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PHP groupmode函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中groupmode函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP groupmode函数的具体用法?PHP groupmode怎么用?PHP groupmode使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: jclic_get_students

function jclic_get_students($cm, $course, $jclicid)
    global $CFG;
    $version_moodle = (double) substr($CFG->release, 0, 3);
    if ($version_moodle >= 1.7) {
        $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
        $currentgroup = get_and_set_current_group($course, groupmode($course, $cm));
        $users = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/jclic:submit', 'u.id, u.id', '', '', '', $currentgroup, '', false);
        $dbstudents = array();
        if (!empty($users)) {
            $select = 'SELECT u.id AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture ';
            $sql = 'FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user u ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'jclic_sessions a ON u.id = a.user_id AND a.jclicid = ' . $jclicid . ' ' . 'WHERE u.id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($users)) . ') ';
            $dbstudents = get_records_sql($select . $sql);
    } else {
        $dbstudents = get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT us.userid, u.firstname, u.lastname\n  \t\t\t\t       FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,{$CFG->prefix}user_students us, {$CFG->prefix}jclic j\n  \t\t\t\t       WHERE us.course=j.course AND j.id={$jclicid} AND u.id=us.userid");
    return $dbstudents;

示例2: course_setup

 // call course_setup to use forced language, MDL-6926
 $coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
 $modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
 if (!forum_user_can_post($forum)) {
     if (has_capability('moodle/legacy:guest', $coursecontext, NULL, false)) {
         // User is a guest here!
         $SESSION->wantsurl = $FULLME;
         $SESSION->enrolcancel = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
         redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/course/enrol.php?id=' . $course->id, get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
     } else {
         print_error('nopostforum', 'forum');
 if (groupmode($course, $cm)) {
     // Make sure user can post here
     $mygroupid = mygroupid($course->id);
     if (!((empty($mygroupid) and $discussion->groupid == -1) || ismember($discussion->groupid) || has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $modcontext, NULL, false))) {
         print_error('nopostdiscussion', 'forum');
 if (!$cm->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $coursecontext)) {
 // Load up the $post variable.
 $post = new object();
 $post->course = $course->id;
 $post->forum = $forum->id;
 $post->discussion = $parent->discussion;
 $post->parent = $parent->id;

示例3: dialogue_get_available_teachers

 * Return a list of teachers that the current user is able to open a dialogue with
 * Called by dialogue_get_available_users(). The list is used to populate a drop-down
 * list in the UI. The returned array of usernames is filtered to hide teacher names
 * if those teachers have a hidden role assignment, unless the list is being returned
 * for a teacher in which case those hidden teachers are listed
 * @param   object  $dialogue
 * @param   object  $context    for a user in this activity
 * @param   int     $editconversationid
 * @return  array   usernames and ids
function dialogue_get_available_teachers($dialogue, $context, $editconversationid = 0)
    global $USER, $CFG;
    $canseehidden = has_capability('moodle/role:viewhiddenassigns', $context);
    if (!($course = get_record('course', 'id', $dialogue->course))) {
        error('Course is misconfigured');
    if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('dialogue', $dialogue->id, $course->id))) {
        error('Course Module ID was incorrect');
    // get the list of teachers (actually, those who have dialogue:manage capability)
    $hiddenTeachers = array();
    if ($users = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/dialogue:manage', '', null, null, null, null, null, null, true, null)) {
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            $userRoles = get_user_roles($context, $user->id, true);
            foreach ($userRoles as $role) {
                if ($role->hidden == 1) {
                    $hiddenTeachers[$user->id] = 1;
        $canSeeHidden = false;
        if (has_capability('moodle/role:viewhiddenassigns', $context)) {
            $canSeeHidden = true;
        $groupid = get_current_group($course->id);
        foreach ($users as $otheruser) {
            // ...exclude self and ...
            if ($USER->id != $otheruser->id) {
                // ...if groupmode is SEPARATEGROUPS then exclude teachers not in student's group
                if ($groupid and groupmode($course, $cm) == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
                    if (!ismember($groupid, $otheruser->id)) {
                if (!$canSeeHidden && array_key_exists($otheruser->id, $hiddenTeachers) && $hiddenTeachers[$otheruser->id] == 1) {
                // ...any already in open conversations unless multiple conversations allowed
                if ($dialogue->multipleconversations or count_records_select('dialogue_conversations', "dialogueid = {$dialogue->id} AND id != {$editconversationid} AND ((userid = {$USER->id} AND \n                        recipientid = {$otheruser->id}) OR (userid = {$otheruser->id} AND \n                        recipientid = {$USER->id})) AND closed = 0") == 0) {
                    $names[$otheruser->id] = fullname($otheruser);
    if (isset($names)) {
        return $names;

示例4: feedback_email_teachers

function feedback_email_teachers($cm, $feedback, $course, $userid)
    global $CFG;
    if ($feedback->email_notification == 0) {
        // No need to do anything
    $user = get_record('user', 'id', $userid);
    if (groupmode($course, $cm) == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
        // Separate groups are being used
        if (!($group = user_group($course->id, $user->id))) {
            // Try to find a group
            $group->id = 0;
            // Not in a group, never mind
        $teachers = get_group_teachers($course->id, $group->id);
        // Works even if not in group
    } else {
        $teachers = get_course_teachers($course->id);
    if ($teachers) {
        $strfeedbacks = get_string('modulenameplural', 'feedback');
        $strfeedback = get_string('modulename', 'feedback');
        $strcompleted = get_string('completed', 'feedback');
        foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
            $info->username = fullname($user);
            $info->feedback = format_string($feedback->name, true);
            $info->url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/feedback/show_entries.php?id=' . $cm->id . '&userid=' . $userid;
            $postsubject = $strcompleted . ': ' . $info->username . ' -> ' . $feedback->name;
            $posttext = feedback_email_teachers_text($info, $course);
            $posthtml = $teacher->mailformat == 1 ? feedback_email_teachers_html($info, $course, $cm) : '';
            @email_to_user($teacher, $user, $postsubject, $posttext, $posthtml);

示例5: display

  * Display the report.
 public function display($game, $cm, $course)
     global $CFG, $SESSION, $DB;
     // Define some strings.
     $strreallydel = addslashes(get_string('deleteattemptcheck', 'game'));
     $strtimeformat = get_string('strftimedatetime');
     $strreviewquestion = get_string('reviewresponse', 'quiz');
     // Only print headers if not asked to download data.
     if (!($download = optional_param('download', null))) {
         $this->print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $game, $reportmode = "overview");
     // Deal with actions.
     $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ACTION);
     switch ($action) {
         case 'delete':
             // Some attempts need to be deleted.
             $attemptids = optional_param('attemptid', array(), PARAM_INT);
             foreach ($attemptids as $attemptid) {
                 if ($attemptid && ($todelete = get_record('game_attempts', 'id', $attemptid))) {
                     delete_records('game_attempts', 'id', $attemptid);
                     delete_records('game_queries', 'attemptid', $attemptid);
                     // Search game_attempts for other instances by this user.
                     // If none, then delete record for this game, this user from game_grades.
                     // else recalculate best grade.
                     $userid = $todelete->userid;
                     if (!record_exists('game_attempts', 'userid', $userid, 'gameid', $game->id)) {
                         delete_records('game_grades', 'userid', $userid, 'gameid', $game->id);
                     } else {
                         game_save_best_score($game, $userid);
     // Print information on the number of existing attempts.
     if (!$download) {
         // Do not print notices when downloading.
         if ($attemptnum = count_records('game_attempts', 'gameid', $game->id)) {
             $a = new stdClass();
             $a->attemptnum = $attemptnum;
             $a->studentnum = count_records_select('game_attempts', "gameid = '{$game->id}' AND preview = '0'", 'COUNT(DISTINCT userid)');
             $a->studentstring = $course->students;
             notify(get_string('numattempts', 'game', $a));
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
     // Find out current groups mode.
     if ($groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm)) {
         // Groups are being used.
         if (!$download) {
             $currentgroup = setup_and_print_groups($course, $groupmode, "report.php?id={$cm->id}&mode=overview");
         } else {
             $currentgroup = get_and_set_current_group($course, $groupmode);
     } else {
         $currentgroup = get_and_set_current_group($course, $groupmode);
     // Set table options.
     $noattempts = optional_param('noattempts', 0, PARAM_INT);
     $detailedmarks = optional_param('detailedmarks', 0, PARAM_INT);
     $pagesize = optional_param('pagesize', 10, PARAM_INT);
     $hasfeedback = game_has_feedback($game->id) && $game->grade > 1.0E-7;
     if ($pagesize < 1) {
         $pagesize = 10;
     // Now check if asked download of data.
     if ($download) {
         $filename = clean_filename("{$course->shortname} " . format_string($game->name, true));
         $sort = '';
     // Define table columns.
     $tablecolumns = array('checkbox', 'picture', 'fullname', 'timestart', 'timefinish', 'duration');
     $tableheaders = array(null, '', get_string('fullname'), get_string('startedon', 'game'), get_string('timecompleted', 'game'), get_string('attemptduration', 'game'));
     if ($game->grade) {
         $tablecolumns[] = 'grade';
         $tableheaders[] = get_string('grade', 'game') . '/' . $game->grade;
     if ($detailedmarks) {
         // We want to display marks for all questions.
         // Start by getting all questions.
         $questionlist = game_questions_in_game($game->questions);
         $questionids = explode(',', $questionlist);
         $sql = "SELECT q.*, i.score AS maxgrade, i.id AS instance" . "  FROM {question} q," . "       {game_queries} i" . " WHERE i.gameid = '{$game->id}' AND q.id = i.questionid" . "   AND q.id IN ({$questionlist})";
         if (!($questions = get_records_sql($sql))) {
             print_error('No questions found');
         $number = 1;
         foreach ($questionids as $key => $id) {
             if ($questions[$id]->length) {
                 // Only print questions of non-zero length.
                 $tablecolumns[] = '$' . $id;
                 $tableheaders[] = '#' . $number;
                 $questions[$id]->number = $number;
                 $number += $questions[$id]->length;
             } else {
                 // Get rid of zero length questions.

示例6: hotpot_get_report_users

function hotpot_get_report_users($course, $formdata)
    $users = array();
    /// Check to see if groups are being used in this module
    $groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm);
    //TODO: there is no $cm defined!
    $currentgroup = setup_and_print_groups($course, $groupmode, "report.php?id={$cm->id}&mode=simple");
    $sort = "u.lastname ASC";
    switch ($formdata['reportusers']) {
        case 'students':
            if ($currentgroup) {
                $users = get_group_students($currentgroup, $sort);
            } else {
                $users = get_course_students($course->id, $sort);
        case 'all':
            if ($currentgroup) {
                $users = get_group_users($currentgroup, $sort);
            } else {
                $users = get_course_users($course->id, $sort);
    return $users;

示例7: modgroupmode_settings

  * This is called from modedit.php to load the default for the groupmode element.
  * @param object $course
  * @param object $cm
 function modgroupmode_settings()
     global $COURSE;
     return array('groupmode' => groupmode($COURSE, $this->_cm));

示例8: feedback_send_email

 * sends an email to the teachers of the course where the given feedback is placed.
 * @global object
 * @global object
 * @param object $cm the coursemodule-record
 * @param object $feedback
 * @param object $course
 * @param int $userid
 * @return void
function feedback_send_email($cm, $feedback, $course, $userid)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    if ($feedback->email_notification == 0) {
        // No need to do anything
    $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid));
    if (groupmode($course, $cm) == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
        // Separate groups are being used
        $groups = $DB->get_records_sql_menu("SELECT g.name, g.id\n                                               FROM {groups} g, {groups_members} m\n                                              WHERE g.courseid = ?\n                                                    AND g.id = m.groupid\n                                                    AND m.userid = ?\n                                           ORDER BY name ASC", array($course->id, $userid));
        $groups = array_values($groups);
        $teachers = feedback_get_receivemail_users($cm->id, $groups);
    } else {
        $teachers = feedback_get_receivemail_users($cm->id);
    if ($teachers) {
        $strfeedbacks = get_string('modulenameplural', 'feedback');
        $strfeedback = get_string('modulename', 'feedback');
        $strcompleted = get_string('completed', 'feedback');
        $printusername = $feedback->anonymous == FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_NO ? fullname($user) : get_string('anonymous_user', 'feedback');
        foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
            $info = new object();
            $info->username = $printusername;
            $info->feedback = format_string($feedback->name, true);
            $info->url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/feedback/show_entries.php?id=' . $cm->id . '&userid=' . $userid . '&do_show=showentries';
            $postsubject = $strcompleted . ': ' . $info->username . ' -> ' . $feedback->name;
            $posttext = feedback_send_email_text($info, $course);
            $posthtml = $teacher->mailformat == 1 ? feedback_send_email_html($info, $course, $cm) : '';
            if ($feedback->anonymous == FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_NO) {
                $eventdata = new object();
                $eventdata->modulename = 'feedback';
                $eventdata->userfrom = $user;
                $eventdata->userto = $teacher;
                $eventdata->subject = $postsubject;
                $eventdata->fullmessage = $posttext;
                $eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
                $eventdata->fullmessagehtml = $posthtml;
                $eventdata->smallmessage = '';
                if (events_trigger('message_send', $eventdata) > 0) {
            } else {
                $eventdata = new object();
                $eventdata->modulename = 'feedback';
                $eventdata->userfrom = $teacher;
                $eventdata->userto = $teacher;
                $eventdata->subject = $postsubject;
                $eventdata->fullmessage = $posttext;
                $eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
                $eventdata->fullmessagehtml = $posthtml;
                $eventdata->smallmessage = '';
                if (events_trigger('message_send', $eventdata) > 0) {

示例9: get_string

$strgradeitemadd = get_string('gradeitemadd', 'grades');
$strgradeitemremove = get_string('gradeitemremove', 'grades');
$strgradeiteminfo = get_string('gradeiteminfo', 'grades');
$strgradeiteminfopeople = get_string('gradeiteminfopeople', 'grades');
$strgradeitemrandomassign = get_string('gradeitemrandomassign', 'grades');
$strgradeitemaddusers = get_string('gradeitemaddusers', 'grades');
$strgradeitems = get_string('gradeitems', 'grades');
$courseid = $course->id;
$listgrade_items = array();
$listmembers = array();
$nonmembers = array();
$grade_items = array();
$grade_items = get_records('grade_item', 'courseid', $course->id);
$grade_itemcount = count($grade_items);
// get current group of students and assign that to be the working list of students
if (groupmode($course) != 0) {
    if ($currentgroup = get_current_group($course->id)) {
        //groupmode is either separate or visible and there is a group
        $students = get_group_users($group);
    } else {
        //groupmode is either separate or visible and the current group is all participants
        $students = grade_get_course_students($course->id);
} else {
    $students = grade_get_course_students($course->id);
    //groupmode is not set (all participants)
// we need to create a multidimensional array keyed by grade_itemid with all_students at each level
if (isset($grade_items)) {
    foreach ($grade_items as $grade_item) {
        $nonmembers[$grade_item->id] = array();

示例10: workshop_print_league_table

function workshop_print_league_table($workshop)
    // print an order table of (student) submissions showing teacher's and student's assessments
    if (!($course = get_record("course", "id", $workshop->course))) {
        error("Print league table: Course is misconfigured");
    if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("workshop", $workshop->id, $workshop->course))) {
        error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
    // set $groupid if workshop is in SEPARATEGROUPS mode
    if (groupmode($course, $cm) == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
        $groupid = get_current_group($course->id);
    } else {
        $groupid = 0;
    $nentries = $workshop->showleaguetable;
    if ($workshop->anonymous and workshop_is_student($workshop)) {
        $table->head = array(get_string("title", "workshop"), get_string("teacherassessments", "workshop", $course->teacher), get_string("studentassessments", "workshop", $course->student), get_string("overallgrade", "workshop"));
        $table->align = array("left", "center", "center", "center");
        $table->size = array("*", "*", "*", "*");
    } else {
        // show names
        $table->head = array(get_string("title", "workshop"), get_string("name"), get_string("teacherassessments", "workshop", $course->teacher), get_string("studentassessments", "workshop", $course->student), get_string("overallgrade", "workshop"));
        $table->align = array("left", "left", "center", "center", "center");
        $table->size = array("*", "*", "*", "*", "*");
    $table->cellpadding = 2;
    $table->cellspacing = 0;
    if ($submissions = workshop_get_student_submissions($workshop)) {
        foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
            if ($groupid) {
                // check submission's group
                if (!groups_is_member($groupid, $submission->userid)) {
                    // skip this submission
            $grades[$submission->id] = workshop_submission_grade($workshop, $submission);
        // largest grade first
        $n = 1;
        while (list($submissionid, $grade) = each($grades)) {
            if (!($submission = get_record("workshop_submissions", "id", $submissionid))) {
                error("Print league table: submission not found");
            if (!($user = get_record("user", "id", $submission->userid))) {
                error("Print league table: user not found");
            if ($workshop->anonymous and workshop_is_student($workshop)) {
                $table->data[] = array(workshop_print_submission_title($workshop, $submission), workshop_print_submission_assessments($workshop, $submission, "teacher"), workshop_print_submission_assessments($workshop, $submission, "student"), $grade);
            } else {
                $table->data[] = array(workshop_print_submission_title($workshop, $submission), fullname($user), workshop_print_submission_assessments($workshop, $submission, "teacher"), workshop_print_submission_assessments($workshop, $submission, "student"), $grade);
            if ($n > $nentries) {
        print_heading(get_string("leaguetable", "workshop"));

示例11: certificate_email_teachers

function certificate_email_teachers($certificate)
    global $course, $USER, $CFG;
    if ($certificate->emailteachers == 0) {
        // No need to do anything
    $certrecord = certificate_get_issue($course, $USER, $certificate->id);
    $student = $certrecord->studentname;
    $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("certificate", $certificate->id, $course->id);
    if (groupmode($course, $cm) == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
        // Separate groups are being used
        if (!($group = user_group($course->id, $user->id))) {
            // Try to find a group
            $group->id = 0;
            // Not in a group, never mind
        $teachers = get_group_teachers($course->id, $group->id);
        // Works even if not in group
    } else {
        $teachers = get_course_teachers($course->id);
    if ($teachers) {
        $strcertificates = get_string('modulenameplural', 'certificate');
        $strcertificate = get_string('modulename', 'certificate');
        $strawarded = get_string('awarded', 'certificate');
        foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
            $info->student = $student;
            $info->course = format_string($course->fullname, true);
            $info->certificate = format_string($certificate->name, true);
            $info->url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/certificate/report.php?id=' . $cm->id;
            $from = $student;
            $postsubject = $strawarded . ': ' . $info->student . ' -> ' . $certificate->name;
            $posttext = certificate_email_teachers_text($info);
            $posthtml = certificate_email_teachers_html($info);
            $posthtml = $teacher->mailformat == 1 ? certificate_email_teachers_html($info) : '';
            @email_to_user($teacher, $from, $postsubject, $posttext, $posthtml);
            // If it fails, oh well, too bad.
            set_field("certificate_issues", "mailed", "1", "certificateid", $certificate->id, "userid", $USER->id);

示例12: forum_get_recent_mod_activity

 * Prepares array of recent activity in course forums
 * Returns all forum posts since a given time. If forum and/or user is specified then
 * this restricts the results.
 * @param array &$activities An array of objects representing recent activites
 * @param int &$index ???
 * @param int $sincetime Searches only for a activitity since this timestamp
 * @param int $courseid Searches only for a activitity in a given course module (default 0 means all)
 * @param string $user Searches only for a user's activity (given by username)
 * @param array $groupid Searches only for an activity in particular groups
 * @return No return value but modifies &$activities and &$index
function forum_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $sincetime, $courseid, $cmid = "0", $user = "", $groupid = "")
    global $CFG, $USER, $COURSE;
    if ($cmid) {
        $forumselect = " AND cm.id = '{$cmid}'";
    } else {
        $forumselect = "";
    if ($user) {
        $userselect = " AND u.id = '{$user}'";
    } else {
        $userselect = "";
    if (is_numeric($groupid)) {
        // the behaviour of mygroupid() has been changed so we are getting array now
        $groupid = array($groupid);
    $posts = get_records_sql("SELECT p.*, d.name, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.username,\n                                     u.picture, d.groupid, cm.instance, f.name,\n                                     cm.section, cm.id AS cmid\n                               FROM {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p,\n                                    {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d,\n                                    {$CFG->prefix}user u,\n                                    {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm,\n                                    {$CFG->prefix}forum f\n                              WHERE p.modified > '{$sincetime}' {$forumselect}\n                                AND p.userid = u.id {$userselect}\n                                AND d.course = '{$courseid}'\n                                AND p.discussion = d.id\n                                AND cm.instance = f.id\n                                AND cm.course = d.course\n                                AND cm.course = f.course\n                                AND f.id = d.forum\n                              ORDER BY p.discussion ASC,p.created ASC");
    if (empty($posts)) {
    $groupmode = array();
    // To cache group modes of particular forums
    $cm = array();
    // To cache course modules
    $mygroupids = groups_get_groups_for_user($USER->id, $COURSE->id) or $mygroupids = array();
    foreach ($posts as $post) {
        $modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $post->cmid);
        // Check whether this post belongs to a discussion in a group that
        // should NOT be accessible to the current user
        // Open discussions have groupid -1
        if (!has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $modcontext) && $post->groupid != -1) {
            if (!isset($cm[$post->cmid])) {
                $cm[$post->cmid] = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $post->cmid, $courseid);
            if (!isset($groupmode[$post->cmid])) {
                $groupmode[$post->cmid] = groupmode($COURSE, $cm[$post->cmid]);
            if ($groupmode[$post->cmid] == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
                if (!in_array($post->groupid, $mygroupids)) {
        // the user wants to restrict results on selected group only
        if (is_array($groupid) && !in_array($post->groupid, $groupid)) {
        $tmpactivity = new Object();
        $tmpactivity->type = "forum";
        $tmpactivity->defaultindex = $index;
        $tmpactivity->instance = $post->instance;
        $tmpactivity->name = $post->name;
        $tmpactivity->section = $post->section;
        $tmpactivity->content->id = $post->id;
        $tmpactivity->content->discussion = $post->discussion;
        $tmpactivity->content->subject = $post->subject;
        $tmpactivity->content->parent = $post->parent;
        $tmpactivity->user->userid = $post->userid;
        $tmpactivity->user->fullname = fullname($post);
        $tmpactivity->user->picture = $post->picture;
        $tmpactivity->timestamp = $post->modified;
        $activities[] = $tmpactivity;

示例13: forum_menu_list

 * @todo Document this function
function forum_menu_list($course)
    $menu = array();
    $currentgroup = get_and_set_current_group($course, groupmode($course));
    if ($forums = get_all_instances_in_course("forum", $course)) {
        if ($course->format == 'weeks') {
            $strsection = get_string('week');
        } else {
            $strsection = get_string('topic');
        foreach ($forums as $forum) {
            if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id, $course->id)) {
                $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
                if (!isset($forum->visible)) {
                    if (!instance_is_visible("forum", $forum) && !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $context)) {
                $groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm);
                // Groups are being used
                if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS && $currentgroup === false && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)) {
            $menu[$forum->id] = format_string($forum->name, true);
    return $menu;

示例14: array_unshift

    $learningtable->align[] = 'center';
/// Now let's process the learning forums
if ($course->id != SITEID) {
    // Only real courses have learning forums
    // Add extra field for section number, at the front
    if ($course->format == 'weeks' or $course->format == 'weekscss') {
        array_unshift($learningtable->head, $strweek);
    } else {
        array_unshift($learningtable->head, $strsection);
    array_unshift($learningtable->align, "center");
    if ($learningforums) {
        $currentsection = "";
        foreach ($learningforums as $key => $forum) {
            $groupmode = groupmode($course, $forum);
            /// Can do this because forum->groupmode is defined
            $forum->visible = instance_is_visible("forum", $forum) || has_capability('moodle/course:view', $coursecontext);
            $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("forum", $forum->id, $course->id);
            $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
            if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)) {
                $count = count_records("forum_discussions", "forum", "{$forum->id}", "groupid", $currentgroup);
            } else {
                $count = count_records("forum_discussions", "forum", "{$forum->id}");
            if ($usetracking) {
                if ($forum->trackingtype == FORUM_TRACKING_OFF) {
                    $unreadlink = '-';
                    $trackedlink = '-';
                } else {
                    if ($forum->trackingtype == FORUM_TRACKING_ON || !isset($untracked[$forum->id])) {

示例15: forum_check_text_access

* this function handles the access policy to contents indexed as searchable documents. If this 
* function does not exist, the search engine assumes access is allowed.
* When this point is reached, we already know that : 
* - user is legitimate in the surrounding context
* - user may be guest and guest access is allowed to the module
* - the function may perform local checks within the module information logic
* @param path the access path to the module script code
* @param itemtype the information subclassing (usefull for complex modules, defaults to 'standard')
* @param this_id the item id within the information class denoted by itemtype. In forums, this id 
* points out the individual post.
* @param user the user record denoting the user who searches
* @param group_id the current group used by the user when searching
* @uses CFG, USER
* @return true if access is allowed, false elsewhere
function forum_check_text_access($path, $itemtype, $this_id, $user, $group_id, $context_id)
    global $CFG, $USER;
    include_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/{$path}/lib.php";
    // get the forum post and all related stuff
    $post = get_record('forum_posts', 'id', $this_id);
    $discussion = get_record('forum_discussions', 'id', $post->discussion);
    $context = get_record('context', 'id', $context_id);
    $cm = get_record('course_modules', 'id', $context->instanceid);
    if (empty($cm)) {
        return false;
    // Shirai 20093005 - MDL19342 - course module might have been delete
    if (!$cm->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $context)) {
        if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) {
            echo "search reject : hidden forum resource ";
        return false;
    // approval check : entries should be approved for being viewed, or belongs to the user
    if ($post->userid != $USER->id && !$post->mailed && !has_capability('mod/forum:viewhiddentimeposts', $context)) {
        if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) {
            echo "search reject : time hidden forum item";
        return false;
    // group check : entries should be in accessible groups
    $current_group = get_current_group($discussion->course);
    $course = get_record('course', 'id', $discussion->course);
    if ($group_id >= 0 && groupmode($course, $cm) == SEPARATEGROUPS && $group_id != $current_group && !has_capability('mod/forum:viewdiscussionsfromallgroups', $context)) {
        if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) {
            echo "search reject : separated grouped forum item";
        return false;
    return true;
