本文整理汇总了PHP中get_status函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP get_status函数的具体用法?PHP get_status怎么用?PHP get_status使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: bodyToString
public function bodyToString()
$status = get_status();
if ($status['zabbix_server'] == S_YES) {
$server = new CSpan(S_RUNNING, 'off');
} else {
$server = new CSpan(S_NOT_RUNNING, 'on');
$header = new CCol('Zabbix ' . S_SERVER_INFO, 'header');
$this->addRow('Updated: ' . date('r', time()));
$this->addRow(new CCol(array('Refreshed every: ' . $USER_DETAILS['refresh'] . ' sec ', '(', new CLink('refresh now', 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), ')')));
$this->addRow(S_NUMBER_OF_USERS_SHORT . ': ' . $status['users_count'] . '(' . $status['users_online'] . ')');
$this->addRow(new CCol(array('Logged in as ', new CLink($USER_DETAILS['alias'], 'profile.php'))));
$this->addRow(new CCol(array(new CLink('Zabbix server', 'report1.php'), ' is ', $server)), 'status');
//$this->addRow(S_VALUES_STORED.': '.$status['history_count']);
//$this->addRow(S_TRENDS_STORED.': '.$status['trends_count']);
$this->addRow(new CCol(array(S_NUMBER_OF_HOSTS_SHORT . ': ' . $status['hosts_count'] . '(', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_monitored'], 'off'), '/', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_not_monitored'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_template'], 'unknown'), ')')));
$this->addRow(new CCol(array(S_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_SHORT . ': ' . $status['items_count'] . '(', new CSpan($status['items_count_monitored'], 'off'), '/', new CSpan($status['items_count_disabled'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['items_count_not_supported'], 'unknown'), ')')));
$this->addRow(new CCol(array(S_NUMBER_OF_TRIGGERS_SHORT . ': ' . $status['triggers_count'] . '(' . $status['triggers_count_enabled'] . '/' . $status['triggers_count_disabled'] . ')' . '[', new CSpan($status['triggers_count_on'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['triggers_count_unknown'], 'unknown'), '/', new CSpan($status['triggers_count_off'], 'off'), ']')));
// $this->addRow(S_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS.': '.$status['events_count']);
// $this->addRow(S_NUMBER_OF_ALERTS.': '.$status['alerts_count']);
return parent::bodyToString();
示例2: add_card_owner_status
function add_card_owner_status($card, $player, $status)
if (get_status($card, $player) != $status) {
$values["player"] = $player;
$values["card"] = $card;
$values["game"] = game;
$values["turn"] = turn;
$values["status"] = $status;
create_entry("owned", array("card", "game", "player", "status", "turn"), array(), $values);
$card_type = select_card($card, array("type"))["type"];
$all_typed_cards = array_of_ids(select_cards(array("type" => $card_type)));
if ($status == owned) {
foreach (select_suspects() as $other_player) {
if ($other_player["id"] != $player) {
add_card_owner_status($card, $other_player["id"], not_owned);
$known_cards = known_cards_player($player);
if (count($known_cards) == select_cards_player($player)) {
foreach (select_cards(array("id" => array("NOT IN", $known_cards))) as $other_card) {
add_card_owner_status($other_card["id"], $player, not_owned);
$known_cards = known_cards_type($card_type);
if (count($known_cards) + 1 == count($all_typed_cards)) {
foreach (array_diff($all_typed_cards, $known_cards) as $left_out_card) {
foreach (select_suspects() as $other_player) {
add_card_owner_status($left_out_card, $other_player["id"], not_owned);
} elseif ($status == not_owned) {
foreach (select_turns() as $turn) {
$turn = select_turn($turn["id"], array("weapon", "room", "suspect", "witness"));
if ($turn["witness"] == $player) {
if ($turn["weapon"] == $card && get_status($turn["room"], $player) == not_owned || $turn["room"] == $card && get_status($turn["weapon"], $player) == not_owned) {
add_card_owner_status($turn["suspect"], $player, owned);
} elseif ($turn["weapon"] == $card && get_status($turn["suspect"], $player) == not_owned || $turn["suspect"] == $card && get_status($turn["weapon"], $player) == not_owned) {
add_card_owner_status($turn["room"], $player, owned);
} elseif ($turn["suspect"] == $card && get_status($turn["room"], $player) == not_owned || $turn["room"] == $card && get_status($turn["suspect"], $player) == not_owned) {
add_card_owner_status($turn["weapon"], $player, owned);
if (exists_murder_card($card_type)) {
foreach (select_cards(array("type" => $card_type)) as $other_card) {
$unknown_owners = select_unknown_owners($other_card["id"]);
if (count($unknown_owners) == 1) {
foreach ($unknown_owners as $owner) {
add_card_owner_status($other_card["id"], $owner, owned);
示例3: doDisplay
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
// line 1
echo "<div class=\"content-wrapper\">\n <section class=\"content-header\">\n <h1>\n <a href=\"javascript:openInDiv('";
// line 4
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, current_url(), "html", null, true);
echo "', 'content')\" class=\"head\">\n ";
// line 5
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["menu"]) ? $context["menu"] : null, "name", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "\n </a>\n <small>Listagem</small>\n </h1>\n <ol class=\"breadcrumb\">\n <li><a href=\"";
// line 10
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("app/home"), "html", null, true);
echo "\">Menus</a></li>\n <li class=\"active\">";
// line 11
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["menu"]) ? $context["menu"] : null, "name", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "</li>\n </ol>\n <hr class=\"divider\">\n </section>\n <section class=\"content\">\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div class=\"col-md-12\">\n ";
// line 18
$this->loadTemplate("app/base/buttons.php", "app/users/list.php", 18)->display($context);
// line 19
echo " <table id=\"datatable\" class=\"table table-striped table-bordered table-hover\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th class=\"text-center\">\n <input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"s\" onclick=\"markAll(this)\">\n </th>\n <th>Nome</th>\n <th>Login</th>\n <th>Grupo</th>\n <th>Data de Ult. Login</th>\n <th class=\"text-center\">Status</th>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n ";
// line 33
$context['_parent'] = $context;
$context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(isset($context["users"]) ? $context["users"] : null);
foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["user"]) {
// line 34
echo " <tr>\n <td class=\"text-center\">\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"sel[]\" value=\"";
// line 36
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute($context["user"], "id", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "\" onclick=\"scoreLine(this)\">\n </td>\n <td>";
// line 38
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute($context["user"], "name", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>\n <td>";
// line 39
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute($context["user"], "username", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>\n <td>";
// line 40
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute($context["user"], "group", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>\n <td>";
// line 41
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_date_format_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute($context["user"], "last_login", array()), "d/m/Y H:i:s"), "html", null, true);
echo "</td>\n <td class=\"text-center\">\n ";
// line 43
echo get_status($this->getAttribute($context["user"], "status", array()));
echo "\n </td>\n </tr>\n ";
$_parent = $context['_parent'];
unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['user'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
$context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
// line 47
echo " </tbody>\n </table>\n </div>\n </div>\n </section>\n</div>\n";
// line 53
$this->loadTemplate("app/base/datatables.php", "app/users/list.php", 53)->display($context);
示例4: bodyToString
public function bodyToString()
$status = get_status();
$server = $status['zabbix_server'] == _('Yes') ? new CSpan(_('running'), 'off') : new CSpan(_('not running'), 'on');
$serverLink = CWebUser::$data['type'] == USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN ? new CLink(_('Zabbix server'), 'report1.php') : _('Zabbix server');
$this->addRow(new CCol(_('Zabbix server info'), 'nowrap ui-corner-all ui-widget-header'));
$this->addRow(_('Updated') . NAME_DELIMITER . zbx_date2str(SERVER_INFO_DATE_FORMAT, time()));
$this->addRow(_('Users (online)') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['users_count'] . '(' . $status['users_online'] . ')');
$this->addRow(new CCol(array(_('Logged in as') . SPACE, new CLink(CWebUser::$data['alias'], 'profile.php'))));
$this->addRow(new CCol(array($serverLink, SPACE . _('is') . SPACE, $server)), 'status');
$this->addRow(new CCol(array(_('Hosts (m/n/t)') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['hosts_count'] . '(', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_monitored'], 'off'), '/', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_not_monitored'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_template'], 'unknown'), ')')));
$this->addRow(new CCol(array(_('Items (m/d/n)') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['items_count'] . '(', new CSpan($status['items_count_monitored'], 'off'), '/', new CSpan($status['items_count_disabled'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['items_count_not_supported'], 'unknown'), ')')));
$this->addRow(new CCol(array(_('Triggers (e/d)[p/o]') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['triggers_count'] . '(' . $status['triggers_count_enabled'] . '/' . $status['triggers_count_disabled'] . ')[', new CSpan($status['triggers_count_on'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['triggers_count_off'], 'off'), ']')));
return parent::bodyToString();
示例5: _initialize
public function _initialize()
$Status = D('Status');
$data = $Status->where("statusid = '" . get_status() . "' and usertype = '" . GROUP_NAME . "' and classname = '" . MODULE_NAME . "' and actionname = '" . ACTION_NAME . "'")->find();
if ($data) {
if ($data['istrue'] != 1) {
$this->error('该方法在现阶段无法使用,错误状态为:' . GROUP_NAME . '/' . MODULE_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
$User = D('User');
$data = $User->where('id=' . session('username'))->find();
if ($data['sessionid'] != session_id()) {
示例6: get
* Process screen.
* @return CDiv (screen inside container)
public function get()
$status = get_status();
$server = $status['zabbix_server'] == _('Yes') ? (new CSpan(_('running')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREEN) : (new CSpan(_('not running')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_RED);
$user_link = CWebUser::$data['alias'];
if (!CWebUser::isGuest()) {
$user_link = new CLink($user_link, 'profile.php');
$server_link = _('Zabbix server');
if (CWebUser::$data['type'] == USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
$server_link = new CLink($server_link, 'zabbix.php?action=report.status');
$table = new CTableInfo();
$table->addRow(_('Users (online)') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['users_count'] . '(' . $status['users_online'] . ')');
$table->addRow(new CCol([_('Logged in as'), SPACE, $user_link]));
$table->addRow(new CCol([$server_link, SPACE, _('is'), SPACE, $server]));
$table->addRow(new CCol([_('Hosts (m/n/t)') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['hosts_count'] . '(', (new CSpan($status['hosts_count_monitored']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREEN), '/', (new CSpan($status['hosts_count_not_monitored']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_RED), '/', (new CSpan($status['hosts_count_template']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREY), ')']));
$table->addRow(new CCol([_('Items (m/d/n)') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['items_count'] . '(', (new CSpan($status['items_count_monitored']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREEN), '/', (new CSpan($status['items_count_disabled']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_RED), '/', (new CSpan($status['items_count_not_supported']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREY), ')']));
$table->addRow(new CCol([_('Triggers (e/d)[p/o]') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['triggers_count'] . '(' . $status['triggers_count_enabled'] . '/' . $status['triggers_count_disabled'] . ')[', (new CSpan($status['triggers_count_on']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREEN), '/', (new CSpan($status['triggers_count_off']))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_RED), ']']));
$footer = (new CList())->addItem(_s('Updated: %s', zbx_date2str(TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS)))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_DASHBRD_WIDGET_FOOT);
return $this->getOutput((new CUiWidget(uniqid(), [$table, $footer]))->setHeader(_('Zabbix server info')));
示例7: get_deal_user
echo get_deal_user($deal["user_id"]);
echo format_price($deal["limit_price"]);
echo $deal["deal_days"];
echo to_date($deal["create_time"]);
echo get_edit($deal["is_edit"], $deal);
echo get_status($deal["is_effect"]);
</td><td class="op_action"><div class="viewOpBox_demo"> <?php
echo get_item($deal["id"], $deal);
echo get_edit_1($deal["id"], $deal);
<a href="javascript: foreverdel('<?php
echo $deal["id"];
')">彻底删除</a> </div><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="opration"><span>操作</span><i></i></a></td></tr><?php
} else {
echo "";
示例8: whois_online
function whois_online()
global $db, $template, $user;
global $delay, $last_post, $session_time;
$check_time = time() - $session_time;
$sql_ary = array(
'username' => $user->data['username'],
'user_colour' => $user->data['user_colour'],
'user_lastupdate' => time(),
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . CHAT_SESSIONS_TABLE . ' SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . " WHERE user_id = {$user->data['user_id']}";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . CHAT_SESSIONS_TABLE . " WHERE user_lastupdate < $check_time";
$status_time = false;
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE user_lastupdate > $check_time
ORDER BY username ASC";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
if ($row['user_id'] == $user->data['user_id'])
$last_post = $row['user_lastpost'];
$login_time = $row['user_login'];
$status_time = ($last_post > $login_time) ? $last_post : $login_time;
$status = get_status($row['user_lastpost']);
$template->assign_block_vars('whoisrow', array(
'USERNAME_FULL' => get_username_string('full', $row['user_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_colour'], $user->lang['GUEST']),
'USER_STATUS' => $status,
$user_ary[] = $row['user_id'];
'DELAY' => ($status_time) ? $delay[get_status($status_time)] : $delay['idle'],
'LAST_TIME' => time(),
'S_WHOISONLINE' => true,
return false;
示例9: get_advance_grading
$advancegrading = get_advance_grading($cmid, $emarking->id);
$markeradvance_marker = get_markeradvance_marker($cmid, $emarking->id);
$markeradvance_corregido = get_markeradvance_corregido($cmid, $emarking->id);
$markeradvance_porcorregir = get_markeradvance_porcorregir($cmid, $emarking->id);
$markeradvance_porrecorregir = get_markeradvance_porrecorregir($cmid, $emarking->id);
$final = array("Grading" => $grading, "Contributioners" => $contributioners, "Contributions" => $contributions, "Advancedescription" => $advancedescription, "Advanceresponded" => $advanceresponded, "Advanceregrading" => $advanceregrading, "Advancegrading" => $advancegrading, "MarkeradvanceMarker" => $markeradvance_marker, "MarkeradvanceCorregido" => $markeradvance_corregido, "MarkeradvancePorcorregir" => $markeradvance_porcorregir, "MarkeradvancePorrecorregir" => $markeradvance_porrecorregir);
$output = $final;
$jsonOutputs = array('error' => '', 'values' => $output);
$jsonOutput = json_encode($jsonOutputs);
if ($callback) {
$jsonOutput = $callback . "(" . $jsonOutput . ");";
echo $jsonOutput;
} else {
if ($action == "gradereport") {
$grading = get_status($cmid, $emarking->id);
$marks = get_marks($cmid, $emarking->id, $cmid, $ids);
$coursemarks = get_courses_marks($cmid, $emarking->id, $cmid, $ids);
$pass_ratio = get_pass_ratio($cmid, $emarking->id, $cmid, $ids);
$efficiencycriterion = get_efficiency_criterion($cmid, $emarking->id, $cmid, $ids);
$efficiencyrate = get_efficiency_rate($cmid, $emarking->id, $cmid, $ids);
$final = array("Marks" => $marks, "CourseMarks" => $coursemarks, "PassRatio" => $pass_ratio, "EfficiencyCriterion" => $efficiencycriterion, "EfficiencyRate" => $efficiencyrate);
$output = $final;
$jsonOutputs = array('error' => '', 'values' => $output);
$jsonOutput = json_encode($jsonOutputs);
if ($callback) {
$jsonOutput = $callback . "(" . $jsonOutput . ");";
echo $jsonOutput;
<datalist id="list_parent" class="list_parent">
<div class="col-xs-1 col-xs-offset-1">
<div class="col-xs-3" style="margin-top: 5px;">
<input type="radio" name="parent_status" value="1" <?php
if (get_status($person['MOTHER_ID']) == 1) {
echo "checked";
<input type="radio" name="parent_status" value="2" <?php
if (get_status($person['MOTHER_ID']) == 2) {
echo "checked";
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 0px">
<div class="col-xs-2 col-xs-offset-8">
<a class="btn btn-danger" role="button" onClick="javascript
<div class="col-xs-2">
<button class="btn btn-success" type="submit" name="search">บันทึก</button>
示例11: tr
<div class="box-body">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="status" class="col-sm-3 control-label"><?php
echo tr('_GLOBAL_status_');
<div class="col-sm-5">
<select name="status" id="status" class="form-control" <?php
echo $data['user']['id'] == user('uID') ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '';
foreach (get_status() as $status_id => $status) {
<option value="<?php
echo $status_id;
" <?php
echo set_select('status', $status_id, $status_id == $data['user']['status_id']);
echo $status;
示例12: foreach
foreach ($cart as $item) {
$link_img = base_url() . 'assets/img/products/thumbs/' . $item['image'];
$link_product = base_url() . $this->uri->segment(1) . '/catalog/' . $item['category_alias'] . '/' . $item['subcategory_alias'] . '/' . $item['id'];
echo "<a href='{$link_product}'><img class='preview_img' src='" . $link_img . "'></a>";
echo date('d.m.Y <br> H:i', $value['date_order_create']);
echo get_status($value['status']);
echo get_qty($cart);
echo get_sum($cart) . ' ' . get_currency($cart);
if ($value['status'] == 1) {
//echo "<a href='".base_url()."template/pay/robokassa/demo2.php'>Оплатить</a>";
echo pay($value['id'], get_sum($cart));
示例13: get_server_status
function get_server_status()
echo get_status();
示例14: isset
$need_captcha = $MOD['captcha_answer'] == 2 ? $MG['captcha'] : $MOD['captcha_answer'];
$need_question = $MOD['question_answer'] == 2 ? $MG['question'] : $MOD['question_answer'];
if ($need_question) {
$need_captcha = 1;
if (isset($_POST['ok'])) {
require_once DT_ROOT . '/include/post.func.php';
$captcha = isset($captcha) ? convert(input_trim($captcha), 'UTF-8', DT_CHARSET) : '';
$msg = captcha($captcha, $need_captcha, true);
if ($msg) {
$content = isset($content) ? convert(input_trim(nl2br($content)), 'UTF-8', DT_CHARSET) : '';
$need_check = $MOD['check_answer'] == 2 ? $MG['check'] : $MOD['check_answer'];
$status = get_status(3, $need_check);
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$table}_answer (qid,content,username,addtime,ip,status) VALUES ('{$itemid}', '{$content}', '{$_username}', '{$DT_TIME}', '{$DT_IP}', '{$status}')");
if ($status == 3) {
$db->query("UPDATE {$table} SET answer=answer+1 WHERE itemid={$itemid}");
if ($MOD['credit_answer'] && $_username && $status == 3) {
$could_credit = true;
if ($MOD['credit_maxanswer'] > 0) {
$r = $db->get_one("SELECT SUM(amount) AS total FROM {$DT_PRE}finance_credit WHERE username='{$_username}' AND addtime>{$DT_TIME}-86400 AND reason='" . $L['answer'] . "'");
if ($r['total'] > $MOD['credit_maxanswer']) {
$could_credit = false;
if ($could_credit) {
credit_add($_username, $MOD['credit_answer']);
credit_record($_username, $MOD['credit_answer'], 'system', $L['answer'], 'ID:' . $itemid . '(' . $L['know_by_mobile'] . ')');
示例15: get_totalsubmissions
function get_totalsubmissions($cmid, $emarkingid)
$grading = get_status($cmid, $emarkingid);
$totalsubmissions = $grading[0]['missing'] + $grading[0]['submitted'] + $grading[0]['grading'] + $grading[0]['graded'] + $grading[0]['regrading'];
return $totalsubmissions;