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PHP Mysql_fetch_row函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Mysql_fetch_row函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Mysql_fetch_row函数的具体用法?PHP Mysql_fetch_row怎么用?PHP Mysql_fetch_row使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: input_hn

	function input_hn($hn){
		$this->hn = $hn;
		$this->Thaidate = date("d-m-").(date("Y")+543);
		$sql = "Select vn, kew, toborow From opday where thdatehn = '".$this->Thaidate.$this->hn."' Order by row_id DESC limit 0,1";
		$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
		list($this->vn, $this->kew, $this->toborow) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);
		$sql = "Select yot, name, surname, idcard, ptright, dbirth, idguard, inrxform, note From opcard where hn = '".$this->hn."'  limit 0,1";
		list($yot, $name, $surname,$this->idcard,$this->ptright, $dbirth, $this->idguard, $this->inrxform, $this->note) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));
		$this->ptname = $yot." ".$name." ".$surname;
		$this->age = $this->calcage($dbirth);
		if( $this->inrxform != ""){
			if($this->inrxform == "¼Ùé»èÇ¡ÅØèÁàÊÕ觵éͧä´éÃѺ¡ÒéմÇѤ«Õ¹»éͧ¡Ñ¹âää¢éËÇÑ´ãË­è(¿ÃÕ)")
				$this->inrxform .= "<BR>Influza Vaccine 0.5 ml. IM";

			$this->inrxform = "<table width='210' border='0'><TR><TD align='center'>".$this->inrxform;
			$this->inrxform .= "<TD></TR></Table>";
		$sql = "Select tradname, advreact  From drugreact where hn = '".$this->hn."' ";
		$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
		if(Mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
			$this->drugreact = "<Table width='210' border='0'><TR><TD colspan='2'><U><B>á¾éÂÒ</B></U></TD></TR>";
				while($arr = Mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
					$this->drugreact .= "<TR><TD>ÂÒ:".$arr["tradname"]."<BR>ÍÒ¡ÒÃ:".$arr["advreact"]."</TD></TR>";
			$this->drugreact .= "</Table>";

示例2: date

    $first_page = "dt_dental.php";
} else {
    $first_page = "dt_diag.php";
$Thidate = date("Y") + 543 . date("-m-d G:i:s");
$Thaidate = date("d-m-") . (date("Y") + 543) . "  " . date("G:i:s");
$Thdhn = date("d-m-") . (date("Y") + 543) . $_SESSION["hn_now"];
$item = 0;
$detail = "";
$detail2 = "";
$item = count($_SESSION["S_listxray"]);
$stiker = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $item; $i++) {
    $detail2 .= $i + 1 . "." . $_SESSION["S_listxray"][$i]["choice2"] . "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $item; $i++) {
    $detail .= $_SESSION["S_listxray"][$i]["choice2"] . " ";
    $sql = "Select dbirth From opcard where hn ='" . $_SESSION["hn_now"] . "' ";
    list($dbirth) = Mysql_fetch_row(Mysql_Query($sql));
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `xray_doctor` (`date` ,`hn` ,`vn` ,`yot` ,`name` ,`sname` ,`detail` ,`doctor` ,`status` ,`xrayno` ,`film` ,`type_diag`,`detail_all`,`dbirth`)VALUES ('" . $Thidate . "', '" . $_SESSION["hn_now"] . "', '" . $_SESSION["vn_now"] . "', '" . $_SESSION["yot_now"] . "', '" . $_SESSION["name_now"] . "', '" . $_SESSION["surname_now"] . "', '" . $detail . "', '" . $_SESSION["dt_doctor"] . "', 'N', '" . $_SESSION["nRunno"] . "', '" . $_POST["type"] . "', '" . $_POST["type_diag"] . "', '" . $detail2 . "', '" . $dbirth . "');";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $stiker .= "<TR style=\"font-family:'MS Sans Serif'; font-size:14px\" >\n\t\t\t<TD>&nbsp;" . ($i + 1) . "." . $detail . "</TD>\n\n\t\t\t</TR>";
    $detail = "";
$stiker = "<TABLE  width=\"300\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n\t<TR>\n\t\t<TD><font style=\"font-family:'MS Sans Serif'; font-size:14px\"  ><CENTER><B>㺠X-Ray&nbsp;&nbsp;No. " . $_SESSION["nRunno"] . "</B></CENTER>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;" . $Thaidate . "<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;HN:" . $_SESSION["hn_now"] . ",&nbsp;&nbsp;VN:" . $_SESSION["vn_now"] . ", &nbsp; »ÃÐàÀ·¿ÔÅìÁ : " . $_POST["type"] . "<br>&nbsp;" . $_SESSION["yot_now"] . " " . $_SESSION["name_now"] . " " . $_SESSION["surname_now"] . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;ÊÔ·¸Ô : " . $_SESSION["ptright_now"] . "<BR>&nbsp;á¾·Âì : " . $_SESSION["dt_doctor"] . "</TD>\n\t</TR>" . $stiker . "<TR><TD align='center' ><font style=\"font-family:'MS Sans Serif'; font-size:14px\"  ><B>¹Ó㺹Õéä»Â×è¹·ÕèËéͧ X-Ray</B><BR</TD></TR>";
echo "\n\t<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n\t\twindow.onload = function(){\n\t\t\n\t\t\tsetTimeout(\"window.location.href='" . $first_page . "';\",5000);\n\t\t}\n\t\t</SCRIPT>\n\t</head>\n\t<body leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\">\n\t\t", $stiker, "\n\t</body>\n\t</html>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t";


示例3: count

	echo $arr["amount"].",";

	$sql = "SELECT slcode , count(slcode) FROM `drugrx2` where  amount > 0 AND slcode != 'er' AND slcode != 'hd'  GROUP BY slcode  Order by `count(slcode)` DESC limit 1";
	$result = Mysql_Query($sql) or die(Mysql_ERROR());
	$arr = Mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
	echo $arr["slcode"];

	$sql = "Select part From druglst Where drugcode = '".$_GET["search"]."' limit 1 ";
	$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
	list($part) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);
	echo ",".$part;
	$sql = "Select tradname From druglst Where drugcode = '".$_GET["search"]."' limit 1 ";
	$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
	list($trad) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);
	echo ",".$trad;


//******************************************** ДаХЦ╙И╖р╧ *****************************
if(isset($_GET["action"]) && $_GET["action"] == "addslip"){
	$sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE drugrx2 Select slcode, drugcode, amount From  `drugrx` where drugcode = '".$_GET["search"]."' Order by row_id DESC  limit 20";
	//$result = Mysql_Query($sql);

	$sql = "SELECT slcode , count(slcode) FROM `drugrx2` where  amount > 0 GROUP BY slcode  Order by `count(slcode)` DESC limit 1";
	//$result = Mysql_Query($sql) or die(Mysql_ERROR());
	//$arr = Mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
	//echo $arr["slcode"];

示例4: rechk

<FORM name="form5" METHOD=POST ACTION="dt_drug_add_pt.php" onSubmit="return rechk(<?php 
echo $count;
)" >
<table width="90%" border="0" align="center">
  <td colspan="3" align="center"><u><strong>║цьЁрцп╨ьЮк╣ь╪е║рцДаХЦ╙ИбрЦ╧╨я╜╙убркея║АкХ╖╙р╣т</strong></u></td>
<tr><td width="10%" align="center"><strong>цкяйбр</strong></td><td width="19%" align="center"><strong>╙вХм║рц╓Ир</strong></td><td width="71%" align="center"><strong>Юк╣ь╪е</strong></td></tr>
	$sql = "Select tradname, unit, stock, salepri, freepri, part, medical_sup_free  From druglst_pt  where drugcode = '".$_SESSION["list_drugcode"][$i]."' limit 1";
	$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
	list($drugname,$unit, $stock, $salepri, $freepri, $part, $medical_sup_free) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);
<tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><?php 
echo $_SESSION["list_drugcode"][$i];
<td bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><?php 
echo $drugname;
	<td><SELECT NAME="reason<?php 

示例5: Mysql_Query

			<Option value="VERORAB 3">VERORAB 3 à¢çÁ</Option>
			<Option value="VERORAB 5">VERORAB 5 à¢çÁ</Option>
			<Option value="Engerix-B">Engerix-B</Option>
			<Option value="Hepavax">Hepavax</Option>

	<TD align="right">á¾·Âì : </TD><TD colspan="7">
		<select size="1" name="doctor" >
		<Option value="">-- àÅ×Í¡á¾·Âì --</Option>
$sql = "Select name From doctor where status = 'y' AND row_id != '0' Order by name ASC ";
$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
while (list($name) = Mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    echo "<option value=\"" . $name . "\" ";
    if ($arr["doctor"] == $name) {
        echo " Selected ";
    echo ">" . $name . "</option>";

	<TD  align="right" valign="top">Çѹ¹Ñ´ : </TD><TD>
	<div id="detail_date">

示例6: number_format

if( empty($weight) ){
	$weight = 0;
if( empty($height) ){
	$height = 0;
	$ht = 0;
	$ht = $height/100;

$bmi = number_format(($weight / ( $ht * $ht)), 2);

$sql111 = "Select dbirth From opcard where hn='$hn' ";
$result111 = Mysql_Query($sql111);
list($dbirth) = Mysql_fetch_row($result111);
$cAge = calcage($dbirth);

$pdf = new SHSPdf('L', 'mm', array( 80, 50));
$pdf->SetThaiFont(); // �絿͹��
$pdf->SetFont('THSarabun','',14); // ���¡��ҹ�͹������������
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 2);
$pdf->SetMargins(2, 2);

$full_text = "HN: $hn, $thidate, $cAge\n";
$full_text .= "VN: $vn, T: $temperature C, P: $pause ����/�ҷ�, R: $rate ����/�ҷ�\n";
$full_text .= "BP: $bp1 / $bp2 mmHg, ��: $weight ��., ��: $height ��.\n";
$full_text .= "������: $cigarette, ����: $alcohol, bmi: $bmi, PS: $painscore\n";
$full_text .= "�ѡɳ�: $type, ��Թԡ: ".(substr($clinic,3))."\n";

示例7: HN

<form method="POST" action="<?php 
echo $PHP_SELF;
  <p>╝┘щ╗ш╟┬╣═б  ╦┴╥┬р┼в HN (ф┤щи╥бс╝╣бр╟к├╨р║╒┬╣)</p>
  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HN&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="hn" size="8"></p>
  <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="   ╡б┼з   " name="B1"></p>

if (!empty($hn)) {
    include "connect.inc";
    $today = date("d-m-Y");
    $d = substr($today, 0, 2);
    $m = substr($today, 3, 2);
    $yr = substr($today, 6, 4) + 543;
    $thdatehn = $d . '-' . $m . '-' . $yr . $hn;
    $query = "SELECT hn, concat(yot,' ',name,' ',surname) as ptname, ptright FROM opcard WHERE hn = '{$hn}'  limit 1 ";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(Mysql_Error());
    list($xxx, $yyy, $zzz) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);
    print "HN :{$xxx}<br>";
    print "{$yyy}<br>";
    print "╩╘╖╕╘б╥├├╤б╔╥ :{$zzz}";
    print "<br><a href='clinic100diag.php?hn=" . $xxx . "'>!к╫ш═╢┘б╡щ═з ╖╙├╥┬б╥├╡ш═ф╗</a>";
    include "unconnect.inc";


示例8: Mysql_Query

     $exercise = $arr_dxofyear["exercise"];
     $type = $arr_dxofyear["type"];
     $doctor = $arr_dxofyear["doctor"];
     $arr_view["vn"] = $arr_dxofyear["vn"];
     if ($arr_dxofyear["congenital_disease"] != '') {
         $congenital_disease = $arr_dxofyear["congenital_disease"];
     } else {
         $congenital_disease = "����ʸ�ä��Шӵ��";
     //echo "arr_dxofyear";
 } else {
     //// ���Ҩҡ opd
     $sql = "Select congenital_disease, weight, height,cigarette,alcohol,exercise ,bp1,bp2,doctor  From opd where hn = '" . $arr_view["hn"] . "' AND type <> '�ҵ�' Order by row_id DESC limit 1";
     //echo "OPD";
     $result = Mysql_Query($sql);
     list($congenital_disease, $weight, $height, $cigarette, $alcohol, $exercise, $bp1, $bp2, $doctor) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);
     if ($congenital_disease == "") {
         $congenital_disease = "����ʸ�ä��Шӵ��";
 $ht = $height / 100;
 $bmi = number_format($weight / ($ht * $ht), 2);
 if ($arr_dxofyear["rate"] == "") {
     $arr_dxofyear["rate"] = 20;
 $choose = array();
 array_push($choose, "��Ǩ����Ѵ");
 array_push($choose, "�ҡ�͹�Ѵ");
 array_push($choose, "����ѧ�Ѵ");
 array_push($choose, "�ҡ�÷���任���");
 array_push($choose, "�Ѻ�����");

示例9: AND

			$sql = "Select hn, status From cscddata where hn = '$hn' AND ( status like '%U%' OR status = '\r' OR status like '%V%')  limit 1 ";
			//echo $sql;

			if(Mysql_num_rows(Mysql_Query($sql)) > 0){
				$color = "99CC00";
				$color = "FF8C8C";
			$color = "66CDAA";
$sql = "Select credit,billno From opacc where txdate = '$date' and $paid1 > '0' and hn='$hn' order by row_id desc limit 1";
//echo $sql;
$result2 = Mysql_Query($sql);
list($credit,$billno) = Mysql_fetch_row($result2);

else if($credit=='·ËÒÃä·Â'){$color3='#CC0000';}
else {$color3='#00CC99';}
$hnid = $hn;

        print " <tr>\n".
		   "  <td BGCOLOR=$color><font face='Angsana New' size='1' ><input name='ch$num' type='checkbox' value='$row_id'><font color='#CC0000'><B>$credit</B></font></td>\n".
           "  <td BGCOLOR=$color><font face='Angsana New'>$k</td>\n".
           "  <td BGCOLOR=$color><font face='Angsana New'>$time</td>\n";
		   		print "  <td BGCOLOR=$color><font face='Angsana New'><a target=_BLANK  href=\"oprxitem_pt.php? sDate=$date&nRow_id=$row_id&nAccno=$accno\">$ptname</a></td>\n";
				print "  <td BGCOLOR=$color><font face='Angsana New'>$ptname</td>\n";

示例10: header

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=tis-620');
include 'connect.inc';
mysql_query("SET NAMES TIS620");
// mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8");
// var_dump($_POST);
// exit;
$date_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$yy = explode(" ", $date_now);
$xx = explode("-", $yy[0]);
$thidate_now = $xx[0] + 543 . "-" . $xx[1] . "-" . $xx[2] . " " . $yy[1];
$date_hn2 = $xx[2] . "-" . $xx[1] . "-" . ($xx[0] + 543) . $_POST["hn"];
$date_hn = date("Y-m-d") . $_POST["hn"];
$date_vn = date("Y-m-d") . $_POST["vn"];
$sql = "SELECT count(row_id) FROM opd where thdatehn = '" . $date_hn . "' limit 1";
$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
list($rows) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);
////*runno µÃǨÊØ¢ÀÒ¾*/////////
$query = "SELECT runno, prefix  FROM runno WHERE title = 'y_chekup'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed");
for ($i = mysql_num_rows($result) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
    if (!mysql_data_seek($result, $i)) {
        echo "Cannot seek to row {$i}\n";
    if (!($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))) {
$nPrefix = $row->prefix;
////*runno µÃǨÊØ¢ÀÒ¾*/////////
if ($rows > 0) {

示例11: Mysql_Query

  <th bgcolor=6495ED>#</th>

  <th bgcolor=6495ED width='80'>HN</th>
  <th bgcolor=6495ED><font face='Angsana New'>����</font></th>
  <th bgcolor=6495ED><font face='Angsana New'><A HREF="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];?>?doctor=<?php echo $_GET["doctor"];?>&appd=<?php echo $_GET["appd"];?>&sortby=time">���ҹѴ</A></font></th>
  <th bgcolor=6495ED><font face='Angsana New'>�Ѵ����</font></th>
  <th bgcolor=6495ED>���</th>
  <!-- <th bgcolor=6495ED>�ѹ���Ѵ</th> -->


	$sql = "Select menucode From inputm where idname = '".$_SESSION["sIdname"]."' limit 1 ";
	$result = Mysql_Query($sql);
	list($menucode) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);
		if(strlen($doctor) == 5){
			$doctor2 = " doctor like '".$doctor."%' ";
			$doctor3 = "AND left(doctor,5) <> '".$doctor."' ";

			$doctor2 = " doctor = '".$doctor."' ";
			$doctor3 = " AND doctor <> '".$doctor."' ";

		$query = "SELECT count( hn ) , hn, doctor   
		FROM `appoint` 
		WHERE appdate = '$appd' 
		AND apptime <> '¡��ԡ��ùѴ' 

示例12: left

		$cIcd10_complication = $row->icd10_complication;
		$cIcd10_other = $row->icd10_other;
		$cIcd10_external_cause = $row->icd10_external_cause;

	$thdatehn_value = $row->thdatehn;

	$sql = "Select diag, left(toborow,5), left(toborow,4) From opday2 where thdatehn = '".$thdatehn_value."' AND (left(toborow,5) in ('EX 91', 'EX 92') OR left(toborow,4) in ('EX91', 'EX92')) ";
	$result2 = Mysql_Query($sql); 
	while(list($opday2_diag, $toborow, $toborow2) = Mysql_fetch_row($result2)){
		if(substr($opday2_diag,0 ,1) == ","){
			$opday2_diag = substr($opday2_diag,1);
		if($cDiag != "")
			$list_diag = ", ";
			$list_diag = "";

		if($toborow == "EX 91" || ($toborow2 == "EX91" ||  $toborow2 == "EX17")){
			$head_diag_ex91 = "<BR><FONT SIZE=\"2\" COLOR=\"red\">âä (¨Ò¡¡ÒÂÀÒ¾/¹Ç´á¼¹ä·Â)</FONT>";
			$detail_diag_ex91 = "<BR><FONT SIZE=\"2\" COLOR=\"red\">".$opday2_diag."</FONT>";
			$list_diag .= $opday2_diag;
		}else if($toborow == "EX 92" || $toborow2 == "EX92"){
			$head_diag_ex92 = "<BR><FONT SIZE=\"2\" COLOR=\"red\">âä (¨Ò¡½Ñ§à¢çÁ)</FONT>";

示例13: Mysql_Query


$row_id = @mysql_insert_id();
if(count($_POST["list_lab_appoint"]) > 0)
foreach($_POST["list_lab_appoint"] as $key => $value){
	$sql = "INSERT INTO `appoint_lab` ( `id` , `code` ) VALUES ('".$row_id."', '".$value."'); ";
	$i = true;

$sql = "Select count(distinct hn) as c_app From appoint where appdate = '".$_POST["date_appoint"]."' AND doctor in ('".$_SESSION["dt_doctor"]."','".$appoint_doctor."') AND apptime <> '¡��ԡ��ùѴ'  ";

$result = Mysql_Query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
list($c_app) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);

if(date("m") > $month){
	$month +=12; 
	$length_m = $month - date("m");
	$length_m = "(".$length_m."M)";

}else if(date("m") < $month){
	$length_m = $month - date("m");
	$length_m = "(".$length_m."M)";

setcookie($xxx[0].$month.$xxx[2], "<A HREF=\"javascript:void(0);\" Onclick=\"document.getElementById('date_appoint').value='".$_POST["date_appoint"]."';\" >".$_POST["date_appoint"]."</A>(".$c_app." ��)&nbsp;".$length_m."&nbsp;<A HREF=\"javascript:void(0);\" Onclick=\"deletecookie('".$xxx[0].$month.$xxx[2]."')\">[X]</A>", time()+(3600*6));

$down_list = "";

示例14: time

$mysql_server_name = MonitorConf::$dbhost;
$mysql_username = MonitorConf::$dbuser;
$mysql_password = MonitorConf::$dbpass;
$mysql_database = MonitorConf::$dbname;
$now = time();
$start_time = date('Y-m-d H:i', $now - INTERVAL * 60);
$end_time = date('Y-m-d H:i', $now);
$query_db_date = date('Ym', $now);
$conn = mysql_connect($mysql_server_name, $mysql_username, $mysql_password);
if (!$conn) {
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
$sendmail = new SendMail();
$strsql = "select count(*) as number from weibotc.tc_topnews_" . $query_db_date . "  where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) >UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - 60 *" . INTERVAL . " and time < DATE_FORMAT(now(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i');";
//echo $strsql;
$result = mysql_query($strsql, $conn);
$row_num = mysqli_num_rows($result);

if ($row_num != 1) {
    die("Fetch error!");
while ($row = Mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    if ($row[0] <= WARN_LIMIT) {
        echo "sendmail";
        $sendmail->sendmail_func($start_time, $end_time, $row[0]);
    } else {
        echo "No reach limit!";

示例15: Mysql_Query

         } else {
             if ($arr_dxofyear["exercise"] == '2') {
                 $exercise2 = "Checked";
     if ($arr_dxofyear["congenital_disease"] != '') {
         $congenital_disease = $arr_dxofyear["congenital_disease"];
     } else {
         $congenital_disease = "����ʸ�ä��Шӵ��";
     $rowid = $arr_dxofyear['row_id'];
 } else {
     $sql = "Select drugreact,congenital_disease, weight, height, (CASE WHEN cigarette = '1' THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END ), (CASE WHEN alcohol = '1'THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END ), (CASE WHEN exercise = '1'THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END ), (CASE WHEN cigarette = '0'THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END ), (CASE WHEN alcohol = '0'THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END ), (CASE WHEN exercise = '0'THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END ),(CASE WHEN cigarette = '2'THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END ), (CASE WHEN alcohol = '2'THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END ), (CASE WHEN exercise = '2'THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END ), (CASE WHEN cigarette = '3'THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END ), (CASE WHEN alcohol = '3'THEN 'Checked' ELSE '' END )   From opd where hn = '" . $arr_view["hn"] . "' AND type <> '�ҵ�' Order by row_id DESC limit 1";
     $result = Mysql_Query($sql);
     list($drugreact, $congenital_disease, $weight, $height, $cigarette1, $alcohol1, $exercise1, $cigarette0, $alcohol0, $exercise0, $cigarette2, $alcohol2, $exercise2, $cigarette3, $alcohol3) = Mysql_fetch_row($result);
     if ($congenital_disease == "") {
         $congenital_disease = "����ʸ�ä��Шӵ��";
 if ($arr_dxofyear["rate"] == "") {
     $arr_dxofyear["rate"] = 20;
 $choose = array();
 array_push($choose, "��Ǩ����Ѵ");
 array_push($choose, "�ҡ�͹�Ѵ");
 array_push($choose, "����ѧ�Ѵ");
 array_push($choose, "�ҡ�÷���任���");
 array_push($choose, "�Ѻ�����");
 array_push($choose, "..........�ѹ");
 array_push($choose, "��");
