本文整理汇总了PHP中getRecord函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP getRecord函数的具体用法?PHP getRecord怎么用?PHP getRecord使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: getRecord
* Given the domain ID, fetch all Records and return the one we want.
* @param null $page
* @return bool
function getRecord($page = null)
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, API_URL . 'domains/' . DOMAIN . '/records' . ($page != null ? '?page=' . $page : ''));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Authorization: Bearer ' . ACCESS_TOKEN));
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
$responseCode = $info['http_code'];
if ($data === false || $responseCode !== 200) {
return false;
$dataJson = json_decode($data, true);
foreach ($dataJson['domain_records'] as $record) {
if ($record['name'] === RECORD && $record['type'] === 'A') {
return $record;
// Recursive call for pages results
if (isset($dataJson['links']['pages']['next']) && $dataJson['links']['pages']['next'] != '') {
preg_match('/page=(?<page_number>\\d+)/i', $dataJson['links']['pages']['next'], $match);
if (isset($match['page_number']) && $match['page_number'] != '') {
return getRecord($match['page_number']);
return false;
示例2: fopen
$exp_url3 = '<?php $' . 'parent_1_c = "' . $parentMenuProduct3_1 . '";$' . 'parent_c = "' . $IdMenuProduct3 . '"; $' . 'name_c = "' . $nameMenuProduct3 . '"; $' . 'title_c = "' . $titleMenuProduct3 . '"; $' . 'descriptionMeta_category = "' . $description3 . '"; $' . 'keywordsMeta_category = "' . $keywords3 . '"; ?>';
$ft_u3 = "../inc/new/" . $urlCodeUpXml3 . $ln . ".inc";
$ft_u3 = fopen($ft_u3, "w");
fwrite($ft_u3, $exp_url3);
@chmod($ft_u3, 0777);
//exp parent url=========================================KET THUC3
$array_where1 .= ",'" . $IdMenuProduct3 . "'";
$array_where2 .= ",'" . $IdMenuProduct3 . "'";
$array_menu_product_4con = "";
if ($con_type3 > 0) {
$whereMenuProduct4 = "parent=" . $IdMenuProduct3;
$sqlMenuProduct4 = "select * from {$tableCategoryNewId} where {$whereMenuProduct4} and status=0 {$sortby}";
$resultMenuProduct4 = @mysql_query($sqlMenuProduct4, $conn);
while ($rowMenuProduct4 = @mysql_fetch_array($resultMenuProduct4)) {
//Lay thong tin MenuProduct===========
$rowMenuProductNam4 = getRecord($tableCategoryNew, "id_code=" . $rowMenuProduct4['id'] . " and lang='" . $ln . "'");
$nameMenuProduct4 = '';
$IdMenuProduct4 = '';
$urlMenuProduct4 = '';
$parentMenuProduct4 = '';
$imageProduct4 = '';
$whereProduct4 = '';
$totalProduct4 = '';
//tong sp muc nay
$totalProductShow4 = '';
$whereMenuCon_type4 = '';
$con_type4 = '';
//kiem tra danh muc nay co menu con khong
$con_typeShow4 = '';
$keywords4 = strip_tags(str_replace('"', "", $rowMenuProductNam4['keywords']));
$description4 = strip_tags(str_replace('"', "", $rowMenuProductNam4['description']));
示例3: in
$whereSendEmailNumber = "parent=" . $idCategoryEmailHost . " and id in (select id_code from {$tableSendNumberEmail} where send_number<99 and ldate='" . $strtotimeDmy . "')";
$rowEmailHost = getRecord($tableEmailId, $whereSendEmailNumber);
} else {
//dung mail cua mhcl cap cho de gui
$rowCategoryEmailHost = getRecord($tableCategoryEmailId, "code='EMSHAREPRODUCT'");
$idCategoryEmailHost = $rowCategoryEmailHost['id'];
//THEM TAT CA MAIL NAY VAO BANG SO LUONG MAIL GI DI====================(chi ap dung cho email ko phai cua host)
$sqlInputSendEmailNumber = "select * from {$tableEmailId} where type_email<>'" . $typeDmailNotdefault . "' and parent=" . $idCategoryEmailHost . " and {$whereStatus}";
$resultInputSendEmailNumber = @mysql_query($sqlInputSendEmailNumber, $conn);
while ($rowInputSendEmailNumber = @mysql_fetch_array($resultInputSendEmailNumber)) {
$idEmailSend = $rowInputSendEmailNumber['id'];
$parentEmailSend = $rowInputSendEmailNumber['parent'];
$mail_username = $rowInputSendEmailNumber['email'];
require_once $ajaxUrlEmail . $folderSendmail . "/insert_email_send_number.php";
$whereSendEmailNumber = "type_email<>'" . $typeDmailNotdefault . "' and parent=" . $idCategoryEmailHost . " and id in (select id_code from {$tableSendNumberEmail} where send_number<99 and ldate='" . $strtotimeDmy . "')";
$rowEmailHost = getRecord($tableEmailId, $whereSendEmailNumber);
/*echo $rowEmailHost['name']." lay e mail google cua host";
if (!$rowEmailHost) {
$rowEmailHost = getRecord($tableEmailId, "type_email='" . $typeDmailNotdefault . "' and parent=" . $idCategoryEmailHost);
/*echo $rowEmailHost['name']." lay e mail cua host";
/*echo "khong the lay";
示例4: btnContact_onclick
$showHtmlDknhantin = "\n <div class=\"regis-reci\">\n <h3>Đăng ký nhận thông tin</h3>\n <p>Nhận thông tin về dịch vụ và ưu đãi hàng tuần</p>\n <script language=\"javascript\">\n function btnContact_onclick(){\n document.getElementById('err_name').style.display = \"none\";\n document.getElementById('emailok_error').style.display = \"none\";\n document.getElementById('email_email').style.display = \"none\";\n document.getElementById('err_phone').style.display = \"none\";\n document.getElementById('err_time').style.display = \"none\";\n document.getElementById('err_all').style.display = \"none\";\n if((document.contact.txtName.value=='')|| (document.contact.txtName.value=='TÊN CỦA BẠN')){\n document.getElementById('contact_from_erro').style.display = \"\";\n document.getElementById('err_name').style.display = \"\";\n document.contact.txtName.focus();return false;\n }\n if(document.contact.email.value==''){\n document.getElementById('contact_from_erro').style.display = \"\";\n document.getElementById('email_email').style.display = \"\";\n document.contact.email.focus();return false;\n }\n var email = document.contact.email.value;\n var filter = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\-])+\\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\\-])+\\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+\$/;\n if (!filter.test(email))\n {\n document.getElementById('contact_from_erro').style.display = \"\";\n document.getElementById('emailok_error').style.display = \"\";\n document.contact.email.focus();return false;\n }\n if((document.contact.txtPhone.value=='')||(document.contact.txtPhone.value=='ĐIỆN THOẠI CỦA BẠN')){\n //document.getElementById('contact_from_erro').style.display = \"\";\n document.getElementById('err_phone').style.display = \"\";\n document.contact.txtPhone.focus();return false;\n }\n if((document.contact.txtTime.value=='')||(document.contact.txtTime.value=='" . UTIMETOTALK . "')){\n //document.getElementById('contact_from_erro').style.display = \"\";\n document.getElementById('err_time').style.display = \"\";\n document.contact.txtTime.focus();return false;\n }\n if((document.contact.txtCapchainput.value=='')|| (document.contact.txtCapchainput.value=='" . TSECURITYCODE . "')){\n //document.getElementById('contact_from_erro').style.display = \"\";\n document.getElementById('err_capcha').style.display = \"\";\n document.contact.txtCapchainput.focus();return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n </script>\n <div class=\"contact_from_erro\" id=\"contact_from_erro\" >\n <p id=\"err_name\" class=\"name_do\" style=\"display:none\">\n " . TYOUMUSTPROVIDEANAME . "<br>\n </p>\n <p id=\"email_email\" class=\"name_do\" style=\"display:none\">\n " . CYOUMAYENTEREMAIL . ".<br>\n </p>\n <p id=\"emailok_error\" class=\"name_do\" style=\"display:none\">\n " . CFNBOXMALFORMED . ".<br>\n </p>\n <p id=\"err_phone\" class=\"name_do\" style=\"display:none\">\n " . UPLEASEENTERYOUSKYPEORPHONE . "<br>\n </p>\n <p id=\"err_time\" class=\"name_do\" style=\"display:none\">\n " . UTIMETOTALK . "<br>\n </p>\n <p id=\"err_capcha\" class=\"name_do\" style=\"display:none\">\n " . TPLEASEENTERTHESECURITYCODE . "<br>\n </p>\n <p id=\"err_all\" class=\"name_do\">\n " . $errMsg . "<br>\n </p>\n </div>\n <form method=\"POST\" name=\"contact\" id=\"ap_contact_form\" novalidate=\"novalidate\" action=\"./" . $_lang . "\" class=\"register-recie\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"idP\" value=\"" . $_REQUEST['idP'] . "\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"idRegis\" value=\"Đăng ký nhận thông tin\">\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"txtName\" class=\"txtName\" onFocus=\"if (this.value=='HỌ TÊN CỦA BẠN') this.value='';\" onBlur=\"if (this.value=='') this.value='HỌ TÊN CỦA BẠN';\" value=\"HỌ TÊN CỦA BẠN\"/>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" class=\"txtEmail\" onFocus=\"if (this.value=='EMAIL CỦA BẠN') this.value='';\" onBlur=\"if (this.value=='') this.value='EMAIL CỦA BẠN';\" value=\"EMAIL CỦA BẠN\"/>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"txtPhone\" class=\"txtPhone\" onFocus=\"if (this.value=='ĐIỆN THOẠI CỦA BẠN') this.value='';\" onBlur=\"if (this.value=='') this.value='ĐIỆN THOẠI CỦA BẠN';\" value=\"ĐIỆN THOẠI CỦA BẠN\"/>\n <input type=\"submit\" name=\"btnContact\" class=\"btnRegister\" onClick=\"return btnContact_onclick()\" value=\"Đăng ký ngay\"/>\n </form>\n </div>\n ";
if ($parent_1_c == '79') {
$showHtmlDknhantin = "";
include $folderModule . '/contact.php';
$showHtmlHomeConnert = "\n<link href=\"" . $serverName . "css/details.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"/>\n<!--<div class=\"menu-sp\">\n <div class=\"inner-banner-wrapper\">\n <h3><a href=\"" . $serverName . $code_frame . "/\" title=\"{$name_title_c}\">" . $name_title_c . "</a></h3>\n </div>\n\t\t</div>-->\n<section class=\"product-details\">\n" . $showHtmlNewHomTop . "\n </section>\n";
} elseif ($parent_1_c == '245' or $parent_1_c == '120') {
//menu left
$rowCategoryDuanName = getRecord($tableCategoryNew, "id_code='" . $parent_c . "' and " . $whereLang);
$bannerAll = $rowCategoryDuanName['image_large'];
$slideallHtml = $bannerAll != '' ? " <div id=\"banner\"><img src=\"" . $serverName . $bannerAll . "\" alt=\"" . $rowCategoryDuanName['name'] . "\" width=\"990\" height=\"294\" /></div>" : "";
$showHtmlHomeConnert = "\n<link href=\"" . $serverName . "css/details.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"/>\n<!--<div class=\"menungangtop\">\n \t<h1>{$name_title_c}</h1>\n </div>-->";
include $folderModule . "/left.php";
include $folderNew . '/product_page.php';
$showHtmlHomeConnert .= "<style type=\"text/css\">.product-r{display:block;}</style>\n {$asideleft}\n <div class=\"public content-right product-r\">\n <div class=\"duongdan\"><a href=\"" . $serverName . "\" title=\"Giầy thông minh\">Trang chủ</a> <font size=\"3\">»</font> <a href=\"" . $serverName . $code_frame . "/\" title=\"" . $name_title_c . "\">{$name_title_c}</a></div>\n <div class=\"menungangtop\"><h1>{$name_title_c}</h1></div>\n <div class=\"contentblok-right-1\">\n <div class=\"right\">\n {$showHtmlNewHomTop}\n </div><!--End div rights-->\n </div><!--End contentblok-right-1-->\n </div><!--End content-right-->\n <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n </div><!--End main-content-->\n</section>\n ";
} elseif ($parent_1_c == '293') {
include $folderNew . '/services_page.php';
include $folderModule . "/left.php";
//menu left
$showHtmlHomeConnert = "\n<link href=\"" . $serverName . "css/details.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"/>\n<section class=\"clear\"></section>\n <section class=\"product-details\">\n <h1><a href=\"" . $serverName . $code_frame . "/\">" . $name_title_c . "</a></h1>\n " . $asideleft . "\n <div class=\"details-right\">\n " . $showHtmlNewHomTop . "\n </div>\n </section>";
} else {
$showHtmlHomeConnert = "\n <link href=\"" . $serverName . "css/details.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"/>";
include $folderModule . "/left.php";
include $folderNew . '/new_page.php';
$showHtmlHomeConnert .= "\n {$asideleft1}\n <div class=\"public content-right product-r\">\n <div class=\"duongdan\"><a href=\"" . $serverName . "\" title=\"Giầy thông minh\">Trang chủ</a> <font size=\"3\">»</font> <a href=\"" . $serverName . $code_frame . "/\" title=\"" . $name_title_c . "\">{$name_title_c}</a></div>\n <div class=\"menungangtop\"><h1>{$name_title_c}</h1></div>\n <div class=\"contentblok-right-1\">\n <div class=\"right\">\n {$showHtmlNewHomTop}\n </div><!--End div rights-->\n </div><!--End contentblok-right-1-->\n </div><!--End content-right-->\n <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n </div>\n</section>\n ";
示例5: getLinkSort
echo getLinkSort(5);
">Lần hiệu chỉnh trước</a></th>
$sortby = 'order by date_added';
if ($_REQUEST['sortby'] != '') {
$sortby = 'order by ' . (int) $_REQUEST['sortby'];
$direction = $_REQUEST['direction'] == '' || $_REQUEST['direction'] == '0' ? 'desc' : '';
$sql = "select *,DATE_FORMAT(date_added,'%d/%m/%Y %h:%i') as dateAdd,DATE_FORMAT(last_modified,'%d/%m/%Y %h:%i') as dateModify from tbl_order {$sortby} {$direction} limit " . $p * $MAXPAGE . "," . $MAXPAGE;
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
$i = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$cust = getRecord("tbl_member", 'id=' . $row['member_id']);
$color = $i++ % 2 ? '#d5d5d5' : '#e5e5e5';
<td bgcolor="<?php
echo $color;
" class="smallfont">
<input type="checkbox" name="chk[]" value="<?php
echo $row['id'];
<td bgcolor="<?php
echo $color;
示例6: getRecord
//them moi vo bang tbl_module_pro_category_skype
$skypeParent = getRecord($tableCategoryConfigId, "code ='" . $codeSupportskype . "'");
$sqlskype = "select * from {$tableConfigId} where {$whereStatus} and parent=" . $skypeParent['id'] . " {$sortby} DESC";
$resultskype = @mysql_query($sqlskype, $conn);
while ($skype = @mysql_fetch_array($resultskype)) {
$id_skype = $skype['id'];
$fields_arrskype = array("id_code" => "'{$oldid}'", "id_skype" => "'{$id_skype}'", "status" => "0", "date_added" => "now()", "last_modified" => "now()");
$resultskype = insert($tableCategorSkype, $fields_arrskype);
//update them moi
if ($_POST['skype'] != '') {
$whereskype = '';
foreach ($_POST['skype'] as $idskype) {
$resultskype = mysql_query("update {$tableCategorSkype} set skype=1 where id_code=" . $oldid . " and id_skype=" . $idskype);
$whereskype .= 'id_skype<>' . $idskype . ' and ';
if ($resultskype) {
$whereskype1 = $whereskype;
} else {
$whereskype1 = '';
$resultskype = mysql_query("update {$tableCategorSkype} set skype=0 where " . $whereskype1 . " id_code=" . $oldid . "");
示例7: strlen
///UPDATE BANG CONNERT ID------------------------------------------------------------------------
$resultContentId = @mysql_query('update ' . $tableUpdateAllContentID . ' set ' . $status . '=0 where parent_1 =' . $rowParentShow['parent_1'], $conn);
$resultContent = @mysql_query('update ' . $tableUpdateAllContent . ' set ' . $status . '=0 where parent_1 =' . $rowParentShow['parent_1'], $conn);
} else {
//neu ko phai la menu cap 1--------------------
$strlenCode = strlen($rowParentShow['code']);
$maxForShow = maxRecord($tableUpdateAll, 'havechildren', "substring(code, 1, " . $strlenCode . ")='" . $rowParentShow['code'] . "'");
//lay tong so menu con lon nhat trong cung mot danh mục
$parentMaxForShow = getRecord($tableUpdateAll, "havechildren=" . $maxForShow . " and parent_1=" . $rowParentShow['parent_1']);
//lay code cua menu thap nhat
//echo $parentMaxForShow['code'];
$parentCapShow = explode("_", $parentMaxForShow['code']);
//echo $parentCapShow['1'];
for ($jShow = 1; $jShow <= $maxForShow; $jShow++) {
//vong for lay tu dong nhung thang co con
//update bang category---------------------------
$resultok = @mysql_query('update ' . $tableUpdateAll . ' set ' . $status . '=0 where id =' . $parentCapShow[$jShow] . " and substring(code, 1, " . $strlenCode . ")='" . $rowParentShow['code'] . "'", $conn);
///UPDATE BANG CONNERT ID------------------------------------------------------------------------
$parentBangcon = getRecord($tableUpdateAll, "id =" . $parentCapShow[$jShow] . " and substring(code, 1, " . $strlenCode . ")='" . $rowParentShow['code'] . "'");
//lay code cua menu thap nhat
$resultContentId = @mysql_query('update ' . $tableUpdateAllContentID . ' set ' . $status . '=0 where parent =' . $parentBangcon['id'], $conn);
$resultContent = @mysql_query('update ' . $tableUpdateAllContent . ' set ' . $status . '=0 where parent =' . $parentBangcon['id'], $conn);
/*echo $parentCapShow[$jShow];
// ket thuc vong for
//ket thuc kiem tra la menu cap 1---------------------
示例8: getRecord
$row = getRecord("tbl_content", "id=" . $_REQUEST['id']);
<link href="../css/css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<table align="center" border="0" width="98%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td height="22" style="padding-left:5px; padding-top:5px">
<span style="font-family:Tahoma; font-size:14px; color:#333333; font-weight:600"><?php
echo $row['name'];
if ($row['image'] || $row['image_large']) {
$img = $row['image'] != '' ? $row['image'] : $row['image_large'];
<br />
echo $row['detail'];
<tr><td height="10px"></td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" style="padding-right:5px"><a href="javascript:history.go(-1);">
<span style="font-family:Tahoma; color:#999999; font-size:12px; font-weight:600; text-decoration:none">[Quay lại]</span></a></td></tr>
<br />
<table align="center" border="0" width="98%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="style27">
示例9: while
$sql = "select *from tbl_image where id_parent=" . $idProduct;
$query = @mysql_query($sql, $conn);
while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$image_large_c = $row['image'];
if ($image_c != '') {
$image_c1 .= "<img src=\"" . $serverName . $image_c . "\" id=\"multizoom1\" alt=\"" . $namehh . "\"/>";
$image_c1a .= "<a href=\"" . $serverName . $image_c . "\" data-large=\"" . $serverName . $image_c . "\"><img src=\"" . $serverName . $image_c . "\" width=\"60\" height=\"70\" alt=\"" . $namehh . "\"/></a> ";
if ($image_large_c != '') {
$image_large_c1 .= "<a href=\"" . $serverName . $image_large_c . "\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"" . $serverName . $image_large_c . "\" width=\"270\" height=\"400\" alt=\"" . $namehh . "\"/></a> ";
$image_large_c1a .= "<a href=\"" . $serverName . $image_large_c . "\" data-large=\"" . $serverName . $image_large_c . "\"><img src=\"" . $serverName . $image_large_c . "\" width=\"60\" height=\"70\" alt=\"" . $namehh . "\"/></a> ";
//echo $image_c;
$image_cAll = $image_c != '' ? $image_c : "images/no_images.jpg";
$rowHangName = getRecord($tableCategoryNew, "id_code='" . $rowProductName['parent2'] . "' and " . $whereLang);
$nameDetail = $rowProductName['name'];
$idCodeDetail = $rowProductName['code'];
/** Kiểm tra bán hàng online
* Hiện thông tin sản phẩm
if ($config_sales == 1) {
$codeProduct = $rowProductName['code'];
$quantity = $rowProductName['quantity'];
$sales = $rowProductName['sale'];
if ($sales != '') {
$price = $sales;
$priceCu = " <span class=\"giacu\">" . @number_format($rowProductName['price'], 0) . " vnđ</span>";
} else {
$price = $rowProductName['price'];
示例10: trim
if ((isset($_POST['btn']) or isset($_POST['btn1'])) and $_POST['oldid'] != '') {
$oldid = trim($_POST['oldid']);
$infoName = getRecord($tableNew, $whereLang . " and id_code=660");
if (isset($_POST['btn'])) {
$btn = " <tr>\n <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"bg_xacnhan1\">\n\t<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n <tr>\n <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"bg_xacnhan_sms_im\"><img src=\"" . $serverName . "images/messagesms.png\" /></td>\n <td width=\"86%\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"border_xm\">\n\t<h2 class=\"bg_xacnhan_sms\">Cảm ơn quý khách đã mua hàng tại " . $domainName . "</h2>\n\t\n\t<p>Quý khách đã chọn hình thức thanh toán COD</p>\n <p>Để xác nhận đơn hàng số <strong class=\"text_do\">" . $oldid . " </strong>Quý khách vui lòng soạn tin với cú pháp:<strong class=\"text_do\">" . $codeSMS . " " . $oldid . "</strong> gửi <strong class=\"text_do\">" . $codeDauso . "</strong> (*)</p>\n <br />\n <p>Hoặc gọi điện số <strong>" . $hotline1 . "</strong> để xác thực đơn hàng.</p>\n <p>Sau khi nhận được xác thực đơn hàng của quý khách, chúng tôi sẽ liên hệ với quý khách để xác nhận thời gian & địa chỉ giao hàng.</p>\n\n <br />\n \n\t\n\t</td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n\n\t\n\t</td>\n </tr>";
$type_payment = 0;
} elseif (isset($_POST['btn1'])) {
$btn = " \n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t<tr>\n <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"bg_xacnhan1\">\n\t<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n <tr>\n <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"bg_xacnhan_sms_im\"><img src=\"" . $serverName . "images/messagesms.png\" /></td>\n <td width=\"86%\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"border_xm\">\n\t<h2> <strong class=\"text_do\">Đơn hàng số: " . $oldid . " </strong></h2>\n\t" . $infoName['detail_short'] . "\n\t\n\t</td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n\n\t\n\t</td>\n </tr>\n\t\n\t\n\t";
$type_payment = 1;
$fields_arr1a = array("type_payment" => "'{$type_payment}'");
$result1 = update($tableOrdersId, $fields_arr1a, "id=" . $oldid);
$showHtmlHomeConnert = "\n<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n<section class=\"main\">\n<section id=\"content\">\n <div class=\"content-items\">\n <div class=\"content-items-content-01\">\n <section class=\"slider-content-1\"> <em class=\"bt-1\"><b> </b></em>\n <div class=\"anythingSlider-1\">\n <h2 class=\"subtitle-1\">" . $titlePage . "</h2>\n<link href=\"" . $serverName . "css/cart.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />\n<br>\n\n<div class=\"bg_xacnhan\">\n<table id=\"yourcartdetails\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n " . $btn . "\n</table>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n <em class=\"bb\"><b> </b></em>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n</section>\n </section> \n";
} else {
echo "<script>window.location='" . $serverName . "'</script>";
示例11: getRecord
if (check_email_address($email)) {
$errMsg = '';
} else {
if ($detail == '' || $detail == UGOALSYOUWANTTOACHIEVE) {
$errMsg = 'Bạn chưa nhập nội dung thảo luận';
} else {
$errMsg = '';
//$name = substrNumber($detail,'100','');
$defaulName = $name;
$id_parent = $idProduct;
$codeParent = $parent;
$CodeModule = getRecord($tableCategoryNewId, " id=" . $codeParent);
//$code_frame = $CodeModule['code'];
$code_module = $CodeModule['code_module'];
//$email = $rowMemberIdInfo['email'];
//$nameMember = $rowMemberIdInfo['name'];
$urlCode = removeVietnamese($defaulName, " ", "-");
//lay url tu dong
//$city = $rowMemberIdInfo['city'];
//$country = $rowMemberIdInfo['country'];
$ip_computer = getRealIpAddr();
$ldate = @strtotime(date("d-m-Y-g:i a"));
$no = 10;
$yes = 30;
$totalYes = $no;
$totalNo = $yes;
include 'comment/countCommentStars.php';
示例12: mysql_query
<tr><td height="10"></td></tr>
$showhtmlModuleTT = "";
$sqlModuleTT = "select * from {$tableModuleId} where " . $whereStatus;
$resultModuleTT = mysql_query($sqlModuleTT, $conn);
while ($ModuleTT = mysql_fetch_array($resultModuleTT)) {
$ModuleTTname = getRecord($tableModule, 'id_code=' . $ModuleTT['id'] . " and lang='" . $_lang_A . "'");
$idModuleTT = $ModuleTT['id'];
$typeModuleTT = $ModuleTT['type_module'];
$codeModuleTT = $ModuleTT['code_module'];
$NameModuleTT = $ModuleTTname['name'];
$showModuleParentAllA = "";
$wheretttttt = "id_member='" . $oldid . "' and id_module='" . $idModuleTT . "' and status_module='1'";
//$checkeModuleTTShow = countRecord($tableUserLevelId,$wheretttttt);
$rowUserLevelId = getRecord("tbl_user_level_id", $wheretttttt, 'order by sort asc');
if ($rowUserLevelId) {
$id_code = $rowUserLevelId['id'];
include 'userConfig/user_config_ajax.php';
$showModuleParentAllA = $showModuleParentAll;
$checkeModuleTTShowHtml = 'checked="checked"';
} else {
$checkeModuleTTShowHtml = '';
$id_code = '0';
$showhtmlModuleTT .= "\n<tr>\n <td align=\"left\" class=\"smallfont\" valign=\"top\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"AjaxModule('" . $idModuleTT . "','" . $typeModuleTT . "','" . $id_code . "')\" id=\"chkModule" . $idModuleTT . "\" name=\"chkModule" . $idModuleTT . "\" value=\"on\" " . $checkeModuleTTShowHtml . "> " . $NameModuleTT . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n </tr>\n\n";
if ($typeModuleTT == '0') {
$showModuleParentAllA01 = $showModuleParentAllA;
} elseif ($typeModuleTT == '1' or $typeModuleTT == '2' or $codeModuleTT == 'module_ord') {
$checkeParentEditId = countRecord($tableUserLevelId, "id_member=" . $oldid . " and code_module='" . $ModuleTT['code_module'] . "' and parent_edit=1");
$checkeParentDeteleId = countRecord($tableUserLevelId, "id_member=" . $oldid . " and code_module='" . $ModuleTT['code_module'] . "' and paren_delete=1");
示例13: getLinkSort
echo getLinkSort(8);
$sql = "select *,DATE_FORMAT(date_added,'%d/%m/%Y %h:%i') as dateAdd,DATE_FORMAT(last_modified,'%d/%m/%Y %h:%i') as dateModify from {$tableCommentId} where {$whereComment} and {$whereStatus} {$sortby} {$direction} limit " . $p * $MAXPAGE . "," . $MAXPAGE;
$result = @mysql_query($sql, $conn);
$i = 0;
while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$color = $i++ % 2 ? '#d5d5d5' : '#e5e5e5';
$nameCategory = getRecord($tableConfigId, 'id = ' . $row['id_parent']);
//lay danh muc
<td align="center" bgcolor="<?php
echo $color;
" class="smallfont">
<input type="checkbox" name="chk[]" value="<?php
echo $row['id'];
<td width="30" align="center" bgcolor="<?php
echo $color;
示例14: substr
$urlCode = substr($row['url'], strlen($rowUrlParent1['url']) + 1);
$urlCodeDk = $rowUrlParent1['url'] . '_';
//$urlCode = $row['url'];
$name = $row['name'];
$subject = $row['subject'];
$detail_short = $row['detail_short'];
$detail = $row['detail'];
$warranty_offer = $row['warranty_offer'];
$keywords_search = $row['keywords_search'];
$sort = $row['sort'];
$status = $row['status'];
} elseif ($_REQUEST['codeParent'] != '') {
//lay thuoc tinh cua tra chuyen cho con
$oldid = $_REQUEST['codeParent'];
$row = getRecord($tableCategoryConfig, "id_code=" . $oldid . " and lang='" . $ln . "'");
//$code = $row['code'];
$name = $row['name'];
$subject = $row['subject'];
$detail_short = $row['detail_short'];
$detail = $row['detail'];
$warranty_offer = $row['warranty_offer'];
$keywords_search = $row['keywords_search'];
$sort = $row['sort'];
$status = $row['status'];
//ket thuc lay thuoc tinh cua tra chuyen cho con
<tr >
<td width="15%" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#0069A8" class="title" style="text-transform:uppercase"> </td>
<td width="1%" bgcolor="#0069A8" class="title" align="center"> </td>
示例15: foreach
<tr><td height="10"></td></tr>
<td colspan="3" align="center">
include 'modulePro/viewImage.php';
foreach ($conf as $ln => $j) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
$oldid = $_REQUEST['id'];
$row = getRecord($tableComment, "id_code=" . $oldid . " and lang='" . $ln . "'");
$title = $row['title'];
$name = $row['name'];
$subject = $row['subject'];
$detail_short = $row['detail_short'];
$detail = $row['detail'];
$sort = $row['sort'];
$status = $row['status'];
<tr >
<td width="15%" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#0069A8" class="title" style="text-transform:uppercase"> </td>
<td width="1%" bgcolor="#0069A8" class="title" align="center"> </td>
<td width="83%" height="24" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#0069A8" class="title"><font style="font-weight: 700" color="#FFFFFF">
echo $conf[$ln];