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PHP dol_osencode函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中dol_osencode函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP dol_osencode函数的具体用法?PHP dol_osencode怎么用?PHP dol_osencode使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: checkLoginPassEntity

 *  Return a login if login/pass was successfull
 *	@param		string	$usertotest			Login value to test
 *	@param		string	$passwordtotest		Password value to test
 *	@param		string	$entitytotest		Instance of data we must check
 *	@param		array	$authmode			Array list of selected authentication mode array('http', 'dolibarr', 'xxx'...)
 *  @return		string						Login or ''
function checkLoginPassEntity($usertotest, $passwordtotest, $entitytotest, $authmode)
    global $conf, $langs;
    //global $dolauthmode;    // To return authentication finally used
    // Check parameters
    if ($entitytotest == '') {
        $entitytotest = 1;
    dol_syslog("checkLoginPassEntity usertotest=" . $usertotest . " entitytotest=" . $entitytotest . " authmode=" . join(',', $authmode));
    $login = '';
    // Validation of login/pass/entity with standard modules
    if (empty($login)) {
        $test = true;
        foreach ($authmode as $mode) {
            if ($test && $mode && !$login) {
                // Validation of login/pass/entity for mode $mode
                $mode = trim($mode);
                $authfile = 'functions_' . $mode . '.php';
                $fullauthfile = '';
                $dirlogin = array_merge(array("/core/login"), (array) $conf->modules_parts['login']);
                foreach ($dirlogin as $reldir) {
                    $dir = dol_buildpath($reldir, 0);
                    $newdir = dol_osencode($dir);
                    // Check if file found (do not use dol_is_file to avoid loading files.lib.php)
                    if (is_file($newdir . '/' . $authfile)) {
                        $fullauthfile = $newdir . '/' . $authfile;
                $result = false;
                if ($fullauthfile) {
                    $result = (include_once $fullauthfile);
                if ($fullauthfile && $result) {
                    // Call function to check user/password
                    $function = 'check_user_password_' . $mode;
                    $login = call_user_func($function, $usertotest, $passwordtotest, $entitytotest);
                    if ($login) {
                        $test = false;
                        // To stop once at first login success
                        $conf->authmode = $mode;
                        // This properties is defined only when logged to say what mode was successfully used
                        $dol_tz = GETPOST('tz');
                        $dol_dst = GETPOST('dst');
                        $dol_screenwidth = GETPOST('screenwidth');
                        $dol_screenheight = GETPOST('screenheight');
                } else {
                    dol_syslog("Authentification ko - failed to load file '" . $authfile . "'", LOG_ERR);
                    $_SESSION["dol_loginmesg"] = $langs->trans("ErrorFailedToLoadLoginFileForMode", $mode);
    return $login;

示例2: getTriggersList

  *  Return list of triggers. Function used by admin page htdoc/admin/triggers.
  *  List is sorted by trigger filename so by priority to run.
  * 	@return	array					Array list of triggers
 function getTriggersList()
     global $conf, $langs;
     $files = array();
     $fullpath = array();
     $relpath = array();
     $iscoreorexternal = array();
     $modules = array();
     $orders = array();
     $i = 0;
     $dirtriggers = array_merge(array('/core/triggers/'), $conf->modules_parts['triggers']);
     foreach ($dirtriggers as $reldir) {
         $dir = dol_buildpath($reldir, 0);
         $newdir = dol_osencode($dir);
         //print "xx".$dir;exit;
         // Check if directory exists (we do not use dol_is_dir to avoid loading files.lib.php at each call)
         if (!is_dir($newdir)) {
         $handle = opendir($newdir);
         if (is_resource($handle)) {
             while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
                 if (is_readable($newdir . '/' . $file) && preg_match('/^interface_([0-9]+)_([^_]+)_(.+)\\.class\\.php/', $file, $reg)) {
                     $part1 = $reg[1];
                     $part2 = $reg[2];
                     $part3 = $reg[3];
                     $modName = 'Interface' . ucfirst($reg[3]);
                     //print "file=$file"; print "modName=$modName"; exit;
                     if (in_array($modName, $modules)) {
                         print '<div class="error">' . $langs->trans("Error") . ' : ' . $langs->trans("ErrorDuplicateTrigger", $modName, "/htdocs/core/triggers/") . '</div>';
                     } else {
                         include_once $newdir . '/' . $file;
                     $files[$i] = $file;
                     $fullpath[$i] = $dir . '/' . $file;
                     $relpath[$i] = preg_replace('/^\\//', '', $reldir) . '/' . $file;
                     $iscoreorexternal[$i] = $reldir == '/core/triggers/' ? 'internal' : 'external';
                     $modules[$i] = $modName;
                     $orders[$i] = $part1 . '_' . $part2 . '_' . $part3;
                     // Set sort criteria value
     $triggers = array();
     $j = 0;
     // Loop on each trigger
     foreach ($orders as $key => $value) {
         $modName = $modules[$key];
         if (empty($modName)) {
         if (!class_exists($modName)) {
             print 'Error: A trigger file was found but its class "' . $modName . '" was not found.' . "<br>\n";
         $objMod = new $modName($this->db);
         // Define disabledbyname and disabledbymodule
         $disabledbyname = 0;
         $disabledbymodule = 1;
         $module = '';
         // Check if trigger file is disabled by name
         if (preg_match('/NORUN$/i', $files[$key])) {
             $disabledbyname = 1;
         // Check if trigger file is for a particular module
         if (preg_match('/^interface_([0-9]+)_([^_]+)_(.+)\\.class\\.php/i', $files[$key], $reg)) {
             $module = preg_replace('/^mod/i', '', $reg[2]);
             $constparam = 'MAIN_MODULE_' . strtoupper($module);
             if (strtolower($reg[2]) == 'all') {
                 $disabledbymodule = 0;
             } else {
                 if (empty($conf->global->{$constparam})) {
                     $disabledbymodule = 2;
         // We set info of modules
         $triggers[$j]['picto'] = $objMod->picto ? img_object('', $objMod->picto) : img_object('', 'generic');
         $triggers[$j]['file'] = $files[$key];
         $triggers[$j]['fullpath'] = $fullpath[$key];
         $triggers[$j]['relpath'] = $relpath[$key];
         $triggers[$j]['iscoreorexternal'] = $iscoreorexternal[$key];
         $triggers[$j]['version'] = $objMod->getVersion();
         $triggers[$j]['status'] = img_picto($langs->trans("Active"), 'tick');
         if ($disabledbyname > 0 || $disabledbymodule > 1) {
             $triggers[$j]['status'] = "&nbsp;";
         $text = '<b>' . $langs->trans("Description") . ':</b><br>';
         $text .= $objMod->getDesc() . '<br>';

示例3: add_photo_web

  *  Deplace fichier recupere sur internet (utilise pour interface avec OSC)
  *  @param  string	$sdir        	Repertoire destination finale
  *  @param  string	$file      		url de l'image
  *  @param  int		$idprod			Product id where store the image
  *  @return	void
 function add_photo_web($sdir, $file, $idprod)
     $dir = $sdir . '/' . get_exdir($idprod, 2) . $idprod . "/";
     $dir .= "photos/";
     $dir_osencoded = dol_osencode($dir);
     if (!file_exists($dir_osencoded)) {
         dol_syslog("Product Create " . $dir);
     if (file_exists($dir_osencoded)) {
         // Cree fichier en taille vignette
         // TODO A faire
         // Cree fichier en taille origine
         $content = @file_get_contents($file);
         if ($content) {
             $nom = basename($file);
             $im = fopen(dol_osencode($dir . $nom), 'wb');
             fwrite($im, $content);

示例4: dol_print_error

    // This test is to avoid error images when image is not available (for example thumbs).
    if (! dol_is_file($original_file))
        /*$error='Error: File '.$_GET["file"].' does not exists or filesystems permissions are not allowed';
        print $error;

    // Les drois sont ok et fichier trouve
    if ($type)
        header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.basename($original_file).'"');
        header('Content-type: '.$type);
        header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.basename($original_file).'"');
        header('Content-type: image/png');


if (is_object($db)) $db->close();

示例5: load_arrays

  *    Load an exportable dataset
  *    @param  	User		$user      	Object user making export
  *    @param  	string		$filter    	Load a particular dataset only
  *    @return	int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
 function load_arrays($user, $filter = '')
     global $langs, $conf, $mysoc;
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::load_arrays user=" . $user->id . " filter=" . $filter);
     $var = true;
     $i = 0;
     // Define list of modules directories into modulesdir
     require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
     $modulesdir = dolGetModulesDirs();
     foreach ($modulesdir as $dir) {
         // Search available exports
         $handle = @opendir(dol_osencode($dir));
         if (is_resource($handle)) {
             // Search module files
             while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
                 if (is_readable($dir . $file) && preg_match("/^(mod.*)\\.class\\.php\$/i", $file, $reg)) {
                     $modulename = $reg[1];
                     // Defined if module is enabled
                     $enabled = true;
                     $part = strtolower(preg_replace('/^mod/i', '', $modulename));
                     if ($part == 'propale') {
                         $part = 'propal';
                     if (empty($conf->{$part}->enabled)) {
                         $enabled = false;
                     if ($enabled) {
                         // Chargement de la classe
                         $file = $dir . $modulename . ".class.php";
                         $classname = $modulename;
                         require_once $file;
                         $module = new $classname($this->db);
                         if (isset($module->export_code) && is_array($module->export_code)) {
                             foreach ($module->export_code as $r => $value) {
                                 //print $i.'-'.$filter.'-'.$modulename.'-'.join(',',$module->export_code).'<br>';
                                 if ($filter && $filter != $module->export_code[$r]) {
                                 // Test if condition to show are ok
                                 if (!empty($module->export_enabled[$r]) && !verifCond($module->export_enabled[$r])) {
                                 // Test if permissions are ok
                                 $bool = true;
                                 foreach ($module->export_permission[$r] as $val) {
                                     $perm = $val;
                                     if (!empty($perm[2])) {
                                         $bool = $user->rights->{$perm}[0]->{$perm}[1]->{$perm}[2];
                                     } else {
                                         $bool = $user->rights->{$perm}[0]->{$perm}[1];
                                     if ($perm[0] == 'user' && $user->admin) {
                                         $bool = true;
                                     if (!$bool) {
                                 //print $bool." $perm[0]"."<br>";
                                 // Permissions ok
                                 //	          if ($bool)
                                 //	          {
                                 // Charge fichier lang en rapport
                                 $langtoload = $module->getLangFilesArray();
                                 if (is_array($langtoload)) {
                                     foreach ($langtoload as $key) {
                                 // Module
                                 $this->array_export_module[$i] = $module;
                                 // Permission
                                 $this->array_export_perms[$i] = $bool;
                                 // Icon
                                 $this->array_export_icon[$i] = isset($module->export_icon[$r]) ? $module->export_icon[$r] : $module->picto;
                                 // Code du dataset export
                                 $this->array_export_code[$i] = $module->export_code[$r];
                                 // Libelle du dataset export
                                 $this->array_export_label[$i] = $module->getExportDatasetLabel($r);
                                 // Tableau des champ a exporter (cle=champ, valeur=libelle)
                                 $this->array_export_fields[$i] = $module->export_fields_array[$r];
                                 // Tableau des champs a filtrer (cle=champ, valeur1=type de donnees) on verifie que le module a des filtres
                                 $this->array_export_TypeFields[$i] = isset($module->export_TypeFields_array[$r]) ? $module->export_TypeFields_array[$r] : '';
                                 // Tableau des entites a exporter (cle=champ, valeur=entite)
                                 $this->array_export_entities[$i] = $module->export_entities_array[$r];
                                 // Tableau des entites qui requiert abandon du DISTINCT (cle=entite, valeur=champ id child records)
                                 $this->array_export_dependencies[$i] = !empty($module->export_dependencies_array[$r]) ? $module->export_dependencies_array[$r] : '';
                                 // Tableau des operations speciales sur champ
                                 $this->array_export_special[$i] = !empty($module->export_special_array[$r]) ? $module->export_special_array[$r] : '';
                                 // Requete sql du dataset
                                 $this->array_export_sql_start[$i] = $module->export_sql_start[$r];
                                 $this->array_export_sql_end[$i] = $module->export_sql_end[$r];

示例6: _encode_file

  * Read a file on disk and return encoded content for emails (mode = 'mail')
  * @param	string	$sourcefile		Path to file to encode
  * @return 	int					    <0 if KO, encoded string if OK
 function _encode_file($sourcefile)
     $newsourcefile = dol_osencode($sourcefile);
     if (is_readable($newsourcefile)) {
         $contents = file_get_contents($newsourcefile);
         // Need PHP 4.3
         $encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode($contents), 76, $this->eol);
         // 76 max is defined into http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2047
         return $encoded;
     } else {
         $this->error = "Error: Can't read file '" . $sourcefile . "' into _encode_file";
         dol_syslog("CMailFile::encode_file: " . $this->error, LOG_ERR);
         return -1;

示例7: getImageProduct

  *  Return path of a catergory image 
  *  @param 		int		$idCat		Id of Category
  *  @return      string				Image path
 public static function getImageProduct($idProd, $thumb = false)
     global $conf, $db;
     $extName = "_small";
     $extImgTarget = ".jpg";
     $outDir = "pos";
     $maxWidth = 90;
     $maxHeight = 90;
     $quality = 50;
     if ($idProd > 0) {
         $objProd = new Product($db);
         $pdir = get_exdir($idProd, 2) . $idProd . "/photos/";
         $dir = $conf->product->multidir_output[$objProd->entity] . '/' . $pdir;
         foreach ($objProd->liste_photos($dir, 1) as $key => $obj) {
             $filename = $dir . $obj['photo'];
             $filethumbs = $dir . $outDir . '/' . $obj['photo'];
             $fileName = preg_replace('/(\\.gif|\\.jpeg|\\.jpg|\\.png|\\.bmp)$/i', '', $filethumbs);
             $fileName = basename($fileName);
             $imgThumbName = $dir . $outDir . '/' . $fileName . $extName . $extImgTarget;
             $file_osencoded = $imgThumbName;
             if (!file_exists($file_osencoded)) {
                 $file_osencoded = dol_osencode($filename);
                 if (file_exists($file_osencoded)) {
                     require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/core/lib/images.lib.php";
                     vignette($filename, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $extName, $quality, $outDir, 2);
             if (!$thumb) {
                 $filename = $obj['photo'];
             } else {
                 $filename = $outDir . '/' . $fileName . $extName . $extImgTarget;
             $realpath = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=product&entity=' . $objProd->entity . '&file=' . urlencode($pdir . $filename);
         if (!$realpath) {
             $realpath = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=product&file=' . urlencode('noimage.jpg');
         return $realpath;

示例8: get_image_size

  *  Load size of image file
  *  @param  string	$file        Path to file
  *  @return	void
 function get_image_size($file)
     $file_osencoded = dol_osencode($file);
     $infoImg = getimagesize($file_osencoded);
     // Get information on image
     $this->imgWidth = $infoImg[0];
     // Largeur de l'image
     $this->imgHeight = $infoImg[1];
     // Hauteur de l'image

示例9: complete_elementList_with_modules

 *  Add external modules to list of contact element
 * 	@param		array		$elementList			elementList
 * 	@return		int			1
function complete_elementList_with_modules(&$elementList)
    global $db, $modules, $conf, $langs;
    // Search modules
    $filename = array();
    $modules = array();
    $orders = array();
    $categ = array();
    $dirmod = array();
    $i = 0;
    // is a sequencer of modules found
    $j = 0;
    // j is module number. Automatically affected if module number not defined.
    $modulesdir = dolGetModulesDirs();
    foreach ($modulesdir as $dir) {
        // Load modules attributes in arrays (name, numero, orders) from dir directory
        //print $dir."\n<br>";
        dol_syslog("Scan directory " . $dir . " for modules");
        $handle = @opendir(dol_osencode($dir));
        if (is_resource($handle)) {
            while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
                //print "$i ".$file."\n<br>";
                if (is_readable($dir . $file) && substr($file, 0, 3) == 'mod' && substr($file, dol_strlen($file) - 10) == '.class.php') {
                    $modName = substr($file, 0, dol_strlen($file) - 10);
                    if ($modName) {
                        include_once $dir . $file;
                        $objMod = new $modName($db);
                        if ($objMod->numero > 0) {
                            $j = $objMod->numero;
                        } else {
                            $j = 1000 + $i;
                        $modulequalified = 1;
                        // We discard modules according to features level (PS: if module is activated we always show it)
                        $const_name = 'MAIN_MODULE_' . strtoupper(preg_replace('/^mod/i', '', get_class($objMod)));
                        if ($objMod->version == 'development' && $conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 2 && !$conf->global->{$const_name}) {
                            $modulequalified = 0;
                        if ($objMod->version == 'experimental' && $conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 1 && !$conf->global->{$const_name}) {
                            $modulequalified = 0;
                        //If module is not activated disqualified
                        if (empty($conf->global->{$const_name})) {
                            $modulequalified = 0;
                        if ($modulequalified) {
                            // Load languages files of module
                            if (isset($objMod->langfiles) && is_array($objMod->langfiles)) {
                                foreach ($objMod->langfiles as $langfile) {
                            $modules[$i] = $objMod;
                            $filename[$i] = $modName;
                            $orders[$i] = $objMod->family . "_" . $j;
                            // Tri par famille puis numero module
                            //print "x".$modName." ".$orders[$i]."\n<br>";
                            if (isset($categ[$objMod->special])) {
                            } else {
                                $categ[$objMod->special] = 1;
                            $dirmod[$i] = $dirroot;
                            if (!empty($objMod->module_parts['contactelement'])) {
                                $elementList[$objMod->name] = $langs->trans($objMod->name);
                        } else {
                            dol_syslog("Module " . get_class($objMod) . " not qualified");
        } else {
            dol_syslog("htdocs/admin/modules.php: Failed to open directory " . $dir . ". See permission and open_basedir option.", LOG_WARNING);
    return 1;

示例10: complete_dictionnary_with_modules

 *  Add external modules to list of dictionnaries
 * 	@param		array		&$taborder			Taborder
 * 	@param		array		&$tabname			Tabname
 * 	@param		array		&$tablib			Tablib
 * 	@param		array		&$tabsql			Tabsql
 * 	@param		array		&$tabsqlsort		Tabsqlsort
 * 	@param		array		&$tabfield			Tabfield
 * 	@param		array		&$tabfieldvalue		Tabfieldvalue
 * 	@param		array		&$tabfieldinsert	Tabfieldinsert
 * 	@param		array		&$tabrowid			Tabrowid
 * 	@param		array		&$tabcond			Tabcond
 * 	@param		array		&$tabhelp			Tabhelp
 * 	@return		int			1
function complete_dictionnary_with_modules(&$taborder, &$tabname, &$tablib, &$tabsql, &$tabsqlsort, &$tabfield, &$tabfieldvalue, &$tabfieldinsert, &$tabrowid, &$tabcond, &$tabhelp)
    global $db, $modules, $conf, $langs;
    // Search modules
    $filename = array();
    $modules = array();
    $orders = array();
    $categ = array();
    $dirmod = array();
    $modulesdir = array();
    $i = 0;
    // is a sequencer of modules found
    $j = 0;
    // j is module number. Automatically affected if module number not defined.
    foreach ($conf->file->dol_document_root as $type => $dirroot) {
        $modulesdir[$dirroot . '/core/modules/'] = $dirroot . '/core/modules/';
        $handle = @opendir($dirroot);
        if (is_resource($handle)) {
            while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
                if (is_dir($dirroot . '/' . $file) && substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' && substr($file, 0, 3) != 'CVS' && $file != 'includes') {
                    if (is_dir($dirroot . '/' . $file . '/core/modules/')) {
                        $modulesdir[$dirroot . '/' . $file . '/core/modules/'] = $dirroot . '/' . $file . '/core/modules/';
    foreach ($modulesdir as $dir) {
        // Load modules attributes in arrays (name, numero, orders) from dir directory
        //print $dir."\n<br>";
        dol_syslog("Scan directory " . $dir . " for modules");
        $handle = @opendir(dol_osencode($dir));
        if (is_resource($handle)) {
            while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
                //print "$i ".$file."\n<br>";
                if (is_readable($dir . $file) && substr($file, 0, 3) == 'mod' && substr($file, dol_strlen($file) - 10) == '.class.php') {
                    $modName = substr($file, 0, dol_strlen($file) - 10);
                    if ($modName) {
                        include_once $dir . $file;
                        $objMod = new $modName($db);
                        if ($objMod->numero > 0) {
                            $j = $objMod->numero;
                        } else {
                            $j = 1000 + $i;
                        $modulequalified = 1;
                        // We discard modules according to features level (PS: if module is activated we always show it)
                        $const_name = 'MAIN_MODULE_' . strtoupper(preg_replace('/^mod/i', '', get_class($objMod)));
                        if ($objMod->version == 'development' && $conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 2 && !$conf->global->{$const_name}) {
                            $modulequalified = 0;
                        if ($objMod->version == 'experimental' && $conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL < 1 && !$conf->global->{$const_name}) {
                            $modulequalified = 0;
                        if ($modulequalified) {
                            // Load languages files of module
                            if (isset($objMod->langfiles) && is_array($objMod->langfiles)) {
                                foreach ($objMod->langfiles as $langfile) {
                            $modules[$i] = $objMod;
                            $filename[$i] = $modName;
                            $orders[$i] = $objMod->family . "_" . $j;
                            // Tri par famille puis numero module
                            //print "x".$modName." ".$orders[$i]."\n<br>";
                            if (isset($categ[$objMod->special])) {
                            } else {
                                $categ[$objMod->special] = 1;
                            $dirmod[$i] = $dirroot;
                            // Complete arrays
                            if (!empty($objMod->dictionnaries)) {
                                $taborder[] = 0;
                                foreach ($objMod->dictionnaries['tabname'] as $val) {
                                    $taborder[] = count($tabname) + 1;
                                    $tabname[] = $val;

示例11: add_thumb

  *  Build thumb
  *  @param      string	$file           Path file in UTF8 to original file to create thumbs from.
  *	@return		void
 function add_thumb($file)
     global $maxwidthsmall, $maxheightsmall, $maxwidthmini, $maxheightmini, $quality;
     require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/images.lib.php';
     // This define also $maxwidthsmall, $quality, ...
     $file_osencoded = dol_osencode($file);
     if (file_exists($file_osencoded)) {
         // Create small thumbs for company (Ratio is near 16/9)
         // Used on logon for example
         vignette($file_osencoded, $maxwidthsmall, $maxheightsmall, '_small', $quality);
         // Create mini thumbs for company (Ratio is near 16/9)
         // Used on menu or for setup page for example
         vignette($file_osencoded, $maxwidthmini, $maxheightmini, '_mini', $quality);

示例12: dol_compress_file

 * Compress a file
 * @param 	string	$inputfile		Source file name
 * @param 	string	$outputfile		Target file name
 * @param 	string	$mode			'gz' or 'bz' or 'zip'
 * @return	int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
function dol_compress_file($inputfile, $outputfile, $mode = "gz")
    $foundhandler = 0;
    try {
        $data = implode("", file(dol_osencode($inputfile)));
        if ($mode == 'gz') {
            $foundhandler = 1;
            $compressdata = gzencode($data, 9);
        } elseif ($mode == 'bz') {
            $foundhandler = 1;
            $compressdata = bzcompress($data, 9);
        } elseif ($mode == 'zip') {
            if (defined('ODTPHP_PATHTOPCLZIP')) {
                $foundhandler = 1;
                include_once ODTPHP_PATHTOPCLZIP . '/pclzip.lib.php';
                $archive = new PclZip($outputfile);
                $archive->add($inputfile, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, dirname($inputfile));
                return 1;
        if ($foundhandler) {
            $fp = fopen($outputfile, "w");
            fwrite($fp, $compressdata);
            return 1;
        } else {
            dol_syslog("Try to zip with format " . $mode . " with no handler for this format", LOG_ERR);
            return -2;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        global $langs, $errormsg;
        dol_syslog("Failed to open file " . $outputfile, LOG_ERR);
        $errormsg = $langs->trans("ErrorFailedToWriteInDir");
        return -1;

示例13: while

     $obj = 'facture';
 if (empty($conf->{$module}->enabled)) {
     $enabled = false;
 if ($enabled) {
      * If exists, load the API class for enable module
      * Search files named api_<object>.class.php into /htdocs/<module>/class directory
      * @todo : take care of externals module!
      * @todo : use getElementProperties() function ?
     $dir_part = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $part . '/class/';
     $handle_part = @opendir(dol_osencode($dir_part));
     if (is_resource($handle_part)) {
         while (($file_searched = readdir($handle_part)) !== false) {
             if (is_readable($dir_part . $file_searched) && preg_match("/^(api_.*)\\.class\\.php\$/i", $file_searched, $reg)) {
                 $classname = $reg[1];
                 $classname = str_replace('Api_', '', ucwords($reg[1])) . 'Api';
                 $classname = ucfirst($classname);
                 require_once $dir_part . $file_searched;
                 if (class_exists($classname)) {
                     dol_syslog("Found API classname=" . $classname);
                     $api->r->addAPIClass($classname, '');
                     $listofapis[] = array('classname' => $classname, 'fullpath' => $file_searched);

示例14: dol_delete_dir_recursive

 *  Remove a directory $dir and its subdirectories
 *  @param      dir             Dir to delete
 *  @param      count           Counter to count nb of deleted elements
 *  @param      nophperrors     Disable all PHP output errors
 *  @return     int             Number of files and directory removed
function dol_delete_dir_recursive($dir,$count=0,$nophperrors=0)
    dol_syslog("functions.lib:dol_delete_dir_recursive ".$dir,LOG_DEBUG);
    if (dol_is_dir($dir))
        if ($handle = opendir("$dir_osencoded"))
            while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle)))
                if (! utf8_check($item)) $item=utf8_encode($item);  // should be useless

                if ($item != "." && $item != "..")
                    if (is_dir(dol_osencode("$dir/$item")))
                        //echo " removing $dir/$item<br>\n";
            //echo "removing $dir<br>\n";

    //echo "return=".$count;
    return $count;

示例15: getLabelFromNumber

  *      Return full text translated to language label for a key. Store key-label in a cache.
  *      This function need module "numberwords" to be installed. If not it will return
  *      same number (this module is not provided by default as it use non GPL source code).
  *		@param	int		$number		Number to encode in full text
  * 		@param	int		$isamount	1=It's an amount, 0=it's just a number
  *      @return string				Label translated in UTF8 (but without entities)
  * 									10 if setDefaultLang was en_US => ten
  * 									123 if setDefaultLang was fr_FR => cent vingt trois
 function getLabelFromNumber($number, $isamount = 0)
     global $conf;
     $newnumber = $number;
     $dirsubstitutions = array_merge(array(), $conf->modules_parts['substitutions']);
     foreach ($dirsubstitutions as $reldir) {
         $dir = dol_buildpath($reldir, 0);
         $newdir = dol_osencode($dir);
         // Check if directory exists
         if (!is_dir($newdir)) {
         // We must not use dol_is_dir here, function may not be loaded
         $fonc = 'numberwords';
         if (file_exists($newdir . '/functions_' . $fonc . '.lib.php')) {
             include_once $newdir . '/functions_' . $fonc . '.lib.php';
             $newnumber = numberwords_getLabelFromNumber($this, $number, $isamount);
     return $newnumber;
