本文整理汇总了PHP中compatible_hsc函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP compatible_hsc函数的具体用法?PHP compatible_hsc怎么用?PHP compatible_hsc使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: user_assign_visitors
function user_assign_visitors($object, $id, &$tmpl)
global $apx, $set, $db, $user;
$userdata = array();
$data = $db->fetch("SELECT u.userid,u.username,u.groupid,u.realname,u.gender,u.city,u.plz,u.country,u.city,u.lastactive,u.pub_invisible,u.avatar,u.avatar_title,u.custom1,u.custom2,u.custom3,u.custom4,u.custom5,u.custom6,u.custom7,u.custom8,u.custom9,u.custom10 FROM " . PRE . "_user_visits AS v LEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS u USING(userid) WHERE v.object='" . addslashes($object) . "' AND v.id='" . intval($id) . "' AND v.time>='" . (time() - 24 * 3600) . "' ORDER BY u.username ASC");
if (count($data)) {
foreach ($data as $res) {
$userdata[$i]['ID'] = $res['userid'];
$userdata[$i]['USERID'] = $res['userid'];
$userdata[$i]['USERNAME'] = replace($res['username']);
$userdata[$i]['GROUPID'] = $res['groupid'];
$userdata[$i]['ONLINE'] = iif(!$res['pub_invisible'] && $res['lastactive'] + $set['user']['timeout'] * 60 >= time(), 1, 0);
$userdata[$i]['REALNAME'] = replace($res['realname']);
$userdata[$i]['GENDER'] = $res['gender'];
$userdata[$i]['CITY'] = replace($res['city']);
$userdata[$i]['PLZ'] = replace($res['plz']);
$userdata[$i]['COUNTRY'] = $res['country'];
$userdata[$i]['LASTACTIVE'] = $res['lastactive'];
$userdata[$i]['AVATAR'] = $user->mkavatar($res);
$userdata[$i]['AVATAR_TITLE'] = $user->mkavtitle($res);
for ($ii = 1; $ii <= 10; $ii++) {
$tabledata[$i]['CUSTOM' . $ii . '_NAME'] = $set['user']['cusfield_names'][$ii - 1];
$tabledata[$i]['CUSTOM' . $ii] = compatible_hsc($res['custom' . $ii]);
$tmpl->assign('VISITOR', $userdata);
示例2: mediamanager_inline
function mediamanager_inline($insert = '', $id = false)
global $set, $db, $apx;
//Felder, in die eingefügt werden darf
if (!$insert) {
echo 'missing fields!';
$module = $apx->module();
$id = (int) $id;
$status = (int) $_POST['inline_status'];
//Hash-Wert ermitteln
if (!$id && $_POST['inline_hash']) {
$hash = compatible_hsc($_POST['inline_hash']);
} elseif (!$id) {
$hash = compatible_hsc(md5(microtime()));
$apx->lang->dropaction('mediamanager', 'inline');
$lang_open = $apx->lang->get('INLINE_OPEN');
$lang_close = $apx->lang->get('INLINE_CLOSE');
//Iframe anzeigen, oder nicht anzeigen...
if ($status) {
$hide_button = 'display:none;';
} else {
$hide_iframe = 'display:none;';
echo <<<CODE
<div id="inline_button" style="{$hide_button}"><input type="button" name="inline_open" value="{$lang_open}" onclick="open_inline();" class="button" /></div>
<div id="inline_iframe" style="{$hide_iframe}">
<div style="padding-bottom:3px;"><input type="button" name="inline_open" value="{$lang_close}" onclick="close_inline();" class="button" /></div>
<iframe src="action.php?action=mediamanager.inline&module={$module}&mid={$id}&hash={$hash}&fields={$insert}" width="98%" height="250" name="inline" frameborder="0" style="width:98%;height:250px;">Sorry, your browser does not support frames!</iframe>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
//Inlinescreens öffnen
function open_inline() {
//Inlinescreens schließen
function close_inline() {
<input type="hidden" name="inline_hash" value="{$hash}" />
<input type="hidden" name="inline_status" id="inline_status" value="{$status}" />
示例3: createTeamData
function createTeamData($res, $parse)
global $apx, $db, $set, $user;
$userdata = array();
if ($res['birthday']) {
$bd = explode('-', $res['birthday']);
$birthday = intval($bd[0]) . '. ' . getcalmonth($bd[1]) . iif($bd[2], ' ' . $bd[2]);
if ($bd[2]) {
$age = date('Y') - $bd[2];
if (intval(sprintf('%02d%02d', $bd[1], $bd[0])) > intval(date('md'))) {
$age -= 1;
$userdata['ID'] = $res['userid'];
$userdata['USERID'] = $res['userid'];
$userdata['NAME'] = replace($res['username']);
$userdata['USERNAME'] = replace($res['username']);
$userdata['GROUPID'] = $res['groupid'];
$userdata['EMAIL'] = replace(iif(!$res['pub_hidemail'], $res['email']));
$userdata['EMAIL_ENCRYPTED'] = replace(iif(!$res['pub_hidemail'], cryptMail($res['email'])));
$userdata['ONLINE'] = iif(!$res['pub_invisible'] && $res['lastactive'] + $set['user']['timeout'] * 60 >= time(), 1, 0);
$userdata['ISONLINE'] = $userdata['ONLINE'];
$userdata['REALNAME'] = replace($res['realname']);
$userdata['GENDER'] = $res['gender'];
$userdata['CITY'] = replace($res['city']);
$userdata['PLZ'] = replace($res['plz']);
$userdata['COUNTRY'] = $res['country'];
$userdata['REGTIME'] = $res['reg_time'];
$userdata['REGDAYS'] = floor((time() - $res['reg_time']) / (24 * 3600));
$userdata['LASTACTIVE'] = $res['lastactive'];
$userdata['AVATAR'] = $user->mkavatar($res);
$userdata['AVATAR_TITLE'] = $user->mkavtitle($res);
$userdata['BIRTHDAY'] = $birthday;
$userdata['AGE'] = $age;
if (in_array($varname . '.ISBUDDY', $parse)) {
$userdata['ISBUDDY'] = $user->is_buddy($res['userid']);
for ($ii = 1; $ii <= 10; $ii++) {
$userdata['CUSTOM' . $ii . '_NAME'] = $set['user']['cusfield_names'][$ii - 1];
$userdata['CUSTOM' . $ii] = compatible_hsc($res['custom' . $ii]);
if ($user->info['userid']) {
$userdata['LINK_SENDPM'] = mklink('user.php?action=newpm&touser=' . $res['userid'], 'user,newpm,' . $res['userid'] . '.html');
$userdata['LINK_SENDEMAIL'] = mklink('user.php?action=newmail&touser=' . $res['userid'], 'user,newmail,' . $res['userid'] . '.html');
if (in_array($varname . '.LINK_BUDDY', $parse) && !$user->is_buddy($res['userid'])) {
$userdata['LINK_BUDDY'] = mklink('user.php?action=addbuddy&id=' . $res['userid'], 'user,addbuddy,' . $res['userid'] . '.html');
return $userdata;
示例4: get_subtree
function get_subtree($dir)
$dirs = readout_dir($dir);
$numdirs = count($dirs);
$dirdata = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($dirs as $dirname) {
$dirdata[] = array('NAME' => compatible_hsc($dirname), 'PATH' => iif($dir, $dir . '/') . $dirname, 'LAST' => $i == $numdirs);
return $dirdata;
示例5: glossar_highlight
function glossar_highlight($text, $module = false, $ignore = false)
global $apx, $db, $set;
static $highlights;
$ignore = (int) $ignore;
if (!$set['glossar']['highlight'] || !$text) {
return $text;
$apx->lang->drop('highlights', 'glossar');
$classname_word = 'glossar_highlight';
$classname_title = 'glossar_info_title';
$classname_text = 'glossar_info_text';
$classname_readmore = 'glossar_info_readmore';
//Daten auslesen
if (!isset($highlights)) {
$highlights = array();
$data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title,spelling,text FROM " . PRE . "_glossar WHERE starttime!=0" . iif($ignore, " AND id!='" . $ignore . "'"));
if (count($data)) {
foreach ($data as $res) {
$words = array();
if ($res['spelling']) {
$words = explode(',', strtolower($res['spelling']));
$words[] = strtolower($res['title']);
$words = array_unique(array_map('trim', $words));
$link = mklink('glossar.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'glossar,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html');
$content = '<div class="' . $classname_title . '"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $res['title'] . '</a></div><div class="' . $classname_text . '">' . shorttext($res['text'], 200) . '</div><div class="' . $classname_readmore . '"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $apx->lang->get('READMORE') . '</a></div>';
$content = strtr(compatible_hsc($content), array("\n" => ' ', "\r" => '', '\'' => '\\\'', '\\' => '\\\\'));
$highlights[] = array('words' => $words, 'content' => $content);
//Text nach Highlights durchsuchen
$lowertext = strtolower($text);
foreach ($highlights as $element) {
$words = $element['words'];
foreach ($words as $wkey => $word) {
if (strpos($lowertext, strtolower($word)) === false) {
if (!count($words)) {
$words = array_map('preg_quote', $words);
$searchfor = implode('|', $words);
$hover = 'Tip(\'' . $element['content'] . '\')';
$text = preg_replace('#((<[^>]*)|($|[\\s<>,.:;_!-])(' . $searchfor . ')([\\s<>,.:;_!-]|$))#ie', '"\\2"=="\\1" ? glossar_stripslashes("\\1") : glossar_stripslashes("\\3")."<span class=\\"' . $classname_word . '\\" onmouseover=\\"' . strtr($hover, array('\\' => '\\\\')) . '\\">".glossar_stripslashes("\\4")."</span>".glossar_stripslashes("\\5")', $text);
//$text=preg_replace('#((<[^>]*)|('.$searchfor.'))#ie', '"\2"=="\1" ? glossar_stripslashes("\1") : "<span class=\"'.$classname_word.'\" onmouseover=\"'.$hover.'\">".glossar_stripslashes("\3")."</span>"', $text);
return $text;
示例6: misc_comments_report
function misc_comments_report()
global $apx, $db, $set, $user;
$_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
if (!$_REQUEST['id']) {
die('missing ContentID!');
$apx->lang->drop('report', 'comments');
headline($apx->lang->get('HEADLINE_REPORT'), str_replace('&', '&', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
if ($_POST['send']) {
//Kommentar auslesen
list($commenttext) = $db->first("SELECT text FROM " . PRE . "_comments WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
if (!$_POST['text']) {
} elseif (!$commenttext) {
message('invalid comment-ID!');
} else {
//eMail senden
if ($set['comments']['reportmail']) {
$input['URL'] = $_POST['url'];
$input['REASON'] = $_POST['text'];
$input['TEXT'] = $commenttext;
sendmail($set['comments']['reportmail'], 'REPORT', $input);
} else {
$apx->tmpl->assign('POSTTO', HTTPDIR . 'misc.php?action=comments_report');
$apx->tmpl->assign('URL', compatible_hsc($_REQUEST['url']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $_REQUEST['id']);
$apx->tmpl->parse('report', 'comments');
示例7: message
message($apx->lang->get('MSG_MAILNOTVALID'), 'back');
} else {
$goto = HTTP . $set['forum']['directory'] . '/' . mkrellink('thread.php?id=' . $threadinfo['threadid'], 'thread,' . $threadinfo['threadid'] . ',1' . urlformat($threadinfo['title']) . '.html');
mail($_POST['toemail'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['text'], 'From: ' . $_POST['username'] . '<' . $_POST['email'] . '>');
message($apx->lang->get('MSG_OK'), $goto);
} else {
$url = HTTP . $set['forum']['directory'] . '/' . mkrellink('thread.php?id=' . $threadinfo['threadid'], 'thread,' . $threadinfo['threadid'] . ',1' . urlformat($threadinfo['title']) . '.html');
//Captcha erstellen
if ($set['main']['tellcaptcha'] && !$user->info['userid']) {
require BASEDIR . 'lib/class.captcha.php';
$captcha = new captcha();
$captchacode = $captcha->generate();
$apx->tmpl->assign('POSTTO', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$apx->tmpl->assign('TITLE', trim(compatible_hsc(strip_tags(forum_get_prefix($threadinfo['prefix']) . ' ') . $threadinfo['title'])));
$apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT', compatible_hsc($apx->lang->get('MAIL_TELL_TEXT', array('URL' => $url))));
$apx->tmpl->assign('CAPTCHA', $captchacode);
$threadpath = array(array('TITLE' => trim(compatible_hsc(strip_tags(forum_get_prefix($threadinfo['prefix']) . ' ') . $threadinfo['title'])), 'LINK' => mkrellink('thread.php?id=' . $threadinfo['threadid'], 'thread,' . $threadinfo['threadid'] . ',1' . urlformat($threadinfo['title']) . '.html')));
$apx->tmpl->assign('PATH', array_merge(forum_path($foruminfo, 1), $threadpath));
$apx->tmpl->assign('PATHEND', $apx->lang->get('HEADLINE_TELL'));
require 'lib/_end.php';
require '../lib/_end.php';
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SCRIPT BEENDEN ///
示例8: disable
function disable()
global $set, $db, $apx;
$_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
if (!$_REQUEST['id']) {
die('missing ID!');
if ($_POST['send']) {
if (!checkToken()) {
} else {
$db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_poll SET starttime='0',endtime='0' WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' ) LIMIT 1");
logit('POLL_DISABLE', 'ID #' . $_REQUEST['id']);
} else {
list($title) = $db->first("SELECT question FROM " . PRE . "_poll WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
$apx->tmpl->assign('MESSAGE', $apx->lang->get('MSG_TEXT', array('TITLE' => compatible_hsc($title))));
tmessageOverlay('disable', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id']));
示例9: group
function group()
global $set, $db, $apx, $html;
$_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
$data = $set['banner']['groups'];
//Kategorie löschen
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'del' && isset($data[$_REQUEST['id']])) {
list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . PRE . "_banner WHERE " . PRE . "_banner.group='" . $id . "'");
if (!$count) {
if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
if (!checkToken()) {
} else {
$db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_config SET value='" . addslashes(serialize($data)) . "' WHERE module='banner' AND varname='groups' LIMIT 1");
logit('BANNER_CATDEL', $_REQUEST['id']);
} else {
$apx->tmpl->assign('MESSAGE', $apx->lang->get('MSG_TEXT', array('TITLE' => compatible_hsc($data[$_REQUEST['id']]))));
tmessageOverlay('catdel', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id']));
} elseif ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'edit' && isset($data[$_REQUEST['id']])) {
if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
if (!checkToken()) {
} elseif (!$_POST['title']) {
} else {
$data[$_REQUEST['id']] = $_POST['title'];
$db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_config SET value='" . addslashes(serialize($data)) . "' WHERE module='banner' AND varname='groups' LIMIT 1");
logit('BANNER_CATEDIT', $_REQUEST['id']);
} else {
$_POST['title'] = $data[$_REQUEST['id']];
$apx->tmpl->assign('TITLE', $_POST['title']);
$apx->tmpl->assign('ACTION', 'edit');
$apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $_REQUEST['id']);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'add') {
if ($_POST['send']) {
if (!checkToken()) {
} elseif (!$_POST['title']) {
} else {
if (!count($data)) {
$data[1] = $_POST['title'];
} else {
$data[] = $_POST['title'];
$db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_config SET value='" . addslashes(serialize($data)) . "' WHERE module='banner' AND varname='groups' LIMIT 1");
logit('BANNER_CATADD', array_key_max($data));
} else {
$apx->tmpl->assign('ACTION', 'add');
$col[] = array('ID', 1, 'align="center"');
$col[] = array('COL_TITLE', 80, 'class="title"');
$col[] = array('COL_BANNERS', 20, 'align="center"');
foreach ($data as $id => $res) {
list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . PRE . "_banner WHERE " . PRE . "_banner.group='" . $id . "'");
$tabledata[$i]['COL1'] = $id;
$tabledata[$i]['COL2'] = $res;
$tabledata[$i]['COL3'] = $count;
$tabledata[$i]['OPTIONS'] .= optionHTML('edit.gif', 'banner.group', 'do=edit&id=' . $id, $apx->lang->get('CORE_EDIT'));
if (!$count) {
$tabledata[$i]['OPTIONS'] .= optionHTMLOverlay('del.gif', 'banner.group', 'do=del&id=' . $id, $apx->lang->get('CORE_DEL'));
} else {
$tabledata[$i]['OPTIONS'] .= '<img src="design/ispace.gif" alt="" />';
$apx->tmpl->assign('TABLE', $tabledata);
示例10: calendar_print
function calendar_print($data, $template)
global $set, $db, $apx, $user;
$tmpl = new tengine();
$parse = $tmpl->used_vars($template, 'calendar');
$catids = get_ids($data, 'catid');
$catdata = array();
if (count($catids)) {
$catdata = $db->fetch_index("SELECT * FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_cat WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $catids) . ")", 'id');
//Termine auflisten
if (count($data)) {
foreach ($data as $res) {
$event = array();
$catinfo = $catdata[$res['catid']];
//Link zum Termin
$link = mklink('events.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'events,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html');
$picture = $picture_popup = '';
if (in_template(array('EVENT.PICTURE', 'EVENT.PICTURE_POPUP', 'EVENT.PICTURE_POPUPPATH'), $parse)) {
list($picture, $picture_popup, $picture_popuppath) = calendar_pic($res['picture']);
//Start berechnen
$startday = $starttime = $endday = $endtime = 0;
if (in_template(array('EVENT.STARTDAY', 'EVENT.STARTTIME'), $parse)) {
$startday = calendar_stamp2time($res['startday']);
if ($res['starttime'] != -1) {
$time_comp = calendar_explode_stamp($res['startday']);
$tmpstamp = sprintf('%04d', $res['starttime']);
$time_comp['hour'] = substr($tmpstamp, 0, 2);
$time_comp['minute'] = substr($tmpstamp, 2, 2);
$starttime = mktime($time_comp['hour'], $time_comp['minute'], 0, $time_comp['month'], $time_comp['day'], $time_comp['year']) + TIMEDIFF;
//Ende berechnen (falls nötig)
if (in_template(array('EVENT.ENDDAY', 'EVENT.ENDTIME'), $parse)) {
if ($res['endday'] != $res['startday'] || $res['endtime'] != -1) {
$endday = calendar_stamp2time($res['endday']);
if ($res['endtime'] != -1) {
$time_comp = calendar_explode_stamp($res['endday']);
$tmpstamp = sprintf('%04d', $res['endtime']);
$time_comp['hour'] = substr($tmpstamp, 0, 2);
$time_comp['minute'] = substr($tmpstamp, 2, 2);
$endtime = mktime($time_comp['hour'], $time_comp['minute'], 0, $time_comp['month'], $time_comp['day'], $time_comp['year']) + TIMEDIFF;
//Username + eMail
if ($res['userid']) {
$username = $res['username'];
$email = iif(!$res['pub_hidemail'], $res['email']);
} else {
$username = $res['send_username'];
$email = $res['send_email'];
$eventtext = '';
if (in_array('EVENT.TEXT', $parse)) {
$eventtext = mediamanager_inline($res['text']);
if ($apx->is_module('glossar')) {
$eventtext = glossar_highlight($eventtext);
if ($laststamp != $res['startday']) {
$event['DATEHEAD'] = $startday;
if (in_array('EVENT.TAG', $parse) || in_array('EVENT.TAG_IDS', $parse) || in_array('EVENT.KEYWORDS', $parse)) {
list($tagdata, $tagids, $keywords) = calendar_tags($res['id']);
$event['ID'] = $res['id'];
$event['TITLE'] = $res['title'];
$event['TEXT'] = $eventtext;
$event['LINK'] = $link;
$event['LOCATION'] = compatible_hsc($res['location']);
$event['LOCATION_LINK'] = compatible_hsc($res['location_link']);
$event['PRIORITY'] = $res['priority'];
$event['RESTRICTED'] = $res['restricted'];
$event['PRIVATE'] = $res['private'];
$event['HITS'] = $res['hits'];
$event['RELATED'] = calendar_links($res['links']);
$event['PICTURE'] = $picture;
$event['PICTURE_POPUP'] = $picture_popup;
$event['PICTURE_POPUPPATH'] = $picture_popuppath;
$event['STARTDAY'] = $startday;
$event['STARTTIME'] = $starttime;
$event['ENDDAY'] = $endday;
$event['ENDTIME'] = $endtime;
$event['USERID'] = $res['userid'];
$event['USERNAME'] = replace($username);
$event['EMAIL'] = replace($email);
$event['EMAIL_ENCRYPTED'] = replace(cryptMail($email));
$event['CATID'] = $res['catid'];
$event['CATTITLE'] = $catinfo['title'];
$event['CATICON'] = $catinfo['icon'];
示例11: compatible_hsc
$tabledata[$i]['CUSTOM' . $ii . '_NAME'] = $set['user']['cusfield_names'][$ii - 1];
$tabledata[$i]['CUSTOM' . $ii] = compatible_hsc($res['custom' . $ii]);
if ($apx->is_module('forum')) {
$tabledata[$i]['FORUMPOSTS'] = $res['forum_posts'];
$tabledata[$i]['LINK_BUDDY'] = iif($user->info['userid'] && !$user->is_buddy($res['userid']), mklink('user.php?action=addbuddy&id=' . $res['userid'], 'user,addbuddy,' . $res['userid'] . '.html'));
$tabledata[$i]['LINK_SENDPM'] = iif($user->info['userid'], mklink('user.php?action=newpm&touser=' . $res['userid'], 'user,newpm,' . $res['userid'] . '.html'));
$tabledata[$i]['LINK_SENDEMAIL'] = iif($user->info['userid'] || $set['user']['sendmail_guests'], mklink('user.php?action=newmail&touser=' . $res['userid'], 'user,newmail,' . $res['userid'] . '.html'));
//Sortieren nach...
ordervars($orderdef, mklink('user.php?action=search&searchid=' . $_REQUEST['searchid'], 'user,search.html?searchid=' . $_REQUEST['searchid']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('USER', $tabledata);
} else {
$_POST['gender'] = 0;
$_POST['distance'] = 25;
//Formular erzeugen
$apx->tmpl->assign('ITEM', compatible_hsc($_POST['item']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('AGE_MIN', intval($_POST['age_min']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('AGE_MAX', intval($_POST['age_max']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('GENDER', intval($_POST['gender']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('CITY', compatible_hsc($_POST['city']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('PLZ', compatible_hsc($_POST['plz']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('DISTANCE', intval($_POST['distance']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('ONLINE', intval($_POST['online']));
$postto = mklink('user.php?action=search', 'user,search.html');
$apx->tmpl->assign('POSTTO', $postto);
示例12: elseif
} elseif ($user->info['userid'] && $touser == $user->info['userid']) {
message($apx->lang->get('MSG_SELF'), 'javascript:history.back()');
} else {
if ($user->info['userid']) {
$sender = $user->info['username'] . '<' . $user->info['email'] . '>';
} else {
$sender = $_POST['name'] . '<' . $_POST['email'] . '>';
mail($email, $_POST['subject'], $_POST['text'], 'From: ' . $sender);
if ($user->info['userid']) {
message($apx->lang->get('MSG_OK'), mklink('user.php', 'user.html'));
} else {
message($apx->lang->get('MSG_OK'), mklink('index.php', 'index.html'));
} else {
if ($_REQUEST['touser']) {
list($username) = $db->first("SELECT username FROM " . PRE . "_user WHERE userid='" . intval($_REQUEST['touser']) . "' LIMIT 1");
$apx->tmpl->assign('USERNAME', compatible_hsc($username));
$postto = mklink('user.php?action=newmail', 'user,newmail.html');
//Captcha erstellen
if (!$user->info['userid']) {
require BASEDIR . 'lib/class.captcha.php';
$captcha = new captcha();
$captchacode = $captcha->generate();
$apx->tmpl->assign('CAPTCHA', $captchacode);
$apx->tmpl->assign('POSTTO', $postto);
示例13: array_diff
$inlist[] = $res['postid'];
//Alle IDs, die nicht aufgelistet wurden
$notinlist = array_diff($_POST['post'], $inlist);
foreach ($notinlist as $id) {
$seldata[]['ID'] = $id;
$apx->tmpl->assign('FORUM', $forumdata);
$apx->tmpl->assign('POST', $postdata);
$apx->tmpl->assign('SELPOST', $seldata);
$apx->tmpl->assign('TITLE', compatible_hsc($_POST['title']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('ICON', $_POST['icon']);
$apx->tmpl->assign('ICONLIST', $icondata);
$apx->tmpl->assign('STICKY_TYPE', compatible_hsc($_POST['sticky_type']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('STICKY_TEXT', compatible_hsc($_POST['sticky_text']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('ANNOUNCE', forum_access_announce($foruminfo));
$apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $threadinfo['threadid']);
$apx->tmpl->assign('P', $_REQUEST['p']);
$apx->tmpl->assign('PREVIOUS', iif($_REQUEST['p'] > 1, 1, 0));
$apx->tmpl->assign('NEXT', iif($_REQUEST['p'] < $pages, 1, 0));
$threadpath = array(array('TITLE' => replace($threadinfo['title']), 'LINK' => mkrellink('thread.php?id=' . $threadinfo['threadid'], 'thread,' . $threadinfo['threadid'] . ',1' . urlformat($threadinfo['title']) . '.html')));
$apx->tmpl->assign('PATH', array_merge(forum_path($foruminfo, 1), $threadpath));
$apx->tmpl->assign('PATHEND', $apx->lang->get('SPLITTHREAD'));
} elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'ipstats') {
$_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
if (!$_REQUEST['id']) {
示例14: cfg
function cfg()
global $set, $db, $apx;
if ($_POST['send'] == 1) {
$invalid = array();
if ($_POST['ffmpeg'] && !$this->validateExecPath('ffmpeg', $_POST['ffmpeg'])) {
$invalid[] = 'FFmpeg';
if ($_POST['flvtool2'] && !$this->validateExecPath('flvtool2', $_POST['flvtool2'])) {
$invalid[] = 'FLVTool2';
if ($_POST['mencoder'] && !$this->validateExecPath('mencoder', $_POST['mencoder'])) {
$invalid[] = 'MEncoder';
if (!$_POST['ffmpeg'] || !$_POST['flvtool2']) {
} elseif ($invalid) {
info($apx->lang->get('INFO_INVALID') . implode(', ', $invalid));
} else {
$db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_config SET value='" . addslashes($_POST['ffmpeg']) . "' WHERE module='videos' AND varname='ffmpeg' LIMIT 1");
$db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_config SET value='" . addslashes($_POST['flvtool2']) . "' WHERE module='videos' AND varname='flvtool2' LIMIT 1");
$db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_config SET value='" . addslashes($_POST['mencoder']) . "' WHERE module='videos' AND varname='mencoder' LIMIT 1");
} else {
if (!function_exists('exec')) {
$apx->tmpl->assign('FFMPEG', compatible_hsc($set['videos']['ffmpeg']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('FLVTOOL2', compatible_hsc($set['videos']['flvtool2']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('MENCODER', compatible_hsc($set['videos']['mencoder']));
示例15: compatible_hsc
$apx->tmpl->assign('PREVIEW', $text);
$apx->tmpl->assign('USERNAME', compatible_hsc($_POST['touser']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('SUBJECT', compatible_hsc($_POST['subject']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT', compatible_hsc($_POST['text']));
$apx->tmpl->assign('ADDSIG', intval($_POST['addsig']));
} else {
$text = '';
if ($_REQUEST['answer']) {
$res = $db->first("SELECT a.subject,a.text,b.userid,b.username,c.username AS username2 FROM " . PRE . "_user_pms AS a LEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS b ON a.fromuser=b.userid LEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS c ON a.touser=c.userid WHERE ( a.id='" . $_REQUEST['answer'] . "' AND ( a.touser='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' OR a.fromuser='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' ) )");
if ($res['userid'] == $user->info['userid']) {
$username = compatible_hsc($res['username2']);
$subject = compatible_hsc($res['subject']);
$text = '[QUOTE]' . compatible_hsc($res['text']) . "[/QUOTE]\n";
} else {
$username = compatible_hsc($res['username']);
$subject = iif($res['subject'] && substr($res['subject'], 0, 4) != 'Re: ', 'Re: ') . compatible_hsc($res['subject']);
$text = '[QUOTE]' . compatible_hsc($res['text']) . "[/QUOTE]\n";
} elseif ($_REQUEST['touser']) {
list($username) = $db->first("SELECT username FROM " . PRE . "_user WHERE userid='" . $_REQUEST['touser'] . "' LIMIT 1");
$username = compatible_hsc($username);
$apx->tmpl->assign('USERNAME', replace($username));
$apx->tmpl->assign('SUBJECT', $subject);
$apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT', $text);
$apx->tmpl->assign('ADDSIG', 1);
$postto = mklink('user.php?action=newpm', 'user,newpm.html');
$apx->tmpl->assign('POSTTO', $postto);