本文整理汇总了PHP中course_setup函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP course_setup函数的具体用法?PHP course_setup怎么用?PHP course_setup使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: cron
* Notify users about enrolments that are going to expire soon!
* This function is run by admin/cron.php
* @return void
function cron()
global $CFG, $USER, $SITE;
if (!isset($CFG->lastexpirynotify)) {
set_config('lastexpirynotify', 0);
// notify once a day only - TODO: add some tz handling here, maybe use timestamps
if ($CFG->lastexpirynotify == date('Ymd')) {
if ($rs = get_recordset_select('course', 'enrolperiod > 0 AND expirynotify > 0 AND expirythreshold > 0')) {
$cronuser = clone $USER;
$admin = get_admin();
while ($course = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
$a = new object();
$a->coursename = $course->shortname . '/' . $course->fullname;
// must be processed by format_string later
$a->threshold = $course->expirythreshold / 86400;
$a->extendurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/index.php?id=' . $course->id;
$a->current = array();
$a->past = array();
$expiry = time() + $course->expirythreshold;
$cname = $course->fullname;
/// Get all the manual role assignments for this course that have expired.
if (!($context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
if ($oldenrolments = get_records_sql("\n SELECT u.*, ra.timeend\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u\n JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra ON (ra.userid = u.id)\n WHERE ra.contextid = {$context->id}\n AND ra.timeend > 0 AND ra.timeend <= {$expiry}\n AND ra.enrol = 'manual'")) {
// inform user who can assign roles or admin
if ($teachers = get_users_by_capability($context, 'moodle/role:assign', '', '', '', '', '', '', false)) {
$teachers = sort_by_roleassignment_authority($teachers, $context);
$teacher = reset($teachers);
} else {
$teachers = array($admin);
$teacher = $admin;
$a->teacherstr = fullname($teacher, true);
foreach ($oldenrolments as $user) {
/// Email all users about to expire
$a->studentstr = fullname($user, true);
if ($user->timeend < $expiry - 86400) {
$a->past[] = fullname($user) . " <{$user->email}>";
} else {
$a->current[] = fullname($user) . " <{$user->email}>";
if ($course->notifystudents) {
// Send this guy notice
// setup global $COURSE properly - needed for languages
$USER = $user;
$a->coursename = format_string($cname);
$a->course = $a->coursename;
$strexpirynotifystudentsemail = get_string('expirynotifystudentsemail', '', $a);
$strexpirynotify = get_string('expirynotify');
email_to_user($user, $teacher, format_string($SITE->fullname) . ' ' . $strexpirynotify, $strexpirynotifystudentsemail);
$a->current = implode("\n", $a->current);
$a->past = implode("\n", $a->past);
if ($a->current || $a->past) {
foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
// setup global $COURSE properly - needed for languages
$USER = $teacher;
$a->coursename = format_string($cname);
$strexpirynotifyemail = get_string('expirynotifyemail', '', $a);
$strexpirynotify = get_string('expirynotify');
email_to_user($teacher, $admin, $a->coursename . ' ' . $strexpirynotify, $strexpirynotifyemail);
$USER = $cronuser;
// More environment
set_config('lastexpirynotify', date('Ymd'));
示例2: optional_param
// user id
$mode = optional_param('mode', "todaylogs", PARAM_ALPHA);
$page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
$perpage = optional_param('perpage', 100, PARAM_INT);
if (!($course = get_record("course", "id", $id))) {
error("Course id is incorrect.");
if (!($user = get_record("user", "id", $user))) {
error("User ID is incorrect");
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$personalcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $user->id);
if (has_capability('moodle/user:viewuseractivitiesreport', $personalcontext) and !has_capability('moodle/course:view', $coursecontext)) {
// do not require parents to be enrolled in courses ;-)
} else {
if ($user->deleted) {
// prepare list of allowed modes
$myreports = ($course->showreports and $USER->id == $user->id);
$anyreport = has_capability('moodle/user:viewuseractivitiesreport', $personalcontext);
$modes = array();
if ($myreports or $anyreport or has_capability('coursereport/outline:view', $coursecontext)) {
$modes[] = 'outline';
示例3: required_param
// $Id: chatinput.php,v 2008/10/08 06:41:55 dongsheng Exp $
$nomoodlecookie = true;
// Session not needed!
require '../../../config.php';
require '../lib.php';
$chat_sid = required_param('chat_sid', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
if (!($chatuser = get_record('chat_users', 'sid', $chat_sid))) {
error('Not logged in!');
//Get the user theme
$USER = get_record('user', 'id', $chatuser->userid);
//Setup course, lang and theme
<script type="text/javascript">
scroll_active = true;
function empty_field_and_submit() {
var cf = document.getElementById('sendform');
var inpf = document.getElementById('inputform');
cf.chat_msgidnr.value = parseInt(cf.chat_msgidnr.value) + 1;
cf.chat_message.value = inpf.chat_message.value;
return false;
function setfocus() {
示例4: assignment_cron
* Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
* Finds all assignment notifications that have yet to be mailed out, and mails them
function assignment_cron()
global $CFG, $USER;
/// first execute all crons in plugins
if ($plugins = get_list_of_plugins('mod/assignment/type')) {
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/assignment/type/{$plugin}/assignment.class.php";
$assignmentclass = "assignment_{$plugin}";
$ass = new $assignmentclass();
/// Notices older than 1 day will not be mailed. This is to avoid the problem where
/// cron has not been running for a long time, and then suddenly people are flooded
/// with mail from the past few weeks or months
$timenow = time();
$endtime = $timenow - $CFG->maxeditingtime;
$starttime = $endtime - 24 * 3600;
/// One day earlier
if ($submissions = assignment_get_unmailed_submissions($starttime, $endtime)) {
$CFG->enablerecordcache = true;
// We want all the caching we can get
$realuser = clone $USER;
foreach ($submissions as $key => $submission) {
if (!set_field("assignment_submissions", "mailed", "1", "id", "{$submission->id}")) {
echo "Could not update the mailed field for id {$submission->id}. Not mailed.\n";
$timenow = time();
foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
echo "Processing assignment submission {$submission->id}\n";
if (!($user = get_record("user", "id", "{$submission->userid}"))) {
echo "Could not find user {$post->userid}\n";
if (!($course = get_record("course", "id", "{$submission->course}"))) {
echo "Could not find course {$submission->course}\n";
/// Override the language and timezone of the "current" user, so that
/// mail is customised for the receiver.
$USER = $user;
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:view', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $submission->course), $user->id)) {
echo fullname($user) . " not an active participant in " . format_string($course->shortname) . "\n";
if (!($teacher = get_record("user", "id", "{$submission->teacher}"))) {
echo "Could not find teacher {$submission->teacher}\n";
if (!($mod = get_coursemodule_from_instance("assignment", $submission->assignment, $course->id))) {
echo "Could not find course module for assignment id {$submission->assignment}\n";
if (!$mod->visible) {
/// Hold mail notification for hidden assignments until later
$strassignments = get_string("modulenameplural", "assignment");
$strassignment = get_string("modulename", "assignment");
$assignmentinfo = new object();
$assignmentinfo->teacher = fullname($teacher);
$assignmentinfo->assignment = format_string($submission->name, true);
$assignmentinfo->url = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/assignment/view.php?id={$mod->id}";
$postsubject = "{$course->shortname}: {$strassignments}: " . format_string($submission->name, true);
$posttext = "{$course->shortname} -> {$strassignments} -> " . format_string($submission->name, true) . "\n";
$posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$posttext .= get_string("assignmentmail", "assignment", $assignmentinfo) . "\n";
$posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
if ($user->mailformat == 1) {
$posthtml = "<p><font face=\"sans-serif\">" . "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$course->id}\">{$course->shortname}</a> ->" . "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/assignment/index.php?id={$course->id}\">{$strassignments}</a> ->" . "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/assignment/view.php?id={$mod->id}\">" . format_string($submission->name, true) . "</a></font></p>";
$posthtml .= "<hr /><font face=\"sans-serif\">";
$posthtml .= "<p>" . get_string("assignmentmailhtml", "assignment", $assignmentinfo) . "</p>";
$posthtml .= "</font><hr />";
} else {
$posthtml = "";
if (!email_to_user($user, $teacher, $postsubject, $posttext, $posthtml)) {
echo "Error: assignment cron: Could not send out mail for id {$submission->id} to user {$user->id} ({$user->email})\n";
$USER = $realuser;
// reset cron user language, theme and timezone settings
return true;
示例5: require_login
* This function checks that the current user is logged in and has the
* required privileges
* This function checks that the current user is logged in, and optionally
* whether they are allowed to be in a particular course and view a particular
* course module.
* If they are not logged in, then it redirects them to the site login unless
* $autologinguest is set and {@link $CFG}->autologinguests is set to 1 in which
* case they are automatically logged in as guests.
* If $courseid is given and the user is not enrolled in that course then the
* user is redirected to the course enrolment page.
* If $cm is given and the coursemodule is hidden and the user is not a teacher
* in the course then the user is redirected to the course home page.
* @uses $CFG
* @uses $SESSION
* @uses $USER
* @uses $FULLME
* @uses SITEID
* @uses $COURSE
* @param mixed $courseorid id of the course or course object
* @param bool $autologinguest
* @param object $cm course module object
* @param bool $setwantsurltome Define if we want to set $SESSION->wantsurl, defaults to
* true. Used to avoid (=false) some scripts (file.php...) to set that variable,
* in order to keep redirects working properly. MDL-14495
function require_login($courseorid = 0, $autologinguest = true, $cm = null, $setwantsurltome = true)
/// setup global $COURSE, themes, language and locale
/// If the user is not even logged in yet then make sure they are
if (!isloggedin()) {
//NOTE: $USER->site check was obsoleted by session test cookie,
// $USER->confirmed test is in login/index.php
if ($setwantsurltome) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = $FULLME;
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
if ($autologinguest and !empty($CFG->guestloginbutton) and !empty($CFG->autologinguests) and ($COURSE->id == SITEID or $COURSE->guest)) {
$loginguest = '?loginguest=true';
} else {
$loginguest = '';
if (empty($CFG->loginhttps) or $loginguest) {
//do not require https for guest logins
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/login/index.php' . $loginguest);
} else {
$wwwroot = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $CFG->wwwroot);
redirect($wwwroot . '/login/index.php');
/// loginas as redirection if needed
if ($COURSE->id != SITEID and !empty($USER->realuser)) {
if ($USER->loginascontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
if ($USER->loginascontext->instanceid != $COURSE->id) {
print_error('loginasonecourse', '', $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $USER->loginascontext->instanceid);
/// check whether the user should be changing password (but only if it is REALLY them)
if (get_user_preferences('auth_forcepasswordchange') && empty($USER->realuser)) {
$userauth = get_auth_plugin($USER->auth);
if ($userauth->can_change_password()) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = $FULLME;
if ($changeurl = $userauth->change_password_url()) {
//use plugin custom url
} else {
//use moodle internal method
if (empty($CFG->loginhttps)) {
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/login/change_password.php');
} else {
$wwwroot = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $CFG->wwwroot);
redirect($wwwroot . '/login/change_password.php');
} else {
print_error('nopasswordchangeforced', 'auth');
/// Check that the user account is properly set up
if (user_not_fully_set_up($USER)) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = $FULLME;
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/user/edit.php?id=' . $USER->id . '&course=' . SITEID);
/// Make sure current IP matches the one for this session (if required)
if (!empty($CFG->tracksessionip)) {
if ($USER->sessionIP != md5(getremoteaddr())) {
print_error('sessionipnomatch', 'error');
/// Make sure the USER has a sesskey set up. Used for checking script parameters.
// Check that the user has agreed to a site policy if there is one
示例6: get_context_instance
if (!isset($coursecontext)) {
// Has not yet been set by post.php.
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $forum->course);
if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id, $course->id))) {
// For the logs
error('Could not get the course module for the forum instance.');
$modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
// setup course variable to force form language
// fix for MDL-6926
require_once 'post_form.php';
$mform_post = new mod_forum_post_form('post.php', array('course' => $course, 'coursecontext' => $coursecontext, 'modcontext' => $modcontext, 'forum' => $forum, 'post' => $post));
if ($fromform = $mform_post->get_data()) {
require_login($course, false, $cm);
if (empty($SESSION->fromurl)) {
$errordestination = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/forum/view.php?f={$forum->id}";
} else {
$errordestination = $SESSION->fromurl;
// TODO add attachment processing
//$fromform->attachment = isset($_FILES['attachment']) ? $_FILES['attachment'] : NULL;
trusttext_after_edit($fromform->message, $modcontext);
if ($fromform->edit) {
// Updating a post
$fromform->id = $fromform->edit;
示例7: forum_cron
foreach ($posts as $pid => $post) {
// Set up the environment for the post, discussion, forum, course
$discussion = $discussions[$post->discussion];
$forum = $forums[$discussion->forum];
$course = $courses[$forum->course];
$cm =& $coursemodules[$forum->id];
// Do some checks to see if we can bail out now
if (!isset($subscribedusers[$forum->id][$userto->id])) {
// user does not subscribe to this forum
// Verify user is enrollend in course - if not do not send any email
if (!isset($userto->enrolledin[$course->id])) {
$userto->enrolledin[$course->id] = has_capability('moodle/course:view', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id));
if (!$userto->enrolledin[$course->id]) {
// oops - this user should not receive anything from this course
// Get info about the sending user
if (array_key_exists($post->userid, $users)) {
// we might know him/her already
$userfrom = $users[$post->userid];
} else {
if ($userfrom = get_record('user', 'id', $post->userid)) {
$users[$userfrom->id] = $userfrom;
// fetch only once, we can add it to user list, it will be skipped anyway
} else {
mtrace('Could not find user ' . $post->userid);
// setup global $COURSE properly - needed for roles and languages
// More environment
// Fill caches
if (!isset($userto->viewfullnames[$forum->id])) {
$modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$userto->viewfullnames[$forum->id] = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $modcontext);
if (!isset($userto->canpost[$discussion->id])) {
$modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$userto->canpost[$discussion->id] = forum_user_can_post($forum, $discussion, $userto, $cm, $course, $modcontext);
if (!isset($userfrom->groups[$forum->id])) {
if (!isset($userfrom->groups)) {
$userfrom->groups = array();
$users[$userfrom->id]->groups = array();
$userfrom->groups[$forum->id] = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $userfrom->id, $cm->groupingid);
$users[$userfrom->id]->groups[$forum->id] = $userfrom->groups[$forum->id];
// Make sure groups allow this user to see this email
if ($discussion->groupid > 0 and $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm, $course)) {
// Groups are being used
if (!groups_group_exists($discussion->groupid)) {
// Can't find group
// Be safe and don't send it to anyone
if (!groups_is_member($discussion->groupid) and !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $modcontext)) {
// do not send posts from other groups when in SEPARATEGROUPS or VISIBLEGROUPS
// Make sure we're allowed to see it...
示例8: setup_lang_from_browser
if (file_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/lang/' . $lang . '_utf8') or file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/lang/' . $lang . '_utf8')) {
$SESSION->lang = $lang . '_utf8';
if (empty($CFG->lang)) {
if (empty($SESSION->lang)) {
$CFG->lang = 'en_utf8';
} else {
$CFG->lang = $SESSION->lang;
// set default locale and themes - might be changed again later from require_login()
if (!empty($CFG->opentogoogle)) {
if (empty($USER->id)) {
// Ignore anyone logged in
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Googlebot') !== false) {
$USER = guest_user();
} else {
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'google.com') !== false) {
// Google
$USER = guest_user();
} else {
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Yahoo! Slurp') !== false) {
// Yahoo
$USER = guest_user();
} else {
示例9: dialogue_cron
$rs = get_recordset_select('dialogue_conversations', 'grouping != 0 AND grouping IS NOT NULL', 'dialogueid, grouping');
$dialogueid = 0;
$grouping = 0;
$groupid = null;
$inconversation = array();
$newusers = array();
while ($conversation = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
if ($dialogueid != $conversation->dialogueid || $groupid != $conversation->groupid || $grouping != $conversation->grouping) {
if ($dialogueid == 0 || $groupid === null) {
$dialogueid = $conversation->dialogueid;
$groupid = $conversation->groupid;
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('dialogue', $dialogueid);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$users = (array) get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/dialogue:participate', 'u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname', null, null, null, empty($groupid) ? null : $groupid, null, null, null, false);
$managers = (array) get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/dialogue:manage', 'u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false);
$dialogueid = $conversation->dialogueid;
$groupid = $conversation->groupid;
if ($grouping != $conversation->grouping) {
if ($grouping) {
if ($userdiff = array_diff_key($users, $inconversation, $managers)) {
foreach ($userdiff as $userid => $value) {
$newusers[$userid . ',' . $grouping] = array('userid' => $userid, 'courseid' => $cm->course, 'grouping' => $grouping);
$inconversation = array();
$grouping = $conversation->grouping;
$inconversation[$conversation->recipientid] = true;
if (!empty($dialogueid)) {
// Finish of any remaing users
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('dialogue', $dialogueid);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$users = (array) get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/dialogue:participate', 'u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname', null, null, null, empty($groupid) ? null : $groupid, null, null, null, false);
$managers = (array) get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/dialogue:manage', 'u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false);
if ($userdiff = array_diff_key($users, $inconversation, $managers)) {
foreach ($userdiff as $userid => $value) {
$newusers[$userid . ',' . $grouping] = array('userid' => $userid, 'courseid' => $cm->course, 'grouping' => $grouping);
if (!empty($newusers)) {
foreach ($newusers as $key => $newuser) {
if ($conversations = get_records('dialogue_conversations', 'grouping', $newuser['grouping'], 'id', '*', 0, 1)) {
$conversation = array_pop($conversations);
// we only need one to get the common field values
if ($entry = get_records('dialogue_entries', 'conversationid', $conversation->id, 'id', '*', 0, 1)) {
$conversation->recipientid = $newuser['userid'];
$conversation->lastrecipientid = $newuser['userid'];
$conversation->timemodified = time();
$conversation->seenon = false;
$conversation->closed = 0;
$conversation = addslashes_object($conversation);
if (!($conversationid = insert_record('dialogue_conversations', $conversation))) {
$entry = array_pop($entry);
$srcentry = clone $entry;
$entry->conversationid = $conversationid;
$entry->timecreated = $conversation->timemodified;
$entry->recipientid = $conversation->recipientid;
$entry->mailed = false;
$entry = addslashes_object($entry);
if (!($entry->id = insert_record('dialogue_entries', $entry))) {
$read = new stdClass();
$lastread = time();
$read->conversationid = $conversationid;
$read->entryid = $entry->id;
$read->userid = $conversation->userid;
$read->firstread = $lastread;
$read->lastread = $lastread;
insert_record('dialogue_read', $read);
if ($entry->attachment) {
$srcdir = dialogue_file_area($srcentry);
$dstdir = dialogue_file_area($entry);
copy($srcdir . '/' . $entry->attachment, $dstdir . '/' . $entry->attachment);
} else {
mtrace('Failed to find entry for conversation: ' . $conversation->id);
} else {
mtrace('Failed to find conversation: ' . $conversation->id);
return true;
示例10: message_broadcast
function message_broadcast($message, $sender)
if (empty($this->conn_sets)) {
return true;
$now = time();
// First of all, mark this chatroom as having had activity now
$this->chatrooms[$message->chatid]['lastactivity'] = $now;
foreach ($this->sets_info as $sessionid => $info) {
// We need to get handles from users that are in the same chatroom, same group
if ($info['chatid'] == $message->chatid && ($info['groupid'] == $message->groupid || $message->groupid == 0)) {
// Simply give them the message
course_setup($info['course'], $info['user']);
$output = chat_format_message_manually($message, $info['courseid'], $sender, $info['user']);
$this->trace('Delivering message "' . $output->text . '" to ' . $this->conn_sets[$sessionid][CHAT_CONNECTION_CHANNEL]);
if ($output->beep) {
$this->write_data($this->conn_sets[$sessionid][CHAT_CONNECTION_CHANNEL], '<embed src="' . $this->_beepsoundsrc . '" autostart="true" hidden="true" />');
if ($info['quirks'] & QUIRK_CHUNK_UPDATE) {
$output->html .= $GLOBALS['CHAT_DUMMY_DATA'];
$output->html .= $GLOBALS['CHAT_DUMMY_DATA'];
$output->html .= $GLOBALS['CHAT_DUMMY_DATA'];
if (!$this->write_data($this->conn_sets[$sessionid][CHAT_CONNECTION_CHANNEL], $output->html)) {
//$this->trace('Sent to UID '.$this->sets_info[$sessionid]['userid'].': '.$message->text_);
示例11: filemtime
// $Id: en.php,v 2010/01/14 10:20:29 mudrd8mz Exp $
include "../../../../config.php";
$lastmodified = filemtime("en.php");
$lifetime = 1800;
// Commenting this out since it's creating problems
// where solution seem to be hard to find...
// http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=34376
//if ( function_exists('ob_gzhandler') ) {
// ob_start("ob_gzhandler");
// use course language
$courseid = optional_param('id', 1, PARAM_INT);
header("Content-type: application/x-javascript; charset: utf-8");
// Correct MIME type
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $lastmodified) . " GMT");
header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $lifetime) . " GMT");
// See Bug #2387
header("Cache-control: max_age = -1");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
// I18N constants
// LANG: "en", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-1
// Author: Mihai Bazon, <mishoo@infoiasi.ro>
示例12: oublog_check_view_permissions
* Checks if a user is allowed to view a blog. If not, will not return (calls
* an error function and exits).
* @param object $oublog
* @param object $context
* @param object $cm
* @return bool
function oublog_check_view_permissions($oublog, $context, $cm = null)
global $COURSE;
$capability = $oublog->global ? 'mod/oublog:viewpersonal' : 'mod/oublog:view';
switch ($oublog->maxvisibility) {
require_login(SITEID, false);
// Check oublog:view cap
if (!has_capability($capability, $context)) {
error(get_string('accessdenied', 'oublog'));
require_course_login($oublog->course, false, $cm);
// Check oublog:view cap
if (!has_capability($capability, $context)) {
error(get_string('accessdenied', 'oublog'));
error('Unkown visibility level');
示例13: email_digest
function email_digest()
global $CFG, $PERF;
// Do digest mails if required. Note this is based on server time not
// user time.
$nextdigest = get_config('forumng', 'nextdigest');
if (!$nextdigest) {
// Run digest at next occurrence of the requested time
$nextdigest = strtotime($CFG->digestmailtime . ':00');
if ($nextdigest <= time()) {
$nextdigest = strtotime('+1 day', $nextdigest);
set_config('nextdigest', $nextdigest, 'forumng');
if (time() < $nextdigest) {
self::debug("DEBUG: Not yet time for digest");
// Run digest again next day at specified time (note: best to
// get time again, as they may have changed it)
$nextdigest = strtotime($CFG->digestmailtime . ':00');
if ($nextdigest <= time()) {
$nextdigest = strtotime('+1 day', $nextdigest);
set_config('nextdigest', $nextdigest, 'forumng');
// OK, now build current digest
mtrace("Beginning forum digest processing...");
if (!empty($PERF->dbqueries)) {
$beforequeries = $PERF->dbqueries;
$before = microtime(true);
mtrace('Initial query: ', '');
$list = new forum_digest_list(true);
mtrace(round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's');
$userdigests = array();
$oldcourse = null;
// Forum loop
while ($list->next_forum($forum, $cm, $context, $course)) {
self::debug("DEBUG: Forum " . $forum->get_name() . " on course {$course->shortname} " . "(cmid {$cm->id} contextid {$context->id})");
if (!$oldcourse || $course->id != $oldcourse->id) {
// Finish off and clear users
if ($oldcourse) {
self::digest_finish_course($oldcourse, $userdigests);
// Set up new course details
$oldcourse = clone $course;
// Count posts just for logging
$postcount = 0;
// Get subscribers to forum
$subscribers = $forum->get_subscribers();
self::debug("DEBUG: Subscribers before filter " . count($subscribers), '');
self::email_filter_subscribers($course, $cm, $forum, $subscribers, true);
self::debug(", after " . count($subscribers));
if (count($subscribers) == 0) {
while ($list->next_discussion($discussion)) {
self::debug("DEBUG: Discussion " . $discussion->get_subject() . ' (' . $discussion->get_id() . ')');
// Evaluate list of users based on this discussion (which holds
// group info). Organise list by language, timezone and email
// type.
$discussionusers = array();
foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
if (self::subscriber_receives_discussion($forum, $discussion, $subscriber)) {
$discussionusers[$subscriber->id] = $subscriber;
while ($list->next_post($post, $inreplyto)) {
// Loop through all digest users
foreach ($discussionusers as $user) {
// Add to digest. (This will set up the user's
// digest if they don't already have one)
self::digest_add_post_for_user($user, $userdigests, $post, $inreplyto, $discussion, $forum, $cm, $course, $context);
if ($oldcourse) {
self::digest_finish_course($oldcourse, $userdigests);
$queryinfo = '';
if (!empty($PERF->dbqueries)) {
$queryinfo = ', ' . ($PERF->dbqueries - $beforequeries) . ' queries';
$totalpostcount = $list->get_post_count_so_far();
mtrace("Digest processing ({$totalpostcount} new digest posts) complete, total: " . round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's' . $queryinfo);