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PHP em_options_textarea函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中em_options_textarea函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP em_options_textarea函数的具体用法?PHP em_options_textarea怎么用?PHP em_options_textarea使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: wpfc_em_admin_options

function wpfc_em_admin_options()
	<div  class="postbox " >
		<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Full Calendar Options', 'dbem');
		<div class="inside">
			<p  class="em-boxheader"><?php 
    echo sprintf(__('Looking for the rest of the FullCalendar Options? They\'ve moved <a href="%s">here</a>, the options below are for overriding specific bits relevant to Events Manager.', 'dbem'), admin_url('options-general.php?page=wp-fullcalendar'));
			<table class='form-table'>
    global $events_placeholder_tip, $save_button;
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Override calendar on events page?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emfc_override_calendar', __('If set to yes, the FullCalendar will be used instead of the standard calendar on the events page.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Override calendar shortcode?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emfc_override_shortcode', __('Overrides the default calendar shortcode. You can also use [events_fullcalendar] instead.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Event title format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emfc_full_calendar_event_format', __('HTML is not accepted.', 'dbem') . ' ' . $events_placeholder_tip, '#_EVENTNAME');
    em_options_textarea(__('Event tooltips format', 'dbem'), 'dbem_emfc_qtips_format', __('If you enable tips, this information will be shown, which can include HTML.', 'dbem') . ' ' . $events_placeholder_tip, '#_EVENTNAME');
    $positions_options = array();
    echo $save_button;
		</div> <!-- . inside -->
		</div> <!-- .postbox -->

示例2: em_admin_options_page

							<td colspan="2">
    echo sprintf(__('%s Settings', 'dbem'), __('Event', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable recurrence?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_recurrence_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the recurrence features feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable bookings?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rsvp_enabled', __('Select yes to allow bookings and tickets for events.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable tags?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_tags_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the tag features', 'dbem'));
    if (!(EM_MS_GLOBAL && !is_main_site())) {
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable categories?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_categories_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the category features', 'dbem'));
        if (get_option('dbem_categories_enabled')) {
            /*default category*/
            $category_options = array();
            $category_options[0] = __('no default category', 'dbem');
            $EM_Categories = EM_Categories::get();
            foreach ($EM_Categories as $EM_Category) {
                $category_options[$EM_Category->id] = $EM_Category->name;
            echo "<tr><td>" . __('Default Category', 'dbem') . "</td><td>";
            wp_dropdown_categories(array('hide_empty' => 0, 'name' => 'dbem_default_category', 'hierarchical' => true, 'taxonomy' => EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, 'selected' => get_option('dbem_default_category'), 'show_option_none' => __('None', 'dbem'), 'class' => ''));
            echo "</br><em>" . __('This option allows you to select the default category when adding an event.', 'dbem') . ' ' . __('If an event does not have a category assigned when editing, this one will be assigned automatically.', 'dbem') . "</em>";
            echo "</td></tr>";
    em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(__('Enable %s attributes?', 'dbem'), __('event', 'dbem')), 'dbem_attributes_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the attributes feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(__('Enable %s custom fields?', 'dbem'), __('event', 'dbem')), 'dbem_cp_events_custom_fields', __('Custom fields are the same as attributes, except you cannot restrict specific values, users can add any kind of custom field name/value pair. Only available in the WordPress admin area.', 'dbem'));
    if (get_option('dbem_attributes_enabled')) {
        em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('%s Attributes', 'dbem'), __('Event', 'dbem')), 'dbem_placeholders_custom', sprintf(__("You can also add event attributes here, one per line in this format <code>#_ATT{key}</code>. They will not appear on event pages unless you insert them into another template below, but you may want to store extra information about an event for other uses. <a href='%s'>More information on placeholders.</a>", 'dbem'), EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;page=events-manager-help'));
    if (get_option('dbem_locations_enabled')) {
        /*default location*/
        $location_options = array();
        $location_options[0] = __('no default location', 'dbem');
        $EM_Locations = EM_Locations::get();
        foreach ($EM_Locations as $EM_Location) {
            $location_options[$EM_Location->location_id] = $EM_Location->location_name;
        em_options_select(__('Default Location', 'dbem'), 'dbem_default_location', $location_options, __('This option allows you to select the default location when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
        /*default location country*/
        em_options_select(__('Default Location Country', 'dbem'), 'dbem_location_default_country', em_get_countries(__('no default country', 'dbem')), __('If you select a default country, that will be pre-selected when creating a new location.', 'dbem'));
							<td colspan="2">
    echo sprintf(__('%s Settings', 'dbem'), __('Location', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable locations?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_locations_enabled', __('If you disable locations, bear in mind that you should remove your location page, shortcodes and related placeholders from your <a href="#formats" class="nav-tab-link" rel="#em-menu-formats">formats</a>.', 'dbem'));
    if (get_option('dbem_locations_enabled')) {
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Require locations for events?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_require_location', __('Setting this to no will allow you to submit events without locations. You can use the <code>{no_location}...{/no_location}</code> or <code>{has_location}..{/has_location}</code> conditional placeholder to selectively display location information.', 'dbem'));
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Use dropdown for locations?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_use_select_for_locations', __('Select yes to select location from a drow-down menu; location selection will be faster, but you will lose the ability to insert locations with events', 'dbem'));
        em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(__('Enable %s attributes?', 'dbem'), __('location', 'dbem')), 'dbem_location_attributes_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the attributes feature', 'dbem'));
        em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(__('Enable %s custom fields?', 'dbem'), __('location', 'dbem')), 'dbem_cp_locations_custom_fields', __('Custom fields are the same as attributes, except you cannot restrict specific values, users can add any kind of custom field name/value pair. Only available in the WordPress admin area.', 'dbem'));
        if (get_option('dbem_location_attributes_enabled')) {
            em_options_textarea(sprintf(__('%s Attributes', 'dbem'), __('Location', 'dbem')), 'dbem_location_placeholders_custom', sprintf(__("You can also add location attributes here, one per line in this format <code>#_LATT{key}</code>. They will not appear on location pages unless you insert them into another template below, but you may want to store extra information about an event for other uses. <a href='%s'>More information on placeholders.</a>", 'dbem'), EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;page=events-manager-help'));

示例3: em_admin_options_page

function em_admin_options_page()
    //TODO place all options into an array
    $events_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#event-placeholders">' . __('Event Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $locations_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#location-placeholders">' . __('Location Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $bookings_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#booking-placeholders">' . __('Booking Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $events_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s and %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $events_placeholders, $locations_placeholders);
    $locations_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $locations_placeholders);
    $bookings_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s, %s and %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $bookings_placeholders, $events_placeholders, $locations_placeholders);
    $save_button = '<tr><th>&nbsp;</th><td><p class="submit" style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:right;"><input type="submit" id="dbem_options_submit" name="Submit" value="' . __('Save Changes') . ' (' . __('All', 'dbem') . ')" /></p></ts></td></tr>';
	<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
			var close_text = '<?php 
    _e('Collapse All', 'dbem');
			var open_text = '<?php 
    _e('Expand All', 'dbem');
			var open_close = $('<a href="#" style="display:block; float:right; clear:right; margin:10px;">'+close_text+'</a>');
			open_close.click( function(e){
				if($(this).text() == close_text){
			//For rewrite titles
				checked_check = $('input:radio[name=dbem_disable_title_rewrites]:checked');
				if( checked_check.val() == 1 ){
	<div class="wrap">
		<div id='icon-options-general' class='icon32'><br />
    _e('Event Manager Options', 'dbem');
		<form id="dbem_options_form" method="post" action="">          

			<div class="metabox-holder">         
			<!-- // TODO Move style in css -->
			<div class='postbox-container' style='width: 99.5%'>
			<div id="" class="meta-box-sortables" >
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('General options', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
	            <table class="form-table">
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use dropdown for locations?'), 'dbem_use_select_for_locations', __('Select yes to select location from a drow-down menu; location selection will be faster, but you will lose the ability to insert locations with events', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use recurrence?'), 'dbem_recurrence_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the recurrence features feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use RSVP?'), 'dbem_rsvp_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the RSVP feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use categories?'), 'dbem_categories_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the category features', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use attributes?'), 'dbem_attributes_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the attributes feature', 'dbem'));
    /*default category*/
    $category_options = array();
    $category_options[0] = __('no default category', 'dbem');
    $EM_Categories = EM_Categories::get();
    foreach ($EM_Categories as $EM_Category) {
        $category_options[$EM_Category->id] = $EM_Category->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Category'), 'dbem_default_category', $category_options, __('This option allows you to select the default category when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    /*default location*/
    $location_options = array();
    $location_options[0] = __('no default location', 'dbem');
    $EM_Locations = EM_Locations::get();
    foreach ($EM_Locations as $EM_Location) {
        $location_options[$EM_Location->id] = $EM_Location->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Location'), 'dbem_default_location', $location_options, __('This option allows you to select the default location when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    em_options_textarea(__('Custom Placeholders', 'dbem'), 'dbem_placeholders_custom', sprintf(__("You can add custom placeholders here, one per line in this format <code>#_ATT{key}</code>. They will not appear on event pages unless you insert them into another template below, but you may want to store extra information about an event for other uses. <a href='%s'>More information on placeholders.</a>", 'dbem'), 'wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/the-em-templates-syntax/'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside --> 

示例4: sprintf

echo sprintf(__('If you use the %s <a href="%s">shortcode</a>, you can display a map of all your locations and events, the settings below will be used.', 'events-manager'), '<code>[locations_map]</code>', 'http://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/shortcodes/');
em_options_textarea(__('Location balloon format', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_map_text_format', __('The format of the text appearing in the balloon describing the location.', 'events-manager') . ' ' . __('Event.', 'events-manager') . $locations_placeholder_tip);
			<tr class="em-header"><td colspan="2">
_e('Single Location/Event Map Format', 'events-manager');
echo sprintf(_e('If you use the <code>#_LOCATIONMAP</code> <a href="%s">placeholder</a> when displaying individual event and location information, the settings below will be used.', 'events-manager'), '<code>[locations_map]</code>', 'http://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/placeholders/');
em_options_textarea(__('Location balloon format', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_location_baloon_format', __('The format of the text appearing in the balloon describing the location.', 'events-manager') . $events_placeholder_tip);
echo $save_button;
	</div> <!-- . inside -->
	</div> <!-- .postbox -->
</div> <!-- .em-menu-formats -->

示例5: em_options_textarea

em_options_textarea(__('Event approved email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_approved_email_body', '');

			<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
_e('Event Reapproved', 'dbem');
echo __('When a user modifies a previously published event, it will be put back into pending review status and will not be publisehd until you re-approve it.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;

em_options_input_text(__('Event reapproved subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_reapproved_email_subject', __('If left blank, this email will not be sent.', 'dbem'));
em_options_textarea(__('Event reapproved email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_event_reapproved_email_body', '');

echo $save_button;

	</div> <!-- . inside -->
	</div> <!-- .postbox -->

示例6: sprintf


            <tr class="em-header"><td colspan="2">
echo sprintf(__('Anonymous event submissions', 'dbem'), '<code>[event_form]</code>');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Allow anonymous event submissions?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_anonymous_submissions', __('Would you like to allow users to submit bookings anonymously? If so, you can use the new [event_form] shortcode or <code>em_event_form()</code> template tag with this enabled.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Guest Default User', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_anonymous_user', __('Please add a User ID.', 'dbem') . ' ' . __('Events require a user to own them. In order to allow events to be submitted anonymously you need to assign that event a specific user. We recommend you create a "Anonymous" subscriber with a very good password and use that. Guests will have the same event permissions as this user when submitting.', 'dbem'));
} else {
    em_options_select(__('Guest Default User', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_anonymous_user', em_get_wp_users(), __('Events require a user to own them. In order to allow events to be submitted anonymously you need to assign that event a specific user. We recommend you create a "Anonymous" subscriber with a very good password and use that. Guests will have the same event permissions as this user when submitting.', 'dbem'));
em_options_textarea(__('Success Message', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_anonymous_result_success', __('Anonymous submitters cannot see or modify their event once submitted. You can customize the success message they see here.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);

echo $save_button;

	</div> <!-- . inside --> 
	</div> <!-- .postbox --> 



示例7: em_admin_options_page

			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('General options', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
	            <table class="form-table">
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use dropdown for locations?'), 'dbem_use_select_for_locations', __('Select yes to select location from a drow-down menu; location selection will be faster, but you will lose the ability to insert locations with events', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use recurrence?'), 'dbem_recurrence_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the recurrence features feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable bookings?'), 'dbem_rsvp_enabled', __('Select yes to allow bookings and tickets for events.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use categories?'), 'dbem_categories_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the category features', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use event attributes?'), 'dbem_attributes_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the attributes feature', 'dbem'));
    /*default category*/
    $category_options = array();
    $category_options[0] = __('no default category', 'dbem');
    $EM_Categories = EM_Categories::get();
    foreach ($EM_Categories as $EM_Category) {
        $category_options[$EM_Category->id] = $EM_Category->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Category'), 'dbem_default_category', $category_options, __('This option allows you to select the default category when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    /*default location*/
    $location_options = array();
    $location_options[0] = __('no default location', 'dbem');
    $EM_Locations = EM_Locations::get();
    foreach ($EM_Locations as $EM_Location) {
        $location_options[$EM_Location->id] = $EM_Location->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Location'), 'dbem_default_location', $location_options, __('This option allows you to select the default location when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    /*default location country*/
    em_options_select(__('Default Location Country'), 'dbem_location_default_country', em_get_countries(__('no default country', 'dbem')), __('If you select a default country, that will be pre-selected when creating a new location.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_textarea(__('Event Attributes', 'dbem'), 'dbem_placeholders_custom', sprintf(__("You can also add event attributes here, one per line in this format <code>#_ATT{key}</code>. They will not appear on event pages unless you insert them into another template below, but you may want to store extra information about an event for other uses. <a href='%s'>More information on placeholders.</a>", 'dbem'), 'wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/event-attributes/'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside --> 
			</div> <!-- .postbox --> 
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Events page', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
                 <table class="form-table">         
    //Wordpress Pages
    global $em_disable_filter;
    //Using a flag here instead
    $em_disable_filter = true;
    $get_pages = get_pages();
    $events_page_options = array();
    $events_page_options[0] = __('[No Events Page]');
    //TODO Add the hierarchy style ddm, like when choosing page parents
    foreach ($get_pages as $page) {
        $events_page_options[$page->ID] = $page->post_title;
    em_options_select(__('Events page'), 'dbem_events_page', $events_page_options, __('This option allows you to select which page to use as an events page', 'dbem'));
    $em_disable_filter = false;

示例8: emails

    public static function emails()
        global $save_button;
        $bookings_placeholders = '<a href="' . EM_ADMIN_URL . '&amp;page=events-manager-help#booking-placeholders">' . esc_html__emp('Booking Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
        $bookings_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(esc_html__emp('This accepts %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $bookings_placeholders);
		<div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-multiple-booking-emails" >
		<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e_emp('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><span><?php 
        _e('Multiple Booking Email Templates', 'em-pro');
		<div class="inside">
		    <div class="em-boxheader">
        echo sprintf(__('When users make a booking in Multiple Bookings Mode or cancels their booking, these emails get sent to the attendee and administrator emails you assign in the %s section above.', 'em-pro'), '<code>' . esc_html__emp('Booking Email Templates', 'dbem') . '</code>');
        _e('When administrators modify a set of multiple bookings rather than individual events, these templates will be used to notify the attendee.', 'em-pro');
			<table class='form-table'>
        $email_subject_tip = esc_html__emp('You can disable this email by leaving the subject blank.', 'dbem');
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Email event owners?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email', sprintf(__('If enabled, additional emails will be sent to administrators and event owners for EVERY event booked based on the above %s settings.', 'em-pro'), '<code>' . esc_html__emp('Booking Email Templates', 'dbem') . '</code>'));
				<tr class="em-header"><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
        esc_html_e_emp('Event Admin/Owner Emails', 'dbem');
				<tbody class="em-subsection">
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Contact person booking confirmed', 'dbem');
        esc_html_e_emp('An email will be sent to the event contact when a booking is first made.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
        em_options_input_text(esc_html__emp('Contact person email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_subject', $email_subject_tip);
        em_options_textarea(esc_html__emp('Contact person email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_body', '');
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Contact person booking cancelled', 'dbem');
        esc_html_e_emp('An email will be sent to the event contact if someone cancels their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
        em_options_input_text(esc_html__emp('Contact person cancellation subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_cancelled_subject', $email_subject_tip);
        em_options_textarea(esc_html__emp('Contact person cancellation email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_cancelled_body', '');
				<tbody class="em-subsection">
    				<tr class="em-header"><td colspan='2'><h4><?php 
        esc_html_e_emp('Booked User Emails', 'dbem');
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Confirmed booking email', 'dbem');
        esc_html_e_emp('This is sent when a person\'s booking is confirmed. This will be sent automatically if approvals are required and the booking is approved. If approvals are disabled, this is sent out when a user first submits their booking.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
        em_options_input_text(esc_html__emp('Booking confirmed email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_confirmed_subject', $email_subject_tip);
        em_options_textarea(esc_html__emp('Booking confirmed email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_confirmed_body', '');
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Pending booking email', 'dbem');
        esc_html_e_emp('This will be sent to the person when they first submit their booking. Not relevant if bookings don\'t require approval.', 'dbem') . $bookings_placeholder_tip;
        em_options_input_text(esc_html__emp('Booking pending email subject', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_pending_subject', $email_subject_tip);
        em_options_textarea(esc_html__emp('Booking pending email', 'dbem'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_email_pending_body', '');
    				<tr class="em-subheader"><td colspan='2'>
        esc_html_e_emp('Rejected booking email', 'dbem');

示例9: reminder_options

     * Generates meta box for settings page 
    public static function reminder_options()
        global $save_button;
		<div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-email-reminders" >
		<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e_emp('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><?php 
        _e('Event Email Reminders', 'em-pro');
		<div class="inside">
			<table class='form-table'>
				<tr class="em-boxheader"><td colspan='2'>
        _e('Events Manager can send people that booked a place at your events a reminder email before it starts.', 'em-pro');
        echo sprintf(__('We use <a href="%s">WP Cron</a> for scheduling checks for future events, which relies on site visits to trigger these tasks to run. If you have low levels of site traffic, this may not happen frequently enough, so you may want to consider forcing WP-Cron to run every few minutes. For more information, <a href="%s">read this tutorial</a> on setting up WP Cron.', 'em-pro'), 'http://codex.wordpress.org/Category:WP-Cron_Functions', 'http://code.tutsplus.com/articles/insights-into-wp-cron-an-introduction-to-scheduling-tasks-in-wordpress--wp-23119');
        _e('<strong>Important!</strong>, you should use SMTP as your email setup if you are sending automated emails in this way for optimal performance. Other methods are not suited to sending mass emails.', 'em-pro');
        em_options_radio_binary(sprintf(_x('Enable %s?', 'Enable a feature in settings page', 'em-pro'), __('Event Email Reminders', 'em-pro')), 'dbem_cron_emails', '');
        em_options_input_text(__('Days before reminder', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_emp_emails_reminder_days', __('You can choose to send people attending your event x days before the event starts. Minimum is one day.', 'em-pro'), 1);
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Attach ical invite?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_emp_emails_reminder_ical', __('If using SMTP in your email settings. You can automatically attach an ical file which some email clients (e.g. gmail) will render as an invitation they can add to their calendar.', 'em-pro'));
        $days = get_option('dbem_emp_emails_reminder_days', 1);
        _e('WP Cron Time', 'em-pro');
						<input class="em-time-input em-time-start" type="text" name="dbem_emp_emails_reminder_time" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('dbem_emp_emails_reminder_time', '12:00 AM');
" /><br />
        _e('Every day Events Manager automatically checks upcoming events in order to generate emails. You can choose at what time of day to run this check, if your site has a lot of traffic, it may help having this run at times of lower server loads.', 'em-pro');
        em_options_input_text(__('Reminder subject', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_emp_emails_reminder_subject', '');
        em_options_textarea(__('Approved email', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_emp_emails_reminder_body', '');
        echo $save_button;
		</div> <!-- . inside -->
		</div> <!-- .postbox -->
