本文整理汇总了PHP中getDisplayDate函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP getDisplayDate函数的具体用法?PHP getDisplayDate怎么用?PHP getDisplayDate使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: getAuditTrailEntries
* Function to get the Audit Trail Information values of the actions performed by a particular User.
* @param integer $userid - User's ID
* @param $navigation_array - Array values to navigate through the number of entries.
* @param $sortorder - DESC
* @param $orderby - actiondate
* Returns the audit trail entries in an array format.
function getAuditTrailEntries($userid, $navigation_array, $sorder = '', $orderby = '')
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering getAuditTrailEntries(" . $userid . ") method ...");
global $adb, $current_user;
if ($sorder != '' && $order_by != '') {
$list_query = "Select * from vtiger_audit_trial where userid =? order by " . $order_by . " " . $sorder;
} else {
$list_query = "Select * from vtiger_audit_trial where userid =? order by " . $this->default_order_by . " " . $this->default_sort_order;
$result = $adb->pquery($list_query, array($userid));
$entries_list = array();
if ($navigation_array['end_val'] != 0) {
for ($i = $navigation_array['start']; $i <= $navigation_array['end_val']; $i++) {
$entries = array();
$userid = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'userid');
$entries[] = getTranslatedString($adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'module'));
$entries[] = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'action');
$entries[] = $adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'recordid');
$entries[] = getDisplayDate($adb->query_result($result, $i - 1, 'actiondate'));
$entries_list[] = $entries;
$log->debug("Exiting getAuditTrailEntries() method ...");
return $entries_list;
示例2: edit
function edit()
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig();
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$me = JFactory::getUser();
$user_id = JRequest::getInt("user_id");
$user = JTable::getInstance('userShop', 'jshop');
$user_site = new JUser($user_id);
$_countries = $this->getModel("countries");
$countries = $_countries->getAllCountries(0);
$lists['country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $countries, 'country', 'class = "inputbox" size = "1"', 'country_id', 'name', $user->country);
$lists['d_country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $countries, 'd_country', 'class = "inputbox endes" size = "1"', 'country_id', 'name', $user->d_country);
$user->birthday = getDisplayDate($user->birthday, $jshopConfig->field_birthday_format);
$user->d_birthday = getDisplayDate($user->d_birthday, $jshopConfig->field_birthday_format);
$option_title = array();
foreach ($jshopConfig->user_field_title as $key => $value) {
$option_title[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $key, $value, 'title_id', 'title_name');
$lists['select_titles'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $option_title, 'title', 'class = "inputbox"', 'title_id', 'title_name', $user->title);
$lists['select_d_titles'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $option_title, 'd_title', 'class = "inputbox endes"', 'title_id', 'title_name', $user->d_title);
$client_types = array();
foreach ($jshopConfig->user_field_client_type as $key => $value) {
$client_types[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $key, $value, 'id', 'name');
$lists['select_client_types'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $client_types, 'client_type', 'class = "inputbox" ', 'id', 'name', $user->client_type);
$_usergroups = $this->getModel("userGroups");
$usergroups = $_usergroups->getAllUsergroups();
$lists['usergroups'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $usergroups, 'usergroup_id', 'class = "inputbox" size = "1"', 'usergroup_id', 'usergroup_name', $user->usergroup_id);
$lists['block'] = JHTML::_('select.booleanlist', 'block', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', $user_site->get('block'));
filterHTMLSafe($user, ENT_QUOTES);
$tmp_fields = $jshopConfig->getListFieldsRegister();
$config_fields = $tmp_fields['editaccount'];
$count_filed_delivery = $jshopConfig->getEnableDeliveryFiledRegistration('editaccount');
$view = $this->getView("users", 'html');
$view->assign('config', $jshopConfig);
$view->assign('user', $user);
$view->assign('me', $me);
$view->assign('user_site', $user_site);
$view->assign('lists', $lists);
$view->assign('etemplatevar', '');
$view->assign('config_fields', $config_fields);
$view->assign('count_filed_delivery', $count_filed_delivery);
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeEditUsers', array(&$view));
示例3: getRequestedToData
function getRequestedToData()
$mail_data = array();
$mail_data['user_id'] = $_REQUEST["task_assigned_user_id"];
$mail_data['subject'] = $_REQUEST['task_subject'];
$mail_data['status'] = $_REQUEST['activity_mode'] == 'Task' ? $_REQUEST['taskstatus'] : $_REQUEST['eventstatus'];
$mail_data['activity_mode'] = $_REQUEST['activity_mode'];
$mail_data['taskpriority'] = $_REQUEST['taskpriority'];
$mail_data['relatedto'] = $_REQUEST['task_parent_name'];
$mail_data['contact_name'] = $_REQUEST['task_contact_name'];
$mail_data['description'] = $_REQUEST['task_description'];
$mail_data['assingn_type'] = $_REQUEST['task_assigntype'];
$mail_data['group_name'] = getGroupName($_REQUEST['task_assigned_group_id']);
$mail_data['mode'] = $_REQUEST['task_mode'];
$value = getaddEventPopupTime($_REQUEST['task_time_start'], $_REQUEST['task_time_end'], '24');
$start_hour = $value['starthour'] . ':' . $value['startmin'] . '' . $value['startfmt'];
$mail_data['st_date_time'] = getDisplayDate($_REQUEST['task_date_start']) . " " . $start_hour;
$mail_data['end_date_time'] = getDisplayDate($_REQUEST['task_due_date']);
return $mail_data;
示例4: step2
function step2()
$checkout = JModelLegacy::getInstance('checkout', 'jshop');
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger('onLoadCheckoutStep2', array());
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig();
$country = JTable::getInstance('country', 'jshop');
$checkLogin = JRequest::getInt('check_login');
if ($checkLogin) {
$session->set("show_pay_without_reg", 1);
$seo = JTable::getInstance("seo", "jshop");
$seodata = $seo->loadData("checkout-address");
if ($seodata->title == "") {
$seodata->title = _JSHOP_CHECKOUT_ADDRESS;
setMetaData($seodata->title, $seodata->keyword, $seodata->description);
$cart = JModelLegacy::getInstance('cart', 'jshop');
if ($user->id) {
$adv_user = JSFactory::getUserShop();
} else {
$adv_user = JSFactory::getUserShopGuest();
$adv_user->birthday = getDisplayDate($adv_user->birthday, $jshopConfig->field_birthday_format);
$adv_user->d_birthday = getDisplayDate($adv_user->d_birthday, $jshopConfig->field_birthday_format);
$tmp_fields = $jshopConfig->getListFieldsRegister();
$config_fields = $tmp_fields['address'];
$count_filed_delivery = $jshopConfig->getEnableDeliveryFiledRegistration('address');
$checkout_navigator = $this->_showCheckoutNavigation(2);
if ($jshopConfig->show_cart_all_step_checkout) {
$small_cart = $this->_showSmallCart(2);
} else {
$small_cart = '';
$view_name = "checkout";
$view_config = array("template_path" => JPATH_COMPONENT . "/templates/" . $jshopConfig->template . "/" . $view_name);
$view = $this->getView($view_name, getDocumentType(), '', $view_config);
$view->assign('select', $jshopConfig->user_field_title);
if (!$adv_user->country) {
$adv_user->country = $jshopConfig->default_country;
if (!$adv_user->d_country) {
$adv_user->d_country = $jshopConfig->default_country;
$option_country[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', _JSHOP_REG_SELECT, 'country_id', 'name');
$option_countryes = array_merge($option_country, $country->getAllCountries());
$select_countries = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $option_countryes, 'country', 'class = "inputbox" size = "1"', 'country_id', 'name', $adv_user->country);
$select_d_countries = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $option_countryes, 'd_country', 'class = "inputbox" size = "1"', 'country_id', 'name', $adv_user->d_country);
foreach ($jshopConfig->user_field_title as $key => $value) {
$option_title[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $key, $value, 'title_id', 'title_name');
$select_titles = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $option_title, 'title', 'class = "inputbox"', 'title_id', 'title_name', $adv_user->title);
$select_d_titles = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $option_title, 'd_title', 'class = "inputbox"', 'title_id', 'title_name', $adv_user->d_title);
$client_types = array();
foreach ($jshopConfig->user_field_client_type as $key => $value) {
$client_types[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $key, $value, 'id', 'name');
$select_client_types = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $client_types, 'client_type', 'class = "inputbox" onchange="showHideFieldFirm(this.value)"', 'id', 'name', $adv_user->client_type);
filterHTMLSafe($adv_user, ENT_QUOTES);
if ($config_fields['birthday']['display'] || $config_fields['d_birthday']['display']) {
$view->assign('config', $jshopConfig);
$view->assign('select_countries', $select_countries);
$view->assign('select_d_countries', $select_d_countries);
$view->assign('select_titles', $select_titles);
$view->assign('select_d_titles', $select_d_titles);
$view->assign('select_client_types', $select_client_types);
$view->assign('live_path', JURI::base());
$view->assign('config_fields', $config_fields);
$view->assign('count_filed_delivery', $count_filed_delivery);
$view->assign('user', $adv_user);
$view->assign('delivery_adress', $adv_user->delivery_adress);
$view->assign('checkout_navigator', $checkout_navigator);
$view->assign('small_cart', $small_cart);
$view->assign('action', SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step2save', 0, 0, $jshopConfig->use_ssl));
$dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeDisplayCheckoutStep2View', array(&$view));
示例5: get_quotestagehistory
/** Function used to get the Quote Stage history of the Quotes
* @param $id - quote id
* @return $return_data - array with header and the entries in format Array('header'=>$header,'entries'=>$entries_list) where as $header and $entries_list are arrays which contains header values and all column values of all entries
function get_quotestagehistory($id)
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering get_quotestagehistory(" . $id . ") method ...");
global $adb;
global $mod_strings;
global $app_strings;
$query = 'select vtiger_quotestagehistory.*, vtiger_quotes.quote_no from vtiger_quotestagehistory inner join vtiger_quotes on vtiger_quotes.quoteid = vtiger_quotestagehistory.quoteid inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_quotes.quoteid where vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0 and vtiger_quotes.quoteid = ?';
$result = $adb->pquery($query, array($id));
$noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result);
$header[] = $app_strings['Quote No'];
$header[] = $app_strings['LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME'];
$header[] = $app_strings['LBL_AMOUNT'];
$header[] = $app_strings['Quote Stage'];
$header[] = $app_strings['LBL_LAST_MODIFIED'];
//Getting the field permission for the current user. 1 - Not Accessible, 0 - Accessible
//Account Name , Total are mandatory fields. So no need to do security check to these fields.
global $current_user;
//If field is accessible then getFieldVisibilityPermission function will return 0 else return 1
$quotestage_access = getFieldVisibilityPermission('Quotes', $current_user->id, 'quotestage') != '0' ? 1 : 0;
$picklistarray = getAccessPickListValues('Quotes');
$quotestage_array = $quotestage_access != 1 ? $picklistarray['quotestage'] : array();
//- ==> picklist field is not permitted in profile
//Not Accessible - picklist is permitted in profile but picklist value is not permitted
$error_msg = $quotestage_access != 1 ? 'Not Accessible' : '-';
while ($row = $adb->fetch_array($result)) {
$entries = array();
// Module Sequence Numbering
//$entries[] = $row['quoteid'];
$entries[] = $row['quote_no'];
// END
$entries[] = $row['accountname'];
$entries[] = $row['total'];
$entries[] = in_array($row['quotestage'], $quotestage_array) ? $row['quotestage'] : $error_msg;
$entries[] = getDisplayDate($row['lastmodified']);
$entries_list[] = $entries;
$return_data = array('header' => $header, 'entries' => $entries_list);
$log->debug("Exiting get_quotestagehistory method ...");
return $return_data;
示例6: edit
function edit()
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$order_id = JRequest::getVar("order_id");
$client_id = JRequest::getInt('client_id', 0);
$lang = JSFactory::getLang();
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig();
$orders = $this->getModel("orders");
$order = JTable::getInstance('order', 'jshop');
$name = $lang->get("name");
$id_vendor_cuser = getIdVendorForCUser();
if ($jshopConfig->admin_show_vendors && $id_vendor_cuser) {
if ($order->vendor_id != $id_vendor_cuser) {
$mainframe->redirect('index.php', JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH'));
return 0;
$order_items = $order->getAllItems();
$_languages = $this->getModel("languages");
$languages = $_languages->getAllLanguages(1);
$select_language = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $languages, 'lang', 'class = "inputbox" style="float:none"', 'language', 'name', $order->lang);
$country = JTable::getInstance('country', 'jshop');
$countries = $country->getAllCountries();
$select_countries = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $countries, 'country', 'class = "inputbox"', 'country_id', 'name', $order->country);
$select_d_countries = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $countries, 'd_country', 'class = "inputbox"', 'country_id', 'name', $order->d_country);
$option_title = array();
foreach ($jshopConfig->user_field_title as $key => $value) {
if ($key > 0) {
$option_title[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $key, $value, 'title_id', 'title_name');
$select_titles = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $option_title, 'title', 'class = "inputbox"', 'title_id', 'title_name', $order->title);
$select_d_titles = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $option_title, 'd_title', 'class = "inputbox endes"', 'title_id', 'title_name', $order->d_title);
$order->birthday = getDisplayDate($order->birthday, $jshopConfig->field_birthday_format);
$order->d_birthday = getDisplayDate($order->d_birthday, $jshopConfig->field_birthday_format);
$client_types = array();
foreach ($jshopConfig->user_field_client_type as $key => $value) {
$client_types[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $key, $value, 'id', 'name');
$select_client_types = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $client_types, 'client_type', 'class = "inputbox" onchange="showHideFieldFirm(this.value)"', 'id', 'name', $order->client_type);
$jshopConfig->user_field_client_type[0] = "";
if (isset($jshopConfig->user_field_client_type[$order->client_type])) {
$order->client_type_name = $jshopConfig->user_field_client_type[$order->client_type];
} else {
$order->client_type_name = '';
$tmp_fields = $jshopConfig->getListFieldsRegister();
$config_fields = $tmp_fields["address"];
$count_filed_delivery = $jshopConfig->getEnableDeliveryFiledRegistration('address');
$pm_method = JTable::getInstance('paymentMethod', 'jshop');
$order->payment_name = $pm_method->{$name};
$order->order_tax_list = $order->getTaxExt();
$_currency = $this->getModel("currencies");
$currency_list = $_currency->getAllCurrencies();
$order_currency = 0;
foreach ($currency_list as $k => $v) {
if ($v->currency_code_iso == $order->currency_code_iso) {
$order_currency = $v->currency_id;
$select_currency = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $currency_list, 'currency_id', 'class = "inputbox"', 'currency_id', 'currency_code', $order_currency);
$display_price_list = array();
$display_price_list[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 0, _JSHOP_PRODUCT_BRUTTO_PRICE, 'id', 'name');
$display_price_list[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 1, _JSHOP_PRODUCT_NETTO_PRICE, 'id', 'name');
$display_price_select = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $display_price_list, 'display_price', 'onchange="updateOrderTotalValue();"', 'id', 'name', $order->display_price);
$shippings = $this->getModel("shippings");
$shippings_list = $shippings->getAllShippings(0);
$shippings_select = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $shippings_list, 'shipping_method_id', '', 'shipping_id', 'name', $order->shipping_method_id);
$payments = $this->getModel("payments");
$payments_list = $payments->getAllPaymentMethods(0);
$payments_select = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $payments_list, 'payment_method_id', '', 'payment_id', 'name', $order->payment_method_id);
$deliverytimes = JSFactory::getAllDeliveryTime();
$first = array(0 => "- - -");
$delivery_time_select = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', array_merge($first, $deliverytimes), 'delivery_times_id', '', 'id', 'name', $order->delivery_times_id);
$users = $this->getModel('users');
$users_list = $users->getUsers();
$first = array(0 => '- - -');
$users_list_select = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', array_merge($first, $users_list), 'user_id', 'onchange="updateBillingShippingForUser(this.value);"', 'user_id', 'name', $order->user_id);
foreach ($order_items as $k => $v) {
$view = $this->getView("orders", 'html');
$view->assign('config', $jshopConfig);
$view->assign('order', $order);
$view->assign('order_items', $order_items);
$view->assign('config_fields', $config_fields);
$view->assign('etemplatevar', '');
$view->assign('count_filed_delivery', $count_filed_delivery);
$view->assign('order_id', $order_id);
$view->assign('select_countries', $select_countries);
$view->assign('select_d_countries', $select_d_countries);
$view->assign('select_titles', $select_titles);
$view->assign('select_d_titles', $select_d_titles);
$view->assign('select_client_types', $select_client_types);
示例7: getValue
function getValue($field_result, $list_result, $fieldname, $focus, $module, $entity_id, $list_result_count, $mode, $popuptype, $returnset = '', $viewid = '')
global $log, $listview_max_textlength, $app_strings, $current_language, $currentModule;
$log->debug("Entering getValue(" . $field_result . "," . $list_result . "," . $fieldname . "," . get_class($focus) . "," . $module . "," . $entity_id . "," . $list_result_count . "," . $mode . "," . $popuptype . "," . $returnset . "," . $viewid . ") method ...");
global $adb, $current_user, $default_charset;
require 'user_privileges/user_privileges_' . $current_user->id . '.php';
$tabname = getParentTab();
$tabid = getTabid($module);
$current_module_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $module);
$uicolarr = $field_result[$fieldname];
foreach ($uicolarr as $key => $value) {
$uitype = $key;
$colname = $value;
//added for getting event status in Custom view - Jaguar
if ($module == 'Calendar' && ($colname == "status" || $colname == "eventstatus")) {
$colname = "activitystatus";
$field_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $colname);
if (stristr(html_entity_decode($field_val), "<a href") === false && $uitype != 8) {
$temp_val = textlength_check($field_val);
} elseif ($uitype != 8) {
$temp_val = html_entity_decode($field_val, ENT_QUOTES);
} else {
$temp_val = $field_val;
// vtlib customization: New uitype to handle relation between modules
if ($uitype == '10') {
$parent_id = $field_val;
if (!empty($parent_id)) {
$parent_module = getSalesEntityType($parent_id);
$valueTitle = $parent_module;
if ($app_strings[$valueTitle]) {
$valueTitle = $app_strings[$valueTitle];
$displayValueArray = getEntityName($parent_module, $parent_id);
if (!empty($displayValueArray)) {
foreach ($displayValueArray as $key => $value) {
$displayValue = $value;
$value = "<a href='index.php?module={$parent_module}&action=DetailView&record={$parent_id}' title='{$valueTitle}'>{$displayValue}</a>";
} else {
$value = '';
} else {
if ($uitype == 53) {
$value = textlength_check($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'user_name'));
// When Assigned To field is used in Popup window
if ($value == '') {
$user_id = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'smownerid');
if ($user_id != null && $user_id != '') {
$value = getOwnerName($user_id);
} elseif ($uitype == 52) {
$value = getUserName($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $colname));
} elseif ($uitype == 51) {
$parentid = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, "parentid");
if ($module == 'Accounts') {
$entity_name = textlength_check(getAccountName($parentid));
} elseif ($module == 'Products') {
$entity_name = textlength_check(getProductName($parentid));
$value = '<a href="index.php?module=' . $module . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $parentid . '&parenttab=' . $tabname . '" style="' . $P_FONT_COLOR . '">' . $entity_name . '</a>';
} elseif ($uitype == 77) {
$value = getUserName($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'inventorymanager'));
} elseif ($uitype == 5 || $uitype == 6 || $uitype == 23 || $uitype == 70) {
if ($temp_val != '' && $temp_val != '0000-00-00') {
$value = getDisplayDate($temp_val);
} elseif ($temp_val == '0000-00-00') {
$value = '';
} else {
$value = $temp_val;
} elseif ($uitype == 15 || $uitype == 55 && $fieldname == "salutationtype") {
$temp_val = decode_html($adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $colname));
if ($is_admin == false && $profileGlobalPermission[1] == 1 && $profileGlobalPermission[2] == 1 && $temp_val != '') {
$temp_acttype = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'activitytype');
if ($temp_acttype != 'Task' && $fieldname == "taskstatus") {
$temptable = "eventstatus";
} else {
$temptable = $fieldname;
$roleid = $current_user->roleid;
$roleids = array();
$subrole = getRoleSubordinates($roleid);
if (count($subrole) > 0) {
$roleids = $subrole;
array_push($roleids, $roleid);
//here we are checking wheather the table contains the sortorder column .If sortorder is present in the main picklist table, then the role2picklist will be applicable for this table...
$sql = "select * from vtiger_{$temptable} where {$temptable}=?";
$res = $adb->pquery($sql, array(decode_html($temp_val)));
$picklistvalueid = $adb->query_result($res, 0, 'picklist_valueid');
if ($picklistvalueid != null) {
$pick_query = "select * from vtiger_role2picklist where picklistvalueid={$picklistvalueid} and roleid in (" . generateQuestionMarks($roleids) . ")";
$res_val = $adb->pquery($pick_query, array($roleids));
$num_val = $adb->num_rows($res_val);
示例8: getValue
function getValue($uitype, $list_result, $fieldname, $focus, $module, $entity_id, $list_result_count, $mode, $popuptype, $returnset = '', $viewid = '')
global $log;
global $app_strings;
//changed by dingjianting on 2007-11-05 for php5.2.x
$log->debug("Entering getValue() method ...");
global $adb, $current_user;
if ($uitype == 10) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
if ($temp_val != "") {
$value = "";
$module_entityname = "";
$modulename_lower = substr($fieldname, 0, -2);
$modulename = ucfirst($modulename_lower);
$modulesid = $modulename_lower . "id";
$tablename = "ec_" . $modulename_lower;
$entityname = substr($fieldname, 0, -3) . "name";
$query = "SELECT {$entityname} FROM {$tablename} WHERE {$modulesid}='" . $temp_val . "' and deleted=0";
$fldmod_result = $adb->query($query);
$rownum = $adb->num_rows($fldmod_result);
if ($rownum > 0) {
$value = $adb->query_result($fldmod_result, 0, $entityname);
} else {
$value = '';
} elseif ($uitype == 52 || $uitype == 53 || $uitype == 77) {
$value = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'user_name');
} elseif ($uitype == 5 || $uitype == 6 || $uitype == 23 || $uitype == 70) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
if (isValidDate($temp_val)) {
$value = getDisplayDate($temp_val);
} else {
$value = '';
} elseif ($uitype == 33) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
$value = str_ireplace(' |##| ', ', ', $temp_val);
} elseif ($uitype == 17) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
$value = '<a href="http://' . $temp_val . '" target="_blank">' . $temp_val . '</a>';
} elseif ($uitype == 13 || $uitype == 104) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
$value = '<a href="' . getComposeMailUrl($temp_val) . '" target="_blank">' . $temp_val . '</a>';
} elseif ($uitype == 56) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
if ($temp_val == 1) {
$value = 'yes';
} else {
$value = 'no';
//changed by dingjianting on 2006-10-15 for simplized chinese
if (isset($app_strings[$value])) {
$value = $app_strings[$value];
} elseif ($uitype == 51 || $uitype == 73 || $uitype == 50) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
if ($temp_val != '') {
$value = getAccountName($temp_val);
} else {
$value = '';
} elseif ($uitype == 59) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
if ($temp_val != '') {
$value = getProductName($temp_val);
} else {
$value = '';
} elseif ($uitype == 76) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
if ($temp_val != '') {
$value = getPotentialName($temp_val);
} else {
$value = '';
} elseif ($uitype == 80) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
if ($temp_val != '') {
$value = getSoName($temp_val);
} else {
$value = '';
} elseif ($uitype == 1004) {
$value = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'smcreatorid');
$value = getUserName($value);
} elseif ($uitype == 1007) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
$value = getApproveStatusById($temp_val);
} elseif ($uitype == 1008) {
$value = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, 'approvedby');
$value = getUserName($value);
} elseif ($uitype == 1004) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
$value = getUserName($temp_val);
} elseif ($uitype == 1007) {
$temp_val = $adb->query_result($list_result, $list_result_count, $fieldname);
if ($temp_val == '1') {
$value = $app_strings["already_approved"];
} elseif ($temp_val == '-1') {
示例9: getPendingActivities
* Function to get Pending/Upcoming activities
* @param integer $mode - number to differentiate upcoming and pending activities
* return array $values - activities record in array format
function getPendingActivities($mode, $view = '')
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering getPendingActivities() method ...");
require_once 'data/Tracker.php';
require_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
require_once 'user_privileges/default_module_view.php';
global $currentModule;
global $singlepane_view;
global $theme;
global $focus;
global $action;
global $adb;
global $app_strings;
global $current_language;
global $current_user;
$current_module_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Calendar');
$theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/";
$image_path = $theme_path . "images/";
if ($_REQUEST['activity_view'] == '') {
$activity_view = 'today';
} else {
$activity_view = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['activity_view']);
$today = date("Y-m-d", time());
if ($view == 'today') {
$upcoming_condition = " AND (date_start = '{$today}' OR vtiger_recurringevents.recurringdate = '{$today}')";
$pending_condition = " AND (due_date = '{$today}' OR vtiger_recurringevents.recurringdate = '{$today}')";
} else {
if ($view == 'all') {
$upcoming_condition = " AND (date_start >= '{$today}' OR vtiger_recurringevents.recurringdate >= '{$today}')";
$pending_condition = " AND (due_date <= '{$today}' OR vtiger_recurringevents.recurringdate <= '{$today}')";
if ($mode != 1) {
$list_query = " select vtiger_crmentity.crmid,vtiger_crmentity.smownerid,vtiger_crmentity." . "setype, vtiger_recurringevents.recurringdate, vtiger_activity.activityid, " . "vtiger_activity.activitytype, vtiger_activity.date_start, vtiger_activity.due_date," . "from vtiger_activity inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=" . "vtiger_activity.activityid LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_groups.groupid = " . "vtiger_crmentity.smownerid left outer join vtiger_recurringevents on " . "vtiger_recurringevents.activityid=vtiger_activity.activityid";
$list_query .= getNonAdminAccessControlQuery('Calendar', $current_user);
$list_query .= " WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and vtiger_activity.activitytype not in " . "('Emails') AND ( vtiger_activity.status is NULL OR vtiger_activity.status not in" . "('Completed','Deferred')) and ( vtiger_activity.eventstatus is NULL OR vtiger_activity." . "eventstatus not in ('Held','Not Held') )" . $upcoming_condition;
} else {
$list_query = "select vtiger_crmentity.crmid,vtiger_crmentity.smownerid,vtiger_crmentity" . "setype, vtiger_recurringevents.recurringdate, vtiger_activity.activityid, vtiger_activity" . ".activitytype, vtiger_activity.date_start, vtiger_activity.due_date, from vtiger_activity" . "inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_activity.activityid " . "LEFT JOIN vtiger_groups ON vtiger_groups.groupid = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid " . "left outer join vtiger_recurringevents on vtiger_recurringevents.activityid=" . "vtiger_activity.activityid";
$list_query .= getNonAdminAccessControlQuery('Calendar', $current_user);
$list_query .= "WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and (vtiger_activity." . "activitytype not in ('Emails')) AND (vtiger_activity.status is NULL OR vtiger_activity." . "status not in ('Completed','Deferred')) and (vtiger_activity.eventstatus is NULL OR " . "vtiger_activity.eventstatus not in ('Held','Not Held')) " . $pending_condition;
$list_query .= " GROUP BY vtiger_activity.activityid";
$list_query .= " ORDER BY date_start,time_start ASC";
$res = $adb->query($list_query);
$noofrecords = $adb->num_rows($res);
$open_activity_list = array();
$noofrows = $adb->num_rows($res);
if (count($res) > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $noofrows; $i++) {
$open_activity_list[] = array('name' => $adb->query_result($res, $i, 'subject'), 'id' => $adb->query_result($res, $i, 'activityid'), 'type' => $adb->query_result($res, $i, 'activitytype'), 'module' => $adb->query_result($res, $i, 'setype'), 'date_start' => getDisplayDate($adb->query_result($res, $i, 'date_start')), 'due_date' => getDisplayDate($adb->query_result($res, $i, 'due_date')), 'recurringdate' => getDisplayDate($adb->query_result($res, $i, 'recurringdate')), 'priority' => $adb->query_result($res, $i, 'priority'));
$title = array();
$title[] = $view;
$title[] = 'myUpcoPendAct.gif';
$title[] = 'home_myact';
$title[] = 'showActivityView';
$title[] = 'MyUpcumingFrm';
$title[] = 'activity_view';
$header = array();
$header[] = $current_module_strings['LBL_LIST_SUBJECT'];
$header[] = 'Type';
$return_url = "&return_module={$currentModule}&return_action=DetailView&return_id=" . (is_object($focus) ? $focus->id : "");
$oddRow = true;
$entries = array();
foreach ($open_activity_list as $event) {
$recur_date = preg_replace('/--/', '', $event['recurringdate']);
if ($recur_date != "") {
$event['date_start'] = $event['recurringdate'];
$font_color_high = "color:#00DD00;";
$font_color_medium = "color:#DD00DD;";
switch ($event['priority']) {
case 'High':
$font_color = $font_color_high;
case 'Medium':
$font_color = $font_color_medium;
$font_color = '';
if ($event['type'] != 'Task' && $event['type'] != 'Emails' && $event['type'] != '') {
$activity_type = 'Events';
} else {
$activity_type = 'Task';
$entries[$event['id']] = array('0' => '<a href="index.php?action=DetailView&module=' . $event["module"] . '&activity_mode=' . $activity_type . '&record=' . $event["id"] . '' . $return_url . '" style="' . $font_color . ';">' . $event["name"] . '</a>', 'IMAGE' => '<IMG src="' . $image_path . $event["type"] . 's.gif">');
$values = array('noofactivities' => $noofrecords, 'Title' => $title, 'Header' => $header, 'Entries' => $entries);
$log->debug("Exiting getPendingActivities method ...");
return $values;
示例10: CRMSmarty
global $currentModule;
global $app_strings;
global $app_list_strings;
global $moduleList;
global $theme;
$theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/";
$image_path = $theme_path . "images/";
require_once $theme_path . 'layout_utils.php';
$smarty = new CRMSmarty();
$header_array = getHeaderArray();
$smarty->assign("HEADERS", $header_array);
$smarty->assign("THEME", $theme);
$smarty->assign("IMAGEPATH", $image_path);
$smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings);
$smarty->assign("MODULE_NAME", $currentModule);
$smarty->assign("DATE", getDisplayDate(date("Y-m-d H:i")));
$smarty->assign("CURRENT_USER", $current_user->user_name);
$smarty->assign("CURRENT_USER_ID", $current_user->id);
$smarty->assign("MODULELISTS", $app_list_strings['moduleList']);
$smarty->assign("CATEGORY", getParentTab());
$module_path = "modules/" . $currentModule . "/";
$nowdate = date("Ymd");
$auth = md5($nowdate . $current_user->email2);
$smarty->assign("AUTH", $auth);
//NEW taobao
if ($_REQUEST['ac'] == 'logout') {
$_SESSION['topsession'] = '';
$_SESSION['nick'] = '';
//echo "<script>window.close();</script>";
示例11: get_payment_history
/** Function used to get the Payments Stage history of the CobroPago
* @param $id - cobropagoid
* return $return_data - array with header and the entries in format Array('header'=>$header,'entries'=>$entries_list) where as $header and $entries_list are array which contains all the column values of an row
function get_payment_history($id)
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering get_stage_history(" . $id . ") method ...");
global $adb;
global $mod_strings;
global $app_strings;
$query = 'select vtiger_potstagehistory.*, vtiger_cobropago.reference from vtiger_potstagehistory inner join vtiger_cobropago on vtiger_cobropago.cobropagoid = vtiger_potstagehistory.cobropagoid inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_cobropago.cobropagoid where vtiger_crmentity.deleted = 0 and vtiger_cobropago.cobropagoid = ?';
$result = $adb->pquery($query, array($id));
$noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result);
$header[] = $app_strings['LBL_AMOUNT'];
$header[] = $app_strings['LBL_SALES_STAGE'];
$header[] = $app_strings['LBL_PROBABILITY'];
$header[] = $app_strings['LBL_CLOSE_DATE'];
$header[] = $app_strings['LBL_LAST_MODIFIED'];
//Getting the field permission for the current user. 1 - Not Accessible, 0 - Accessible
//Sales Stage, Expected Close Dates are mandatory fields. So no need to do security check to these fields.
global $current_user;
//If field is accessible then getFieldVisibilityPermission function will return 0 else return 1
$amount_access = getFieldVisibilityPermission('CobroPago', $current_user->id, 'amount') != '0' ? 1 : 0;
$probability_access = getFieldVisibilityPermission('CobroPago', $current_user->id, 'probability') != '0' ? 1 : 0;
$picklistarray = getAccessPickListValues('CobroPago');
$potential_stage_array = $picklistarray['sales_stage'];
//- ==> picklist field is not permitted in profile
//Not Accessible - picklist is permitted in profile but picklist value is not permitted
$error_msg = 'Not Accessible';
while ($row = $adb->fetch_array($result)) {
$entries = array();
$entries[] = $amount_access != 1 ? $row['amount'] : 0;
$entries[] = in_array($row['stage'], $potential_stage_array) ? $row['stage'] : $error_msg;
$entries[] = $probability_access != 1 ? $row['probability'] : 0;
$entries[] = getDisplayDate($row['closedate']);
$entries[] = getDisplayDate($row['lastmodified']);
$entries_list[] = $entries;
$return_data = array('header' => $header, 'entries' => $entries_list);
$log->debug("Exiting get_stage_history method ...");
return $return_data;
示例12: create_contact1
function create_contact1($user_name, $first_name, $last_name, $email_address, $account_name, $salutation, $title, $phone_mobile, $reports_to, $primary_address_street, $primary_address_city, $primary_address_state, $primary_address_postalcode, $primary_address_country, $alt_address_city, $alt_address_street, $alt_address_state, $alt_address_postalcode, $alt_address_country, $office_phone, $home_phone, $other_phone, $fax, $department, $birthdate, $assistant_name, $assistant_phone, $description = '')
global $adb, $log;
global $current_user;
require_once 'modules/Users/Users.php';
$seed_user = new Users();
$user_id = $seed_user->retrieve_user_id($user_name);
$current_user = $seed_user;
$current_user->retrieve_entity_info($user_id, 'Users');
require_once 'modules/Contacts/Contacts.php';
if (isPermitted("Contacts", "EditView") == "yes") {
$contact = new Contacts();
$contact->column_fields[firstname] = $first_name;
$contact->column_fields[lastname] = $last_name;
//$contact->column_fields[account_id]=retrieve_account_id($account_name,$user_id);// NULL value is not supported NEED TO FIX
$contact->column_fields[salutation] = $salutation;
$contact->column_fields[title] = $title;
$contact->column_fields[email] = $email_address;
$contact->column_fields[mobile] = $phone_mobile;
//$contact->column_fields[reports_to_id] =retrievereportsto($reports_to,$user_id,$account_id);// NOT FIXED IN SAVEENTITY.PHP
$contact->column_fields[mailingstreet] = $primary_address_street;
$contact->column_fields[mailingcity] = $primary_address_city;
$contact->column_fields[mailingcountry] = $primary_address_country;
$contact->column_fields[mailingstate] = $primary_address_state;
$contact->column_fields[mailingzip] = $primary_address_postalcode;
$contact->column_fields[otherstreet] = $alt_address_street;
$contact->column_fields[othercity] = $alt_address_city;
$contact->column_fields[othercountry] = $alt_address_country;
$contact->column_fields[otherstate] = $alt_address_state;
$contact->column_fields[otherzip] = $alt_address_postalcode;
$contact->column_fields[assigned_user_id] = $user_id;
// new Fields
$contact->column_fields[phone] = $office_phone;
$contact->column_fields[homephone] = $home_phone;
$contact->column_fields[otherphone] = $other_phone;
$contact->column_fields[fax] = $fax;
$contact->column_fields[department] = $department;
$contact->column_fields[birthday] = getDisplayDate($birthdate);
$contact->column_fields[assistant] = $assistant_name;
$contact->column_fields[assistantphone] = $assistant_phone;
$contact->column_fields[description] = $description;
if ($contact->id != '') {
return 'Contact added successfully';
} else {
return "Contact creation failed. Try again";
} else {
return $accessDenied;
示例13: formatDate
function formatDate($value)
return getDisplayDate($value);
示例14: getAdvCriteriaHTML
$advfilterlist = $oCustomView->getAdvFilterByCvid($recordid);
$log->info('CustomView :: Successfully got Advanced Filter for the Viewid' . $recordid, 'info');
for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) {
$advfilterhtml = getAdvCriteriaHTML($advfilterlist[$i - 1]["comparator"]);
$advcolumnhtml = getByModule_ColumnsHTML($cv_module, $modulecollist, $advfilterlist[$i - 1]["columnname"]);
$smarty->assign("FOPTION" . $i, $advfilterhtml);
$smarty->assign("BLOCK" . $i, $advcolumnhtml);
$col = explode(":", $advfilterlist[$i - 1]["columnname"]);
$temp_val = explode(",", $advfilterlist[$i - 1]["value"]);
$and_text = " " . $mod_strings['LBL_AND'];
if ($col[4] == 'D' || $col[4] == 'T' && $col[1] != 'time_start' && $col[1] != 'time_end' || $col[4] == 'DT') {
$val = array();
for ($x = 0; $x < count($temp_val); $x++) {
if (trim($temp_val[$x] != "")) {
$val[$x] = getDisplayDate(trim($temp_val[$x]));
$advfilterlist[$i - 1]["value"] = implode(", ", $val);
$and_text = "<em old='(yyyy-mm-dd)'>(" . $current_user->date_format . ")</em> " . $mod_strings['LBL_AND'];
$smarty->assign("VALUE" . $i, $advfilterlist[$i - 1]["value"]);
$smarty->assign("AND_TEXT" . $i, $and_text);
$smarty->assign("STDFILTERCOLUMNS", $stdfiltercolhtml);
$smarty->assign("STDCOLUMNSCOUNT", count($stdfiltercolhtml));
$smarty->assign("STDFILTERCRITERIA", $stdfilterhtml);
$smarty->assign("STDFILTER_JAVASCRIPT", $stdfilterjs);
$smarty->assign("MANDATORYCHECK", implode(",", array_unique($oCustomView->mandatoryvalues)));
$smarty->assign("SHOWVALUES", implode(",", $oCustomView->showvalues));
$smarty->assign("EXIST", "true");
示例15: getPrimaryStdFilterHTML
$BLOCK1 = getPrimaryStdFilterHTML($oReport->primodule, $oReport->stdselectedcolumn);
$BLOCK1 .= getSecondaryStdFilterHTML($oReport->secmodule, $oReport->stdselectedcolumn);
//added to fix the ticket #5117
$selectedcolumnvalue = '"' . $oReport->stdselectedcolumn . '"';
if (!$is_admin && isset($oReport->stdselectedcolumn) && strpos($BLOCK1, $selectedcolumnvalue) === false) {
$BLOCK1 .= "<option selected value='Not Accessible'>" . $app_strings['LBL_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'] . "</option>";
$report_std_filter->assign("BLOCK1_STD", $BLOCK1);
$BLOCKJS = $oReport->getCriteriaJS();
$report_std_filter->assign("BLOCKJS_STD", $BLOCKJS);
$BLOCKCRITERIA = $oReport->getSelectedStdFilterCriteria($oReport->stdselectedfilter);
$report_std_filter->assign("BLOCKCRITERIA_STD", $BLOCKCRITERIA);
if (isset($oReport->startdate) && isset($oReport->enddate)) {
$report_std_filter->assign("STARTDATE_STD", getDisplayDate($oReport->startdate));
$report_std_filter->assign("ENDDATE_STD", getDisplayDate($oReport->enddate));
} else {
$report_std_filter->assign("STARTDATE_STD", $oReport->startdate);
$report_std_filter->assign("ENDDATE_STD", $oReport->enddate);
/** Function to get the HTML strings for the primarymodule standard filters
* @ param $module : Type String
* @ param $selected : Type String(optional)
* This Returns a HTML combo srings
function getPrimaryStdFilterHTML($module, $selected = "")
global $app_list_strings;
global $ogReport;
global $current_language;