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PHP get_request_title函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中get_request_title函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP get_request_title函数的具体用法?PHP get_request_title怎么用?PHP get_request_title使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: skin_include

</nav><!-- .row -->

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-md-12">
		<main><!-- This is were a link like "Jump to main content" would land -->

		<!-- ================================= START OF MAIN AREA ================================== -->

// -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
skin_include('$disp$', array('skin_form_before' => '<div class="panel panel-default skin-form">' . '<div class="panel-heading">' . '<h3 class="panel-title">$form_title$</h3>' . '</div>' . '<div class="panel-body">', 'skin_form_after' => '</div></div>', 'display_form_messages' => true, 'form_title_login' => T_('Log in to your account') . '$form_links$', 'form_title_lostpass' => get_request_title() . '$form_links$', 'lostpass_page_class' => 'evo_panel__lostpass', 'login_form_inskin' => false, 'login_page_class' => 'evo_panel__login', 'login_page_before' => '<div class="$form_class$">', 'login_page_after' => '</div>', 'display_reg_link' => true, 'abort_link_position' => 'form_title', 'abort_link_text' => '<button type="button" class="close" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>'));
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
// ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------

	</div><!-- .col -->

</div><!-- .row -->

<footer class="row">

	<!-- =================================== START OF FOOTER =================================== -->
	<div class="col-md-12 center">

示例2: skin_include

// Go Grab the featured post:
if ($Item =& get_featured_Item()) {
    // We have a featured/intro post to display:
    // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
    echo '<div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-body">';
    skin_include('_item_block.inc.php', array('feature_block' => true, 'content_mode' => 'auto', 'intro_mode' => 'normal'));
    echo '</div></div>';
    // ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------

// -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
skin_include('$disp$', array('author_link_text' => 'preferredname', 'profile_tabs' => array('block_start' => '<nav><ul class="nav nav-tabs profile_tabs">', 'item_start' => '<li>', 'item_end' => '</li>', 'item_selected_start' => '<li class="active">', 'item_selected_end' => '</li>', 'block_end' => '</ul></nav>'), 'pagination' => array('block_start' => '<div class="center"><ul class="pagination">', 'block_end' => '</ul></div>', 'page_current_template' => '<span>$page_num$</span>', 'page_item_before' => '<li>', 'page_item_after' => '</li>', 'page_item_current_before' => '<li class="active">', 'page_item_current_after' => '</li>', 'prev_text' => '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i>', 'next_text' => '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i>'), 'skin_form_before' => '<div class="panel panel-default skin-form">' . '<div class="panel-heading">' . '<h3 class="panel-title">$form_title$</h3>' . '</div>' . '<div class="panel-body">', 'skin_form_after' => '</div></div>', 'display_form_messages' => true, 'form_title_login' => T_('Log in to your account') . '$form_links$', 'form_title_lostpass' => get_request_title() . '$form_links$', 'lostpass_page_class' => 'evo_panel__lostpass', 'login_form_inskin' => false, 'login_page_class' => 'evo_panel__login', 'login_page_before' => '<div class="$form_class$">', 'login_page_after' => '</div>', 'display_reg_link' => true, 'abort_link_position' => 'form_title', 'abort_link_text' => '<button type="button" class="close" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>', 'register_page_before' => '<div class="evo_panel__register">', 'register_page_after' => '</div>', 'register_form_title' => T_('Register'), 'register_links_attrs' => '', 'register_use_placeholders' => true, 'register_field_width' => 252, 'register_disabled_page_before' => '<div class="evo_panel__register register-disabled">', 'register_disabled_page_after' => '</div>', 'activate_form_title' => T_('Account activation'), 'activate_page_before' => '<div class="evo_panel__activation">', 'activate_page_after' => '</div>', 'search_input_before' => '<div class="input-group">', 'search_input_after' => '', 'search_submit_before' => '<span class="input-group-btn">', 'search_submit_after' => '</span></div>', 'front_block_first_title_start' => '<h1>', 'front_block_first_title_end' => '</h1>', 'front_block_title_start' => '<h2>', 'front_block_title_end' => '</h2>', 'msgform_form_title' => T_('Sending a message')));
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
// ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------

// End of wrapper for front page area, in order to have the $Messages outside this block
echo '</div>';
// END OF <div class="front_main_content">


	</div><!-- .col -->

示例3: request_title

 * Display a global title matching filter params
 * @param array params
 *        - "auto_pilot": "seo_title": Use the SEO title autopilot. (Default: "none")
function request_title($params = array())
    $r = get_request_title($params);
    if (!empty($r)) {
        // We have something to display:
        echo $r;

示例4: param

    if ($edited_Item->ID > 0) {
        // Get cat_ID from existing Item
        $main_Chapter = $edited_Item->get_main_Chapter();
        $cat = $main_Chapter->ID;
    } else {
        // Forums skin get cat_ID from $_GET
        $cat = param('cat', 'integer', 0);
    if ($cat > 0) {
        // Store a cat_ID
        $Form->hidden('post_category', $cat);
        $Form->hidden('cat', $cat);
        $disp_edit_categories = false;
$Form->begin_fieldset(get_request_title(array_merge(array('edit_links_template' => array('before' => '<span class="pull-right">', 'after' => '</span>', 'advanced_link_class' => 'btn btn-info btn-sm', 'close_link_class' => 'btn btn-default btn-sm')), $params)));
// ############################ POST CONTENTS #############################
// Title input:
$use_title = $edited_Item->get_type_setting('use_title');
if ($use_title != 'never') {
    echo '<table width="100%" class="compose_layout"><tr>';
    $Form->labelstart = '<th width="1%" class="label">';
    $Form->labelend = '</th>';
    $Form->inputstart = '<td>';
    $Form->inputend = '</td>';
    $Form->text_input('post_title', $item_title, 20, T_('Title'), '', array('maxlength' => 255, 'style' => 'width: 100%;', 'required' => $use_title == 'required'));
    echo '</tr></table>';
if ($edited_Item->get_type_setting('use_text') != 'never') {

示例5: get_template

  * Those templates are used for example by the messaging screens.
 function get_template($name)
     switch ($name) {
         case 'disp_params':
             // Params for skin_include( '$disp$', array( ) )
             return array('author_link_text' => 'auto', 'profile_tabs' => array('block_start' => '<nav><ul class="nav nav-tabs profile_tabs">', 'item_start' => '<li>', 'item_end' => '</li>', 'item_selected_start' => '<li class="active">', 'item_selected_end' => '</li>', 'block_end' => '</ul></nav>'), 'pagination' => array('block_start' => '<div class="center"><ul class="pagination">', 'block_end' => '</ul></div>', 'page_current_template' => '<span>$page_num$</span>', 'page_item_before' => '<li>', 'page_item_after' => '</li>', 'page_item_current_before' => '<li class="active">', 'page_item_current_after' => '</li>', 'prev_text' => '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i>', 'next_text' => '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i>'), 'skin_form_before' => '<div class="panel panel-default skin-form">' . '<div class="panel-heading">' . '<h3 class="panel-title">$form_title$</h3>' . '</div>' . '<div class="panel-body">', 'skin_form_after' => '</div></div>', 'display_form_messages' => true, 'form_title_login' => T_('Log in to your account') . '$form_links$', 'form_title_lostpass' => get_request_title() . '$form_links$', 'lostpass_page_class' => 'evo_panel__lostpass', 'login_form_inskin' => false, 'login_page_class' => 'evo_panel__login', 'login_page_before' => '<div class="$form_class$">', 'login_page_after' => '</div>', 'display_reg_link' => true, 'abort_link_position' => 'form_title', 'abort_link_text' => '<button type="button" class="close" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>', 'register_page_before' => '<div class="evo_panel__register">', 'register_page_after' => '</div>', 'register_form_title' => T_('Register'), 'register_links_attrs' => '', 'register_use_placeholders' => true, 'register_field_width' => 252, 'register_disabled_page_before' => '<div class="evo_panel__register register-disabled">', 'register_disabled_page_after' => '</div>', 'activate_form_title' => T_('Account activation'), 'activate_page_before' => '<div class="evo_panel__activation">', 'activate_page_after' => '</div>', 'search_input_before' => '<div class="input-group">', 'search_input_after' => '', 'search_submit_before' => '<span class="input-group-btn">', 'search_submit_after' => '</span></div>', 'search_use_editor' => true, 'search_author_format' => 'login', 'search_cell_author_start' => '<p class="small text-muted">', 'search_cell_author_end' => '</p>', 'search_date_format' => 'F jS, Y', 'featured_intro_before' => '<div class="jumbotron">', 'featured_intro_after' => '</div>', 'msgform_form_title' => T_('Sending a message'));
             // Delegate to parent class:
             return parent::get_template($name);
