approved', 'body' => $a['commenttext'], 'subscribed' => 'false', 'type' => 'NORMAL');
                 serendipity_db_insert('comments', $this->strtrRecursive($comment));
                 $cid = serendipity_db_insert_id('comments', 'id');
                 serendipity_approveComment($cid, $entry['entryid'], true);

示例2: import

 function import()
     global $serendipity;
     // Save this so we can return it to its original value at the end of this method.
     $noautodiscovery = isset($serendipity['noautodiscovery']) ? $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] : false;
     if ($this->data['autodiscovery'] == 'false') {
         $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     $this->data['prefix'] = serendipity_db_escape_string($this->data['prefix']);
     $users = array();
     $categories = array();
     $entries = array();
     if (!extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
         return MYSQL_REQUIRED;
     $pmdb = @mysqli_connect($this->data['host'], $this->data['user'], $this->data['pass']);
     if (!$pmdb || mysqli_connect_error()) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_CONNECT, serendipity_specialchars($this->data['host']));
     if (!@mysqli_select_db($pmdb, $this->data['name'])) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_DB, mysqli_error($pmdb));
     /* Users */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT id         AS ID,\n                                    username   AS user_login,\n                                    `password` AS user_pass,\n                                    email      AS user_email,\n                                    status     AS user_level,\n                                    url        AS url\n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}members", $pmdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO, mysqli_error($pmdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysqli_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $users[$x] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
         $data = array('right_publish' => $users[$x]['user_level'] >= 3 ? 1 : 0, 'realname' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'username' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'email' => $users[$x]['user_email'], 'password' => $users[$x]['user_pass']);
         // pMachine uses md5, too.
         if ($users[$x]['user_level'] < 12) {
             $data['userlevel'] = USERLEVEL_EDITOR;
         } else {
             $data['userlevel'] = USERLEVEL_ADMIN;
         if ($serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'] < $data['userlevel']) {
             $data['userlevel'] = $serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'];
         serendipity_db_insert('authors', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
         $users[$x]['authorid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('authors', 'authorid');
     /* Categories */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT id       AS cat_ID,\n                                    category AS cat_name,\n                                    category AS category_description\n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}categories ORDER BY id", $pmdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, mysqli_error($pmdb));
     // Get all the info we need
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysqli_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $categories[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
     // Insert all categories as top level (we need to know everyone's ID before we can represent the hierarchy).
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = sizeof($categories); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $cat = array('category_name' => $categories[$x]['cat_name'], 'category_description' => $categories[$x]['category_description'], 'parentid' => 0, 'category_left' => 0, 'category_right' => 0);
         serendipity_db_insert('category', $this->strtrRecursive($cat));
         $categories[$x]['categoryid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('category', 'categoryid');
     /* Entries */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}weblog ORDER BY t_stamp;", $pmdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO, mysqli_error($pmdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysqli_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $entries[$x] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
         $entry = array('title' => $this->decode($entries[$x]['title']), 'isdraft' => $entries[$x]['status'] == 'open' ? 'false' : 'true', 'allow_comments' => $entries[$x]['showcomments'] == '1' ? 'true' : 'false', 'timestamp' => $entries[$x]['t_stamp'], 'extended' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['more']), 'body' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['body']));
         $entry['authorid'] = '';
         $entry['author'] = '';
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             if ($user['ID'] == $entries[$x]['member_id']) {
                 $entry['authorid'] = $user['authorid'];
                 $entry['author'] = $user['username'];
         if (!is_int($entries[$x]['entryid'] = serendipity_updertEntry($entry))) {
             return $entries[$x]['entryid'];
         /* Entry/category */
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             if ($category['cat_ID'] == $entries[$x]['category']) {
                 $data = array('entryid' => $entries[$x]['entryid'], 'categoryid' => $category['categoryid']);
                 serendipity_db_insert('entrycat', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
     /* Comments */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}comments;", $pmdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_COMMENT_INFO, mysqli_error($pmdb));
     while ($a = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($entry['post_id'] == $a['post_id']) {
                 $author = '';
                 $mail = '';
                 $url = '';
                 if (!empty($a['member_id'])) {

示例3: import

 function import()
     global $serendipity;
     // Save this so we can return it to its original value at the end of this method.
     $noautodiscovery = isset($serendipity['noautodiscovery']) ? $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] : false;
     if ($this->data['autodiscovery'] == 'false') {
         $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     $this->data['prefix'] = serendipity_db_escape_string($this->data['prefix']);
     $users = array();
     $categories = array();
     $entries = array();
     if (!extension_loaded('pgsql')) {
         return PGSQL_REQUIRED;
     $wpdb = pg_connect("{$this->data}['host'], {$this->data}['port'], {$this->data}['user'], {$this->data}['pass'], {$this->data}['name']");
     if (!$wpdb) {
         return sprintf(PGSQL_COULDNT_CONNECT, $this->data['pass']);
     /* Users */
     $res = pg_query($wpdb, "SELECT ID, user_login, user_pass, user_email, user_level FROM {$this->data['prefix']}users;");
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO, pg_last_error($wpdb));
     for ($x = 0; $x < pg_num_rows($res); $x++) {
         $users[$x] = pg_fetch_assoc($res);
         $data = array('right_publish' => $users[$x]['user_level'] >= 1 ? 1 : 0, 'realname' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'username' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'password' => $users[$x]['user_pass']);
         // WP uses md5, too.
         if ($users[$x]['user_level'] <= 1) {
             $data['userlevel'] = USERLEVEL_EDITOR;
         } elseif ($users[$x]['user_level'] < 5) {
             $data['userlevel'] = USERLEVEL_CHIEF;
         } else {
             $data['userlevel'] = USERLEVEL_ADMIN;
         if ($serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'] < $data['userlevel']) {
             $data['userlevel'] = $serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'];
         serendipity_db_insert('authors', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
         $users[$x]['authorid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('authors', 'authorid');
     /* Categories */
     $res = @pg_query($wpdb, "SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_description, category_parent FROM {$this->data['prefix']}categories ORDER BY category_parent, cat_ID;");
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, pg_last_error($wpdb));
     // Get all the info we need
     for ($x = 0; $x < pg_num_rows($res); $x++) {
         $categories[] = pg_fetch_assoc($res);
     // Insert all categories as top level (we need to know everyone's ID before we can represent the hierarchy).
     for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($categories); $x++) {
         $cat = array('category_name' => $categories[$x]['cat_name'], 'category_description' => $categories[$x]['category_description'], 'parentid' => 0, 'category_left' => 0, 'category_right' => 0);
         serendipity_db_insert('category', $this->strtrRecursive($cat));
         $categories[$x]['categoryid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('category', 'categoryid');
     // There has to be a more efficient way of doing this...
     foreach ($categories as $cat) {
         if ($cat['category_parent'] != 0) {
             // Find the parent
             $par_id = 0;
             foreach ($categories as $possible_par) {
                 if ($possible_par['cat_ID'] == $cat['category_parent']) {
                     $par_id = $possible_par['categoryid'];
             if ($par_id != 0) {
                 serendipity_db_query("UPDATE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}category SET parentid={$par_id} WHERE categoryid={$cat['categoryid']};");
             // else { echo "D'oh! " . random_string_of_profanity(); }
     /* Entries */
     $res = @pg_query($wpdb, "SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}posts ORDER BY post_date;");
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO, pg_last_error($wpdb));
     for ($x = 0; $x < pg_num_rows($res); $x++) {
         $entries[$x] = pg_fetch_assoc($res);
         $entry = array('title' => $this->decode($entries[$x]['post_title']), 'isdraft' => $entries[$x]['post_status'] == 'publish' ? 'false' : 'true', 'allow_comments' => $entries[$x]['comment_status'] == 'open' ? 'true' : 'false', 'timestamp' => strtotime($entries[$x]['post_date']), 'body' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['post_content']));
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             if ($user['ID'] == $entries[$x]['post_author']) {
                 $entry['authorid'] = $user['authorid'];
         if (!is_int($entries[$x]['entryid'] = serendipity_updertEntry($entry))) {
             return $entries[$x]['entryid'];
     /* Entry/category */
     $res = @pg_query($wpdb, "SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}post2cat;");
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO, pg_last_error($wpdb));
     while ($a = pg_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         foreach ($categories as $category) {

示例4: serendipity_iframe

 * Prints the content of the iframe.
 * Called by serendipity_is_iframe, when preview is requested. Fetches data from session.
 * An iframe is used so that a single s9y page must not timeout on intensive operations,
 * and so that the frontend stylesheet can be embedded without screwing up the backend.
 * @access private
 * @see serendipity_is_iframe()
 * @param   mixed   The entry array (comes from session variable)
 * @param   string  Indicates whether an entry is previewed or saved. Save performs XML-RPC calls.
 * @param   boolean Use smarty templating?
 * @return  boolean Indicates whether iframe data was printed
function serendipity_iframe(&$entry, $mode = null)
    global $serendipity;
    if (empty($mode) || !is_array($entry)) {
        return false;
    $data = array();
    $data['is_preview'] = true;
    $data['mode'] = $mode;
    switch ($mode) {
        case 'save':
            $res = serendipity_updertEntry($entry);
            $data['updertHooks'] = ob_get_contents();
            if (is_string($res)) {
                $data['res'] = $res;
            if (!empty($serendipity['lastSavedEntry'])) {
                $data['lastSavedEntry'] = $serendipity['lastSavedEntry'];
            $data['entrylink'] = serendipity_archiveURL($res, $entry['title'], 'serendipityHTTPPath', true, array('timestamp' => $entry['timestamp']));
        case 'preview':
            $serendipity['smarty_preview'] = true;
            $data['preview'] = serendipity_printEntries(array($entry), $entry['extended'] != '' ? 1 : 0, true);
    return serendipity_smarty_show('preview_iframe.tpl', $data);

示例5: phoneblogz_post

 function phoneblogz_post($postid, $pbuserno)
     // Firstly try and download the file
     $url = "http://www.phoneblogz.com/listen.php?user=" . $this->get_config("phoneblogz_accesscode") . "&id={$postid}";
     $upload = $this->phoneblogz_upload_fromurl("pbpost.mp3", "", $url);
     if (!isset($upload["error"])) {
         // Deal with the local username
         $localuserid = $this->get_config("phoneblogz_usermap_{$pbuserno}");
         if ($localuserid === FALSE || $localuserid < 1) {
             $localuserid = 1;
         // Default to the admin user
         // Get the local username for this user
         $localuser = serendipity_fetchUsers($localuserid);
         $localusername = $localuser[0]["realname"];
         // Attempt to create a new post
         $post_content = $this->get_config("phoneblogz_text");
         $post_content = str_replace("[FLASH]", $this->phoneblogz_flash($upload["url"]), $post_content);
         $post_content = str_replace("[USER]", $localusername, $post_content);
         $first = strpos($post_content, "[");
         $second = strpos($post_content, "]");
         if ($first !== FALSE && $second !== FALSE && $second > $first) {
             $link = "<a href=\"" . $upload["url"] . "\">";
             $link .= substr($post_content, $first + 1, $second - $first - 1);
             $link .= "</a>";
             $post_content = substr($post_content, 0, $first) . $link . substr($post_content, $second + 1);
         $oldsess = $_SESSION['serendipityRightPublish'];
         $_SESSION['serendipityRightPublish'] = true;
         $entry = array('body' => $post_content, 'title' => str_replace("[USER]", $localusername, $this->get_config('phoneblogz_subject')), 'timestamp' => time(), 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => true, 'authorid' => $localuserid, 'categories' => array($this->get_config('categoryid')));
         $GLOBALS['serendipity']['POST']['properties'] = array('fake' => 'fake');
         $post_ID = serendipity_updertEntry($entry);
         $_SESSION['serendipityRightPublish'] = $oldsess;
         $this->set_config("phoneblogz_status_{$postid}", $post_ID);
         return array("postid" => $post_ID);
     } else {
         return array("error" => "Failed to upload the file.  Exact error: " . $upload["error"]);

示例6: import

 function import()
     global $serendipity;
     // Save this so we can return it to its original value at the end of this method.
     $noautodiscovery = isset($serendipity['noautodiscovery']) ? $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] : false;
     if ($this->data['autodiscovery'] == 'false') {
         $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     $this->data['prefix'] = serendipity_db_escape_string($this->data['prefix']);
     $users = array();
     $entries = array();
     if (!extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
         return MYSQL_REQUIRED;
     $gdb = @mysqli_connect($this->data['host'], $this->data['user'], $this->data['pass']);
     if (!$gdb || mysqli_connect_error()) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_CONNECT, serendipity_specialchars($this->data['host']));
     if (!@mysqli_select_db($gdb, $this->data['name'])) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_DB, mysqli_error($gdb));
     /* Users */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT user_id       AS ID,\n                                    username      AS user_login,\n                                    user_password AS user_pass,\n                                    user_email    AS user_email,\n                                    user_website  AS user_url,\n                                    user_level\n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}users\n                              WHERE user_active = 1", $gdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO, mysqli_error($gdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysqli_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $users[$x] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
         $data = array('right_publish' => 1, 'realname' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'username' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'email' => $users[$x]['user_email'], 'userlevel' => $users[$x]['user_level'] == 0 ? USERLEVEL_EDITOR : USERLEVEL_ADMIN, 'password' => $users[$x]['user_pass']);
         // MD5 compatible
         if ($serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'] < $data['userlevel']) {
             $data['userlevel'] = $serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'];
         serendipity_db_insert('authors', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
         echo mysqli_error();
         $users[$x]['authorid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('authors', 'authorid');
     /* Categories */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT cat_id AS cat_ID, \n                                    cat_title AS cat_name \n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}categories", $gdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, mysqli_error($gdb));
     // Get all the info we need
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysqli_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $parent_categories[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = sizeof($parent_categories); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $cat = array('category_name' => $parent_categories[$x]['cat_name'], 'category_description' => '', 'parentid' => 0, 'category_left' => 0, 'category_right' => 0);
         serendipity_db_insert('category', $this->strtrRecursive($cat));
         $parent_categories[$x]['categoryid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('category', 'categoryid');
     /* Categories */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT forum_id AS cat_ID,\n                                    cat_id   AS parent_cat_id, \n                                    forum_name AS cat_name, \n                                    forum_desc AS category_description \n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}forums ORDER BY forum_order;", $gdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, mysqli_error($gdb));
     // Get all the info we need
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysqli_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $categories[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
     // Insert all categories as top level (we need to know everyone's ID before we can represent the hierarchy).
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = sizeof($categories); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $pcatid = 0;
         foreach ($parent_categories as $pcat) {
             if ($pcat['cat_ID'] == $categories[$x]['parent_cat_id']) {
                 $pcatid = $pcat['cat_ID'];
         $cat = array('category_name' => $categories[$x]['cat_name'], 'category_description' => $categories[$x]['category_description'], 'parentid' => $pcatid, 'category_left' => 0, 'category_right' => 0);
         serendipity_db_insert('category', $this->strtrRecursive($cat));
         $categories[$x]['categoryid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('category', 'categoryid');
     /* Entries */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT t.topic_title, \n                                    t.topic_poster,\n                                    t.forum_id,\n                                    p.post_time,\n                                    pt.post_subject,\n                                    pt.post_text,\n                                    count(p.topic_id) AS ccount,\n                                    p.topic_id,\n                                    MIN(p.post_id) AS post_id\n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}topics AS t\n                    LEFT OUTER JOIN {$this->data['prefix']}posts  AS p\n                                 ON t.topic_id = p.topic_id\n                    LEFT OUTER JOIN {$this->data['prefix']}posts_text  AS pt\n                                 ON pt.post_id = p.post_id\n                           GROUP BY p.topic_id\n                           ", $gdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO, mysqli_error($gdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysqli_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $entries[$x] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
         $entry = array('title' => $this->decode($entries[$x]['post_subject']), 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'timestamp' => $entries[$x]['post_time'], 'body' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['post_text']), 'extended' => '');
         $entry['authorid'] = '';
         $entry['author'] = '';
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             if ($user['ID'] == $entries[$x]['topic_poster']) {
                 $entry['authorid'] = $user['authorid'];
                 $entry['author'] = $user['user_login'];
         if (!is_int($entries[$x]['entryid'] = serendipity_updertEntry($entry))) {
             return $entries[$x]['entryid'];
         /* Entry/category */
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             if ($category['cat_ID'] == $entries[$x]['forum_id']) {
                 $data = array('entryid' => $entries[$x]['entryid'], 'categoryid' => $category['categoryid']);
                 serendipity_db_insert('entrycat', $this->strtrRecursive($data));

示例7: import

 function import()
     global $serendipity;
     // Save this so we can return it to its original value at the end of this method.
     $noautodiscovery = isset($serendipity['noautodiscovery']) ? $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] : false;
     if ($this->data['autodiscovery'] == 'false') {
         $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     $this->data['prefix'] = serendipity_db_escape_string($this->data['prefix']);
     $users = array();
     $categories = array();
     $entries = array();
     if (!extension_loaded('mysql')) {
         return MYSQL_REQUIRED;
     $nucdb = @mysql_connect($this->data['host'], $this->data['user'], $this->data['pass']);
     if (!$nucdb) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_CONNECT, $this->data['host']);
     if (!@mysql_select_db($this->data['name'])) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_DB, mysql_error($nucdb));
     /* Users */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT mnumber AS ID, mname AS user_login, mpassword AS user_pass, memail AS user_email, madmin AS user_level FROM {$this->data['prefix']}member;", $nucdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO, mysql_error($nucdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $users[$x] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         $data = array('right_publish' => $users[$x]['user_level'] >= 1 ? 1 : 0, 'realname' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'username' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'email' => $users[$x]['user_email'], 'password' => $users[$x]['user_pass']);
         // Nucleus uses md5, too.
         if ($users[$x]['user_level'] < 1) {
             $data['userlevel'] = USERLEVEL_EDITOR;
         } else {
             $data['userlevel'] = USERLEVEL_ADMIN;
         if ($serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'] < $data['userlevel']) {
             $data['userlevel'] = $serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'];
         serendipity_db_insert('authors', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
         $users[$x]['authorid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('authors', 'authorid');
     /* Categories */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT catid AS cat_ID, cname AS cat_name, cdesc AS category_description FROM {$this->data['prefix']}category ORDER BY catid;", $nucdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, mysql_error($nucdb));
     // Get all the info we need
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $categories[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
     // Insert all categories as top level (we need to know everyone's ID before we can represent the hierarchy).
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = sizeof($categories); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $cat = array('category_name' => $categories[$x]['cat_name'], 'category_description' => $categories[$x]['category_description'], 'parentid' => 0, 'category_left' => 0, 'category_right' => 0);
         serendipity_db_insert('category', $this->strtrRecursive($cat));
         $categories[$x]['categoryid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('category', 'categoryid');
     /* Entries */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}item ORDER BY itime;", $nucdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO, mysql_error($nucdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $entries[$x] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         $entry = array('title' => $this->decode($entries[$x]['ititle']), 'isdraft' => $entries[$x]['idraft'] != '1' ? 'false' : 'true', 'allow_comments' => $entries[$x]['iclosed'] == '1' ? 'false' : 'true', 'timestamp' => strtotime($entries[$x]['itime']), 'extended' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['imore']), 'body' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['ibody']));
         $entry['authorid'] = '';
         $entry['author'] = '';
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             if ($user['ID'] == $entries[$x]['iauthor']) {
                 $entry['authorid'] = $user['authorid'];
                 $entry['author'] = $user['realname'];
         if (!is_int($entries[$x]['entryid'] = serendipity_updertEntry($entry))) {
             return $entries[$x]['entryid'];
         /* Entry/category */
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             if ($category['cat_ID'] == $entries[$x]['icat']) {
                 $data = array('entryid' => $entries[$x]['entryid'], 'categoryid' => $category['categoryid']);
                 serendipity_db_insert('entrycat', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
     /* Comments */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}comment;", $nucdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_COMMENT_INFO, mysql_error($nucdb));
     while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($entry['inumber'] == $a['citem']) {
                 $author = '';
                 $mail = '';
                 if (!empty($a['cmember'])) {
                     foreach ($users as $user) {

示例8: import

 function import()
     global $serendipity;
     if (!file_exists($this->data['url'])) {
         printf(FILE_NOT_FOUND, htmlspecialchars($this->data['url']));
         return false;
     $file = file_get_contents($this->data['url']);
     $tree =& $this->parseXML($file);
     $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     foreach ($tree[0]['children'] as $idx => $entry) {
         if (!is_array($entry)) {
         if ($entry['tag'] != 'entry') {
         $new_entry = array('allow_comments' => true, 'extended' => '', 'categories' => array(), 'isdraft' => $this->data['type'] == 'draft' ? 'true' : 'false', 'categories' => array($this->data['category'] => $this->data['category']));
         if (!is_array($entry['children'])) {
         foreach ($entry['children'] as $idx2 => $entrydata) {
             if (!is_array($entrydata)) {
             switch ($entrydata['tag']) {
                 case 'eventtime':
                     $new_entry['timestamp'] = $this->getTimestamp($entrydata['value']);
                 case 'date':
                     $new_entry['timestamp'] = $this->getTimestamp($entrydata['value']);
                 case 'subject':
                     $new_entry['title'] = $entrydata['value'];
                 case 'event':
                     $new_entry['body'] = $entrydata['value'];
                 case 'comments':
                     $new_entry['comments'] = $this->gatherComments($entrydata);
         $id = serendipity_updertEntry($new_entry);
         echo 'Inserted entry #' . $id . ', "' . htmlspecialchars($new_entry['title']) . '"<br />' . "\n";
         if (is_array($new_entry['comments'])) {
             $cid_map = array();
             $jids = array();
             foreach ($new_entry['comments'] as $comment) {
                 array_push($jids, $comment['jtalkid']);
                 if (array_key_exists($comment['jparentid'], $cid_map)) {
                     $comment['parent_id'] = $cid_map[$comment['jparentid']];
                 $cid = serendipity_insertComment($id, $comment);
                 $cid_map[$comment['jtalkid']] = $cid;
             echo 'Inserted comments for entry #' . $id . '<br />' . "\n";
         if (function_exists('ob_flush')) {
         if (function_exists('flush')) {
     return true;

示例9: fetchFeeds

             if (!empty($ep_id) and serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('ignore_updates'))) {
                 if ($this->debug) {
                     printf("DEBUG: entry %s is known and ignore_updates is set.\n", $ep_id);
             # NOTE: If $ep_id is NULL or EMPTY, it means that an entry with this title does not
             #       yet exist. Later on we check if a similar entry with the body exists and skip
             #       updates in this case. Else it means that the new entry needs to be inserted
             #       as a new one.
             # The entry is probably new?
             $entry = array('id' => $ep_id, 'title' => $item['title'], 'timestamp' => $item['date'], 'extended' => '', 'isdraft' => serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('publishflag')) ? 'false' : 'true', 'allow_comments' => serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('allow_comments')) ? 'true' : 'false', 'categories' => $feed['categoryids'], 'author' => $feed['feedname'], 'authorid' => $feed_authorid);
             // ----------------------------------------------------------
             //    CLSC: Added a few flavours
             if ($item['content:encoded']) {
                 $entry['body'] = $item['content:encoded'];
             } elseif ($item['description']) {
                 $entry['body'] = $item['description'];
             } elseif ($item['content']['encoded']) {
                 $entry['body'] = $item['content']['encoded'];
             } elseif ($item['atom_content']) {
                 $entry['body'] = $item['atom_content'];
             } elseif ($item['content']) {
                 $entry['body'] = $item['content'];
             $md5hash = md5($feed_authorid . $item['title'] . $entry['body']);
             # Check 1: Have we seen this MD5?
             if ($this->debug) {
                 printf("DEBUG: lookup cache_md5[%s] finds %s.\n", $md5hash, empty($cache_md5[$md5hash]) ? "nothing" : $cache_md5[$md5hash]['entryid']);
             # If we have this md5, title and body for this article
             # are unchanged. We do not need to do anything.
             if (isset($cache_md5[$md5hash])) {
             # Check 2 (conditional: expire enabled?):
             #         Is this article too old?
             if ($this->get_config('expire') > 0) {
                 $expire = time() - 86400 * $this->get_config('expire');
                 if ($item['date'] < $expire) {
                     if ($this->debug) {
                         printf("DEBUG: '%s' is too old (%s < %s).\n", $item['title'], $item['date'], $expire);
             # Check 3: Does this article match our expressions?
             if (!empty($feed['match_expression'])) {
                 $expressions = explode("~", $feed['match_expression']);
                 $match = 0;
                 foreach ($expressions as $expression) {
                     $expression = ltrim(rtrim($expression));
                     if (preg_match("~{$expression}~imsU", $entry['title'] . $entry['body'])) {
                         $match = 1;
                 if ($match == 0) {
             $feed['articleurl'] = $item['link'];
             if ($item['author']) {
                 $feed['author'] = $item['author'];
             } elseif ($item['dc:creator']) {
                 $feed['author'] = $item['dc:creator'];
             // Store as property
             // Plugins might need this.
             $serendipity['POST']['properties'] = array('fake' => 'fake');
             $markups = explode('^', $this->get_config('markup'));
             if (is_array($markups)) {
                 foreach ($markups as $markup) {
                     $serendipity['POST']['properties']['disable_markups'][] = $markup;
             if ($opt['store_seperate']) {
                 if ($entry['id'] > 0) {
                     serendipity_db_query("UPDATE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}aggregator_feedlist \n                        SET feedid      = '" . $feed['feedid'] . "',\n                            categoryid  = '" . $feed['categoryids'][0] . "',\n                            entrydate   = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($entry['timestamp']) . "',\n                            entrytitle  = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($entry['title']) . "',\n                            entrybody   = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($entry['body']) . "',\n                            entryurl    = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($item['link']) . "'\n                        WHERE id = " . $entry['id']);
                     $entryid = $entry['id'];
                 } else {
                     serendipity_db_query("INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}aggregator_feedlist (\n                            feedid,\n                            categoryid,\n                            entrydate,\n                            entrytitle,\n                            entrybody,\n                            entryurl\n                        ) VALUES (\n                            '" . $feed['feedid'] . "',\n                            '" . $feed['categoryids'][0] . "',\n                            '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($entry['timestamp']) . "',\n                            '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($entry['title']) . "',\n                            '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($entry['body']) . "',\n                            '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($item['link']) . "'\n                        )");
                     $entryid = serendipity_db_insert_id();
                 $this->feedupdate_finish($feed, $entryid);
             } else {
                 $entryid = serendipity_updertEntry($entry);
                 $this->insertProperties($entryid, $feed, $md5hash);
             if (!$opt['store_seperate']) {
                 printf(" Save '%s' as %s.\n", $item['title'], $entryid);
         if (!$opt['store_seperate']) {
             printf("Finish feed.\n");
     if (!$opt['store_seperate']) {
         printf("Finish planetarium.\n");

示例10: serendipity_serverOffsetHour

 // Save server timezone in database always, so substract the offset we added for display; otherwise it would be added time and again
 if (!empty($entry['timestamp'])) {
     $entry['timestamp'] = serendipity_serverOffsetHour($entry['timestamp'], true);
 // Save the entry, or just display a preview
 $data['use_legacy'] = $use_legacy = true;
 serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_entry_iframe', $use_legacy);
 if ($use_legacy) {
     $data['switched_output'] = true;
     if ($serendipity['POST']['preview'] != 'true') {
         /* We don't need an iframe to save a draft */
         if ($serendipity['POST']['isdraft'] == 'true') {
             $data['is_draft'] = true;
             $errors = serendipity_updertEntry($entry);
             if (is_numeric($errors)) {
                 $errors = "";
         } else {
             if ($serendipity['use_iframe']) {
                 $data['is_iframe'] = true;
                 $data['iframe'] = serendipity_iframe_create('save', $entry);
             } else {
                 $data['iframe'] = serendipity_iframe($entry, 'save');
     } else {
         // Only display the preview
         $serendipity['hidefooter'] = true;
         // Advanced templates use this to show update status and elapsed time

示例11: import

 function import()
     global $serendipity;
     // Save this so we can return it to its original value at the end of this method.
     $noautodiscovery = isset($serendipity['noautodiscovery']) ? $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] : false;
     if ($this->data['autodiscovery'] == 'false') {
         $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     $this->data['prefix'] = serendipity_db_escape_string($this->data['prefix']);
     $users = array();
     $entries = array();
     if (!extension_loaded('mysql')) {
         return MYSQL_REQUIRED;
     $gdb = @mysql_connect($this->data['host'], $this->data['user'], $this->data['pass']);
     if (!$gdb) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_CONNECT, $this->data['host']);
     if (!@mysql_select_db($this->data['name'])) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_DB, mysql_error($gdb));
     /* Users */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT ID_MEMBER       AS ID,\r\n                                    memberName      AS user_login,\r\n                                    passwd AS user_pass,\r\n                                    emailAddress    AS user_email,\r\n                                    ID_GROUP AS user_level\r\n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}members\r\n                              WHERE is_activated = 1", $gdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO, mysql_error($gdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $users[$x] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         $data = array('right_publish' => 1, 'realname' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'username' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'email' => $users[$x]['user_email'], 'userlevel' => $users[$x]['user_level'] == 1 ? USERLEVEL_ADMIN : USERLEVEL_EDITO, 'password' => $users[$x]['user_pass']);
         // MD5 compatible
         if ($serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'] < $data['userlevel']) {
             $data['userlevel'] = $serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'];
         serendipity_db_insert('authors', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
         echo mysql_error();
         $users[$x]['authorid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('authors', 'authorid');
     /* Categories */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT ID_CAT AS cat_ID,\r\n                                    name AS cat_name\r\n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}categories", $gdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, mysql_error($gdb));
     // Get all the info we need
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $parent_categories[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = sizeof($parent_categories); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $cat = array('category_name' => $parent_categories[$x]['cat_name'], 'category_description' => '', 'parentid' => 0, 'category_left' => 0, 'category_right' => 0);
         serendipity_db_insert('category', $this->strtrRecursive($cat));
         $parent_categories[$x]['categoryid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('category', 'categoryid');
     /* Categories */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT ID_BOARD AS cat_ID,\r\n                                    ID_CAT   AS parent_cat_id,\r\n                                    name AS cat_name,\r\n                                    description AS category_description\r\n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}boards ORDER BY boardOrder;", $gdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, mysql_error($gdb));
     // Get all the info we need
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $categories[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
     // Insert all categories as top level (we need to know everyone's ID before we can represent the hierarchy).
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = sizeof($categories); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $pcatid = 0;
         foreach ($parent_categories as $pcat) {
             if ($pcat['cat_ID'] == $categories[$x]['parent_cat_id']) {
                 $pcatid = $pcat['cat_ID'];
         $cat = array('category_name' => $categories[$x]['cat_name'], 'category_description' => $categories[$x]['category_description'], 'parentid' => $pcatid, 'category_left' => 0, 'category_right' => 0);
         serendipity_db_insert('category', $this->strtrRecursive($cat));
         $categories[$x]['categoryid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('category', 'categoryid');
     /* Entries */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT\r\n\r\n        tm.subject AS post_subject,\r\n        t.ID_MEMBER_STARTED AS topic_poster,\r\n        t.ID_BOARD AS forum_id,\r\n        tm.posterTime AS post_time,\r\n        tm.body AS post_text,\r\n        t.ID_TOPIC AS topic_id,\r\n        t.ID_FIRST_MSG AS post_id,\r\n        t.numReplies AS ccount\r\n\r\n        FROM {$this->data['prefix']}topics AS t\r\n        JOIN {$this->data['prefix']}messages AS tm\r\n          ON tm.ID_MSG = t.ID_FIRST_MSG\r\n\r\n        GROUP BY t.ID_TOPIC", $gdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO, mysql_error($gdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $entries[$x] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         $entry = array('title' => $this->decode($entries[$x]['post_subject']), 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'timestamp' => $entries[$x]['post_time'], 'body' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['post_text']), 'extended' => '');
         $entry['authorid'] = '';
         $entry['author'] = '';
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             if ($user['ID'] == $entries[$x]['topic_poster']) {
                 $entry['authorid'] = $user['authorid'];
                 $entry['author'] = $user['user_login'];
         if (!is_int($entries[$x]['entryid'] = serendipity_updertEntry($entry))) {
             return $entries[$x]['entryid'];
         /* Entry/category */
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             if ($category['cat_ID'] == $entries[$x]['forum_id']) {
                 $data = array('entryid' => $entries[$x]['entryid'], 'categoryid' => $category['categoryid']);
                 serendipity_db_insert('entrycat', $this->strtrRecursive($data));

示例12: displayTagUpdate

     * Backend Administration Method (7): Rebuild entry auto-keyword tags
     * @see     displayManageTags() case 7
    function displayTagUpdate()
        global $serendipity;
        $limit = 25;
        $page = isset($serendipity['GET']['page']) ? $serendipity['GET']['page'] : 1;
        $from = ($page - 1) * $limit;
        $to = $page * $limit;
        if ($serendipity['version'][0] > 1) {
            echo '<h3>';
        printf(PLUGIN_EVENT_FREETAG_REBUILD_FETCHNO, $from, $to);
        $entries = serendipity_fetchEntries(null, true, $limit, false, false, 'timestamp DESC', '', true);
        $total = serendipity_getTotalEntries();
        if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
            printf(PLUGIN_EVENT_FREETAG_REBUILD_TOTAL . '<br />', $total);
        } else {
            printf(PLUGIN_EVENT_FREETAG_REBUILD_TOTAL, $total);
            echo '</h3>';
        if (is_array($entries)) {
            if ($serendipity['version'][0] > 1) {
                echo '<ul class="plainList">' . "\n";
            foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
                    printf('%d - "%s"<br />', $entry['id'], self::specialchars_mapper($entry['title']));
                } else {
                    printf('    <li>%d - "%s"', $entry['id'], self::specialchars_mapper($entry['title']));
                $serendipity['POST']['properties']['fake'] = 'fake';
                $current_cat = $entry['categories'];
                $entry['categories'] = array();
                foreach ($current_cat as $categoryidx => $category_data) {
                    $entry['categories'][$category_data['categoryid']] = $category_data['categoryid'];
                $up = serendipity_updertEntry($entry);
                if (is_string($up)) {
                    echo "<div>{$up}</div>\n";
                if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
                    echo DONE . "<br />\n";
                } else {
                    echo ' ... ' . DONE . "</li>\n";
            if ($serendipity['version'][0] > 1) {
                echo "</ul>\n";
        if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
            echo '<br />';
        if ($to < $total) {

            <script type="text/javascript">
                if (confirm("<?php 
")) {
                    location.href = "?serendipity[adminModule]=event_display&serendipity[adminAction]=managetags&serendipity[tagview]=tagupdate&serendipity[page]=<?php 
            echo (int) ($page + 1);
                } else {
            echo DONE;

        } else {
            if ($serendipity['version'][0] < 2) {
                echo '<div class="serendipity_msg_notice">' . DONE . '</div>';
            } else {
                echo '<span class="msg_notice"><span class="icon-info-circled"></span>' . DONE . "</span>\n";

示例13: import

 function import()
     global $serendipity;
     // Save this so we can return it to its original value at the end of this method.
     $noautodiscovery = isset($serendipity['noautodiscovery']) ? $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] : false;
     if ($this->data['autodiscovery'] == 'false') {
         $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     $users = array();
     $entries = array();
     if (!extension_loaded('mysql')) {
         return MYSQL_REQUIRED;
     $nukedb = @mysql_connect($this->data['host'], $this->data['user'], $this->data['pass']);
     if (!$nukedb) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_CONNECT, $this->data['host']);
     if (!@mysql_select_db($this->data['name'])) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_DB, mysql_error($nukedb));
     /* Users: Authors */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT\n                                            aid         AS user_login,\n                                            `pwd`       AS user_pass,\n                                            email       AS user_email,\n                                            name        AS user_name,\n                                            radminsuper AS user_level,\n                                            aid         AS ID\n                                       FROM nuke_authors", $nukedb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO, mysql_error($nukedb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $users[$x] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         $data = array('right_publish' => true, 'realname' => $users[$x]['user_name'], 'username' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'userlevel' => $users[$x]['user_level'] > 0 ? USERLEVEL_ADMIN : USERLEVEL_EDITOR, 'email' => $users[$x]['user_email'], 'password' => md5($users[$x]['user_pass']));
         if ($serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'] < $data['userlevel']) {
             $data['userlevel'] = $serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'];
         serendipity_db_insert('authors', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
         $users[$x]['authorid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('authors', 'authorid');
     /* Users: Users */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT\n                                            u.uname      AS user_login,\n                                            u.pass       AS user_pass,\n                                            u.email      AS user_email,\n                                            u.name       AS user_name,\n                                            s.user_level AS user_level,\n                                            uname        AS ID\n                                       FROM nuke_users AS u\n                                       JOIN nuke_users_status AS s\n                                         ON u.uid = s.user_id\n                                       ", $nukedb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO, mysql_error($nukedb));
     for ($x = $x, $max_x = $x + mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $users[$x] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         if (empty($users[$x]['user_name'])) {
             $users[$x]['user_name'] = $users[$x]['user_login'];
         $data = array('right_publish' => true, 'realname' => $users[$x]['user_name'], 'username' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'userlevel' => $users[$x]['user_level'] > 1 ? USERLEVEL_ADMIN : USERLEVEL_EDITOR, 'email' => $users[$x]['user_email'], 'password' => md5($users[$x]['user_pass']));
         if ($serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'] < $data['userlevel']) {
             $data['userlevel'] = $serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'];
         serendipity_db_insert('authors', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
         $users[$x]['authorid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('authors', 'authorid');
     /* Categories */
     if (!$this->importCategories($nukedb)) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, mysql_error($nukedb));
     /* Entries */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT\n                                           sid                    AS ID,\n                                           UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) AS tstamp,\n                                           aid                    AS post_author,\n                                           informant              AS informant,\n                                           \n                                           title                  AS post_title,\n                                           hometext               AS post_content,\n                                           bodytext               AS extended\n                                      FROM nuke_stories", $nukedb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO, mysql_error($nukedb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $entries[$x] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         if (!empty($entries[$x]['informant'])) {
             $entries[$x]['post_author'] = $entries[$x]['informant'];
         $entry = array('title' => $this->decode($entries[$x]['post_title']), 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'timestamp' => $entries[$x]['tstamp'], 'body' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['post_content']), 'extended' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['extended']));
         $entry['authorid'] = '';
         $entry['author'] = '';
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             if ($user['ID'] == $entries[$x]['post_author']) {
                 $entry['authorid'] = $user['authorid'];
                 $entry['author'] = $user['user_login'];
         if (!is_int($entries[$x]['entryid'] = serendipity_updertEntry($entry))) {
             return $entries[$x]['entryid'];
     /* Even more category stuff */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT sid AS postcat_post_ID,\n                                           topic AS postcat_cat_ID\n                                      FROM nuke_stories", $nukedb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, mysql_error($nukedb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $entrycat = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         $entryid = 0;
         $categoryid = 0;
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($entry['ID'] == $entrycat['postcat_post_ID']) {
                 $entryid = $entry['entryid'];
         foreach ($this->categories as $category) {
             if ($category['cat_ID'] == $entrycat['postcat_cat_ID']) {
                 $categoryid = $category['categoryid'];

示例14: import

 function import()
     global $serendipity;
     if (serendipity_db_bool($this->data['wpxrss'])) {
         return $this->import_wpxrss();
     $c = new Onyx_RSS($this->data['charset']);
     $this->data['encoding'] = $c->rss['encoding'];
     $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     while ($item = $c->getNextItem()) {
         $entry = array();
         if ($this->buildEntry($item, $entry)) {
     return true;

示例15: import

 function import()
     global $serendipity;
     // Save this so we can return it to its original value at the end of this method.
     $noautodiscovery = isset($serendipity['noautodiscovery']) ? $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] : false;
     if ($this->data['autodiscovery'] == 'false') {
         $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1;
     $this->data['prefix'] = serendipity_db_escape_string($this->data['prefix']);
     $users = array();
     $entries = array();
     if (!extension_loaded('mysql')) {
         return MYSQL_REQUIRED;
     $txpdb = @mysql_connect($this->data['host'], $this->data['user'], $this->data['pass']);
     if (!$txpdb) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_CONNECT, $this->data['host']);
     if (!@mysql_select_db($this->data['name'])) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_DB, mysql_error($txpdb));
     /* Users */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT user_id    AS ID,\n                                    name       AS user_login,\n                                    `pass`     AS user_pass,\n                                    email      AS user_email,\n                                    privs      AS user_level\n                               FROM {$this->data['prefix']}txp_users", $txpdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO, mysql_error($txpdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $users[$x] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         $data = array('right_publish' => $users[$x]['user_level'] <= 4 ? 1 : 0, 'realname' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'username' => $users[$x]['user_login'], 'email' => $users[$x]['user_email'], 'password' => md5('txp'));
         // blame TXP for using PASSWORD().
         if ($users[$x]['user_level'] == 1) {
             $data['userlevel'] = USERLEVEL_EDITOR;
         } elseif ($users[$x]['user_level'] == 2) {
             $data['userlevel'] = USERLEVEL_CHIEF;
         } else {
             $data['userlevel'] = USERLEVEL_ADMIN;
         if ($serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'] < $data['userlevel']) {
             $data['userlevel'] = $serendipity['serendipityUserlevel'];
         serendipity_db_insert('authors', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
         $users[$x]['authorid'] = serendipity_db_insert_id('authors', 'authorid');
     /* Categories */
     if (!$this->importCategories('root', 0, $txpdb)) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO, mysql_error($txpdb));
     /* Entries */
     // Notice: Textpattern doesn't honor the prefix for this table. Wicked system.
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}textpattern ORDER BY Posted;", $txpdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO, mysql_error($txpdb));
     for ($x = 0, $max_x = mysql_num_rows($res); $x < $max_x; $x++) {
         $entries[$x] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
         $entry = array('title' => $this->decode($entries[$x]['Title']), 'isdraft' => $entries[$x]['Status'] == '4' ? 'false' : 'true', 'allow_comments' => $entries[$x]['Annotate'] == '1' ? 'true' : 'false', 'timestamp' => strtotime($entries[$x]['Posted']), 'extended' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['Body_html']), 'body' => $this->strtr($entries[$x]['Excerpt']));
         $entry['authorid'] = '';
         $entry['author'] = '';
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             if ($user['user_login'] == $entries[$x]['AuthorID']) {
                 $entry['authorid'] = $user['authorid'];
                 $entry['author'] = $user['user_login'];
         if (!is_int($entries[$x]['entryid'] = serendipity_updertEntry($entry))) {
             return $entries[$x]['entryid'];
         /* Entry/category */
         foreach ($this->categories as $category) {
             if ($category['name'] == $entries[$x]['Category1'] || $category['name'] == $entries[$x]['Category2']) {
                 $data = array('entryid' => $entries[$x]['entryid'], 'categoryid' => $category['categoryid']);
                 serendipity_db_insert('entrycat', $this->strtrRecursive($data));
     /* Comments */
     $res = @$this->nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}txp_discuss;", $txpdb);
     if (!$res) {
         return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_COMMENT_INFO, mysql_error($txpdb));
     while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($entry['ID'] == $a['parentid']) {
                 $author = $a['name'];
                 $mail = $a['email'];
                 $url = $a['web'];
                 $comment = array('entry_id ' => $entry['entryid'], 'parent_id' => 0, 'timestamp' => strtotime($a['posted']), 'author' => $author, 'email' => $mail, 'url' => $url, 'ip' => $a['ip'], 'status' => $a['visible'] == '1' ? 'approved' : 'pending', 'body' => $a['message'], 'subscribed' => 'false', 'type' => 'NORMAL');
                 serendipity_db_insert('comments', $this->strtrRecursive($comment));
                 if ($a['visible'] == '1') {
                     $cid = serendipity_db_insert_id('comments', 'id');
                     serendipity_approveComment($cid, $entry['entryid'], true);
     $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = $noautodiscovery;
