本文整理汇总了PHP中give_sanitize_amount函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP give_sanitize_amount函数的具体用法?PHP give_sanitize_amount怎么用?PHP give_sanitize_amount使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: give_process_purchase_form
* Process Purchase Form
* Handles the purchase form process.
* @access private
* @since 1.0
* @return void
function give_process_purchase_form()
// Validate the form $_POST data
$valid_data = give_purchase_form_validate_fields();
// Allow themes and plugins to hook to errors
do_action('give_checkout_error_checks', $valid_data, $_POST);
$is_ajax = isset($_POST['give_ajax']);
// Process the login form
if (isset($_POST['give_login_submit'])) {
// Validate the user
$user = give_get_purchase_form_user($valid_data);
if (give_get_errors() || !$user) {
if ($is_ajax) {
} else {
return false;
if ($is_ajax) {
echo 'success';
// Setup user information
$user_info = array('id' => $user['user_id'], 'email' => $user['user_email'], 'first_name' => $user['user_first'], 'last_name' => $user['user_last'], 'address' => $user['address']);
$auth_key = defined('AUTH_KEY') ? AUTH_KEY : '';
// Setup purchase information
$purchase_data = array('price' => isset($_POST['give-amount']) ? (double) apply_filters('give_donation_total', give_sanitize_amount(give_format_amount($_POST['give-amount']))) : '0.00', 'purchase_key' => strtolower(md5($user['user_email'] . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . $auth_key . uniqid('give', true))), 'user_email' => $user['user_email'], 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', current_time('timestamp')), 'user_info' => stripslashes_deep($user_info), 'post_data' => $_POST, 'gateway' => $valid_data['gateway'], 'card_info' => $valid_data['cc_info']);
// Add the user data for hooks
$valid_data['user'] = $user;
// Allow themes and plugins to hook before the gateway
do_action('give_checkout_before_gateway', $_POST, $user_info, $valid_data);
// If the total amount in the cart is 0, send to the manual gateway. This emulates a free purchase
if (!$purchase_data['price']) {
// Revert to manual
$purchase_data['gateway'] = 'manual';
$_POST['give-gateway'] = 'manual';
// Allow the purchase data to be modified before it is sent to the gateway
$purchase_data = apply_filters('give_purchase_data_before_gateway', $purchase_data, $valid_data);
// Setup the data we're storing in the purchase session
$session_data = $purchase_data;
// Make sure credit card numbers are never stored in sessions
// Used for showing data to non logged-in users after purchase, and for other plugins needing purchase data.
// Send info to the gateway for payment processing
give_send_to_gateway($purchase_data['gateway'], $purchase_data);
示例2: give_donations_validate_donation_amount
* Validation donation amount. Note: Give handles validation minimum amount out-of-the-box.
* Check that a donation is above or below a maximum amount.
* @param $valid_data
* @param $data
function give_donations_validate_donation_amount($valid_data, $data)
// Only validate the form with the IDs "754" and "586";
// Remove "If" statement to validation for all forms
// For a single form, use this instead:
// $forms = array( 1425 );
// if ( ! in_array( $data['give-form-id'], $forms ) ) {
// return;
// }
$sanitized_amount = (int) give_sanitize_amount($data['give-amount']);
$max_amount = 1000;
//Check for message data
if ($sanitized_amount >= $max_amount) {
give_set_error('give_message', sprintf(__('Sorry, we can\'t accept donations more than %s.', 'give'), give_currency_filter(give_format_amount($max_amount))));
示例3: give_goal
* Displays a formatted goal for a donation form
* @since 1.0
* @param int $form_id ID of the form price to show
* @param bool $echo Whether to echo or return the results
* @return void
function give_goal($form_id = 0, $echo = true)
if (empty($form_id)) {
$form_id = get_the_ID();
$goal = give_get_form_goal($form_id);
$goal = apply_filters('give_form_goal', give_sanitize_amount($goal), $form_id);
$formatted_goal = '<span class="give_price" id="give_price_' . $form_id . '">' . $goal . '</span>';
$formatted_goal = apply_filters('give_form_price_after_html', $formatted_goal, $form_id, $goal);
if ($echo) {
echo $formatted_goal;
} else {
return $formatted_goal;
示例4: give_process_paypal_purchase
* Process PayPal Purchase.
* @since 1.0
* @param array $purchase_data Purchase Data
* @return void
function give_process_paypal_purchase($purchase_data)
if (!wp_verify_nonce($purchase_data['gateway_nonce'], 'give-gateway')) {
wp_die(esc_html__('Nonce verification has failed.', 'give'), esc_html__('Error', 'give'), array('response' => 403));
$form_id = intval($purchase_data['post_data']['give-form-id']);
$price_id = isset($purchase_data['post_data']['give-price-id']) ? $purchase_data['post_data']['give-price-id'] : '';
// Collect payment data.
$payment_data = array('price' => $purchase_data['price'], 'give_form_title' => $purchase_data['post_data']['give-form-title'], 'give_form_id' => $form_id, 'give_price_id' => $price_id, 'date' => $purchase_data['date'], 'user_email' => $purchase_data['user_email'], 'purchase_key' => $purchase_data['purchase_key'], 'currency' => give_get_currency(), 'user_info' => $purchase_data['user_info'], 'status' => 'pending', 'gateway' => 'paypal');
// Record the pending payment.
$payment_id = give_insert_payment($payment_data);
// Check payment.
if (!$payment_id) {
// Record the error.
give_record_gateway_error(esc_html__('Payment Error', 'give'), sprintf(esc_html__('Payment creation failed before sending donor to PayPal. Payment data: %s', 'give'), json_encode($payment_data)), $payment_id);
// Problems? Send back.
give_send_back_to_checkout('?payment-mode=' . $purchase_data['post_data']['give-gateway']);
} else {
// Only send to PayPal if the pending payment is created successfully.
$listener_url = add_query_arg('give-listener', 'IPN', home_url('index.php'));
// Get the success url.
$return_url = add_query_arg(array('payment-confirmation' => 'paypal', 'payment-id' => $payment_id), get_permalink(give_get_option('success_page')));
// Get the PayPal redirect uri.
$paypal_redirect = trailingslashit(give_get_paypal_redirect()) . '?';
//Item name - pass level name if variable priced.
$item_name = $purchase_data['post_data']['give-form-title'];
//Verify has variable prices.
if (give_has_variable_prices($form_id) && isset($purchase_data['post_data']['give-price-id'])) {
$item_price_level_text = give_get_price_option_name($form_id, $purchase_data['post_data']['give-price-id']);
$price_level_amount = give_get_price_option_amount($form_id, $purchase_data['post_data']['give-price-id']);
//Donation given doesn't match selected level (must be a custom amount).
if ($price_level_amount != give_sanitize_amount($purchase_data['price'])) {
$custom_amount_text = get_post_meta($form_id, '_give_custom_amount_text', true);
//user custom amount text if any, fallback to default if not.
$item_name .= ' - ' . (!empty($custom_amount_text) ? $custom_amount_text : esc_html__('Custom Amount', 'give'));
} elseif (!empty($item_price_level_text)) {
$item_name .= ' - ' . $item_price_level_text;
} elseif (give_get_form_price($form_id) !== give_sanitize_amount($purchase_data['price'])) {
$custom_amount_text = get_post_meta($form_id, '_give_custom_amount_text', true);
//user custom amount text if any, fallback to default if not.
$item_name .= ' - ' . (!empty($custom_amount_text) ? $custom_amount_text : esc_html__('Custom Amount', 'give'));
// Setup PayPal API params.
$paypal_args = array('business' => give_get_option('paypal_email', false), 'first_name' => $purchase_data['user_info']['first_name'], 'last_name' => $purchase_data['user_info']['last_name'], 'email' => $purchase_data['user_email'], 'invoice' => $purchase_data['purchase_key'], 'amount' => $purchase_data['price'], 'item_name' => stripslashes($item_name), 'no_shipping' => '1', 'shipping' => '0', 'no_note' => '1', 'currency_code' => give_get_currency(), 'charset' => get_bloginfo('charset'), 'custom' => $payment_id, 'rm' => '2', 'return' => $return_url, 'cancel_return' => give_get_failed_transaction_uri('?payment-id=' . $payment_id), 'notify_url' => $listener_url, 'page_style' => give_get_paypal_page_style(), 'cbt' => get_bloginfo('name'), 'bn' => 'givewp_SP');
//Add user address if present.
if (!empty($purchase_data['user_info']['address'])) {
$paypal_args['address1'] = isset($purchase_data['user_info']['address']['line1']) ? $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['line1'] : '';
$paypal_args['address2'] = isset($purchase_data['user_info']['address']['line2']) ? $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['line2'] : '';
$paypal_args['city'] = isset($purchase_data['user_info']['address']['city']) ? $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['city'] : '';
$paypal_args['state'] = isset($purchase_data['user_info']['address']['state']) ? $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['state'] : '';
$paypal_args['country'] = isset($purchase_data['user_info']['address']['country']) ? $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['country'] : '';
//Donations or regular transactions?
if (give_get_option('paypal_button_type') === 'standard') {
$paypal_extra_args = array('cmd' => '_xclick');
} else {
$paypal_extra_args = array('cmd' => '_donations');
$paypal_args = array_merge($paypal_extra_args, $paypal_args);
$paypal_args = apply_filters('give_paypal_redirect_args', $paypal_args, $purchase_data);
// Build query.
$paypal_redirect .= http_build_query($paypal_args);
// Fix for some sites that encode the entities.
$paypal_redirect = str_replace('&', '&', $paypal_redirect);
// Redirect to PayPal.
示例5: give_validate_multi_donation_form_level
* Auto set correct donation level id on basis of amount.
* Note: If amount does not match to donation level amount then level id will be auto select to first match level id on basis of amount.
* @param array $valid_data
* @param array $data
* @return bool
function give_validate_multi_donation_form_level($valid_data, $data)
/* @var Give_Donate_Form $form*/
$form = new Give_Donate_Form($data['give-form-id']);
$donation_level_matched = false;
if ($form->is_multi_type_donation_form()) {
// Bailout.
if (!($variable_prices = $form->get_prices())) {
return false;
// Sanitize donation amount.
$data['give-amount'] = give_sanitize_amount($data['give-amount']);
// Get number of decimals.
$default_decimals = give_get_price_decimals();
if ($data['give-amount'] === give_sanitize_amount(give_get_price_option_amount($data['give-form-id'], $data['give-price-id']), $default_decimals)) {
return true;
// Find correct donation level from all donation levels.
foreach ($variable_prices as $variable_price) {
// Sanitize level amount.
$variable_price['_give_amount'] = give_sanitize_amount($variable_price['_give_amount'], $default_decimals);
// Set first match donation level ID.
if ($data['give-amount'] === $variable_price['_give_amount']) {
$_POST['give-price-id'] = $variable_price['_give_id']['level_id'];
$donation_level_matched = true;
// If donation amount is not find in donation levels then check if form has custom donation feature enable or not.
// If yes then set price id to custom if amount is greater then custom minimum amount (if any).
if (!$donation_level_matched && 'yes' === get_post_meta($data['give-form-id'], '_give_custom_amount', true)) {
// Sanitize custom minimum amount.
$custom_minimum_amount = give_sanitize_amount(get_post_meta($data['give-form-id'], '_give_custom_amount_minimum', true), $default_decimals);
if ($data['give-amount'] >= $custom_minimum_amount) {
$_POST['give-price-id'] = 'custom';
$donation_level_matched = true;
return $donation_level_matched ? true : false;
示例6: give_get_purchase_stats_by_user
* Get Purchase Status for User
* Retrieves the purchase count and the total amount spent for a specific user
* @access public
* @since 1.0
* @param $user int|string - the ID or email of the donor to retrieve stats for
* @return array
function give_get_purchase_stats_by_user($user = '')
if (is_email($user)) {
$field = 'email';
} elseif (is_numeric($user)) {
$field = 'user_id';
$stats = array();
$customer = Give()->customers->get_customer_by($field, $user);
if ($customer) {
$customer = new Give_Customer($customer->id);
$stats['purchases'] = absint($customer->purchase_count);
$stats['total_spent'] = give_sanitize_amount($customer->purchase_value);
return (array) apply_filters('give_purchase_stats_by_user', $stats, $user);
示例7: give_get_price_id
* Get Price ID
* Retrieves the Price ID when provided a proper form ID and price (donation) total
* @param $form_id
* @param $price
* @return string $price_id
function give_get_price_id($form_id, $price)
$price_id = 0;
if (give_has_variable_prices($form_id)) {
$levels = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($form_id, '_give_donation_levels', true));
foreach ($levels as $level) {
$level_amount = (double) give_sanitize_amount($level['_give_amount']);
//check that this indeed the recurring price
if ($level_amount == $price) {
$price_id = $level['_give_id']['level_id'];
return $price_id;
示例8: give_verify_minimum_price
* Donation Form Validate Minimum Donation Amount
* @access private
* @since 1.3.6
* @return bool
function give_verify_minimum_price()
$amount = give_sanitize_amount($_REQUEST['give-amount']);
$form_id = $_REQUEST['give-form-id'];
$price_id = isset($_REQUEST['give-price-id']) ? $_REQUEST['give-price-id'] : 0;
$variable_prices = give_has_variable_prices($form_id);
if ($variable_prices && !empty($price_id)) {
$price_level_amount = give_get_price_option_amount($form_id, $price_id);
if ($price_level_amount == $amount) {
return true;
$minimum = give_get_form_minimum_price($form_id);
if ($minimum > $amount) {
return false;
return true;
示例9: add_donation
* Add a donation to a given payment
* @since 1.5
* @access public
* @param int $form_id The donation form to add
* @param array $args Other arguments to pass to the function
* @param array $options List of donation options
* @return bool True when successful, false otherwise
public function add_donation($form_id = 0, $args = array(), $options = array())
$donation = new Give_Donate_Form($form_id);
// Bail if this post isn't a give donation form
if (!$donation || $donation->post_type !== 'give_forms') {
return false;
// Set some defaults
$defaults = array('price' => false, 'price_id' => false, 'fees' => array());
$args = wp_parse_args(apply_filters('give_payment_add_donation_args', $args, $donation->ID), $defaults);
// Allow overriding the price
if (false !== $args['price']) {
$item_price = $args['price'];
} else {
// Deal with variable pricing
if (give_has_variable_prices($donation->ID)) {
$prices = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($form_id, '_give_donation_levels', true));
$item_price = '';
//Loop through prices
foreach ($prices as $price) {
//Find a match between price_id and level_id
//First verify array keys exists THEN make the match
if (isset($args['price_id']) && isset($price['_give_id']['level_id']) && $args['price_id'] == $price['_give_id']['level_id']) {
$item_price = $price['_give_amount'];
//Fallback to the lowest price point
if ($item_price == '') {
$item_price = give_get_lowest_price_option($donation->ID);
$args['price_id'] = give_get_lowest_price_id($donation->ID);
} else {
//Simple form price
$item_price = give_get_form_price($donation->ID);
// Sanitizing the price here so we don't have a dozen calls later
$item_price = give_sanitize_amount($item_price);
$total = round($item_price, give_currency_decimal_filter());
//Add Options
$default_options = array();
if (false !== $args['price_id']) {
$default_options['price_id'] = (int) $args['price_id'];
$options = wp_parse_args($options, $default_options);
// Do not allow totals to go negative
if ($total < 0) {
$total = 0;
$donation = array('name' => $donation->post_title, 'id' => $donation->ID, 'price' => round($total, give_currency_decimal_filter()), 'subtotal' => round($total, give_currency_decimal_filter()), 'fees' => $args['fees'], 'price_id' => $args['price_id'], 'action' => 'add', 'options' => $options);
$this->pending['donations'][] = $donation;
return true;
示例10: give_save_bulk_edit
* Process bulk edit actions via AJAX
* @since 1.0
* @return void
function give_save_bulk_edit()
$post_ids = isset($_POST['post_ids']) && !empty($_POST['post_ids']) ? $_POST['post_ids'] : array();
if (!empty($post_ids) && is_array($post_ids)) {
$price = isset($_POST['price']) ? strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['price'])) : 0;
foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) {
if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) {
if (!empty($price)) {
update_post_meta($post_id, '_give_set_price', give_sanitize_amount($price));
示例11: get_goal
* Retrieve the goal
* @since 1.0
* @access public
* @return float Goal.
public function get_goal()
if (!isset($this->goal)) {
$this->goal = get_post_meta($this->ID, '_give_set_goal', true);
if ($this->goal) {
$this->goal = give_sanitize_amount($this->goal);
} else {
$this->goal = 0;
return apply_filters('give_get_set_goal', $this->goal, $this->ID);
示例12: give_update_payment_details
* Process the payment details edit
* @access private
* @param $data
* @since 1.0
* @return void
function give_update_payment_details($data)
if (!current_user_can('edit_give_payments', $data['give_payment_id'])) {
wp_die(__('You do not have permission to edit this payment record', 'give'), __('Error', 'give'), array('response' => 403));
// Retrieve the payment ID
$payment_id = absint($data['give_payment_id']);
// Retrieve existing payment meta
$meta = give_get_payment_meta($payment_id);
$user_info = give_get_payment_meta_user_info($payment_id);
$status = $data['give-payment-status'];
$user_id = isset($data['give-payment-user-id']) ? intval($data['give-payment-user-id']) : '';
$date = sanitize_text_field($data['give-payment-date']);
$hour = sanitize_text_field($data['give-payment-time-hour']);
$form_id = give_get_payment_form_id($payment_id);
// Restrict to our high and low
if ($hour > 23) {
$hour = 23;
} elseif ($hour < 0) {
$hour = 00;
$minute = sanitize_text_field($data['give-payment-time-min']);
// Restrict to our high and low
if ($minute > 59) {
$minute = 59;
} elseif ($minute < 0) {
$minute = 00;
$address = array_map('trim', $data['give-payment-address'][0]);
$date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)) . ' ' . $hour . ':' . $minute . ':00';
$curr_total = give_sanitize_amount(give_get_payment_amount($payment_id));
$new_total = give_sanitize_amount($_POST['give-payment-total']);
$curr_customer_id = sanitize_text_field($data['give-current-customer']);
$new_customer_id = sanitize_text_field($data['customer-id']);
do_action('give_update_edited_purchase', $payment_id);
// Update main payment record
$updated = wp_update_post(array('ID' => $payment_id, 'edit_date' => true, 'post_date' => $date));
if (0 === $updated) {
wp_die(esc_attr__('Error Updating Payment', 'give'), esc_attr__('Error', 'give'), array('response' => 400));
$customer_changed = false;
if (isset($data['give-new-customer']) && $data['give-new-customer'] == '1') {
$email = isset($data['give-new-customer-email']) ? sanitize_text_field($data['give-new-customer-email']) : '';
$names = isset($data['give-new-customer-name']) ? sanitize_text_field($data['give-new-customer-name']) : '';
if (empty($email) || empty($names)) {
wp_die(esc_attr__('New Customers require a name and email address', 'give'));
$customer = new Give_Customer($email);
if (empty($customer->id)) {
$customer_data = array('name' => $names, 'email' => $email);
$user_id = email_exists($email);
if (false !== $user_id) {
$customer_data['user_id'] = $user_id;
if (!$customer->create($customer_data)) {
// Failed to crete the new customer, assume the previous customer
$customer_changed = false;
$customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
give_set_error('give-payment-new-customer-fail', __('Error creating new customer', 'give'));
$new_customer_id = $customer->id;
$previous_customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
$customer_changed = true;
} elseif ($curr_customer_id !== $new_customer_id) {
$customer = new Give_Customer($new_customer_id);
$email = $customer->email;
$names = $customer->name;
$previous_customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
$customer_changed = true;
} else {
$customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
$email = $customer->email;
$names = $customer->name;
// Setup first and last name from input values
$names = explode(' ', $names);
$first_name = !empty($names[0]) ? $names[0] : '';
$last_name = '';
if (!empty($names[1])) {
$last_name = implode(' ', $names);
if ($customer_changed) {
// Remove the stats and payment from the previous customer and attach it to the new customer
$previous_customer->remove_payment($payment_id, false);
$customer->attach_payment($payment_id, false);
示例13: give_update_payment_details
* Process the payment details edit
* @access private
* @param array $data
* @since 1.0
* @return void
function give_update_payment_details($data)
if (!current_user_can('edit_give_payments', $data['give_payment_id'])) {
wp_die(esc_html__('You do not have permission to edit payment records.', 'give'), esc_html__('Error', 'give'), array('response' => 403));
// Retrieve the payment ID
$payment_id = absint($data['give_payment_id']);
/* @var Give_Payment $payment */
$payment = new Give_Payment($payment_id);
// Retrieve existing payment meta
$meta = $payment->get_meta();
$user_info = $payment->user_info;
$status = $data['give-payment-status'];
$date = sanitize_text_field($data['give-payment-date']);
$hour = sanitize_text_field($data['give-payment-time-hour']);
// Restrict to our high and low
if ($hour > 23) {
$hour = 23;
} elseif ($hour < 0) {
$hour = 00;
$minute = sanitize_text_field($data['give-payment-time-min']);
// Restrict to our high and low
if ($minute > 59) {
$minute = 59;
} elseif ($minute < 0) {
$minute = 00;
$address = array_map('trim', $data['give-payment-address'][0]);
$curr_total = give_sanitize_amount($payment->total);
$new_total = give_sanitize_amount($data['give-payment-total']);
$date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)) . ' ' . $hour . ':' . $minute . ':00';
$curr_customer_id = sanitize_text_field($data['give-current-customer']);
$new_customer_id = sanitize_text_field($data['customer-id']);
* Fires before updating edited purchase.
* @since 1.0
* @param int $payment_id The ID of the payment.
do_action('give_update_edited_purchase', $payment_id);
$payment->date = $date;
$updated = $payment->save();
if (0 === $updated) {
wp_die(esc_html__('Error Updating Payment.', 'give'), esc_html__('Error', 'give'), array('response' => 400));
$customer_changed = false;
if (isset($data['give-new-customer']) && $data['give-new-customer'] == '1') {
$email = isset($data['give-new-customer-email']) ? sanitize_text_field($data['give-new-customer-email']) : '';
$names = isset($data['give-new-customer-name']) ? sanitize_text_field($data['give-new-customer-name']) : '';
if (empty($email) || empty($names)) {
wp_die(esc_html__('New Customers require a name and email address.', 'give'), esc_html__('Error', 'give'), array('response' => 400));
$customer = new Give_Customer($email);
if (empty($customer->id)) {
$customer_data = array('name' => $names, 'email' => $email);
$user_id = email_exists($email);
if (false !== $user_id) {
$customer_data['user_id'] = $user_id;
if (!$customer->create($customer_data)) {
// Failed to crete the new donor, assume the previous donor
$customer_changed = false;
$customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
give_set_error('give-payment-new-customer-fail', esc_html__('Error creating new donor.', 'give'));
$new_customer_id = $customer->id;
$previous_customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
$customer_changed = true;
} elseif ($curr_customer_id !== $new_customer_id) {
$customer = new Give_Customer($new_customer_id);
$email = $customer->email;
$names = $customer->name;
$previous_customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
$customer_changed = true;
} else {
$customer = new Give_Customer($curr_customer_id);
$email = $customer->email;
$names = $customer->name;
// Setup first and last name from input values
$names = explode(' ', $names);
$first_name = !empty($names[0]) ? $names[0] : '';
$last_name = '';
if (!empty($names[1])) {
示例14: give_sanitize_price_field_value
* Sanitize price file value
* @since 1.6
* @param string $value
* @param array $field_args
* @param object $field
* @return mixed
function give_sanitize_price_field_value($value, $field_args, $field)
return give_sanitize_amount($value);