本文整理汇总了PHP中get_alt_col函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP get_alt_col函数的具体用法?PHP get_alt_col怎么用?PHP get_alt_col使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: starHireHistory
public static function starHireHistory($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id, $star_id = false, $opts = array())
global $lng;
If $star_id is false, then the HH from all stars of $obj = $obj_id will be displayed, instead of only the HH of star = $star_id
if (!array_key_exists('GET_SS', $opts)) {
$opts['GET_SS'] = '';
} else {
$extra['GETsuffix'] = $opts['GET_SS'];
# GET Sorting Suffix
$extra['doNr'] = false;
$extra['noHelp'] = true;
if ($ANC = array_key_exists('anchor', $opts)) {
$extra['anchor'] = $opts['anchor'];
$mdat = array();
foreach ($star_id ? array(new Star($star_id)) : Star::getStars($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id) as $s) {
foreach ($s->getHireHistory($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id) as $m) {
$o = (object) array();
foreach (array('match_id', 'date_played', 'hiredBy', 'hiredAgainst', 'hiredByName', 'hiredAgainstName') as $k) {
$o->{$k} = $m->{$k};
foreach ($s->getStats(T_NODE_MATCH, $m->match_id) as $k => $v) {
$o->{$k} = $v;
$o->match = $lng->getTrn('common/view');
$o->tour = get_alt_col('tours', 'tour_id', $m->f_tour_id, 'name');
$o->score = "{$m->team1_score} - {$m->team2_score}";
$o->result = matchresult_icon($m->team1_id == $m->hiredBy && $m->team1_score > $m->team2_score || $m->team2_id == $m->hiredBy && $m->team1_score < $m->team2_score ? 'W' : ($m->team1_score == $m->team2_score ? 'D' : 'L'));
$o->star_id = $s->star_id;
$o->name = $s->name;
array_push($mdat, $o);
$fields = array('date_played' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/dateplayed')), 'name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/star'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_STAR, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'star_id')), 'tour' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/tournament')), 'hiredByName' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('profile/star/hiredby'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'hiredBy')), 'hiredAgainstName' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/opponent'), 'href' => array('link' => urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, false, false, false), 'field' => 'obj_id', 'value' => 'hiredAgainst')), 'cp' => array('desc' => 'Cp'), 'td' => array('desc' => 'Td'), 'intcpt' => array('desc' => 'Int'), 'cas' => array('desc' => 'Cas'), 'bh' => array('desc' => 'BH'), 'si' => array('desc' => 'Si'), 'ki' => array('desc' => 'Ki'), 'mvp' => array('desc' => 'MVP'), 'score' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/score'), 'nosort' => true), 'result' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/result'), 'nosort' => true), 'match' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/match'), 'href' => array('link' => 'index.php?section=matches&type=report', 'field' => 'mid', 'value' => 'match_id'), 'nosort' => true));
if ($star_id) {
if ($obj && $obj_id) {
$title = $lng->getTrn('common/starhh');
if ($ANC) {
$title = "<a name='{$opts['anchor']}'>" . $title . '<a>';
HTMLOUT::sort_table($title, $opts['url'], $mdat, $fields, sort_rule('star_HH'), isset($_GET["sort{$opts['GET_SS']}"]) ? array(($_GET["dir{$opts['GET_SS']}"] == 'a' ? '+' : '-') . $_GET["sort{$opts['GET_SS']}"]) : array(), $extra);
示例2: getPath
public function getPath($rid = false)
foreach (self::$supportedExtensions as $exts) {
foreach ($exts as $ext) {
if (file_exists($filePath = self::$typeToPathMappings[$this->obj] . '/' . $this->obj_id . '.' . $ext)) {
return $filePath;
// Else return default image.
if ($this->obj == IMGTYPE_TEAMLOGO) {
global $DEA, $raceididx;
$race = $raceididx[$rid ? $rid : get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $this->obj_id, 'f_race_id')];
return file_exists($path = RACE_ICONS . '/' . $DEA[$race]['other']['icon']) ? $path : NO_PIC;
} else {
return NO_PIC;
示例3: foreach
<select name="ring">
foreach ($T_GLOBAL_RINGS as $r => $desc) {
if ($r <= $coach->ring) {
echo "<option value='{$r}' " . ($r == Coach::T_RING_GLOBAL_NONE ? 'SELECTED' : '') . ">{$desc}</option>\n";
Local (league) access<br>
<SELECT NAME="def_leagues[]" MULTIPLE>
foreach ($settings['default_leagues'] as $lid) {
if (get_alt_col('leagues', 'lid', $lid, 'lid')) {
echo "<OPTION DISABLED VALUE='{$lid}'>" . get_alt_col('leagues', 'lid', $lid, 'name') . " (added to automatically)</OPTION>\n";
foreach ($leagues as $lid => $desc) {
if ($desc['ring'] == Coach::T_RING_LOCAL_ADMIN && !in_array($lid, $settings['default_leagues'])) {
echo "<OPTION VALUE='{$lid}'>{$desc['lname']}</OPTION>\n";
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="mk_coach">
<input type="submit" name="button" value="Create coach">
示例4: _CCprofile
private function _CCprofile($ALLOW_EDIT)
global $lng, $coach, $leagues;
// Was new password/email request made?
if (isset($_POST['type']) && $ALLOW_EDIT) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$_POST['new_passwd'] = isset($_POST['new_passwd']) ? stripslashes($_POST['new_passwd']) : '';
$_POST['new_phone'] = isset($_POST['new_phone']) ? stripslashes($_POST['new_phone']) : '';
$_POST['new_email'] = isset($_POST['new_email']) ? stripslashes($_POST['new_email']) : '';
$_POST['new_name'] = isset($_POST['new_name']) ? stripslashes($_POST['new_name']) : '';
$_POST['new_realname'] = isset($_POST['new_realname']) ? stripslashes($_POST['new_realname']) : '';
switch ($_POST['type']) {
case 'chpasswd':
status(Coach::checkPasswd($this->coach_id, $_POST['old_passwd']) && $this->setPasswd($_POST['new_passwd']));
case 'chphone':
case 'chmail':
case 'chlogin':
case 'chname':
case 'chlang':
status($this->setSetting('lang', $_POST['new_lang']));
case 'chhomelid':
status(isset($_POST['new_homelid']) && get_alt_col('leagues', 'lid', (int) $_POST['new_homelid'], 'lid') && $this->setSetting('home_lid', $_POST['new_homelid']));
case 'pic':
status($_POST['add_del'] == 'add' ? $this->savePic(false) : $this->deletePic());
case 'coachtext':
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$_POST['coachtext'] = stripslashes($_POST['coachtext']);
// New team and change coach settings.
echo "<br><br>";
<table class="common"><tr class="commonhead"><td><b><?php
echo $lng->getTrn('cc/coach_info');
echo $lng->getTrn('cc/note_persinfo');
echo "<br><br>";
if (is_object($coach) && !$ALLOW_EDIT) {
# Logged in but not viewing own coach page.
echo $this->coach_id;
<td>Name (login):</td>
echo $this->name;
<td>Full name:</td>
echo empty($this->realname) ? '<i>' . $lng->getTrn('common/none') . '</i>' : $this->realname;
echo empty($this->phone) ? '<i>' . $lng->getTrn('common/none') . '</i>' : $this->phone;
echo empty($this->mail) ? '<i>' . $lng->getTrn('common/none') . '</i>' : $this->mail;
if ($ALLOW_EDIT) {
示例5: makeList
public static function makeList($ALLOW_EDIT)
global $lng, $coach, $settings;
HTMLOUT::frame_begin(is_object($coach) ? $coach->settings['theme'] : $settings['stylesheet']);
# Make page frame, banner and menu.
/* A new entry was sent. Add it to system */
if (isset($_POST['tid']) && $ALLOW_EDIT) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$_POST['title'] = stripslashes($_POST['title']);
$_POST['about'] = stripslashes($_POST['about']);
switch ($_GET['action']) {
case 'edit':
$e = new self($_GET['ft_id']);
status($e->edit($_POST['title'], $_POST['about']));
case 'new':
status(self::create($_POST['tid'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['about']));
title($lng->getTrn('name', __CLASS__));
/* Was a request for a new entry made? */
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $ALLOW_EDIT) {
// Default schema values. These are empty unless "edit" is chosen.
$tid = false;
$title = '';
$about = '';
switch ($_GET['action']) {
case 'delete':
if (isset($_GET['ft_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['ft_id'])) {
$e = new self($_GET['ft_id']);
} else {
fatal('Sorry. You did not specify which FT-id you wish to delete.');
case 'edit':
if (isset($_GET['ft_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['ft_id'])) {
$e = new self($_GET['ft_id']);
$tid = $e->tid;
$title = $e->title;
$about = $e->about;
$_POST['lid'] = get_alt_col('mv_teams', 'f_tid', $tid, 'f_lid');
} else {
fatal('Sorry. You did not specify which FT-id you wish to edit.');
// Fall-through to "new" !!!
// Fall-through to "new" !!!
case 'new':
echo "<a href='handler.php?type=famousteams'><-- " . $lng->getTrn('common/back') . "</a><br><br>";
$_DISABLED = !isset($_POST['lid']) ? 'DISABLED' : '';
$node_id = isset($_POST['lid']) ? $_POST['lid'] : null;
<form name="STS" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
echo $lng->getTrn('common/league');
echo HTMLOUT::nodeList(T_NODE_LEAGUE, 'lid', array(), array(), array('sel_id' => $node_id));
<input type='submit' value='<?php
echo $lng->getTrn('common/select');
<form method="POST">
echo $lng->getTrn('team', __CLASS__) . '</b>';
$query = "SELECT team_id, name FROM teams WHERE f_lid = {$node_id} ORDER by name ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
<select name="tid" id="teams" <?php
echo $_DISABLED;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo "<option value='{$row['team_id']}' " . ($tid == $row['team_id'] ? 'SELECTED' : '') . ">{$row['name']}</option>\n";
echo $lng->getTrn('g_title', __CLASS__) . '</b> — ' . $lng->getTrn('title', __CLASS__);
<input type="text" name="title" size="60" maxlength="100" value="<?php
echo $title;
" <?php
示例6: form
private static function form()
* Creates an upload form.
global $coach;
if (is_object($coach)) {
# Tours the logged in coach can "see".
list(, , $tours) = Coach::allowedNodeAccess(Coach::NODE_STRUCT__FLAT, $coach->coach_id, array(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT => array('type' => 'type', 'locked' => 'locked', 'f_did' => 'f_did')));
$tourlist = "";
$coach_lid = isset($_SESSION['NS_node_id']) && $_SESSION['NS_node_id'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['NS_node_id'] : 1;
foreach ($tours as $trid => $t) {
$lid = get_alt_col('divisions', 'did', $t['f_did'], 'f_lid');
if ($t['type'] == TT_FFA && !$t['locked'] && $coach_lid == $lid && $t['tname'] != "Pandora's Box") {
$tourlist .= "<option value='{$trid}'>{$t['tname']}</option>\n";
# $tourlist = HTMLOUT::nodeList(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, 'ffatours', array(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT => array('type' => TT_FFA, 'locked' => 0)), array(), array('hide_empty'=>array(T_NODE_DIVISION,T_NODE_LEAGUE)));
global $settings;
$cy_reroll = "";
if ($settings['leegmgr_cyanide']) {
$cy_reroll = "\r\n Reroll winnings if roll is less than: \r\n <select name='reroll'>\r\n <option value='2'>2</option>\r\n <option value='3'>3</option>\r\n <option value='4'>4</option>\r\n <option value='5'>5</option>\r\n <option value='6'>6</option>\r\n </select><br>";
$form = "\r\n <!-- The data encoding type, enctype, MUST be specified as below -->\r\n <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='handler.php?type=leegmgr' method='POST'>\r\n <!-- MAX_FILE_SIZE must precede the file input field -->\r\n <input type='hidden' name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value='256000' />\r\n <!-- Name of input element determines name in {$_FILES} array -->\r\n Send this file <input name='userfile' type='file' /><br>\r\n Save in tournament\r\n <select name='ffatours'>\r\n <optgroup label='Existing FFA'>\r\n\r\n {$tourlist}\r\n\r\n </optgroup>\r\n </select>\r\n\r\n <br>{$cy_reroll}<br>\r\n <input type='submit' value='Send File' />\r\n </form>\r\n ";
return "\r\n <div class='boxCommon'>\r\n <h3 class='boxTitle" . T_HTMLBOX_MATCH . "'>Upload match</h3>\r\n <div class='boxBody'>\r\n " . $form . "\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n ";
} else {
return 'You must login in order to upload a match report.';
示例7: activateUser
function activateUser()
$coach_id = get_alt_col(USERTABLE, USERNAME, $this->username, USERID);
$c = new Coach($coach_id);
if ($c->retired == 2) {
mysql_query("UPDATE coaches SET retired = 0 WHERE coach_id = {$coach_id}");
} else {
return false;
return true;
示例8: _matchBest
private function _matchBest()
global $lng;
$p = $this;
// Copy. Used instead of $this for readability.
<div class="row">
<div class="boxWide">
<div class="boxTitle<?php
"><a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick="slideToggleFast('mbest');"><b>[+/-]</b></a> <?php
echo $lng->getTrn('profile/player/best');
<div class="boxBody" id="mbest">
<table class="common">
echo $lng->getTrn('common/type');
echo $lng->getTrn('common/tournament');
echo $lng->getTrn('common/opponent');
echo $lng->getTrn('common/score');
echo $lng->getTrn('common/result');
echo $lng->getTrn('common/match');
foreach (array('td' => 'scorer', 'ki' => 'killer') as $s => $desc) {
$been_there = false;
$matches = $p->getMatchMost($s);
foreach ($matches as $entry) {
if (!$been_there) {
echo "<tr><td colspan='8'><hr></td></tr>";
$m = $entry['match_obj'];
if ($been_there) {
echo '<td></td>';
} else {
echo "<td><i>Top {$desc}: " . count($matches) . " times</i></td>";
$been_there = true;
echo get_alt_col('tours', 'tour_id', $m->f_tour_id, 'name');
echo $p->owned_by_team_id == $m->team1_id ? $m->team2_name : $m->team1_name;
echo $entry['td'];
echo $entry['ki'];
echo $m->team1_score . ' - ' . $m->team2_score;
echo matchresult_icon($m->is_draw ? 'D' : ($m->winner == $p->owned_by_team_id ? 'W' : 'L'));
<td><a href='javascript:void(0)' onClick="window.open('index.php?section=matches&type=report&mid=<?php
echo $m->match_id;
echo $lng->getTrn('common/view');
示例9: get_parent_name
function get_parent_name($type, $id, $parent_type)
global $relations_node, $relations_obj;
$relations = in_array($type, array_keys($relations_node)) ? $relations_node : $relations_obj;
return get_alt_col($relations[$parent_type]['tbl'], $relations[$parent_type]['id'], get_parent_id($type, $id, $parent_type), 'name');
示例10: main
public static function main($argv)
// Check if teamid is provided, else show error mess
$team_id = $_GET['team_id'];
if (!get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $team_id, 'team_id')) {
fatal("Invalid team ID.");
global $stars, $DEA, $rules, $skillarray, $inducements, $racesNoApothecary;
// Move these constants to header.php?
define('MAX_STARS', 2);
define('MERC_EXTRA_COST', 30000);
define('MERC_EXTRA_SKILL_COST', 50000);
$ind_cost = 0;
$redirectlink = 'handler.php?type=roster&detailed=0&team_id=' . $team_id;
$t = new Team($team_id);
$star_list[0] = ' <option value="0">-No Induced Stars-</option>' . "\n";
foreach ($stars as $s => $d) {
$star_list[0] .= " <option " . (in_array($t->f_race_id, $d['races']) ? 'style="background-color: ' . COLOR_HTML_READY . ';" ' : '') . "value=\"{$d['id']}\">{$s}</option>\n";
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<link type="text/css" href="css/stylesheet1.css" rel="stylesheet">
<style type="text/css">
td { background-color: #EEEEEE; color: #000000; font: 13px Tahoma; }
td.indtitle { background-color: #EEEEEE; color: #000000; font: bold 12px Tahoma; }
td.boxie { background-color: #EEEEEE; color: #000000; }
td.cent { text-align: center; }
td.cent2 { text-align: center; background-color: #EEEEEE; color: #000000; }
td.right { text-align: right; background-color: #EEEEEE; color: #000000; }
<script language="javascript">
function SendToPDF()
document.InduceForm.action = "<?php
print $redirectlink;
" // Redirect to pdf_roster
document.InduceForm.submit(); // Submit the page
return true;
<div class="everything">
<div class="section">
title('Inducements try-out');
<form action="" method="post" name="InduceForm">
<td class="indtitle">Star Name</td>
<td class="indtitle">Cost</td>
<td class="indtitle">MA</td>
<td class="indtitle">ST</td>
<td class="indtitle">AG</td>
<td class="indtitle">AV</td>
<td class="indtitle">Skills</td> <!-- <td>Cp</td><td>Td</td><td>Int</td><td>Cas</td><td>BH</td><td>Si</td><td>Ki</td><td>MVP</td><td>SPP</td> -->
$brick_n_grotty = false;
$i = 1;
while ($i <= MAX_STARS) {
print " <tr>\n";
if (array_key_exists("Star{$i}", $_POST)) {
$sid = $_POST["Star{$i}"];
if ($sid != 0) {
$s = new Star($sid);
# $s->setStats(false, false, false, false);
$star_list[$i] = $star_list[0];
if ($sid == "-6" || $sid == "-7") {
// Select Brick as selected and add row for Grotty later
$brick_n_grotty = true;
$star_list[$i] = str_replace('option value="-6"', 'option selected value="-6"', $star_list[$i]);
// Hardcoded Brick
$star_list[$i] = str_replace('option style="background-color: ' . COLOR_HTML_READY . ';" value="-6"', 'option selected style="background-color: ' . COLOR_HTML_READY . ';" value="-6"', $star_list[$i]);
$sid = -6;
$s = new Star($sid);
// Making sure to switch from Grotty to Brick
# $s->setStats(false, false, false, false);
$star_list[0] = str_replace(' <option value="-6">Brick Far\'th (+ Grotty)</option>' . "\n", '', $star_list[0]);
// Removing Brick from second row
$star_list[0] = str_replace(' <option style="background-color: ' . COLOR_HTML_READY . ';" value="-6">Brick Far\'th (+ Grotty)</option>' . "\n", '', $star_list[0]);
$star_list[0] = str_replace(' <option value="-7">Grotty (included in Brick Far\'th)</option>' . "\n", '', $star_list[0]);
// Removing Grotty from second row
$star_list[0] = str_replace(' <option style="background-color: ' . COLOR_HTML_READY . ';" value="-7">Grotty (included in Brick Far\'th)</option>' . "\n", '', $star_list[0]);
} else {
$star_list[$i] = str_replace('option value="' . $sid . '"', 'option selected value="' . $sid . '"', $star_list[$i]);
$star_list[$i] = str_replace('option style="background-color: ' . COLOR_HTML_READY . ';" value="' . $sid . '"', 'option selected style="background-color: ' . COLOR_HTML_READY . ';" value="' . $sid . '"', $star_list[$i]);
$star_list[0] = str_replace('<option value="' . $sid . '">' . $s->name . "</option>\n", '', $star_list[0]);
$star_list[0] = str_replace('option style="background-color: ' . COLOR_HTML_READY . ';" value="' . $sid . '">' . $s->name . "</option>\n", '', $star_list[0]);
示例11: foreach
foreach ($team_ids as $tid) {
$query = "SELECT (t.f_did = {$did}) AS 'in_did', (t.f_lid = {$lid}) AS 'in_lid' FROM teams AS t WHERE t.team_id = {$tid}";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result) {
$state = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
if (!$state['in_lid']) {
$teams_OK['l'] = false;
if ($TIE_TEAMS && !$state['in_did']) {
$teams_OK['d'] = false;
$errors = array(array(!$nameSet && !$addMatchToFFA, "Please fill out the tournament name."), array($nameSet && get_alt_col('tours', 'name', $_POST['name'], 'tour_id'), "Tournament name already in use."), array(!$teams_OK['d'], 'You may not schedule matches between teams from different divisions in the selected league.'), array(!$teams_OK['l'], 'You may not schedule matches between teams from different leagues OR one or more of the selected teams are not from the chosen league.'), array($leagues[$lid]['ring'] != Coach::T_RING_LOCAL_ADMIN, 'You do not have the rights to schedule matches in the selected league.'), array($_POST['type'] == 'RR_TOUR' && $teamsCount < 3, 'Please select at least 3 teams'), array($_POST['type'] == 'FFA_TOUR' && $teamsCount % 2 != 0, 'Please select an even number of teams'));
// Print errors.
$STATUS = true;
foreach ($errors as $e) {
if ($e[0]) {
status(false, $e[1] . "<br>\n");
$STATUS = false;
Input modification.
if ($nameSet && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$_POST['name'] = stripslashes($_POST['name']);
// Shuffle team list if multiple teams are scheduled to play a FFA.
示例12: __construct
public function __construct($mid)
$this->hash_botocs = get_alt_col('leegmgr_matches', 'mid', $mid, 'hash');
示例13: sec_main
} else {
$box['dispType'] = 'latestgames';
switch ($box['type']) {
case 'league':
$_type = T_NODE_LEAGUE;
case 'division':
case 'tournament':
$_type = T_NODE_LEAGUE;
$box['type'] = $_type;
$boxes[] = $box;
// Used in the below standings dispType boxes.
global $core_tables, $ES_fields;
$_MV_COLS = array_merge(array_keys($core_tables['mv_teams']), array_keys($ES_fields));
$_MV_RG_INTERSECT = array_intersect(array_keys($core_tables['teams']), array_keys($core_tables['mv_teams']));
// Let's print those boxes!
foreach ($boxes as $box) {
switch ($box['dispType']) {
case 'standings':
$_BAD_COLS = array();
# Halt on these columns/fields.
switch ($box['type']) {
if (!get_alt_col('tours', 'tour_id', $box['id'], 'tour_id')) {
break 2;
$tour = new Tour($box['id']);
$SR = array_map(create_function('$val', 'return $val[0]."mv_".substr($val,1);'), $tour->getRSSortRule());
$_BAD_COLS = array('elo', 'swon', 'slost', 'sdraw', 'win_pct');
# Divisions do not have pre-calculated, MV, values of these fields.
// Fall through!
# Divisions do not have pre-calculated, MV, values of these fields.
// Fall through!
global $hrs;
$SR = $hrs[$box['HRS']]['rule'];
foreach ($SR as &$f) {
$field = substr($f, 1);
if (in_array($field, $_MV_RG_INTERSECT)) {
if (in_array($field, $_BAD_COLS)) {
# E.g. divisions have no win_pct record for teams like the mv_teams table (for tours) has.
fatal("Sorry, the element '{$field}' in your specified house sortrule #{$box['HRS']} is not supported for your chosen type (ie. tournament/division/league).");
$f = $f[0] . "rg_" . substr($f, 1);
} else {
$f = $f[0] . "mv_" . substr($f, 1);
list($teams, ) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_TEAM, array($box['type'] => $box['id']), array(1, $box['length']), $SR, false);
<div class='boxWide'>
示例14: _teamsSelect
protected static function _teamsSelect()
global $lng;
$_SUBMITTED = isset($_POST['team1_as']) && isset($_POST['team2_as']) && $_POST['team1_as'] && $_POST['team2_as'];
$t1 = $t2 = '';
if ($_SUBMITTED) {
$t1 = $_POST['team1_as'];
$t2 = $_POST['team2_as'];
<form method='POST'>
<input type="text" id='team1_as' name="team1_as" size="30" maxlength="50" value="<?php
echo $t1;
var options, a;
options = {
echo T_OBJ_TEAM;
a = $('#team1_as').autocomplete(options);
<input type="text" id='team2_as' name="team2_as" size="30" maxlength="50" value="<?php
echo $t2;
var options, b;
options = {
echo T_OBJ_TEAM;
b = $('#team2_as').autocomplete(options);
<input type="submit" name="compare" value="<?php
echo $lng->getTrn('cmp', __CLASS__);
return $_SUBMITTED ? array(get_alt_col('teams', 'name', $t1, 'team_id'), get_alt_col('teams', 'name', $t2, 'team_id')) : null;
示例15: getMainBoardMessages
public static function getMainBoardMessages($n, $lid = false, $get_tnews = true, $get_summaries = true)
global $settings;
$board = array();
// First we add all commissioner messages to the board structure.
foreach (Message::getMessages($n, $lid) as $m) {
$o = (object) array();
// Specific fields:
$o->msg_id = $m->msg_id;
$o->author_id = $m->f_coach_id;
// General fields:
$o->cssidx = T_HTMLBOX_ADMIN;
// CSS box index
$o->type = T_TEXT_MSG;
$o->author = get_alt_col('coaches', 'coach_id', $m->f_coach_id, 'name');
$o->title = $m->title;
$o->message = $m->message;
$o->date = $m->date_posted;
$o->pinned = $m->pinned;
array_push($board, $o);
// Now we add all game summaries.
if ($get_summaries) {
foreach (MatchSummary::getSummaries($n, $lid) as $r) {
$o = (object) array();
$m = new Match($r->match_id);
// Specific fields:
$o->date_mod = $m->date_modified;
$o->match_id = $m->match_id;
// General fields:
$o->cssidx = T_HTMLBOX_MATCH;
// CSS box index
$o->author = get_alt_col('coaches', 'coach_id', $m->submitter_id, 'name');
$o->title = "Match: {$m->team1_name} {$m->team1_score}—{$m->team2_score} {$m->team2_name}";
$o->message = $m->getText();
$o->date = $m->date_played;
$o->pinned = 0;
// Not allowed for other types than board messages
array_push($board, $o);
// And finally team news.
if ($get_tnews) {
foreach (TeamNews::getNews(false, $n, $lid) as $t) {
$o = (object) array();
// Specific fields:
# none
// General fields:
$o->cssidx = T_HTMLBOX_INFO;
// CSS box index
$o->type = T_TEXT_TNEWS;
$o->author = get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $t->f_id, 'name');
$o->title = "Team news: {$o->author}";
$o->message = $t->txt;
$o->date = $t->date;
$o->pinned = 0;
// Not allowed for other types than board messages
array_push($board, $o);
// Last touch on the board.
if (!empty($board)) {
objsort($board, array('-pinned', '-date'));
if ($n) {
$board = array_slice($board, 0, $n);
return $board;