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PHP get_the_author_meta函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中get_the_author_meta函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP get_the_author_meta函数的具体用法?PHP get_the_author_meta怎么用?PHP get_the_author_meta使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: square_posted_on

  * Prints HTML with meta information for the current post-date/time and author.
 function square_posted_on()
     $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time>';
     if (get_the_time('U') !== get_the_modified_time('U')) {
         $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time><time class="updated" datetime="%3$s">%4$s</time>';
     $time_string = sprintf($time_string, esc_attr(get_the_date('c')), esc_html(get_the_date()), esc_attr(get_the_modified_date('c')), esc_html(get_the_modified_date()));
     $posted_on = sprintf(esc_html_x('%s', 'post date', 'square'), '<a href="' . esc_url(get_permalink()) . '" rel="bookmark">' . $time_string . '</a>');
     $byline = sprintf(esc_html_x('by %s', 'post author', 'square'), '<span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="' . esc_url(get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'))) . '">' . esc_html(get_the_author()) . '</a></span>');
     $comment_count = get_comments_number();
     // get_comments_number returns only a numeric value
     if (comments_open()) {
         if ($comment_count == 0) {
             $comments = __('No Comments', 'square');
         } elseif ($comment_count > 1) {
             $comments = $comment_count . __(' Comments', 'square');
         } else {
             $comments = __('1 Comment', 'square');
         $comment_link = '<a href="' . get_comments_link() . '">' . $comments . '</a>';
     } else {
         $comment_link = __(' Comment Closed', 'square');
     echo '<span class="posted-on"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>' . $posted_on . '</span><span class="byline"> ' . $byline . '</span><span class="comment-count"><i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i>' . $comment_link . "</span>";
     // WPCS: XSS OK.

示例2: comment

 protected function comment($comment, $depth, $args)
     // разметка каждого комментария, без закрывающего </li>!
     $classes = implode(' ', get_comment_class()) . ($comment->comment_author_email == get_the_author_meta('email') ? ' author-comment' : '');
     // берем стандартные классы комментария и если коммент пренадлежит автору поста добавляем класс author-comment
     echo '<li id="li-comment-' . get_comment_ID() . '" class="' . $classes . '">' . "\n";
     // родительский тэг комментария с классами выше и уникальным id
     echo '<div id="comment-' . get_comment_ID() . '">' . "\n";
     // элемент с таким id нужен для якорных ссылок на коммент
     echo get_avatar($comment, 64) . "\n";
     // покажем аватар с размером 64х64
     echo '<p class="meta">Автор: ' . get_comment_author() . "\n";
     // имя автора коммента
     //echo ' '.get_comment_author_email(); // email автора коммента
     echo ' ' . get_comment_author_url();
     // url автора коммента
     echo ' <br>Добавлено ' . get_comment_date('F j, Y') . ' в ' . get_comment_time() . "\n";
     // дата и время комментирования
     if ('0' == $comment->comment_approved) {
         echo '<em class="comment-awaiting-moderation">Ваш комментарий будет опубликован после проверки модератором.</em>' . "\n";
     // если комментарий должен пройти проверку
     comment_text() . "\n";
     // текст коммента
     $reply_link_args = array('depth' => $depth, 'reply_text' => 'Ответить', 'login_text' => 'Вы должны быть залогинены');
     echo get_comment_reply_link(array_merge($args, $reply_link_args));
     // выводим ссылку ответить
     echo '</div>' . "\n";
     // закрываем див

示例3: xfac_get_avatar

function xfac_get_avatar($avatar = '', $id_or_email, $size = 96, $default = '', $alt = '')
    if (is_numeric($id_or_email)) {
        $wpUserId = (int) $id_or_email;
    } elseif (is_string($id_or_email) && ($user = get_user_by('email', $id_or_email))) {
        $wpUserId = $user->ID;
    } elseif (is_object($id_or_email) && !empty($id_or_email->user_id)) {
        $wpUserId = (int) $id_or_email->user_id;
    if (empty($wpUserId)) {
        // cannot figure out the user id...
        return $avatar;
    $apiRecords = xfac_user_getRecordsByUserId($wpUserId);
    if (empty($apiRecords)) {
        // no api records
        return $avatar;
    $apiRecord = reset($apiRecords);
    if (empty($apiRecord->profile['links']['avatar'])) {
        // no avatar?
        return $avatar;
    $avatar = $apiRecord->profile['links']['avatar'];
    $size = (int) $size;
    if (empty($alt)) {
        $alt = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $wpUserId);
    $author_class = is_author($wpUserId) ? ' current-author' : '';
    $avatar = "<img alt='" . esc_attr($alt) . "' src='" . esc_url($avatar) . "' class='avatar avatar-{$size}{$author_class} photo' height='{$size}' width='{$size}' />";
    return $avatar;

示例4: argo_staff_fields

function argo_staff_fields($user)

<h3>Argo User Settings</h3>
	<table class="form-table">
			<th><label for="argo_twitter">Twitter username</label></th>
				<input type="text" name="argo_twitter" id="argo_twitter" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_the_author_meta('argo_twitter', $user->ID));
" class="regular-text" /><br />
				<span class="description">Please enter your Twitter username</span>
		    <th>Blog Host?</th>
		        <input type="checkbox" name="argo_is_staff" id="argo_is_staff" value="1" <?php 
    checked(1, get_the_author_meta('argo_is_staff', $user->ID));
 /> <label for="argo_is_staff">Yes</label><br />
		        <span class="description">Blog hosts appear in the blog host widget.</span>

示例5: jrd_comment

function jrd_comment($comment, $args, $depth)
    $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;
    /* Check if post is by Author for special styling */
    $isByAuthor = false;
    if ($comment->comment_author_email == get_the_author_meta('email')) {
        $isByAuthor = true;

<li class="clearfix">
    <div class="author">
    echo $comment->comment_author;
        <p class="timestamp"><?php 
    printf(__('%1$s at %2$s'), get_comment_date('n/j/Y'), get_comment_time('g:ia'));
    <div class="commenttext">


示例6: roots_entry_meta

function roots_entry_meta()
    echo '<div id="author-info">';
    echo '<time class="updated" datetime="' . get_the_time('c') . '" pubdate>' . sprintf(__('Posted on %s at %s.', 'roots'), get_the_date(), get_the_time()) . '</time>';
    echo '<p class="byline author vcard">' . __('Written by', 'roots') . ' <a href="' . get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('id')) . '" rel="author" class="fn">' . get_the_author() . '</a></p>';
    echo '</div>';

示例7: __construct

 public function __construct($wpUser)
     $this->id = $wpUser->ID;
     if (function_exists('get_wp_user_avatar_src')) {
         if (strlen(get_wp_user_avatar_src($this->id, 'original')) > 0) {
             $this->image = get_wp_user_avatar_src($this->id, 'original');
     if (!strlen($this->image) > 0) {
         $this->image = 'http://grafikk.ukm.no/placeholder/person.jpg';
     $this->company_name = get_the_author_meta('title', $this->id);
     $this->login = $wpUser->user_login;
     $this->nicename = $wpUser->nicename;
     $this->user_email = $wpUser->user_email;
     $this->url = $wpUser->url;
     $this->registered = $wpUser->registered;
     $this->display_name = $wpUser->display_name;
     $this->firstname = $wpUser->firstname;
     $this->lastname = $wpUser->lastname;
     $this->nickname = $wpUser->nickname;
     $this->description = $wpUser->description;
     $this->facebook_url = get_the_author_meta('facebook', $this->id);
     $this->title = get_the_author_meta('Title', $this->id);
     $this->link = get_author_posts_url($this->id, $this->nicename);

示例8: thirdrail_entry_meta

 function thirdrail_entry_meta()
     echo '<div class="entry-meta">';
     echo '<p class="byline"><a href="' . get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID')) . '" rel="author" class="author">' . get_the_author() . '</a>' . cats() . '</p>';
     echo '<time class="updated date" datetime="' . get_the_time('c') . '">' . sprintf(__('%s', 'thirdrail'), get_the_date()) . '</time>';
     echo '</div>';

示例9: sold_by_meta

  * Single product meta 
 public static function sold_by_meta()
     $vendor_id = get_the_author_meta('ID');
     $sold_by_label = WC_Vendors::$pv_options->get_option('sold_by_label');
     $sold_by = WCV_Vendors::is_vendor($vendor_id) ? sprintf('<a href="%s" class="wcvendors_cart_sold_by_meta">%s</a>', WCV_Vendors::get_vendor_shop_page($vendor_id), WCV_Vendors::get_vendor_sold_by($vendor_id)) : get_bloginfo('name');
     echo apply_filters('wcvendors_cart_sold_by_meta', $sold_by_label) . $sold_by . '<br/>';

示例10: edd_wl_render_admin_columns

 * Render Wish List Columns
 * @since 1.0
 * @param string $column_name Column name
 * @param int $post_id Download (Post) ID
 * @return void
function edd_wl_render_admin_columns($column_name, $post_id)
    if (get_post_type($post_id) == 'edd_wish_list') {
        $items = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'edd_wish_list', true);
        switch ($column_name) {
            case 'downloads':
                if ($items) {
                    echo count($items);
                } else {
                    echo 0;
            case 'total':
                echo edd_wl_get_list_total(get_the_ID());
            case 'list_author':
                $post = get_post();
                if (0 == $post->post_author) {
                    echo __('Guest', 'edd-wish-lists');
                } else {
                    printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(add_query_arg(array('post_type' => $post->post_type, 'author' => get_the_author_meta('ID')), 'edit.php')), get_the_author());

示例11: mur_block_editing_post

 * mur_block_editing_post()
 * block post editing for different user
function mur_block_editing_post()
    $author_id_post = get_the_author_meta('ID');
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    $author_role = $current_user->roles[0];
    $author_id = $current_user->ID;

示例12: cp_ad_loop_meta

 * add the ad meta in the loop after the ad title 
 * @since 3.1
function cp_ad_loop_meta()
    if (is_page() || is_singular(APP_POST_TYPE)) {
    // don't do ad-meta on pages
    global $post;
    if ($post->post_type == 'page') {
    <p class="post-meta">
        <span class="folder"><?php 
    if ($post->post_type == 'post') {
        the_category(', ');
    } else {
        echo get_the_term_list($post->ID, APP_TAX_CAT, '', ', ', '');
</span> | <span class="owner"><?php 
    if (get_option('cp_ad_gravatar_thumb') == 'yes') {
        appthemes_get_profile_pic(get_the_author_meta('ID'), get_the_author_meta('user_email'), 16);
</span> | <span class="clock"><span><?php 
    echo appthemes_date_posted($post->post_date);

示例13: uw_blogroll_shortcode

 function uw_blogroll_shortcode($atts = array())
     //allow pagebuilder widgets to run the shortcode, block all other posts to prevent infinite loops
     if (get_post_type() == 'post' && !is_home()) {
         return '';
     $params = array_merge(array('excerpt' => 'true', 'trim' => 'false', 'image' => 'hide', 'author' => 'show', 'titletag' => 'h2', 'number' => 5), $atts);
     if (!array_key_exists('numberposts', $params)) {
         $params['numberposts'] = $params['number'];
     $posts = get_posts($params);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         if (!stripos($post->post_content, '[blogroll')) {
             //to prevent infinite loops in pagebuilder widgets
             $postID = $post->ID;
             $link = get_permalink($postID);
             if (in_array($params['excerpt'], array('show', 'true'))) {
                 $excerpt = strlen($post->post_excerpt) > 0 ? $post->post_excerpt : apply_filters('widget_text', $post->post_content);
                 if (in_array($params['trim'], array('show', 'true'))) {
                     $excerpt = wp_trim_words($excerpt);
                 $excerpt = wpautop($excerpt);
                 //using apply_filters('the_content', $excerpt) causes an infinite loop
                 if (in_array($params['image'], array('show', 'true'))) {
                     $image = get_the_post_thumbnail($postID, 'thumbnail', array('style' => 'float:left;padding-right:10px;'));
                     $class = 'class="pull-left"';
             $author = $params['author'] === 'show' ? '<p class="author-info">' . get_the_author_meta('display_name', $post->post_author) . '</p>' : '';
             $postDate = get_the_time(get_option('date_format'), $postID);
             $html .= "<li {$class}>{$image}<span><p class=\"date\">{$postDate}</p><" . $params['titletag'] . "><a href=\"{$link}\">{$post->post_title}</a></" . $params['titletag'] . ">{$author}{$excerpt}</span></li>";
     return "<ul class=\"shortcode-blogroll\">{$html}</ul>";

示例14: qum_yim_handler

function qum_yim_handler($output, $form_location, $field, $user_id, $field_check_errors, $request_data)
    $item_title = apply_filters('qum_' . $form_location . '_yim_item_title', qum_icl_t('plugin quick-user-manager-pro', 'default_field_' . $field['id'] . '_title_translation', $field['field-title']));
    $item_description = qum_icl_t('plugin quick-user-manager-pro', 'default_field_' . $field['id'] . '_description_translation', $field['description']);
    $input_value = '';
    if ($form_location == 'edit_profile') {
        $input_value = get_the_author_meta('yim', $user_id);
    if (trim($input_value) == '') {
        $input_value = $field['default-value'];
    $input_value = isset($request_data['yim']) ? trim($request_data['yim']) : $input_value;
    if ($form_location != 'back_end') {
        $error_mark = $field['required'] == 'Yes' ? '<span class="qum-required" title="' . qum_required_field_error($field["field-title"]) . '">*</span>' : '';
        if (array_key_exists($field['id'], $field_check_errors)) {
            $error_mark = '<img src="' . QUM_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/images/pencil_delete.png" title="' . qum_required_field_error($field["field-title"]) . '"/>';
        $output = '
			<label for="yim">' . $item_title . $error_mark . '</label>
			<input class="text-input" name="yim" maxlength="' . apply_filters('qum_maximum_character_length', 70) . '" type="text" class="default_field_yim" id="yim" value="' . esc_attr(wp_unslash($input_value)) . '" />';
        if (!empty($item_description)) {
            $output .= '<span class="qum-description-delimiter">' . $item_description . '</span>';
    return apply_filters('qum_' . $form_location . '_yim', $output, $form_location, $field, $user_id, $field_check_errors, $request_data);

示例15: matraman_lite_author

function matraman_lite_author()
    global $post;
    echo '<span class="author"> <i class="icon icon-gist-secret"></i>';
    echo '<a href="' . get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID')) . '">' . get_the_author_meta('display_name') . '</a>';
    echo '</span>    |';
