本文整理汇总了PHP中conv_content函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP conv_content函数的具体用法?PHP conv_content怎么用?PHP conv_content使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: qry
function qry($mb_id)
if (!IS_MEMBER) {
alert_close("회원만 이용하실 수 있습니다.");
$member = unserialize(MEMBER);
if (!$member['mb_open'] && !SU_ADMIN && $member['mb_id'] != $mb_id) {
alert_close("자신의 정보를 공개하지 않으면 다른분의 정보를 조회할 수 없습니다.\\n\\n정보공개 설정은 회원정보수정에서 하실 수 있습니다.");
$mb = $this->Basic_model->get_member($mb_id, "mb_id, mb_level, mb_point, mb_homepage, mb_open, mb_nick, mb_datetime, mb_today_login, mb_profile");
if (!isset($mb['mb_id'])) {
alert_close("회원정보가 존재하지 않습니다.\\n\\n탈퇴하였을 수 있습니다.");
if (!$mb['mb_open'] && !SU_ADMIN && $member['mb_id'] != $mb_id) {
alert_close("정보공개를 하지 않았습니다.");
$name = $this->config->item('cf_use_nick') && $mb['mb_nick'] ? $mb['mb_nick'] : $mb['mb_name'];
$name = get_sideview($mb['mb_id'], $name);
// 회원가입후 몇일째인지? + 1 은 당일을 포함한다는 뜻
$query = $this->db->query("select (TO_DAYS('" . TIME_YMDHIS . "') - TO_DAYS('" . $mb['mb_datetime'] . "') + 1) as days");
$row = $query->row_array();
$mb_reg_after = $row['days'];
$mb_homepage = prep_url($mb['mb_homepage']);
$mb_profile = $mb['mb_profile'] ? conv_content($mb['mb_profile'], FALSE) : "소개 내용이 없습니다.";
$mb_join_date = $member['mb_level'] >= $mb['mb_level'] ? substr($mb['mb_datetime'], 0, 10) . " (" . $mb_reg_after . " 일)" : "알 수 없음";
$mb_last_login = $member['mb_level'] >= $mb['mb_level'] ? $mb['mb_today_login'] : "알 수 없음";
$head = array('title' => $mb['mb_nick'] . "님의 자기소개");
$data = array('name' => $name, 'profile' => $mb_profile, 'homepage' => $mb_homepage, 'point' => number_format($mb['mb_point']), 'join_date' => $mb_join_date, 'last_login' => $mb_last_login);
widget::run('head', $head);
$this->load->view('member/profile', $data);
示例2: conv_content
<col width="*" />
<th scope="col">번호</th>
<th scope="col">이름</th>
<th scope="col">현재 위치</th>
for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class='number'>{$list[$i]['num']}</td>";
echo "<td>{$list[$i]['name']}</td>";
$location = conv_content($list[$i][lo_location], 0);
// 최고관리자에게만 허용
// 이 조건문은 가능한 변경하지 마십시오.
if ($list[$i][lo_url] && $is_admin == "super") {
//echo "<td colspan=2> <a href='{$list[$i][lo_url]}'>{$location}</a></td>";
echo "<td class='tl'><a href='{$list[$i]['lo_url']}'>{$location}</a></td>";
} else {
//echo "<td colspan=2> {$location}</td>";
echo "<td class='tl'>{$location}</td>";
echo "</tr>";
if ($i == 0) {
echo "<tr><td colspan='3'>현재 접속자가 없습니다.</td></tr>";
示例3: conv_content
" class="hd_pops" style="top:<?php
echo $nw['nw_top'];
echo $nw['nw_left'];
<div class="hd_pops_con" style="width:<?php
echo $nw['nw_width'];
echo $nw['nw_height'];
echo conv_content($nw['nw_content'], 1);
<div class="hd_pops_footer">
<button class="hd_pops_reject hd_pops_<?php
echo $nw['nw_id'];
echo $nw['nw_disable_hours'];
echo $nw['nw_disable_hours'];
</strong>시간 동안 다시 열람하지 않습니다.</button>
<button class="hd_pops_close hd_pops_<?php
echo $nw['nw_id'];
示例4: subject_sort_link
echo subject_sort_link("is_score");
<th scope="col"><?php
echo subject_sort_link("is_confirm");
<th scope="col">관리</th>
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
$href = G5_SHOP_URL . '/item.php?it_id=' . $row['it_id'];
$name = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], get_text($row['is_name']), $row['mb_email'], $row['mb_homepage']);
$is_content = get_view_thumbnail(conv_content($row['is_content'], 1), 300);
$bg = 'bg' . $i % 2;
<tr class="<?php
echo $bg;
<td class="td_chk">
<label for="chk_<?php
echo $i;
" class="sound_only"><?php
echo get_text($row['is_subject']);
示例5: sql_fetch
// 내용
$sql = " select * from {$g5['content_table']} where co_id = '$co_id' ";
$co = sql_fetch($sql);
if (!$co['co_id'])
alert('등록된 내용이 없습니다.');
$g5['title'] = $co['co_subject'];
if ($co['co_include_head'])
$str = conv_content($co['co_content'], $co['co_html'], $co['co_tag_filter_use']);
// $src 를 $dst 로 변환
$src[] = "/{{쇼핑몰명}}|{{홈페이지제목}}/";
$dst[] = $config['cf_title'];
$src[] = "/{{회사명}}|{{상호}}/";
$dst[] = $default['de_admin_company_name'];
$src[] = "/{{대표자명}}/";
$dst[] = $default['de_admin_company_owner'];
$src[] = "/{{사업자등록번호}}/";
$dst[] = $default['de_admin_company_saupja_no'];
$src[] = "/{{대표전화번호}}/";
$dst[] = $default['de_admin_company_tel'];
$src[] = "/{{팩스번호}}/";
示例6: sql_query
<description>테스트 버전 0.2 (2004-04-26)</description>
$sql = " select * from {$g5['write_prefix']}{$bo_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and wr_option not like '%secret%' and as_shingo >= '0' order by wr_num, wr_reply limit 0, {$lines} ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
$view = get_view($row, $board, $board_skin_path);
if (strstr($view['wr_option'], 'html')) {
$html = 1;
} else {
$html = 0;
$view['wr_content'] = conv_content($view['wr_content'], $html);
$file = $head_file = $tail_file = '';
if ($view['as_img'] == "2") {
// 본문삽입
$view['wr_content'] = preg_replace_callback("/{이미지\\:([0-9]+)[:]?([^}]*)}/i", "conv_rich_content", $view['wr_content']);
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i <= count($view['file']); $i++) {
if ($view['file'][$i]['view']) {
$file .= '<p>' . get_view_thumbnail($view['file'][$i]['view']) . '</p>';
if ($view['as_img'] == "1") {
$head_file = $file;
} else {
$tail_file = $file;
示例7: conv_content
<li class="memo_view_li">
<span class="memo_view_subj"><?php
echo $kind_date;
echo $memo['me_send_datetime'];
echo conv_content($memo['me_memo'], 0);
<div class="win_btn">
if ($prev_link) {
<a href="<?php
echo $prev_link;
示例8: sql_fetch
} else {
$ss_name = 'ss_secret_comment_' . $bo_table . '_' . $list[$i]['wr_id'];
// APMS : 대댓글의 비밀글을 원댓글쓴이에게도 보이기
$is_pre_commenter = false;
if ($row['wr_comment_reply'] && $member['mb_id']) {
$pre_comment = sql_fetch(" select mb_id from {$write_table} where wr_parent = '{$wr_id}' and wr_is_comment = 1 and wr_comment = '{$row['wr_comment']}' and wr_comment_reply = '" . substr($row['wr_comment_reply'], 0, -1) . "' ");
if ($pre_comment['mb_id'] && $pre_comment['mb_id'] == $member['mb_id']) {
$is_pre_commenter = true;
if (get_session($ss_name) || $is_pre_commenter) {
if ($is_cmt_shingo) {
$list[$i]['content'] = '';
} else {
$list[$i]['content'] = conv_content($row['wr_content'], 0, 'wr_content');
$list[$i]['content'] = search_font($stx, $list[$i]['content']);
$is_content = true;
} else {
$list[$i]['content'] = '<a href="./password.php?w=sc&bo_table=' . $bo_table . '&wr_id=' . $list[$i]['wr_id'] . $qstr . '" class="s_cmt">댓글내용 확인</a>';
$is_secret = true;
if ($is_content) {
$list[$i]['content'] = preg_replace("/\\[<a\\s*href\\=\"(http|https|ftp)\\:\\/\\/([^[:space:]]+)\\.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|bmp).*<\\/a>(\\s\\]|\\]|)/i", "<a href=\"" . G5_BBS_URL . "/view_img.php?img=\$1://\$2.\$3\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"item_image\"><img src=\"\$1://\$2.\$3\" alt=\"\" style=\"max-width:100%;border:0;\"></a>", $list[$i]['content']);
$list[$i]['content'] = apms_content($list[$i]['content']);
if ($row['as_lucky']) {
$list[$i]['content'] = $list[$i]['content'] . '' . str_replace("[point]", number_format($row['as_lucky']), APMS_LUCKY_TEXT);
示例9: iconv_euckr
$strURL = '';
$strData = iconv_euckr($sms_content);
$strDate = '';
$nCount = count($strDest);
$res = $SMS->Add($strDest, $strCallBack, $strCaller, $strSubject, $strURL, $strData, $strDate, $nCount);
// 보관하고 있던 결과값을 지웁니다.
} else {
include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/icode.sms.lib.php';
$SMS = new SMS();
// SMS 연결
$SMS->SMS_con($config['cf_icode_server_ip'], $config['cf_icode_id'], $config['cf_icode_pw'], $config['cf_icode_server_port']);
$SMS->Add($recv_number, $send_number, $config['cf_icode_id'], iconv_euckr(stripslashes($sms_content)), "");
// 답변 이메일전송
if (trim($row['iq_email'])) {
include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/mailer.lib.php';
$subject = $config['cf_title'] . ' ' . $row['it_name'] . ' 상품문의 답변 알림 메일';
$content = conv_content($iq_answer, 1);
mailer($config['cf_title'], $config['cf_admin_email'], $row['iq_email'], $subject, $content, 1);
} else {
示例10: conv_content
//if ($html > 0) {
//$row[wr_content] = mw_tag_debug($row[wr_content]);
$row[content] = $row[content1] = SECRET_COMMENT;
if (!strstr($row[wr_option], "secret") || $is_admin || $write[mb_id] == $member[mb_id] && $member[mb_id] || $row[mb_id] == $member[mb_id] && $member[mb_id]) {
$row[content1] = $row[wr_content];
$row[content] = conv_content($row[wr_content], $html, 'wr_content');
$row[content] = search_font($stx, $row[content]);
// 코멘트 비밀 리플 보이기
if ($row[content] == SECRET_COMMENT) {
for ($j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
if ($list[$j][wr_comment] == $row[wr_comment] && $list[$j][wr_comment_reply] == substr($row[wr_comment_reply], 0, strlen($row[wr_comment_reply]) - 1)) {
if (trim($list[$j][mb_id]) && $list[$j][mb_id] == $member[mb_id]) {
$row[content] = conv_content($row[wr_content], $html, 'wr_content');
$row[content] = search_font($stx, $row[content]);
// 코멘트 첨부파일
$file = get_comment_file($bo_table, $row[wr_id]);
if (preg_match("/\\.({$config['cf_movie_extension']})\$/i", $file[0][file])) {
$tmp = '';
echo mw_jwplayer("{$g4[path]}/data/file/{$board[bo_table]}/{$file[0][file]}");
if (trim($file[0][content])) {
echo $file[0][content];
示例11: add_stylesheet
if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) {
// 개별 페이지 접근 불가
// add_stylesheet('css 구문', 출력순서); 숫자가 작을 수록 먼저 출력됨
add_stylesheet('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . G5_MSHOP_SKIN_URL . '/style.css">', 0);
<h1 id="win_title">배송정보</h1>
<div class="win_desc">
echo conv_content($default['de_baesong_content'], 1);
示例12: apms_faq_rows
function apms_faq_rows($arr)
global $g5;
$list = array();
$rows = isset($arr['rows']) && $arr['rows'] > 0 ? $arr['rows'] : 7;
$sql_fa = '';
if (isset($arr['fa_list']) && $arr['fa_list']) {
$sql_fa = isset($arr['except']) && $arr['except'] ? "and find_in_set(fm_id, '{$arr['fa_list']}')=0" : "and find_in_set(fa_id, '{$arr['fa_list']}')";
$result = sql_query(" select * from {$g5['faq_table']} where 1 {$sql_fa} order by fa_order, fa_id limit 0, {$rows} ", false);
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
$list[$i] = $row;
$list[$i]['subject'] = apms_get_text($list[$i]['fa_subject']);
$list[$i]['content'] = conv_content($list[$i]['fa_content'], 1);
$list[$i]['href'] = G5_BBS_URL . '/faq.php?fm_id=' . $row['fm_id'];
return $list;
示例13: strtotime
$date = $row['pt_num'] ? $row['pt_num'] : strtotime($row['it_time']);
// rss 리더 스킨으로 호출하면 날짜가 제대로 표시되지 않음
//$date = substr($date,0,10) . "T" . substr($date,11,8) . "+09:00";
$date = date('r', $date);
echo specialchars_replace(apms_get_text($row['it_name']));
echo specialchars_replace($link);
echo conv_content($rss_img . $rss_content, 1);
echo specialchars_replace($author['mb_nick']);
echo $date;
示例14: ceil
$list->set_view('sns', true);
echo $list->run();
// where 된 전체 상품수
$total_count = $list->total_count;
// 전체 페이지 계산
$total_page = ceil($total_count / $items);
} else {
echo '<div class="sct_nofile">' . str_replace(G5_PATH . '/', '', $skin_file) . ' 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.<br>관리자에게 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.</div>';
$qstr1 .= 'ca_id=' . $ca_id;
$qstr1 .= '&sort=' . $sort . '&sortodr=' . $sortodr;
echo get_paging($config['cf_write_pages'], $page, $total_page, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $qstr1 . '&page=');
// 하단 HTML
echo '<div id="sct_thtml">' . conv_content($ca['ca_tail_html'], 1) . '</div>';
<!-- } 상품 목록 끝 -->
if ($ca['ca_include_tail']) {
@(include_once $ca['ca_include_tail']);
} else {
include_once G5_SHOP_PATH . '/_tail.php';
echo "\n<!-- {$ca['ca_skin']} -->\n";
示例15: pg_anchor
<!-- 상품 정보 시작 { -->
<section id="sit_inf">
<h2>상품 정보</h2>
echo pg_anchor('inf');
if ($it['it_explan']) {
// 상품 상세설명
<h3>상품 상세설명</h3>
<div id="sit_inf_explan">
echo conv_content($it['it_explan'], 1);
<!-- } 상품 정보 끝 -->
<!-- 상품문의 시작 { -->
<section id="sit_qa">