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PHP imageFilledRectangle函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中imageFilledRectangle函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP imageFilledRectangle函数的具体用法?PHP imageFilledRectangle怎么用?PHP imageFilledRectangle使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: code39

 public static function code39($text, $height = 50, $widthScale = 1)
     // if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9-. $+\/%]+$/i', $text)) {
     //            throw new Exception('Invalid text input.');
     //        }
     // $text = '*' . strtoupper($text) . '*'; // *UPPERCASE TEXT*
     $length = strlen($text);
     $barcode = imageCreate($length * 16 * $widthScale, $height);
     $bg = imagecolorallocate($barcode, 255, 255, 255);
     //sets background to yellow
     imagecolortransparent($barcode, $bg);
     //makes that yellow transparent
     $black = imagecolorallocate($barcode, 0, 0, 0);
     //defines a color for black
     $chars = str_split($text);
     $colors = '';
     foreach ($chars as $char) {
         $colors .= self::$code39[$char];
     foreach (str_split($colors) as $i => $color) {
         if ($color == 'b') {
             // imageLine($barcode, $i, 0, $i, $height-13, $black);
             //                imageFilledRectangle($barcode, $widthScale * $i, 0, $widthScale * ($i+1) -1 , $height-13, $black);
             imageFilledRectangle($barcode, $widthScale * $i, 0, $widthScale * ($i + 1) - 1, $height, $black);
     //16px per bar-set, halved, minus 6px per char, halved (5*length)
     // $textcenter = $length * 5 * $widthScale;
     //$textcenter = ($length * 8 * $widthScale) - ($length * 3);
     //        imageString($barcode, 2, $textcenter, $height-13, $text, $black);
     header("Content-type: image/png");
     // out out the image

示例2: create

  * 显示验证码
 function create()
     $this->image = imageCreate($this->width, $this->height);
     $this->back = $this->getColor($this->bgcolor);
     imageFilledRectangle($this->image, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $this->back);
     $size = $this->width / $this->charLen - 4;
     if ($size > $this->height) {
         $size = $this->height;
     $left = ($this->width - $this->charLen * ($size + $size / 10)) / $size + 5;
     $code = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->charLen; $i++) {
         $randKey = rand(0, count($this->arrChr) - 1);
         $randText = $this->arrChr[$randKey];
         $code .= $randText;
         $textColor = imageColorAllocate($this->image, rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100));
         $font = $this->fontPath . '/' . rand(1, 5) . ".ttf";
         $randsize = rand($size - $size / 10, $size + $size / 10);
         $location = $left + ($i * $size + $size / 10);
         @imagettftext($this->image, $randsize, rand(-18, 18), $location, rand($size - $size / 10, $size + $size / 10) + 2, $textColor, $font, $randText);
     if ($this->showNoisePix == true) {
     if ($this->showNoiseLine == true) {
     if ($this->showBorder == true) {
         $this->borderColor = $this->getColor($this->borderColor);
         imageRectangle($this->image, 0, 0, $this->width - 1, $this->height - 1, $this->borderColor);
     $this->text = strtolower($code);

示例3: king_def

function king_def()
    global $king;
    header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
    // HTTP/1.1
    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
    // 过去的时间
    header("Content-type: image/png");
    $salt = kc_get('salt', 1, 1);
    $width = $king->config('verifywidth');
    $height = $king->config('verifyheight');
    $size = $king->config('verifysize');
    $num = $king->config('verifynum');
    $content = $king->config('verifycontent');
    $array_content = explode('|', $content);
    $array_content = array_diff($array_content, array(null));
    $array_font = kc_f_getdir('system/verify_font', 'ttf|ttc');
    $str = '';
    $img = imageCreate($width, $height);
    imageFilledRectangle($img, 0, 0, $width, $height, imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
        $code = $array_content[array_rand($array_content)];
        $str .= $code;
        $color = imageColorAllocate($img, rand(0, 128), rand(0, 128), rand(0, 128));
        $font = 'verify_font/' . $array_font[array_rand($array_font)];
        $left = rand(round($size * 0.2), round($size * 0.4)) + $i * $size;
        imagettftext($img, rand(round($size * 0.7), $size), rand(-20, 20), $left, rand(round($size * 1.2), $size * 1.4), $color, $font, $code);
    $max = $width * $height / 400;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
        imagestring($img, 15, rand(0, $width), rand(0, $height), '*', rand(192, 250));
    $max = $width * $height / 40;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
        imageSetPixel($img, rand(0, $width), rand(0, $height), rand(1, 200));
    $max = $width * $height / 800;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
        imageline($img, rand(0, $width), rand(0, $height), rand(0, $width), rand(0, $height), rand(0, 255));
    $verify = new KC_Verify_class();
    $verify->Put($salt, $str);

示例4: updateBackground

     * Generates a wallpaper with the latest data and updates desktop background
     * @param array $data Array with the latest build history per project
    private function updateBackground($data)
        $this->updatedAt = microtime(true);
        $this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->get('image_width'), $this->get('image_height'));
        imageantialias($this->image, true);
        imagefill($this->image, 0, 0, $this->get('background_color'));
        $numProject = 0;
        foreach ($data['projects'] as $project => $builds) {
            // the most recent build is always shown on top
            $x1 = $this->get('horizontal_padding') + ($this->get('bar_width') + $this->get('horizontal_gutter')) * $numProject;
            $x2 = $x1 + $this->get('bar_width');
            // plot each project slug
            $this->addTextToImage(substr($project, 0, $this->get('max_number_letters')), $x1, $this->get('vertical_padding') - 0.2 * $this->get('font_size'));
            foreach ($builds as $i => $build) {
                $y1 = $this->get('vertical_padding') + $this->get('font_size') + ($this->get('bar_height') + $this->get('vertical_gutter')) * $i;
                $y2 = $y1 + $this->get('bar_height');
                $color = 'ok' == $build ? $this->get('success_color') : $this->get('failure_color');
                // plot a bar for each project build
                imageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
        $this->addTextToImage('Last update: ' . $data['last_update'], $this->get('horizontal_padding'), $this->get('image_height') - $this->get('font_size'));
        // Hack: two different images are needed to update the wallpaper
        // One holds the current wallpaper and the other is the new one
        // If you use just one image and modify it, the OS doesn't reload it
        if (file_exists($this->evenBackgroundImagePath)) {
            $this->imagePath = $this->oddBackgroundImagePath;
        } elseif (file_exists($this->oddBackgroundImagePath)) {
            $this->imagePath = $this->evenBackgroundImagePath;
        } else {
            $this->imagePath = $this->oddBackgroundImagePath;
        imagepng($this->image, $this->imagePath);
        // Wallpaper is reloaded via AppleScript
        $scriptPath = $this->dir . '/update-background.scpt';
        file_put_contents($scriptPath, <<<END
tell application "System Events"
    tell current desktop
        set picture to POSIX file "file://localhost/{$this->imagePath}"
    end tell
end tell
        system("osascript {$scriptPath}");

示例5: placeholder

  * Placeholder code adapted from dummyimage.com
 public static function placeholder($width, $height)
     $file_format = 'gif';
     $width = $width;
     $height = $height;
     $text_angle = 0;
     $font = Load::getModulePath('media') . 'assets/mplus-1c-medium.ttf';
     $img = imageCreate($width, $height);
     $bg_color = imageColorAllocate($img, 196, 196, 196);
     $fg_color = imageColorAllocate($img, 94, 94, 94);
     $lines = 1;
     $text = $width . 'x' . $height;
     $fontsize = max(min($width / strlen($text) * 1.15, $height * 0.5), 5);
     $textBox = self::_imagettfbbox_t($fontsize, $text_angle, $font, $text);
     $textWidth = ceil(($textBox[4] - $textBox[1]) * 1.07);
     $textHeight = ceil((abs($textBox[7]) + abs($textBox[1])) * 1);
     $textX = ceil(($width - $textWidth) / 2);
     $textY = ceil(($height - $textHeight) / 2 + $textHeight);
     imageFilledRectangle($img, 0, 0, $width, $height, $bg_color);
     imagettftext($img, $fontsize, $text_angle, $textX, $textY, $fg_color, $font, $text);
     $offset = 60 * 60 * 24 * 14;
     //14 Days
     $ExpStr = "Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $offset) . " GMT";
     //Set a far future expire date. This keeps the image locally cached by the user for less hits to the server.
     header('Cache-Control:	max-age=120');
     header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() - $offset) . " GMT");
     header('Content-type: image/' . $file_format);
     //Set the header so the browser can interpret it as an image and not a bunch of weird text.
     switch ($file_format) {
         case 'gif':
         case 'png':
         case 'jpg':
         case 'jpeg':

示例6: _image

  * Make image
 protected function _image()
     $this->_image = imagecreate($this->config['width'], $this->config['height']);
     imageFilledRectangle($this->_image, 0, 0, $this->config['width'], $this->config['height'], $this->_color($this->config['bgColor']));
     $seed = $this->_seed();
     $fonts = $this->_fonts();
     $_SESSION[$this->config['sessionValueKey']] = $seed;
     $_SESSION[$this->config['sessionTtlKey']] = time() + $this->config['ttl'];
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->config['length']; $i++) {
         $char = substr($seed, $i, 1);
         $x = $this->config['padding'] + $i * ($this->config['size'] + $this->config['space']);
         $y = mt_rand(0.7 * $this->config['height'], 0.9 * $this->config['height']);
         $charColor = imageColorAllocate($this->_image, mt_rand(50, 155), mt_rand(50, 155), mt_rand(50, 155));
         imagettftext($this->_image, $this->config['size'], mt_rand(-18, 18), $x, $y, $charColor, $fonts[$i], $char);

示例7: textToImg

function textToImg($text, $backRGB, $strRGB, $fontPath, $fontSize, $margin)
    // 大きさを測定
    $result = imageTTFBBox($fontSize, 0, $fontPath, $text);
    // 幅と高さを取得
    $width = abs($result[4]) + abs($result[6]) + $margin * 2;
    $height = abs($result[1]) + abs($result[7]) + $margin * 2;
    // イメージリソースを生成
    $img = imageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
    // 色を生成
    $backColor = imageColorAllocate($img, $backRGB['red'], $backRGB['green'], $backRGB['blue']);
    $strColor = imageColorAllocate($img, $strRGB['red'], $strRGB['green'], $strRGB['blue']);
    // 背景を塗りつぶす
    imageFilledRectangle($img, 0, 0, $width, $height, $backColor);
    // 文字を描く
    imageTTFText($img, $fontSize, 0, $margin + abs($result[0]), $margin + abs($result[7]), $strColor, $fontPath, $text);
    return $img;

示例8: createTestImage

  * Create test image.
  * @param string $filename
  * @return void
 protected function createTestImage($filename)
     $filename = $this->getFullPath($filename);
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         // Create an image with the specified dimensions
         $image = imageCreate(300, 200);
         // Create a color (this first call to imageColorAllocate
         //  also automatically sets the image background color)
         $colorYellow = imageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 0);
         // Draw a rectangle
         imageFilledRectangle($image, 50, 50, 250, 150, $colorYellow);
         $directory = dirname($filename);
         if (!file_exists($directory)) {
             mkdir($directory, 0777, true);
         imageJpeg($image, $filename);
         // Release memory

示例9: getPNG

 public function getPNG()
     // создаем картинку
     $image = imageCreate($this->width + $this->widthLegend, $this->height);
     $backColor = imageColorAllocate($image, $this->colorBG >> 16, ($this->colorBG >> 8) % 256, $this->colorBG % 256);
     $centerColor = imageColorAllocate($image, $this->colorCenter >> 16, ($this->colorCenter >> 8) % 256, $this->colorCenter % 256);
     $pointsColor = imageColorAllocate($image, $this->colorPoints >> 16, ($this->colorPoints >> 8) % 256, $this->colorPoints % 256);
     $legendColor = imageColorAllocate($image, $this->colorLegend >> 16, ($this->colorLegend >> 8) % 256, $this->colorLegend % 256);
     // background
     imageFilledRectangle($image, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $backColor);
     imageRectangle($image, $this->width, 0, $this->widthLegend + $this->width - 1, $this->height - 1, $legendColor);
     // добавляем масштаб в легенду
     imageLine($image, $this->width + 10, $this->height - $this->fontSize * 2 - 1, $this->width + 10, $this->height - $this->fontSize * 2 + 1, $legendColor);
     imageLine($image, $this->width + 10, $this->height - $this->fontSize * 2, $this->width + 20, $this->height - $this->fontSize * 2, $legendColor);
     imageLine($image, $this->width + 20, $this->height - $this->fontSize * 2 - 1, $this->width + 20, $this->height - $this->fontSize * 2 + 1, $legendColor);
     imageTTFText($image, $this->fontSize, 0, $this->width + $this->fontSize + 20, $this->height - $this->fontSize * 1.5, $legendColor, $this->pathToFont, "{$this->metersIn10Pix} {$this->metersLabel}");
     // center
     imageFilledEllipse($image, $this->centerWidth, $this->centerHeight, $this->sizePoints, $this->sizePoints, $centerColor);
     imageTTFText($image, $this->fontSize, 0, $this->centerWidth, $this->centerHeight + $this->fontSize + $this->sizePoints, $centerColor, $this->pathToFont, "0");
     imageTTFText($image, $this->fontSize, 0, $this->width + $this->fontSize, $this->fontSize * 2, $legendColor, $this->pathToFont, "0 - {$this->centerLabel}");
     // points
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($this->pointsBased as $v) {
         $angle = $v->getPoint()->getAzimuth() - 90;
         // угол для тригонометрии
         $pointWidth = $this->centerWidth + $this->k * ($v->getPoint()->getDistance() * cos(deg2rad($angle)));
         $pointHeight = $this->centerHeight + $this->k * ($v->getPoint()->getDistance() * sin(deg2rad($angle)));
         // рисуем точку
         imageEllipse($image, $pointWidth, $pointHeight, $this->sizePoints, $this->sizePoints, $pointsColor);
         // подпись
         imageTTFText($image, $this->fontSize, 0, $pointWidth, $pointHeight + $this->fontSize + $this->sizePoints, $pointsColor, $this->pathToFont, $i);
         // в легенду
         imageTTFText($image, $this->fontSize, 0, $this->width + $this->fontSize, $this->fontSize * 2 * ($i + 1), $legendColor, $this->pathToFont, "{$i} - " . $v->getTitle());
     $str = ob_get_clean();
     return $str;

示例10: show

 public static function show()
     $width = self::$width;
     $height = self::$height;
     $len = self::$len;
     $bgcolor = self::$bgcolor;
     $noise = self::$noise;
     $noisenum = self::$noisenum;
     $border = self::$border;
     $bordercolor = self::$bordercolor;
     self::$_image = imageCreate($width, $height);
     $back = self::getcolor($bgcolor);
     imageFilledRectangle(self::$_image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $back);
     $size = $width / $len;
     if ($size > $height) {
         $size = $height;
     $left = ($width - $len * ($size + $size / 10)) / $size;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
         $randtext = self::vchar();
         self::$_code .= $randtext;
         $textColor = imageColorAllocate(self::$_image, rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100));
         $font = dirname(__FILE__) . "/3.ttf";
         $randsize = rand($size - $size / 5, $size - $size / 10);
         $location = $left + ($i * $size + $size / 10);
         imagettftext(self::$_image, $randsize, rand(-18, 18), $location, rand($size - $size / 100, $size + $size / 100), $textColor, $font, $randtext);
     if ($noise == true) {
     //setcookie("code", $code, time()+120);
     $bordercolor = self::getcolor($bordercolor);
     if ($border == true) {
         imageRectangle(self::$_image, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $bordercolor);
     return self::$_image;

示例11: show

  * 显示验证码
 function show()
     $this->image = imageCreate($this->width, $this->height);
     $this->back = $this->getColor($this->bgcolor);
     imageFilledRectangle($this->image, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $this->back);
     $size = $this->width / $this->charLen - 4;
     if ($size > $this->height) {
         $size = $this->height;
     $left = ($this->width - $this->charLen * ($size + $size / 10)) / $size + 5;
     $code = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->charLen; $i++) {
         $randKey = rand(0, count($this->arrChr) - 1);
         $randText = $this->arrChr[$randKey];
         $code .= $randText;
         $textColor = imageColorAllocate($this->image, rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100));
         $font = $this->fontPath . "1.ttf";
         $randsize = rand($size - $size / 10, $size + $size / 10);
         $location = $left + ($i * $size + $size / 10);
         imagestring($this->image, mt_rand(3, 5), $location, 5, $randText, imagecolorallocate($this->image, mt_rand(0, 100), mt_rand(0, 150), mt_rand(0, 200)));
         //imagettftext($this->image, $randsize, rand(- 18, 18), $location, rand($size - $size / 10, $size + $size / 10) + 2, $textColor, $font, $code);
     if ($this->showNoisePix == true) {
     if ($this->showNoiseLine == true) {
     if ($this->showBorder == true) {
         $this->borderColor = $this->getColor($this->borderColor);
         imageRectangle($this->image, 0, 0, $this->width - 1, $this->height - 1, $this->borderColor);
     $this->CI->session->set_userdata('auth_code', $code);
     header("Content-type: image/jpeg");

示例12: output

 private function output($saveStr = false)
     $this->image = ImageCreate($this->larguaImagem, $this->alturaImagem);
     $background = $this->color($this->corDeFundo);
     imageFilledRectangle($this->image, 0, 0, $this->larguaImagem, $this->alturaImagem, $background);
     # space in chars
     $percent80 = $this->larguaImagem - $this->larguaImagem * 0.15;
     #$textSpace = ceil(($this->larguaImagem-40)/$this->maxChars) ;
     $textSpace = ceil($percent80 / $this->maxChars);
     $topMargim = $this->alturaImagem > 20 ? $this->alturaImagem / 2.2 : 5;
     # generate chars
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->maxChars; $i++) {
         $this->gerarValor = str_shuffle($this->gerarValor);
         # select a char on array
         $char = $this->gerarValor[0];
         # rotarion of chars
         $rotate = $this->rotateImg > 1 ? rand(-9, 10) : 0;
         # join chars value
         $saveStr .= $char;
         # make captcha
         imagettftext($this->image, $this->fontSize, $rotate, 10 + $i * $textSpace, rand($this->alturaImagem, $topMargim), $this->randcolor(), "{$this->serverRoot}{$this->path}{$this->fonts[0]}", $char);
     for ($k = 0; $k < $this->maxChars / 2; $k++) {
         if ($this->noSquare == 0) {
     header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
     imagedestroy($this->image, '', 100);
     return $saveStr;

示例13: draw_rectangle

 function draw_rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $filled)
     if ($filled) {
         imageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
     } else {
         imageRectangle($this->image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);

示例14: abs

// this works because Julian dates specify an absolute number
// of days -> the difference between Julian birthday and
// "Julian today" gives the number of days alive
$daysGone = abs(gregorianToJD($birthMonth, $birthDay, $birthYear) - gregorianToJD(date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")));
// create image
$image = imageCreate($diagramWidth, $diagramHeight);
// allocate all required colors
$colorBackgr = imageColorAllocate($image, 192, 192, 192);
$colorForegr = imageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$colorGrid = imageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$colorCross = imageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$colorPhysical = imageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 255);
$colorEmotional = imageColorAllocate($image, 255, 0, 0);
$colorIntellectual = imageColorAllocate($image, 0, 255, 0);
// clear the image with the background color
imageFilledRectangle($image, 0, 0, $diagramWidth - 1, $diagramHeight - 1, $colorBackgr);
// calculate start date for diagram and start drawing
$nrSecondsPerDay = 60 * 60 * 24;
$diagramDate = time() - $daysToShow / 2 * $nrSecondsPerDay + $nrSecondsPerDay;
for ($i = 1; $i < $daysToShow; $i++) {
    $thisDate = getDate($diagramDate);
    $xCoord = $diagramWidth / $daysToShow * $i;
    // draw day mark and day number
    imageLine($image, $xCoord, $diagramHeight - 25, $xCoord, $diagramHeight - 20, $colorGrid);
    imageString($image, 3, $xCoord - 5, $diagramHeight - 16, $thisDate["mday"], $colorGrid);
    $diagramDate += $nrSecondsPerDay;
// draw rectangle around diagram (marks its boundaries)
imageRectangle($image, 0, 0, $diagramWidth - 1, $diagramHeight - 20, $colorGrid);
// draw middle cross
imageLine($image, 0, ($diagramHeight - 20) / 2, $diagramWidth, ($diagramHeight - 20) / 2, $colorCross);

示例15: imageFilledRectangle

 protected function imageFilledRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color)
     $color = $this->gdColor($color);
     if ($color === false) {
         return false;
     return imageFilledRectangle($this->image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
