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PHP nv_info_die函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中nv_info_die函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP nv_info_die函数的具体用法?PHP nv_info_die怎么用?PHP nv_info_die使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: nv_site_theme

function nv_site_theme($contents, $full = true)
    global $home, $array_mod_title, $lang_global, $language_array, $global_config, $site_mods, $module_name, $module_info, $op_file, $mod_title, $my_head, $my_footer, $client_info, $module_config, $op, $drag_block;
    // Determine tpl file, check exists tpl file
    $layout_file = $full ? 'layout.' . $module_info['layout_funcs'][$op_file] . '.tpl' : 'simple.tpl';
    if (!file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/layout/' . $layout_file)) {
        nv_info_die($lang_global['error_layout_title'], $lang_global['error_layout_title'], $lang_global['error_layout_content']);
    if (isset($global_config['sitetimestamp'])) {
        $global_config['timestamp'] += $global_config['sitetimestamp'];
    $css = nv_html_css();
    // Css for admin
    if (defined('NV_IS_ADMIN') and $full) {
        $css .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . NV_BASE_SITEURL . "themes/" . $global_config['module_theme'] . "/css/admin.css\" />\n";
    // Style config
    if (isset($module_config['themes'][$global_config['module_theme']])) {
        if (!file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . SYSTEM_FILES_DIR . '/css/theme_' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '_' . $global_config['idsite'] . '.css')) {
            $config_theme = unserialize($module_config['themes'][$global_config['module_theme']]);
            $css_content = nv_css_setproperties('body', $config_theme['body']);
            $css_content .= nv_css_setproperties('a, a:link, a:active, a:visited', $config_theme['a_link']);
            $css_content .= nv_css_setproperties('a:hover', $config_theme['a_link_hover']);
            $css_content .= nv_css_setproperties('#wraper', $config_theme['content']);
            $css_content .= nv_css_setproperties('#header, #banner', $config_theme['header']);
            $css_content .= nv_css_setproperties('#footer', $config_theme['footer']);
            $css_content .= nv_css_setproperties('.panel, .well, .nv-block-banners', $config_theme['block']);
            $css_content .= nv_css_setproperties('.panel-default>.panel-heading', $config_theme['block_heading']);
            $css_content .= nv_css_setproperties('generalcss', $config_theme['generalcss']);
            // Không nên thay đổi "generalcss"
            file_put_contents(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . SYSTEM_FILES_DIR . '/css/theme_' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '_' . $global_config['idsite'] . '.css', $css_content);
            unset($config_theme, $css_content);
        $my_footer .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . NV_BASE_SITEURL . SYSTEM_FILES_DIR . "/css/theme_" . $global_config['module_theme'] . "_" . $global_config['idsite'] . ".css?t=" . $global_config['timestamp'] . "\" />\n";
    $xtpl = new XTemplate($layout_file, NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/layout');
    $xtpl->assign('LANG', $lang_global);
    $xtpl->assign('TEMPLATE', $global_config['module_theme']);
    $xtpl->assign('NV_BASE_SITEURL', NV_BASE_SITEURL);
    // System variables
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_PAGE_TITLE', nv_html_page_title());
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_META_TAGS', nv_html_meta_tags());
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_SITE_RSS', nv_html_site_rss());
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_CSS', $css);
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_SITE_JS', nv_html_site_js());
    // Module contents
    $xtpl->assign('MODULE_CONTENT', $contents);
    // Header variables
    $xtpl->assign('SITE_NAME', $global_config['site_name']);
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_SITE_HREF', NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA);
    $xtpl->assign('LOGO_SRC', NV_BASE_SITEURL . $global_config['site_logo']);
    $size = @getimagesize(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $global_config['site_logo']);
    $xtpl->assign('LOGO_WIDTH', $size[0]);
    $xtpl->assign('LOGO_HEIGHT', $size[1]);
    if (isset($size['mime']) and $size['mime'] == 'application/x-shockwave-flash') {
    } else {
    if ($op == 'main') {
    } else {
    // Only full theme
    if ($full) {
        // Search form variables
        $xtpl->assign('THEME_SEARCH_SUBMIT_ONCLICK', "nv_search_submit('topmenu_search_query', 'topmenu_search_submit', " . NV_MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH . ", " . NV_MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH . ");");
        // Breadcrumbs
        if ($home != 1) {
            if ($global_config['rewrite_op_mod'] != $module_name) {
                $arr_cat_title_i = array('catid' => 0, 'title' => $module_info['custom_title'], 'link' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&amp;' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name);
                array_unshift($array_mod_title, $arr_cat_title_i);
            if (!empty($array_mod_title)) {
                foreach ($array_mod_title as $arr_cat_title_i) {
                    $xtpl->assign('BREADCRUMBS', $arr_cat_title_i);
        // Statistics image
        $theme_stat_img = '';
        if ($global_config['statistic'] and isset($site_mods['statistics'])) {
            $theme_stat_img .= "<a title=\"" . $lang_global['viewstats'] . "\" href=\"" . NV_BASE_SITEURL . "index.php?" . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . "=" . NV_LANG_DATA . "&amp;" . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . "=statistics\"><img alt=\"" . $lang_global['viewstats'] . "\" src=\"" . NV_BASE_SITEURL . "index.php?second=statimg&amp;p=" . nv_genpass() . "\" width=\"88\" height=\"31\" /></a>\n";
        $xtpl->assign('THEME_STAT_IMG', $theme_stat_img);
        // Change theme types
        if (!empty($global_config['switch_mobi_des'])) {
            $mobile_theme = empty($module_info['mobile']) ? $global_config['mobile_theme'] : $module_info['mobile'];
            if (!empty($mobile_theme)) {
                $num_theme_type = sizeof($global_config['array_theme_type']) - 1;
                foreach ($global_config['array_theme_type'] as $i => $theme_type) {
                    $xtpl->assign('STHEME_TYPE', NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&amp;' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&amp;nv' . NV_LANG_DATA . 'themever=' . $theme_type . '&amp;nv_redirect=' . nv_base64_encode($client_info['selfurl']));
                    $xtpl->assign('STHEME_TITLE', $lang_global['theme_type_' . $theme_type]);
                    $xtpl->assign('STHEME_INFO', sprintf($lang_global['theme_type_chose'], $lang_global['theme_type_' . $theme_type]));
                    if ($theme_type == $global_config['current_theme_type']) {

示例2: die

 * @Project NUKEVIET 4.x
 * @Author VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)
 * @Copyright (C) 2015 VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved
 * @License GNU/GPL version 2 or any later version
 * @Createdate Sun, 10 May 2015 01:36:45 GMT
if (!defined('NV_IS_MOD_BLOOD_BANK')) {
$page_title = $module_info['custom_title'];
$key_words = $module_info['keywords'];
$array_data = array();
$array_history = array();
if (!nv_user_in_groups($array_config['groups_view_member'])) {
    $redirect = '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="4;URL=' . nv_url_rewrite(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php', true) . '" />';
    nv_info_die($lang_module['error_not_permission_title'], $lang_module['error_not_permission_title'], $lang_module['error_not_permission_content'] . $redirect);
$result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . NV_PREFIXLANG . '_' . $module_data . ' WHERE id=' . $id);
if ($result->rowCount() > 0) {
    $array_data = $result->fetch();
} else {
    Header('Location: ' . nv_url_rewrite(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name, true));
$row['photo'] = '';
$result = $db->query('SELECT photo FROM ' . NV_USERS_GLOBALTABLE . ' WHERE userid=' . $array_data['userid']);
if ($result->rowCount() > 0) {
    $array_data['photo'] = $result->fetchColumn();
$result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . NV_PREFIXLANG . '_' . $module_data . '_donation_person WHERE identity_card=' . $db->quote($array_data['identity_card']));

示例3: elseif

        } elseif (!empty($row['bid'])) {
            $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . NV_BLOCKS_TABLE . '_groups WHERE bid=' . $row['bid']);
            $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . NV_BLOCKS_TABLE . '_weight WHERE bid=' . $row['bid']);
$groups_view = explode(',', $row['groups_view']);
$sql = 'SELECT func_id, func_custom_name, in_module FROM ' . NV_MODFUNCS_TABLE . ' WHERE show_func=1 ORDER BY in_module ASC, subweight ASC';
$func_result = $db->query($sql);
$aray_mod_func = array();
while (list($id_i, $func_custom_name_i, $in_module_i) = $func_result->fetch(3)) {
    $aray_mod_func[$in_module_i][] = array('id' => $id_i, 'func_custom_name' => $func_custom_name_i);
// Load position file
$xml = @simplexml_load_file(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $selectthemes . '/config.ini') or nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_module['block_error_fileconfig_title'], $lang_module['block_error_fileconfig_content']);
$xmlpositions = $xml->xpath('positions');
$positions = $xmlpositions[0]->position;
if ($row['bid'] != 0) {
$xtpl->assign('SELECTTHEMES', $selectthemes);
$xtpl->assign('BLOCKREDIRECT', $blockredirect);
$xtpl->assign('THEME_SELECTED', $row['module'] == 'theme' ? ' selected="selected"' : '');
$sql = 'SELECT title, custom_title FROM ' . NV_MODULES_TABLE . ' ORDER BY weight ASC';
$result = $db->query($sql);
while ($row_i = $result->fetch()) {
    $xtpl->assign('MODULE', array('key' => $row_i['title'], 'selected' => $row_i['title'] == $row['module'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'title' => $row_i['custom_title']));
$xtpl->assign('ROW', array('title' => $row['title'], 'exp_time' => $row['exp_time'] > 0 ? date('d/m/Y', $row['exp_time']) : '', 'block_active' => intval($row['active']) == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'link' => $row['link'], 'bid' => $row['bid'], 'module' => $row['module'], 'file_name' => $row['file_name']));

示例4: array

                 $xtpl->assign('SITE_EMAIL', $global_config['site_email']);
                 $xtpl->assign('SITE_FONE', $global_config['site_phone']);
                 $xtpl->assign('SITE_URL', $global_config['site_url']);
                 $xtpl->assign('TITLE', $title);
                 $xtpl->assign('CONTENT', $mess);
                 $xtpl->assign('AUTHOR_SIG', $my_sig);
                 $xtpl->assign('AUTHOR_NAME', $admin_info['username']);
                 $xtpl->assign('AUTHOR_POS', $admin_info['position']);
                 $xtpl->assign('AUTHOR_EMAIL', $my_mail);
                 $content = $xtpl->text('main');
                 $from = array($admin_info['username'], $my_mail);
                 $to = $row_user['email'];
                 $send = nv_sendmail($from, $to, nv_EncString($title), $content);
                 if (!$send) {
                     nv_info_die($lang_global['error_info_caption'], $lang_global['site_info'], $lang_global['error_sendmail_admin'], 1);
         Header("Location: " . NV_BASE_ADMINURL . "index.php?" . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . "=" . $module_name . "&" . NV_OP_VARIABLE . "=suspend&id=" . $id);
 } else {
     $adminpass = $new_reason = "";
     $clean_history = $sendmail = 0;
 $contents['change_suspend']['new_suspend_caption'] = !empty($error) ? $error : $lang_module['chg_is_suspend' . $new_suspend];
 $contents['change_suspend']['new_suspend_is_error'] = !empty($error) ? 1 : 0;
 $contents['change_suspend']['new_suspend_action'] = NV_BASE_ADMINURL . "index.php?" . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . "=" . $module_name . "&amp;" . NV_OP_VARIABLE . "=suspend&amp;admin_id=" . $admin_id;
 $contents['change_suspend']['sendmail'] = array($lang_module['suspend_sendmail'], $sendmail);
 if (!empty($new_suspend)) {
     $contents['change_suspend']['new_reason'] = array($lang_module['suspend_reason'], $new_reason, 255);

示例5: elseif

if (defined("NV_IS_ADMIN")) {
    //Buoc admin khai bao lai pass neu khong online trong khoang thoi gian nhat dinh
    if (empty($admin_info['checkpass'])) {
        if ($nv_Request->isset_request(NV_ADMINRELOGIN_VARIABLE, 'get') and $nv_Request->get_int(NV_ADMINRELOGIN_VARIABLE, 'get') == 1) {
            require_once NV_ROOTDIR . "/includes/core/admin_relogin.php";
} elseif (!in_array(NV_LANG_DATA, $global_config['allow_sitelangs'])) {
    $global_config['disable_site'] = 1;
//Dinh chi hoat dong cua site
if (!defined('NV_ADMIN') and !defined("NV_IS_ADMIN")) {
    if ($global_config['disable_site']) {
        $disable_site_content = (isset($global_config['disable_site_content']) and !empty($global_config['disable_site_content'])) ? $global_config['disable_site_content'] : $lang_global['disable_site_content'];
        nv_info_die($global_config['site_description'], $global_config['disable_site_title'], $disable_site_content);
    } elseif (!in_array(NV_LANG_DATA, $global_config['allow_sitelangs'])) {
        Header("Location: " . NV_BASE_SITEURL);
    } elseif (empty($global_config['lang_multi']) and NV_LANG_DATA != $global_config['site_lang']) {
        Header("Location: " . NV_BASE_SITEURL);
$month_upload_dir = nv_mkdir(NV_UPLOADS_REAL_DIR, date("Y_m"));
//Thu muc uploads theo thang
if (!empty($month_upload_dir[0])) {
    define("NV_MONTH_UPLOADS_DIR", date("Y_m"));

示例6: nv_site_theme

function nv_site_theme($contents)
    global $home, $array_mod_title, $lang_global, $language_array, $global_config, $module_name, $module_info, $op, $mod_title, $my_head, $my_footer, $client_info;
    if (!file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . "/themes/" . $global_config['module_theme'] . "/layout/layout." . $module_info['layout_funcs'][$op] . ".tpl")) {
        nv_info_die($lang_global['error_layout_title'], $lang_global['error_layout_title'], $lang_global['error_layout_content']);
    if (defined('NV_IS_ADMIN')) {
        $my_head .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" . NV_BASE_SITEURL . "themes/" . $global_config['module_theme'] . "/css/admin.css\" type=\"text/css\" />";
    $xtpl = new XTemplate("layout." . $module_info['layout_funcs'][$op] . ".tpl", NV_ROOTDIR . "/themes/" . $global_config['module_theme'] . "/layout/");
    $xtpl->assign('LANG', $lang_global);
    $xtpl->assign('TEMPLATE', $global_config['module_theme']);
    $xtpl->assign('NV_BASE_SITEURL', NV_BASE_SITEURL);
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_META_TAGS', nv_html_meta_tags());
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_SITE_JS', nv_html_site_js());
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_CSS', nv_html_css());
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_PAGE_TITLE', nv_html_page_title());
    $xtpl->assign('MODULE_CONTENT', $contents . "&nbsp;");
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_SITE_HREF', NV_BASE_SITEURL . "index.php?" . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . "=" . NV_LANG_DATA);
    $xtpl->assign('NV_NAME_VARIABLE', NV_NAME_VARIABLE);
    $xtpl->assign('NV_LANG_VARIABLE', NV_LANG_VARIABLE);
    $xtpl->assign('NV_LANG_DATA', NV_LANG_DATA);
    if ($global_config['lang_multi'] and sizeof($global_config['allow_sitelangs']) > 1) {
        $xtpl->assign('SELECTLANGSITE', $lang_global['langsite']);
        foreach ($global_config['allow_sitelangs'] as $lang_i) {
            $langname = $language_array[$lang_i]['name'];
            $xtpl->assign('LANGSITENAME', $langname);
            $xtpl->assign('LANGSITEURL', NV_BASE_SITEURL . "index.php?" . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . "=" . $lang_i);
            if (NV_LANG_DATA != $lang_i) {
            } else {
    if ($home != 1) {
        $arr_cat_title_i = array('catid' => 0, 'title' => $module_info['custom_title'], 'link' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . "index.php?" . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . "=" . NV_LANG_DATA . "&amp;" . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . "=" . $module_name);
        $xtpl->assign('BREAKCOLUMN', $arr_cat_title_i);
        foreach ($array_mod_title as $arr_cat_title_i) {
            $xtpl->assign('BREAKCOLUMN', $arr_cat_title_i);
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_IMG_CRONJOBS', NV_BASE_SITEURL . "index.php?second=cronjobs&amp;p=" . nv_genpass());
    // Chuyen doi giao dien
    if (!empty($global_config['switch_mobi_des']) and !empty($module_info['mobile'])) {
        $num_theme_type = sizeof($global_config['array_theme_type']) - 1;
        foreach ($global_config['array_theme_type'] as $i => $theme_type) {
            $xtpl->assign('STHEME_TYPE', NV_BASE_SITEURL . "index.php?" . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . "=" . NV_LANG_DATA . "&amp;" . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . "=" . $module_name . "&amp;nv" . NV_LANG_DATA . "themever=" . $theme_type . "&amp;nv_redirect=" . nv_base64_encode($client_info['selfurl']));
            $xtpl->assign('STHEME_TITLE', $lang_global['theme_type_' . $i]);
            $xtpl->assign('STHEME_INFO', sprintf($lang_global['theme_type_chose'], $lang_global['theme_type_' . $i]));
            if ($theme_type == $global_config['current_theme_type']) {
            } else {
            if ($i < $num_theme_type) {
    unset($theme_type, $i, $num_theme_type);
    $sitecontent = $xtpl->text('main');
    $sitecontent = nv_blocks_content($sitecontent);
    if (defined('NV_IS_ADMIN')) {
        $my_footer = nv_admin_menu() . $my_footer;
    if (!empty($my_head)) {
        $sitecontent = preg_replace('/(<\\/head>)/i', $my_head . "\\1", $sitecontent, 1);
    if (!empty($my_footer)) {
        $sitecontent = preg_replace('/(<\\/body>)/i', $my_footer . "\\1", $sitecontent, 1);
    return $sitecontent;

示例7: explode

$alias_cat_url = $array_op[1];
$array_page = explode('-', $array_op[2]);
$id = intval(end($array_page));
$catid = 0;
foreach ($global_array_cat as $catid_i => $array_cat_i) {
    if ($alias_cat_url == $array_cat_i['alias']) {
        $catid = $catid_i;
if ($id > 0 and $catid > 0) {
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . NV_PREFIXLANG . '_' . $module_data . '_' . $catid . ' WHERE id =' . $id;
    $result = $db_slave->query($sql);
    if ($result->rowCount() !== 1) {
        nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_content']);
    $content = $result->fetch();
    $body_contents = $db_slave->query('SELECT bodyhtml as bodytext, sourcetext, imgposition, copyright, allowed_print FROM ' . NV_PREFIXLANG . '_' . $module_data . '_bodyhtml_' . ceil($content['id'] / 2000) . ' where id=' . $content['id'])->fetch();
    $content = array_merge($content, $body_contents);
    unset($sql, $result, $body_contents);
    if ($content['allowed_print'] == 1 and (defined('NV_IS_MODADMIN') or $content['status'] == 1 and $content['publtime'] < NV_CURRENTTIME and ($content['exptime'] == 0 or $content['exptime'] > NV_CURRENTTIME))) {
        $base_url_rewrite = nv_url_rewrite(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&amp;' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&amp;' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=print/' . $global_array_cat[$catid]['alias'] . '/' . $content['alias'] . '-' . $id . $global_config['rewrite_exturl'], true);
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != $base_url_rewrite and NV_MAIN_DOMAIN . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != $base_url_rewrite) {
            Header('Location: ' . $base_url_rewrite);
        $sql = 'SELECT title FROM ' . NV_PREFIXLANG . '_' . $module_data . '_sources WHERE sourceid = ' . $content['sourceid'];
        $result = $db_slave->query($sql);
        $sourcetext = $result->fetchColumn();
        unset($sql, $result);

示例8: nv_info_die

    $site_lang = $nv_Request->get_string(NV_LANG_VARIABLE, 'get,post', NV_LANG_DATA);
    if (!in_array($site_lang, $global_config['allow_sitelangs'])) {
        $global_config['closed_site'] = 1;
// Dinh chi hoat dong cua site
if ($nv_check_update and !defined('NV_IS_UPDATE')) {
    // Dinh chi neu khong la admin toi cao
    if (!defined('NV_ADMIN') and !defined('NV_IS_GODADMIN')) {
        $disable_site_content = (isset($global_config['disable_site_content']) and !empty($global_config['disable_site_content'])) ? $global_config['disable_site_content'] : $lang_global['disable_site_content'];
        nv_info_die($global_config['site_description'], $lang_global['disable_site_title'], $disable_site_content, '', '', '', '');
} elseif (!defined('NV_ADMIN') and !defined('NV_IS_ADMIN')) {
    if (!empty($global_config['closed_site'])) {
        $disable_site_content = (isset($global_config['disable_site_content']) and !empty($global_config['disable_site_content'])) ? $global_config['disable_site_content'] : $lang_global['disable_site_content'];
        nv_info_die($global_config['site_description'], $lang_global['disable_site_title'], $disable_site_content, '', '', '', '');
    } elseif (!in_array(NV_LANG_DATA, $global_config['allow_sitelangs'])) {
        Header('Location: ' . NV_BASE_SITEURL);
$cache_file = NV_LANG_DATA . '_sitemods_' . NV_CACHE_PREFIX . '.cache';
if (($cache = $nv_Cache->getItem('modules', $cache_file)) != false) {
    $sys_mods = unserialize($cache);
} else {
    $sys_mods = array();
    try {
        $result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . NV_MODULES_TABLE . ' m LEFT JOIN ' . NV_MODFUNCS_TABLE . ' f ON m.title=f.in_module WHERE m.act = 1 ORDER BY m.weight, f.subweight');
        while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
            $m_title = $row['title'];

示例9: define

                    $nv_Request->set_Session('online', '1|' . NV_CURRENTTIME . '|' . NV_CURRENTTIME . '|0');
                    if ($global_config['lang_multi']) {
                        $sql = 'SELECT setup FROM ' . $db_config['prefix'] . '_setup_language WHERE lang=' . $db->quote(NV_LANG_INTERFACE);
                        $setup = $db->query($sql)->fetchColumn();
                        if ($setup) {
                            $nv_Request->set_Cookie('data_lang', NV_LANG_INTERFACE, NV_LIVE_COOKIE_TIME);
                    define('NV_IS_ADMIN', true);
                    $redirect = NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_ADMINDIR;
                    if (!empty($admin_login_redirect) and strpos($admin_login_redirect, NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=siteinfo&' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=notification_load') == 0) {
                        $redirect = $admin_login_redirect;
                        $nv_Request->unset_request('admin_login_redirect', 'session');
                    $error = '';
                    nv_info_die($global_config['site_description'], $lang_global['site_info'], $lang_global['admin_loginsuccessfully'] . " \n <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;URL=" . $redirect . "\" />");
            } else {
                nv_insert_logs(NV_LANG_DATA, 'login', '[ ' . $nv_username . ' ] ' . $lang_global['loginsubmit'] . ' ' . $lang_global['fail'], ' Client IP:' . NV_CLIENT_IP, 0);
} else {
    if (empty($admin_login_redirect)) {
        $nv_Request->set_Session('admin_login_redirect', $nv_Request->request_uri);
    $nv_username = '';
if (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/language/' . NV_LANG_INTERFACE . '/admin_global.php')) {
    require_once NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/language/' . NV_LANG_INTERFACE . '/admin_global.php';

示例10: nv_site_theme

function nv_site_theme($contents, $full = true)
    global $home, $array_mod_title, $lang_global, $language_array, $global_config, $site_mods, $module_name, $module_info, $op_file, $mod_title, $my_head, $my_footer, $client_info, $module_config, $op, $drag_block;
    // Determine tpl file, check exists tpl file
    $layout_file = $full ? 'layout.' . $module_info['layout_funcs'][$op_file] . '.tpl' : 'simple.tpl';
    if (!file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/layout/' . $layout_file)) {
        nv_info_die($lang_global['error_layout_title'], $lang_global['error_layout_title'], $lang_global['error_layout_content']);
    if (isset($global_config['sitetimestamp'])) {
        $global_config['timestamp'] += $global_config['sitetimestamp'];
    $xtpl = new XTemplate($layout_file, NV_ROOTDIR . '/themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/layout');
    $xtpl->assign('LANG', $lang_global);
    $xtpl->assign('TEMPLATE', $global_config['module_theme']);
    $xtpl->assign('NV_BASE_SITEURL', NV_BASE_SITEURL);
    // System variables
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_PAGE_TITLE', nv_html_page_title(false));
    // Meta-tags
    $metatags = nv_html_meta_tags(false);
    $metatags[] = array('name' => 'name', 'value' => 'viewport', 'content' => 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1');
    foreach ($metatags as $meta) {
        $xtpl->assign('THEME_META_TAGS', $meta);
    $html_links = array();
    $html_links[] = array('rel' => 'StyleSheet', 'href' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'themes/default/css/font-awesome.min.css');
    $html_links[] = array('rel' => 'StyleSheet', 'href' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/css/bootstrap.min.css');
    $html_links[] = array('rel' => 'StyleSheet', 'href' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/css/style.css');
    if (defined('NV_IS_ADMIN') and $full) {
        $html_links[] = array('rel' => 'StyleSheet', 'href' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/css/admin.css');
    $html_links += nv_html_links(false);
    // Customs Style
    if (isset($module_config['themes'][$global_config['module_theme']]) and !empty($module_config['themes'][$global_config['module_theme']])) {
        $config_theme = unserialize($module_config['themes'][$global_config['module_theme']]);
        if (isset($config_theme['css_content']) && !empty($config_theme['css_content'])) {
            $customFileName = $global_config['module_theme'] . '.' . NV_LANG_DATA . '.' . $global_config['idsite'];
            if (!file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . NV_ASSETS_DIR . '/css/' . $customFileName . '.css')) {
                $replace = array('[body]' => 'body', '[a_link]' => 'a, a:link, a:active, a:visited', '[a_link_hover]' => 'a:hover', '[content]' => '.wraper', '[header]' => '#header', '[footer]' => '#footer', '[block]' => '.panel, .well, .nv-block-banners', '[block_heading]' => '.panel-default > .panel-heading');
                $css_content = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $config_theme['css_content']);
                file_put_contents(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . NV_ASSETS_DIR . '/css/' . $customFileName . '.css', $css_content);
            $html_links[] = array('rel' => 'StyleSheet', 'href' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_ASSETS_DIR . '/css/' . $customFileName . '.css?t=' . $global_config['timestamp']);
        if (isset($config_theme['gfont']) && !empty($config_theme['gfont']) && isset($config_theme['gfont']['family']) && !empty($config_theme['gfont']['family'])) {
            $subset = isset($config_theme['gfont']['subset']) ? $config_theme['gfont']['subset'] : '';
            $gf = new Gfonts(array('fonts' => array($config_theme['gfont']), 'subset' => $subset), $client_info);
            $webFontFile = $gf->getUrlCss();
            array_unshift($html_links, array('rel' => 'StyleSheet', 'href' => $webFontFile));
        unset($config_theme, $css_content, $webFontFile, $font, $subset, $gf);
    foreach ($html_links as $links) {
        foreach ($links as $key => $value) {
            $xtpl->assign('LINKS', array('key' => $key, 'value' => $value));
    $html_js = nv_html_site_js(false);
    $html_js[] = array('ext' => 1, 'content' => NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'themes/' . $global_config['module_theme'] . '/js/main.js');
    foreach ($html_js as $js) {
        if ($js['ext']) {
            $xtpl->assign('JS_SRC', $js['content']);
        } else {
            $xtpl->assign('JS_CONTENT', PHP_EOL . $js['content'] . PHP_EOL);
    if ($client_info['browser']['key'] == 'explorer' and $client_info['browser']['version'] < 9) {
    // Module contents
    $xtpl->assign('MODULE_CONTENT', $contents);
    // Header variables
    $xtpl->assign('SITE_NAME', $global_config['site_name']);
    $xtpl->assign('SITE_DESCRIPTION', $global_config['site_description']);
    $xtpl->assign('THEME_SITE_HREF', NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA);
    $logo_small = preg_replace('/(\\.[a-z]+)$/i', '_small\\1', $global_config['site_logo']);
    $logo = file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $logo_small) ? $logo_small : $global_config['site_logo'];
    $size = @getimagesize(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $logo);
    $logo_svg = preg_replace('/\\.[a-z]+$/i', '.svg', $logo);
    file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $logo_svg) && ($logo = $logo_svg);
    $xtpl->assign('LOGO_SRC', NV_BASE_SITEURL . $logo);
    $xtpl->assign('LOGO_WIDTH', $size[0]);
    $xtpl->assign('LOGO_HEIGHT', $size[1]);
    if (isset($size['mime']) and $size['mime'] == 'application/x-shockwave-flash') {
    } else {
    // Only full theme
    if ($full) {
        // Search form variables
        $xtpl->assign('NV_MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH', NV_MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH);
        $xtpl->assign('NV_MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH', NV_MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH);
        $xtpl->assign('THEME_SEARCH_URL', NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&amp;' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=seek&q=');

示例11: die

$session_files = $nv_Request->get_string('session_files', 'session', '');
if (empty($session_files)) {
    die('Wrong URL');
$session_files = unserialize($session_files);
if ($nv_Request->isset_request('code', 'get')) {
    $code = $nv_Request->get_string('code', 'get', '');
    if (empty($code) or !preg_match("/^([a-z0-9]{32})\$/i", $code) or !isset($session_files['linkdirect'][$code])) {
        die('Wrong URL');
    $sql = 'UPDATE ' . NV_PREFIXLANG . '_' . $module_data . ' SET download_hits=download_hits+1 WHERE id=' . intval($session_files['linkdirect'][$code]['id']);
    $content = "<br /><img border=\"0\" src=\"" . NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_ASSETS_DIR . "/images/load_bar.gif\"><br /><br />\n";
    $content .= sprintf($lang_module['download_wait2'], $session_files['linkdirect'][$code]['link']);
    $content .= "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5;url=" . $session_files['linkdirect'][$code]['link'] . "\" />";
    nv_info_die($lang_module['download_detail'], $lang_module['download_wait'], $content);
$filename = $nv_Request->get_string('filename', 'get', '');
if (empty($filename) or !isset($session_files['fileupload'][$filename])) {
    die('Wrong URL');
if (!file_exists($session_files['fileupload'][$filename]['src'])) {
    die('Wrong URL');
if (!isset($session_files['fileupload'][$filename]['id'])) {
    die('Wrong URL');
$upload_dir = 'files';
$is_zip = false;
$is_resume = false;

示例12: die


 * @Project NUKEVIET 4.x
 * @Author VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)
 * @Copyright (C) 2014 VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved
 * @License GNU/GPL version 2 or any later version
 * @Createdate Sat, 19 Mar 2011 16:50:45 GMT
if (!defined('NV_SYSTEM')) {
define('NV_IS_MOD_NVTOOLS', true);
if (!((NV_CLIENT_IP == '' or NV_CLIENT_IP == '::1') and defined('NV_IS_GODADMIN'))) {
    $redirect = '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="3;URL=' . nv_url_rewrite(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA, true) . '" />';
    nv_info_die($lang_module['error_title'], $lang_module['error_title'], $lang_module['error_content'] . $redirect);
function nv_mkdir_nvtools($path, $dir_name, $index_file = 0, $htaccess = 0)
    global $lang_global, $global_config, $sys_info;
    $dir_name = nv_string_to_filename(trim(basename($dir_name)));
    if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+\$/", $dir_name)) {
        return array(0, sprintf($lang_global['error_create_directories_name_invalid'], $dir_name));
    $path = @realpath($path);
    if (!preg_match('/\\/$/', $path)) {
        $path = $path . "/";
    if (file_exists($path . $dir_name)) {
        return array(2, sprintf($lang_global['error_create_directories_name_used'], $dir_name), $path . $dir_name);

示例13: die

 * @Project NUKEVIET 4.x
 * @Author VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)
 * @Copyright (C) 2014 VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved
 * @License GNU/GPL version 2 or any later version
 * @Createdate 12/30/2009 0:51
if (!defined('NV_MAINFILE')) {
$js = $nv_Request->get_int('js', 'get', 0);
if ($js) {
    nv_insert_logs(NV_LANG_DATA, 'login', '[' . $admin_info['username'] . '] ' . $lang_global['admin_logout_title'], ' Client IP:' . NV_CLIENT_IP, 0);
    $nv_Request->unset_request('admin,online', 'session');
    include NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/header.php';
$ok = $nv_Request->get_int('ok', 'get', 0);
if ($ok) {
    nv_insert_logs(NV_LANG_DATA, 'login', '[' . $admin_info['username'] . '] ' . $lang_global['admin_logout_title'], ' Client IP:' . NV_CLIENT_IP, 0);
    $nv_Request->unset_request('admin,online', 'session');
    $info = $lang_global['admin_logout_ok'];
    $info .= '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5;URL=' . $global_config['site_url'] . '" />';
} else {
    $url = $client_info['referer'] != '' ? $client_info['referer'] : (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] : '');
    $info = $lang_global['admin_logout_question'] . " ?<br /><br />\n";
    $info .= "<a href=\"" . NV_BASE_SITEURL . "index.php?second=admin_logout&amp;ok=1\">" . $lang_global['ok'] . "</a> | \n";
    $info .= "<a href=\"" . $url . "\">" . $lang_global['cancel'] . "</a>\n";
nv_info_die($global_config['site_description'], $lang_global['admin_logout_title'], $info);

示例14: nv_admin_read_lang

 * nv_admin_read_lang()
 * @param mixed $dirlang
 * @param mixed $idfile
 * @return error read file
function nv_admin_read_lang($dirlang, $module, $admin_file = 1)
    global $db, $global_config, $include_lang, $lang_module;
    $include_lang = "";
    $modules_exit = nv_scandir(NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules", $global_config['check_module']);
    if ($module == "global" and preg_match("/^block\\.global\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\\.php\$/", $admin_file, $m)) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/" . $admin_file;
        $admin_file = 'block.global.' . $m[1];
    } elseif (preg_match("/^block\\.(global|module)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\\_" . $dirlang . "\\.php\$/", $admin_file, $m)) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules/" . $module . "/language/" . $admin_file;
        $admin_file = 'block.' . $m[1] . '.' . $m[2];
    } elseif ($module == "global" and $admin_file == 1) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/admin_" . $module . ".php";
    } elseif ($module == "global" and $admin_file == 0) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/" . $module . ".php";
    } elseif ($module == "install" and $admin_file == 0) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/" . $module . ".php";
    } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and $admin_file == 1) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules/" . $module . "/language/admin_" . $dirlang . ".php";
    } elseif (in_array($module, $modules_exit) and $admin_file == 0) {
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/modules/" . $module . "/language/" . $dirlang . ".php";
    } elseif (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/admin_" . $module . ".php")) {
        $admin_file = 1;
        $include_lang = NV_ROOTDIR . "/language/" . $dirlang . "/admin_" . $module . ".php";
    if ($include_lang != "" and file_exists($include_lang)) {
        $lang_module_temp = $lang_module;
        $lang_module = array();
        $lang_global = array();
        $lang_block = array();
        $lang_translator = array();
        include $include_lang;
        list($idfile, $langtype) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT idfile, langtype FROM `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "_file` WHERE `module` =" . $db->dbescape($module) . " AND `admin_file`=" . $db->dbescape($admin_file)));
        if (intval($idfile) == 0) {
            $langtype = isset($lang_translator['langtype']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['langtype']) : "lang_module";
            $lang_translator_save = array();
            $lang_translator_save['author'] = isset($lang_translator['author']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['author']) : "VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)";
            $lang_translator_save['createdate'] = isset($lang_translator['createdate']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['createdate']) : date("d/m/Y, H:i");
            $lang_translator_save['copyright'] = isset($lang_translator['copyright']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['copyright']) : "Copyright (C) 2010 VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved";
            $lang_translator_save['info'] = isset($lang_translator['info']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['info']) : "";
            $lang_translator_save['langtype'] = $langtype;
            //$author = base64_encode( serialize( $lang_translator_save ) );
            $author = var_export($lang_translator_save, true);
            $idfile = $db->sql_query_insert_id("INSERT INTO `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "_file` (`idfile`, `module`, `admin_file`, `langtype`, `author_" . $dirlang . "`) VALUES (NULL, " . $db->dbescape($module) . ", " . $db->dbescape($admin_file) . ", " . $db->dbescape($langtype) . ", '" . mysql_real_escape_string($author) . "')");
            if (!$idfile) {
                nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_title'], "Error insert file: " . $filelang);
        } else {
            $lang_translator_save = array();
            $langtype = isset($lang_translator['langtype']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['langtype']) : "lang_module";
            $lang_translator_save['author'] = isset($lang_translator['author']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['author']) : "VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)";
            $lang_translator_save['createdate'] = isset($lang_translator['createdate']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['createdate']) : date("d/m/Y, H:i");
            $lang_translator_save['copyright'] = isset($lang_translator['copyright']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['copyright']) : "Copyright (C) 2010 VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved";
            $lang_translator_save['info'] = isset($lang_translator['info']) ? strip_tags($lang_translator['info']) : "";
            $lang_translator_save['langtype'] = $langtype;
            //$author = base64_encode( serialize( $lang_translator_save ) );
            $author = var_export($lang_translator_save, true);
            $sql = "UPDATE `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "_file` SET `author_" . $dirlang . "` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($author) . "' WHERE `idfile` = '" . $idfile . "'";
        $temp_lang = array();
        switch ($langtype) {
            case 'lang_global':
                $temp_lang = $lang_global;
            case 'lang_module':
                $temp_lang = $lang_module;
            case 'lang_block':
                $temp_lang = $lang_block;
        $result = $db->sql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . NV_LANGUAGE_GLOBALTABLE . "_file`");
        $add_field = true;
        $array_lang_key = array();
        $array_lang_value = array();
        while ($row = $db->sql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            if (substr($row['Field'], 0, 7) == "author_" and $row['Field'] != "author_" . $dirlang) {
                $array_lang_key[] = str_replace("author_", "lang_", $row['Field']);
                $array_lang_value[] = "";
        $string_lang_key = implode("`, `", $array_lang_key);
        $string_lang_value = "";
        if ($string_lang_key != "") {
            $string_lang_key = ", `" . $string_lang_key . "`";
            $string_lang_value = implode("', '", $array_lang_value);
            $string_lang_value = ", '" . $string_lang_value . "'";
        $read_type = intval($global_config['read_type']);
        while (list($lang_key, $lang_value) = each($temp_lang)) {
            $check_type_update = false;
            $lang_key = trim($lang_key);

示例15: die


 * @Project NUKEVIET 4.x
 * @Author VINADES.,JSC (contact@vinades.vn)
 * @Copyright (C) 2014 VINADES.,JSC. All rights reserved
 * @License GNU/GPL version 2 or any later version
 * @Createdate 2-9-2010 14:43
if (!defined('NV_IS_FILE_ADMIN')) {
$id = $nv_Request->get_int('id', 'get,post', 0);
$row = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . NV_PREFIXLANG . '_' . $module_data . ' where id=' . $id)->fetch();
if (!empty($row['id'])) {
    $_url_rewrite = nv_url_rewrite(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&amp;' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&amp;' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=' . $list_cats[$row['catid']]['alias'] . '/' . $row['alias'] . $global_config['rewrite_exturl'], true);
    Header('Location: ' . $_url_rewrite);
nv_info_die($lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['error_404_title'], $lang_global['admin_no_allow_func']);
