本文整理汇总了PHP中db_select函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP db_select函数的具体用法?PHP db_select怎么用?PHP db_select使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: content
public function content()
$user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load(\Drupal::currentUser()->id());
$userId = $user->get('uid')->value;
$data = array(array('job_title' => '', 'job_path' => '', 'company_name' => '', 'application_date' => ''));
$appliedJobs = db_select('user_job_application', 'uja')->condition('uja.user_id', $userId, '=')->fields('uja', array('job_id', 'date'))->orderBy('uja.date', 'DESC')->execute()->fetchAll();
if ($appliedJobs) {
$x = 0;
foreach ($appliedJobs as $appliedJob) {
$jobNode = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($appliedJob->job_id);
$jobTitle = $jobNode->getTitle();
$jobPathAlias = \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')->getAliasByPath('/node/' . $appliedJob->job_id);
$companyNodeEntity = $jobNode->get('field_company');
$companyNode = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($companyNodeEntity->entity->id());
$companyName = $companyNode->getTitle();
$data[$x]['job_title'] = $jobTitle;
$data[$x]['job_path'] = $jobPathAlias;
$data[$x]['company_name'] = $companyName;
$data[$x]['application_date'] = $appliedJob->date;
$markUp = $this->createMarkUp($data);
return array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $markUp);
示例2: hook_draw_chart_alter
* Implements hook_draw_chart_alter().
function hook_draw_chart_alter(&$settings)
foreach ($settings as $chart) {
if (isset($chart['chart']['chartCategory']) && !empty($chart['chart']['chartCategory'])) {
// Geting the count result by vocabulary machine name.
$voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('categories');
$tree = taxonomy_get_tree($voc->vid);
$header = array();
foreach ($tree as $term) {
// Feeds the header with terms names.
$header[] = $term->name;
$query = db_select('taxonomy_index', 'ti');
$query->condition('ti.tid', $term->tid, '=')->fields('ti', array('nid'));
// Feeding the terms with the node count.
$terms[] = $query->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField();
$columns = array('Content per category');
$rows = array($terms);
// Replacing the data of the chart.
$chart['chart']['chartCategory']['header'] = $header;
$chart['chart']['chartCategory']['rows'] = $rows;
$chart['chart']['chartCategory']['columns'] = $columns;
// Adding a colors attribute to the pie.
$chart['chart']['chartCategory']['options']['colors'] = array('red', '#004411');
示例3: __construct
public function __construct($arguments)
// Make sure we can use it for node and term only.
if (!in_array($this->entityType, array('node', 'taxonomy_term'))) {
throw new Exception('\\SkeletonMigration supports only nodes and terms.');
$this->description = t('Import @type - @bundle from SQL table', array('@type' => $this->entityType, '@bundle' => $this->bundle));
$this->fields = !empty($this->fields) ? $this->fields : array();
$sql_fields[] = '_unique_id';
if ($this->entityType == 'node') {
$this->addFieldMapping('title', '_title');
$class_name = 'MigrateDestinationNode';
$sql_fields[] = '_title';
} elseif ($this->entityType == 'taxonomy_term') {
$this->addFieldMapping('name', '_name');
$class_name = 'MigrateDestinationTerm';
$sql_fields[] = '_name';
// Rebuild the csv columns array.
$this->fields = array_merge($sql_fields, $this->fields);
// Create a map object for tracking the relationships between source rows
$key = array('_unique_id' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => TRUE));
$destination_handler = new MigrateDestinationEntityAPI($this->entityType, $this->bundle);
$this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName, $key, $destination_handler->getKeySchema($this->entityType));
// Create a MigrateSource object.
$sql_table = isset($this->sqlTable) ? '_raw_' . $this->sqlTable : '_raw_' . $this->bundle;
$query = db_select($sql_table, 't')->fields('t')->orderBy('__id');
$this->source = new MigrateSourceSQL($query, $this->fields);
$this->destination = new $class_name($this->bundle, array('text_format' => 'filtered_html'));
示例4: user_last_login_by_day
* Example function: creates a graph of user logins by day.
function user_last_login_by_day($n = 40)
$query = db_select('users');
$query->addField('users', 'name');
$query->addField('users', 'uid');
$query->addField('users', 'created');
$query->condition('uid', 0, '>');
$query->orderBy('created', 'DESC');
$query->range(0, $n);
$result = $query->execute();
$g = graphapi_new_graph();
$now = time();
$days = array();
foreach ($result as $user) {
$uid = $user->uid;
$user_id = 'user_' . $uid;
$day = intval(($now - $user->created) / (24 * 60 * 60));
$day_id = 'data_' . $day;
graphapi_set_node_title($g, $user_id, l($user->name, "user/" . $uid));
graphapi_set_node_title($g, $day_id, "Day " . $day);
graphapi_set_link_data($g, $user_id, $day_id, array('color' => '#F0F'));
$options = array('width' => 400, 'height' => 400, 'item-width' => 50, 'engine' => 'graph_phyz');
return theme('graphapi_dispatch', array('graph' => $g, 'config' => $options));
示例5: submitForm
public function submitForm(array &$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state)
// Check to make sure that the file was uploaded to the server properly
$userInputValues = $form_state->getUserInput();
$uri = db_select('file_managed', 'f')->condition('f.fid', $userInputValues['import']['fids'], '=')->fields('f', array('uri'))->execute()->fetchField();
if (!empty($uri)) {
if (file_exists(\Drupal::service("file_system")->realpath($uri))) {
// Open the csv
$handle = fopen(\Drupal::service("file_system")->realpath($uri), "r");
// Go through each row in the csv and run a function on it. In this case we are parsing by '|' (pipe) characters.
// If you want commas are any other character, replace the pipe with it.
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ',', '"')) !== FALSE) {
$operations[] = ['csvimport_import_batch_processing', [$data]];
// Once everything is gathered and ready to be processed... well... process it!
$batch = ['title' => t('Importing CSV...'), 'operations' => $operations, 'finished' => $this->csvimport_import_finished(), 'error_message' => t('The installation has encountered an error.'), 'progress_message' => t('Imported @current of @total products.')];
} else {
drupal_set_message(t('Not able to find file path.'), 'error');
} else {
drupal_set_message(t('There was an error uploading your file. Please contact a System administator.'), 'error');
示例6: db_select_all_row
function db_select_all_row($sql)
$result = db_select($sql);
while ($return[] = db_fetch_row($result)) {
return $return;
示例7: testMenuLinkTitle
function testMenuLinkTitle()
$plugin = new \menu_CrumbsMultiPlugin_link_title();
$q = db_select('menu_links', 'ml');
$q->fields('ml', array('mlid', 'link_path', 'menu_name'));
$titles_by_path = array();
foreach ($q->execute() as $row) {
$link = menu_link_load($row->mlid);
if ($link && !isset($links_by_path[$row->link_path][$row->menu_name])) {
$titles_by_path[$row->link_path][$row->menu_name] = $link['title'];
foreach ($titles_by_path as $path => $titles) {
$router_item = crumbs_get_router_item($path);
if ($router_item) {
$plugin_result = $plugin->findTitle($path, $router_item);
if (!is_array($plugin_result)) {
$this->fail("Plugin result for !path should not be empty.", array('!path' => $path));
$this->assertEqual($titles, $plugin_result);
示例8: contentOverview
* Create an overview of webform content.
public function contentOverview()
// @todo This needs to be removed and the view webform_webforms used instead.
$query = db_select('webform', 'w');
$query->join('node', 'n', 'w.nid = n.nid');
$nodes = $query->execute()->fetchAllAssoc('nid');
module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.admin');
$header = array(t('Title'), array('data' => t('View'), 'colspan' => '4'), array('data' => t('Operations'), 'colspan' => '3'));
$rows = array();
if (!empty($nodes)) {
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$node = Node::load($node->nid);
$rows[] = array(\Drupal::l($node->getTitle(), Url::fromRoute('entity.node.canonical', ['node' => $node->id()])), t('Submissions'), t('Analysis'), t('Table'), t('Download'), $node->access('update') ? \Drupal::l(t('Edit'), Url::fromRoute('entity.node.edit_form', ['node' => $node->id()])) : '', t('Components'), t('Clear'));
if (empty($nodes)) {
$webform_types = webform_node_types();
if (empty($webform_types)) {
$message = t('Webform is currently not enabled on any content types.') . ' ' . t('Visit the <a href="!url">Webform settings</a> page and enable Webform on at least one content type.', array('!url' => Url::fromRoute('webform.settings')->toString()));
} else {
$webform_type_list = webform_admin_type_list();
$message = t('There are currently no webforms on your site. Create a !types piece of content.', array('!types' => $webform_type_list));
$rows[] = array(array('data' => $message, 'colspan' => 7));
$table = array('#type' => 'table', '#header' => $header, '#rows' => $rows);
return $table;
示例9: getAlbumImages
* Get album images by $node->id().
* @todo move function so it is easily accessible.
public function getAlbumImages($nid, $limit = 10) {
$images = array();
$column = isset($_GET['field']) ? \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape($_GET['field']) : '';
$sort = isset($_GET['sort']) ? \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::escape($_GET['sort']) : '';
$term = _photos_order_value($column, $sort, $limit, array('column' => 'p.wid', 'sort' => 'asc'));
$query = db_select('file_managed', 'f')
$query->join('photos_image', 'p', 'p.fid = f.fid');
$query->join('users_field_data', 'u', 'f.uid = u.uid');
$query->join('node', 'n', 'n.nid = p.pid');
$query->fields('f', array('uri', 'filemime', 'created', 'filename', 'filesize'));
$query->fields('u', array('uid', 'name'));
$query->condition('p.pid', $nid);
$query->orderBy($term['order']['column'], $term['order']['sort']);
$result = $query->execute();
foreach ($result as $data) {
// @todo create new function to return image object.
$images[] = photos_get_info(0, $data);
if (isset($images[0]->fid)) {
$node = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('node')->load($nid);
$images[0]->info = array(
'pid' => $node->id(),
'title' => $node->getTitle(),
'uid' => $node->getOwnerId()
if (isset($node->album['cover'])) {
$images[0]->info['cover'] = $node->album['cover'];
return $images;
示例10: dexp_layerslider_clone
function dexp_layerslider_clone($slideid)
$slide = db_select('{dexp_layerslider}', 'd')->fields('d')->condition('id', $slideid, '=')->execute()->fetchAssoc();
db_insert("{dexp_layerslider}")->fields(array('name' => "Copy of " . $slide['name'], 'settings' => $slide['settings'], 'data' => $slide['data']))->execute();
drupal_set_message("Successfully cloned.");
示例11: getExtensionTypes
* {@inheritdoc}
function getExtensionTypes($extension_names)
$q = db_select('system');
$q->condition('name', $extension_names);
$q->fields('system', array('name', 'type'));
return $q->execute()->fetchAllKeyed();
示例12: testPasswordStrengthBehaviors
* Test password strength behaviors.
function testPasswordStrengthBehaviors()
global $base_url;
// Create user with permission to create policy.
$user1 = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer site configuration'));
// Create new password length policy.
$edit = array();
$edit['score'] = '4';
$this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/security/password-policy/zxcvbn', $edit, t('Add policy'));
// Get latest ID to get policy.
$id = db_select("password_policy_zxcvbn_policies", 'p')->fields('p', array('pid'))->orderBy('p.pid', 'DESC')->execute()->fetchObject();
// Create user with policy applied.
$user2 = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('enforce password_policy_zxcvbn_constraint.' . $id->pid . ' constraint'));
$uid = $user2->id();
// Login.
// Change own password with one not very complex.
$edit = array();
$edit['pass'] = '1';
$edit['current_pass'] = $user2->pass_raw;
$this->drupalPostAjaxForm("user/" . $uid . "/edit", $edit, 'pass');
// Verify we see an error.
$this->assertText('Fail - The password has a score of 0 but the policy requires a score of at least 4');
// Change own password with one strong enough.
$edit = array();
$edit['pass'] = 'aV3ryC*mplexPassword1nd33d!';
$edit['current_pass'] = $user2->pass_raw;
$this->drupalPostAjaxForm("user/" . $uid . "/edit", $edit, 'pass');
// Verify we see do not error.
$this->assertNoText('Fail - The password has a score of 0 but the policy requires a score of at least 4');
示例13: loadFromDb
protected function loadFromDb()
if (module_exists('ctools')) {
$result = ctools_export_load_object('ldap_authorization', 'names', array($this->consumerType));
// @todo, this is technically wrong, but I don't quite grok what we're doing in the non-ctools case - justintime
$server_record = array_pop($result);
// There's no ctools api call to get the reserved properties, so instead of hardcoding a list of them
// here, we just grab everything. Basically, we sacrifice a few bytes of RAM for forward-compatibility.
} else {
$select = db_select('ldap_authorization', 'ldap_authorization');
$select->condition('ldap_authorization.consumer_type', $this->consumerType);
$server_record = $select->execute()->fetchObject();
if (!$server_record) {
$this->inDatabase = FALSE;
return FALSE;
foreach ($this->field_to_properties_map() as $db_field_name => $property_name) {
if (isset($server_record->{$db_field_name})) {
if (in_array($db_field_name, $this->field_to_properties_serialized())) {
$this->{$property_name} = unserialize($server_record->{$db_field_name});
} else {
$this->{$property_name} = $server_record->{$db_field_name};
$this->numericConsumerConfId = isset($server_record->numeric_consumer_conf_id) ? $server_record->numeric_consumer_conf_id : NULL;
$this->server = ldap_servers_get_servers($this->sid, NULL, TRUE);
return TRUE;
示例14: get_node_list
* return array of nids.
function get_node_list()
// choisir la table et les champs que l'on veut récupérer.
// On peut choisir de ne récupérer que le nid et utiliser plus tard
// la fonction drupal node_load_multiple pour charger les nodes.
$query = db_select('node', 'n');
$query->addField('n', 'nid');
$query->addField('n', 'title');
// take care of node access
// example join for taxonomy of custom fields :
// $query->join('taxonomy_index', 'ti', 'n.nid = ti.nid');
// $query->join('field_data_field_article_date', 'field_date', 'n.nid = field_date.entity_id');
// seulement les articles publiés
$query->condition('status', 1);
$query->condition('type', 'article');
//$query->condition('tid', $this->tids, 'IN');
// order by date DESC
$query->orderBy('created', 'DESC');
// supprimer les doublons si il y en a.
// éxécuter réellement la requete.
$result = $query->execute();
$nids = array();
foreach ($result as $row) {
$nids[] = $row->nid;
return $nids;
示例15: testDeleteAll
* Tests the deletion of all the aliases.
function testDeleteAll()
// 1. Test that deleting all the aliases, of any type, works.
$edit = array('delete[all_aliases]' => TRUE);
$this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/path/delete_bulk', $edit, t('Delete aliases now!'));
$this->assertText(t('All of your path aliases have been deleted.'));
// Make sure that all of them are actually deleted.
$aliases = db_select('url_alias', 'ua')->fields('ua', array())->execute()->fetchAll();
$this->assertEqual($aliases, array(), "All the aliases have been deleted.");
// 2. Test deleting only specific (entity type) aliases.
$manager = $this->container->get('plugin.manager.alias_type');
$pathauto_plugins = array('node' => 'nodes', 'taxonomy_term' => 'terms', 'user' => 'accounts');
foreach ($pathauto_plugins as $pathauto_plugin => $attribute) {
$edit = array('delete[plugins][' . $pathauto_plugin . ']' => TRUE);
$this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/path/delete_bulk', $edit, t('Delete aliases now!'));
$alias_type = $manager->createInstance($pathauto_plugin);
$this->assertRaw(t('All of your %label path aliases have been deleted.', array('%label' => $alias_type->getLabel())));
// Check that the aliases were actually deleted.
foreach ($this->{$attribute} as $entity) {
// Check that the other aliases are not deleted.
foreach ($pathauto_plugins as $_pathauto_plugin => $_attribute) {
// Skip the aliases that should be deleted.
if ($_pathauto_plugin == $pathauto_plugin) {
foreach ($this->{$_attribute} as $entity) {