本文整理汇总了PHP中create_exdir函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP create_exdir函数的具体用法?PHP create_exdir怎么用?PHP create_exdir使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: write_file
* Write the object to document file to disk
* @param socid
* @param catid
* @param outputlangs Lang object for output language
* @return int 1=OK, 0=KO
function write_file($socid = 0, $catid = 0, $outputlangs='')
global $user,$conf,$langs;
if (! is_object($outputlangs)) $outputlangs=$langs;
// For backward compatibility with FPDF, force output charset to ISO, because FPDF expect text to be encoded in ISO
if (!class_exists('TCPDF')) $outputlangs->charset_output='ISO-8859-1';
$dir = $conf->agenda->dir_temp."/";
$file = $dir . "actions-".$this->month."-".$this->year.".pdf";
if (! file_exists($dir))
if (create_exdir($dir) < 0)
return 0;
if (file_exists($dir))
if (class_exists('TCPDF'))
$pdf->SetCreator("Dolibarr ".DOL_VERSION);
$pdf->SetKeywords($outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($this->title." ".$this->subject));
$pdf->SetMargins($this->marge_gauche, $this->marge_haute, $this->marge_droite); // Left, Top, Right
$nbpage = $this->_pages($pdf, $outputlangs);
if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK))
@chmod($file, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));
return 1;
示例2: add_to_target
* \brief Ajoute destinataires dans table des cibles
* \param mailing_id Id of emailing
* \param filterarray Requete sql de selection des destinataires
* \return int < 0 si erreur, nb ajout si ok
function add_to_target($mailing_id,$filtersarray=array())
global $conf,$langs,$_FILES;
// For compatibility with Unix, MS-Dos or Macintosh
ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
$cibles = array();
if (create_exdir($upload_dir) >= 0)
$resupload = dol_move_uploaded_file($_FILES['username']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . "/" . $_FILES['username']['name'], 1, 0, $_FILES['username']['error']);
if (is_numeric($resupload) && $resupload > 0)
//$mesg = '<div class="ok">'.$langs->trans("FileTransferComplete").'</div>';
$file=$upload_dir . "/" . $_FILES['username']['name'];
$handle = @fopen($file, "r");
if ($handle)
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
$old = '';
while (!feof($handle))
$buffer = trim(fgets($handle));
if (! empty($buffer))
//print 'xx'.dol_strlen($buffer).empty($buffer)."<br>\n";
if (isValidEMail($email))
if ($old <> $email)
$cibles[$j] = array(
'email' => $email,
'name' => $name,
'firstname' => $firstname,
'other' => $other,
'source_url' => '',
'source_id' => '',
'source_type' => 'file'
$old = $email;
$this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorFoundBadEmailInFile",$i,$cpt,$email);
if ($i > 0)
return -$i;
$this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorFaildToOpenFile");
return -1;
dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::add_to_target mailing ".$cpt." targets found");
if ($resupload < 0) // Unknown error
$this->error = '<div class="error">'.$langs->trans("ErrorFileNotUploaded").'</div>';
else if (preg_match('/ErrorFileIsInfectedWithAVirus/',$resupload)) // Files infected by a virus
$this->error = '<div class="error">'.$langs->trans("ErrorFileIsInfectedWithAVirus").'</div>';
示例3: build_file
* \brief Build export file
* \param user User that export
* \param model Export format
* \param datatoexport Name of dataset to export
* \param array_selected Filter on array of fields to export
* \param sqlquery = '' if set, transmit a sql query instead of building it from arrays
* \remarks Les tableaux array_export_xxx sont deja chargees pour le bon datatoexport
* aussi le parametre datatoexport est inutilise
function build_file($user, $model, $datatoexport, $array_selected, $sqlquery = '')
global $conf,$langs;
dol_syslog("Export::build_file $model, $datatoexport, $array_selected");
// Creation de la classe d'export du model ExportXXX
$dir = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/includes/modules/export/";
$file = "export_".$model.".modules.php";
$classname = "Export".$model;
$objmodel = new $classname($db);
if ($sqlquery) $sql = $sqlquery;
else $sql=$this->build_sql($indice,$array_selected);
// Run the sql
dol_syslog("Export::build_file sql=".$sql);
$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
if ($resql)
$outputlangs=$langs; // Lang for output
// Open file
$result=$objmodel->open_file($dirname."/".$filename, $outputlangs);
if ($result >= 0)
// Genere en-tete
// Genere ligne de titre
while ($objp = $this->db->fetch_object($resql))
// Process special operations
if (! empty($this->array_export_special[$indice]))
foreach ($this->array_export_special[$indice] as $key => $value)
if (! array_key_exists($key, $array_selected)) continue; // Field not selected
// Operation NULLIFNEG
if ($this->array_export_special[$indice][$key]=='NULLIFNEG')
$alias=str_replace(array('.', '-'),'_',$key);
if ($objp->$alias < 0) $objp->$alias='';
// Operation ZEROIFNEG
if ($this->array_export_special[$indice][$key]=='ZEROIFNEG')
$alias=str_replace(array('.', '-'),'_',$key);
if ($objp->$alias < 0) $objp->$alias='0';
// end of special operation processing
// Genere en-tete
// Close file
dol_syslog("Export::build_file Error: ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);
return -1;
示例4: get_exdir
$message .= '<div class="error">' . $langs->trans("ErrorLoginAlreadyExists", $edituser->login) . '</div>';
} else {
$message .= '<div class="error">' . $edituser->error . '</div>';
if ($ret >= 0 && !count($edituser->errors)) {
if (GETPOST('deletephoto') && $edituser->photo) {
$fileimg = $conf->user->dir_output . '/' . get_exdir($edituser->id, 2, 0, 1) . '/logos/' . $edituser->photo;
$dirthumbs = $conf->user->dir_output . '/' . get_exdir($edituser->id, 2, 0, 1) . '/logos/thumbs';
if (isset($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']) && trim($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'])) {
$dir = $conf->user->dir_output . '/' . get_exdir($edituser->id, 2, 0, 1);
if (@is_dir($dir)) {
$newfile = $dir . '/' . dol_sanitizeFileName($_FILES['photo']['name']);
$result = dol_move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'], $newfile, 1, 0, $_FILES['photo']['error']);
if (!$result > 0) {
$message .= '<div class="error">' . $langs->trans("ErrorFailedToSaveFile") . '</div>';
} else {
// Create small thumbs for company (Ratio is near 16/9)
// Used on logon for example
$imgThumbSmall = vignette($newfile, $maxwidthsmall, $maxheightsmall, '_small', $quality);
// Create mini thumbs for company (Ratio is near 16/9)
// Used on menu or for setup page for example
$imgThumbMini = vignette($newfile, $maxwidthmini, $maxheightmini, '_mini', $quality);
示例5: write_file
* \brief Function to build PDF on disk, then output on HTTP strem.
* \param arrayofmembers Array of members informations
* \param outputlangs Lang object for output language
* \return int 1=ok, 0=ko
function write_file($arrayofmembers,$outputlangs)
global $user,$conf,$langs,$mysoc,$_Avery_Labels;
// Choose type (CARD by default)
$this->Tformat = $_Avery_Labels[$this->code];
if (empty($this->Tformat)) { dol_print_error('','ErrorBadTypeForCard'.$this->code); exit; }
$this->type = 'pdf';
$this->format = $this->Tformat['paper-size'];
if (! is_object($outputlangs)) $outputlangs=$langs;
// For backward compatibility with FPDF, force output charset to ISO, because FPDF expect text to be encoded in ISO
if (!class_exists('TCPDF')) $outputlangs->charset_output='ISO-8859-1';
$dir = $conf->adherent->dir_temp;
$file = $dir . "/tmpcards.pdf";
if (! file_exists($dir))
if (create_exdir($dir) < 0)
return 0;
if (class_exists('TCPDF'))
$pdf->SetCreator("Dolibarr ".DOL_VERSION);
$pdf->SetKeyWords($outputlangs->transnoentities('MembersCards')." ".$outputlangs->transnoentities("Foundation")." ".$outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($mysoc->name));
if ($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_COMPRESSION) $pdf->SetCompression(false);
$this->_Metric_Doc = $this->Tformat['metric'];
// Permet de commencer l'impression de l'etiquette desiree dans le cas ou la page a deja servie
if ($posX > 0) $posX--; else $posX=0;
if ($posY > 0) $posY--; else $posY=0;
$this->_COUNTX = $posX;
$this->_COUNTY = $posY;
$this->_Set_Format($pdf, $this->Tformat);
// Add each record
foreach($arrayofmembers as $val)
// imprime le texte specifique sur la carte
//$pdf->SetXY(10, 295);
//$pdf->Cell($this->_Width, $this->_Line_Height, 'XXX',0,1,'C');
// Output to file
if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK))
@chmod($file, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));
// Output to http stream
if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_FORCE_SAVEAS)) $attachment=false;
示例6: if
$upload_dir = $conf->ecm->dir_output.'/'.$relativepath;
* Put here all code to do according to value of "action" parameter
// Upload file
if (GETPOST("sendit") && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_UPLOAD_DOC))
if (create_exdir($upload_dir) >= 0)
$resupload = dol_move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . "/" . $_FILES['userfile']['name'],0,0,$_FILES['userfile']['error']);
if (is_numeric($resupload) && $resupload > 0)
if ($resupload < 0) // Unknown error
$mesg = '<div class="error">'.$langs->trans("ErrorFileNotUploaded").'</div>';
else if (preg_match('/ErrorFileIsInfectedWithAVirus/',$resupload)) // Files infected by a virus
if (! preg_match('/\.tgz/i',$original_file))
if (! $error)
if ($result > 0)
* View
示例8: Create
if ($resql)
$row = $this->db->fetch_row($resql);
dol_syslog("Erreur recherche reference");
$ref = $ref . substr("00".($row[0]+1), -2);
$filebonprev = $ref;
// Create withdraw receipt in database
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."prelevement_bons (";
$sql.= " ref, entity, datec";
$sql.= ") VALUES (";
$sql.= "'".$ref."'";
$sql.= ", ".$conf->entity;
$sql.= ", '".$this->db->idate(mktime())."'";
$sql.= ")";
dol_syslog("Bon-Prelevement::Create sql=".$sql, LOG_DEBUG);
$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
if ($resql)
$prev_id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX."prelevement_bons");
if (! is_dir($dir)) create_exdir($dir);
$bonprev = new BonPrelevement($this->db, $dir."/".$file);
$bonprev->id = $prev_id;
dol_syslog("Erreur creation du bon de prelevement");
* Creation process
if (!$error)
if (sizeof($factures_prev) > 0)
foreach ($factures_prev as $fac)
// Fetch invoice
$fact = new Facture($this->db);
* Add standing order
* $fac[3] : banque
* $fac[4] : guichet
* $fac[5] : number
* $fac[6] : cle rib
示例9: create
* Create record into database
* @param user User that create
* @return int <0 if KO, >0 if OK
function create($user)
global $conf, $langs;
// Clean parameters
if (! $this->cachenbofdoc) $this->cachenbofdoc=0;
if ($this->fk_parent <= 0) $this->fk_parent=0;
// Check if same directory does not exists with this name
if ($this->fk_parent)
$parent = new ECMDirectory($this->db);
$relativepath=preg_replace('/([\/])+/i','/',$relativepath); // Avoid duplicate / or \
//print $relativepath.'<br>';
$cat = new ECMDirectory($this->db);
$cate_arbo = $cat->get_full_arbo(1);
foreach ($cate_arbo as $key => $categ)
//print $path.'<br>';
if ($path == $relativepath)
if ($pathfound)
dol_syslog("EcmDirectories::create ".$this->error, LOG_WARNING);
return -1;
// Insert request
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."ecm_directories(";
$sql.= "label,";
$sql.= "entity,";
$sql.= "fk_parent,";
$sql.= "description,";
$sql.= "cachenbofdoc,";
$sql.= "date_c,";
$sql.= "fk_user_c";
$sql.= ") VALUES (";
$sql.= " '".$this->db->escape($this->label)."',";
$sql.= " '".$conf->entity."',";
$sql.= " '".$this->fk_parent."',";
$sql.= " '".$this->db->escape($this->description)."',";
$sql.= " ".($this->cachenbofdoc).",";
$sql.= " '".$this->db->idate($this->date_c)."',";
$sql.= " '".$this->fk_user_c."'";
$sql.= ")";
dol_syslog("EcmDirectories::create sql=".$sql, LOG_DEBUG);
if ($resql)
$this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX."ecm_directories");
// Appel des triggers
include_once(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/core/class/interfaces.class.php");
$interface=new Interfaces($this->db);
if ($result < 0) { $error++; $this->errors=$interface->errors; }
// Fin appel triggers
if (! $error)
return $this->id;
return -1;
示例10: CreateColorIcon
* Creation d'un icone de couleur
* @param color Couleur de l'image
* @param module Nom du module
* @param name Nom de l'image
* @param x Largeur de l'image en pixels
* @param y Hauteur de l'image en pixels
function CreateColorIcon($color,$module,$name,$x='12',$y='12')
global $conf;
$file = $conf->$module->dir_temp.'/'.$name.'.png';
// On cree le repertoire contenant les icones
if (! file_exists($conf->$module->dir_temp))
// On cree l'image en vraies couleurs
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($x,$y);
$color = substr($color,1,6);
$rouge = hexdec(substr($color,0,2)); //conversion du canal rouge
$vert = hexdec(substr($color,2,2)); //conversion du canal vert
$bleu = hexdec(substr($color,4,2)); //conversion du canal bleu
$couleur = imagecolorallocate($image,$rouge,$vert,$bleu);
//print $rouge.$vert.$bleu;
imagefill($image,0,0,$couleur); //on remplit l'image
// On cree la couleur et on l'attribue a une variable pour ne pas la perdre
ImagePng($image,$file); //renvoie une image sous format png
示例11: write_file
* \brief Fonction generant le document sur le disque
* \param object Objet expedition a generer (ou id si ancienne methode)
* \param outputlangs Lang output object
* \return int 1=ok, 0=ko
function write_file(&$object, $outputlangs)
global $user,$conf,$langs,$mysoc;
$default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);
if (! is_object($outputlangs)) $outputlangs=$langs;
// For backward compatibility with FPDF, force output charset to ISO, because FPDF expect text to be encoded in ISO
if (!class_exists('TCPDF')) $outputlangs->charset_output='ISO-8859-1';
//Generation de la fiche
$this->expe = $object;
//Verification de la configuration
if ($conf->expedition->dir_output)
$origin = $object->origin;
//Creation de l expediteur
$this->expediteur = $mysoc;
//Creation du destinataire
$idcontact = $object->$origin->getIdContact('external','SHIPPING');
$this->destinataire = new Contact($this->db);
if ($idcontact[0]) $this->destinataire->fetch($idcontact[0]);
//Creation du livreur
$idcontact = $object->$origin->getIdContact('internal','LIVREUR');
$this->livreur = new User($this->db);
if ($idcontact[0]) $this->livreur->fetch($idcontact[0]);
// Definition de $dir et $file
if ($object->specimen)
$dir = $conf->expedition->dir_output."/sending";
$file = $dir . "/SPECIMEN.pdf";
$expref = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
$dir = $conf->expedition->dir_output . "/sending/" . $expref;
$file = $dir . "/" . $expref . ".pdf";
if (! file_exists($dir))
if (create_exdir($dir) < 0)
return 0;
//Si le dossier existe
if (file_exists($dir))
if (class_exists('TCPDF'))
//Generation de l entete du fichier
$pdf->SetCreator("Dolibarr ".DOL_VERSION);
$pdf->SetKeyWords($outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->ref)." ".$outputlangs->transnoentities("Sending"));
if ($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_COMPRESSION) $pdf->SetCompression(false);
$pdf->SetMargins(10, 10, 10);
$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 3);
示例12: write_file
* Function to build a document on disk using the generic odt module.
* @param object Object source to build document
* @param outputlangs Lang output object
* @param srctemplatepath Full path of source filename for generator using a template file
* @return int 1 if OK, <=0 if KO
function write_file($object,$outputlangs,$srctemplatepath)
global $user,$langs,$conf,$mysoc;
if (empty($srctemplatepath))
dol_syslog("doc_generic_odt::write_file parameter srctemplatepath empty", LOG_WARNING);
return -1;
if (! is_object($outputlangs)) $outputlangs=$langs;
if ($conf->societe->dir_output)
// If $object is id instead of object
if (! is_object($object))
$id = $object;
$object = new Societe($this->db);
if ($result < 0)
return -1;
$objectref = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->id);
$dir = $conf->societe->dir_output;
if (! preg_match('/specimen/i',$objectref)) $dir.= "/" . $objectref;
$file = $dir . "/" . $objectref . ".odt";
if (! file_exists($dir))
if (create_exdir($dir) < 0)
return -1;
if (file_exists($dir))
//print "srctemplatepath=".$srctemplatepath; // Src filename
//print "newdir=".$dir;
//print "newfile=".$newfile;
//print "file=".$file;
//print "conf->societe->dir_temp=".$conf->societe->dir_temp;
// Open and load template
$odfHandler = new odf($srctemplatepath, array(
'PATH_TO_TMP' => $conf->societe->dir_temp,
'ZIP_PROXY' => 'PclZipProxy', // PhpZipProxy or PclZipProxy. Got "bad compression method" error when using PhpZipProxy.
//print $odfHandler->__toString()."\n";
// Make substitutions into odt of user info
//var_dump($tmparray); exit;
foreach($tmparray as $key=>$value)
try {
if (preg_match('/logo$/',$key)) // Image
if (file_exists($value)) $odfHandler->setImage($key, $value);
else $odfHandler->setVars($key, 'ErrorFileNotFound', true, 'UTF-8');
else // Text
//print $key.' '.$value;exit;
$odfHandler->setVars($key, $value, true, 'UTF-8');
catch(OdfException $e)
示例13: dump
* \brief Dump a LDAP message to ldapinput.in file
* \param dn DN entry key
* \param info Attributes array
* \return int <0 if KO, >0 if OK
function dump($dn, $info)
global $conf;
// Create content
$content = $this->dump_content($dn, $info);
//Create file
$result = create_exdir($conf->ldap->dir_temp);
$file = $conf->ldap->dir_temp . '/ldapinput.in';
$fp = fopen($file, "w");
if ($fp) {
fputs($fp, $content);
if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK)) {
@chmod($outputfile, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
$dir[2] = "$main_data_dir/propale";
$dir[3] = "$main_data_dir/mycompany";
$dir[4] = "$main_data_dir/ficheinter";
$dir[5] = "$main_data_dir/produit";
$dir[6] = "$main_data_dir/rapport";
// Boucle sur chaque repertoire de dir[] pour les creer s'ils nexistent pas
for ($i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($dir) ; $i++)
if (is_dir($dir[$i]))
dolibarr_install_syslog("etape1: Directory '".$dir[$i]."' exists");
if (create_exdir($dir[$i]) < 0)
print "<tr><td>";
print "Failed to create directory: ".$dir[$i];
print '</td><td>';
print $langs->trans("Error");
print "</td></tr>";
dolibarr_install_syslog("etape1: Directory '".$dir[$i]."' created");
if ($error)
示例15: init
* Function called when module is enabled.
* The init function add constants, boxes, permissions and menus (defined in constructor) into Dolibarr database.
* It also creates data directories.
* @return int 1 if OK, 0 if KO
function init($options='')
global $conf;
// We disable this to prevent pb of modules not correctly disabled
$sql = array();
return $this->_init($sql,$options);